
AUTUMN Ceremonies



August, September, October

In Autumn, the biggest event is the ceremony for the souls of the ancestors, O-Bon.
Here are first many kigo related to this event.


.. .. .. .. .. Bon Festival (o-bon, obon) お盆

....................................... Included in this file are :
Lantern Festival, Festival of the Dead, Ancestor's Festival
..... Urabon, Ura-Bon 盂蘭盆, urabon-e 盂蘭盆会
..... Bonrei 盆礼

Bon Lantern, bon choochin 盆提灯 Bon Lanterns and other lanterns
..... Bon Dooroo 盆燈籠
Bon Dance, bon odori 盆踊り Awaodori Dance
Tower for the Bon Dance, bon yagura 盆櫓

welcoming fire at the gates, mukaebi 迎え火
Festival for the souls, tama matsuri 魂祭
sending off fire, okuribi 送り火
sending off the souls, tama okuri 霊送り

shelf for Bon offerings, bondana 盆棚
shelf for the souls, shooryoodana 精霊棚
shelf for the ancestors, sensodana 先祖棚
empty shelf, karadana 空棚
sutras on the shelf, tanagyoo 棚経

first bon, hatsubon初盆, shinbon新盆
..... for a person who died the year before

preparations for o-bon, bonjitaku 盆仕度
..... Bon yooi 盆用意
before o-bon, bon mae 盆前
holidays during o-bon, bon yasumi 盆休み
after o-bon, bon sugi 盆過ぎ

ranbon shoo-e 蘭盆勝会 らんぼんしょうえ Chinese O-Bon
ranbon 蘭盆(らんぼん)
chuugoku bon 中国盆(ちゅうごくぼん) Chinese O-Bon
celebrated in Okinawa


Light offerings afloat (tooroo nagashi) 燈篭流し
....................................... Included in this file are:
Daimonji 大文字、大文字焼 Great Seeing-Off Fire in Kyoto
Hyaku Hattai 百八燈 108 bonfires
Kadobi 門火/Mukaebi 迎火 Fire at the Entrance to Welcome the Souls
Mantoo-E 万燈会 Ten Thousand Lanterns Ceremony
Okuribi 送火 Fire for Seeing Off
Sentoo Kuyoo 千燈供養 Thousand Lanterns Offerings
Tooroo Nagashi 燈籠流 Light offerings afloat


Other customs and ceremonies at O-Bon

Bon no Tera 盆の寺 Temple during O-Bon

Hakamairi 墓参 Visiting the Graves of Ancestors Autumn Equinox

Nasu no Uma 茄子の馬 Horses of Eggplants
Bonbana 盆花 Flowers for O-Bon
Bongama 盆竈 Bon Stove for girl's cooking
Shooryoobune 精霊船 Bon Boats for the Souls, Ships for Souls

Rokudoo Mairi 六道参 Welcoming the souls at the six crossroads, Bon Ceremony

ikimitama, iki mitama 生身魂 (いきみたま) living soul
ikibon 生き盆(いきぼん) Bon for the living (elderly parents)

Kusa no ichi 草の市 Market for O-Bon

bon kyoogen 盆狂言 (ぼんきょうげん ) kyogen during the O-Bon ancestor festival
..... bon shibai 初秋 盆芝居(ぼんしばい)Bon-performance
..... bongaeri, bon-gaeri 盆替り(ぼんがわり)

Ogara 苧穀 burned for okuribi ceremonies

Soodai 掃苔 Bon, Cleaning the moss from the graves
Sashi Saba 刺鯖 Giving Makarels to the family, night before o-Bon

Tana Gyoosoo 棚経僧 Priests reading sutras in front of the Bon Shelf

Bon Gochi 盆東風 East Wind during O-Bon > WIND in various kigo
Bon Nami 盆波 Waves during O-Bon
Bon no Tsuki 盆の月 Moon during O-Bon >
..... MOON and its LINKS

Bonmichi 盆路 Road for O-Bon

Bon Shibai 盆芝居 Theater Performance at O-Bon
Hooka ほうか Bon Dance in the Mikawa Area
Kiraigoo 鬼来迎 Welcoming of the Demons
a kind of Bon-Kyogen (but kigo for late summer)
Segaki 施餓鬼 Offering food and drink to the hungry ghosts also
Hungry Ghosts, gaki 餓鬼
..... Japanese Ghosts and Demons

Jizoo Bon 地蔵盆 Ceremonies for Jizoo Bosatsu, August 18 - 24

Hassaku no iwai 八朔の祝 Hassaku Harvest Festival.
"princess melon doll", hime uribina. kettle for the tea ceremony, hassaku gama 八朔釜. Rice Gruel, O-bana no kayu 尾花の粥

Hoojoo-E 放生会 Setting free of animals
at various Hachiman shrines in Japan

Kaze no Bon 風の盆 ..... Bon of the Wind


Akibasho 秋場所 (あきばしょ ) autumn tournament
..... kugatsubasho 仲秋 九月場所(くがつばしょ)
September Grand Sumo tournament

Aki Higan 秋彼岸 Autumn Equinox
shuuki koorei-sai 秋季皇霊祭 Autumn Celebration of the Ancestors Souls
shuuki higan-e 秋季彼岸会 Buddhist Autumn Equinox celebration

Aki Henro 秋遍路 Henro Pilgrims in Autumn
Shikoku Pilgrimage (henro) Shikoku Henro
..... Settai 摂待 Giving Alms

Aki kyoogen 秋狂言 (あききょうげん)autumn kyogen
kugatsu kyoogen 九月狂言(くがつきょうげん)kyogen in september
..... nagori kyoogen 名残狂言(なごりきょうげん)
kugatsu shibai 九月芝居(くがつしばい)performance in september

Aki Matsuri 秋祭り Autumn Festival   and many related kigo

Aki no komabiki 秋の駒牽 (あきのこまびき)
selecting horses in autumn

koma mukae 駒迎え(こまむかえ)welcoming the horses home
hikiwakezukai 引分使(ひきわけづかい)
mochizuki no koma 望月の駒(もちづきのこま)
horses in the full moon month
kirihara no koma 霧原の駒(きりはらのこま)
horses in the misty plains

Aki no Sekiten 秋の釈奠 (あきのせきてん)
Confucius (festival) in autumn

aki no okimatsuri 秋のおきまつり(あきのおきまつり)

Aki no yabu-iri 秋の薮入(あきのやぶいり)
servant holidays in autumn

nochi no yabuiri 後の薮入 "next holiday for the servants"

akai hane 赤い羽根 (あかいはね) red feather (donations)
ai no hane 愛の羽根(あいのはね) feather of love

Atagobi, Atago bi 愛宕火 (あたごび) "fire at Atago" shrine Atago Jinja

Ayaha matsuri 穴織祭 (あやはまつり) Ayaha festival
Kureha matsuri 呉服祭(くれはまつり)Kureha Festival
Shrine Kureha Jinja, Osaka. Deities of Weaving


bettara ichi べったら市 (べったらいち)
market selling bettara radish pickles
- Tokyo

Botamochi Rice Cakes (Botamochi) "Ricecakes in difficult times" Gonan no mochi 御難の餅 (ごなんのもち)
Ceremony at the "Dragon Mouth" Tatsu no kuchi Hoonan E
Botamochi Ceremony, botamochi eshiki 牡丹餅会式(ぼたもちえしき) and Nichiren

Bunka no hi 文化の日 (ぶんかのひ) culture day
geijutsusai 芸術祭 (げいじゅつさい) art festival
Shosoin kaze ire, kazeire 風入れ(かぜいれ)
bijutsu tenrankai 美術展覧会 art exhibition
bijutsu no aki 美術の秋(びじゅつのあき) "autumn of the fine arts"
and many more


Christian Celebrations in Autumn
hishootensai 被昇天祭 (ひしょうてんさい) Feast of the Assumption
seibo seishinsai 聖母聖心祭 (せいぼせいしんさい)The Immaculate Heart of Mary
seibo seitansai 聖母生誕祭 (せいぼせいたんさい)Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
juujikasai, juujika sai 十字架祭 (じゅうじかさい) Exaltation of the Cross
sei Mikaeru sai 聖ミカエル祭 (せいみかえるさい) Feast of Saint Michael
tenshisai, tenshi sai 天使祭 (てんしさい) "festival of angels" . Angel Festival
rozario no seibo no hi ロザリオの聖母の日(ろざりおのせいぼのひ)Our Lady of the Rosary
Banseietsu 万聖節 (ばんせいせつ) All Saints' Day
Shareisai 諸霊祭 (しょれいさい) All Souls Day


Chooyoo 重陽 Chrysanthemum Festival Double Nine (9th lunar Month, 9th Day)
kiku no sekku 菊の節供(きくのせっく)chrysanthemum ritual
kyoo no kiku 今日の菊(きょうのきく)chrysanthemum of today
..... kiku no hi 菊の日(きくのひ)day of the chrysanthemum
(Kyu Kyu Day)
chooyoo no en 重陽の宴(ちょうようのえん)
banquet in honor of the chrysanthemum
kiku no sake 菊の酒(きくのさけ)chrysanthemum sake
kariage no sekku 刈上の節供
sankunichi 三九日(さんくにち)three days with a nine
kiku no kisewata 菊の着綿 (きくのきせわた)

Chuugen 中元 (ちゅうげん) mid-year presents
..... o-chuugen お中元(おちゅうげん)
..... bonrei 盆礼(ぼんれい)curtesy gift for O-Bon
bon mimai 盆見舞(ぼんみまい) curtesy visit at O-Bon


Daikakuji Dainichi-E 大覚寺大日会
Ceremony for Dainichi at Temple Daikaku-Ji

October 28

Dazaifu matsuri 大宰府祭 (だざいふまつり) Dazaifu Festival
..... Dazaifu Tenmangu matsuri
September 21 till 25


Ebisugire, Ebisu gire 夷切れ(えびすぎれ)
absolving of lies

..... seimonbarai, seimon barai 誓文払 (せいもんばらい)
October 20, Kyoto, shrine Kanjaden 官者殿


Fukagawa Hachiman matsuri 深川八幡祭 Hachiman festival at Fukagawa, Tokyo
Fukagawa matsuri 深川祭 ふかがわまつり Fukagawa festival
Tomioka matsuri 富岡祭(とみおかまつり)Tomioka festival

Fudangyoo 不断経
Ceremony of reading sutras day and night


Gege 解夏 end of the summer ascetics
..... ge aki 夏明き(げあき), ge no hate 夏の果(げのはて)
..... sooan, soo-an 送行(そうあん)、gegaki osame 夏書納(げがきおさめ)
..... butsukangibi, butsu kangi bi 仏歓喜日(ぶつかんぎび)
..... kangibi 歓喜日 "a day to rejoice"

Gonan no mochi 御難の餅 (ごなんのもち)
"Ricecakes in difficult times"

to honor Nichiren


Hachiman Matsuri、八幡祭(はちまんまつり)Hachiman Festival
at Shrine Iwashimizu Jinja
hoojoo-e 放生会(ほうじょうえ)
Iwashimizu matsuri 石清水祭 Iwashimizu Festival
Otokoyama matsuri 男山祭Festival at Otokoyama
chuushuusai 仲秋祭(ちゅうしゅうさい)mid-autumn festival
nansai 南祭(なんさい)South-Festival
hoojoogawa 放生川(ほうじょうがわ) river for releasing fish
hanachidori 放ち鳥(はなちどり)releasing birds
hanachigame 放ち亀(はなちがめ)releasing turtles

Hakozaki matsuri 筥崎祭 (はこざきまつり) Hakozaki Festival
..... Hakozaki hoojooe, hoojoo-e 筥崎放生会(はこざきほうじょうえ)
Fukuoka Hakozaki Hachimangu 福岡筥崎八幡宮, September 12 - 18

Heian matsuri 平安祭(へいあんまつり) Heian festival
..... jidai matsuri 時代祭 (じだいまつり) "Festival of the Ages"

Hootoo-e 奉燈会 (ほうとうえ)
mandoo-e 万燈会(まんどうえ)yoi Kooboo 宵弘法(よいこうぼう)
memorial service for Kobo Daishi, with many lanterns
August 20, Temple Daikaku-Ji 大覚寺

Hoze matsuri 豊穣祭 (ほぜまつり) "harvest thanksgiving festival"
..... hoojoo e 豊穣会(ほうじょうえ)
now November 23, Kirishima Shrine


Ise Hoohei 伊勢奉幣(いせほうへい) Imperial Envoy to Ise Shrine
reihei 例幣 (れいへい) imperial envoy
kanname no matsuri 神嘗祭 (かんなめのまつり)
kannamesai 晩秋 神嘗祭(かんなめさい)
shinjoosai 神嘗祭(しんじょうさい)
. .. . . Ise Jingu and its kigo
Ise gosenguu 伊勢御遷宮 (いせごせんぐう) Gosengu Festival of the Ise Shrine
gosenguu 御遷宮(ごせんぐう)

Itsukushima Ennensai 厳島延年祭(いつくしまえんねんさい)
Ennen Festival at Itsukushima

..... tamatori matsuri 玉取祭 (たまとりまつり) "bead-grabbing festival"

Iwakura matsuri 岩倉祭 (いわくらまつり) Iwakura Festival
..... shiritataki matsuri 晩秋 尻たたき祭(しりたたきまつり)
festival of hitting the backside
September 15, Shrine Iwakura Jinja 石座神社 Kyoto


Joonan matsuri 城南祭 (じょうなんまつり) Jonan Festival
Joonan jin matsuri 城南神祭(じょうなんじんまつり)
October, Shrine 城南宮 Jonan-Gu

Juzudama 数珠玉 "Beads of the Rosary" Job's tears, a plant. and more about the rosary in Japan!


