. Regional Festivals - LIST .
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Yabu-iri, Servant's holiday , fasting day (sainichi)
..... yabu iri (yabuiri) 家父入(やぶいり)、yabu iri 養父入(やぶいり)、yabu iri 走百病(やぶいり)、yado iri 宿入(やどいり)、yado sagari 宿下り(やどさがり)、roku iri 六入り(ろくいり)、juuroku nichi asobi 十六日遊び(じゅうろくにちあそび)
Yahata hoojoo-e 八幡放生会 (やはたほうじょうえ)
releasing living animals at Hachiman shrines
Yahata mairi 八幡参(やはたまいり)Visiting Yahata shrine
at Iwashimizu Hachimangu, Kyoto
Yakujin mairi 厄神詣 (やくじんまいり) Visiting the Yakujin deity
yakumairi, yaku mairi 厄参(やくまいり), yakumoode 厄詣(やくもうで)
Yahata ekijin moode 八幡厄神詣(やはたえきじんもうで)
Yahata miyage 八幡土産(やはたみやげ) souvenirs from Yahata
Yahatagoi, yahata koi八幡鯉(やはたごい) carp from Yahata
Yakujinsai 厄神祭(やくじんさい)Festival of the Yakujin
Aoyama matsuri 青山祭(あおやままつり)Aoyama festival
Yahiko Tooroo Matsuri 弥彦燈籠祭 (やひことうろうまつり)
Lantern Festival at Yahiko
Yakubarai 厄払 Casting off the Old Impurities and Sins
..... Yaku Otoshi 厄落し
yakumoode, yaku moode 厄詣(やくもうで)
visiting a shrine for purification rituals
Yakushiji Hana Eshiki 薬師寺花会式 Ceremony of flowers for the Healing Buddha, a version of Shuuni-E at temple Yakushi-Ji
Yakushi Nyorai, the Buddha of Medicine 薬師如来
Yamabiraki 山開き (やまびらき) "opening the mountain"
kaizansai 開山祭(かいざんさい)
toake 戸開け(とあけ)"Opening the door"
uesutonsai, uesuton sai ウェストン祭 Weston Festival at Kamikochi
. Yamaga Lantern Festival 山鹿灯籠まつり
Yama no Kami Matsuri 山の神祭 (やまのかみまつり)
Festival for the God of the Mountains
yama no maki koo 山の神講(やまのかみこう)prayer group for the god of the mountain
..... yama no koo 山の講(やまのこう)
yama no ko matsuri 山の講祭(やまのこまつり)
festival of the prayer group for the god of the mountain
Yamori o tsuku 守宮を搗く (やもりをつく) pounding a gecko
imori o tsuku 井守を搗く(いもりをつく)pounding a newt
imori no in 井守の印(いもりのしるし) seal of a newt
Yanagawa suitengu matsuri
柳川水天宮祭 (やながわすいてんぐうまつり)
festival at Shrine Suitengu in Yanagawa, Fukuoka
..... funabutai 船舞台(ふなぶたい)stage on a boat
Okinohata Suitengu Festival 沖端水天宮祭り
Yanagi matsuri (やなぎまつり) 柳祭 Willow Festival
yanagi no kazura 柳の蔓 やなぎのかずら willow branch hair decoration
Yanagizu Hadaka Matsuri 柳津裸祭 Naked Festival at Yanagizu
Yase matsuri 八瀬祭 (やせまつり) Yase Festival
sanyare matsuri さんやれ祭(さんやれまつり) Sanyare Festival
Yassa Festival やっさまつり - Mihara, Hiroshima
Yasukuni matsuri 靖国祭 (やすくにまつり)
Yasukuni shrine festival
Shookonsai 招魂祭(しょうこんさい)
Shokonsai, "soul summoning rite", "spirit inviting rite"
Yayoi Kyogen (yayoi kyoogen) 弥生狂言 Kyogen performance in march
..... sangatsu kyoogen 三月狂言(さんがつきょうげん);
san no kawari 三の替り(さんのかわり)
Yome tataki 嫁叩 よめたたき, 嫁たたき Hitting the new bride
..... yome tsutsuki 嫁つつき(よめつつき)、okatabuchi 御方打(おかたぶち)
..... harame uchi 孕め打(はらめうち, はらみ節供
Hitting the young bride on the bottom with a lucky wand, wishing for a pregnancy.
