Kureha Shrine Festivals (Kureha Jinja)
***** Location: Osaka
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Observance
Kureha Jinja 呉服神社
7-4 Muromachi, Ikeda-shi, Osaka
Sometimes mis-read as Gofuku Jinja ごふくじんじゃ.
Gofuku is the common name for kimono fabric.

Deities in residence
Kure Hatori Hime 呉服媛, Kurehatorinohime
..... Kurehatori 呉服(くれはとり)
Nintoku Tenno 仁徳天皇 Emperor Nintoku
..... Oosazaki no mikoto 大雀命(オホサザキノミコト)
..... 大鷦鷯尊(オホサザキノミコト)
the 16th Emperor of Japan, (313 - 399)
When Kureha Hime died, Emperor Nintoku was 76 years old.
He build this shrine in her honor.
It was lost in a fire during the times of Oda Nobunaga, but Toyotomi Hideyori had it bulid again.
The present hall dates from 1969.
Two Shrines in Ikeda
Ikeda Jinja (Ikota Jinja) 伊居太神社
Kureha Jinja 呉服神社
Kureha Hime
呉服姫神像は寿命寺 Statue at temple Jumyooji
Ayaha Hime
Click for more photos :
source : atamatote.blog
kigo for late autumn
Kureha sai 呉服祭(くれはまつり) Kureha festival
..... Ayaha sai 穴織祭 (あやはまつり) Ayaha festival
On the 17th and 18th day of the ninth lunar month, now October.
During the time of Emperor Ojin 応神天皇 there came two famous weaver girls from the Chinese country of Go 呉 Kure.
Kure Hatori, Kureha 呉織
Aya Hatori, Ayaha 漢織
Hatori is a special reading of hataori 機織, weaving.
They taught their skills to the local womenfolk and started a good business.
They are venerated at this shrine.
Tradition has it that in the Tumulus period about 1600 years ago during the reign of the Emperor Nintoku, two female weavers named Kureha and Ayaha traveled far away from the land of Go in China and reached here Ikeda, to introduce the technology of weaving into Japan for the first time.
At the bank along Inagawa river flowing in Ikeda, there is a stone monument inscribed the place where two ancient weavers reached to introduce weaving.
It is said that the ancient female weavers hanged the silk they dyed on a pine tree, and the pine tree was called “Kinugake”.
There remains the name of address Kureha in Ikeda now.
The bridge crossing Inagawa-rever is also Kureha-bridge.
source : Kinugake Onsen
. Oojin Tennoo 応神天皇 Ojin Tenno .
the 15th emperor
Hondawake no mikoto 譽田別命
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Emperor Nintoku (仁徳天皇, Nintoku-tennō)
was the 16th emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession.
Sumeramikoto or
Amenoshita Shiroshimesu Ōkimi (治天下大王)
Great King of Yamato (ヤマト大王/大君)
No firm dates can be assigned to this emperor's life or reign, but he is conventionally considered to have reigned from 313–399.

The achievements of Nintoku's reign which are noted in Nihon Shoki include:
constructed a thorn field bank called Namba no Horie to prevent a flood in Kawachi plains and for development. It is assumed that this was Japan's first large-scale engineering works undertaking.
established a thorn field estate under the direct control of the Imperial Court (まむたのみやけ)
constructed a Yokono bank (Ikuno-ku, Osaka-shi).
Daisen-Kofun (the biggest tomb in Japan) in Sakai, Osaka is considered to be his final resting place. The actual site of Nintoku's grave is not known.
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yome tsurete Kureha sai o shimeshi keri
I brought my daughter-in-law
to the Kureha festival
to show her
. Miyake Shozan 三宅嘯山 Miyake Shoozan .
yome is also used by men talking about their wifes. So maybe he brought his wife to the shrine to pray that she makes better robes for him.
Related words
. Amulets and Talismans from Japan .
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shinzoo 神像 statues of Shinto kami deities
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