Kirishima Shrine 霧島神宮
***** Location: Kagoshima, Japan
***** Season: see below
***** Category: Observance
Kirishima city is located on the northeastern part of Kagoshima prefecture.

The red-painted main building of Kirishima shrine, designated as an “Important Cultural Property”, is the place where music and festivals are held as offering for the gods, including the “Kagura” dance,
the Minami-Kyushu Kagura festival in summer,
the “Tenson Korin Gojinkasai” festival, a fantastic fire festival in fall, and the performance of the Kumen-daiko drums in winter.
“Kagura” is a traditional performing art featuring dance and music that dates back to ancient Japan. Music, songs and dances are performed wholeheartedly to please the gods.
source : www.jnto.go.jp

The mountains of Kirishima are an important site in the creation mythology of Japan. It was in this area that the god Ninigi no Mikoto, grandson of the sun goddess Amaterasu, is said to have descended from heaven to rule over the earth.
Ninigi no Mikoto landed on nearby Mt. Takachiho-no-mine 高千穂峰 bringing with him the three imperial regalia: the sword, the mirror and the gem; symbols of the imperial family. He eventually married a local princess, becoming mortal in the process, and established the lineage of Japanese Emperors.
Devoted to Ninigi no Mikoto, Kirishima Shrine was built during the Muromachi Period on a different site from where it stands today. Since then it has been destroyed numerous times by volcanic eruptions, but always rebuilt. The current shrine was constructed in 1715 where it survives to this day. Its large, beautiful buildings are surrounded by forest and have been declared important cultural property.
source : www.japan-guide.com
. Ninigi ニニギ and Sakuyahime 花咲屋姫命 .
. Jinmu Tenno 神武天皇 .
kigo for mid-autumn
hoze matsuri 豊穣祭 (ほぜまつり) Hoze festival
hoojoo e 豊穣会(ほうじょうえ)
(it is early winter in modern times)
Harvest thanksgiving festival (niiname sai 嘗祭) at Kirishima shrine.
November 23
The newly harvested products are offered in gratitude to the deities.
With a children's mikoshi portable shrines parade and children's brass band performance.
There is a sumo wrestling ritual and archery. Nowadays even gateball for the elderly.
Other local dances and arts are also performed.
Homepage of the Shrine
Festivals of the shrine
The monthly festival Tsukinamisai 月次祭 is on the 19th.
February 25 - Otaue rice planting festival 田植祭
April 29 - Showa Festival 昭和祭
and many more
source : www.kirishimajingu.or.jp gosaigi
source : www.kirishimajingu.or.jp

kumen omamori 九面お守り nine mask amulets
for many purposes
If you get all nine together, your wish will be fulfilled.
They represent the nine original kagura dance masks in the treasure house of the shrine.
They are amulets for good business, preventing evil and disaster and help progress in the arts.
赤の面 道開き・交通安全・旅行安全
青の面 心身健全・学業成就・歌謡上達
緑の面 病気平癒・家内安全・芸術優秀
白の面 厄除け・心願成就・出世開運・長寿等
source : greatest29/diary
Ninigi no Mikoto 瓊瓊杵尊/邇邇芸命

[Ame ni kishi kuni ni kishi amatsu hiko hiko ho no ninigi no mikoto] (Kojiki)
Other names: Amatsu hiko hiko ho no ninigi no mikoto, Amatsu hiko ho no ninigi no mikoto, Hiko ho no ninigi no mikoto(Kojiki), Amatsu hiko kuni teru hiko hono ninigi no mikoto, Amatsu hikone ho no ninigi no mikoto, Ame kuni nigishi hiko ho no ninigi no mikoto, Ame no ki hohokise no mikoto(Nihongi)
The kami who, as grandchild of Amaterasu ōmikami, descended from the Plain of High Heaven (Takamanohara) to the peak of Takachiho in Hyūga of Tsukushi (present-day Kyushu) to rule over the "Central Land of Reed Plains" (Ashihara no Nakatsukuni).
Offspring of Amenooshihomimi and Takagi no kami's daughter Yorozuhatahime.
The three generations of kami beginning with Ninigi are sometimes called the "three generations of Hyūga," and represent the transitional period between the heavenly kami and the first emperor Jinmu. Ninigi's name is often associated with numerous honorific descriptives, including
Amatsuhikohikohono (heaven-man, sun-child, rice ears),
Amatsuhiko Kuniteruhiko-hono (heaven-man land-illuminate-man, rice-ears). Amatsumioyahiko-hono (heaven-parent man rice-ears), and
Amekuninigishihiko-hono (heaven-land vigorous-man rice-ears)
While the precise meaning of many of these names is debated, they all denote a male kami of the "heavenly kami" lineage, related in some way to rice production.
According to Kojiki and Nihongi, Ninigi's father Oshihomimi was first commanded to descend and rule the Central Land of Reed Plains, but Ninigi was born while the Central Land was being pacified in preparation for Oshihomimi's descent. The main text of Nihongi states that Ninigi's grandfather Takamimusuhi raised him with particular affection. Furnished by Amaterasu and Takamimusuhi with five retainer kami, as well as with the symbolic sword, mirror and jewel, Ninigi descended in place of his father Oshihomimi.
He married the daughter of the "earthly kami" (kunitsukami) named Ōyamatsumi, and later fathered the first emperor Jinmu as well as the ancestors of the Owari and Hayato clans. According to the main text of Nihongi, Ninigi was buried in the mausoleum of Hyūga-no-e in Tsukushi (Kyushu).
According to Kojiki, the five kami who accompanied Ninigi at the time of his descent included
Amenokoyane and Futodama (both of whom performed divination at the time of Amaterasu's hiding away in the rock cave of heaven);
Amenouzume (who underwent possession and lured Amaterasu from the cave);
Ishikoridome (ancestral kami of the mirror-making clans); and
Tamanooya no mikoto (ancestral kami of the jewel-making clans).
The same kami names are listed as retainers in an "alternate writing" recorded by Nihongi. Other kami accompanying Ninigi included Omoikane, Tajikarao, and Amenoiwatowake, while Amenooshihi and Amatsukume no mikoto (ancestor of the Kume no Atai clan) went before Ninigi carrying bows, arrows, swords, and other weapons. Sendai kuji hongi claims that thirty-two kami accompanied Ninigi.
source : Yumiyama Tatsuya, Kokugakuin 2005
. Introducing Japanese Deities .
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
. Kagura Dance 神楽 .
. Kagoshima Jingu 鹿児島神宮 Kagoshima Shrine .
Hayato-cho Uchi, Kirishima. 隼人町, 霧島市
Related words
***** . Kirishima tsutsuji 霧島躑躅 Kirishima azalea .
Miyama-Kirishima azalea
. Amulets and Talismans from Japan .
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