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. Regional Festivals - LIST .

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. Taga matsuri (多賀まつり) Taga Festival
at Taga Shrine 多賀大社, Shiga

Taichuu no majinai 退虫の呪 (たいちゅうのまじない)
spell against insects

Taiiku no hi 体育の日 (たいいくのひ) physical education day
Health and Sports Day
kokumin taiiku taikai "National Sports Festival"
国民体育大会 (こくみんたいいくたいかい)
.... kokutai 国体(こくたい)

Taikoosetsu 待降節 (たいこうせつ) advent

. taisai 大祭  major festival, major rites, Grand Festival .

Taishi E .. 太子会 (たいしえ) Shotoku Taishi Memorial Service
Shooryoo-E 聖霊会 Memorial Ceremonies for Prince
Shotoku Taishi 聖徳太子 (574-622)
kai no hana 貝の華(かいのはな)flowers made from sea shells

Takagi Noo 薪能 Noo-Performance at night
Noh Performance, Yugen (yuugen 幽玄)
takagi sarugaku 薪猿楽(たきぎさるがく)
.... shiba noo芝能(しばのう)Noh on the lawn
wakamiy noo 若宮能(わかみやのう) Noh at a Wakamiya shrine

Takao-san no Hiwatari Matsuri
高尾山の火渡り祭 (たかおさんひわたりまつり)
Wakling though fire at Mt. Takao.

Takayama matsuri 高山祭 (たかやままつり) Takayama festival

Takewari Matsuri ... 竹割祭 (たけわりまつり) Bamboo splitting festival
gogan shinji 御願神事(ごがんしんじ), making a rope snake, daida nai 大蛇綯い(だいじゃない)

Tamakae matsuri, tamakae sai 玉替祭 (たまかえまつり)
festival of exchanging auspicious balls

tamakae shinji 玉替神事(たまかえしんじ)
ritual of exchanging auspicious balls
Kora Taisha, Kurume, Fukuoka

Tamaseseri 玉せせり (たませせり) Festival of "taking the ball"
Famous naked festival.
Tamaseseri matsuri 玉せり祭 -  tamatori matsuri 玉取祭

Tamashizume matsuri 鎮魂祭 (たましずめまつり)
ceremony of the pacification of the souls
..... chinkonsai, chinkon sai 鎮魂祭

Tanabata 七夕 Star Festival   and many related kigo
negai no ito 願の糸 (ねがいのいと) "string for wishes" ...
. . . suzuri arai 硯洗 (すずりあらい) washing of the inkstonefor Tanabata

. Tango no Sekku 端午の節句 Boys' Festival  
May 5, (たんごのせっく)
shoobu no sekku 菖蒲の節句(しょうぶのせっく)seasonal festival of the iris
"double five", fifth month fifth day, choogo 重五(ちょうご)
musha ningyoo 武者人形 むしゃにんぎょう warriour dolls
gaijin 艾人(がいじん)"mugwort dolls"
Carp Streamers (koinobori 鯉幟 (こいのぼり)
kusudama 薬玉 (くすだま) "medicine ball"
shoobu fuku 菖蒲葺く (しょうぶふく) thatching with iris
shoobuyu, shoobu-yu 菖蒲湯 (しょうぶゆ) "iris bath"
shoobugatana, shoobu gatana 菖蒲刀 (しょうぶがたな) "iris sword"
shoobu uchi 菖蒲打 (しょうぶうち) hitting with iris
shoobu no ne-awase 菖蒲の根合 (あやめのねあわせ) iris root match
inji uchi 印地打 (いんじうち) throwing stones at each other
inji いんじ stone slinging
kezurikake no kabuto 削掛の甲 (けずりかけのかぶと)
armour decorated with shavings
muika no ayame 六日の菖蒲 (むいかのあやめ) iris on May 6
ouchi o obu 樗を佩ぶ (おうちをおぶ) wearing chinaberries
tooinfu, too-in fu 桃引符 (とういんふ) "preach board"
shinkiku seisu 神麯製す (しんきくせいす) making shinkiku rice cakes
with many more KIGO

Tanikumi Odori 谷汲踊 Tanikumi Dance. At temple Kegon-ji, Gifu prefecture

Taue odori (ta-ue odori) 田植踊 Dancing and rice planting
..... ta asobi, 田遊 playing in the rice fields and a few more
..... satsuki iwai 皐月祝 (さつきいわい), niwa taue 庭田植(にわたうえ)、yoi satsuki 宵皐月(よいさつき)

Tenma matsuri 天満祭 (てんままつり) Tenmangu Festival
. . . . . Tenjin matsuri 天神祭(てんじんまつり)
funamatsuri 船祭(ふなまつり)boat festival
tenman oharai 天満御祓(てんまのおはらい)Tenman purification
hokonagashi no shinji 鉾流の神事(ほこながしのしんじ) ritual of floats
kawatogyo 川渡御(かわとぎょ)"crossing the river"
dondokobune どんどこ舟(どんどこぶね)Dondoko boat
kenchabune 献茶舟(けんちゃぶね) boat for ritual tea ceremony
omukae ningyoo 御迎人形(おむかえにんぎょう)"welcoming the dolls"
Osaka, shrine Tenmangu

Tennooji Doosojin Matsuri 天王寺道祖神祭 (てんのうじどうそじんまつり)
Wayside God Festival at Temple Tenno-Ji, Osaka
hagi matsuri 剥祭(はぎまつり)"left-out festival"
dorojijiri matsuri 泥くじり祭(どろくじりまつり)

Tennooji Kondoo choona hajime
天王寺金堂手斧始 (てんのうじこんどうちょうなはじめ
first use of the carpenter's ax

Temple Shitenno-Ji, Golden Hall - 四天王寺, Osaka

Tennoo Tanjoobi 天皇誕生日 (てんのうたんじょうび) Emperor's Birthday
Tenchoo Setsu 天長節(てんちょうせつ)
Emperor's Birthday Emperor Akihito, December 23, 1933.
..... Emperess Birthday 皇后誕生日 (こうごうたんじょうび ) Koogoo Tanjoobi
Chikyuu Setsu 地久節(ちきゅうせつ) 
March 6

Tenzushi mai, Tenzushimai 天津司舞 (てんずしまい) Tenzushi dance
shrine Tentsushi Jinja 天津司神社, Kofu, Yamanashi

Toba himatsuri 鳥羽火祭 (とばひまつり) Toba Fire Festival
Toba Shinmeisha 鳥羽神明社 in Aichi

Togakushi matsuri 戸隠祭 (とがくしまつり) Togakushi Festival

Toganoo mushi kuyoo 栂尾虫供養 (とがのおむしくよ)
memorial service for the bugs at Toganoo
Temple Kozan-Ji and saint Myoe Shonin

Toki no kinenbi 時の記念日 time memorial day
Anniversary of Time
..... toki no hi 時の日(ときのひ) "time day"

