Market on the Day of the Rooster (tori no ichi)
Rooster Market
toshi no ichi 歳の市 / 年の市 year-end market
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Early Winter
***** Category: Observance

CLICK for many colorful photos !
Tori no Ichi Fair 酉の市 (open-air market)
is a famous annual event in November on the day of the Tori (Rooster) in Chinese calendar and this event has continued to today since the Edo period.
Tori no Ichi is held at the Temple of Tori (Juzaisan Chokoku-ji) in Asakusa, Tokyo and various shrines of the Washi (Eagle) and many people come to pray for health, good fortune and good business.
The day of the Tori (Rooster) comes every 12 days in November and generally, the first day of the Tori is most important. However it is said that a fire is likely to take place in a year when the day of the Tori occurs 3 times.
The origin of the Tori no Ichi Fair was a fair of Hanamatamura 花又村 located in a suburb of Edo (today there is the
Otori Shrine, Shrine Ootori Jinja 鷲神社(おおとりじんじゃ)Eagle Shrine).
On the day of the festival, Ujiko (people under protection of the local deity) dedicated a rooster to Hanamata Washi Daimyojin 花又鷲大明神 and after the festival they went to the most famous temple "Senso-ji 浅草寺" in Asakusa and released the collected roosters in front of the temple.
Many Samurai and townspeople went to visit the main gate of Otori Shrine of Hanamata Washi Daimyojin at the end of the year, and townspeople gambled in front of the shrine and the street. But in 1776, it seems that the government passed the law of prohibition to gamble there. Then the prosperous fair moved to Tori no Ichi of Chokoku-ji in Asakusa from Hanamatamura.
At that time, the fair of Hanamatamura was called "Hon no Tori 本の酉", the fair of the temple of Shosen-ji (It is located in Senju, Tokyo) is called "Naka no Tori 中の酉" and the fair of the temple of Chokoku-ji in Asakusa was called "Shin no Tori 新の酉". There were the three main Tori no Ichi in Edo..
Of the tree fairs, "Shin no Tori" Chokoku-ji of Asakusa was most famous because a statue of Washimyoken Bodhisattva was enshrined in the temple in 1771, moreover, it was adjacent to Shin-Yoshiwara pleasure quarter at the east side. Tori no Ichi of Chokoku-ji in Asakusa became a famous town as Fair of Tori until today.
A special thing on Tori no Ichi was
kumade 熊手, the "Bamboo Rake for good luck".
A highly decorated bamboo rake was particular popular as a good to bring happiness and prosperity in business. It is said that to bring happiness for New Year is to change a bigger bamboo rake year by year. On the other hand, the Temple of Chokoku-ji in Asakusa had sold a small bamboo rake with an ear of rice as a charm. Today this bamboo rake is sold at temples of Tori and other shrines of Washi (Eagle) during the fair.
There were other popular specialties (foods).
"Kashira no Imo (steamed taro)" and
"Koganemochi (Japanese rice cake)".
They were poplar and sold to people who hope to be succeeded in business and wealth.
Today, only one shop sells "Kashira no Imo" and there is no shop to sell "Koganemochi".
But in place of "Koganemochi", the Japanese cake called "Kirizansho" is sold at the Asakusa Tori no Ichi.
CLICK here for many illustrations
source : www.torinoichi.jp
Copyright 2002-2003 Juzaisan Chokoku-ji 長國寺.
ootori 鷲(おおとり) Otori here is the eagle.

CLICK for more Ukiyo-E of the kumade rakes.
kumadeya san 熊手屋さん Kumade vendor
Now let us look at the related kigo.
tori no ichi 酉の市 (とりのいち)
market on the day of the rooster
otorisama, o-tori sama お酉さま(おとりさま)
tori no machi 酉の町(とりのまち)town with a market on the day of the rooster
tori no ichi moode 酉の町詣(とりのまちもうで) visiting the market at the day of the rooster
ichi no tori 一の酉(いちのとり)
market on the first day of the rooster
ni no tori 二の酉(にのとり)market on the second day of the rooster
san no tori 三の酉(さんのとり) market on the third day of the rooster

kumade 熊手(くまで) "hand of a bear", lucky bamboo rake
kumade ichi 熊手市(くまでいち) market for lucky rakes
. kumade from Tsuki Jinja 調神社 Saitama .
source : www.i-wa-i.jp/category
fuku Daruma and kumade 招福まめ熊手

okame-ichi おかめ市(おかめいち) maket for masks of "o-kame"
okame おかめ【阿亀】 is a woman with a flat, round face.
This is also an auspicious item for happy couples.
too no imo 頭の芋(とうのいも)steamed taro
(kashira no imo)

