. Regional Festivals - LIST .
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Hachiman Matsuri、八幡祭(はちまんまつり)Hachiman Shrine Festival
at Shrine Iwashimizu Jinja
hoojoo-e 放生会(ほうじょうえ)
Iwashimizu matsuri 石清水祭
Iwashimizu Festival
Otokoyama matsuri 男山祭Festival at Otokoyama
chuushuusai 仲秋祭(ちゅうしゅうさい)mid-autumn festival
nansai 南祭(なんさい)South-Festival
hoojoogawa 放生川(ほうじょうがわ) river for releasing fish
hanachidori 放ち鳥(はなちどり)releasing birds
hanachigame 放ち亀(はなちがめ)releasing turtles
Hachiman yama 八幡山(はちまんやま)Hachiman float
at the Gion festival
Hachi Tataki 鉢叩 鉢敲, 鉢扣 "banging the prayer gongs"
Hachi Tataki Dezome 鉢叩出初 First prayer round whilst banging gongs
Memorial Service for Saint Kuuya Shoonin 空也上人
Kuuya Doo Hachitataki Dezome 空也堂鉢叩出初 (くうやどうはちたたきでぞめ) at Kuya Hall
hachitataki dezome 鉢叩出初(はちたたきでぞめ)
zuda junki dezome 頭陀巡行出初(ずだじゅんぎょうでぞめ)
zuda also means
hachi tataki)
Hadaka Matsuri 裸祭り, Hadaka Mairi "Naked Festivals" ... a LIST
Hagatame はがため . Teeth strengthening Ceremony
..... rice cakes for strengthening the teeth
..... hagatame no mochi 画固の餅 はがためのもち
..... Diamond Petal Rice Cakes, hishi hanabira mochi, 菱葩餅
..... "auspicious hard things" o-iwai kachin お祝いかちん(おいわいかちん)
..... ..... o-iwai okachin お祝いおかちん
Hagoita ichi 羽子板市 (はごいたいち) battledore market
Haha no hi 母の日 (ははのひ) Mother's Day, Muttertag
Haka kakou 墓囲ふ Preparing the graves for New Year
Hakata no Gion matsuri 博多の祗園祭 (はかたのぎおんまつり)
Hakata Gion Festival
Hakata matsuri 博多祭(はかたまつり) Hakata festival
..... yamagasa 山笠(やまがさ)floats
oi yamagasa 追山笠(おいやまがさ)race of the floats
.... oiyama 追山(おいやま)
Hakamagi 袴着 (はかまぎ) wearing a hakama trousers for the first time
at Shichigosan
Hakone ekiden 箱根駅伝 Hakone Ekiden Race
Hakone Relay Marathon
Hakozaki matsuri 筥崎祭 (はこざきまつり) Hakozaki Festival
..... Hakozaki hoojooe, hoojoo-e 筥崎放生会(はこざきほうじょうえ)
Fukuoka Hakozaki Hachimangu 福岡筥崎八幡宮
Hakubasai, hakuba sai 白馬祭(はくばさい)
Festival of the White Horse
Hama ogami 浜拝 はまおがみ Offering prayers at the beaches
January first
..... First Tide, wakashio 若潮 わかしお
..... wakashio mukae 若潮迎え(わかしおむかえ)、hatsu hama 初浜(はつはま)、
..... Selling new salt, waka shio uri 若塩売(わかしおうり)、waka shio iwai 若塩祝い(わかしおいわい)
Hanabi Senkoo 花火線香 "incense stick firework"
. hanaguri kuyoo はなぐり供養) Cow nose ring ritual Okayama.