Tomobata matsuri 伴旗祭 (ともばたまつり)
Tomobata Flag Festival

..... Ogikoo sai 小木港祭(おぎこうさい)Ogiko Harbour Festival
Noto, Ishikawa

Tomo Hachiman no on yumi shinji 鞆八幡の御弓神事
bow ritual at Tomo Hachiman, Numakuma Jinja, Hiroshima prefecture

Toogyuu 闘牛 (とうぎゅう) Ceremonial Bull Fighting
bulls fighting, ushi zumoo 牛角力. getting the bulls together, ushi awase 牛合わせ.
getting the horns to clash, ushi no tsuno tsuki 牛の角突き

Toojigayu 冬至粥 Rice Gruel at the Winter Solstice
Pumpkin Soup at the Winter Solstice (tooji kabocha 冬至南瓜)

Tooji kitaru 杜氏来る the sake brewers are coming
..... kurairi, kura iri 倉入り(くらいり)
"entering the storehouse"

Tooka no sechi e 踏歌節会 Imperial Dance Ceremony
.... 踏歌の節会
..... tooka 踏歌(とうか)
otoko tooka 男踏歌(おとことうか)dancing of men
onna tooka 女踏歌(おんなとうか) dancing of women
ararebashiri 霰ばしり(あらればしり)"running like hailstones"
kazashi no wata 插頭綿(かざしのわた)cotton flowers for your hair
- Kashima tooka matsuri 鹿島踏歌祭

Tookanya 十日夜 (とおかんや) night of the tenth  
Harvest Thanksgiving on the 10th day of the 10th lunar month

tooroo nagashi 燈篭流し Light offerings afloat
....................................... Included in this file are:
Daimonji 大文字、大文字焼 Great Seeing-Off Fire in Kyoto
Hyaku Hattai 百八燈 108 bonfires
Kadobi 門火/Mukaebi 迎火 Fire at the Entrance to Welcome the Souls
Mantoo-E 万燈会 Ten Thousand Lanterns Ceremony
Okuribi 送火 Fire for Seeing Off
Sentoo Kuyoo 千燈供養 Thousand Lanterns Offerings

Toowan kuyoo 唐椀供養 (とうわんくよう)
memorial service for Chinese bowls

万満寺 Temple Manman-Ji, Matsudo, Chiba

Tooyama no shimotsuki matsuri 遠山の霜月祭
December Festival in Toyama, Nagano

shimotsuki matsuri 霜月祭(しもつきまつり)
Tooyama matsuri 、遠山祭(とおやままつり)
yudate kagura 湯立て神楽

Tori awase 鶏合 (とりあわせ) Ritual Cock Fighting
tookei 闘鶏(とうけい), tori no keai 鶏の蹴合(とりのけあい)
"winning cock", kachidori 勝鶏(かちどり)
"loosing cock", makedori 負鶏(まけどり)
betting on cocks, kakedori 賭鶏(かけどり)
cock keeper, tookeishi 闘鶏師(とうけいし)

Tori no Ichi 酉の市 Rooster Market
..... on the first day of the rooster in November
ichi no tori 一の酉(いちのとり)market on the first day of the rooster
tori no machi 酉の町(とりのまち)town with a market on the day of the rooster
tori no ichi moode 酉の町詣(とりのまちもうで) visiting the market at the day of the rooster
..... lucky-rake market, kumade ichi 熊手市
..... Okame-mask market, okame ichi おかめ市
..... too no imo 頭の芋(とうのいも)steamed taro

Tori oi (tori-oi) 鳥追 "Chasing away the birds"
..... hut, tori-oi goya 鳥追小屋(とりおいごや)
..... tower, tori-oi yagura鳥追櫓(とりおいやぐら)
..... song, tori-oi uta 鳥追唄(とりおいうた)
enjoying, tori-oi asobi 鳥追遊び(とりおいあそび)
. January 15


TOSHI 年 in Kigo for mid-winter refer to the old year which is coming to an end.

Toshikoshi no harae 年越の祓 (としこしのはらえ)
Purification rituals for passing into the New Year

Toshi mamoru 年守る (としまもる) seeing off the old year 
..... toshi okuru 年送る(としおくる)
..... shusai 守歳(しゅさい)
Toshi no hi 年の火 (としのひ) last fire of the year
. . . . . and
toshi no yado 年の宿 (としのやど)
lodgings for passing into the New Year
..... toshiyado 年宿(としやど)
toshi no ie 年の家(としのいえ) home for passing into the New Year

Toshi no ichi 年の市 Last Market of the Year
..... kure no ichi 暮の市(くれのいち) Year-end market
..... kure ichi 暮市(くれいち)
shiwasu no ichi 師走の市(しわすのいち) December market
saimatsu oo-uridash 歳末大売出し(さいまつおおうりだし)
Year-end sale
sekki ichi 節季市(せっきいち)seasonal market
kurisumasu oo-uridashi クリスマス大売出し
(くりすますおおうりだし) Christmas sale

Selling goods cheaply for the New Year Celebrations
. . . . . Daruma ichi 達磨市 (だるまいち) Daruma market at New Year

Toshi no yu 年の湯 (としのゆ) bath on the last day of the year
..... toshiyu 年湯(としゆ)
joya no yu 除夜の湯(じょやのゆ)bath on the last night

Toshi tori 年取 (としとり) "getting one year older"
..... toshi toru 年取る(としとる)

Toshi Yooi 年用意 Preparations for the New Year
..... toshi mooke 年設(としもうけ), toshi no mooke 年の設(としのもうけ)
toshi torimono 年取物(としとりもの)


Toshibi iwai 年日祝
birthday celebration at the New Year
..... shoonen iwai 生年祝 celebrating the birthday

Toshigami 年神 God of the Year
..... toshitoku jin 年徳神、toshitoku 年德(としとく)、toshitoku san 年德さん(としとくさん)、wakadoshi san 若年さん(わかどしさん)
"Mr. New Year" shoogatsu san 正月さん(しょうがつさん)、toshi jisan 年爺さん(としじいさん)、o toshi sama お年さま(おとしさま
shelf for the new year, toshidana 年棚(としだな)、toshi toku dana 歳德棚(としとくだな)、"shelf in the auspicious direction", ehoodana 恵方棚(えほうだな)、"shelf for a boutiful year", hoonen dana 豊年棚(ほうねんだな)
"straw bag for the year", toshidawara 年俵(としだわら)

Toshi otoko 年男 としおとこ "Man of the Year"
(male born in the year with the same Asian zodiac animal)
waka otoko 若男(わかおとこ)、sechi otoko 節男(せちおとこ)、yaku otoko 役男(やくおとこ)、manriki otoko 万力男(まんりきおとこ)、iwai taroo 祝太郎(いわいたろう)

Toso 屠蘇, ritual rice wine
..... toso iwau 屠蘇祝ふ, tososhuu 屠蘇酒
..... bag with spices for the ritual rice wine, tosobukuro 屠蘇袋
mulled rice wine with spices

Toyo no Akari no Sechi-E 豊明節会 Imperial Banquet with "Bountiful Light" and New Food
Toyo no akari 豊の明り(とよのあかり)、yuki no sechi 悠紀の節(ゆきのせち)、suki no sechi 主基の節(すきのせち)

Tozu Seppoo 戸津説法
Explaining the Buddhist Law at Tozu

Temple Tonan-Ji, Otsu.

