Showing posts with label November. Show all posts
Showing posts with label November. Show all posts


NOVEMBER calendar


. Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months .


November - juuichigatsu 十一月

A lot of the goroawase combinations start with
ii いい 11 good, well

.................... 01 .................................................................................

. Day of classical literature 古典の日 .

. Sushi Day 寿司の日 Sushi no hi .

. Banseietsu 万聖節 All Saints' Day .

. Shareisai 諸霊祭 All Souls Day .

. Maizuru Daruma Festival 舞鶴だるま祭 .

. Samhain Festival - Ireland .

awamori no hi 泡盛の日 day of awamori liquor, Okinawa
Introduced in 1989.
Preparations for the liquor start from this day.

jieitai kinenbi 自衛隊記念日 day of Japan Self-Defense Forces, JSDF
created in 1966.

kawa no megumi no hi 川の恵みの日 day of benefits from the river
goroawase. 1 1 1 looks like the kanji for river 川

keiryoo kinenbi 計量記念日 day of measuring
Introduced in 1952 by 経済産業省. New measure units have been adjusted in 1993, so the day was re-located from June 7 to this day.

koocha no hi 紅茶の日 day of black tea
since 1983. In 1791 on this day black tea was introduced for the first time in Japan.

Nozawa-zuke no hi 野沢菜の日 day of Nozawa pickles
introduced by the hot spring association of Nozawa, Nagano.

seimei hoken no hi 生命保険の日 day of life insurance
introduced by the insurance companies. January is the month of life insurance and this is the starting day.

sushi no hi すしの日 day of Sushi
since 1961. Indroduced by 商環境衛生同業組合連合会.
The season of new rice starts and seafood is best now.

toodai kinenbi 灯台記念日 day of the lighthouse
Introduced in 1949 by 海上保安庁.
In the year 1869 the first lighthouse of European style had been built in Yokosuka, Kanagawa, the Kannonzaki toodai 観音埼灯台

wan wan wan ワンワンワン 11 1 - 犬の日 day of dogs
(the sound is like wan 1. goroawase)

.................... 02 .................................................................................

hanshin taigaasu dii 阪神タイガースデー Day of the Hanshin Tigers (baseball team)
In 1985 on this day they won against their adversary and became Nr. 1 in Japan.
kantoku was Yoshida san 吉田監督.

.................... 03 .................................................................................

. Culture Day 文化の日 bunka no hi.
airing the treasures of the Shosoin 正倉院曝涼, kazeire 風入れ 

. Meiji Shrine Festival 明治神宮祭 Tokyo .

aroma no hi アロマの日 day of aroma
part of the culture day. Aromatherapy and fragrance

gojira no hi ゴジラの日 day of gozilla
since 1954, when the first movie was released on this day.

hankachi-fu no hi ハンカチーフの日 day of the hankerchief
since 1983.
Hankerchiefs had been used by Mari Antoinette, and this day is the first holiday (in Japan) close to her birthday on November 2.

ii osan no hi いいお産の日 day of a good birth
goroawase. 11 03

ii rezaa no hi いいレザーの日 day of leather
goroawase. 「いい(11) れざー(03)」

manga no hi まんがの日 day of manga
since 2002. On the culture day, to put manga on a level in Japanese Culture.

mikan no hi みかんの日 day of mikan citrus fruit
goroawase. ii mikka いいみっか a good third day

rekoodo no hi レコードの日 day of music records
since 1957. As part of the culture day

sandoichi no hi サンドウィッチの日 day of the sandwich
goroawase. 「いい(11) サン(3)ド」

.................... 04 .................................................................................

yunesuko ユネスコ憲章記念日 UNESCO charter day
On this day in 1946 (others quote the 16th of November) UNESCO was formed.

.................... 05 .................................................................................

denpoo no hi 電報の日 day of the telegram
goroawase. The number to dial when sending a telegram is 115.

enmusubi no hi 縁結びの日 day day of making good connections
(finding a husband or some other kind of good "en" in life)
. "gods-absent month", 10th lunar month (now November)
kannazuki, kaminazuki 神無月 かんなづき .

goroawase. i i go en 「いい(11)ご(5)えん」(

ii ringo no hi いいりんごの日 day of apples
since 2001 in Aomori. goroawase with い(1)い(1)(りん)ご(5)

zasshi hookoku no hi 雑誌広告の日 day of magazine advertisement
created in 1979 by the 日本雑誌広告協会.
(BTW, October 27 is the day of book reading 読書.)

.................... 06 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Hattori Ransetsu 服部嵐雪 .

apaato kinenbi アパート記念日 day of apartments
In 1910 the first wooden apartment building was finished in Ueno, Tokyo. It was 5 floors high and had 70 rooms to rent.

o-miai no hi お見合いの日 day of a marriage-to-be meeting
On this day in 1947, the first group-meeging of this kind took place in Tokyo at the banks of River Tamagawa. 386 young men and women came here to find a partner, but there were 2 men for 1 woman to meet.

temaki rooru keeki no hi 手巻きロールケーキの日
day of roll cake, every month on the 6th.
If the cake is cut, the surface looks like the number 6. goroawase with ro(ku) 6.

.................... 07 .................................................................................

. rittoo 立冬 Ritto. beginning of winter .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気

.................... 08 .................................................................................

ii pakku no hi いいパックの日 day of good packing
goroawase with 11 8. Since 1991.

ii ha いい刃 - 刃物の日 day of knives (hamono)
goroawase 11 8.

.................... 09 .................................................................................

. Honorable tenth night ritual 十夜法要.
Prayers of the Jodo sect of Pure Land Buddhism

kureepu no hi クレープの日 day of crepe pancaces
every day with a 9 is crepe day. goroawase with ku 9 九.

hyakujuukyuuban no hi 119番の日 - 119 day of the fire brigade
Call the number 119 in case of a fire. goroawase.

ii kuuki no hi いい空気 - 換気の日 day of good ventilation
goroawase 11 9

.................... 10 .................................................................................

. Memorial Rituals for Yuima Vimalakirti 維摩会 Yuima E .
Temple Kofuku-Ji, Nara 興福寺

toire no hi" トイレの日 Toilet Day
goroawase 「いいト」イレ) to i 11 10+1

erebeeta no hi エレベーターの日 Elevator Day
since 1979. In 1890 on this day the first elevator was activated in Asakusa, Tokyo.

ii te いい手(ハンドクリーム)の日 day of hand cream
goroawase 11 10 (ten)

.................... 11 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Saint Kuya 空也上人 .