mizu iwai 水祝, 水祝い, みずいわい sprinkling the new couple with water
..... mizukake iwai 水掛祝(みずかけいわい)、mizu abise 水浴せ(みずあびせ)、mizukake burumai 水掛振舞(みずかけぶるまい)
Yonenbutsu 夜念仏 Nenbutsu-Prayers at Night
..... Amida Prayer (Namu Amida Butsu)
Yooji joosui kaji 楊枝浄水加持 Ceremony of cleaning toothpicks
Asakusa Kannon, Tokyo
Yoori, yo-ori 節折 (よおり)
purification court ritual for the emperor and his family
Yoshida Fire Festival (Yoshida himatsuri, Yoshida chinkasai)
..... Fuji Sengen Jinja no Himatsuri 富士浅間神社の火祭り
Yoshida kiyo harae 吉田清祓 (よしだきよはらえ)
purification ritual at Yoshida
Yoshida ooharai 吉田大祓(よしだおおはらい)
great purification ritual at Yoshida shrine, Kyoto
Yoshino no Hana Eshiki 吉野の花会式
Flower Ceremony at Yoshino
oni odori 鬼踊(おにおどり)dance of the demons
mochikubari, mochi kubari 餅配り(もちくばり)
Yoshino no kaeru-tobi 吉野の蛙飛
Yoshino and the jumping frogs festival
Yoshiwara no Yozakura .. 吉原の夜桜 Viewing Cherry Blossoms at Night in Yoshiwara
Yotaka andon matsuri 夜高行灯祭 (よたかあんどんまつり)
Yotaka lantern festival
Fukuno no yotaka 福野の夜高(ふくののよたか)Lanterns at Fukuno
Yotsugi hota 世継榾 (よつぎほた) "successor firewood"
"log passing over" the Ney Year night
Yugyooji no fudakiri 遊行寺の札切 (ゆぎょうじのふだきり)
cutting amulets at temple Yugyo-Ji
..... ofudakiri お符切(おふだきり)
..... hatsu ofuda 初札(はつおふだ)first amulet
Yugyoo no Hitotsubi 遊行の一つ火 Memorial Service for Saint Yugyoo Shoonin, Ippen in Kamakura
..... Temple Yugyoo-Ji 遊行寺 and the The Willow of Yugyo
Yuikyoo-Gyoo E 遺教経会 Memorial Service for the last sermon of Buddha
senbon nenbutsu 千本念仏(せんぼんねんぶつ)
kundoku e 訓読会(くんどくえ)"reading the last sutra"
yuikyoo e 遺敎会(ゆいきょうえ) "Legacy Teaching Sutra" memorial
Yukiyama 雪山 (ゆきやま) "snow mountain"
..... yuki no yama 雪の山(ゆきのやま)
In memory of Mount Horai (Hooraisan 蓬莱山).
Yuurei Matsuri 幽霊祭 Festival of the Ghosts O-Bon
Yuzu yu 柚子湯( ゆずゆ) bath with yuzu citron
at the winter solstice
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Zama matsuri 座摩祭 (ざままつり) Zama Festival
..... Zama no misogi 座摩の御祓(ざまのみそぎ) Zama purifictions
坐摩神社 Ikasuri Jinja, Osaka
zatoo no suzumi 座頭の納涼 (ざとうのすずみ)
blind people enjoying the cool
..... suzumi no too 涼の塔(すずみのとう)"coolness at the pagoda"
..... suzumi shakutoo 涼み積塔(すずみしゃくとう)
Kyoto, Yamashina
Related words
. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .
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- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -
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