Kangetsu Sanbutsu-E 観月讃仏会 Moon Viewing Ceremony
Temple Toshodai-Ji 唐招提寺 Nara

Kantoo 竿燈 / 竿灯 (かんとう) "lantern on a pole"
Kanto Lantern Festival in Akita

Kashima matsuri 鹿島祭 (かしままつり) Kashima Festival
..... Kashima Goshinkoo sai 鹿島御神幸祭(かしまごしんこうさい)

Kehi matsuri 気比祭 (けひまつり) Kehi Shrine Festival
..... Tsuruga matsuri 仲秋 敦賀祭(つるがまつり) Tsuruga Festival

Keiroo no hi 敬老の日 Respect for the Aged Day

kemi 毛見 (けみ ) tax evaluation
kemi no shuu 毛見の衆(けみのしゅう)group of tax evaluation officials
kemi no hi 毛見の日(けみのひ)day of tax evaluation
tsubogari 坪刈(つぼがり) "harvesting one tsubo of land" and more ...

Kishibojin Matsuri 鬼子母神祭 Kishibojin Festival

Kitano matsuri 北野祭 (きたのまつり) Kitano Festival
Shrine Kitano Tenmangu, Kyoto

Kitano zuiki matsuri 北野芋茎祭 (きたのずいきまつり)
Vegetable Decoration Festival

zuiki matsuri 瑞饋祭(ずいきまつり)
zuiki mikoshi 芋茎御輿(ずいきみこし)

Kiyomizu hoshikudari 清水星下り (きよみずほしくだり)
"a star comes to Kiyomizu"
. . . . . and
Kiyomizu sennichi moode 清水千日詣 (きよみずせんにちもうで)
..... yokubi 欲日(よくび), shiman rokusennichi 四万六千日(しまんろくせんにち)
tempel Kiyomizudera, Kyoto. August 9

Koomyoo Shingon-E 光明真言会 Ceremony of the Komyo Mantra
Saidai-Ji Nara, October 3 - 5

Kotohira matsuri 金刀比羅祭 (ことひらまつり) Kotohira Festival
..... Konpira 金毘羅祭(こんぴらまつり)Kompira festival Shikoku

Kurama no hi matsuri 鞍馬の火祭 Kurama Fire Festival


Matsumae kaeru 松前帰る (まつまえかえる)
coming home from Matsumae

Matsumae noboru 松前上る(まつまえのぼる)coming back from Matsumae

Misayama matsuri 御射山祭 (みさやままつり)
Misayama festival

hoya 穂屋(ほや)"hut with a thatched wall"
hoya matsuri 穂屋祭(ほやまつり) Festival of the thatched hut"
At Suwa, Shinano, Nagano

Mishima matsuri 三島祭 (みしままつり) Mishima Festival
August 15 - 17, Great Mishima Shrine 三島大社

Mura shibai 村芝居(むらしばい)performance in the village
... mura kabuki 村歌舞伎(むらかぶき)village kabuki
... jikyoogen, ji kyoogen 地狂言(じきょうげん) village kyogen
... ji shibai, jishibai 地芝居 (じしばい) local performance

Mushi awase 虫合わせ (むしあわせ) pairing insects competition
hunting for insects, mushikari 虫狩 (むしがり)
..... mushi tori, mushitori 虫採り(むしとり)
selecting insects, mushi erabi 虫選び (むしえらび )
..... mushi fuku 虫吹く(むしふく)

Mushiokuri, mushi okuri 虫送 Driving away the bad insects
(part of the O-Bon ceremonies)


Nakizumoo 泣角力 (なきずもう) sumo wrestling until babies cry
September 19, shrine Ikigo Jinja 生子神社

Nanuka no on-sechiku 七日の御節供 (なぬかのおんせちく)
Seasonal feast on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month
..... sakubei 索餅(さくべい) Sakubei-noodles

Nebuta matsuri ねぶた祭(ねぶたまつり)Nebuta Festival
nemurinagashi, nemuri nagashi 眠流し (ねむりながし)
..... nebuta 侫武多(ねぶた) Nebuta, Neputa
kingyo nebuta 金魚ねぶた(きんぎょねぶた)goldfish as nebuta float
oogidoro 扇燈籠(おぎどろ)"fan-shapet lantern"
kenka nebuta 喧嘩ねぶた(けんかねぶた)fighting nebuta floats
nemuta nagashi ねむた流し(ねむたながし)
onenburi おねんぶり
haneto 跳人(はねと) "jumping people"

Nijuurokuya machi 二十六夜待
waiting for the moon on day 26

Niukawakami matsuri 丹生川上祭 (にうかわかみまつり)
Niukawakami festival

Niukawakami Jinja 丹生川上神社, October 16

Nochi no degawari 後の出代 (のちのでがわり)
migrating of the servants in autumn

Nochi no futsuka kyuu 後の二日灸 moxabustion on August second


Okunichi (おくにち) "Honorable Day with a Nine"
okunchi おくんち Okunchi . kunchi くんち
The ninth of the ninth month.
Nagasaki Okunchi, Hakata Okunchi, Karatsu Okunchi

omeiko 御命講 (おめいこう) memorial service
for Saint Nichiren

omyookoo, o-myookoo 御命講(おみょうこう)、oeikoo, o-eikoo 御影講(おえいこう)、oeshiki, o-eshiki 御会式(おえしき)、eshiki 会式(えしき)、eshikidaiko 会式太鼓(えしきだいこ)、drums / mandoo 万燈(まんどう)lanterns
Nichirenki, Nichiren ki 日蓮忌(にちれんき) Memorial Day for Saint Nichiren
Saint Nichiren and related kigo

Otomatsuri 御灯祭, お燈まつり, 御燈祭 Torch Fire Festival Kumano, Wakayama

Ootsu matsuri 大津祭 Otsu Festival, Otsu Matsuri
Nishinomiya matsuri 四宮祭(しのみやまつり)
Festival of shrine Nishi no Miya (in Otsu, Shiga pref.)


Rokusai Nenbutsu 六斎念仏
Ceremony of praying to Amida Nyorai for six days


Sennichi Mairi 千日参 Thousand Days of a Temple Visit
Karasaki mairi 唐崎参 (からさきまいり) Karasaki pilgrimage

Settai 摂待 (せったい) "giving alms"
..... kadocha 門茶(かどちゃ)"tea at the corner"

Shiba shinmei matsuri 芝神明祭 (しばしんめいまつり)
Festival at Shiba Shinmei Shrine

..... daradara matsuri だらだら祭(だらだらまつり)
..... shooga ichi 生姜市(しょうがいち) ginger market
September 11 - 21. Tokyo 

Shika no tsunokiri 鹿の角切 (しかのつのきり)
cutting the horns of deer

tsunokiri 角伐(つのきり)cutting the horns
shikayose 鹿寄せ(しかよせ)herding the deer together
shikatsuri 鹿釣り(しかつり)"fishing for deer"
at Shrine Kasuga Taisha, Nara

Shinjo Matsuri 新庄祭 Shinjo FestivalYamagata. August 24 - 26

Shinsai kinenbi 震災記念日 (しんさいきねんび)
earthquake memorial day
Kanto Earthquake September 1, 1923

Shoosoo-In (Shoso-In) Bakuryoo 正倉院曝涼
Airing of the treasures (hoomotsu kaze-ire)

kaze ire, kazeire 風入れ(かぜいれ)

Shuubun no hi 秋分の日 Day of the Autumn Equinox

Shuusen kinenbi 終戦記念日 しゅうせんきねんび August 15
..... shuusen no hi 終戦の日(しゅうせんのひ)
..... haisenki 敗戦忌(はいせんき)
Cease Fire Day, haisen no hi, 敗戦の日(はいせんのひ)
shuusenbi 終戦日(しゅうせんび)
Cease Fire Day, haisenbi敗戦日(はいせんび)

Shuushisai, Shuushi sai 愁思祭 (しゅうしさい) Shushi Memorial Festival
In Memory of Sugawara no Michizane, Dazaifu Tenmangu
Now October 10

Sumiyoshi no ichi 住吉の市(すみよしのいち)
market at Sumiyoshi Shrine, Hakata

Sumiyoshi sumoo e 住吉相撲会(すみよしすもうえ)
sumo wrestling at Sumiyoshi Shrine (Sumiyosh Jinja 住吉神社)
takara no ichi 宝の市 (たからのいち)
"treasure market"
masu ichi 枡市(ますいち)masu measure cups market

Sumoo no sechi 相撲の節(すもうのせち)"Sumo Event" wrestling at the court

Suppootei Matsuri 数方庭祭 Suhotei Festival
Yamaguchi, at Shrine Iminomiya 忌宮神社, Yamaguchi

Susuki Nenbutsu-E 薄念仏会 Ceremony in memory of Ippen Shoonin


Tanabata 七夕 Star Festival   and many related kigo
negai no ito 願の糸 (ねがいのいと) "string for wishes" ...
. . . suzuri arai 硯洗 (すずりあらい) washing of the inkstonefor Tanabata

Taiiku no hi 体育の日 (たいいくのひ) physical education day
Health and Sports Day
kokumin taiiku taikai "National Sports Festival"
国民体育大会 (こくみんたいいくたいかい)
.... kokutai 国体(こくたい)

Togakushi matsuri 戸隠祭 (とがくしまつり) Togakushi Festival
Nagano, August 14 - 16

Tozu Seppoo 戸津説法
Explaining the Buddhist Law at Tozu

Temple Tonan-Ji, Otsu. August 21 - 25

Tukasameshi 司召 (つかさめし)
governor promotion (in autumn)

aki no jimoku 秋の除目(あきのじもく) governor promotion in autumn
kyookan jimoku 京官除目(きょうかんじもく)governor promotion in Kyoto

Tsurugaoka Hachiman matsuri 鶴岡八幡祭 Festival at Tsurugaoka Hachiman shrine Kamakura
Tsurugaoka matsuri 鶴岡祭
Kamakura Hachiman matsuri 鎌倉八幡祭

Tsuto iri, tsuto-iri 衝突入 Visiting a home
Yamada no tsuto-iri 山田のつと入(やまだのつといり)home visit at Yamada, Ise
bon no tsuto-iri 盆のつと入(ぼんのつといり)home visit at O-Bon ancestor festival


Uma ichi 馬市 horse market in late autumn

Usa matsuri 宇佐祭(うさまつり) Usa festival
Usa hoojoo-e 宇佐放生会 (うさほうじょうえ)
Usa Hachimangu 宇佐八幡宮

Uzumasa no Ushi Matsuri 太秦の牛祭 Ox Festival at Uzumasa


Yahata hoojoo-e 八幡放生会 (やはたほうじょうえ)
releasing living animals at Hachiman shrines

Yuurei Matsuri 幽霊祭 Festival of the Ghosts O-Bon

Yonenbutsu 夜念仏 Nenbutsu-Prayers at Night
..... see Amida Prayer (Namu Amida Butsu)
(also listed as early winter)

Yoshida Fire Festival (Yoshida himatsuri, Yoshida chinkasai)

..... Fuji Sengen Jinja no Himatsuri 富士浅間神社の火祭り


.. .. .. Memorial Days

Memorial Days of Famous People


.. .. .. Plants

. Bodaishi 菩提子 Fruit of the Linden tree .

. Kannonsoo 観音草 Kannon-Plant .
kichijoosoo 吉祥草 Kichijoo-plant

Kiku Kuyoo 菊供養 memorial ritual for chrysanthemums
Asakusa Kannon Temple, Tokyo October 18
Kiku no Sekku 菊の節句 Chrysanthemum Festival

Shakunage 曼珠沙華
Spider Lilies (manjushage, O-Higanbana 彼岸花)


.. .. .. Animals

Hooshizemi 法師蝉 Hooshi Cicada, tsukutsukubooshi

Tanuki matsuri 狸祭り Tanuki badger festival
tanuki kuyoo 狸供養 memorial service for badgers

Kane Tataki 鉦叩 Prayer Gong Cricket, Fruit Cricket (kanetataki) >
..... Kuya Shonin


Autumn Festivals not listed in the BIG SAIJIKI

. Benkei Matsuri 弁慶まつり Benkei Festival
at Tanabe, Kumano, Wakayama

. Danjiri Matsuri だんじり祭り Danjiri Festival
Kishiwada, Osaka and others

. Fukushima Inari Shrine Autumn Festival
福島稲荷神社 Fukushima Inari Jinja

. Izumo Orochi Matsuri 出雲おろち祭り

. Kebesu festival (kebesu sai ケベス祭)

Kangetsu Matsuri 観月祭 Moon Viewing Festival
Matsuo Shrine 松尾大社 Kyoto

. Kumano Fude Matsuri 熊野筆まつり Brush Festival in Kumano  Hiroshima

Maizuru Ana Kannon Matsuri 舞鶴 穴観音秋の大祭 Festival for Cave Kannon at Maizuru

Mie Prefecture Autumn Festivals

Nada Fighting Festival (Nada no Kenka Matsuri)
October 14/ 15 at Matsubara Hachiman Shrine, Himeji

. Nagoya matsuri 名古屋祭り Nagoya Festival  

Ningyoo Kuyoo 人形供養 Memorial Ceremony for used dolls
Ningyo Kuyo

. Yamaga Lantern Festival 山鹿灯籠まつり
Kumamoto. August 15/16



. Winter and New Year  




WINTER Ceremonies


The Asian Lunar Calendar and Ceremonies

A lunar month started with no-moon, had the full moon on the 15th and 28 days to go.
The first lunar month of a year started the round of 12 months.
With the calendar reform in Japan, things changed, making the life of a haiku poet more difficult.

Please read the details here:

. The Asian Lunar Calendar and the
changing Dates of Japanese Ceremonies

In "early winter" we have kigo that relate to the harvest thanksgiving ceremonies of the tenth lunar month.

In December (mid-winter kigo)
we have a lot of preparations for the New Year.