Tsuburosashi つぶろさし tsuburo fertility dance
Sado Island, Niigata

Tukasameshi 司召 (つかさめし)
governor promotion (in autumn)

aki no jimoku 秋の除目(あきのじもく) governor promotion in autumn
kyookan jimoku 京官除目(きょうかんじもく)governor promotion in Kyoto

Tsukuma matsuri 筑摩祭
"pot festival", nabe matsuri 鍋祭(なべまつり)
"wearing pots", nabe kaburi 鍋被り(なべかぶり)
pots from Tsukuma 筑摩鍋(つくまなべ)
women with pots, nabe otome 鍋乙女(なべおとめ)
crown from a pot, nabe kamuri 鍋冠(なべかむり)
..... nabe kamuri matsuri 鍋冠祭りの
pots and hearth, nabe kama 鍋釜(なべかま)

Tsunahiki 綱引 (つなひき), 綱引きplaying tug-of-war
"pulling the rope"
..... tsunahiki 綱曳(つなひき). 縄引(なわひき)

Tsunemochi matsuri 恒持祭 (つねもちまつり)
Tsunemochi festival

..... Yamada no haru matsuri 山田の春祭(やまだのはるまつり)
Spring festival of Yamada
at Tsunemochi Jinja 恒持神社, Chichibu, Saitama

Tsurugaoka Hachiman matsuri 鶴岡八幡祭 Festival at Tsurugaoka Hachiman shrine Kamakura
Tsurugaoka matsuri 鶴岡祭
Kamakura Hachiman matsuri 鎌倉八幡祭

Tsurugaoka Hachimanguu no go-han itadaki 鶴岡八幡宮御璽頂き
getting a seal at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Kamakura

Tsuru no hoochoo 鶴の包丁 cutting a crane  - Court ritual

Tsuruoka Tenmanguu sai
Tsuruoka Tanmangu Festival

..... bakemono matsuri 化物祭 (ばけものまつり) monster festival

Tsushima Matsuri 津島祭 (つしままつり) Tsushima Festival
提灯祭 floating lanterns
川船祭 river boat festival
蘆の神輿 mikoshi from reed
神葭流し floating the reed mikoshi
津島笛 flute from Tsushima

Tsuto iri, tsuto-iri 衝突入 Visiting a home
Yamada no tsuto-iri 山田のつと入(やまだのつといり)home visit at Yamada, Ise
bon no tsuto-iri 盆のつと入(ぼんのつといり)home visit at O-Bon ancestor festival

Tsuwano no sagi mai 津和野の鷺舞 (つわののさぎまい )
Heron's dance in Tsuwano - Sagimai


Related words

. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU . 

. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .

. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -

BACK : Top of this Saijiki



- - - UUU - - -


. Regional Festivals - LIST .

- - - - - UUU - - - - -

Ubusuna mairi 産土神参 うぶすなまいり Shrine visit to the God of one's birthplace

Uchiwa maki 団扇撒 (うちわまき) "scattering fans"
..... bonmoo-e 梵網会(ぼんもうえ)

Uguisu awase 鶯合 (うぐいすあわせ) Ritual nightingale singing competition
"singing contest", naki awase 鳴合(なきあわせ),啼合(なきあわせ)

Uji matsuri 宇治祭 (うじまつり) Uji Festival
rikyuu matsuri 離宮祭(りきゅうまつり)Rikyu Festival
taihei shinji 大幣神事(たいへいしんじ)ceremony of the large wands
karakasaboko 傘鉾(からかさぼこ)"kasahoko floats with large parasols"
karakasa gohei 傘御幣(からかさごへい) wands with large parasols

Uma ichi 馬市 horse market in late autumn

Uma norizome 馬騎初 うまのりぞめ First riding of the horses
..... kiba hajime 騎馬始(きばはじめ)、nori hajime 騎始(のりはじめ)、norizome 騎初(のりぞめ)、hatsu nori 初騎(はつのり)
baba hajime 馬場始(ばばはじめ)"first riding ground"
Imperial Court Ceremony.

Umibiraki, umi-biraki 海開き (うみびらき) "opening the sea"
start of the summer beach season
suieijoo kaishi 水泳場開始(すいえいじょうかいし)

Urajiro renga 裏白連歌
"Linked verse with white backside"

Kitano Tenmangu, Kyoto

Urasa no Doo Oshi 浦佐の堂押 Naked Man Festival at Urasa
"naked pushing" hadaka oshi 裸押し (はだかおし). "pushing festival", 押合祭(おしあいまつり)
Temple Fukoo-Ji 普光寺

Usaka matsuri 鵜坂祭 (うさかまつり) Usaka Shrine Festival
..... shimoto matsuri 楉祭(しもとまつり)
... 苔祭(しもとまつり)
shiridachi no matsuri 尻太刀祭(しりだちのまつり)
"festival of hitting the backside"
..... shiriuchi matsuri, shiri uchi matsuri
... shimotodachi 苔太刀(しもとだち)"sakaki stick"
Usaka no tsue 鵜坂の杖(うさかのつえ)Sakaki stick of Usaka

Usa matsuri 宇佐祭(うさまつり) Usa festival
Usa hoojoo-e 宇佐放生会 (うさほうじょうえ)
Usa Hachimangu 宇佐八幡宮

Ushi kuyoo 牛供養 bull ritual bull ceremony
..... ootaue 大田植え great field planting ritual
hayashida 囃田(はやしだ)"planting with music"
hana taue 花田植 (はなたうえ) "planting in the flower season"

Usokae うそ替え / 鷽替え exchanging carved bullfinches
..... Dazaifu Tenmangu no onisube 大宰府天満宮の鬼すべ (だざいふてんまんぐうのおにすべ)

Utaizome 謡初,初謡 hatsu uta, First reading of poetry, court ritual
..... utakai hajime 歌会始 うたかいはじめ
..... uta gokai hajime 歌御会始(うたごかいはじめ)、waka gokai hajime 和歌御会始(わかごかいはじめ)、gokai hajime 御会始(ごかいはじめ)

Uzue, warding of evil with a ritual wand 卯杖
..... u no tsue 卯の杖(うのつえ)、hatsu uzue 初卯杖(はつうづえ)、iwai no tsue 祝の杖(いわいのつえ)、uzue no hogai 卯杖の祝(うづえのほがい)
uzue no kotobuki 卯杖の寿(うづえのことぶき)
On the first day of the rabbit, u no hi 卯の日

Uzuki yooka 卯月八日 (うづきようか)
eigth day of the uzuki lunar month

..... tentoobana 天頭花(てんとうばな)
..... tentobana てんと花(てんとばな / 天道花)
"flowers along the heavenly road", welcoming the God of the Fields

Uzumasa no Ushi Matsuri 太秦の牛祭 Ox Festival at Uzumasa

Related words

. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU . 

. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .

. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -

BACK : Top of this Saijiki



- - - WWW - - -


. Regional Festivals - LIST .

