Festivals at Temple Shitenno-Ji - 四天王寺
***** Location: Osaka
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Observance
Shitennō-ji 四天王寺 is a Buddhist temple in Osaka, Japan.
1-11-18 Shitennoji,Tennoji-ku, OsakaCity
Prince Shōtoku is said to have constructed this temple in 593. It is the first Buddhist and oldest officially administered temple in Japan, although the temple buildings have been rebuilt over the centuries. Most of the present structures are from when the temple was last completely rebuilt in 1963.
The Shitennō are the four heavenly kings. The temple Prince Shōtoku built to honor them had four institutions, each to help the Japanese attain a higher level of civilization. This Shika-in (四箇院, Four Institutions) was centered around the seven-building garan (伽藍) (the complex inside the walls), and included a Kyōden-in (Institution of Religion and Education), a Hiden-in (Welfare Institution), a Ryōbyō-in (Hospital), and a Seiyaku-in (Pharmacy) to provide essential care to the people of Japan.
The temple has been called Arahaka-ji, Nanba-ji, or Mitsu-ji.
Shitennō-ji is home to a major flea market on the 21st of each month.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Shotoku Taishi 聖徳太子 and Daruma .
quote by Time Magazine
Of 202 Buddhist sanctuaries in Osaka's Tennōji district, there is one that stands out - Shitennōji, the first Japanese temple commissioned by a royal (Prince Shōtoku Taishi) and one of the oldest Buddhist complexes in Japan. Construction began in + 593, just decades after the religion reached the country's shores. One of the carpenters for Shitennoji, Shigemitsu Kongo, traveled to Japan from the Korean kingdom of Paekche (Paekje 百済) for the project.
Over a millennium-and-a-half, Shitennoji has been toppled by typhoons and burned to the ground by lightning and civil war -- and Shigemitsu's descendants have supervised its seven reconstructions. Today, working out of offices that overlook the temple, Kongo Gumi Co. is run by 54-year-old president Masakazu Kongo, the 40th Kongo to lead the company in Japan. His business, started more than 1,410 years ago, is believed to be the oldest family-run enterprise in the world.
MORE is here
- Mark Schumacher -
kigo for mid-winter
Tennooji doosojin matsuri 天王寺道祖神祭
Dosojin Festival at temple Tenno-Ji
hagi matsuri 剥祭(はぎまつり)"left-out festival"
dorojijiri matsuri 泥くじり祭(どろくじりまつり)
On November 16 at the temple Tenno-Ji in Osaka.
Also at the temple Shinkooin 真光院(しんこういん)Shinko-In.
During the Edo period, stone Buddha statues were offered raw herring and the face smeared with white rice flour. Mikan wrapped in sasa grass leaves and straw were also offered.
In the evening the straw and grass was burned until the face of the deity was all black and people danced around the stone.
Three days before this event, children hang a rope over the way and ask for money if people want to pass. If they do not pay, they are "left out".
This festival was said to have an evil influence on the education of children and was later abolished.
Most temples in other parts of Japan celebrate this festival on January 14 or February 8.
. Dosojin 道祖神 the Wayside Gods .
kigo for all winter
. Tennoo-Ji kabu 天王寺蕪(てんのうじかぶ)
turnips from temple Tenno-Ji .
Brassica campestris
They are also called Ukikabu 浮き蕪.
They are the roots of another vegetable, the Nozawana 野沢菜.
kigo for the New Year
sometimes placed for "late winter"
Doya Doya どやどや Doyadoya Festival
January 14, from 2 to 4 pm
A ritual at the end of the Shushoo-e 修正会 - a memorial service starting January 1st and dedicated to world peace and rich harvests - the event is said to date back to as early as 827.
Two groups of young men in white and red loincloth and headbands wrangle in front of the temple to get the sacred amulet of the cow deity and some banknotes from the temple.
They are showered with water by the onlookers to cheer them further.
One of the three great festivals of Japan.
Tennooji shoojin ku 天王寺生身供 (てんのうじしょうじんく)
Birthday Ritual
shari dashi 舎利出し(しゃりだし)"showing of the sacred bones"
Ceremony from January 5 to 14. (Nowadays till January 12)
At the Hall for Shotoku Taishi the birthday of the Prince if celebrated.
