Tsuwano Heron Dance (Tsuwano no sagi mai )
***** Location: Tsuwano, Shimane
***** Season: Late Summer
***** Category: Observance
Tsuwano no sagimai 津和野の鷺舞 (つわののさぎまい)
heron dance of Tsuwano
at 弥栄神社 Yasaka Jinja
July 20 ご神幸の日 and 27 ご還幸の日.
Since 1542, when Daimyo Yoshimi Masayori 吉見正頼 (1513 - 1588) introduced it.
The decoration on the head weighs up to 15 kg.
12 children perform a dance 子鷺鉾.
Gion Matsuri 祇園まつり
Every year on July 20th and 27th
the Sagi Mai is performed as part of Tsuwano's Gion Matsuri.
Though known as the Heron Dance, the birds being imitated are in fact Egrets.
The dance, like the Gion Matsuri itself, was originally from Kyoto, but during the time that Kyoto was a burned out, war-destroyed, ghost town many aristocratic refugees fled to Yamaguchi, and it was from here that the dance was introduced into Tsuwano.

The people of Tsuwano faithfully kept the dance in its original form and in 1953 they went to Kyoto to teach the dance and it is now performed there again.
As well as the 2 dancers dressed as egrets, there is a full complement of other dancers, musicians, singers etc all dressed in period costume. The music accompanying the dance seems to be based on ancient Chinese-derived court music rather than any folk tradition.
Also performed is the Egret Chick dance, a recent invention of the town. The young girls didnt smile much, which may be due to the solemnity of the dance, or the summer afternoon heat.
Look at many more photos here :
source : ojisanjake.blogspot.com
Look at a videot here :
Tsuwano Heron Dance Sagimai
source : www.youtube.com
Text of the song
橋の上におりた 鳥はなん鳥
かわささぎの かわささぎの
ヤーかわささぎ さぎが橋を渡した
時雨の雨に ぬれとりとり
ヤーかわささぎ さぎが橋を渡した

source : www.tsuwano.ne.jp/kanko
Sagi-odori - "Heron dance."
This folk ritual performance is a type of furyū dance also known as sagimai. Sagi-odori originated from dances performed to musical accompaniment at Kyoto's Giongoryōe observances, which evolved into the festival of the city's Gion Shrine (now called Yasaka Jinja).
During the Muromachi period the dance spread around Japan as the national influence of the Gion Shrine grew and festivals based on the Gion gyoryōe were disseminated throughout the country.
A sagimai is performed as part of the July festival at the Yasaka Shrine in Tsuwano, Shimane Prefecture. The shrine was originally called Gion Shrine. The sagimai performed there is said to have come from the Gion goryōe of Yamaguchi during the Temmon era (1532-1555). It was subsequently discontinued, only to be revived in the seventeenth century on the model of the Kyoto observances.
The Tsuwano sagimai is performed by two dancers, both of whom wear wooden headdresses made to resemble the sagi (heron) and have wooden wings attached to their shoulders. The dance is performed to the accompaniment of music (flute, tsutsumi hand drum, taiko drum, and bells) and singing.
The dancers are accompanied by two baton twirlers and two players of small kakko drums. Decorative large and small umbrellas (kasaboko) are also brought out as part of the dance.
source : Yonei Teruyoshi, Kokugakuin
弥栄神社 Yasaka Jinja
Deity in residence
Susano-O no Mikoto 須佐之男命
Yasaka Shrine, Tsuwano
The Yasaka shrine in Tsuwano is a branch of the Yasaka Shrine in Gion. Originally known as Mototakimoto Gionsha, it was part of the importation of kyoto culture by the lords of Tsuwano.
Its located on the riverbank below the castle and the Taikodani Inari Shrine. For most of the year it seems to be abandoned and not much goes on there. There is a wonderful huge tree in the grounds though.
Photos are here
source : ojisanjake.blogspot.com
. Heron Dance Clay Bell .

clay doll of the Heron Dance

famous washi paper dolls from Tsuwano
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
. mamecha 豆茶 "tea from beans" / zaracha ざら茶 .
. Genjimaki, Genji-maki 源氏巻 "Genji-Rolls" .
from Tsuwano town 津和野
Tsuwano (津和野町, Tsuwano-chō)
is a town in Kanoashi District, Shimane Prefecture, Japan.
Tsuwano is remotely located and surrounded by hills. Though geographically closer to Yamaguchi, the capital of Yamaguchi Prefecture, it is situated in Shimane Prefecture.
Popularly called the "Little Kyoto of San-In," Tsuwano is known for its picturesque mainstreet, "Tono-machi," which is lined with Edo-era buildings and Koi ponds. It also boasts one of the oldest still in use "Yabusame" (horse back archery) ranges in all of Japan, and its annual Yabusame festival is a large tourist draw for the San-In region.
Tsuwano is somewhat unusually home to two Catholic churches. The Catholic church in Tsuwano itself is dedicated to Saint Francis Xavier, who visited Japan as a missionary in 1549–50, and is located on its mainstreet. The church at Otome Pass is part of a memorial for Christians persecuted and tortured in Tsuwano by the government during the Edo and Meiji periods.
Other notable locations and tourist attractions within Tsuwano include the ruins of Tsuwano Castle.
Novelist Mori Ogai was born in Tsuwano into a family of doctors, and the house of his birth is preserved.
His tomb is located in Yomei Temple in Tsuwano, which was built in 1420 and is known as one of two great Sōtō sect temples, the other being Daijo-ji Temple in Kanazawa city.
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Tsuwano Yabusame Festival流鏑馬まつり
second sunday in April
鷲原八幡宮大祭 流鏑馬神事
. WKD : yabusame 流鏑馬(やぶさめ)Yabusame .

Tsuwano Otome Toge Matsuri 乙女峠まつり
Christian festival at the Maria Church マリア聖堂
Related words
***** . Heron (aosagi) Egret (shirasagi) .
. Amulets and Talismans from Japan .
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