. Regional Festivals - LIST .
Festival (matsuri) 祭 Kigo for all summer.
With many more keywords on the subject, like mikoshi, festival drums, shrine at night and more.
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Ae no koto, aenokoto あえのこと / 饗事
Entertaining the God of the Fields
Agata matsuri 県祭 (あがたまつり) Agata Festival
..... kurayami matsuri くらやみ祭(くらやみまつり) festival in the dark, Strange Festival of Darkness
in Uji, Kyoto
Agatameshi no jimoku 県召除目 (あがためしのじもく)
Giving first orders to local governors (at the Heian court)
..... 県召の除目
..... agatameshi 県召(あがためし)、haru no jimoku 春除目(はるのじもく)
Aizen-sai 愛染祭 Festival of Aizen Myo-O
akai hane 赤い羽根 (あかいはね) red feather (donations)
ai no hane 愛の羽根(あいのはね) feather of love
Akibasho 秋場所 (あきばしょ ) autumn tournament
..... kugatsubasho 仲秋 九月場所(くがつばしょ)
September Grand Sumo tournament
Aki Higan 秋彼岸 Autumn Equinox
shuuki koorei-sai 秋季皇霊祭 Autumn Celebration of the Ancestors Souls
shuuki higan-e 秋季彼岸会 Buddhist Autumn Equinox celebration
Aki Henro 秋遍路 Henro Pilgrims in Autumn
Shikoku Pilgrimage (henro) Shikoku Henro
..... Settai 摂待 Giving Alms
Aki kyoogen 秋狂言 (あききょうげん)autumn kyogen
kugatsu kyoogen 九月狂言(くがつきょうげん)kyogen in september
..... nagori kyoogen 名残狂言(なごりきょうげん)
kugatsu shibai 九月芝居(くがつしばい)performance in september
Aki Matsuri 秋祭り Autumn Festival and many related kigo
Aki no komabiki 秋の駒牽 (あきのこまびき)
selecting horses in autumn
koma mukae 駒迎え(こまむかえ)welcoming the horses home
hikiwakezukai 引分使(ひきわけづかい)
mochizuki no koma 望月の駒(もちづきのこま)
horses in the full moon month
kirihara no koma 霧原の駒(きりはらのこま)
horses in the misty plains
Aki no Sekiten 秋の釈奠 (あきのせきてん)
Confucius (festival) in autumn
aki no okimatsuri 秋のおきまつり(あきのおきまつり)
Aki no yabu-iri 秋の薮入 servant holidays in autumn
nochi no yabuiri 後の薮入 "next holiday for the servants"
Amagoi 雨乞 Rain Rituals
Ango 安居
natsu ango 夏安吾(げあんご)Buddhist summer retreat
..... gedachi 夏断 (げだち) "summer abstinence"
..... gegomori 夏籠(げごもり), gekomori and many more kigo
Aoba matsuri 青葉祭 (あおばまつり)
"Festival of the Green Leaves"
..... Kooboo Daishi kootan e
birthday ritual for Kobo Daishi
Koya San, Wakayama
Aofujigaki shinji 青紫垣神事 (あおふしがきしんじ)
Ritual of green fenced boats
Miho Shrine, Shimane
Aogitoo 青祈祷 (あおぎとう) "prayer in the green season"
Aoi Matsuri 葵祭 Aoi Festival
May 15 at the shrines of Kamo, Shimogamo and Kamigamo shrine in Kyoto
..... Kamo no matsuri 賀茂祭(かものまつり)
matsuri (まつり)"the festival"
Kamo no aoi 賀茂葵(かものあおい)"hollyhock from Kamo"
kake aoi 懸葵(かけあおい)"sticking hollyhock"
in the hair
aoi kazura 葵鬘(あおいかずら)"hollyhock wig"
..... moro kazura、諸鬘(もろかずら)
moroha aoi 双葉葵(もろはあおい)hollyhock with two leaves
..... kazashigusa かざしぐさ
..... morohagusa もろはぐさ
and more in
. Shrine-complex Kamo Jinja 賀茂神社 .
