
AUTUMN Ceremonies



August, September, October

In Autumn, the biggest event is the ceremony for the souls of the ancestors, O-Bon.
Here are first many kigo related to this event.


.. .. .. .. .. Bon Festival (o-bon, obon) お盆

....................................... Included in this file are :
Lantern Festival, Festival of the Dead, Ancestor's Festival
..... Urabon, Ura-Bon 盂蘭盆, urabon-e 盂蘭盆会
..... Bonrei 盆礼

Bon Lantern, bon choochin 盆提灯 Bon Lanterns and other lanterns
..... Bon Dooroo 盆燈籠
Bon Dance, bon odori 盆踊り Awaodori Dance
Tower for the Bon Dance, bon yagura 盆櫓

welcoming fire at the gates, mukaebi 迎え火
Festival for the souls, tama matsuri 魂祭
sending off fire, okuribi 送り火
sending off the souls, tama okuri 霊送り

shelf for Bon offerings, bondana 盆棚
shelf for the souls, shooryoodana 精霊棚
shelf for the ancestors, sensodana 先祖棚
empty shelf, karadana 空棚
sutras on the shelf, tanagyoo 棚経

first bon, hatsubon初盆, shinbon新盆
..... for a person who died the year before

preparations for o-bon, bonjitaku 盆仕度
..... Bon yooi 盆用意
before o-bon, bon mae 盆前
holidays during o-bon, bon yasumi 盆休み
after o-bon, bon sugi 盆過ぎ

ranbon shoo-e 蘭盆勝会 らんぼんしょうえ Chinese O-Bon
ranbon 蘭盆(らんぼん)
chuugoku bon 中国盆(ちゅうごくぼん) Chinese O-Bon
celebrated in Okinawa


Light offerings afloat (tooroo nagashi) 燈篭流し
....................................... Included in this file are:
Daimonji 大文字、大文字焼 Great Seeing-Off Fire in Kyoto
Hyaku Hattai 百八燈 108 bonfires
Kadobi 門火/Mukaebi 迎火 Fire at the Entrance to Welcome the Souls
Mantoo-E 万燈会 Ten Thousand Lanterns Ceremony
Okuribi 送火 Fire for Seeing Off
Sentoo Kuyoo 千燈供養 Thousand Lanterns Offerings
Tooroo Nagashi 燈籠流 Light offerings afloat


Other customs and ceremonies at O-Bon

Bon no Tera 盆の寺 Temple during O-Bon

Hakamairi 墓参 Visiting the Graves of Ancestors Autumn Equinox

Nasu no Uma 茄子の馬 Horses of Eggplants
Bonbana 盆花 Flowers for O-Bon
Bongama 盆竈 Bon Stove for girl's cooking
Shooryoobune 精霊船 Bon Boats for the Souls, Ships for Souls

Rokudoo Mairi 六道参 Welcoming the souls at the six crossroads, Bon Ceremony

ikimitama, iki mitama 生身魂 (いきみたま) living soul
ikibon 生き盆(いきぼん) Bon for the living (elderly parents)

Kusa no ichi 草の市 Market for O-Bon

bon kyoogen 盆狂言 (ぼんきょうげん ) kyogen during the O-Bon ancestor festival
..... bon shibai 初秋 盆芝居(ぼんしばい)Bon-performance
..... bongaeri, bon-gaeri 盆替り(ぼんがわり)

Ogara 苧穀 burned for okuribi ceremonies

Soodai 掃苔 Bon, Cleaning the moss from the graves
Sashi Saba 刺鯖 Giving Makarels to the family, night before o-Bon

Tana Gyoosoo 棚経僧 Priests reading sutras in front of the Bon Shelf

Bon Gochi 盆東風 East Wind during O-Bon > WIND in various kigo
Bon Nami 盆波 Waves during O-Bon
Bon no Tsuki 盆の月 Moon during O-Bon >
..... MOON and its LINKS

Bonmichi 盆路 Road for O-Bon

Bon Shibai 盆芝居 Theater Performance at O-Bon
Hooka ほうか Bon Dance in the Mikawa Area
Kiraigoo 鬼来迎 Welcoming of the Demons
a kind of Bon-Kyogen (but kigo for late summer)
Segaki 施餓鬼 Offering food and drink to the hungry ghosts also
Hungry Ghosts, gaki 餓鬼
..... Japanese Ghosts and Demons

