. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Aichi Prefecture - 愛知県
Located in the Chūbu region.
The capital is Nagoya. I
Former provinces of Owari and Mikawa.
尾張国 Owari no kuni
三河国 Mikawa no kuni
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Aichi - Entries of this BLOG .
Arimatsu Float Festival
Early October
. Atsuta Shrine Festivals 熱田神宮 .
. Chiryuu matsuri 知立祭り Chiryu Festival .
Chiryuu Jinja 知立神社 Chiryu Shrine
- Chiryu Dashi Bunraku 知立山車文楽 Chiryu festival float with puppet theater
Hadaka matsuri naked festival
Konomiya, Inazawa
Kakuozan Spring Festival
April 11th – 12th
. Kazamatsuri 風まつり Wind Festival .
and Utari Jinja Ta Matsuri 菟足神社田祭り
Utari Jinja 莵足神社
Maruhachi Day
August 8th – Hisaya-Odori Park Nagoya
Nagoya Castle Cherry Blossom Festival
Nagoya Castle Summer Festival
Nagoya Festival - Oct 3rd and 4th
Nagoya Port Marine Day Festival
July 16th
Nagoya Sumo Tournament
Okazaki City – Ieyasu Parade
April 5th
. Okkawa 乙川 "Dashi" Float Festival .
Osu Summer Festival - Osu Kannon
July 31 and August 1st - Banshoji Temple
Setomono Festival, Pottery
2nd Sat and Sun of September
Tanuki bo no te 田貫棒の手祭 Stick Festival at Tanuki village
Third Sunday in October
at 西尾 Nishio
- quote -
A famous form of acrobatics mixed with martial arts, the “Bo-no-Te” (lit. “Bar Hand” or “Hand on Stick”), once called “Bojutsu”, or “The Art of the Bar”, is still performed during specific festivals around Aichi Prefecture.

Every year at the Tanuki Shrine, in Nishio-City, a festival is held with demonstrations of this unique technique, which is designated as Aichi Prefecture Intangible Folkloric Cultural Heritage.
- source : aichi-now.jp/en -
. Tenteko matsuri てんてこ祭り fertility festival .
January 3
tenteko sasa てんてこ笹 Tenteko bamboo grass
Wakaba-sai festival
Toyokawa, Ushikubo Hachimansha shrine
is nicknamed “Unagoji festival” after the local name of “maggot” because participants creep along on the streets like fly larvae.
One of the most unique folk festivals in Japan, the event is believed to trace its origin to the Sengoku period of warring states era from the late 15th to late 16th centuries. It reportedly comes from an occasion during the era in which local farmers were wined by a generous warlord so much that they could barely walk home.
During the climax of the festival on April 10, a historic dashi float crafted during the Edo Period (1603-1867) paraded along the local district to the shrine for the first time in half a century.
source : asahi.com/ajw/articles
三谷祭 in October
蒲郡市 Gamagoori town
External LINKS :
source : nagoya-info.com
- Reference -
Related words

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
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1 comment:
The Okumikawa Hana Matsuri
The Hana Matsuri, a festival brought to the Okumikawa area during the end of Kamakura and Muromachi periods by warrior monks from Kumano and priests from Kagahakusan, takes place throughout the night, accompanied by chants of “teehohe, tehohe!" This event is a type of Shimotsuki Kagura used to invoke the rejuvenation of the sun's powers around the time of the winter solstice. This ritual performance has a history spanning more than 700 years and continues to take place today in the Tenryu River region.
The festival is thought to have originally centered on yutate (the water-boiling ritual) and kiyome (purification), but it came to include elements borrowed from the Ise Kagura and Suwa Kagura as the locals expanded the festival, likely approaching its modern form about 400 years ago.
Back then, the festival was called Okagura, and it was a magnificent performance that consisted of 130 ritual dance sessions spanning 7 days and 7 nights. Due to its great scale, it required an enormous amount of money and effort, so 100 ryo of gold (about 3.75 kg in total) and 100 bales of white rice (about 6,000 kg in total) would be set aside, with more stored in Kagura-bayashi Forest in case that wasn't enough. People from several areas would get together every 7 or 20 years to hold this performance, but being such a major event, today's Hana Matsuri has been shortened, with the Okagura condensed into a one-day, one-night festival. Why the Okagura was renamed the Hana Matsuri is still a mystery, and there are ten or so different explanations regarding the origin of the name “Hana," which in Japanese is written with a character that means “flower".
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