UNESCO 2016 Japanese Festivals
ユネスコの無形文化遺産 ー「山・鉾・屋台行事

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UNESCO adds Japan festivals to heritage list
UNESCO has decided to add 33 Japanese traditional festivals featuring parades and floats to its list of intangible cultural heritages.
The decision was made at a meeting in Ethiopia on Wednesday.
The Hachinohe Sansha Taisai festival of Aomori Prefecture and
Yatsushiro Myokensai no Shinko Gyoji of Kumamoto Prefecture are among the 33 events.
But the Japanese government decided to combine those 2 with other similar festivals in listing them as a group.
UNESCO says the festivals have brought artistic creativeness to residents and that they have been handed down for generations.
It notes that some of the festivals contributed to the restoration of human bonds in communities after the earthquake and tsunami hit northeastern Japan in 2011.
UNESCO praises people involved in procuring festival items in environmentally friendly manners.
The registration of the festivals will bring to 21 the total number of Japanese items on the intangible cultural heritage list. Kabuki and traditional Japanese cuisine, or "washoku," are among them.
The Hakata Gion Yamakasa Festival in Fukuoka City, western Japan, is among the festivals that gained registration.
Mayor Soichiro Takashima said he hopes the listing will help increase the appeal of Fukuoka.
He said the city wants to show the world the strong
The 33 Float Festivals Added to the
UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage
Hachinohe Sansha Festival - Aomori
Kakunodate Festival - Senboku - Akita
Tsuchizaki Shinmei Shrine Festival
Hanawa Festival - Kazuno
Shinjō Festival (Shinjo)- Yamagata
Hitachi Fūryūmono - Ibaraki
Karasuyama Yamaage Nasukarasuyama - Tochigi
Kanuma lmamiya Shrine Festival
Chichibu Night Festival - Saitama
Kawagoe Hikawa Festival
Sawara Float Festival - Katori - Chiba
Takaoka Mikurumayama Festiva Takaoka - Toyama
Uozu Tatemon Festival - Uozu
Johana Hikiyama Festival - Nanto
Seihaku Festival - Nanao - Ishikawa
Takayama Festival - Gifu
Furukawa Festival Hida
Ōgaki Festival (Ogaki)
Owari Tsushima Tennō Festival Tsushima/Aisai - Aichi
Chiryū Festival (Chiryu)
Inuyama Festival
Kamezaki Shiohi Festival - Handa
Sunari Festival - Kanie
Kujirabune Festival - Yokkaichi - Mie
Ueno Tenjin Festival - Iga
Ishidori Festival - Kuwana
Nagahama Hikiyama Festival - Shiga
Kyoto Gion Festival Yamahoko Parade - Kyoto
Hakata Gion Yamakasa Festival - Fukuoka
Tobata Gion Festival - Kitakyūshū
Karatsu Kunchi Karatsu - Saga
Yatsushiro Myōken Festival - Kumamoto
Hita Gion Festival - Ōita (Oita)
Yama, Hoko, Yatai, float festivals in Japan
- reference source : unesco.org/culture -

- reference : japanese festivals unesco 2016 -
八戸三社大祭の山車行事 青森県 八戸市
角館祭りのやま行事 秋田県 仙北市
土崎神明社祭の曳山行事 秋田市
花輪祭の屋台行事 鹿角市
新庄まつりの山車行事 山形県 新庄市
日立風流物 茨城県 日立市
烏山の山あげ行事 栃木県 那須烏山市
鹿沼今宮神社祭の屋台行事 鹿沼市
秩父祭の屋台行事と神楽 埼玉県 秩父市
川越氷川祭の山車行事 川越市
佐原の山車行事 千葉県 香取市
高岡御車山祭の御車山行事 富山県 高岡市
魚津のタテモン行事 魚津市
城端神明宮祭の曳山行事 南砺市
青柏祭の曳山行事 石川県 七尾市
高山祭の屋台行事 岐阜県 高山市
古川祭の起し太鼓・屋台行事 飛騨市
大垣祭のやま行事 大垣市
尾張津島天王祭の車楽舟行事 愛知県 津島市・愛西市
知立の山車文楽とからくり 知立市
犬山祭の車山行事 犬山市
亀崎潮干祭の山車行事 半田市
須成祭の車楽船行事と神葭流し 蟹江町
鳥出神社の鯨船行事 三重県 四日市市
上野天神祭のダンジリ行事 伊賀市
桑名石取祭の祭車行事 桑名市
長浜曳山祭の曳山行事 滋賀県 長浜市
京都祇園祭の山鉾行事 京都府 京都市
博多祇園山笠行事 福岡県 福岡市
戸畑祇園大山笠行事 北九州市
唐津くんちの曳山行事 佐賀県 唐津市
八代妙見祭の神幸行事 熊本県 八代市
日田祇園の曳山行事 大分県 日田市
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