Jizoo Bon 地蔵盆 Ceremonies for Jizoo Bosatsu, August 18 - 24

Hassaku no iwai 八朔の祝 Hassaku Harvest Festival.
"princess melon doll", hime uribina. kettle for the tea ceremony, hassaku gama 八朔釜. Rice Gruel, O-bana no kayu 尾花の粥

Hoojoo-E 放生会 Setting free of animals
at various Hachiman shrines in Japan

Kaze no Bon 風の盆 ..... Bon of the Wind


Akibasho 秋場所 (あきばしょ ) autumn tournament
..... kugatsubasho 仲秋 九月場所(くがつばしょ)
September Grand Sumo tournament

Aki Higan 秋彼岸 Autumn Equinox
shuuki koorei-sai 秋季皇霊祭 Autumn Celebration of the Ancestors Souls
shuuki higan-e 秋季彼岸会 Buddhist Autumn Equinox celebration

Aki Henro 秋遍路 Henro Pilgrims in Autumn
Shikoku Pilgrimage (henro) Shikoku Henro
..... Settai 摂待 Giving Alms

Aki kyoogen 秋狂言 (あききょうげん)autumn kyogen
kugatsu kyoogen 九月狂言(くがつきょうげん)kyogen in september
..... nagori kyoogen 名残狂言(なごりきょうげん)
kugatsu shibai 九月芝居(くがつしばい)performance in september

Aki Matsuri 秋祭り Autumn Festival   and many related kigo

Aki no komabiki 秋の駒牽 (あきのこまびき)
selecting horses in autumn

koma mukae 駒迎え(こまむかえ)welcoming the horses home
hikiwakezukai 引分使(ひきわけづかい)
mochizuki no koma 望月の駒(もちづきのこま)
horses in the full moon month
kirihara no koma 霧原の駒(きりはらのこま)
horses in the misty plains

Aki no Sekiten 秋の釈奠 (あきのせきてん)
Confucius (festival) in autumn

aki no okimatsuri 秋のおきまつり(あきのおきまつり)

Aki no yabu-iri 秋の薮入(あきのやぶいり)
servant holidays in autumn

nochi no yabuiri 後の薮入 "next holiday for the servants"

akai hane 赤い羽根 (あかいはね) red feather (donations)
ai no hane 愛の羽根(あいのはね) feather of love

Atagobi, Atago bi 愛宕火 (あたごび) "fire at Atago" shrine Atago Jinja

Ayaha matsuri 穴織祭 (あやはまつり) Ayaha festival
Kureha matsuri 呉服祭(くれはまつり)Kureha Festival
Shrine Kureha Jinja, Osaka. Deities of Weaving


bettara ichi べったら市 (べったらいち)
market selling bettara radish pickles
- Tokyo

Botamochi Rice Cakes (Botamochi) "Ricecakes in difficult times" Gonan no mochi 御難の餅 (ごなんのもち)
Ceremony at the "Dragon Mouth" Tatsu no kuchi Hoonan E
Botamochi Ceremony, botamochi eshiki 牡丹餅会式(ぼたもちえしき) and Nichiren

Bunka no hi 文化の日 (ぶんかのひ) culture day
geijutsusai 芸術祭 (げいじゅつさい) art festival
Shosoin kaze ire, kazeire 風入れ(かぜいれ)
bijutsu tenrankai 美術展覧会 art exhibition
bijutsu no aki 美術の秋(びじゅつのあき) "autumn of the fine arts"
and many more


Christian Celebrations in Autumn
hishootensai 被昇天祭 (ひしょうてんさい) Feast of the Assumption
seibo seishinsai 聖母聖心祭 (せいぼせいしんさい)The Immaculate Heart of Mary
seibo seitansai 聖母生誕祭 (せいぼせいたんさい)Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
juujikasai, juujika sai 十字架祭 (じゅうじかさい) Exaltation of the Cross
sei Mikaeru sai 聖ミカエル祭 (せいみかえるさい) Feast of Saint Michael
tenshisai, tenshi sai 天使祭 (てんしさい) "festival of angels" . Angel Festival
rozario no seibo no hi ロザリオの聖母の日(ろざりおのせいぼのひ)Our Lady of the Rosary
Banseietsu 万聖節 (ばんせいせつ) All Saints' Day
Shareisai 諸霊祭 (しょれいさい) All Souls Day