- - - - - WWW wwww - - - - -

Waka matsuri 和歌祭 (わかまつり) Waka festival
Wakanoura matsuri 和歌浦祭(わかのうらまつり) Waka no Ura festival
..... saiga matsuri 雑賀祭(さいがまつり) Saiga festival
..... saiga odori 雑賀踊(さいがおどり) Saiga dance

Wakamizu 若水 "young water" First water drawn from the well on New Year's morning and related kigo
..... first water, hatsumizu 初水
..... first well, waka-i 若井
..... blessed water, fukumizu 福水
New Year's Tea, Good Luck Tea (fukucha) 

Wakana o kuusu, offering fresh greens 若菜を供す
similar to nanakusa, seven herbs of spring
..... wakano no sechi-e 若菜の節会(わかなのせちえ)
..... picking fresh greens, wakana tsumi 若菜摘 わかなつみ
fresh greens, "young greens", wakana 若菜(わかな)
first fresh greens, hatsu wakana 初若菜(はつわかな)
field with fresh greens, wakana no 若菜野(わかなの)
boat transporting fresh greens, wakana bune 若菜舟(わかなぶね)、
day of fresh greens, wakana no hi 若菜の日(わかなのひ)
..... selling fresh greens, 若菜売(わかなうり)
..... selling sheperd's purse, nazuna uri なずなうり
- - - - - and
wakana matsuri 若菜祭 (わかなまつり) "festival of new leaves"
nanakusa matsuri 七草祭(ななくさまつり)"festival of the seven vegetables"
..... 七種祭(ななくさまつり)
wakana shinji 若菜神事(わかなしんじ)ritual of the seven vegetables

Wakasa no O-Mizu okuri 若狭のお水送り, Sendig off Water Ceremony at Wakasa
.............. Followed by the
Water-Drawing and Pine-Torch Ceremony at Temple Nigatsu-Do, Nara
O-Mizutori, Omizutori, お水取り) a part of the Monks Training Rituals, Shuni-E 修二会, Todaiji Temple Nara

waraji matsuri わらじまつり festival of the huge straw sandals

Warauma hiki 藁馬曳, 藁馬曳き (わらうまひき) pulling a straw horse
On february 8 . wara-uma hiki

Related words

. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU . 

. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .

. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -

BACK : Top of this Saijiki



- - - XYZ - - -


. Regional Festivals - LIST .

- - - - - XYZ - ZZZ - - - - -

- - - - - yyy - - - - -

Yabu-iri, Servant's holiday , fasting day (sainichi)
..... yabu iri (yabuiri) 家父入(やぶいり)、yabu iri 養父入(やぶいり)、yabu iri 走百病(やぶいり)、yado iri 宿入(やどいり)、yado sagari 宿下り(やどさがり)、roku iri 六入り(ろくいり)、juuroku nichi asobi 十六日遊び(じゅうろくにちあそび)

Yahata hoojoo-e 八幡放生会 (やはたほうじょうえ)
releasing living animals at Hachiman shrines

Yahata mairi 八幡参(やはたまいり)Visiting Yahata shrine
at Iwashimizu Hachimangu, Kyoto
Yakujin mairi 厄神詣 (やくじんまいり) Visiting the Yakujin deity
yakumairi, yaku mairi 厄参(やくまいり), yakumoode 厄詣(やくもうで)
Yahata ekijin moode 八幡厄神詣(やはたえきじんもうで)
Yahata miyage 八幡土産(やはたみやげ) souvenirs from Yahata
Yahatagoi, yahata koi八幡鯉(やはたごい) carp from Yahata
Yakujinsai 厄神祭(やくじんさい)Festival of the Yakujin
Aoyama matsuri 青山祭(あおやままつり)Aoyama festival

Yahiko Tooroo Matsuri 弥彦燈籠祭 (やひことうろうまつり)
Lantern Festival at Yahiko


Yakubarai 厄払 Casting off the Old Impurities and Sins
..... Yaku Otoshi 厄落し
yakumoode, yaku moode 厄詣(やくもうで)
visiting a shrine for purification rituals

Yakushiji Hana Eshiki 薬師寺花会式 Ceremony of flowers for the Healing Buddha, a version of Shuuni-E at temple Yakushi-Ji
Yakushi Nyorai, the Buddha of Medicine 薬師如来

Yamabiraki 山開き (やまびらき) "opening the mountain"
kaizansai 開山祭(かいざんさい)
toake 戸開け(とあけ)"Opening the door"
uesutonsai, uesuton sai ウェストン祭 Weston Festival at Kamikochi

. Yamaga Lantern Festival 山鹿灯籠まつり

Yama no Kami Matsuri 山の神祭 (やまのかみまつり)
Festival for the God of the Mountains

yama no maki koo 山の神講(やまのかみこう)prayer group for the god of the mountain
..... yama no koo 山の講(やまのこう)
yama no ko matsuri 山の講祭(やまのこまつり)
festival of the prayer group for the god of the mountain

Yamori o tsuku 守宮を搗く (やもりをつく) pounding a gecko
imori o tsuku 井守を搗く(いもりをつく)pounding a newt
imori no in 井守の印(いもりのしるし) seal of a newt

Yanagawa suitengu matsuri
柳川水天宮祭 (やながわすいてんぐうまつり)
festival at Shrine Suitengu in Yanagawa, Fukuoka

..... funabutai 船舞台(ふなぶたい)stage on a boat
Okinohata Suitengu Festival 沖端水天宮祭り

Yanagi matsuri (やなぎまつり) 柳祭 Willow Festival
yanagi no kazura 柳の蔓 やなぎのかずら willow branch hair decoration

Yanagizu Hadaka Matsuri 柳津裸祭 Naked Festival at Yanagizu

Yase matsuri 八瀬祭 (やせまつり) Yase Festival
sanyare matsuri さんやれ祭(さんやれまつり) Sanyare Festival

Yassa Festival やっさまつり - Mihara, Hiroshima

Yasukuni matsuri 靖国祭 (やすくにまつり)
Yasukuni shrine festival

Shookonsai 招魂祭(しょうこんさい)
Shokonsai, "soul summoning rite", "spirit inviting rite"

Yayoi Kyogen (yayoi kyoogen) 弥生狂言 Kyogen performance in march
..... sangatsu kyoogen 三月狂言(さんがつきょうげん);
san no kawari 三の替り(さんのかわり)

Yome tataki 嫁叩 よめたたき, 嫁たたき Hitting the new bride
..... yome tsutsuki 嫁つつき(よめつつき)、okatabuchi 御方打(おかたぶち)
..... harame uchi 孕め打(はらめうち, はらみ節供
Hitting the young bride on the bottom with a lucky wand, wishing for a pregnancy.
mizu iwai 水祝, 水祝い, みずいわい sprinkling the new couple with water
..... mizukake iwai 水掛祝(みずかけいわい)、mizu abise 水浴せ(みずあびせ)、mizukake burumai 水掛振舞(みずかけぶるまい)

Yonenbutsu 夜念仏 Nenbutsu-Prayers at Night
.....  Amida Prayer (Namu Amida Butsu)