. Armistice Day, Rememberance Day .
Veterans Day, Poppy Day

. Pocky no Hi - pocky sticks day .
ポッキー&プリッツの日. Since 1999. goroawase. four sticks look like 1111.

chiizu no hi チーズの日 day of cheese
since 1992.

denchi no hi 電池の日 day of electric batteries
goroawase (十一十一) plus minus plus minus

geta no hi 下駄の日 geta day
gorowasee. the footprints of geta look like 二 二.

hashi no hi 箸の日 day of chopsticks
goroawase. four look like 1111.

kagami no hi 鏡の日 day of mirrors
since 2006.
goroawase. 「11 11」や縦書きにした「十一 十一」が左右対称であること

kiritanpo no hi きりたんぽの日 day of kiritampo food.
goroawase. four look like 1111.

kutsushita no hi 靴下の日 socks day
since 1993.
goroawaes 11 11 looks like two pairs of socks. Lovers buy each other socks on this day.

moyashi no hi もやしの日 day of soy bean sprouts.
goroawase. four threads look like 1111.

piinatsu no hi ピーナッツの日 - peanuts day
since 1985.
goroawase. out of one sheath there come two pea nuts, like twice the same number 1.
(シーズンで数字が並んでいる) (11のぞろ目の日)

sake no hi 圭 → 鮭の日 salmon day
in Niigata since 1987.
goroawase. the old letter for 圭 looks like 十一十一 10+1 10+1

sakka no hi サッカーの日 sakka (soccer) day
goroawase 11 players vs 11 players

.................... 12 .................................................................................

ii hifu いい皮膚の日 day of nice skin
goroawase . 12 hitotsu futatsu

.................... 13 .................................................................................

. urushi no hi はうるしの日 day of laquer .

.................... 14 .................................................................................

. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s Memorial Day - India .

pachinko no hi パチンコの日 day of pachinko
the permission for the first store was given in 1979

.................... 15 .................................................................................

. Shichigosan, Shichi Go San 七五三祝 .
hakamagi 袴着 Wearing the hakama for the first time.

. "Night of the tenth day 十日夜 (tookanya) .
Harvest thanksgiving for the god of the fields.

ii yuigon (igon) no hi いい遺言の日 day of a good testament
goroawase. 「い(1)い(1) い(1)ごん(5)」

kamaboko no hi かまぼこの日 day of the Kamaboko food
since 1983.
goroawase. This food had first been mentioned is literature in the year 1115 (永久3)年.

kimono no hi きものの日 day of the Kimono
(relates to people dressing nicely for shichi go san.

konbu no hi こんぶの日 day of Kombu seaweed
since 1982.
Eaten for shishi go san as auspicious food (yorokonbu - to be happy)

nama konkuriito no hi 生コンクリート記念日 day of wet concrete
since 1949. The first day when this material was sold in Japan.

okashi no hi お菓子の日 day of sweets
every month on the 15th. The first exhibition of sweets and cakes was in the past on April 15.

.................... 16 .................................................................................

. Leonid Meteor Shower .

. Opening the tea jar (kuchikiri 口切の茶事 ) .

ii iro no hi いいいろの日 day of nice color
since 1991, first created in Aichi, also for painting colors.

ii iro いいいろ塗装の日 day of nice (color) painting
since 1998.
goroawase いい色 ii iro ichi roku 16.

jinensho no hi 自然薯の日 day of Dioscorea japonica vegetable
goroawase, 6を「も」の字に見立て、「11(いい)16(いも)」- nice potatoe

rokuon bunka no hi 録音文化の日 day of recording culture
created by the Media Association

yoochien kinenbi 幼稚園記念日 day of kindergarden
In 1875, the first indergarden was introduced in Ochanomizu, Tokyo.
In 1876 on November 16, another one opened next to the School for Ladies 東京女子師範学校.

.................... 17 .................................................................................

. shoogi no hi 将棋の日 day of shogi Japanese chess.

dorafuto kinenbi ドラフト記念日 draft memorial day
In 1965, the first draft for professional baseball was started.

haigan bokumetsu dii 肺がん撲滅デー day of eradicating lung cancer
introduced in 2000 in America

renkon no hi 蓮根の日 day of the lotus root
created in 1994 by the lotus farmers of Ibaragi.
This was the first day of their "lotus summit" (renkon samitto 「蓮根サミット」.
. renkon 蓮根 lotus root .

Shimabara boosai no hi 島原防災の日
day of protection from natural disaster in Shimabara
Introduced in 1990 in Nagasaki, Shimabara town.
This was the day when the volcano Unzen Fugendake 雲仙普賢岳 erupted after 200 years of silence.

International Men's Day (IMD)

.................... 18 .................................................................................

doboku no hi 土木の日 day of civil engineering
since 1987.
goroawase. 「土木」を分解すると「十一」「十八」

kasupikai yoogurto no hi カスピ海ヨーグルトの日
day of Caspian Sea yoghurt
This yoghurt has been introduced in Japan by 家森幸男 of kyoto University.
On this day in the year 2006 more than 1000000 people had bought this yoghurt.

. kinkatsu 菌活 active bacteria .

mikki mausu no tanjoobi ミッキーマウスの誕生日
birthday of Mickey Mouse (in the year 1928 in New York)

mori to furusato no hi もりとふるさとの日
day of the forest and homeland
created in 1994 by 国土保全奨励制度全国研究協議会.

. yukimi daifuku no hi 雪見だいふくの日 day of yukimi daifuku sweet buns .
goroawase. 11 for ii (tasts good), 18 : when you open the package, there are two sweets and a pink stick, looking like 18.

.................... 19 .................................................................................

midori no obasan no hi 緑のおばさんの日
day of the green old lady
created in 1959. She helps to protect school children on their daiyl way.

shuukuriimu no hi シュークリームの日 day of chou cream puff
- - - シューク - juu ku ジューク 10 9 goroawase

sekai toire no hi 世界トイレの日 World Toilet Day
since 2001. created by WTO

.................... 20 .................................................................................

. Universal Children's Day - UN .
International Children's Day

. Ebisu-koo 恵比寿講、夷講 Ebisu-Ko, Ebisu Festival .
(originally on October 20) 夷子祭 Ebisu matsuri

bojuree nuuboo ボジョレー・ヌーボー解禁日 First day of Beaujolais nouveau wine
(or the third Thursday in November)
It used to be November 11.

hoteru no hi ホテルの日 day of the hotel
In 1890 the Teikoku Hotel帝国ホテル opened in Tokyo.

ii fuaa no hi いいファーの日 day of good fur
goroawase. いい(11) - 20(ファー)

pizza no hi ピザの日 day of pizza
created in 1995.
This is the birthday of queen Margerita of Italy. She had a pizza made in the colors of the Italian flag, white mozarella cheeze, green basil leaves and red tomatoes.

Yamanashi kenmin no hi 山梨県民の日
Day of the People of Yamanashi Prefecture
This prefecture was created in 1871 - 1871(明治4)年11月20日(旧暦).
In the modern calendar it should be December 31, but the people still celebrate it on the old lunar calendar day.