November, December, January



... ... ... LAST ceremonies of the year (osame, hate, tome ...)
Many of them have the corresponding FIRST ceremony in the New Year Saijiki.

Fuda Osame 札納 Bringing back the old year amulets
..... osamefuda 納札(おさめふだ)
First and Last Ceremonies of the year

Haki osame 掃納 (はきおさめ) end of sweeping the floors

Hari osame 針納(はりおさめ) "end of the needlework"
hari yasumi 針休み(はりやすみ)
hari osame 針納(はりおさめ) putting away the needles
hari matsuri 針祭(はりまつり)needle festival
hari kuyoo 針供養 in Kyoto and Kansai

Koto osame 事納 (ことおさめ) end of work
..... osame yooka 納め八日(おさめようか) end on the eighth day
. . . . . and
. . . . . and
Koto hajime 事始(ことはじめ)start of work, work begins

Osame Fudoo 納不動
Last Fudo Myo-O Ceremony of a Year

Osame no Konpira 納の金毘羅 (おさめのこんぴら)
Last Ceremony at the shrine Konpira

..... shimai Konpira 終金毘羅(しまいこんぴら)

Osame no Kooshin 納の庚申 (おさめのこうしん)
Last Koshin Ceremony

..... hate no kooshin 果の庚申(はてのこうしん)
..... tome kooshin 止庚申(とめこうしん)

Osame no Suitenguu 納の水天宮 (おさめのすいてんぐう)
Last Ceremony for the God of Water

Osame Tenjin 終天神 (しまいてんじん)
Last Ceremony for Tenjin

Gojoo Tenman mairi 五条天神参 (ごじょうてんじんまいり)
Visiting Gojo Tenmangu, Ueno, Tokyo or Kyoto
in memory of Sugawara Michizane

Shimai Daishi 終大師 Last Ceremony for Kobo Daishi
Osame no Daishi 納めの大師
hate no Daishi 果ての大師
shimai Kooboo (shimai Kobo) 終弘法
..... also
First Ceremonies of the year
Daishikoo 大師講 Daishi Ceremony Group Kobo Daishi, Kukai


Betsuji nenbutsu 別時念仏 (べつじねんぶつ) special nenbutsu prayer
jishuusaimatsu betsuji 時宗歳末別時(じしゅうさいまつべつじ)

butsumyooe 仏名会 (ぶつみょうえ)
Chanting of the Buddhas' Names

"depictions of the Buddhas", Butsumyo-E, Butsumyo Ceremony
..... o butsumyoo 御仏名(おぶつみょう)
kazukewata, kazuke wata 被綿(かずけわた)"covering cotton"
Kaenashi no kenpai 栢梨の献盃(かえなしのけんぱい)ritual drink of Kaenashi

Chiba warai 千葉笑 (ちばわらい) "laughing in Chiba"

Chichibu Yomatsuri 秩父夜祭 . Chichibu Night Festival
Chichibu Matsuri 秩父祭(ちちぶまつり)

Chishaku-in rongi 智積院論義 (ちしゃくいんろんぎ)
public debate at temple Chishaku-In

Kyoto, Shingon sect

Christian Celebrations in Winter
kanshasai 感謝祭 (かんしゃさい) Thanksgiving
Sei Sabieru no hi 聖ザビエルの日 (せいざびえるのひ)Day of Saint Xavier
taikoosetsu 待降節 (たいこうせつ) advent
seitaisetsu 聖胎節 (せいたいせつ) day of the Immaculate Conception (of Virgin Mary)
kurisumasu クリスマス Christmas, Weihnachten
seikazoku no hi 聖家族の日 (せいかぞくのひ) Day of the Holy Family
Sei Johanne no hi 聖ヨハネの日 (せいよはねのひ) Day of Saint John
seishokusai 聖燭祭 (せいしょくさい) candlemass
koogen no hi 公現の日 (こうげんのひ) Epiphany / Three Kings Day


Daijinguu fuda kubari 大神宮札配 (だいじんぐうふだくばり)
distributing amulets from Ise shrine

Also performed at other great shrines.
. . . . . and from Ise Shrine
Saiguu no ema 斎宮絵馬 (さいぐうのえま) votive plaquets at Saigu
Ituski no miya no ema 斎宮絵馬(いつきのみやのえま)

Daikotaki 大根焚 Cooking large radishes
Temple Senbon Shakado 千本釈迦堂, Kyoto, Feb. 10 - 13
Narutaki no daikotaki 鳴滝の大根焚 (なるたきのだいこたき)
Daikotaki 大根焚き(お会式)for Saint Nichiren
Temple Sanpo-Ji 三寳寺
Daikon, Radish

Daishi koo 大師講 Ceremonies at Mount Hiei-zan for the founder, Dengyo Daishi.
Memorial day for Tendai Daishi, Tendai Daishi Ki 天台大師忌(てんだいだいしき). Memorial day for Chisha Daishi, Chisha Daishi Ki 智者大師忌(ちしゃだいしき) .Tendai Prayer Ceremony, Tendai e、天台会(てんだいえ). Tenday Prayer Ceremony at November,
shimotsuki e 霜月会(しもつきえ).Great Ceremony at Mount Hieizan, Hieizan hokke e
比叡山法華会(ひえいざんほっけえ). "Great Master's Gruel", Daishi gayu 大師粥

Doyadoya matsuri どやどや祭り Doyadoya naked festival
Osaka, Shitennoji

Ebisu-koo 恵比寿講 Ebisu Ceremony Group
..... Ebisu Matsuri, 夷子祭 Ebisu Festival

Fuigo matsuri 鞴祭 bellows festival
Swordsmith's Festsival, kaji matsuri 鍛冶祭
Bellows Festival, tatara matsuri 踏鞴祭
Throwing mandarins (small oranges) mikan maki 蜜柑撒, 蜜柑捲
..... lighting fire for the god Inari, inari no o-hotaki 稲荷の御火焚

Fuyu Ango 冬安居 Winter Retreat for Monks
yuki ango 雪安居(ゆきあんご) Retreat for monks in snow

Gegen 下元 (かげん) last third of the year cememony
..... gegen no setsu 下元の節(かげんのせつ)
First third of the year (joogen)

Gishi-E 義士会 Memorial Ceremony for the 47 Samurai graves of the 47 Ronin at Sengakuji

Gojuu Sooden 五重相伝 Secret Ceremony of the Pure Land Sect

Gonichi no noo 後日の能 (ごにちののう) last Noh performance
..... go-en no noo 後宴の能(ごえんののう)

Gosechi Mai , gosechi no mai 五節の舞 Dance of the Five Maidens
..... go sechi 五節(ごせち)、gosechi no choodai kokoromi 五節帳台試(ごせちのちょうだいのこころみ)、gosechi no gozen kokoromi 五節御前試(ごせちのごぜんのこころみ)


Hachi Tataki 鉢叩 鉢敲, 鉢扣 
Memorial Service for Kuuya Shoonin

early winter

Hagoita ichi 羽子板市 (はごいたいち) battledore market

Haka kakou 墓囲ふ Preparing the graves for New Year

Hakamagi 袴着 (はかまぎ) wearing a hakama trousers for the first time
at Shichigosan

Hieizan hokke e 比叡山法華会
Great Ceremony at Mount Hieizan

Prayer group for the Great Master, daishi koo
大師講 だいしこう
Memorial day for Tendai Daishi, Tendai Daishi Ki
Memorial day for Chisha Daishi, Chisha Daishi Ki
Tendai Prayer Ceremony, Tendai e、天台会(てんだいえ)
"Rice Gruel for Priest Chi-E", Chie gayu 智慧粥
"Great Master's Gruel", Daishi gayu 大師粥
gruel on the 18th day, juuhachi gayu 十八粥
fuguri gayu ふぐり粥(ふぐりがゆ

Hiiragi sasu 柊挿す (ひいらぎさす) piercing with a holly

Hikage no kazura 日蔭の蔓 (ひかげのかずら)
lit. "kazura vine in the shadow"

hikage no ito 日蔭の糸(ひかげのいと)"string in the shadow"
hikage no kokoroba 日蔭の心葉(ひかげのこころば)
kokoroba 心葉(こころば) "leaf of the heart"

Hio no tsukai 氷魚の使 (ひおのつかい) Messenger for iced Fish

Hoshi Matsuri 星祭 Star Festivals and Star Shrines (Hoshi Jinja)


Iba Hajime 射場始 Imperial Ceremony of first shooting in Winter
..... yuba hajime 弓場始(ゆばはじめ)

Inoko, i no ko 亥の子 (いのこ) wild boar
i no hi matsuri 亥の日祭(いのひまつり)festival on the day of the boar
i no kami matsuri 亥の神祭(いのかみまつり)festival for the deity of the wild boar
..... and many more about Marishi Ten

Itsukushima chinza sai 厳島鎮座祭 (いつくしまちんざさい)
Itsukushima Shrine dedication festival

oshimeshi, o shime shi 御燈消(おしめし)"turning off the lights"
yamaguchi toji no matsuri 山口閉の祭(やまぐちとじのまつり)
"closing down mountain roads" festival

Izumo Taisha Niiname sai 出雲大社新嘗祭 Thanksgiving Ceremony at Izumo Shrine
"Celebrations of the First Taste"

Joya moode 除夜詣(じょやもうで)shrine visit at the last night
..... joya no kane 除夜の鐘
..... hyakuhachi no kane 百八の鐘(ひゃくはちのかね)
Last Day of the Year (oomisoka 大晦日, Japan)

juuya 十夜 (じゅうや) the 10th night
Ceremony for Amida Buddha
honorable tenth night, o juuya 御十夜(おじゅうや)
tenth night ritual, juuya hooyoo 十夜法要(じゅうやほうよう)
gruel at the tenth night, juuya gayu
prayer gongs at the 10th night, juuya gane 十夜鉦(じゅうやがね)
temple with ceremonies at the 10th night, juuya dera
monk at the 10th night, juuya soo十夜僧(じゅうやそう)
old woman at the 10th night, juuya baba
persimmons for the 10th night, juuya gaki


Kakashi age, kakashiage 案山子揚 (かがしあげ)
taking the scarecrows down

..... some no toshitori そめの年取り(そめのとしとり)

. Kagura 神楽 (かぐら) Kagura dance
..... kami asobi 神遊び(かみあそび)Gods enjoying themselves
..... kagura uta 神楽歌(かぐらうた)kagura song
mikagura 御神楽(みかぐら)
niwabi 庭燎(にわび)
sato kagura 里神楽 (さとかぐら)
yokagura 夜神楽 (よかぐら) Kagura dance at night
..... kagura yado 神楽宿(かぐらやど)
..... hosha 祝者(ほしゃ)

Kakure Nenbutsu かくれ念仏 Secret Nenbutsu Dance, Memory of Kuuya Shoonin
..... Namu Amida Butsu, the Amida Prayer

Kamabarai 竈祓 (かまばらい) purification of the hearth
..... Koojin barai 荒神祓(こうじんばらい)purification of the Kojin deity
kama no kami matsuri 竈の神祭(かまのかみまつり)festival of the hearth deity
..... kama matsuri 竈祭(かままつり)
kama shime 竈注連(かましめ)shime decoration for the hearth

Kamioki, kami oki 髪置 (かみおき) binding up the hair
..... kushi oki 櫛置(くしおき) using a comb
migushi age, migushiage 御髪上 (みぐしあげ)
memorial service for old combs, hair and nails

Kamiko 紙衣 Cloths, robes of washi paper
to keep the monks warm.

Kami no tabi 神の旅 (かみのたび) "God on a trip"
the gods are absent, kami no rusu 神の留守
saying good bye to the gods, sending off the gods
..... kami okuri 神送り
"gods-present month", month with the gods in Izumo
kamiarizuki 神有月
welcoming the gods, greeting the gods in Izumo
..... kami mukae 神迎

Kamioki, kami oki 髪置 (かみおき) binding up the hair
..... kushi oki 櫛置(くしおき) using a comb
For Children at Shichi Go San ceremonies.

Kan Gori, kangori 寒垢離 Ascetic practises in the Cold
..... Kan Mairi, kanmairi 寒参 Temple Visit in the Cold
..... kanmoode 寒詣(かんもうで)
Kan Nenbutsu 寒念仏 Nenbutsu Prayer in the Cold
Kan Segyoo 寒施行 Ascetic practises in the Cold
kangyoo 寒行(かんぎょう
hadaka mairi 裸参(はだかまいり)naked visit to a shrine

Kanshasai 感謝祭 (かんしゃさい) Thanksgiving
..... shuukaku kanshasai 収穫感謝祭(しゅうかくかんしゃさい)
harvest thanksgiving

Kaomise 顔見世 "Showing the Faces"
Seasonal debut of the Kabuki Theater actors
..... Tsuramise 面見世
..... Ashi zoroe 足揃 actors' lineup

Kayu 粥 Rice Gruel and related ceremonies
gruel at the tenth night, juuya gayu 十夜粥. "Gruel for Priest Chi-E", Chie gayu 智慧粥
. winter solstice gruel, tooji gayu 冬至粥 (とうじがゆ). offering gruel to the poor, kayu segyoo 粥施行.