Chooyoo 重陽 Chrysanthemum Festival Double Nine (9th lunar Month, 9th Day)
kiku no sekku 菊の節供(きくのせっく)chrysanthemum ritual
kyoo no kiku 今日の菊(きょうのきく)chrysanthemum of today
..... kiku no hi 菊の日(きくのひ)day of the chrysanthemum
(Kyu Kyu Day)
chooyoo no en 重陽の宴(ちょうようのえん)
banquet in honor of the chrysanthemum
kiku no sake 菊の酒(きくのさけ)chrysanthemum sake
kariage no sekku 刈上の節供
sankunichi 三九日(さんくにち)three days with a nine
kiku no kisewata 菊の着綿 (きくのきせわた)

Chuugen 中元 (ちゅうげん) mid-year presents
..... o-chuugen お中元(おちゅうげん)
..... bonrei 盆礼(ぼんれい)curtesy gift for O-Bon
bon mimai 盆見舞(ぼんみまい) curtesy visit at O-Bon


Daikakuji Dainichi-E 大覚寺大日会
Ceremony for Dainichi at Temple Daikaku-Ji

October 28

Dazaifu matsuri 大宰府祭 (だざいふまつり) Dazaifu Festival
..... Dazaifu Tenmangu matsuri
September 21 till 25


Ebisugire, Ebisu gire 夷切れ(えびすぎれ)
absolving of lies

..... seimonbarai, seimon barai 誓文払 (せいもんばらい)
October 20, Kyoto, shrine Kanjaden 官者殿


Fukagawa Hachiman matsuri 深川八幡祭 Hachiman festival at Fukagawa, Tokyo
Fukagawa matsuri 深川祭 ふかがわまつり Fukagawa festival
Tomioka matsuri 富岡祭(とみおかまつり)Tomioka festival

Fudangyoo 不断経
Ceremony of reading sutras day and night


Gege 解夏 end of the summer ascetics
..... ge aki 夏明き(げあき), ge no hate 夏の果(げのはて)
..... sooan, soo-an 送行(そうあん)、gegaki osame 夏書納(げがきおさめ)
..... butsukangibi, butsu kangi bi 仏歓喜日(ぶつかんぎび)
..... kangibi 歓喜日 "a day to rejoice"

Gonan no mochi 御難の餅 (ごなんのもち)
"Ricecakes in difficult times"

to honor Nichiren


Hachiman Matsuri、八幡祭(はちまんまつり)Hachiman Festival
at Shrine Iwashimizu Jinja
hoojoo-e 放生会(ほうじょうえ)
Iwashimizu matsuri 石清水祭 Iwashimizu Festival
Otokoyama matsuri 男山祭Festival at Otokoyama
chuushuusai 仲秋祭(ちゅうしゅうさい)mid-autumn festival
nansai 南祭(なんさい)South-Festival
hoojoogawa 放生川(ほうじょうがわ) river for releasing fish
hanachidori 放ち鳥(はなちどり)releasing birds
hanachigame 放ち亀(はなちがめ)releasing turtles

Hakozaki matsuri 筥崎祭 (はこざきまつり) Hakozaki Festival
..... Hakozaki hoojooe, hoojoo-e 筥崎放生会(はこざきほうじょうえ)
Fukuoka Hakozaki Hachimangu 福岡筥崎八幡宮, September 12 - 18

Heian matsuri 平安祭(へいあんまつり) Heian festival
..... jidai matsuri 時代祭 (じだいまつり) "Festival of the Ages"

Hootoo-e 奉燈会 (ほうとうえ)
mandoo-e 万燈会(まんどうえ)yoi Kooboo 宵弘法(よいこうぼう)
memorial service for Kobo Daishi, with many lanterns
August 20, Temple Daikaku-Ji 大覚寺

Hoze matsuri 豊穣祭 (ほぜまつり) "harvest thanksgiving festival"
..... hoojoo e 豊穣会(ほうじょうえ)
now November 23, Kirishima Shrine


Ise Hoohei 伊勢奉幣(いせほうへい) Imperial Envoy to Ise Shrine
reihei 例幣 (れいへい) imperial envoy
kanname no matsuri 神嘗祭 (かんなめのまつり)
kannamesai 晩秋 神嘗祭(かんなめさい)
shinjoosai 神嘗祭(しんじょうさい)
. .. . . Ise Jingu and its kigo
Ise gosenguu 伊勢御遷宮 (いせごせんぐう) Gosengu Festival of the Ise Shrine
gosenguu 御遷宮(ごせんぐう)

Itsukushima Ennensai 厳島延年祭(いつくしまえんねんさい)
Ennen Festival at Itsukushima

..... tamatori matsuri 玉取祭 (たまとりまつり) "bead-grabbing festival"

Iwakura matsuri 岩倉祭 (いわくらまつり) Iwakura Festival
..... shiritataki matsuri 晩秋 尻たたき祭(しりたたきまつり)
festival of hitting the backside
September 15, Shrine Iwakura Jinja 石座神社 Kyoto


Joonan matsuri 城南祭 (じょうなんまつり) Jonan Festival
Joonan jin matsuri 城南神祭(じょうなんじんまつり)
October, Shrine 城南宮 Jonan-Gu

Juzudama 数珠玉 "Beads of the Rosary" Job's tears, a plant. and more about the rosary in Japan!