.................... 21 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Ishida Hakyo 石田波郷 .
Hakyoo Ki 波郷忌, Nintoo Ki 忍冬忌, Fuukaku Ki 風鶴忌, Shakumyoo Ki 惜命忌

furaido chikin no hi フライドチキンの日 day of fried chicken
Cornel Sanders カーネル・サンダース
The first shop opened in Japan in 1970 on this day.

intanetto kinenbi インターネット記念日 day of the internet
since 1969

machikon no hi 街コンの日 group dating day in the street
created by All-Japan Machikon Association. Their first summit was held on this day

sekai haroo dii 世界ハロー・デー World Hello Day

.................... 22 .................................................................................

. shoosetsu 小雪 Shosetsu "small snow" .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気

. ii fuufu いい夫婦 day of good couples .
goroawase 11 22

botan no hi ボタンの日 day of the button
created in 1870 the uniforms for the marines became stylized and various rows of (decorative) buttons sowed to it.

daiku san no hi 大工さんの日 day of the carpenter
created in 1999.
This is the memorial day of prince Shotoku Taishi 聖徳太子, the deity of the carpenters.
goroawase. 「11二二」- 11はニ本の柱をあらわし、ニは土台と梁あるいは桁を表して軸組合の構造体となり 11 are two pillars, ニ are the frames for a building

Nagano ken ringo no hi 長野県りんごの日 Apple Day in Nagano
created in 1999 by the apple farmers. The main apple type is FUJI ふじ.
goroawase. ii fuji 「いい(11)ふじ(22)」
goroawase. 「いい(11) ふうふ(22)」(いい夫婦) good couple (the "good couple" is Adam and Eve in paradise - and the apple story . ..

Wakayama ken furusato tanjoobi 和歌山県ふるさと誕生日
birthday of Wakayama prefecture
Founded on this day in 1871. The day was created in 1989.

.................... 23 .................................................................................

. Labour Thanksgiving Day 勤労感謝の日 .
kinroo kansha no hi
- niiname no matsuri 新嘗祭 official Harvest Festival

. Harvest Thanksgiving at Izumo Shrine 出雲大社新嘗祭

. Memorial Day for Higuchi Ichiyo 樋口 一葉 .

. World Mother-in-Law's Day. Mother in Law .

chinmi no hi 珍味の日 day of delicacies
On this day at the imperial court and Ise Shrine specialities from the mountains and the sea are offered.
goroawase. ii tsu mami 「い(1)い(1)つ(2)まみ(3)」
. chinmi 珍味 delicacies .

gaishoku no hi 外食の日 day of dining out
created in 1984.

haatokea no hi ハートケアの日 day of taking care of the heart
Together with the Labor Thanksgiving day.
created in the hope to prevent heart diseases

ii famirii no hi いい家族(ファミリー)の日 day of a good family
goroawase. 「いい(11) ファ(2) ミ(3) リー」

ii fumi no hi いい文の日 day of a good letter
started by the post office. Every day on the 23 (fu mi) is "letter day".
goroawase. 「い(1)い(1)ふ(2)み(3)」

ii fusai no hi いい夫妻の日 day of a good couple
goroawase. 「い(1)い(1)ふ(2)さい(3)」

ii niisan no hi いい兄さんの日 day of the elder brother
goroawase. 11 23 「い(1)い(1)にい(2)さん(3)」

jeiriigu no hi Jリーグの日 day of the JLeague
created in 1993.

tebukuro no hi 手袋の日 day of gloves
created in 1981. Together with the Labor Thanksgiving day. From now on, people will need gloves to work outside.

.................... 24 .................................................................................

. katsuobushi no hi 鰹節の日 day of dried bonito pieces .

opera no hi オペラの日 day of the opera
since 1894. On this day the first opera has been performed in Japan at the Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku 東京芸術大学. It was a scene of FAUST by Charles Franois Gounod. Members of the Austrian embassy in Tokyo helped with the stage. The conductor was the German フランツ・エッケルト Franz Eckert.

.................... 25 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Mishima Yukio 三島 由紀夫 .

haibijon no hi ハイビジョンの日 day of high vision
from 19 to 25 is High Vision Week. Since 1987, NHK uses 1125 scanning lines.

kanagata no hi 金型の日 day of metal molds
since 1957. The Japan Die and Mold Industry Association 日本金型工業会 fas founded on this day.

o-eru no hi OLの日 day of the OL (office lady)
since 1963, the word "office lady" was used. In 1994, the OLネットワークシステム (OL network system) was founded.

.................... 26 .................................................................................

ii chiimu no hi いいチームの日 day of a good team
created by サイボウズ株式会社 Cybozu, Inc. a Tokyo-based software company

. ii furo no hi いい風呂の日 day of a good bath .
created by 日本浴用剤工業会 Japan Bath Additive Industry Association.
goroawase - ii fu ro 「いい(11)ふろ(26)」

. pen no hi ペンの日 day of the writing pen .

.................... 27 .................................................................................

ii funa no hi いい鮒の日 day of a delicious crucian carp
goroawase. i i fu na 「い(1)い(1) ふ(2)な(7)」

koosei hogo kinenbi 更生保護記念日
day of social readjustment and offenders rehabilitation
since 1952. created by the 東京・日比谷で更生保護大会

nooberu shoo ノーベル賞制定の日
day of the establishment of the Nobel Prize
since 1901.

.................... 28 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 .
Bashoo ki 芭蕉忌, Okina no hi 翁の日, Shigure ki 時雨忌, Toosei ki 桃青忌
The 12th day of the 10th lunar month of 1694.

taiheiyoo kinenbi 太平洋記念日 Day of the Pacific Ocean
The name "Pacific Ocean" was created by Ferdinand Magellan in 1520. On this day he reached the Pacific Ocean after passing the Magellan Straits.

seikan kinenbi 税関記念日 day of customs
created by the Customs Office 財務省 in 1952.

.................... 29 .................................................................................

ii fuku no hi いい服の日 day of good cloths
goroawase. 「いい(11)ふく(29)」fu ku

ii niku no hi いい肉の日 day of good meat
goroawase. 「いい(11)にく(29)」ni ku

.................... 30 .................................................................................

. Bonifacio Day - Philippines .

. Independence Day - Yemen .

. honmirin no hi 本みりんの日 day of hon mirin .

kagami no hi 鏡の日 day of the mirror
goroawase. 「いい(11) ミラー(30)」

kamera no hi カメラの日 day of the camera
since 1977.
On this day the camera maker KONIKO 小西六写真工業 began to sell the first auto-focus camera.

Mukai Junkichi (1901-1995) Birthday
Sugiura Hinako (1958–2005) Birthday

.................... end of November

. American Thanksgiving .
fourth Thursday of November

. Advent 待降節 .
Advent begins with the Sunday after the 26th of November.


