Misasa Tug-of-war (Misasa tsunahiki)
***** Location: Misasa, Tottori, Japan
***** Season: Early Summer
***** Category: Observance

Misasa Oo-tsunahiki 三朝大綱引(みささおおつなひき)
Big Tug-of-war at Misasa
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Misasa tsunahiki 三朝綱引(みささつなひき)
Tug-of-war at Misasa
hana yu matsuri 花湯祭 (はなゆまつり)
Flowers and Hot Spring Festival
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May 5 to 8
With a firework display in the evening and a tug of war of the local people and visitors who want to participate.
The famous rope is made of visteria wines (fuji kazura 藤かづら) and very large.
It is kept in the shrine Misasa Jinja 三朝神社 in a special museum.
This is an event to divine the outcome of the year.
If the group in the east wins,
there will be a good harvest.
If the group in the west wins,
it will be a good year for business.
Misasa means "three mornings"
If you use the hot radiuim water of the hot springs, you will be healed by the third morning ... or so they say.
The Misasa-onsen Hot Spring
a radium hot spring
is located at the center of Tottori along the Misasa-gawa River, southeast of the center of Kurayoshi City. It has long been known as a representative health resort and therapeutic bath in the San'in region. Kawara-buro, the open-air bath on the river beach near the bottom of the bridge, is a symbol of the Misasa-onsen where you can enjoy the atmosphere and rural life.
Over 10 inns and shops along the streets of Misasa offer displays of artwork, each with different themes and expressing unique characteristics. A morning market is held there every Sunday. You can experience ceramic making and weaving in the Furusato Kenko-mura Park, located on a dry riverbed. In summer, you may also have a chance to see a rare species of frog, the 'kajika.'
In the neighboring areas is Mitoku-san Sanbutsu-ji Temple, a sacred ground for mountain Buddhism. As you climb the rugged mountain path, which takes about an hour, you will see the Nageire-do, or "thrown-in temple," in a hollow halfway up the precipice. Legend has it that a practitioner of asceticism threw the temple up into the hollow from far down below the cliff. Even professional architects have been unable to determine the building method of this structure. Monju-do and a bell tower with a fine view are located along the approach way.
You can also enjoy the local specialty - wild vegetables and 'tofu' (soybean curd) dishes at the restaurants in front of Sanbutsu-ji Temple.
source : www.jnto.go.jp
Misasa Hot Spring
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
My visit to the nearby
. 三徳山三仏寺
Temple Mitokusan, Nage-ire Do 投入堂
Related words
***** . memorial day of Madame Curie
Kyuri ki キュリー忌(きゅりーき)
Her statue is at Misasa Hot Spring.
observance kigo for the New Year
tunahiki 綱引 (つなひき, 綱引き) playing tug-of-war
"pulling the rope"
..... tsunahiki 綱曳(つなひき). 縄引(なわひき)

source : akirajiji
On the 15th day of the first lunar month, in the full moon night.
This ritual was performed to tell the fortune for the harvest in the coming year.
If team A wins, there will be a lot of fish and a good harvest.
In many parts of Western Japan, this is performed during the rituals for the ancestor festival at
O-Bon (bon tsunahiki 盆綱引).
observance kigo for early autumn
bonzuna 盆綱(ぼんづな) rope for O-Bon
. Autumn Festivals - SAIJIKI .
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