First shrine or temple visit (hatsu moode)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: New Year
***** Category: Observance
hatsumoode 初詣

The most important ceremony in Japan, where everyone visits a shrine or temple to pray for good luck in the coming year. Millions of people are out on the streets and wait in long lines to make it to the place of worship. After visiting a shrine or temple at midnight, they try to stay awake and get a glimpse af
. the first sunrise of the year (hatsu hi no de)
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First Ceremonies of the Year
Gabi Greve
hatsumode, hatsu-mode, hatsu-moode
Other kigo in this category
first garden, hatsu niwa 初庭(はつにわ)hatsu mairi 初参(はつまいり)、 hatsu yashiro 初社(はつやしろ)
. first purification ceremony, hatsu harai 初祓(はつはらい)
. first "fortune telling" hatsu mikuji 初神籤(はつみくじ)
Click HERE for some photos !
quoteHatsumode (Japanese: 初詣, hatsumōde)is the first shrine visit of the New Year in Japan. Many people go during the first, second, or third day of the year as most are off work those days. Generally, one makes wishes for the new year, gets new talismans, and returns old talismans to be burned.
There are often long lines at major shrines and temples in Tokyo.
Most Japanese are off work from the 29 of December until the third of January. It is during this time that the house is cleaned, debts are paid, friends and family are visited and gifts are exchanged. It would be customary to spend the early morning of New Year's Day in domestic worship, followed by sake - often containing edible gold flakes - and special celebration food.
During hatsumode, it is common for men to wear full kimono - one of the rare chances to see them so across a year. The act of worship is generally quite brief and individual and may involve queuing at popular shrines, throw some coins in the offerings box and fold the hands in prayer. The talisman (mamori) may vary substantially in value/price even at a particular location.
© Wikipedia
Visit to a temple of the God of one's birthplace
. ubusunagami 産土神 Ubusuna Deity .
..... ubusuna mairi 産土神参 うぶすなまいり

Click HERE for some photos !
In Edo/Tokyo
. Great Protector Deity of the Region, Ubusunagami 大産土神 .
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
hatsu-moode yama no kami ni wa dare mo kon
Fiste Shrine visit -
to our Mountain God
nobody comes
Gabi Greve 2004 : Hatsu Mode

shizukesa ya mori no naka no hatsu-moode
so quiet !
walking in the forest for the
first Shrine visit
Gabi Greve 2005
first shrine visit -
the smell of incense
in our hair
Gabi Greve
. Saijo Inari Shrine, 2008
Related words
obesrvance kigo for early spring
***** nigatsu reija 二月礼者 (にがつれいじゃ)
visiting (a shrine or temple) in February
Those who have been to busy during the New Year festivities, like artists, actors and restaurant personel, could go to pay a first visit, usually on February 1.
出稽古の帰りの二月礼者かなdegeiko no kaeri no nigatsu reija kana
coming home
from giving a private lesson
I visit the shrine in February . . .
Gosho Heinosuke 五所平之助 (1903 - 1981)
. . . . .
鶯や二月礼者に疎からずuguisu ya nigatsu reija ni orokarazu
Matsuse Seisei 松瀬青々
***** Fortune telling, mikuji みくじ 御籤
Fortune cookies and Haiku
***** . Daruma ichi 達磨市 (だるまいち) Daruma market
. First Ceremonies of the New Year
chinjugami 鎮守神 tutelary deities
hatsumoode chiisaki miya no kami hotoke
first New Year's visit -
the Kami and Buddhas
at the small shrine
Hasegawa Kanajo 長谷川かな女
about kami and hotoke
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