. Market on the Day of the Rooster 酉の市 .

. November - a month without Gods (kami no rusu 神無月) .

. WKD : November - a Haiku Month .


. WKD : World Days in November .

. Ceremonies, festivals, rituals - November .

. Memorial Days of Famous People - November .


For the worldwide approach to kigo,
we must differentiate between the "Haiku Season" and the natural phenomenon and human activites occuring at a certain season at a certain place.

To complicate our endeavor, we also have to deal with the Asian Lunar Calendar and the 24 seasons (periods), which were applied in Japan before the introduction of the Western Calendar, when kigo were already used in Japanese poetry.

Study the details here, please:

. The Japanese Haiku Calendar.

. Seasons beginning .

. Seasons ending .


. WKD : the complete SAIJIKI list .


. goroawase 語呂合わせ wordplay with numbers .

. Japanese Calendar Days .

- Join the friends on facebook
for the whole year ! -

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Itsukushima Shrine Miyajima

Sanki Daigongen 三鬼大権現 . see below

Itsukushima Shrine (Itsukushima Jinja)

***** Location: Miyajima, Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Observance


CLICK for more photos


A Shinto shrine on the island of Itsukushima (popularly known as Miyajima 宮島) in the city of Hatsukaichi in Hiroshima Prefecture in Japan.
The shrine complex is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The shrine is dedicated to the three daughters of Susano-o no Mikoto, Shinto deity of seas and storms and brother of the great sun deity, Amaterasu (tutelary deity of the Imperial Household). Because the island itself has been considered sacred, in order to maintain its purity commoners were not allowed to set foot on Miyajima through much of its history. In order to allow pilgrims to approach, the shrine was built like a pier over the water, so that it appeared to float, separate from the land, and therefore existed in a liminal state between the sacred and the profane.

The shrine's signature red entrance gate, or torii, was built over the water for much the same reason. Commoners had to steer their boats through the torii before approaching the shrine.

The first shrine buildings were probably erected in the 6th century, and the shrine has been destroyed many times, often by typhoons.
In 1168, Taira no Kiyomori 平清盛 had it rebuild.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

I visited many times, is is truely an amazing place.
The reflections of the shrine in the water on a bright evening or moonlit night are superb.

There are many shrines of this name in other parts of Japan.

source : facebook - Japan Dream


. The White Shrine Horse at Miyajima 宮島白馬   


kigo for the New Year

Itsukushima jinja no toshikoshi sai 厳島神社の年越祭
Crossing into the new year at Itsukushima shrine

January 6
One of the three great ceremonies at the shrine.

People involved in farming come to the shine to pray for a good harvest.
Ritual dance performance and later a feast and talks about farmwork and crop prices held.


Itsukushima no on yumi hajime
厳島の御弓始 (いつくしまのおんゆみはじめ)
first shooting with bow and arrow at Itsukushima

kisha 鬼射(きしゃ)"hitting the demon"

onyumi shinji 御弓神事(おんゆみしんじ)
honorable ceremony of the bow

On January 20

The target with the character 鬼, called the "demon target" 鬼的 and shot at with bow and arrow to prevent evil for the coming year.

Now held at the shrine Oomoto Jinja at Miyajima
宮島の大元神社 Omoto shrine ceremony
Oomotesai 大元祭.


Itsukushima Shrine New Year Ceremonies
Jan 1
御神衣献上式 Go Shin-i Kenjo-shiki Ceremony (offering new clothes to deities)
歳旦祭 Saitan-sai Festival Ceremony starts at noon. Bugaku traditional dance performance starts at 5:30am.
Jan 2
二日祭り Futsukasai Ceremony 09:00 Bugaku performance 13:00
Jan 3
元始祭 Genshisai Ceremony 09:00 Bugaku performance 13:00
Jan 5
地久祭 (Chikyuusai) Chikyusai Ceremony and Bugaku performance 05:30 Includes Batoh (Sunrise Dance) only performed once a year on this day.

source :

source : fb
cap for bugaku dance


kigo for late summer

Itsukushima matsuri 厳島祭 (いつくしままつり)
Itsukushima festival
Itsukushima kangensai 厳島管絃祭(いつくしまかんげんさい)
17th day of the sixth lunar month.
Now on the 17th day of July.

The main festival of the shrine.

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Special gozabune ships are made for the procession toward the gate in the water.

Bugaku dance performance and gagaku tradtional music are part of the festival.


kigo for early autumn

Itsukushima Ennen sai
Ennen Festival at Itsukushima

Ennen "life prolonging" dance performances are held at many shrines in Japan.

tamatori matsuri 玉取祭 (たまとりまつり)
"festival of grabbing the bead"

On the 14th day of the seventh lunar month, now in mid-August on a Sunday of high tide.
On a boat in front of the main hall is a boat with a large rosary and young men of the island try to grab a bead of about 20 cm diameter for good luck.

clay bell replica of the TAMA bead


kigo for early winter

Itsukushima chinza sai
厳島鎮座祭 (いつくしまちんざさい)
Shrine dedication festival
oshimeshi, o shime shi 御燈消(おしめし)"turning off the lights"

yamaguchi toji no matsuri 山口閉の祭(やまぐちとじのまつり)
"closing down mountain roads" festival
After the shrine is closed down for the winter, it will be re-opened the next year for "openening the mountain road" 山口開. Loggers are not allowed to go to the forest and cut down trees during the closed time.

On the ten days from the first day of the wild boar in the tenth lunar month to the day of the monkey in the eleventh lunar month.
Nowadays on the first day of the monkey in November.

During these 10 days it is not allowed to make a loud noise on the island.
Things that produce lound and high noises are covered with blankets to keep them quiet. The lids of rice cookers had to be closed especially carefully.
On the last day, the day of the monkey, all lanterns and lights on the island are turned off and rituals are carried out in the dark.


Miyajima in the snow

夏の月 Summer Moon at Miyajima
- reference : Tsuchiya Koitsu  土屋光逸 (1870-1949) -


Sato Masato writes:
Due to belief in the "Three Female Kami" (sanjoshin) of Munakata at Itsukushima Jinja, the Itsukushima kami was worshipped as a protector of fishermen and boats.
Itsukushima is also known as a "military kami" (gunshin), as seen in this passage from the Ryōjin hishō:
"To the west of the [Ōsaka] checkpoint (seki) is the kami of the battlefield, Ichibon Chūsan (Kibitsu Shrine) and Itsukushima in Aki ..."
After becoming governor of Aki (Aki no kami 安芸守) in 1146, Taira no Kiyomori (1118~1181) often visited the shrine. Upon Kiyomori's recommendation, Goshirakawa-in and Kenshunmon-in visited the shrine in the third month of 1174, and Takakura Jōkō visited twice.

