. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Akita Prefecture - 秋田県
located in the Tōhoku Region of northern Honshu, the main island of Japan.
The capital is the city of Akita.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Akita - Entries of this BLOG .
. Akita Kanto Matsuri (kantoo 竿燈 / 竿灯) .
Amekko Festival
February, Odate
. Bonden matsuri 梵天祭り Bonten Festival .
. Dainichi Mairi 大日詣 Visiting the Dainichi Hall .
New Year, Kakunodate
. Daisen Town Festivals 秋田県大仙市 .
Kakunodate Festival
September 7 - 9
Kamakura Snow Statue Event
February, Yokote 横手
Kariwano Big Tug Festival
Kashima matsuri 鹿嶋祭 Kashima festival
2nd Sunday in June, Hiyoshi shrine, Akita

Small straw or paper dolls are floated on a larger reed boat to the shrine.
They are dolls of samurai, called "Kashima".
To pray for the good health of children.
In Omagari, they float down the river Marukogawa 丸子川
After planting the rice fields, with a wish for good health:
. WKD : sanaburi 「早苗饗」(さなぶり) .
Kemanai Bon Dance Festival
August 21 - 23, Daisen city
. Namahage なまはげ .
December 31, Oga Peninsula
Nishimonai Bon Dance Festival
August 16 - 18, Ugo
Oomagari no hanabi taikai 大曲の花火
Fireworks Contest in Omagari
fourth Sunday in August
along the river Omonogawa 雄物川
National Firework Competition
Tsuchizaki Shinmei Port Festival
July 20, 21. Shinmei shrine, Akita
Yokote Soul's Day Festival
August 15 - 16, Yokote 横手
Yuzawa shi no matsuri 湯沢市の祭り
August 5 - 7. Yuzawa town festival
External LINKS :
Akita Summer Festivals
source : http://www.tohokumatsuri.jp
- Reference -
Related words

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
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