At the cow nose ring mound (hanagurizuka)
Hanakae Matsuri 花換祭 / 花換祭り Flower-exchanging festival at shrine Kanesaki-gu, Fukui prefecture
Hanashizume matsuri 鎮花祭 (はなしずめまつり)
"appease the blossoms"
Festival of scattering blossoms for good health
chinkasai 鎮花祭(ちんかさい) hanashizume はなしずめ
Miwa Shrine, April 18
hangeshoo 半夏生 (はんげしょう)
eleventh day after the summer solstice
Hare no Gozen 晴の御膳 Official Lunch Reception at the Imperial Court
..... Hare no Omono 晴御膳 はれのおもの
..... Gozen no gi 御膳の儀
Hari Kuyoo 針供養 Memorial day for used sewing needles
in Kanto
Haru basho 春場所 Spring Sumo Wrestling tournament
Sumo tournament in the third month, sangatsu basho 三月場所(さんがつばしょ)、Osaka Tournament, oosaka basho 大阪場所(おおさかばしょ)、Naniwa Basho浪花場所(なにわばしょ)
Harugitoo 春祈祷(はるぎとう)spring prayer
..... gongen mai 権現舞 (ごんげんまい) Gongen Dance
..... gongen sama 権現様(ごんげんさま)
..... kado-uchi 門打(かどうち)
..... ha-uchi 歯打(はうち)
(haru kitoo)
Harugoto 春ごと ( はるごと) "spring things"
..... haru no koto 春の事(はるのこと)
..... kotobi 事日(ことび)
..... koto matsuri, kotomatsuri 事祭(ことまつり)
regional, day off work
Haru Matsuri .. 春祭り Spring Festival. General introduction.
Hasedera no Tada-oshi 長谷寺のただ押し (はせでらのただおし)
Festival at Temple Hasedera, Sakurai, Nara
Hashidate masturi 橋立祭 (はしだてまつり)
Ama no Hashidate Matsuri 天の橋立祭 Festival at Ama-no-Hashidate Amanohashitate
Hassaku no iwai 八朔の祝 Hassaku Harvest Festival.
"princess melon doll", hime uribina. kettle for the tea ceremony, hassaku gama 八朔釜. Rice Gruel, O-bana no kayu 尾花の粥
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. HATSU, .. hajime - 初 first ceremonies of the Year .

Toga no Hatsu Uma
hatsu uma, hatsu-uma 初午 (はつうま) First Day of the Horse
(in February)
- rituals with prayers for a good harvest, especially at the Inari shirnes, the deity for rice and harvesting
uma matsuri 午祭(うままつり)First Horse Day Festival
dumplings for the first day of the horse, hatsu uma dango 初午団子(はつうまだんご)
hatsu uma ko, hatsuumako 初午粉(はつうまこ)first offering of rice flour
shirushi no sugi 験の杉(しるしのすぎ)visitors at Inari shrines get a branch of the sacred cedar tree 神杉の枝
ichi no uma 一の午(いちのうま)first
ni no uma 二の午(にのうま)second
san no uma 三の午(さんのうま)third day of the horse
first shrine visit on the day of the horse, hatsu uma moode 初午詣(はつうまもうで)
"lucky shrine visit", fuku mairi 福参(ふくまいり)
fox belief meeting, inari koo 稲荷講(いなりこう)
first performance, hatsu uma shibai 初午芝居(はつうましばい)
first kyogen, hatsu uma kyoogen 初午狂言(はつうまきょうげん)on the day of the horse
Inari Jinja 稲荷神社 First Day of the Horse at Fox Shrines
. Kagoshima Jingu 鹿児島神宮 Kagoshima Shrine .
. 岡寺山 継松寺 Okaderayama, Keisho-Ji .
selling amulets on the
first day of the horse festival.
. Toga no hatsu-uma 利賀村の初午の藁馬 Toga village straw horse .
. ema uri, ema-uri 絵馬売り vendor of votive tablets .
on the first day of the horse
hatsu-uma inari 初午いなり Inari sushi on the first day of the horse
In Nara, 旗飴
hata-ame - children walking around the neighbourhood to get sweets.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Fushimi no Hotei 伏見の布袋
in Kyoto
If people built a new home, they buy a clay figure of 布袋 Hotei on the first day of the horse and venerate it on the Shelf of the Gods (kamidana 神棚). The following year they buy a statue just a little bit bigger and so on for 7 years or 12 years.