At the end of the Heian Period Itsukushima was worshipped by the entire Heike clan, and in 1168 the shrine's shaden structure was restored and expanded. This connection to the Heike clan may have originated in the trade and shipping in the Inland Sea that had flourished since the days of Taira no Tadamori (Kiyomori's father).

Due to Heike devotion, the Heike Nōkyō scrolls 平家納経 (a National Treasure) were originally donated to the shrine in 1164. In the medieval period Itsukushima was supported by the Ōuchi and Mōri clans, and the Shingon temple Suishōji 水精寺 became the shrine's administrative temple.

Also a legend began that Kūkai founded (kaisan) the temple Misen. The "original Buddhist deity" (honji) of Itsukushima was believed to be the Eleven-faced Kannon (Ekadasamukha Avalokitesvara) or Mahâvairocana.
Among commoners, a cult of Ebisu-gami developed, and Itsukushima was also worshipped by fishermen and merchants.
source : Kokugakuin University. 2006

. Shrine Munakata Taisha 宗像大社 .


The Deer are seen as messengers of the deity of Miyajima and roam freely, sometimes as a nuisance for the tourists.

Legend knows that when Mori Motonari and Sue Harukata fought their battle in 1555, Harukata had his troops near the shrine, while Motonari landed on the other side of the island, trying to get over the mountains and through the dense wild forest to make a surprize attack.
His troups almost lost their way in the dark night, but then a deer showed them the small path.
(The deer was MAYBE the priest of the shrine, disguised as a deer, trying to help his friend and sponsor Motonari.)

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Miyajima hariko 宮島張子 papermachee dolls

CLICK for more images !

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .


Anagomeshi あなごめし Rice with eel

Station lunchbox from Miyajima
The great rice paddle shamoji in Miyajima 宮島しゃもじ

The island is also famous for its red maple leaves in autumn.

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. momiji manjuu もみじ饅頭
rice dumplings in the form of red maple leaves


Festivals calendar at Miyajima

Most rituals are accompanied by bugaku dance on the stage above the water.

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. . . . . January
Shin-i Kenjo-shiki Ceremony (offering new clothes to deities)Saitan-sai Festival

. . . . . February
Setsubun Festival
Miyajima Oyster Festival

. . . . . March
Memorial Service for Kitchen Knives
Kiyomori Shrine Festival
Miyajima Hina Doll Presentation

. . . . . April
Hiwatari . Walking Over Fire Ceremony
Satsuki Festival

. . . . . May
Memorial Service for Empress Suiko

. . . . . June
Japan's Ancient Martial Arts Performance
Kobo Daishi's Birthday Celebration
Great Benzaiten Festival of Itsukushima
(Daiganji Temple)
. Itsukushima Hime 厳島姫命
as Benten, Benzaiten 弁財天

. . . . . July
Seven Gods of Fortune Festival (Daishoin Temple)
Itsukushima Shrine Kangen Festival

. . . . . August
48,000-day Kannon Festival
Miyajima Floating Fireworks Festival
Kinseki Jizo - son Festival (Tokujuji Temple)

. . . . . September
Tanomosan (small boats filled with dolls and fruit that are set adrift from Itsukushima Shrine to sail toward the Otorii Gate.)
Mantoo-e . candle light memorial

. . . . . October
Akiyo Tomoeda Noh Performance
Sanno Shrine Festival
Tea Dedication Ceremony, Omote Senke

. . . . . November
Fudo Myo-o Festival, including
Walking Over Fire Ceremony (Daiganji Temple)
Maple Festival . Momiji Matsuri

. . . . . December
Chinka-sai (Festival for prevention of fire disaster)


Matsuo Basho wrote (Nozarashi Kiko)

年暮れぬ 笠きて草鞋はきながら
. toshi kurenu kasa kite waraji hakinagara .

wearing my travelers hat
and my straw sandals
the year comes to an end

(Other sources place this haiku in 1684,
when he returned to his home village in Iga Ueno.)

source : 宮島かわら版


yuku haru ya kyoo osame ni to Itsukushima

spring is passing -
I bring copied sutras
to Itsukushima

Natsume Soseki 夏目漱石

Heike Nokyo 平家納経
The famous sutras copied by the Heike

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Related words

***** WKD : Copying sutras (shakyoo)

. Hiroshima Prefecture Festivals  

BACK : Top of this Saijiki


. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

Sankiboo 三鬼坊 Sankibo, Sanki-Bo
厳島三鬼坊 Itsukushima

Sanki Daigongen 三鬼大権現
The local people call them 三鬼さん Sanki San.
Sanki Daigongen are three fierce guardian gods of 弥山 Mount Misen.

- 追帳鬼神 Tsuicho Kishin :福徳 Good Fortune - 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai
- 時眉鬼神 Jibi Kishin:知恵 Wisdom - 虚空蔵菩薩 Kokuzo Bosatsu
- 魔羅鬼神 Mara Kijin :降伏 Surrender - 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O

- - - - - Amulet bell of Sanki-Bo

With the separation of Buddhism and Shinto during the Meiji period, they were moved to the 三鬼堂 Sankido Hall from their shrine 御山神社 Miyama Jinja.

source : amakara tosan
- 徳、智恵、降伏 -

大小の天狗 Big and small Tengu, long-nosed goblins, are their servants. Many people visit here to pray for the happiness of their family and the success of their business.
The first Prime Minister of Japan, 伊藤博文 Ito Hirobumi is said to have been an earnest devotee. He contributed a large amount to construct the climbing path.
A special hall is dedicated to this deities:
Sankodoo 三鬼堂 Sankido





Kirishima Shrine Festivals


Kirishima Shrine 霧島神宮

***** Location: Kagoshima, Japan
***** Season: see below
***** Category: Observance


Kirishima city is located on the northeastern part of Kagoshima prefecture.

The red-painted main building of Kirishima shrine, designated as an “Important Cultural Property”, is the place where music and festivals are held as offering for the gods, including the “Kagura” dance,
the Minami-Kyushu Kagura festival in summer,
the “Tenson Korin Gojinkasai” festival, a fantastic fire festival in fall, and the performance of the Kumen-daiko drums in winter.

“Kagura” is a traditional performing art featuring dance and music that dates back to ancient Japan. Music, songs and dances are performed wholeheartedly to please the gods.
source :


The mountains of Kirishima are an important site in the creation mythology of Japan. It was in this area that the god Ninigi no Mikoto, grandson of the sun goddess Amaterasu, is said to have descended from heaven to rule over the earth.

Ninigi no Mikoto landed on nearby Mt. Takachiho-no-mine 高千穂峰 bringing with him the three imperial regalia: the sword, the mirror and the gem; symbols of the imperial family. He eventually married a local princess, becoming mortal in the process, and established the lineage of Japanese Emperors.