Ao-oni Hotaru Matsuri 青鬼蛍祭 Green Demon and Fireflies Festival
Ao-oni matsuri 青鬼祭り festival of the green demon
Ishiyama-dera 石山寺、Shiga
..... Aouma 白馬の節会 White Horse Court Ritual
Aouma, Ao uma no sechi e, hakuba no sechi-e 白馬節会 (あおうまのせちえ) White Horse Festival
Court ritual on January 7
..... ume ga e utau 梅が枝うたう(うめがえうたう) Poetry for plum blossoms
..... aoyagi utau 青柳うたう(あおやぎうたう)Poetry for willow branches
..... ooroku 女王禄 おうろく , 女王禄を賜う(おうろくをたもう)
..... nyojo i 女叙位 にょじょい , 女叙位(おんなじょい)
On the day after the White Horse.
Women and Haiku
. . . . . and
Ao-uma no matsuri 青馬祭 (あおうまのまつり) Festival of the White Horse
..... aouma no matsuri 白馬祭(あおうまのまつり)
..... hakubasai 白馬祭(はくばさい)White Horse Festival
. Arai Handheld Fireworks
(Enshu Arai tezutsu hanabi) 遠州新居手筒花火
Aso matsuri 阿蘇祭 (あそまつり) Aso festival
onda matsuri 御田祭(おんだまつり)Festival of the shrine fields
otaue shinkoo shiki 御田植神幸式(おたうえしんこうしき) rice planting festival
Kyushu, Mount Aso
Atago sennichi moode 愛宕の千日詣
1000 day pilgrimage at Atago
Atagobi, Atago bi 愛宕火 (あたごび) "fire at Atago" shrine Atago Jinja
Atsuta tooka shinji 熱田踏歌神事 (あつたとうかしんじ)
Atsuta shrine dance and song ceremony
Nagoya - Atsuta matoi 熱田的射 Atsuta Arrow Shooting Ceremony
Atsuta oni matsuri 熱田鬼祭 Atsuta Demon Festival
Awashima matsuri 粟島祭 (あわしままつり)
Awashima festival
..... Awashima matsuri 淡島祭(あわしままつり)
Ayaha matsuri 穴織祭 (あやはまつり) Ayaha festival
Kureha matsuri 呉服祭(くれはまつり)Kureha Festival
Shrine Kureha Jinja, Osaka. Deities of Weaving
Azukigayu 小豆粥 (あずきがゆ) Rice gruel with small soybeans
..... rice gruel on the 15th, juugonichi gayu 十五日粥(じゅうごにちがゆ)
rice gruel with red soybeans, azukigayu 赤小豆粥(あずきがゆ)
rice gruel eaten on the full moon day "mochi", January 15, mochi no kayu 望の粥(もちのかゆ. 餅粥 usually it includes some rice cakes (mochi)
divination with rice gruel, kayu ura 粥占 (かゆうら)
ceremony for ... kayu ura shinji 粥占神事(かゆうらしんじ)
kayu dameshi 粥試し(かゆだめし)
kayu ura matsuri 粥占祭 rice gruel divining festival
..... kudakayu matsuri 管粥祭(くだかゆまつり)
"gruel in pipes" kudakayu 管粥(くだかゆ)
..... tsutsugayu 、筒粥(つつがゆ) / pipe .. tsutsu 筒(つつ)
o-kayu matsuri 御粥祭(おかゆまつり)..kayu shinji 粥神事(かゆしんじ)
nanakusa gayu 七草粥(ななくさがゆ) / nanoka gayu 七日粥(なのかがゆ)
Azuma Odori .. 東踊 (あずまおどり) / 東をどりAzuma Dance, Tokyo Dance
Related words
. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .
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