Yooji joosui kaji 楊枝浄水加持 Ceremony of cleaning toothpicks
Asakusa Kannon, Tokyo

Yoori, yo-ori 節折 (よおり)
purification court ritual for the emperor and his family

Yoshida Fire Festival (Yoshida himatsuri, Yoshida chinkasai)

..... Fuji Sengen Jinja no Himatsuri 富士浅間神社の火祭り

Yoshida kiyo harae 吉田清祓 (よしだきよはらえ)
purification ritual at Yoshida

Yoshida ooharai 吉田大祓(よしだおおはらい)
great purification ritual at Yoshida shrine, Kyoto

Yoshino no Hana Eshiki 吉野の花会式
Flower Ceremony at Yoshino 

oni odori 鬼踊(おにおどり)dance of the demons
mochikubari, mochi kubari 餅配り(もちくばり)

Yoshino no kaeru-tobi 吉野の蛙飛
Yoshino and the jumping frogs festival

Yoshiwara no Yozakura .. 吉原の夜桜 Viewing Cherry Blossoms at Night in Yoshiwara

Yotaka andon matsuri 夜高行灯祭 (よたかあんどんまつり)
Yotaka lantern festival

Fukuno no yotaka 福野の夜高(ふくののよたか)Lanterns at Fukuno

Yotsugi hota 世継榾 (よつぎほた) "successor firewood"
"log passing over" the Ney Year night

Yugyooji no fudakiri 遊行寺の札切 (ゆぎょうじのふだきり)
cutting amulets at temple Yugyo-Ji

..... ofudakiri お符切(おふだきり)
..... hatsu ofuda 初札(はつおふだ)first amulet

Yugyoo no Hitotsubi 遊行の一つ火 Memorial Service for Saint Yugyoo Shoonin, Ippen in Kamakura
..... Temple Yugyoo-Ji 遊行寺 and the The Willow of Yugyo

Yuikyoo-Gyoo E 遺教経会 Memorial Service for the last sermon of Buddha
senbon nenbutsu 千本念仏(せんぼんねんぶつ)
kundoku e 訓読会(くんどくえ)"reading the last sutra"
yuikyoo e 遺敎会(ゆいきょうえ) "Legacy Teaching Sutra" memorial

Yukiyama 雪山 (ゆきやま) "snow mountain"
..... yuki no yama 雪の山(ゆきのやま)
In memory of Mount Horai (Hooraisan 蓬莱山).

Yuurei Matsuri 幽霊祭 Festival of the Ghosts O-Bon

Yuzu yu 柚子湯( ゆずゆ) bath with yuzu citron
at the winter solstice


- - - - - zzz - - - - -

Zama matsuri 座摩祭 (ざままつり) Zama Festival
..... Zama no misogi 座摩の御祓(ざまのみそぎ) Zama purifictions
坐摩神社 Ikasuri Jinja, Osaka

zatoo no suzumi 座頭の納涼 (ざとうのすずみ)
blind people enjoying the cool

..... suzumi no too 涼の塔(すずみのとう)"coolness at the pagoda"
..... suzumi shakutoo 涼み積塔(すずみしゃくとう)
Kyoto, Yamashina

Related words

. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU . 

. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .

. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -

BACK : Top of this Saijiki



DECEMBER calendar


. Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months .


- January - / - Feburary - / - March -

- April - / - May - / - June -

- July - / - August - / - September -

- Ocotber - / - November - / - December -


December - juunigatsu 十二月 

.................... 01 .................................................................................

. Year End Sales and Markets begin ichi 年の市 .

. World AIDS Day .

boosai yoohin tenken no hi 防災用品点検の日
day of general checkups for disaster goods
advocated by disaster and catastrophy adviser 山村武彦 Yamamura Takehiko.
Not only on the Day of the Great Kanto Earthquake (September 01), but four times a year, including the first day of March and June.

chakushin merodi no hi着信メロディの日
day of the ringing tone melody (for telephones)
On this day in 1999 the first melody for telephones was introduced in the world by 株式会社フェイス (Faith fo Face).

deeta sentaa no hi データセンターの日 day of the data center
created by データセンター運営会社, softbank ソフトバンクIDC.
goroawase. The initials of DataCenter look like "DeCember".

dejitaru hoosoo no hi デジタル放送の日 day of digital broadcasting
created in 2006 by デジタル放送推進協会.

eiga no hi 映画の日 day of the cinema
created in 1896. In Kobe, the first movie was played in a public place.
At that time a キネトスコープ Kinetoscope invented by Edison was used.

fuyu no shoo ene sootenken no hi 冬の省エネ総点検の日
day of general checkups for winter energy saving
created in 1980 by 資源エネルギー庁 Agency for Natural Resources and Energy.
Every month on the 1st is 省エネの日 Day of Energy Saving.

inochi no hi いのちの日 day of life
created in 2001 by 厚生労働省 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
To protect the life of workers.

kairo no hi カイロの日 day of disposable warmers
created in 1991. When it gets colder, people use the small heating patches to keep the body warm. hokkairo ホッカイロ 

techoo no hi 手帳の日 day of the pocket notebook
created by 日本能率協会マネジメントセンター, which invented the
nooritsu techoo 能率手帳 "efficient notebook" - Notizbuch

tetsu no kinenbi 鉄の記念日 day of iron
created in 1958. In 1857 in Kamaishi (Iwate) the history of modern iron processing started at 釜石高炉, now 新日鉄釜石製鉄所.

.................... 02 .................................................................................

anzen kamisori no hi 安全カミソリの日
day of a safe razor
In 1901 the American King C. Gillette ( ジレット) introduced the first safety razor with exchangeable blade 替え刃式の安全カミソリ.

genshiro no hi 原子炉の日 day of the nuclear reactor
In 1942 on this day, the first small nuclear reactor (Chicago Pile-1 (CP-1) was introduced in America at Chicago University under the supervision of Enrico Fermi.

Nihon Aruzenchin shuukoo kinenbi 日本アルゼンチン修好記念日
day of friendship relations between Japan and Argentina
Since 1898

.................... 03 .................................................................................

. World Handicap Day, Black Day for the Blind .