Kasuga matsuri, Wakamiya On Matsuri ... 春日若宮御祭

Kasuga Shrine Festivals. "THE Festival" on matsuri 御祭(おんまつり).
..... Kasuga mantooroo 春日万燈籠 (かすがまんとうろう). Kasuga no mantoo 春日の万燈(かすがのまんとう)

Kazari-uri, kazariuri (かざりうり)
vendor of New Year decorations

Kinroo kansha no hi 勤労感謝の日
Labour Thanksgiving Day

Kisshoo-in hakkoo 吉祥院八講 きっしょういんはっこう
Ceremony at temple Kisho-In
Kisshoo-in hokke e 吉祥院法華会(きっしょういんほっけえ)

Koofukuji hokke e 興福寺法華会 (こうふくじほっけえ)
ceremony of the Lotus Sutra at temple Kofuku-Ji

. . . . . and
Yuima-E 維摩会 Ceremony for Yuima (Vimalakirti)
Koofukuji Yuima-e 興福寺維摩会(こうふくじゆいまえ)
Joomyoo e 浄名会(じょうみょうえ)

Koogen no hi 公現の日 (こうげんのひ) Epiphany
Three Kings Day, January 6
gokoogen 御公現(ごこうげん)
ju no gokoogen no iwaibi

Kooya Doofu 高野豆腐 Dry Tofu from Mt. Koya

Koyomi no Soo 暦の奏 Imperial Ceremony of perparing the new calendar
..... Goryaku no soo 御暦の奏(ごりゃくのそう)、rekisoo 暦奏(れきそう)

kurisumasu クリスマス Christmas, Weihnachten
..... kootansai 降誕祭(こうたんさい)
with many more related kigo

Kuma matsuri 熊祭  (くままつり) bear festival Ainu, Hokkaido

Kurokawa noo 黒川能 (くろかわのう ) Kurokawa Noh performance
Oogisai 王祗祭(おうぎさい) oogi ceremony
Yamagata pref.

Kyuushuu basho 九州場所 (きゅうしゅうばしょ) Kyushu Sumo Tournament


Maizuru Daruma Matsuri ..... 舞鶴だるま祭りDaruma Festival in Maizuru Town

Matsu mukae 松迎え (まつむかえ)
bringing out the kadomatsu decorations

matsubayashi 松ばやし(まつばやし)"festival music for the pines"
kadomatsu oroshi 門松おろし(かどまつおろし)

Meiji Jinguu sai 明治神宮祭 (めいじじんぐうさい)
Shrine Meiji Jingu Festival

and Yoyogi no Mai Dance

Mekari no shinji 和布刈神事 (めかりのしんじ)
ceremony of cutting wakame seaweed

..... mekari 和布刈(めかり)cutting seaweed
..... mekari negi 和布刈禰宜(めかりねぎ)
Shinto priest porforming the mekari ritual

Migushi age, migushiage 御髪上 (みぐしあげ)
memorial service for old combs, hair and nails

Mikawa matsuri 三河花祭(みかわはなまつり)Mikawa Festival
..... hana matsuri 花祭 (はなまつり) flower festival
..... hana kagura 花神楽(はなかぐら)flower Kagura dance
..... sakaki oni 榊鬼(さかきおに)Sakaki demon

Mi matsuri 箕祭 (みまつり)
festival when putting the winnow away

..... mi osame 箕納(みおさめ)
kuwa osame 鍬納(くわおさめ)putting the hoe/plough away

Misoka soba 晦日蕎麦 (みそかそば)
buckwheat noodles on the last day of the year

Mootoo no Jun 孟冬の旬 Imperial Ceremony of givng frozen fish
..... hio o tamau 氷魚を賜う(ひおをたまう)

Morotabune no shinji 諸手船神事 (もろたぶねのしんじ)
Morotabune Ship Race Ceremony

morotabune 諸手船(もろたぶね)"decorated boats"
iyaho no matsuri 八百穂祭(いやほのまつり)
Ritual of 800 rice ears
mikuji ubai 御籤奪(みくじうばい)
fighting for fortune-telling slips

Munakata sai 宗像祭 (むなかたさい) Munakata Ceremony
koshiki sai 古式祭(こしきさい)festival in the old style
古式祭(御座)/ 鎮火祭
Munakata Shrine, Fukuoka

muuchii 鬼餅 (むうちい . ムーチー)
muchi, "demon mochi"

..... muuchi zamu 鬼餅寒(むうちいざむ)"demon mochi" in the cold
Okinawa, December 8


Nematsuri 子祭 (ねまつり) "Festival of the Rat/Mouse"
..... futamata daikon 二股大根(ふたまただいこん)two-pronged radish
yome daikon 嫁大根(よめだいこん)"radish like a bride"
Daikoku matsuri 大黒祭(だいこくまつり)Daikoku festival
(sometimes placed as New Year kigo)
tooshin uri 燈心売(とうしんうり)vendors of wicks
netooshin 子燈心(ねとうしん) wick sold on th day of the rat

Niiname no matsuri 新嘗祭 Imperial Ceremony of New Food Offerings
..... New Food festival. Niinamesai 新嘗祭(にいなめさい)、Shinjoosai 新嘗祭(しんじょうさい)、shinjooe 新嘗会(しんじょうえ)、oonie matsuri 大嘗祭(おおにえまつり)、daijoosai 大嘗祭(だいじょうさい)

Nosaki 荷前の使 (のさきのつかい)
imperial envoy to bring first fruits to graves
..... nosaki no hako 荷前の箱(のさきのはこ)box holding the tribute


Obitoki 帯解 (おびとき) "opening the belt"
obi naoshi 帯直(おびなおし)changing the belt
himotoki, himo toki 紐解(ひもとき)
himo naoshi 紐直(ひもなおし)
himo otoshi 紐落(ひもおとし)

Ohotaki, o ho taki 御火焚 (おほたき) "making a bonfire"
..... ohotaki 御火焼(おほたき)
ohitaki, o hi taki おひたき
oshitake, o shi take おしたけ

Okami 岡見 (おかみ) "looking down the hill"
..... sakasa mino 逆蓑(さかさみの)"straw raincoat upside down"

okotohajime, o koto hajime お事始め "begin of work"
first day of the 12th lunar month

Omigoromo, o mi goromo 小忌衣 Imperial Ceremonial Robe
..... Omi no sode 小忌の袖(おみのそで)、aozuri no koromo 青摺の衣(あおずりのころも)

Oohara zakone 大原雑魚寝 (おおはらざこね)
sleeping together at Ohara

.... zakone 雑魚寝(ざこね) "group sleep"
"like all kinds of fish"
Setsubun, at shrine 江文神社 Ebumi Jinja

Ooji no kitsunebi 王子の狐火 (おうじのきつねび) day of the fox at Oji Inari Shrine

otogo no tsuitachi 乙子の朔日 (おとごのついたち) celebrating the youngest child
otogo no sekku 乙子の節句(おとごのせっく)
otogomochi otogo mochi 乙子餅 "mochi for the youngest child"
kawabitarimochi 川浸り餅(かわびたりもち)
mochi prepared on the day of kawabitari
kawabitari no tsuitachi 川浸りの朔日(かわびたりのついたち)
kawawatashi no tsuitachi 川渡しの朔日(かわわたしのついたち)


Roohachi-E 臘八会 Ceremony of Rohatsu
Shakyamuni Buddha (roohatsu)
..... roohachi, roohatsu 臘八(ろうはち)
..... Joodoo-E 成道会
roohachi sesshin 臘八接心(ろうはちせっしん)Rohatsu sesshin
roohachigayu 臘八粥(ろうはちがゆ)rice gruel served at Rohatsu sesshin
..... unzoogayu 温糟粥(うんぞうがゆ)
..... gomigayu 五味粥(ごみがゆ)
December 8 in Zen temples

Roojitsu 臘日 (ろうじつ) last day of the year
..... roosai 臘祭(ろうさい)festival on the last day of the year

Rotan o tatematsuru 炉炭を進る Imperial Ceremony , beginning to heat
..... rotan kai 煖炉会(だんろかい)


Saizoo ichi 才蔵市 (さいぞういち)
Market with Saizo singers from Mikawa

Sei Johanne no hi 聖ヨハネの日 (せいよはねのひ)
Day of Saint John the Apostle

..... Sei Johanne no iwaibi

seikazoku no hi 聖家族の日 (せいかぞくのひ)
Day of the Holy Family

Festival Day of the Holy Family from Nazareth

seitaisetsu 聖胎節 せいたいせつ
day of the Immaculate Conception (of Virgin Mary)

Maria no onyadori no hi

Sei Sabieru no hi 聖ザビエルの日 (せいざびえるのひ)
Day of Saint Xavier

Sei Furanshisuko Sabieru shi sai no iwaibi
Sabieru no iwaibi ザビエルの祝日(ざびえるのいわいび)
Sei Sabieru sai 聖ザビエル祭(せいざびえるさい)
Festival for Saint Xavier

Seishokusai 聖燭祭 (せいしょくさい) Candlemass
..... shu no hooken 主の奉献(しゅのほうけん)
Presentation of Jesus at the Temple / Groundhog Day

. . . . .

Setagaya boroichi 世田谷ぼろ市 flea market at Setagaya, Tokyo
..... boro-ichi ぼろ市(ぼろいち) flea market

Setsubun 節分 Setsubun Festival (February 3)
..... Tsuina 追儺 Driving away the evil influences
..... Nayarai なやらい、oni yarai 鬼やらい(おにやらい)
fukumame, fuku mame 福豆(ふくまめ)lucky beans
toshi otoko 年男(としおとこ)"man of the year"
oniuchimame, oni uchi mame 鬼打豆(おにうちまめ)
beans to throw at the demons
fuku wa uchi 福は内(ふくはうち)"Good luck, come in!"
oni wa soto 鬼は外(おにはそと)"Demons, go out! "
. . . mamemaki 豆まき, throwing beans and more kigo

Shichi Go San 七五三 Seven Five Three Celebration
..... Celebrating Shichi-Go-San, shime iwai 七五三祝
..... Seven-Five-Three congratulations
..... shichigosan no iwai 七五三の祝
...... sweets for this celebration, chitose ame 千歳飴 

Shinno Matsuri, Osaka 神農祭,小彦名神社, November 23
..... Shinnoo san 神農さん(しんのうさん)

Shiritsumi matsuri 尻摘祭 (しりつみまつり)
Festival of "touching the butt", "hip sumo"

Shooreisai 松例祭 (しょうれいさい)
Pine ceremony

toshiya matsuri 歳夜祭(としやまつり)year end festival
hyaku taimatsu no shinji 百松明の神事(ひゃくたいまつのしんじ)
ceremony of 100 pine torches

Susuharai 煤払 (すすはらい)
Cleaning the Dust and Dirt (of the old year)


Taikoosetsu 待降節 (たいこうせつ) advent

Tamashizume matsuri 鎮魂祭 (たましずめまつり)
ceremony of the pacification of the souls
..... chinkonsai, chinkon sai 鎮魂祭

Tennooji Doosojin Matsuri 天王寺道祖神祭 (てんのうじどうそじんまつり)
Wayside God Festival at Temple Tenno-Ji, Osaka
hagi matsuri 剥祭(はぎまつり)"left-out festival"
dorojijiri matsuri 泥くじり祭(どろくじりまつり)

Toganoo mushi kuyoo 栂尾虫供養 (とがのおむしくよ)
memorial service for the bugs at Toganoo
Temple Kozan-Ji and saint Myoe Shonin

Tookanya 十日夜 (とおかんや) night of the tenth  
Harvest Thanksgiving on the 10th day of the 10th lunar month

Toojigayu 冬至粥 Rice Gruel at the Winter Solstice
Pumpkin Soup at the Winter Solstice (tooji kabocha 冬至南瓜)

Tooji kitaru 杜氏来る (とうじきたる)
the sake brewers are coming

..... kurairi, kura iri 倉入り(くらいり)
"entering the storehouse"

Tooyama no shimotsuki matsuri 遠山の霜月祭
December Festival in Toyama, Nagano

shimotsuki matsuri 霜月祭(しもつきまつり)
Tooyama matsuri 、遠山祭(とおやままつり)
yudate kagura 湯立て神楽

Tori no Ichi 酉の市 Rooster Market
..... on the first day of the rooster in November
ichi no tori 一の酉(いちのとり)market on the first day of the rooster
tori no machi 酉の町(とりのまち)town with a market on the day of the rooster
tori no ichi moode 酉の町詣(とりのまちもうで) visiting the market at the day of the rooster
..... lucky-rake market, kumade ichi 熊手市
..... Okame-mask market, okame ichi おかめ市
..... too no imo 頭の芋(とうのいも)steamed taro

. . . . .

TOSHI 年 in Kigo for mid-winter refer to the old year which is coming to an end.

Toshikoshi no harae 年越の祓 (としこしのはらえ)
Purification rituals for passing into the New Year

Toshi mamoru 年守る (としまもる) seeing off the old year 
..... toshi okuru 年送る(としおくる)
..... shusai 守歳(しゅさい)
Toshi no hi 年の火 (としのひ) last fire of the year
. . . . . and
toshi no yado 年の宿 (としのやど)
lodgings for passing into the New Year
..... toshiyado 年宿(としやど)
toshi no ie 年の家(としのいえ) home for passing into the New Year

Toshi no ichi 年の市 Last Market of the Year
..... kure no ichi 暮の市(くれのいち) Year-end market
..... kure ichi 暮市(くれいち)
shiwasu no ichi 師走の市(しわすのいち) December market
saimatsu oo-uridash 歳末大売出し(さいまつおおうりだし)
Year-end sale
sekki ichi 節季市(せっきいち)seasonal market
kurisumasu oo-uridashi クリスマス大売出し
(くりすますおおうりだし) Christmas sale

Selling goods cheaply for the New Year Celebrations
. . . . . Daruma ichi 達磨市 (だるまいち) Daruma market at New Year

Toshi no yu 年の湯 (としのゆ) bath on the last day of the year
..... toshiyu 年湯(としゆ)
joya no yu 除夜の湯(じょやのゆ)bath on the last night

Toshi tori 年取 (としとり) "getting one year older"
..... toshi toru 年取る(としとる)

Toshi Yooi 年用意 Preparations for the New Year
..... toshi mooke 年設(としもうけ), toshi no mooke 年の設(としのもうけ)
toshi torimono 年取物(としとりもの)

. . . . .

