Taga Shrine Festivals
***** Location: Taga, Shiga
***** Season: See below.
***** Category: Observance
Taga Taisha 多賀大社 Great Taga Shrine
in Shiga prefecture

Two deities are enshrined at Taga Taisha - Izanagi no-Okami (father of Amaterasu-Omikami enshrined in Ise Jingu) and Izanami no-Okami. It is popular among many believers as a shrine of life prolongation and longevity while also protecting people against evils.
The shrine has a long history indeed as it even appeared on "Kojiki", the oldest record of events in the country completed in 712.
On its grounds is a rock called the Chojuseki that is believed to be effective at life prolongation. Additionally, the Otaga-Jakushi, a charm to protect you from sickness and grant you longevity, is sold for 300 yen a piece which is indeed popular among many.
The Okushoin Teien (place of scenic beauty) is a unique type of garden that can be seen by looking down from the Shoin. Actualizing a wonderful harmony with the Okushoin, the two features indeed create a beautiful landscape.
The Itokiri-mochi sold at "Tagaya" in front of the shrine is a famous confection that is elegantly sweet. It is made by stretching a soft lump of rice cake with a filling into a thin strip and cutting it into several pieces with a string.
Otaga-shakushi (お多賀杓子):
A talisman shakushi (Japanese ladle) from the reign of Empress Genshō. Allegedly the origin of the Japanese word otamajakushi.
source : www.japan-i.jp
Korei taisai (古例大祭)
Most important festival held on April 23. Also known as
Taga-matsuri (多賀まつり).
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Otaue-sai (御田植祭) (O-taue sai)
A festival of planting rice with traditional rites.
June 7.
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Mantoo-sai (万灯祭) (Manto sai)
Lantern festival held on the night of August 3-5.
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Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Taga Castle, the capital of Mutsu Province
Tagajo 多賀城 Tagajo Castle in Miyagi pref.
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Tagajō (多賀城市, Tagajō-shi) is a city located in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan.
The city was named after Taga Castle, the capital of Mutsu Province.
As of 2010, the city has an estimated population of 63,256 and the population density of 3,220 persons per km². The total area is 19.64 km².
The present day city was founded on November 1, 1971.
The tsunami in 869 caused extensive flooding of the Sendai plain, destroying the town of Tagajō. Archaeological investigations have identified the remains of 8th and 9th century buildings beneath the present town, covered by sediments dated to the middle of the 10th century.
The town was again seriously affected by the tsunami caused by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake. As of 7 April 2011, 177 people were known dead, with 15 missing. 1,811 people were living in shelters.
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Great Haiku Meeting at Tagajo
壺の碑全国俳句大会 Tsubo no Hi
in October
There is also a great tea ceremony.
source : www.city.tagajo.miyagi.jp
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1 comment:
第七百四話「多賀神社の御神体」Taga Jinja
Tono Jisha Meguri 遠野寺社巡り temples and shrines in Tono, Iwate
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