. Day of Saint Xavier 聖ザビエルの日 .
Saint Francis Xavier

hittsumi no hi ひっつみの日
day of vegetable soup with handcut noodles, Iwate
goroawase.  hi tsu mi 「ひっ(1)つ(2)み(3)」

karendaa no hi カレンダーの日 day of the calendar
created in 1872. On this day, the new Gregorian calendar was introduced.
The day 1872(明治5)年12月3日 became 1873(明治6)年1月1日.

kijutsu no hi 奇術の日 day of magicians
created in 1990
goroawase - 1(ワン)2(ツー)3(スリー)
look closely ! One Two Three -

kojin takushii no hi 個人タクシーの日
Privately Owned Taxi Day
created in 1959

koodores denwa no hi コードレス電話の日
day of the cordless telephone
created in 1979. The first service of this kind was introduced to all 23 wards in Tokyo.

mikan no hi みかんの日 day of the mikan fruit
also on November 3. goroawase with 3 mi.

pureisuteeshon no hi プレイステーションの日 day of playstation
created in 1994, on the first day of selling playstation

puremama no hi プレママの日 day of "pre-mama" pregnant women
goroawase. 「いいにんぷさん」ii nin pu san

tsuma no hi 妻の日 day of the wife
created in 1995 by 凸版印刷.
goroawase. bening thankful 3 san .. Thanks
on the last 03 day of the year, giving thanks to one's wife

.................... 04 .................................................................................

ii tii no hi E.T.の日 day of E.T. (movie)
created in 1982. First performance of ET in Japan.

hashoofuu kessei ryoohoo no hi 破傷風血清療法の日
day of tetanus anti-serum
In 1890. see Emil Behring エミール・ベーリング

.................... 05 .................................................................................

bamyuuda toraianguru no hi バミューダ・トライアングルの日
day of the Bermuda triangle
created in 1945. 魔の三角海域

.................... 06 .................................................................................

. Santa Claus Day サンタクロース.
St. Nicholas Day. Father Christmas Day

imoto no hi 姉の日 day of the younger sister
created in 1992 by the manga painter Hatada Kunio 畑田国男 (1944 - 1996).
according to a legend about Saint Nicolaus and the three sisters.

oto ni hi 音の日 day of sound
created in 1994 by 日本オーディオ協会.
in 1877, Edison invented the gramophone.

rajioaisotoopu no hiラジオアイソトープの日

shinfonii kinenbi シンフォニー記念日 day of the symphony
In 1914, fists performance of the symphony
Kachidoki to heiwa かちどきと平和 "Triumph and Peace"
by 山田耕筰 Yamada Kosaku (1886 - 1965)

.................... 07 .................................................................................

. taisetsu 大雪 "Big snow" .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気

. Day of the Christmas Tree クリスマスツリーの日 .
since 1866

Kobe Kaiko Kinenbi 神戸開港記念日 Memorial Day of Kobe Port
in 1867 the port was opened to foreighn ships (lunar calendar (慶応3)年12月7日).
Now it would be the first of January.

.................... 08 .................................................................................

. Rohatsu Zen Meeting 臘八会 .
the day of the Buddha's enlightenment

. Needle ceremony 針供養 hari kuyoo .

. Day of the Immaculate Conception 聖胎節 .
Virgin Mary

. Last Ceremony for Yakushi Nyorai 納薬師.
and more last ceremonies for Buddhist deities

haburashi no kokanbi 歯ブラシの交換日 Day for a New Toothbrush
every month on the 8th. Since 1997, created by Sunstar company サンスター.
Old things should be exchanged for new ones for the New Year.

renon dii レノンズデー Day of John Lennon
He was shot to death on this day in 1980. ジョン・レノン

.................... 09 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Natsume Soseki 夏目漱石 .

kokusai fuhai booshi dii 国際腐敗防止デー
International Day against Corruption
created in 2003

shoogaisha no hi 障害者の日 day of the handicapped
created in 1981 by 厚生省

.................... 10 .................................................................................

aroe yoogurto no hi アロエヨーグルトの日
day of Aloe yoghur
created in 1994 by the Morinaga company 森永乳業. They sold this for the first time.

sekai jinken dii 世界人権デー day of international Human Rights
since 1950

.................... 11 .................................................................................

. hyakuendama no hi百円玉の日 day of the 100 yen coin .
created in 1957

ichoo no hi 胃腸の日 day of stomach and intestines
goroawase. 「いに(12)いい(11)」 i ni ii (i ni yoi 胃に良い)
created in 2002

kokusai yama no hi 国際山岳デー(国際山の日)International Mountain Day
since 2003

UNICEF ユニセフ創立記念日 UNICEF Creation Day
United Nations Children's Fund
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

.................... 12 .................................................................................

. Jamhuri Day, Republic Day - Kenya .

batterii no hi バッテリーの日 day of the battery
created in 1991.
In 1985, カーバッテリーの日 the day of the car battery had been created and then replaced.

dazun roozu dii ダズンローズデー Dozen Rose Day
created by 桂由美 and 内田和子 for the brides. 12 roses to show your love.

kanji no hi 漢字の日 day of the Kanji characters
created in 1955 by 日本漢字能力検定協会
goroawase. ii ji ichi ji 「1(いい)2(じ)1(いち)2(じ)」=「いい字1字」

.................... 13 .................................................................................

. Geminid Meteor Shower .

bitamin no hi ビタミンの日 day of vitamins
created in 2000. In 1910 professor 鈴木梅太郎 Suzuki Umetaro has started to promote vitamins to prevent beriberi (vitamin B deficit). He called his pills Orizanin オリザニン.
Oryzanin (brand-name vitamin B1; extracted from rice)

biyoshitsu no hi 美容室の日 day of the beauty parlor (haircut)
created by 正宗卓 in 2003. Many ladies visit a beauty parlor in December.
If 1 and 3 are written close together, it looks like the letter B for Beauty.

futago no hi 双子の日 day of twins
created in 1874. It was decided that the child first born before one, two or more siblings was to be the first-born.

.................... 14 .................................................................................

. Festival of the 47 Ronin 忠臣蔵  Chushingura .

Nankyoku no hi 南極の日 day of the South Pole
In 1911 on this day four people with Roald Amundsen (1872 - 1928) reached the South Pole.

.................... 15 .................................................................................

. Munakata Shrine Festival 宗像祭 .

kanko basu no hi 観光バス記念日 day of the tourist bus
created in 1925. The 東京遊覧自動車会 started on this day.

.................... 16 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Priest Roben 良弁僧正.
Founder of Temple Todai-Ji 東大寺, Nara

denwa soogyoo no hi 電話創業の日
day of the establishment of the telehone service
in Tokyo and Yokohama, in 1890. 155 telephones in Tokyo, 42 in Yokohama.

kami no kinenbi 紙の記念日 day of paper
created in 1987 by a paper company in Hachioji, Tokyo 抄紙会社.

nenbutsu no kuchidome 念仏の口止め "no more nenbutsu prayers"
Since the deity of the New Year (Toshigamisama 年神様) does not like this prayer, it is now forbidden to utter it until January 16.
- see "Deity of the Year" toshitokujin 歳德神 in the WKD

.................... 17 .................................................................................

raito kyoodai no hi ライト兄弟の日 day of the Wright Brothers
(Wilbur and Orville Wright.
In 1903 they made the first flight in America.

.................... 18 .................................................................................

. Eating Rice Gruel Ceremony 十八粥 .
Memorial day for Chisha Daishi 智者大師忌

kokuren kamei kinenbi 国連加盟記念日 Day of the United Nations
Established in 1945, the UN-section of Japan started work on this day in 1956.

osame no kannon 納めの観音 last ritual for Kannon Bosatsu

Tookyoo eki no hi 東京駅の日 day of Tokyo Station
established in 1914.

.................... 19 .................................................................................

nihon hatsu hikoo no hi 日本初飛行の日
day of the first flight in Japan
created in 1910. The first pilot was 徳川好敏工兵大尉, starting his flight in Yoyogi Park, flying for 4 minutes, hight of 70 meters and covering 3000 meters during his flight.