On this day food of 100 flavors are offered. An auspicious script says
"Every day we will offer ritual food"
source with more photos : osaka-asoblog.jp
The sacred bones of the prince are shown in the morning.
There are six pieces of bones and six strings of his hair,
kept in the great pagoda

Tennooji Kondoo choona hajime
天王寺金堂手斧始 (てんのうじこんどうちょうなはじめ
first use of the carpenter's ax
On January 11
The main officials and shrine carpenters, clad in traditional robes, performed the first ritual cut in a tree placed at the shrine.
. choona hajime 手斧始 (ちょうなはじめ)
first use of the carpenter's ax .
Other important festivals, not kigo
April 22
聖霊会 大阪市天王寺
30日~7月2日 愛染祭り
12日 生国魂神社夏祭り Ikukunitama Jinja Summer Festival
11~12日 生国魂神社 薪能 Ikukunitama Jinja Takagi Noh
. Ikukunitama Jinja 生國魂神社 / 生国魂神社 .
nickname : Ikutama-san いくたまさん
amulet with 元三大師 Ganzan Daishi
Ganzan Daishi is celebrated on November 3.
The amulet prevents evil influence and helps to learn and pass examinations.
He is also called
tsuno daishi 角大師
Great Teacher with Horns
. 元三大師 Ganzan Daishi .
sange 散華 "scattered blossoms"
blossom-shaped amulets for good luck, with paintings by
Sugimoto Kenkichi 杉本健吉
source : Temple Homepage
. sange 散華 "scattering blossoms" amulets .
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
The Seven Wonders of Shitenno-Ji
四天王寺 七不思議
umegaeda no choozubachi 梅ケ枝の手水鉢 hand wash basin
(no photos to be found)
. Nanafushigi, nana fushigi 七不思議 "The Seven Wonders" in Japan .
Gokuraku no Higashi Mon Gate 極楽の東門
gama 蝦蟇
Hidari Jingoro 左甚五郎
neko no mon 猫の門 "Cat Gate"
. carving of a sleeping cat 木彫りの猫 .
kaeru gassen 蛙合戦
Kunara taishi setsuwa クナラ太子説話
moria no basson 守屋の末孫 The Descendants of Mononobe Moriya
reimu 霊夢
reisen 霊泉,逆浪,鳥,蛇
shiryoku no kaifuku 視力の回復
warauchiishi 藁打石
“pon pon ishi” (literally “tap tap stone.”) ぽんぽん石
the Cat Gate 猫の門
the Dragon’s Well 龍の井戸
the Onigawara (roof ridge tiles that typically depict Japanese ogre) of the five-story pagoda 五重塔の鬼瓦
Kitaganedo 北鐘堂
the Stone Coffin Cover 長持形石棺蓋
- reference source : metronine.osaka/en/article -
- - - - - Reference
- source : nichibun yokai database -
source : youkai.tou3.com - seven wonders photos
- Sange 散華 from Japan - Photos -
ginka chiru sange ichiyo hirahira to
silver flowers scatter -
one blossom leaf amulet
glittering, glittering
source : jun_uem
sange should get a page of their own !
Tenno-Ji temple in Akita
7日 天王寺の蜘蛛の舞い
about the four deities
SHITENNŌ = Four Heavenly Kings
The Shitennō are Buddhist protectors of the four directions. They ward off evil, guard the nation, and protect the world from malicious spirits, hence the Japanese term Gose Shitennō 護世四天王, literally “four world-protecting deva kings.”
Each represents a direction, season, color, virtue, and element.
- Mark Schumacher -
higan-e no Shitennoo-ji ni hebi tsukai
at the equinox ceremony
of temple Shitenno-Ji
a snake charmer
Ootsubo Keishoo 大坪景章 Otsubo Keisho
Kikaku 其角
source : HAIKUreikuDB
亀井不動 Kamei Fudo in the compound of Shitenno-Ji
source : Masayoshi - facebook
. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja – Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .
Related words
. Deities of the Four Directions .
The 12 Heavenly Generals 十二神将 :
Bishamonten 毘沙門天
Vaishravana ~ Heavenly King of the North
Jikokuten 持国天
Dhritarashtra ~ Heavenly King of the East
Zochoten (Zoochooten)増長天
Virudhaka ~ Heavenly King of the South
Komokuten (Koomokuten) 広目天
Virupaksha ~ Heavenly King of the West
. Amulets and Talismans from Japan .
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