Toyo no Akari no Sechi-E 豊明節会 Imperial Banquet with "Bountiful Light" and New Food
Toyo no akari 豊の明り(とよのあかり)、yuki no sechi 悠紀の節(ゆきのせち)、suki no sechi 主基の節(すきのせち)


Yakubarai 厄払 Casting off the Old Impurities and Sins
..... Yaku Otoshi 厄落し
yakumoode, yaku moode 厄詣(やくもうで)
visiting a shrine for purification rituals

Yakuzuka 厄塚 (やくづか) mound to ward off evil influence
erected in shrines

Yama no Kami Matsuri 山の神祭 (やまのかみまつり)
Festival for the God of the Mountains

yama no maki koo 山の神講(やまのかみこう)prayer group for the god of the mountain
..... yama no koo 山の講(やまのこう)
yama no ko matsuri 山の講祭(やまのこまつり)
festival of the prayer group for the god of the mountain

Yotsugi hota 世継榾 (よつぎほた) "successor firewood"
"log passing over" the Ney Year night

Yugyoo no Hitotsubi 遊行の一つ火 Memorial Service for Saint Yugyoo Shoonin, Ippen in Kamakura
..... Temple Yugyoo-Ji 遊行寺 and the The Willow of Yugyo

Yukiyama 雪山 (ゆきやま) "snow mountain"
..... yuki no yama 雪の山(ゆきのやま)
In memory of Mount Horai (Hooraisan 蓬莱山).

Yuzu yu 柚子湯( ゆずゆ) bath with yuzu citron
at the winter solstice


.. .. .. Memorial Days

Memorial Days of Famous People


.. .. .. Animals

Kankudori 寒苦鳥 Birds in the snowy mountains
Birds suffering in the cold

Festivals and Ceremonies, not as KIGO

Ae no koto, aenokoto あえのこと / 饗事
Entertaining the God of the Fields

Issa Festival at temple Entenji 炎天寺
November 23

Shimada ame matsuri 島田飴まつり 
Shimada Candy Festival

December 14, Yoshioka-Hachiman Shrine, Miyagi Prefecture.


Ceremonies in the New Year Saijiki

BACK to the TOP of this SAIJIKI



NEW YEAR Ceremonies


The Asian Lunar Calendar and Ceremonies

A lunar month started with no-moon, had the full moon on the 15th and 28 days to go.
The first lunar month of a year started the round of 12 months.
With the calendar reform in Japan, things changed, making the life of a haiku poet more difficult.

A new saijiki category of "New Year" has been introduced to cover the problems arising from this change of calendars.
Before changing to the Gregorian calendar, there were only the four seasons in the saijiki.

Please read the details here:

. The Asian Lunar Calendar and the
changing Dates of Japanese Ceremonies



The New Year is the most important time of life in Japan.
Many customs and ceremonies are related to it.
The season lasts from the first day of the New Year to about January 15th, the night of the full moon, the "Small New Year (koshoogatsu 小正月)" according to the Asian Lunar Calendar.
Some saijiki list these ceremonies in the spring season.



First sunrise, first sun (hatsu hi no de) : 初日の出
Read about Amaterasu Oomikami and Dainichi Nyorai, The Sun Deities of Japan : 天照大神と大日如来

First Spring (hatsu haru 初春) and related kigo


WKD : "First" ceremonies of the year :

The following are explained in the above LINK:

..... Daruma Market 達磨市 Daruma Ichi
fuku Daruma 福達磨(ふくだるま)Daruma for good luck
Daruma mise 達磨店(だるまみせ)shop to sell Daruma dolls

Hatsu Yakushi 初薬師 First Ceremony for Yakushi Nyorai
Healing Buddha, Buddha of Medicine

Hatsu Kannon 初観音 First Kannon Ceremony

初大師 Hatsu Daishi : First Kooboo Daishi Festival Kobo Daishi, Kukai
初地蔵 Hatsu Jizoo : First Jizoo Bosatsu Ceremony
初不動 Hatsu Fudo O-Fudo-Sama in Japan
初護摩 Hatsu-goma, First Fire Ceremony Oyama Fudo, Fire Ceremony

hatsu shakyoo 初写経 : First Copying of the Sutras
初勤行: Hatsu-gongyoo, First Reading of the Sutras
..... 初鐘,初読経,初燈明,初燈

hatsu suzuri 初硯(はつすずり) first (use of the) inkstone

弓始 : Yumi Hajime, First Drawing of the Bow
..... hatsuya 初矢 Shooting of the year's first arrow : Japanese Archery (kyuudoo) 弓道
..... iba hajime 射場始(いばはじめ)、mato hajime 的始(まとはじめ)、yumiya hajime 弓矢始(ゆみやはじめ)、izome 射初(いぞめ)、hatsu yumi 初弓(はつゆみ)
..... see also Noriyumi below.
hatsuya 初矢 Shooting of the year's first arrow at Sanjusan Gendo
..... Sanjuusan Gendoo no yooji joosui kaji 三十三間堂の楊枝浄水加持 (さんじゅうさんげんどうのようじじょうすいかじ) warding off headache with a willow branch at Sanjusan Gendo

First visit to a temple or shrine (hatsumode, hatsu moode 初詣) 
The Basics !


Some more FIRST ceremonies :

Hatsu Asama, hatsu sengen 初浅間
First view of or visit to the Asama Shrine (Mt. Fuji)

Hatsu Asama 初浅間 First view of or visit to Mount Asama, near Karuizawa Town

Hatsu Atago 初愛宕 (はつあたご) First visit to Atago
and Bishamonten at Atago

Hatsu Basho, 初場所 First Sumo Tournament
..... January Tournament, ichigatsu basho 一月場所, New Year Tournament, shoogatsu basho 正月場所

Hatsu Benten, 初弁天 First visit to a Benten Shrine

Hatsu Daikoku 初大黒(はつだいこく)first Daikoku ceremony
Daikoku matsuri 大黒祭(だいこくまつり)Daikoku festival
hatsu ki no e ne 初甲子 (はつきのえね)
first day of the rat and the element water
..... hatsu kasshi 初甲子(はつかっし)

Hatsu Enma 初閻魔 (はつえんま) First Ema "God of Hell"
First Visit to a Temple to the God of Hell
..... Enma mairi 閻魔詣(えんままいり)
..... Day off, sainichi 斎日(さいにち)
..... First visit to the 10 kings of hell,
..... juuoo mairi 十王詣(じゅうおうまいり)

Hatsugatsuo no shinku 初鰹神供 (はつがつおのしんく)
offering first bonito (katsuo)
Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, Kamakura

Hatsu Hiei, 初比叡 First Visit to Temple Hiei-zan
Mount Hiei (比叡山, Hiei-zan), Kyoto, Temple Enryaku-ji 延暦寺

Hime hajime ひめ始 ひめはじめ 姫始(ひめはじめ)
Beginning of first female activities

January 2. Court rituals.
..... hime hajime 飛馬始(ひめはじめ)、hime hajime 姫糊始(ひめはじめ)、hime hajime 火水始(ひめはじめ)、hime hajime 密事始(ひめはじめ)

Hatsu i, hastu-i 初亥 (はつい) first day of the Wild Boar

Hatsu Ise 初伊勢 First visit to the Ise Shrine

Hatsu Kagura 初神楽, 神楽始 First Kagura Dance

Hatsu Kokuuzoo 初虚空蔵 (はつこくうぞう) First Kokuzo Ceremony

Hatsu Konpira 初金毘羅 First Visit to Kompira
Shikoku, Konpira Shrine

Hatsu kukai 初句会 First Haiku Meeting a KIGO list

Mari hajime 鞠始 まりはじめ First Kickball Game court ritual.
..... kemari hajime 蹴鞠始(けまりはじめ)、hatsu mari 初鞠(はつまり)

Hatsu Myooken 初妙見 (はつみょうけん) First Myoken Bosatsu Ceremony

Noo hajime, 能初 (のうはじめ) first Noh performance
hatsunoo 初能(はつのう) First Noh Theater performance
butai hajime 舞台始(ぶたいはじめ)first stage
onoo hajima 御能始(おのうはじめ)first honorable noh performance
. . . hatsu oogi 初扇 (はつおうぎ) first use of the folding fan

Hatsu Shibai 初芝居 First Kabuki Theater Performance
..... ni no kae, ni no kawari 二の替
..... First Kyogen, hatsu kyoogen 初春狂言, spring performance, haru shibai 春芝居
..... First Soga Performance, hatsu soga 初曽我 (The Revenge Story of the Soga Brothers)

Koosho hajime 講書始 First official lecture at the Imperial Court
..... hatsu koosho 初講書(はつこうしょ)

Hatsu misa 初弥撒 (はつミサ) first missa, first mass
..... misa hajime 弥撒始(ミサはじめ) Erste Messe
kami no haha seibo maria no iwai 神の母聖マリアの祝日
celebrating Maria, mother of God

Hatsu Shooten 初聖天 (はつしょうてん) First Shoten Ceremony
Shoten, Kankiten, Ganesh the Elephant-headed deity

Hatsu Suitenguu 初水天宮 (はつすいてんぐう)
first visit to the Suitengu Shrine

hatsu mi 初巳 (はつみ) "first snake". first day of the snake
hatsu Benzaiten 初弁財天(はつべんざいてん)first visit to a Benten shrine
..... hatsu Benten 初弁天(はつべんてん)
fuse mairi 布施参(ふせまいり)visit a Benten shrine(mairi) and make an offering (fuse)
..... Minoo no tomi 箕面の富  (みのおのとみ) lottery at Minoo
..... Minoo san Benzaiten mairi 箕面山弁財天参(みのおさんべんざいてんまいり)/ 辨財天
Visiting Benten at Mount Minoo

Hatsu Taishaku 初帝釈(はつたいしゃく)first Taishaku ceremony
Taishaku Ten mairi 帝釈天詣(たいしゃくてんまいり)visiting a temple of Taishaku
..... Taishaku mairi 帝釈詣(たいしゃくまいり)
hatsu Kooshin 初庚申( はつこうしん) first Koshin ceremony
Kooshin machi 庚申待(こうしんまち) "waiting for Koshin" waiting for the sun
Day of the Monkey and the element metal : ka no e saru

Hatsu tatsu 初辰 (はつたつ) "first dragon"
..... jooshinnichi 上辰日(じょうしんにち)
Tatsu matsuri 辰祭(たつまつり)Dragon Festival
hatsu tatsu no mizu 初辰の水(はつたつのみず)
first water for the dragon
. . . shio no mizu 潮の水(しおのみず)"tide water" (to throw on the roof)

Hatsu Tenjin 初天神 First visit to a Tenjin Shrine

Hatsu Tora 初寅 (はつとら) First Day of the Tiger
visit to Kurama Temple in Kyoto on the first day of the tiger, Kurama hatsu tora mairi 鞍馬初寅詣(くらまはつとらまいり)
hatsu tora mairi 初寅詣(はつとらまいり)
"First Tiger", ichi no tora 一の寅(いちのとら); ..... kami no tora no hi 上寅日(かみのとらのひ); "lucky tiger" fuku tora 福寅(ふくとら)
"rake for good luck" fuku kaki 福掻, 福かき(ふくかき);"lowering the basket" fugo oroshi 畚下し, 畚降ろし(ふごおろし)
"lucky centipede", o-fuku mukade お福むかで(おふくむかで);"Kurama Gold Coin", Kurama koban 鞍馬小判(くらまこばん)
..... Kurama mairi 鞍馬詣(くらままいり) pilgrimage to Mount Kurama

Hatsu Tsukuba 初筑波 はつつくば . First view of Mt. Tsukuba

Hatsu U (hatsu-u) 初卯 (はつう)
first day of the rabbit/hare

hatsu-u matsuri 初卯祭(はつうまつり)first day of the rabbit festival
hatsu u mairi 、初卯詣(はつうまいり)visiting a shrine for the rabbit festival
u no fuda 卯の札(うのふだ)"rabbit votive tablet" (for this day)
ni no u 二の卯(にのう)second day of the rabbit
san no u 三の卯(さんのう)third day of the rabbit
Kameido Myoogi mairi 亀戸妙義参(かめいどみょうぎまいり)
in memory of Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真

Uma norizome 馬騎初 うまのりぞめ First riding of the horses
..... kiba hajime 騎馬始(きばはじめ)、nori hajime 騎始(のりはじめ)、norizome 騎初(のりぞめ)、hatsu nori 初騎(はつのり)
baba hajime 馬場始(ばばはじめ)"first riding ground"
Imperial Court Ceremony.

Utaizome 謡初,初謡 hatsu uta, First reading of poetry, court ritual
..... utakai hajime 歌会始 うたかいはじめ
..... uta gokai hajime 歌御会始(うたごかいはじめ)、waka gokai hajime 和歌御会始(わかごかいはじめ)、gokai hajime 御会始(ごかいはじめ)

Hatsu Warai, first laughter, smile With Ebisu, the God of Good Luck

If your FIRST word is not in the above list,
it may not be in the category for "observances".
For a list of more New Year FIRST items,

WKD : Other "First Things" (hatsumono) of Japan in other seasons


Agatameshi no jimoku 県召除目 (あがためしのじもく)
Giving first orders to local governors (at the Heian court)

..... 県召の除目
..... agatameshi 県召(あがためし)、haru no jimoku 春除目(はるのじもく)

. . . . .

..... Aouma 白馬の節会 White Horse Court Ritual
Aouma, Ao uma no sechi e, hakuba no sechi-e 白馬節会 (あおうまのせちえ) White Horse Festival
Court ritual on January 7
..... ume ga e utau 梅が枝うたう(うめがえうたう) Poetry for plum blossoms
..... aoyagi utau 青柳うたう(あおやぎうたう)Poetry for willow branches
..... ooroku 女王禄 おうろく , 女王禄を賜う(おうろくをたもう)
..... nyojo i 女叙位 にょじょい , 女叙位(おんなじょい)
On the day after the White Horse.
Women and Haiku
. . . . . and
Ao-uma no matsuri 青馬祭 (あおうまのまつり) Festival of the White Horse
..... aouma no matsuri 白馬祭(あおうまのまつり)
..... hakubasai 白馬祭(はくばさい)White Horse Festival

. . . . .