If something unpleasant or a disaster happens during this time, they throw all the statues in a river or bring them back to the Shrine and begin again with the smallest statue.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. 伏見土人形 Fushimi Clay Dolls .
- Introduction -
Hatsuka iwai 二十日祝 January 20 Celebration
..... "sword handle" celebration, ha tsuka iwai 刃柄祝(はつかいわい), Celebration of the mirror box, kyoodai iwai 鏡台祝(きょうだいいわい), Celebration of the "first face", hatsu kao iwai 初顔祝(はつかおいわい)、Celebration of the Mirror, kagami no iwai 鏡の祝(かがみのいわい)
Heian matsuri 平安祭(へいあんまつり) Heian festival
..... jidai matsuri 時代祭 (じだいまつり) "Festival of the Ages" - Kyoto
Henro 遍路 : Spring Pilgrimage in Shikoku
Hiburi 火振り祭 (ひぶりまつり) "fire-swinging festival"
hifuri shinji. Aso Fire Festival. Kumamoto
Hieizan hokke e 比叡山法華会
Great Ceremony at Mount Hieizan Kyoto
Prayer group for the Great Master, daishi koo
大師講 だいしこう
Memorial day for Tendai Daishi, Tendai Daishi Ki
Memorial day for Chisha Daishi, Chisha Daishi Ki
Tendai Prayer Ceremony, Tendai e、天台会(てんだいえ)
"Rice Gruel for Priest Chi-E", Chie gayu 智慧粥
"Great Master's Gruel", Daishi gayu 大師粥
gruel on the 18th day, juuhachi gayu 十八粥
fuguri gayu ふぐり粥(ふぐりがゆ
Hie Jinja sairei 日枝神社祭礼 Festival at Shrine Hie Jinja
Sannoo matsuri 山王祭(さんのうまつり)Sanno festival
tenka matsuri 天下祭(てんかまつり)"greatest festival under the sky" in Edo/Tokyo
. Higan-E 彼岸会 Spring Equinox Service
middle day of higan, welcoming the equinox, hi mukae 日迎え (ひむかえ)
departing of the equinox, hi okuri 日送り(ひおくり)
hi no tomo 日の伴(ひのとも)and many more kigo
Hiiragi sasu 柊挿す (ひいらぎさす) piercing with a holly
Hikage no kazura 日蔭の蔓 (ひかげのかずら)
lit. "kazura vine in the shadow"
hikage no ito 日蔭の糸(ひかげのいと)"string in the shadow"
hikage no kokoroba 日蔭の心葉(ひかげのこころば)
kokoroba 心葉(こころば) "leaf of the heart"
Himachi, hi machi 日待 (ひまち) waiting for the (first) sun
Hime hajime ひめ始 ひめはじめ 姫始(ひめはじめ)
Beginning of first female activities
Himuro 氷室 (ひむろ) icehouse, ice cellar
himuro mori 氷室守(ひむろもり)warden of the ice cellar
himuro no yuki 氷室の雪(ひむろのゆき)snow in the ice cellar
himuro no yama 氷室の山(ひむろのやま) mountain with an ice cellar
himuro no sekku 氷室の節供(ひむろのせっく)seasonal celebration of the ice cellars
shihyoo no setsu 賜氷の節 (しひょうのせつ)first day of the sixth months
koori n o tsuitachi 氷の朔日(こおりのついたち)"first day of the ice"
himochi o iwau 氷餅を祝う (ひもちをいわう)
celebrate with iced mochi
Hina Eshiki ひな会式, 雛会式 Ceremony of Hina Dolls
Hina Matsuri 雛祭 at temple Hokkei-Ji, Nara
Hio no tsukai 氷魚の使 (ひおのつかい) Messenger for iced Fish
Hino no Hadaka Odori 日野の裸踊 Naked Dance in Hino
Hira Hakkoo 比良八講、Hira Hakkoo 比良八荒
Ceremony for the eight volumes of the Lotus Sutra
Shirohige Shrine, lake Biwa
Hiraizumi Fujiwara Matsuri 平泉藤原祭 Fujiwara Festival in Hiraizumi
Iwate prefecture
Hiroshima-ki 広島忌 Hiroshima Memorial Day
genbaku no hi 原爆の日
atom bomb day
genbaku ki 原爆忌 atom bomb memorial day
heiwa sai 平和祭(へいわさい)
peace festival
..... Nagasaki ki 長崎忌
Nagasaki Memorial Day
Hitachi obi no shinji 常陸帯の神事 (ひたちおびのしんじ)
Hitachi Belt Ceremony
Hitachi obi no matsuri 常陸帯の祭(ひたちおびのまつり)
Hitachi obi 常陸帯(ひたちおび)"Belt from Hitachi"
Kashima no obi 鹿島の帯(かしまのおび)"Belt from Kashima"
enmusubi no shinji 縁結び神事(えんむすびしんじ)
ceremony for finding a partner
Hitotsu Yaito ひとつやいと one moxabustion
Temple Zuiryu-Ji 瑞龍寺
. hoobeisai 奉幣祭 Festival at Ise Shrine .