Devoted to Ninigi no Mikoto, Kirishima Shrine was built during the Muromachi Period on a different site from where it stands today. Since then it has been destroyed numerous times by volcanic eruptions, but always rebuilt. The current shrine was constructed in 1715 where it survives to this day. Its large, beautiful buildings are surrounded by forest and have been declared important cultural property.
source :

. Ninigi ニニギ and Sakuyahime 花咲屋姫命 .

. Jinmu Tenno 神武天皇 .


kigo for mid-autumn

hoze matsuri 豊穣祭 (ほぜまつり) Hoze festival
hoojoo e 豊穣会(ほうじょうえ)
(it is early winter in modern times)

Harvest thanksgiving festival (niiname sai 嘗祭) at Kirishima shrine.
November 23

The newly harvested products are offered in gratitude to the deities.
With a children's mikoshi portable shrines parade and children's brass band performance.

There is a sumo wrestling ritual and archery. Nowadays even gateball for the elderly.
Other local dances and arts are also performed.


Homepage of the Shrine

Festivals of the shrine

The monthly festival Tsukinamisai 月次祭 is on the 19th.
February 25 - Otaue rice planting festival 田植祭
April 29 - Showa Festival 昭和祭

and many more

source : gosaigi

source :


kumen omamori 九面お守り nine mask amulets

for many purposes
If you get all nine together, your wish will be fulfilled.
They represent the nine original kagura dance masks in the treasure house of the shrine.
They are amulets for good business, preventing evil and disaster and help progress in the arts.

赤の面 道開き・交通安全・旅行安全
青の面 心身健全・学業成就・歌謡上達
緑の面 病気平癒・家内安全・芸術優秀
白の面 厄除け・心願成就・出世開運・長寿等

source : greatest29/diary


Ninigi no Mikoto 瓊瓊杵尊/邇邇芸命

[Ame ni kishi kuni ni kishi amatsu hiko hiko ho no ninigi no mikoto] (Kojiki)

Other names: Amatsu hiko hiko ho no ninigi no mikoto, Amatsu hiko ho no ninigi no mikoto, Hiko ho no ninigi no mikoto(Kojiki), Amatsu hiko kuni teru hiko hono ninigi no mikoto, Amatsu hikone ho no ninigi no mikoto, Ame kuni nigishi hiko ho no ninigi no mikoto, Ame no ki hohokise no mikoto(Nihongi)

The kami who, as grandchild of Amaterasu ōmikami, descended from the Plain of High Heaven (Takamanohara) to the peak of Takachiho in Hyūga of Tsukushi (present-day Kyushu) to rule over the "Central Land of Reed Plains" (Ashihara no Nakatsukuni).
Offspring of Amenooshihomimi and Takagi no kami's daughter Yorozuhatahime.

The three generations of kami beginning with Ninigi are sometimes called the "three generations of Hyūga," and represent the transitional period between the heavenly kami and the first emperor Jinmu. Ninigi's name is often associated with numerous honorific descriptives, including
Amatsuhikohikohono (heaven-man, sun-child, rice ears),
Amatsuhiko Kuniteruhiko-hono (heaven-man land-illuminate-man, rice-ears). Amatsumioyahiko-hono (heaven-parent man rice-ears), and
Amekuninigishihiko-hono (heaven-land vigorous-man rice-ears)

While the precise meaning of many of these names is debated, they all denote a male kami of the "heavenly kami" lineage, related in some way to rice production.

According to Kojiki and Nihongi, Ninigi's father Oshihomimi was first commanded to descend and rule the Central Land of Reed Plains, but Ninigi was born while the Central Land was being pacified in preparation for Oshihomimi's descent. The main text of Nihongi states that Ninigi's grandfather Takamimusuhi raised him with particular affection. Furnished by Amaterasu and Takamimusuhi with five retainer kami, as well as with the symbolic sword, mirror and jewel, Ninigi descended in place of his father Oshihomimi.

He married the daughter of the "earthly kami" (kunitsukami) named Ōyamatsumi, and later fathered the first emperor Jinmu as well as the ancestors of the Owari and Hayato clans. According to the main text of Nihongi, Ninigi was buried in the mausoleum of Hyūga-no-e in Tsukushi (Kyushu).

According to Kojiki, the five kami who accompanied Ninigi at the time of his descent included
Amenokoyane and Futodama (both of whom performed divination at the time of Amaterasu's hiding away in the rock cave of heaven);
Amenouzume (who underwent possession and lured Amaterasu from the cave);
Ishikoridome (ancestral kami of the mirror-making clans); and
Tamanooya no mikoto (ancestral kami of the jewel-making clans).

The same kami names are listed as retainers in an "alternate writing" recorded by Nihongi. Other kami accompanying Ninigi included Omoikane, Tajikarao, and Amenoiwatowake, while Amenooshihi and Amatsukume no mikoto (ancestor of the Kume no Atai clan) went before Ninigi carrying bows, arrows, swords, and other weapons. Sendai kuji hongi claims that thirty-two kami accompanied Ninigi.
source : Yumiyama Tatsuya, Kokugakuin 2005

. Introducing Japanese Deities .

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

. Kagura Dance 神楽 .

. Kagoshima Jingu 鹿児島神宮 Kagoshima Shrine .
Hayato-cho Uchi, Kirishima. 隼人町, 霧島市


Related words


***** . Kirishima tsutsuji 霧島躑躅 Kirishima azalea .
Miyama-Kirishima azalea

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 

BACK : Top of this Saijiki





Settling of the soul ritual
(chinkonsai 鎮魂祭)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Early Winter
***** Category: Observance


tama shizume matsuri 鎮魂祭 (たましずめまつり)
festival of the pacification of the souls
ritual to console the spirit of the dead
..... chinkonsai, chinkon sai 鎮魂祭(ちんこんさい)

Performed on the day of the tiger in the eleventh lunar month.
Nowadays one day before the harvest ceremonies (niinamesai).

CLICK for more photos

Namiki Kazuko writes:

"Settling of the soul ritual."
A ritual of the ancient and medieval eras. Also called "mitama furi," "mitama shizume," "ō-mitama furi," "tama shizume no matsuri." According to the Explanations of the Prescriptions (Ryō no gige), the rite is intended to "call back" and "pacify" a soul that is trying to depart from someone’s body.

The state ceremony (in other words the ceremony as codified under the Ritsuryō state) was used to strengthen the spirit-soul of the emperor before he performed the major rituals of Daijō sai and Niiname sai and was to take place on the "day of the lion" (tora) prior to those rites.

First referred to in the "eleventh month, 685" entry of the Chronicles of Japan (Nihon shoki).