Atsuta tooka shinji 熱田踏歌神事 (あつたとうかしんじ)
Atsuta shrine dance and song ceremony

Atsuta matoi 熱田的射
Atsuta oni matsuri 熱田鬼祭

Azukigayu 小豆粥 (あずきがゆ) Rice gruel with small soybeans *
..... rice gruel on the 15th, juugonichi gayu 十五日粥(じゅうごにちがゆ)
rice gruel with red soybeans, azukigayu 赤小豆粥(あずきがゆ)
rice gruel eaten on the full moon day "mochi", January 15, mochi no kayu 望の粥(もちのかゆ. 餅粥 usually it includes some rice cakes (mochi)
and a few more kigo with rice gruel:
mochi put in rice gruel, kayu bashira 粥柱 (かゆばしら)
"rice gruel stick" kayuzue 粥杖 (かゆづえ)
kayu no ki 粥の木(かゆのき)
..... kayugi 粥木(かゆき)
fukuzue 福杖(ふくづえ)
..... iwai boo、祝棒(いわいぼう)
divination with rice gruel, kayu ura 粥占 (かゆうら)
ceremony for ... kayu ura shinji 粥占神事(かゆうらしんじ)
kayu dameshi 粥試し(かゆだめし)
kayu ura matsuri 粥占祭(かゆうらまつり)
..... kudakayu matsuri 管粥祭(くだかゆまつり)
"gruel in pipes" kudakayu 管粥(くだかゆ)
..... tsutsugayu 、筒粥(つつがゆ)
pipe .. tsutsu 筒(つつ)
o-kayu matsuri 御粥祭(おかゆまつり)..kayu shinji 粥神事(かゆしんじ)
nanakusa gayu 七草粥(ななくさがゆ)
nanoka gayu 七日粥(なのかがゆ)

Binzuru Mawashi 賓頭盧廻 Ceremony for Saint Binzuru
..... びんづるまはし, ひんつるまはし, びんずるまわし

Bishamon no tsukai 毘沙門の使 Bishamonten Festival, Messenger of Bishamonten Indian Deity Vaishravana

Bonten 梵天, ぼんでん Indian Deity Brahman
Bonten matsuri 梵天祭 (ぼんてんまつり) Bonten festival, Akita
梵天奉納祭(ぼんてんほうのうさい)Bonten hoonoosai

Chakkirako ちゃっきらこ / チャッキラコ Chakirako dance festival
hatsu Ise odori 初伊勢踊 first Ise dance
hiyari odori 日やり踊
sagichoo odori 左義長踊 Sagicho Dance

Cha no yu, 茶の湯, Tea Ceremony
..... 初釜 Hatsugama, First Tea Ceremony 初茶湯 Hatsu Cha no yu, 初点前 Hatsu temae

Chooga 朝賀 Court ritual of First Morning Audience
haiga 拝賀(はいが)、sanga 参賀(さんが)
more : First Court Rituals.

Daijin ke no daikyoo 大臣家大饗 (だいじんけのだいきょう)
First banquet of the Ministers

..... omoya no daikyoo 母屋の大饗 もやのだいきょう
Court Ritual

Dainichi mairi 大日詣 First vitit to the Dainichi Hall in Akita, Kazuno
dainichidoozaidoo 大日堂祭堂(だいにちどうざいどう), zaidoo 祭堂(ざいどう)

Dezome 出初 でぞめ First Parade of the Tokyo fire brigade
..... shooboo dezome 消防出初(しょうぼうでぞめ)
dezome shiki 出初式(でぞめしき)、hatsu de 初出(はつで)、
..... first fire alarm bells, dezome gane 出初鐘(でぞめがね)、
..... first climbing of the ladders, hashigo nori 梯子乗(はしごのり)

Doosojin matsuri 道祖神祭 (どうそじんまつり)
Dosojin Festival of the Wayside Deities

Sai no kami matsuri 塞の神祭(さいのかみまつり)
..... 幸の神祭(さいのかみまつり)Sai no Kami festival
Doorokujin matsuri 道禄神祭(どうろくじんまつり)

Doya Doya どやどや Doyadoya Festival at Shitenno-Ji Osaka
. . . . and
Tennooji shoojin ku 天王寺生身供 (てんのうじしょうじんく)
Birthday Ritual
shari dashi 舎利出し(しゃりだし)"showing of the sacred bones"


Ebisu, Ceremony for the God of Wealth and Prosperity 若夷, 夷おろし
..... Kairaishi 傀儡師, 傀儡, 夷廻し,木傀廻し
..... Visiting the Seven Gods of Good Luck, shichi fukujin mairi 七福神詣
..... 七福詣, 福神詣, 福神巡り, 福詣
Palanquin of fortunes, hoikago宝恵駕, hoekago 宝恵駕籠*
Ebisu palanquin, Ebisu kago 戎籠(えびすかご)
Palanquin for Fukusuke, Fukusuke kago 福助駕(ふくすけかご)

Itsuka Ebisu 五日戎 (いつかえびす) Ebisu on January 5

Hatsuka Ebisu 二十日戎 (はつかえびす) Ebisu on January 20
hatsuka Ebisu matsuri 二十日戎祭(はつかえびすまつり)
Ebisu Ceremonies in Edo and the Kanto area

Tooka Ebisu 十日戎 (とおかえびす) Ebisu on January 10
(in the Kansai area)
hatsu Ebisu 初戎(はつえびす)first Ebisu rituals
yoi Ebisu 宵戎(よいえびす),
Ebisu matsuri 戎祭(えびすまつり)Ebisu festival
nokori Ebisu 残り戎(のこりえびす)"left over Ebisu"
nokorifuku, nokori fuku 残り福(のこりふく)
..... fukusasa 福笹(ふくささ)
Ebisu sasa 戎笹(えびすささ)
fukuame, fuku ame 福飴(ふくあめ)"sweets for good luck"
kichoo 吉兆(きっちょう)"good omen"


Ehoo Moode 恵方詣 Visit in the auspicious direction
..... Ehoo mairi, auspiciuos direction, ehoo 恵方(えほう)、ehoo michi 恵方道(えほうみち)、ehoo 吉方(えほう)、兄方(えほう)、得方(えほう)、元方(えほう)、aki no kata 明の方(あきのかた), praying in the auspicious direction, ehoo ogami 恵方拝(えほうおがみ)

Enburi Dance 柄振り えんぶり、えぶり Japan, Aomori.

Enjusai 延寿祭 (えんじゅさい) Enju "Long Life" Ceremony at Kaibara Shrine, Nara Pref.
Enju Sake Cup, enju hai 延寿盃(えんじゅはい), Enju Chopsticks, enju bashi延寿箸(えんじゅばし)

Ennen no Mai 延年の舞 Dance for a long life
hatsuka yomatsuri 二十日夜祭(はつかよまつり)
night festival on January 20
Matarajin Matsuri 摩多羅神祭(まだらじんまつり)
festival in honor of Matarajin
. . . . . most famous is
平泉毛越寺延年の舞 Hiraizumi, Motsu-Ji Ennen no Mai

Eyoo 会陽 "Ee yoo Ceremony"
..... Saidaiji Mairi 西大寺参, shingi 神木
hadaka oshi 裸押し "naked men pushing and shoving"
shuushoo-e 修正会
Saidaiji Hadaka Matsuri, 西大寺裸祭り
Naked Man Festival at temple Saidaiji (Okayama)

Fuigo hajime 鞴初 、吹革初 First use of the bellows

Fuku Warai 福笑い (ふくわらい) First laugh, hatsu warai. first cry, hatsu naki

Futomani matsuri 太占祭 Futomani festival
Divination at Musashi Mitake jinja 武蔵御嶽神社
- - - - - and
Ooguchi magami matsuri 大口真神祭りWolf Deity Festival


Ganjitsu no Sechi-E 元日節会
Court ritual of Reception and Audience of Politicians

..... shoshinosoo 諸司奏(しょしのそう)、
..... shichiyoo no goriyaku no soo 七曜御暦奏(しちようのごりやくのそう)、
..... hi no tameshi no soo 氷様奏(ひのためしのそう)、
..... haraka no soo 腹赤奏(はらかのそう)
..... kuzu no soo 国栖奏(くずのそう)PHOTOS !
..... hiraza no gezan 平座見参(ひらざのげざん)、
..... shinnen enkai 新年宴会(しんねんえんかい)

Ganzan Daishi-E 元三大師会 Ceremony for Ganzan Daishi
at temple Jindaj-Ji 深大寺

Go han itadaki 御印文戴き (ごはんいただき)
"getting a honorable stamp"

Temple Zenko-Ji, Nagano

Go-Oo Kaji 牛王加持, 牛黄加持Ceremony of the Ox King Deity (Ox King Buddha)
東寺牛王加持 (とうじごおうかじ, とうじごわうかぢ)
..... Funa Go-Oo 舟牛王ふなごおう,ふなごわう, Ship Go-Oo
..... and
Kiyomizu no Go Ou 清水の牛王 (きよみずのごおう)
Go-Oo ritual at tempel Kiyomizu-dera
Kiyomizudera go oo 清水寺牛王(きよみずでらごおう)
Kiyomizudera goo zue 清水寺牛王杖(きよみずでらごおうづえ)
Go-Oo stick at Kiyomizu Temple
..... and
Sensooji go oo kaji 浅草寺牛王加持 (せんそうじごおうかじ) at Asakusa Kannon, Tokyo
..... Go-Oo Kaji-E 牛王加持会 at Asakusa Temple 浅草寺

Gusokubiraki, gusoku biraki 具足開 "opening the armour"
gusoku kagamimochi 具足鏡餅
gusoku kagami wari 具足鏡割
gusoku iwai 具足祝 celebrating armour
busoku kagamibiraki 武具鏡開

Hachi Tataki 鉢叩 鉢敲, 鉢扣 "banging the prayer gongs"
Hachi Tataki Dezome 鉢叩出初 First prayer round whilst banging gongs
Memorial Service for Saint Kuuya Shoonin 空也上人
Kuuya Doo Hachitataki Dezome 空也堂鉢叩出初 (くうやどうはちたたきでぞめ) at Kuya Hall
hachitataki dezome 鉢叩出初(はちたたきでぞめ)
zuda junki dezome 頭陀巡行出初(ずだじゅんぎょうでぞめ)
(zuda also means hachi tataki)

Hakone ekiden 箱根駅伝 Hakone Ekiden Race
Hakone Relay Marathon

 Hagatame はがため . Teeth strengthening Ceremony
..... rice cakes for strengthening the teeth
..... hagatame no mochi 画固の餅 はがためのもち
..... Diamond Petal Rice Cakes, hishi hanabira mochi, 菱葩餅
..... "auspicious hard things" o-iwai kachin お祝いかちん(おいわいかちん)
..... ..... o-iwai okachin お祝いおかちん

Hakubasai, hakuba sai 白馬祭(はくばさい)
Festival of the White Horse  

Hama ogami 浜拝 はまおがみ Offering prayers at the beaches
January first
..... First Tide, wakashio 若潮 わかしお
..... wakashio mukae 若潮迎え(わかしおむかえ)、hatsu hama 初浜(はつはま)、
..... Selling new salt, waka shio uri 若塩売(わかしおうり)、waka shio iwai 若塩祝い(わかしおいわい)

Hare no Gozen 晴の御膳 Official Lunch Reception at the Imperial Court
..... Hare no Omono 晴御膳 はれのおもの
..... Gozen no gi 御膳の儀

Harugitoo 春祈祷(はるぎとう)spring prayer
..... gongen mai 権現舞 (ごんげんまい) Gongen Dance
..... gongen sama 権現様(ごんげんさま)
..... kado-uchi 門打(かどうち)
..... ha-uchi 歯打(はうち)
(haru kitoo)

Hatsuka iwai 二十日祝 January 20 Celebration
..... "sword handle" celebration, ha tsuka iwai 刃柄祝(はつかいわい), Celebration of the mirror box, kyoodai iwai 鏡台祝(きょうだいいわい), Celebration of the "first face", hatsu kao iwai 初顔祝(はつかおいわい)、Celebration of the Mirror, kagami no iwai 鏡の祝(かがみのいわい)

Himachi, hi machi 日待 (ひまち) waiting for the (first) sun

Hino no Hadaka Odori 日野の裸踊 Naked Dance in Hino

Hitachi obi no shinji 常陸帯の神事 (ひたちおびのしんじ)
Hitachi Belt Ceremony

Hitachi obi no matsuri 常陸帯の祭(ひたちおびのまつり)
Hitachi obi 常陸帯(ひたちおび)"Belt from Hitachi"
Kashima no obi 鹿島の帯(かしまのおび)"Belt from Kashima"
enmusubi no shinji 縁結び神事(えんむすびしんじ)
ceremony for finding a partner

Hotoke Shoogatsu 仏正月 (ほとけしょうがつ)
New Year of the Buddhas/ancestor souls

..... hotoke no shoogatsu 仏の正月(ほとけのしょうがつ)
day of the ancestors, hotoke no hi 仏の日(ほとけのひ)
..... ancestors passing into the new year, hotoke no toshikoshi
hotoke no kuchi ake 仏の口明(ほとけのくちあけ)
nenbutsu no kuchi ake 念仏の口明(ねんぶつのくちあけ)
New Year of the Ancestors, sensoo shoogatsu
Beginning of the Temple Year, tera nenshi


Ichigami matsuri 市神祭 (いちがみまつり)
festival for the God of the Market

Imigomori 亥巳籠 (いみごもり) respectful retreat
from the first day of the wild boar (i 亥)
to the day of the snake (mi 巳)
..... Kako no monoshizume 加古の物鎮(かこのものしずめ)
seclusion at Kakogawa, Hyogo