.................... 20 .................................................................................

. buri no hi 鰤の日 day of the yellowtail .

depaato kaigyoo no hi デパート開業の日 day of the department store
created in 1904. Mitsukoshi Store at Nihonbashi Tokyo opened 三越呉服店.
. Echigoya 越後屋 and Mitsui 三井 .

hate no hatsuka 果ての二十日 the final day 20
An evil day, to avoid angering the Kami of the Mountains, people should not enter a mountain.
..... the 20th day of the 12th lunar month, the day when all Oni become free,
. Inozasa-O 猪笹王 Wild Boar became an Oni Demon .

muteki kinenbi 霧笛記念日day of the ships's fog horn (whistle)
created in 1879.The first lighthouse in Aomori, Tsugaru straight at 尻屋崎灯台, used it.

shiirakasu no hi シーラカンスの日 day of the Coelacanth fish
created in 1938
- see wikipedia

.................... 21 .................................................................................

. Last Ceremony for Kobo Daishi Kukai 納めの大師 .

enkyori renai no hi 遠距離恋愛の日 day of long-distance relationships
Two lovers could meet before Christmas to reconfirm their love.
goroawase. 1221 - 1 lonely person at each end of the date, 22 : the two have met in the middle

kurossu waado no hi クロスワードの日 day of the crossword puzzle
in 1913 the first had been printed in the New York World.
in 1924 the first book with crossword puzzles has been published.

.................... 21/22 .................................................................................

. tooji 冬至 winter solstice .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気

.................... 22 .................................................................................

roodoo kumiaihoo seitei kinenbi 労働組合法制定記念日
day of the Labor Union Law establishment
created in 1945.

.................... 23 .................................................................................

. Emperor's Birthday 天皇誕生日 .
Emperor Akihito was born on this day in 1933.

terehon kaado no hi テレホンカードの日
day of the telephone card
created in 1982, when people still used public telephones and the handy/smartphones had not been invented . . .

tookyoo tawaa kansei no hi 東京タワー完成の日
day of completion of the Tokyo Tower
in 1958.

.................... 24 .................................................................................

. kurisumasu ibu クリスマスイブ Christmas eve .
seiya 聖夜(せいや)Holy Night

osame no Jizoo 納めの地蔵 last rituals for Jizo Bosatsu

.................... 25,26 ...............................................................................

. kurisumasu クリスマス Christmas .

.................... 25 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 .
Shunsei Ki 春星忌

shoowa no hi 昭和の日 Showa Day
(now April 29)

shimai tenjin 終い天神 last Tenjin rituals

sukeeto no hi スケートの日 day of ice skates
created in 1982.

.................... 26 ...............................................................................

puro yakyuu tanjo no hi プロ野球誕生の日
day of professional baseball
Since 1934. 大日本東京野球倶楽部

bokushingu dii ボクシングデー Boxing Day
(public holiday in the UK, Aus., Canada, etc.)

.................... 27 ...............................................................................

. Day of Saint John 聖ヨハネの日 .
John the Apostle

asakusa nakamise kinenbi 浅草仲見世記念日
day of the Nakamise Shopping Street in Asakusa/Tokyo
created in 1885 with 139 shops. Rebuilt after the 1923 earthquake.

piitaa pan no hi ピーターパンの日 day of Peter Pan
in 1904 the first performance of Peter Pan took place in London.

.................... 28 ...............................................................................

. Last Ceremony for Fudo Myo-O 納不動 .

diskujokkii no hi ディスクジョッキーの日
day of the Disc Jockey

shinematogurafu no hi シネマトグラフの日
day of the cinematograph
in 1895. First performance in Paris.

.................... 29 ...............................................................................

shanson no hi シャンソンの日 day of the chanson
created in 1990

International Day for Biological Diversity

Shimizu Tunnel penetration memorial day
in 1929

.................... 30 ...............................................................................

chikatetsu kinenbi 地下鉄記念日 day of the underground train
in 1927. The first underground from Ueno to Asakusa opened.

shoogatsu kazari no hi 正月飾りの日 day of the New Year decoration

.................... 31 ...............................................................................

. Last Day of the Year (oomisoka 大晦日) .
striking the temple bell 除夜の鐘 joya no kane
and more rituals in Japan

. Shrine visit at the last night 除夜詣 .

. toshikoshi soba 年越し蕎麦
buckwheat noodles to cross over into the New Year .


. Ooji no kitsunebi 王子の狐火 "fox fire" at Oji Inari Shrine .


. December, Month of Kagura Dance 神楽月 .

. WKD : December - a Haiku Month .


. WKD : World Days in December .

. Ceremonies, festivals, rituals - December .

. Memorial Days of Famous People - December .


For the worldwide approach to kigo,
we must differentiate between the "Haiku Season" and the natural phenomenon and human activites occuring at a certain season at a certain place.

To complicate our endeavor, we also have to deal with the Asian Lunar Calendar and the 24 seasons (periods), which were applied in Japan before the introduction of the Western Calendar, when kigo were already used in Japanese poetry.

Study the details here, please:

. The Japanese Haiku Calendar.

. Seasons beginning .

. Seasons ending .


. WKD : the complete SAIJIKI list .

. WKD Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months .
- TOP -

- reference : hukumusume.com/366


. goroawase 語呂合わせ wordplay with numbers .

. Japanese Calendar Days .

- Join the friends on facebook
for the whole year ! -


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[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ] - - gorodecember -




. Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months .

. 語呂合わせ goroawase days every month .


- January - / - Feburary - / - March -

- April - / - May - / - June -

- July - / - August - / - September -

- Ocotber - / - November - / - December -


Each month comes with special days, some of them festivals,
others relating to the change of the seasons.

I hope to collect relevant kigo for each month.

If you find any that are still missing,
please contact me.

Gabi Greve

. National Holidays of Japan .
all of them are kigo


For the worldwide approach to kigo,
we must differentiate between the "Haiku Season" and the natural phenomenon and human activites occuring at a certain season at a certain place.

To complicate our endeavor, we also have to deal with the Asian Lunar Calendar and the 24 seasons (periods), which were applied in Japan before the introduction of the Western Calendar, when kigo were already used in Japanese poetry.

Japan has been using the Gregorian calendar since 1874, but still refers to its
KYUREKI 旧暦, the old calendar, on many occasions.
The months in haiku are one of them.


spring begins, February 4, risshun 立春
summer begins, May 6, rikka 立夏
autumn begins, August 8, risshuu 立秋
winter begins, November 7, rittoo 立冬

. The Japanese Calendar System .

. Seasons beginning .

. Seasons ending .

Calendar reference kigo in the WKD

Months will not be used to define a SEASON, because of the differences in the Northern and Southern hemisphere, see below. But SUMMER is SUMMER.

Northern and Southern Hemisphere
If there is not specific mention in the WKD, a calendar reference kigo refers to the Northern Hemisphere as its place of origin, since haiku and the saijiki concept originates in Japan.
For the Southern Hemisphere, add six months.