Usually the rite was performed within the Imperial Household Ministry (Kunaishō) where a "landing place" (kamiza) for the deity was constructed. The ministers and lesser officials attended bearing the emperor’s clothes, while shrine virgins (mikannagi) and kagura-dancers (sarume) from the Department of Divinities (Jingikan) conducted the ceremony.

This ceremony uses a special type of large vessel known as ukifunetsuki 有卦船, which some say reflects the Ame-no-iwato legend, although contrary theories exist as to its significance. After the end of the Heian period, the buildings for the Department of the Imperial Household no longer existed and the ceremony was held where they once stood. The ritual was abolished in the fifteenth century and then revived in pre-modern times, though it no longer followed its original formula. It has taken place on palace grounds since the Meiji era.
In the ancient and medieval eras, settling of the soul ceremonies were also performed for the junior empresses and crown prince.
source : Kokugakuin University. January 2007


chinkon kishin 鎮魂帰神

Tsushiro Hirofumi writes

The terms chinkon and kishin are found in the classics but use of the four-character phrase became common only after a Shintō-derived new religion, Ōmoto, began to use it. Here, chinkon refers to the procedures for healing and directing spirits; by extension, it also refers to joining a deity's spirit [with a human subject].

Kishin means possession by the spirit of a kami. One type of kishin is abrupt and spontaneous while another is humanly induced through the process of chinkon. Various kinds of possessions are distinguished and finely graded, with spiritual unity between an individual and Ame no minakanushi considered the supreme form of kishin.

source : Kokugakuin University. January 2007

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


Nishimura Kazuko
haiku collection
tama shizume

Related words


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Shiritsumi festival Yoritomo


Hip hitting festival (shiritsumi matsuri)

***** Location: Shizuoka, Japan
***** Season: Early winter
***** Category: Observance


shiritsumi matsuri, shiri tsumi matsuri
尻摘祭 (しりつみまつり)
rump-bumping festival, hitting the buttocks festival
rear-end sumo

November 10

One of the special festivals (kisai) of Japan.

Shiritsumi Matsuri is a festival in the evening, which is performed in the dark hall of Otonashi Shrine. The festival features Shiri-sumo, which is fought by two people on a wooden basin hitting each other by their hips in accordance with the festive music to push the opponent out. Thus, it is one of the strangest festivals in the country.
Whoever wants to play Shiri-sumo may participate the fight on the spot.
source : turismo/shizuoka

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Otonashi Jinja 音無神社 Otonashi shrine

otonashi literally means "without a sound"

In the dark shadows below the huge camphor tree (kusu no ki) there are no lanterns during the festival and people are not allowed to talk or laugh. In this darkness, the priests perform purification rituals, hand the ritual sake around and then the "hip sumo" begins.

The ritual is in memory of Minamoto no Yoritomo 源頼朝, who was in exile on the peninsula and fell in love with the daughter of Ito Suketaka 伊東祐堯. The lovers met secretly in the dark below the tree, not talking to each other.


source : Ryu san no BLOG

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Minamoto no Yoritomo 源 頼朝
(May 9, 1147 – February 9, 1199)
was the founder and the first shogun of the Kamakura Shogunate of Japan. He ruled from 1192 until 1199.

Yoritomo was the third son of Minamoto no Yoshitomo, heir of the Minamoto (Seiwa Genji) clan, and his official wife, a daughter of Fujiwara no Suenori, who was a member of the illustrious Fujiwara clan. Yoritomo was born in Atsuta, Owari Province (present-day Atsuta-ku, Nagoya). At that time Yoritomo's grandfather Minamoto no Tameyoshi, was the head of the Minamoto.

In 1156, factional divisions in the court erupted into open warfare within the capital itself. The cloistered Emperor Toba and his son Emperor Go-Shirakawa sided with the son of Fujiwara regent Fujiwara no Tadazane, Fujiwara no Tadamichi as well as Taira no Kiyomori (a member of the Taira clan), while Cloistered Emperor Sutoku sided with Tadazane's younger son, Fujiwara no Yorinaga. This was known as the Hōgen Rebellion, or the 'Hogen Disturbance'.

His rival was Taira no Kiyomori.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

His wife was Hojo Masako
. Hōjō Masako 北条 政子 .
(1156 – 1225)

. 大島山瑠璃寺 Ojimasan Ruri-Ji Nagano .
a Legend about Yoritomo


. Star Shrines, Hoshi Jinja 星神社


From Yamato I passed through Yamashiro, taking the Omi Road into Mino. Beyond Imasu and Yamanaka lay the grave of Lady Tokiwa. Moritake of Ise once wrote,
“autumn’s wind resembling Lord Yoshitomo,”
and I had wondered what the similarity was. Now I too wrote

Yoshitomo no kokoro ni nitari aki no kaze

Yoshitomo’s heart
it does resemble:
autumn wind

Tr. and comment : Barnhill

Matsuo Basho,
walking along the

. 中山道 Nakasendo Road .

Nozarashi Kiko 野ざらし紀行
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

Tokiwa Gozen 常磐御前 Lady Tokiwa
wife of Minamoto no Yoshitomo. (1123 - ?1180)
Mother of Minamoto no Yoshitsune.
She was later captured by Taira no Kiyomori, and became his concubine in exchange for assurances of the safety of her family. Later she married Fujiwara no Naganari.
Her family and protecting her children was the most important thing in her life.

. Nakayama ningyoo 中山人形 Dolls from Nakayama .

Minamoto no Yoshitomo (源義朝) (1123 – 11 February 1160)
was the head of the Minamoto clan and a general of the late Heian period of Japanese history. His son Minamoto no Yoritomo became shogun and founded the Kamakura Shogunate, the first shogunate in the history of Japan.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Minamoto no Yoshitsune 源の義経 (1159 - 1189) .
- Introduction -

Related words

***** . Kisai 奇祭 special festivals

***** . Sutoku Tenno, Sotoku, Sudo 崇徳天皇 (1119 - 1142) .

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Kofukuji Nara


Temple Kofuku-Ji

***** Location: Nara
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Observance


Kōfuku-ji (興福寺, Kōfuku-ji)
is a Buddhist temple in the city of Nara, Nara Prefecture, Japan. The temple is the national headquarters of the Hosso(“Dharma characteristics”) sect and is one of the eight Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The Hosso sect is also known as the yuishiki(“mind only”) sect. The teaching was first brought to China from India by the T'ang Dynasty monk Genjo, whose travels are well known from his journal entitled “Travels to the West". Genjo transmitted the Hosso teachings, as found in the Yuishiki-ron (“Treatise on Mind Only”), to his disciple Jion Daishi,who is considered the founder of the Hosso school in China. These doctrines were introduced to Kofukuji by the monk Genbo (d. 746), who studied in China from 716-735.