Inari no bushasai 稲荷の奉射祭 (いなりのぶしゃさい)
first shooting at the Inari shrine

bushasai, busha sai 歩射祭(ぶしゃさい)
onyumihajimesai, on yumi hajime sai 御弓始祭(おんゆみはじめさい)
. . . . . and
Inari Ooyama sai 稲荷大山祭 Oyama Fox God Festival
shimehiki 注連曳き(しめひき)bringing new sacred ropes
Inari shimehari 稲荷注連張(いなりしめはり) Inari sacred rope
shimehari shinji 注連張神事(しめはりしんじ)
kawarake hiroi 土器拾い(かわらけひろい)picking up ritual clay dishes
okawarake, o kawarake 御土器(おかわらけ)honorable clay dishes
- at Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kyoto 伏見稲荷大社

In no Hairai 院の拝礼 First Court Ceremony

Itsukushima Jinja no toshikoshisai
厳島神社の年越祭 (いつくしまじんじゃのとしこしさい)
Crossing into the new year at Itsukushima shrine

. . . . . and
Itsukushima no on yumi hajime 厳島の御弓始 (いつくしまのおんゆみはじめ)
kisha 鬼射(きしゃ)"hitting the demon"
onyumi shinji 御弓神事(おんゆみしんじ)
honorable ceremony of the bow
- at Miyajima, 宮島の大元神社 Omoto shrine ceremony. Hiroshima

Jarai 射礼 (じゃらい) "respectful shooting" at the imperial court
..... inokoshi, i no koshi 射遺 (いのこし)

Joi 叙位 (じょい) official bestowing of a rank or title

Joogen, jogen, 上元 First third of the year
..... shongan しょんがん、 genshoosai 元宵祭(げんしょうさい)、 genshoosetsu 元宵節(げんしょうせつ)、genshoo 元宵(げんしょう)、joogen e 上元会(じょうげんえ)、joogen no hi 上元の日(じょうげんのひ), genseki 元夕(げんせき ), ceremony of praying for good luck, kifuku sai 祈福祭(きふくさい), changing the candles, roosoku kae 蝋燭替(ろうそくかえ)
..... Lantern festival (Yuanxiao 元宵節) China

Juuhachi Gayu 十八粥 Rice Gruel on the 18th day

Juurokunichi sai 十六日祭 (じゅうろくにちさい)
festival of the 16th day

mii juukokunichi 新十六日(みいじゅうろくにち)new 16th day
koodooroo 香燈籠(こうどうろう)fragrant lanterns

Juuyokka toshikoshi 十四日年越, 十四日年越し
celebration of January 14

To pass safely over into a new circle with the full moon on lunar first month, day 15.
..... juuyokka dango 十四日団子(じゅうよっかだんご)
dango dumplings eaten on day 14 of the lunar first month


Kagihiki shinji 鉤引神事 (かぎひきしんじ)
ritual of pulling with hooks

..... 鉤引(かぎひき)pulling with wooden hooks

Kagura Dance 神楽 Hatsu Kagura, First Kagura Dance

Kaji hajime 鍛冶初, First use of the smithy
..... Hatsu kamado 初竃, first fire in the stove

Kamakura かまくら "snow hut"
..... yukimuro 雪室 (ゆきむろ)
Festival for children in Akita on January 15.

Kamigamo Nentoosai
上賀茂燃燈祭 (かみがもねんとうさい)
"Lantern Festival at Kamigamo"

hatsune no tamabooki
"precious broom on the first day of the rat"
- - - - - and
Kamigamo otana kazari 上賀茂御棚飾 (かみがもおたなかざり)
shelf decorations at Kamigamo shrine
- at Kamigamo Shrine, Kyoto 上賀茂神社

Kasetori かせとり"Imitating the Cock's Call"
..... kasedori かせどり, カセ鳥
kakkadori かっかどり, kasegidori かせぎどり, hotohoto ほとほと

Kashima no kotobure 鹿島の事触 (かしまのことぶれ)
Kashima diviners, itinerant priests

..... kotobure 言触(ことぶれ)

Kasuga no o-taue matsuri
春日御田植祭 (かすがのおたうえまつり)
rice planting ritual at Kasuga shrine
sometimes placed as mid-spring kigo

Kawazugari no shinji 蛙狩の神事 (かわずがりのしんじ)
ceremony of hunting for frogs

Frog Hunting Shrine Ritual
..... kawazutobi no shinji 蛙飛びの神事(かわずとびのしんじ)
frog-jumping ritual. at Suwa Shrine, Nagano

Kayutsuri 粥釣, 粥つり かゆつり "Fishing for rice gruel"

Kenpai Shiki 献盃式 Ceremony of drinkingin memory of Shinran Shoonin

Kijizake (kiji sake) 雉子酒 "Pheasant ricewine"
kiji shu 雉子酒(きじしゅ) - o kiji おきじ
- - - - - and
kissho no soo 吉書奏 auspicious writing
Court rituals

Kitano no fudehajime sai 北野の筆始祭
first use of the brush ceremony at Kitano

Kitano Tenmangu in Kyoto 北野天満宮 京都

Kitoo-gitsune 祈祷狐(きとうぎつね)prayer to the Fox deity (kitsune)
..... kitsune mai 狐舞 (きつねまい) fox dance
..... inariyama no shirogitsune 稲荷山の白狐(いなりやまのしろぎつね)the white fox from Inari mountain

Kokuseki-Ji Hadaka Matsuri 黒石寺裸祭
Kokuseki Temple Naked Festival

Kuroishi Hadaka Matsuri 黒石裸祭
..... Sominsai 蘇民祭

Komatsu hiki 小松引 pulling out small pine seeldings 
..... First Day of the Rat, hatsune 初子
..... dress for the day of the rat, ne no hi goromo 子の日衣
and a few more kigo of this day

Kumano renga hajime 熊野連歌始
beginning linked verse at Kumano


Mai goran 舞御覧 (まいごらん) dance performance for the emperor

Manaita biraki, manaitabiraki 俎開 (まないたびらき)
first use of the chopping board

Matsubayashi 松囃子 まつばやし First official performance of the arts
..... 松拍子(まつばやし)、o utaizome 御謡初(おうたいぞめ)
suoo nugi 素襖脱ぎ(すおうぬぎ)taking off the suoo ceremonial robe

Matsumoto no shio-ichi 松本の塩市 (まつもとのしおいち)
salt market in Matsumoto

..... First market in Matsumoto, Matsumoto no hatsu ichi 松本の初市
..... Sweets Market, ame ichi 飴市(あめいち)

Matsurigoto hajime 政始 beginning of political activities
Geki no matsurigoto hajime 外記政始

Miho matsuri 三保祭 Miho festival
Miho no matsubara, Shizuoka 三保の松原,
shrine Miho Jinja 御穂神社 ー 三保神社

Mikamaki 御薪 Honorable fire wood
..... mimaki 御薪(みまき)、mikamaki tatematsuru 御薪奉る(みかまぎたてまつる)
Old court ritual.

Mikusuri o kuuzu 御薬を供ず offering honorable medicine
..... toso 屠蘇(とそ)ritual ricewine
byakusan 白散(びゃくさん)
doshoosan, toshoosan 度嶂散(どしょうさん)
kusurigo 薬子(くすりご)"child drinking medicine"

Mino-o no Tomi 箕面の富 Lottery at Mino
Minoo san Benzaiten mairi 箕面山弁財天参(
みのおさんべんざいてんまいり)/ 辨財天
Visiting Benten at Mount Minoo
otomi hoo-e 御富法会(おとみほうえ)
Minoo tomitsuki 箕面富突(みのおとみつき)
picking a lottery ticket in Minoo
ichi no tomi 一の富(いちのとみ)first lottery win
ni no tomi 二の富(にのとみ)second lottery win
san no tomi 三の富(さんのとみ)third lottery win
tomifuda 富札(とみふだ)lottery ticket
..... o-tomi san お富さん(おとみさん)

Mishima otauchi matsuri 三島御田打祭 (みしまおたうちまつり)
festival of "hitting the fields at Mishima

O-tauchi 御田打(おたうち)"honorable hitting the fields"
Onta matsuri 御田祭(おんたまつり)festival of the fields

Mogura-uchi 土龍打 もぐらうち "hitting the moles"
..... mogura oi 土龍追(もぐらおい)
sending the moles away, mogura okuri 土龍送り(もぐらおくり)
urokomochi uchi うろこもち打(うろこもちうち 望打ち)

Mooja Okuri 亡者送り Seeing Off the Dead, driving out the devil
Sensooji moosha okuri 浅草寺亡者送り (せんそうじもうじゃおくり)
Asakusa, Moja Okuri

Myooga matsuri ... 茗荷祭 (みょうがまつり)Myoga Festival
also Bamboo shoots Ritual, take no ko shinji 筍神事(たけのこしんじ)


Nagataki Hakusan Jinja muikasai 長滝白山神社六日祭
Festival on the 6th day at Nagataki Hakusan Shrine
hana ubai matsrui 花奪い祭
"festival of taking blossoms by force"

Namahage なまはげ Demons driving out bad spirits
..... Namomihagi なもみ剥ぎ, amamihagi あまみはぎ
namamihagi 生身剥(なまみはぎ)、nagomehagi なごめ剥(なごめはぎ)、namomitakuri なもみたくり、ひがたたくり、nanamitakuri ななみたくり、namomihagi なもみ剥(なもみはぎ)

Nanakusa 七種、七草 the seven herbs of Spring
with many related kigo

Naoi no shinji 儺追の神事 (なおいのしんじ)
Naoi ritual for driving away evil

..... naoe matsuri 直会祭(なおえまつり) Naoe festival
..... naoi matsuri 儺追祭(なおいまつり) Naoi Festival
Shrine Konomiya, Inazawa, Aichi

Natsumigawa no shinji 菜摘川の神事 (なつみがわのしんじ)
ritual of picking herbs at Na-tsumi river

Nara no Yamayaki 奈良の山焼 burning the mountain slopes at Nara
..... Burning the mountains, o-yama yaki お山焼(おやまやき)

Narikizeme 成木責 tree fertility ritual
..... nari iwai 成祝(なりいわい)
cheering the tree, ki o hayasu 木を囃す(きをはやす)
naruka naranuka なるかならぬか

Niino no yukimatsuri 新野の雪祭 (にいののゆきまつり)
snow festival at Niino

dengaku matsuri 田楽祭/雪祭り Dengaku dance festival
yuki matsuri 田楽祭/雪祭り Snowfestival

Nishinomiya no igomori 西宮の居籠 (にしのみやのいごもり)
recluse at Nishinomiya

..... igomori 居籠(いごもり)
Ebisu festival at Nishinomiya Hyogo.
Hahasono no mori no igomori 柞森の居籠

Nishi Shichijoo taue shinji
西七条田植神事 (にししちじょうたうえしんじ)
rice planting ceremony at Nishi Shichijo village

Nishiura dengaku 西浦田楽 (にしうれでんがく)
Dengaku dance at Nishiura village

Nonomiya matsuri (No no Miya)箟宮祭 (ののみやまつり)
Nonomiya festival

Nonotake Hakusan matsuri 箟岳白山祭(ののたけはくさんまつり)
Mount Nonotake Hakusan Festival

Noriyumi 賭弓 bow shooting contest
..... noriyumi 賭射(のりゆみ)
keari aruji 還饗(かえりあるじ)
noriyumi no sechi 賭弓の節(せち)

Nyoodoosai 繞道祭 (にょうどうさい) Nyoodoo FestivalNyodo Fire Festival


Oobuku 大服 Ceremony of drinking tea to keep healthy
..... New Year Tea for Good Luck, fukucha 福茶

Oobaku Hoozan 黄檗放参 Evening Zen at Obaku Zen Temples

Okera mairi 白朮詣 Okera Festival at Yasaka Shrine, Kyoto
..... okera matsuri 白朮祭(おけらまつり),
okera fire, okera bi 白朮火(おけらび)
okera rope, okera nawa 白朮縄(おけらなわ),auspicious rope, kichoo nawa 、吉兆縄(きっちょうなわ),swinging the rope, hinawa furu 火縄振るceremony in
Gion kezurikake no shinji, Ritual of shaving branches
at the Gion quarters in Kyoto

..... 祗園削掛の神事(ぎおんけずりかけのしんじ)
..... kezurikake no okonai 削掛の行(けずりかけのおこない),
vendor or ropes, hinawa uri 火縄売(ひなわうり)

Onibashiri 鬼走(おにばしり) running demons for Setsubun
. . . . . and
Oni eshiki 鬼会式 Demon Festival
..... Japanese Demons
The setsubun 節分 rituals are sometimes placed for the New Year, since they mark the beginning of spring.
Takezaki no Oni Matsuri 竹崎の鬼祭 Demon Festival at Takezaki
Takisan-ji Oni Matsuri 滝山寺鬼祭 Demon Festival at Temple Takisan-Ji

Oniyo Fire Festival 鬼夜 / 鬼会(おによ)"Demon's Night"

Rinji kyaku 臨時客 special guests
at the imperial court and aristocracy. January 2


Sagichoo Festival 左義長 Fire Rituals and Coming of Age Ceremonies
..... sagichoo 三毬杖(さぎちょう)、tondo とんど、dondo どんど、dondon yaki どんどん焼き(どんどんやき)、dondo shoogatsu どんど正月(どんどしょうがつ)、dondo ba どんど場(どんどば)、saito yaki さいと焼き(さいとやき)
hut for the small new year, shougatsu goya 正月小屋(しょうがつごや)、dondon goya どんどん小屋(どんどんごや)、snow hut yukigoya 雪小屋(ゆきごや)、saitogoya さいと小屋(さいとごや)、
burning the decorations, kazaritaki 飾り焚(かざりたき)、kazari age 飾りあげ(かざりあげ)、kazari hayashi 飾りはやし(かざりはやし)、
burning the first calligraphy of the year, kissho age 吉書揚(きっしょあげ)、wakabi 若火(わかび)、miso dondon みそどんど
firecrackers, bakuchiku 爆竹(ばくちく)、kazaritaku 飾焚く(かざりたく)