For a calendar reference kigo originating in the Southern Hemisphere, add six months to get to its Northern counterpart.
These adjustments will not be mentioned specifically for each kigo.

Example: Christmas
a typical calendar time reference kigo

Kigo for Mid-Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. (Will be mentioned)
Kigo for Summer in the Southern Hemisphere. (Will not be mentioned.)
Kigo for "Hot and Dry Season" in the Tropics. (Will not be mentioned)

. WKD - Worldwide Haiku Seasons .


. Ceremonies, festivals, rituals - SAIJIKI .

. Memorial Days of Famous People - SAIJIKI .

Here is a large collection of days remembered worldwide for a special purpose.
Some have an entry of their own, so click on the hyperlink, please.

. WKD : World Days .


. WKD : the complete SAIJIKI list .

. - - Shrines and Temples - ABC index - - .

. Darumapedia - PERSONS - main index .


. Japanese Calendar Days .

- Join the friends on facebook ! -

A lot depends on goroawase - wordplay with numbers

. goroawase 語呂合わせ wordplay with numbers .
- Introduction -

- Example :
1492 (discovery of America by Columbus)
いよくに iyo (yoi) kuni = ”It’s a good country”

Other Words In Goroawase

There’s also a bunch of words and phrases that can be created from and converted to numbers that are pretty interesting as well.

4649 → よろしく → 宜しく yoroshiku (definition here)
18782 → いやなやつ → 嫌な奴 iya na yatsu (unpleasant dude)
893 → やくざ yakuza (Yakuza)
39 → さんきゅう → San Kyuu (Thank You)
0840 → おはよう Ohayo (good morning)
724106 → なにしてる → 何してる (What are you doing?)
888 → ハハハ → Hahaha
889 → はやく → 早く hayaku (Hurry)
0906 → おくれる → 遅れる okureru (Late)

- explore this link :

source : www.tofugu.com


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JANUARY calendar


. Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months .



.................... 01 - 15 .................................................................................

. Shoogatsu 正月 Shogatsu, the New Year .
gantan 元旦 the first day

A season and saijiki of its own !

.................... 01 .................................................................................

. ganjitsu 元日 New Year's Day .

. New Year's Concert - Vienna Austria .
Das Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker

. Memorial Day for Sugita Hisajo 杉田久女 .

. Memorial Day for En no Gyoja 役行者 .

Koobe minato kinenbei 神戸港記念日 Memorial Day of Kobe Port
since 1868

shoonen hoo jikoo no hi 少年法施行の日
day of implementation of the Juvenile Act
created in 1949

tetsuwan atomu no hi 鉄腕アトムの日 day of Astro Boy
created in 1963

.................... 02 .................................................................................

. Hakone ekiden 箱根駅伝 Hakone Relay Marathon .

.................... 03 .................................................................................

. yatate shinji 矢立神事 ceremony at Kibitsu Shrine .

Boshin senso 戊辰戦争開戦の日 day of the beginning of the Boshin war
- see wikipedia

hitomi no hi ひとみの日 day of the eye
goroawase. 「1(ひと)3(み)」

kakeochi no hi 駆け落ちの日 day of elopement
In 1938, actress 岡田嘉子 Okada Yohshiko (1902 - 1992)and
and 杉本良吉 Sugimoto Ryokichi (1907 - 1939)crossed the border to Sahalin (Karafuto 樺太) and fled to Russia.

.................... 04 .................................................................................

ishi no hi 石の日 day of stones
sutoonzu dii (ストーンズ デー)
goroawase. 「い(1)し(4)」
On this day it is auspicious to touch ritual items made of stone, especially statues of Jizo Bosatsu, Komainu Lion Dogs or grave stones to make a wish.

官公庁御用始め - 1873
取引所大発会 (closed since December 28)
金の鯱鉾(しゃちほこ)の日 - since 1937

.................... 05 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 .

. Shokan 小寒 "small cold" .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気

ichigo no hi イチゴの日 day of strawberries
goroawase. 「1(いち)5(ご)」
(also every day on the 15th)

igo no hi 囲碁の日 day of Igo game
goroawase. 「い(1)ご(5)」
. Go game, Igo 囲碁 .

shinderera no hi シンデレラの日 day of Cinderella
since 1956

魚河岸初競り first auction at Uogishi fish market

.................... 06 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for priest Ryokan 良寛 .

. Epiphany 公現の日 Three Kings Day .

. 東京消防出初め式の日 first day of the Tokyo Fire Brigade .
created in 1953.

iro no hi 色の日 day of color
(and every month on the 16th)
goroawase. 「い(1)ろ(6)」

keeki no hi ケーキの日 day of cake
remembering 1879. First sale of cake in Ueno, at 風月堂 Fugetsudo.


.................... 07 .................................................................................

. jinjitsu 人日 day of man .

. nanakusagayu 七草がゆ
rice gruel with the seven herbs of spring .

.................... 08 .................................................................................

. First Ceremony for Yakushi Nyorai 初薬師 .
and more first ceremonies for Buddhist deities

.................... 12 .................................................................................

. First shooting at Fushimi Inari fox shrine 稲荷の奉射祭 .

.................... 14 .................................................................................

. Dondon yaki どんどん焼き burning New Year decorations .

. Doyadoya Night Festival どやどや Osaka .

. Coming of Age Day 成人の日 .

. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - USA .

.................... 18 .................................................................................

. First Ceremony for Kannon Bosatsu 初観音 .

.................... 20 .................................................................................

. Daikan 大寒 "great cold" .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気

.................... 21 .................................................................................

. First Ceremony for Kobo Daishi Kukai 初大師 .

.................... 22 .................................................................................

. World Eros Day .
the day when the planetoid 433 Eros is closest to Earth.

.................... 24 .................................................................................

. First Ceremony for Jizo Bosatsu 初地蔵 .

.................... 26 .................................................................................

. Republic Day - India .

. Australia Day .
Anniversary Day, Foundation Day and ANA Day

.................... 27 .................................................................................

. Holocaust Day, Auschwitz Day, Dachau Day - Germany .

.................... 28 .................................................................................

. First Ceremony for Fudo Myo-O 初不動 .

.................... 29 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Hino Sojo 日野草城 .

.................... third SUNDAY

. Ati-Atihan Festival - Philippines .


. WKD : January - a Haiku Month .

. shiwasu matsuri 師走祭り Shiwasu festival at 神門神社 Mikado Jinja.


. WKD : World Days in January .

. Ceremonies, festivals, rituals - January .

. Memorial Days of Famous People - January .


For the worldwide approach to kigo,
we must differentiate between the "Haiku Season" and the natural phenomenon and human activites occuring at a certain season at a certain place.

To complicate our endeavor, we also have to deal with the Asian Lunar Calendar and the 24 seasons (periods), which were applied in Japan before the introduction of the Western Calendar, when kigo were already used in Japanese poetry.

Study the details here, please:

. The Japanese Haiku Calendar.

. Seasons beginning .

. Seasons ending .


. WKD : the complete SAIJIKI list .

- reference : fukumusume -

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