Hoojoo-E 放生会 Setting free of animals
at various Hachiman shrines in Japan
Hookyoo-Ji Hina Matsuri 宝鏡寺雛祭 ひなまつり
Doll Festival at Temple Hokyo-Ji, March 3
Hoonensai 豊年祭 Festival for a bountiful harvest "Penis Festival", at Tagata Shrine, Aichi prefecture. Honen Matsuri
Hooran Enya Boat Festival ほうらんえんや Horan Enya Matsue
Hootoo-e 奉燈会 (ほうとうえ)
mandoo-e 万燈会(まんどうえ)yoi Kooboo 宵弘法(よいこうぼう)
memorial service for Kobo Daishi, with many lanterns
Temple Daikaku-Ji 大覚寺
Hoozuki ichi 鬼燈市 ほおずきいち lampion flower market
..... shiman rokusen nichi 四万六千日 46000 days
..... rokusen nichi sama 六千日さま(ろくせんにちさま)
Hoshi-ii (hoshiii, hoshii) 干飯 (ほしいい) cooked dried rice
..... 糒(ほしいい)乾飯(ほしいい)
Doomyooji 道明寺(どうみょうじ) Temple Domyo-Ji
hiki-ii 引飯(ひきいい)
kare iiかれいい、karei かれい、hoshi-i ほしい
Hoshi Matsuri 星祭
Star Festivals and Star Shrines (Hoshi Jinja)
Hote Matsuri 帆手祭 Sail-cord Festival. At Shiogama Shrine, Miyagi Pref.
Hotokemai, hotoke mai 仏舞 Buddha Dance, Rengemai 蓮華舞
Hotoke Shoogatsu 仏正月 (ほとけしょうがつ)
New Year of the Buddhas/ancestor souls
..... hotoke no shoogatsu 仏の正月(ほとけのしょうがつ)
day of the ancestors, hotoke no hi 仏の日(ほとけのひ)
..... ancestors passing into the new year, hotoke no toshikoshi
hotoke no kuchi ake 仏の口明(ほとけのくちあけ)
nenbutsu no kuchi ake 念仏の口明(ねんぶつのくちあけ)
New Year of the Ancestors, sensoo shoogatsu
Beginning of the Temple Year, tera nenshi
Hoze matsuri 豊穣祭 (ほぜまつり) "harvest thanksgiving festival"
..... hoojoo e 豊穣会(ほうじょうえ)
now November 23, Kirishima Shrine
Hyakumanben Nenbutsu 百万遍念仏 Saying the Nenbutsu Prayer one million times
Hyakumangoku matsuri 百万石祭 (ひゃくまんごくまつり)
Kaga Hyakumangoku Festival
..... Oyama matsuri 尾山祭(おやままつり)Oyama Shrine Festival
hyakumangoku gyooretsu 百万石行列(ひゃくまんごくぎょうれつ)
hookoku matsuri 封国祭(ほうこくまつり)"land presenting festival"
Kanazawa, Ishikawa
Related words
. Regional Festivals - LIST .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .
- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -
- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -
- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -
- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -
- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -
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