Kōfuku-ji has its origin as a temple that was established in 669 by Kagami-no-Ōkimi (鏡大君), the wife of Fujiwara no Kamatari, wishing for her husbands’s recovery from illness. Its original site was in Yamashina, Yamashiro Province (present-day Kyoto). In 672, the temple was moved to Fujiwara-kyō, the first artificially planned capital in Japan, then again in 710, moved to its current place, on the east side of the newly constructed capital, Heijō-kyō, today's Nara.

Kōfuku-ji was the Fujiwara's tutelary temple, and enjoyed as much prosperty, and as long as the family did. The temple was not only an important center for the Buddhist religion, but also retained influence over the imperial government, and even by "aggressive means" in some cases. When many of the Nanto Shichi Daiji such as Tōdai-ji -declined after the move of capital to Heian-kyō (Kyoto), Kōfuku-ji kept its significance because of its connection to the Fujiwara. The temple was damaged and destroyed by civil wars and fires many times, and was rebuilt as many times as well, although finally some of the important buildings, such as two of the three golden halls, the nandaimon, chūmon and the corridor were never reconstructed and are missing today.

Tōkon-dō (East Golden Hall) (東金堂), 1425
Five-storied pagoda (五重塔, gojū-no-tō), 1426
Three-storied pagoda (三重塔, sanjū-no-tō), 1185-1274
Hoku'en-dō (North Octagonal Hall) (北円堂),1210
Nan'en-dō (South Octagonal Hall) (南円堂), 1741
Ōyūya (Bath House) (大湯屋) 1394-1427

source : Wikipedia

Kofuku-Ji, Architecture and Buddhist Sculptures
- Mark Schumacher -

The most famous statue of an Ashura is at the temple Kofuku-jiin Nara.
. Ashura, Asura (あしゅら) 阿修羅 .


kigo for late spring

Koofukuji Monju e 興福寺文殊会 (こうふくじもんじゅえ)
ceremony for Monju Bosatsu at temple Kofuku-Ji

April 25

Children in old costumes parade around the compound.
People attend with the wish for better learning and a good career for their children.

CLICK for more photos !

Monju represents wisdom, intelligence, learning and willpower.
. Monju Bosatsu 文殊菩薩 Manjushri .


kigo for early winter

Koofukuji hokke e 興福寺法華会 (こうふくじほっけえ)
ceremony of the Lotus Sutra at temple Kofuku-Ji

On the 6th day of the 10th lunar month (now in November)
At the South Octagonal Hall, reading the Lotus Sutra.
In memoriam of Fujiwara Uchimaro 藤原内麻呂
(756 - October 6, 812 (lunar calendar, now November 13).
He was the father of Fujiwara Fuyutsugu 藤原冬嗣 (775 - 826).

Hokkekyoo, Hokekyoo 法華経; Saddharma-pundariika-suutra

The Lotus Sutra, Hokke-kyoo 法華経、describes various deities as Bosatsu concerned with light offerings.

Niman Toomyoobutsu二萬燈明仏
Sanman Toomyoobutsu三萬燈明仏
Nichi-gatsu Toomyoobutsu日月燈明仏, the Sun and Moon Light Offering Buddhas
Myookoo Bosatsu妙光菩薩

. Light Offering Bosatsu .


Yuima E 維摩会 (ゆいまえ) ceremony for Yuima
Koofukuji Yuima e 興福寺維摩会(こうふくじゆいまえ)

..... Joomyoo e 浄名会(じょうみょうえ)
(Jomyo is another name fro Yuima, Vimalakirti.)

From the10th to the 16th day of the 10th lunar month (now November)
Ceremonies in honor of Yuima.

Fujiwara Kamatari 藤原鎌足 named his villa in Yamashina "Yamashina Temple 山階寺 " and there begun to teach his vasalls about Yuima.
Together with
Go Sai E, Mi Sai E 御斎会 (seven days from Januray 8) and
Saijoo E 最勝会 (seven days from March 7),
this is one of the three great ceremonies at Kofuku-Ji.

Yuima Koji, a wealthy Indian who sought solace in Buddhism, was regarded in China as a paragon of virtue. He is often regarded as the first Zen Buddhist Master. His disupte with Monju Bosatsu Manjushri has often been depicted. His popularity here stemmed from the balance he made between disengagement with worldly attachments and family responsibility, a trait highly valued in the country. Ryukei I himself tried to closely follow Koji's example.
. Sculptor Shimizu Ryukei 清水隆慶 .

Yuima Koji (Vimalakirti) 維摩居士(ゆいまこじ)
Laienbuddhist aus Vaisali, Indien.
Er war ein sehr gelehrter Mann. Als er krank lag, erschien Monju, der Bosatsu der höchsten Weisheit, und beide diskutierten mit~einander. Dabei soll Yuima durch paradoxe Aussprüche (z.B. "Schweigen wie ein Donnerschlag") das innerste Wesen des Buddhismus beschrieben und sich dem Monju überlegen erwiesen haben. Vimalakirti verkörpert eine Laienfigur. Er ist kein Priester und kein Mönch. Seine Person wird in vielen Reliefs und Gemälden als ganz normaler Mann dargestellt. Der Disput mit Monju ist im Sutra Yuimakyoo festgehalten.

Abbildungen dieser Szene finden sich in den Wandgemälden der Höhlentempel in Dun Huang in China und im Tempel Horyuuji, Nara.

- Buddhastatuen ... Who is Who
Ein Wegweiser zur Ikonografie
von japanischen Buddhastatuen
Gabi Greve

Vimalakirti debating Manjusri

- Reference : Vimalakirti

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Amulets from Kofuku-Ji

for a happy family

for traffic safety 交通安全

clover for good luck クローバー

Homepage of Kohfuku-Ji Temple Complex

February, on Setsubun Day: Demon Chasing Ceremony; Eastern Golden Holl.
February 15: Nirvana Ceremony (in commemoration of the death of the Buddha)
March 5 : Ceremony in Memorial of Genjo; Main office complex.
April 8 : Buddha's Birthday Ceremony; Southern Octagnal Hall.
April 17 : Life Releasing Ceremony; Hitokoto-Kannon Hall.
April 25 : Manjusri Ceremony; Eastern Golden Holl,
May 11/12 : Takigi Noh drama; Southern Main Gate.
July 7 : Benzaiten Festival; Three Storied Pagoda.
October 17 : Daihannya Ceremony; Southern Octagonal Hall.
November 13 : Ceremony in Memorial of Jion Daishi 慈恩大師; Kari-kondo.

source :

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 


akikaze ya kakoi mo nashi ni Koofukuji

autumn wind -
temple Kofuku-Ji
without a fence

Masaoka Shiki




. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 visiting shrines and temples .


Rain at Kofukuji Temple, Nara
Tsuchiya Koitsu 土屋浩一 (1870-1949)

Related words

***** . WKD : Place Names used in Haiku  

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 

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