. Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months .
.................... 01 - 15 .................................................................................
. Shoogatsu 正月 Shogatsu, the New Year .
gantan 元旦 the first day
A season and saijiki of its own !

.................... 01 .................................................................................
. ganjitsu 元日 New Year's Day .
. New Year's Concert - Vienna Austria .
Das Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker
. Memorial Day for Sugita Hisajo 杉田久女 .
. Memorial Day for En no Gyoja 役行者 .
Koobe minato kinenbei 神戸港記念日 Memorial Day of Kobe Port
since 1868
shoonen hoo jikoo no hi 少年法施行の日
day of implementation of the Juvenile Act
created in 1949
tetsuwan atomu no hi 鉄腕アトムの日 day of Astro Boy
created in 1963
.................... 02 .................................................................................
. Hakone ekiden 箱根駅伝 Hakone Relay Marathon .
.................... 03 .................................................................................
. yatate shinji 矢立神事 ceremony at Kibitsu Shrine .
Boshin senso 戊辰戦争開戦の日 day of the beginning of the Boshin war
- see wikipedia
hitomi no hi ひとみの日 day of the eye
goroawase. 「1(ひと)3(み)」
kakeochi no hi 駆け落ちの日 day of elopement
In 1938, actress 岡田嘉子 Okada Yohshiko (1902 - 1992)and
and 杉本良吉 Sugimoto Ryokichi (1907 - 1939)crossed the border to Sahalin (Karafuto 樺太) and fled to Russia.
.................... 04 .................................................................................
ishi no hi 石の日 day of stones
sutoonzu dii (ストーンズ デー)
goroawase. 「い(1)し(4)」
On this day it is auspicious to touch ritual items made of stone, especially statues of Jizo Bosatsu, Komainu Lion Dogs or grave stones to make a wish.
官公庁御用始め - 1873
取引所大発会 (closed since December 28)
金の鯱鉾(しゃちほこ)の日 - since 1937
.................... 05 .................................................................................
. Memorial Day for Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 .
. Shokan 小寒 "small cold" .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気
ichigo no hi イチゴの日 day of strawberries
goroawase. 「1(いち)5(ご)」
(also every day on the 15th)
igo no hi 囲碁の日 day of Igo game
goroawase. 「い(1)ご(5)」
. Go game, Igo 囲碁 .
shinderera no hi シンデレラの日 day of Cinderella
since 1956
魚河岸初競り first auction at Uogishi fish market
.................... 06 .................................................................................
. Memorial Day for priest Ryokan 良寛 .
. Epiphany 公現の日 Three Kings Day .
. 東京消防出初め式の日 first day of the Tokyo Fire Brigade .
created in 1953.
iro no hi 色の日 day of color
(and every month on the 16th)
goroawase. 「い(1)ろ(6)」
keeki no hi ケーキの日 day of cake
remembering 1879. First sale of cake in Ueno, at 風月堂 Fugetsudo.
.................... 07 .................................................................................
. jinjitsu 人日 day of man .
. nanakusagayu 七草がゆ
rice gruel with the seven herbs of spring .
.................... 08 .................................................................................
. First Ceremony for Yakushi Nyorai 初薬師 .
and more first ceremonies for Buddhist deities
.................... 12 .................................................................................
. First shooting at Fushimi Inari fox shrine 稲荷の奉射祭 .
.................... 14 .................................................................................
. Dondon yaki どんどん焼き burning New Year decorations .
. Doyadoya Night Festival どやどや Osaka .
. Coming of Age Day 成人の日 .
. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - USA .
.................... 18 .................................................................................
. First Ceremony for Kannon Bosatsu 初観音 .
.................... 20 .................................................................................
. Daikan 大寒 "great cold" .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気
.................... 21 .................................................................................
. First Ceremony for Kobo Daishi Kukai 初大師 .
.................... 22 .................................................................................
. World Eros Day .
the day when the planetoid 433 Eros is closest to Earth.
.................... 24 .................................................................................
. First Ceremony for Jizo Bosatsu 初地蔵 .
.................... 26 .................................................................................
. Republic Day - India .
. Australia Day .
Anniversary Day, Foundation Day and ANA Day
.................... 27 .................................................................................
. Holocaust Day, Auschwitz Day, Dachau Day - Germany .
.................... 28 .................................................................................
. First Ceremony for Fudo Myo-O 初不動 .
.................... 29 .................................................................................
. Memorial Day for Hino Sojo 日野草城 .
.................... third SUNDAY
. Ati-Atihan Festival - Philippines .
. WKD : January - a Haiku Month .
. shiwasu matsuri 師走祭り Shiwasu festival at 神門神社 Mikado Jinja.
. WKD : World Days in January .
. Ceremonies, festivals, rituals - January .
. Memorial Days of Famous People - January .
For the worldwide approach to kigo,
we must differentiate between the "Haiku Season" and the natural phenomenon and human activites occuring at a certain season at a certain place.
To complicate our endeavor, we also have to deal with the Asian Lunar Calendar and the 24 seasons (periods), which were applied in Japan before the introduction of the Western Calendar, when kigo were already used in Japanese poetry.
Study the details here, please:
. The Japanese Haiku Calendar.
. Seasons beginning .
. Seasons ending .
. WKD : the complete SAIJIKI list .
- reference : fukumusume -
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