Sai no kami no kanjin 幸の神の勧進 (さいのかみのかんじん)
Praying to the God of the Fields

Sakanbe no fuyu matsuri 坂部の冬祭 (さかんべのふゆまつり)
Winter Festival in Sakanbe (Sakabe)

Suwa Shrine, Nagano

Sanmonbiraki, sanmon biraki 山門開き (さんもんびらき)
opening the temple gate

Seijin no hi 成人の日 (せいじんのひ) Coming of Age Day
..... seijin shiki 成人式(せいじんしき)、seijin sai 成人祭(せいじんさい)

Senbonzuki 千本搗
Ceremony of pounding rice with 1000 mallets

Shari-Koo 舎利講 Prayer Meeting for Buddha's bones

Shiba Myoojin matsuri 芝明神祭 (しばみょうじんまつり)
festival at Shiba Myojin Shrine

Shichi Fukujin Mairi 七福神参り
Pilgrimage to the Seven Gods of Good Luck

..... shichifukujin Moode 七福神詣

Shichikoozan mairi 七高山詣
Pilgrimage to the Seven High Mountains


Shihoo hai 四方拝, しほうはい  
Court ritual prayer to the four directions

Shigonin no mishiho 真言院の御修法 Mishiho ritual at Shingon-In

Shishigashira no shinji
獅子頭の神事 (ししがしらのしんじ)
lion head dance ceremony

. . . . ongashira shinji 御頭神事(おかしらしんじ)

Shuuni-E 修正会 Ceremony at Todai-Ji
..... O-Mizutori, Omizutori お水取り

Suminuri 墨塗, 墨塗り,すみぬりpainting the face with charcoal
Date no suminuri 伊達の墨塗 (だてのすみぬり)
..... sumitsuke shoogatsu 墨付正月(すみつけしょうがつ)
"New Year with charcoal painting"

Sumiyoshi Jinja 住吉神社 and its rituals
Sumiyoshi tooka sechi-E 住吉踏歌節会 (すみよしとうかせちえ) Dance and poetry banquet at Sumiyoshi Shrine
Sumiyoshi tooka shinji 住吉踏歌神事(すみよしとうかしんじ)
fukumochi shinji 福餅神事(ふくのもちしんじ)"ceremony of auspicious mochi rice cakes"
Sumiyoshi no o-yumi 住吉の御弓 (すみよしのおゆみ) ritual with a bow
Sumiyoshi mikechi shinji 住吉御結鎮神事(すみよしみけちしんじ)
Sumiyoshi ontarashi 住吉御弓(すみよしおんたらし)


Tamakae matsuri, tamakae sai 玉替祭 (たまかえまつり)
festival of exchanging auspicious balls

tamakae shinji 玉替神事(たまかえしんじ)
ritual of exchanging auspicious balls
Kora Taisha, Kurume, Fukuoka

Tamaseseri 玉せせり (たませせり) Festival of "taking the ball"
Famous naked festival.
Tamaseseri matsuri 玉せり祭(たませりまつり) tamatori matsuri 玉取祭(たまとりまつり)

Taue odori (ta-ue odori) 田植踊 Dancing and rice planting
..... ta asobi, 田遊 playing in the rice fields and a few more
..... satsuki iwai 皐月祝 (さつきいわい), niwa taue 庭田植(にわたうえ)、yoi satsuki 宵皐月(よいさつき)

Tennooji Kondoo choona hajime
天王寺金堂手斧始 (てんのうじこんどうちょうなはじめ
first use of the carpenter's ax

Temple Shitenno-Ji, Golden Hall - 四天王寺, Osaka

Toba himatsuri 鳥羽火祭 (とばひまつり) Toba Fire Festival
Toba Shinmeisha 鳥羽神明社 in Aichi

Tomo Hachiman no on yumi shinji 鞆八幡の御弓神事
bow ritual at Tomo Hachiman, Numakuma Jinja, Hiroshima prefecture

Tooka no sechi e 踏歌節会 Imperial Dance Ceremony
.... 踏歌の節会
..... tooka 踏歌(とうか)
otoko tooka 男踏歌(おとことうか)dancing of men
onna tooka 女踏歌(おんなとうか) dancing of women
ararebashiri 霰ばしり(あらればしり)"running like hailstones"
kazashi no wata 插頭綿(かざしのわた)cotton flowers for your hair
- Kashima tooka matsuri 鹿島踏歌祭

Tori oi (tori-oi) 鳥追 "Chasing away the birds"
..... hut, tori-oi goya 鳥追小屋(とりおいごや)
..... tower, tori-oi yagura鳥追櫓(とりおいやぐら)
..... song, tori-oi uta 鳥追唄(とりおいうた)
enjoying, tori-oi asobi 鳥追遊び(とりおいあそび)
. January 15

Toshibi iwai 年日祝
birthday celebration at the New Year
..... shoonen iwai 生年祝 celebrating the birthday

Toshigami 年神 God of the Year
..... toshitoku jin 年徳神、toshitoku 年德(としとく)、toshitoku san 年德さん(としとくさん)、wakadoshi san 若年さん(わかどしさん)
"Mr. New Year" shoogatsu san 正月さん(しょうがつさん)、toshi jisan 年爺さん(としじいさん)、o toshi sama お年さま(おとしさま
shelf for the new year, toshidana 年棚(としだな)、toshi toku dana 歳德棚(としとくだな)、"shelf in the auspicious direction", ehoodana 恵方棚(えほうだな)、"shelf for a boutiful year", hoonen dana 豊年棚(ほうねんだな)
"straw bag for the year", toshidawara 年俵(としだわら)

Toshi otoko 年男 としおとこ "Man of the Year"
(male born in the year with the same Asian zodiac animal)
waka otoko 若男(わかおとこ)、sechi otoko 節男(せちおとこ)、yaku otoko 役男(やくおとこ)、manriki otoko 万力男(まんりきおとこ)、iwai taroo 祝太郎(いわいたろう)

Toshitokujin, Toshitoku jin 歳徳神 Good of the New Year
..... toshigami 年神, wakatoshisama 若年様, shoogatsusama 正月様

Toso 屠蘇, ritual rice wine
..... toso iwau 屠蘇祝ふ, tososhuu 屠蘇酒
..... bag with spices for the ritual rice wine, tosobukuro 屠蘇袋
mulled rice wine with spices

Tsunahiki 綱引 (つなひき), 綱引きplaying tug-of-war
"pulling the rope"
..... tsunahiki 綱曳(つなひき). 縄引(なわひき)

Tsurugaoka Hachimanguu no go-han itadaki 鶴岡八幡宮御璽頂き
getting a seal at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Kamakura

Tsuru no hoochoo 鶴の包丁 cutting a crane
Court ritual


Ubusuna mairi 産土神参 うぶすなまいり Shrine visit to the God of one's birthplace

Urajiro renga 裏白連歌
"Linked verse with white backside"

Kitano Tenmangu, Kyoto

Usokae うそ替え / 鷽替え exchanging carved bullfinches
..... Dazaifu Tenmangu no onisube 大宰府天満宮の鬼すべ (だざいふてんまんぐうのおにすべ)

Uzue, warding of evil with a ritual wand 卯杖
..... u no tsue 卯の杖(うのつえ)、hatsu uzue 初卯杖(はつうづえ)、iwai no tsue 祝の杖(いわいのつえ)、uzue no hogai 卯杖の祝(うづえのほがい)
uzue no kotobuki 卯杖の寿(うづえのことぶき)
On the first day of the rabbit, u no hi 卯の日

Wakamizu 若水 "young water" First water drawn from the well on New Year's morning and related kigo
..... first water, hatsumizu 初水
..... first well, waka-i 若井
..... blessed water, fukumizu 福水
New Year's Tea, Good Luck Tea (fukucha) 

Wakana o kuusu, offering fresh greens 若菜を供す
similar to nanakusa, seven herbs of spring
..... wakano no sechi-e 若菜の節会(わかなのせちえ)
..... picking fresh greens, wakana tsumi 若菜摘 わかなつみ
fresh greens, "young greens", wakana 若菜(わかな)
first fresh greens, hatsu wakana 初若菜(はつわかな)
field with fresh greens, wakana no 若菜野(わかなの)
boat transporting fresh greens, wakana bune 若菜舟(わかなぶね)、
day of fresh greens, wakana no hi 若菜の日(わかなのひ)
..... selling fresh greens, 若菜売(わかなうり)
..... selling sheperd's purse, nazuna uri なずなうり
- - - - - and
wakana matsuri 若菜祭 (わかなまつり) "festival of new leaves"
nanakusa matsuri 七草祭(ななくさまつり)"festival of the seven vegetables"
..... 七種祭(ななくさまつり)
wakana shinji 若菜神事(わかなしんじ)ritual of the seven vegetables

Yabu-iri, Servant's holiday , fasting day (sainichi)
..... yabu iri (yabuiri) 家父入(やぶいり)、yabu iri 養父入(やぶいり)、yabu iri 走百病(やぶいり)、yado iri 宿入(やどいり)、yado sagari 宿下り(やどさがり)、roku iri 六入り(ろくいり)、juuroku nichi asobi 十六日遊び(じゅうろくにちあそび)

Yahata mairi 八幡参(やはたまいり)Visiting Yahata shrine
at Iwashimizu Hachimangu, Kyoto
Yakujin mairi 厄神詣 (やくじんまいり) Visiting the Yakujin deity
yakumairi, yaku mairi 厄参(やくまいり), yakumoode 厄詣(やくもうで)
Yahata ekijin moode 八幡厄神詣(やはたえきじんもうで)
Yahata miyage 八幡土産(やはたみやげ) souvenirs from Yahata
Yahatagoi, yahata koi八幡鯉(やはたごい) carp from Yahata
Yakujinsai 厄神祭(やくじんさい)Festival of the Yakujin
Aoyama matsuri 青山祭(あおやままつり)Aoyama festival

Yanagizu Hadaka Matsuri 柳津裸祭 Naked Festival at Yanagizu

Yooji joosui kaji 楊枝浄水加持 Ceremony of cleaning toothpicks
Asakusa Kannon, Tokyo

Yome tataki 嫁叩 よめたたき, 嫁たたき Hitting the new bride
..... yome tsutsuki 嫁つつき(よめつつき)、okatabuchi 御方打(おかたぶち)
..... harame uchi 孕め打(はらめうち, はらみ節供
Hitting the young bride on the bottom with a lucky wand, wishing for a pregnancy.
mizu iwai 水祝, 水祝い, みずいわい sprinkling the new couple with water
..... mizukake iwai 水掛祝(みずかけいわい)、mizu abise 水浴せ(みずあびせ)、mizukake burumai 水掛振舞(みずかけぶるまい)

Yoshida kiyo harae 吉田清祓 (よしだきよはらえ)
purification ritual at Yoshida

Yoshida ooharai 吉田大祓(よしだおおはらい)
great purification ritual at Yoshida shrine, Kyoto

Yugyooji no fudakiri 遊行寺の札切 (ゆぎょうじのふだきり)
cutting amulets at temple Yugyo-Ji

..... ofudakiri お符切(おふだきり)
..... hatsu ofuda 初札(はつおふだ)first amulet


.. .. .. Plants

Buddha's Seat (hotoke no za) 仏の座
Two Flowers with the same name.



.. .. .. Animals

Bulbul, hyondori ひよんどり
dance of the bulbul, hiyodori odori 鵯踊(ひよどりおどり)、ひよどり



Kigo for the New Year
Some are overlapping with the ceremonies!

WKD : Court Rituals of Japan. New Year Ceremonies.

The 5th Season
Robin D. Gill, 2007

Twenty New Year Themes


New Year Events not listed in the Saijiki

geeta matsuri ゲータ祭 "Geeta festival"
In Kashima town, Hiroshima 神島町
On the New Year's first day, large torches to bring back the sunshine to the world.

Kasai Kannon Daruma Market 笠井観音の達磨市

Nyepi, day of silence New Year. Bali, Indonesia


..... Religious Non-Seasonal Haiku Topics

Chigo (temple acolytes) Japan. Temple Children.

Poor Monk (dooshinboo) 道心坊. ドウシンボウ

Daitokuji and Ikkyu Natto

Fire Festivals of Japan (hi matsuri 火祭り)

Groundbreaking ceremony (jichinsai, jimatsuri)

Heavy or light Jizo, Omokaru Jizoo おもかる地蔵尊
and other heavy-light Deities

Hitokotonushi 一言主, the ugly God of One Word

O-Take Nyorai お竹如来 and Issa

Power Stone, Strenght Stone (chikara ishi) 力石

Juuni Shinshoo 十二神将 Twelve Heavenly Generals, 12 Warrior Generals

Shimo Jinja "Frost Shrine" 霜神社 Shimomiya at Mount Aso, Kyushu
The legend of Kihachi 鬼八

Zen and Haiku Worldwide


Memorial Days
Memorial Days of famous people .
I have compiled them in a separate saijiki.

Festivals where things are exchanged

***** NEW YEAR FOOD SAIJIKI about O-setchi Ryori 御節料理 O-Sechi Ryori

WASHOKU ... Japanese Food SAIJIKI

MATSURI ... Food for Festivals

Temple and Shrine Festivals and Food / LIST

To learn more about Buddhism, Shintoism and the Deities mentioned in the above text, visit Mark Schumacher



List of yearly events in Buddhist sects.

More resources for kigo and haiku

My Library

. HAIKU about Religious Topics
Japanese LIST

New Year Kigo and haiku by ISSA !



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