Asakusa Tori no Ichi Market 浅草 酉の市
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
toshi no ichi 歳の市 / 年の市 year-end market
most famous in Asakusa, Tokyo
- quote -
Toshi-no-Ichi 年の市 Year-End Market
In Toshi-no-Ichi, a year-end market, objects which are expected to bring good fortune including decorations and buckets to draw the first water for the New Year were sold.
The markets at Fukagawa Hachiman Shrine and Kanda Myōjin Shrine were famous in Edo, however, the Toshi-no-Ichi held at Sensō-ji Temple in Asakusa on December 18 was the most bustling of all.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -
Things found on the way
KUMADE, the "hand of a bear"
In the legend of Takasago, we have the following pun about the happy old couple and their long life:

The old woman is using a broom to sweep away trouble and
he carries a rake to rake in good fortune.
In Japanese this is also a play of words with
"One Hundred Years" (haku > sweeping the floor)
"until 99 years" (kujuku made > kumade, meaning a rake).
. The Takasago Legend 高砂伝説

kakkome かっこめ Kakkome rake
kakkome is a pun with un o kakikomu 運をかき込む, to rake in good fortune
It is sold at Ootori Jinja 鷲神社 Eagle Shrine, but only on the Tori no Ichi fair at this shrine.
Its official name is
kumade omamori 熊手御守り Kumade rake amulet
It contains the rake for farmers, a written amulet and an ear of rice, with the wish for a good harvest in the coming year. It is also good for business and a happy family.
. Amulets and Talismans from Japan .
This HAMAYA (Decorative Arrow) and
HAMAYUMI (Decorative Arrow & Bow)
have been blessed for warding off evil.
The other two lucky charms on the right for the New Year are called Kumade (Bamboo Rake), with the gods of good luck, Ebisu and Daikoku.

. Hamaya 破魔矢, a lucky arrow for the New Year
. . . CLICK here for Photos of New Year KUMADE !
Daruma and O-Kame
Election time !
to rake in the votes ... with a rake / kumade

. Elections 2009 選挙だるま senkyo Daruma
. . . CLICK here for Election Kumade Photos !
Okame and Otafuku
(O-Kame おかめ【阿亀】, O-Tafuku おたふく【阿多福】)
. Otafuku, O-Fuku Daruma and O-Kame san
お多福だるま、お福達磨, お福だるま

hyottoko ひょっとこ Hyottoko
Her husband
Portrayed in a clownish mask with protruding lips and squinty eyes.

kirizanshoo 切山椒 (きりざんしょう) sweet desert dish
lit. "cut mountain pepper"
A kind of sweet made from rice flour, sugar and mountain pepper. It can be cut and served over a bowl of rice for a quick snack. It is usually served steamed, which enhances the fragrance of the pepper. It is supposed to brick luck with money affairs.
A prepacked cake of this kind is also sold at the New Year Fair "Tori no Ichi" at Asakusa, Tokyo.
Food of the New Year Season
O-Setchi Ryori
(osetchi ryoori おせち料理, 御節料理 )
春を待つことのはじめや 酉の市
Haru wo matsu, Koto no hajime ya, Tori-no-Ichi
Anticipating Spring,
The beginning of it all,
Year-end fairs.
Takarai Kikaku
source : otorisama
fuku kumade kakagete mon ni yuki Daruma
carrying home a lucky kumade
and by the gate
a snowman Daruma
Ayu あゆ
source : Ginza Haiku Dojo
Related words
***** Daruma Ichi 達磨市 Markets to Sell Daruma
Tori 酉 rooster (chicken, cock) amulets

- #torinoichi #toshinoichi #yearendmarket -
Very interesting! And a nice addition for those who would like to read more after reading about the kumade ichi in the Nihon Sun article we linked to.
Thank you. Your blog is a wonderful resource for Japanese culture!
Inaka Dictionary: 熊手 (くまで) a rake
by humorusguidetojapan
The First Lunar Month 一月 ichigatsu - 睦月 mutsuki - in Edo
kumade 熊手 "bear hand" art motives - - lucky bamboo rake
more details
tori 酉 rooster
The rooster is one of the 12 zodiac animals of the Asian lunar calendar.
He is therefore a well-liked animal in folk art and handicraft.
People born in the year of the rooster and on the day of the rooster are protected by
Fudo Myo-O 不動明王.
kirizanshoo 切山椒 sweet desert dish
zashiki yori chanoma ga suki ya kirisanshoo
better then the guest room
I like the family living room -
New Year sweets
Tr. Gabi Greve
Ikenouchi Takeshi 池内たけし (1889 - 1974)
The nephew of Takahama Kyoshi 高浜虚子.
more about
chanoma, cha no ma, cha-no-ma 茶の間 private family living room
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