Kangetsu Sanbutsu-E 観月讃仏会 Moon Viewing Ceremony
Temple Toshodai-Ji 唐招提寺 Nara

Kantoo 竿燈 / 竿灯 (かんとう) "lantern on a pole"
Kanto Lantern Festival in Akita

Kashima matsuri 鹿島祭 (かしままつり) Kashima Festival
..... Kashima Goshinkoo sai 鹿島御神幸祭(かしまごしんこうさい)

Kehi matsuri 気比祭 (けひまつり) Kehi Shrine Festival
..... Tsuruga matsuri 仲秋 敦賀祭(つるがまつり) Tsuruga Festival

Keiroo no hi 敬老の日 Respect for the Aged Day

kemi 毛見 (けみ ) tax evaluation
kemi no shuu 毛見の衆(けみのしゅう)group of tax evaluation officials
kemi no hi 毛見の日(けみのひ)day of tax evaluation
tsubogari 坪刈(つぼがり) "harvesting one tsubo of land" and more ...

Kishibojin Matsuri 鬼子母神祭 Kishibojin Festival

Kitano matsuri 北野祭 (きたのまつり) Kitano Festival
Shrine Kitano Tenmangu, Kyoto

Kitano zuiki matsuri 北野芋茎祭 (きたのずいきまつり)
Vegetable Decoration Festival

zuiki matsuri 瑞饋祭(ずいきまつり)
zuiki mikoshi 芋茎御輿(ずいきみこし)

Kiyomizu hoshikudari 清水星下り (きよみずほしくだり)
"a star comes to Kiyomizu"
. . . . . and
Kiyomizu sennichi moode 清水千日詣 (きよみずせんにちもうで)
..... yokubi 欲日(よくび), shiman rokusennichi 四万六千日(しまんろくせんにち)
tempel Kiyomizudera, Kyoto. August 9

Koomyoo Shingon-E 光明真言会 Ceremony of the Komyo Mantra
Saidai-Ji Nara, October 3 - 5

Kotohira matsuri 金刀比羅祭 (ことひらまつり) Kotohira Festival
..... Konpira 金毘羅祭(こんぴらまつり)Kompira festival Shikoku

Kurama no hi matsuri 鞍馬の火祭 Kurama Fire Festival


Matsumae kaeru 松前帰る (まつまえかえる)
coming home from Matsumae

Matsumae noboru 松前上る(まつまえのぼる)coming back from Matsumae

Misayama matsuri 御射山祭 (みさやままつり)
Misayama festival

hoya 穂屋(ほや)"hut with a thatched wall"
hoya matsuri 穂屋祭(ほやまつり) Festival of the thatched hut"
At Suwa, Shinano, Nagano

Mishima matsuri 三島祭 (みしままつり) Mishima Festival
August 15 - 17, Great Mishima Shrine 三島大社

Mura shibai 村芝居(むらしばい)performance in the village
... mura kabuki 村歌舞伎(むらかぶき)village kabuki
... jikyoogen, ji kyoogen 地狂言(じきょうげん) village kyogen
... ji shibai, jishibai 地芝居 (じしばい) local performance

Mushi awase 虫合わせ (むしあわせ) pairing insects competition
hunting for insects, mushikari 虫狩 (むしがり)
..... mushi tori, mushitori 虫採り(むしとり)
selecting insects, mushi erabi 虫選び (むしえらび )
..... mushi fuku 虫吹く(むしふく)

Mushiokuri, mushi okuri 虫送 Driving away the bad insects
(part of the O-Bon ceremonies)


Nakizumoo 泣角力 (なきずもう) sumo wrestling until babies cry
September 19, shrine Ikigo Jinja 生子神社

Nanuka no on-sechiku 七日の御節供 (なぬかのおんせちく)
Seasonal feast on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month
..... sakubei 索餅(さくべい) Sakubei-noodles

Nebuta matsuri ねぶた祭(ねぶたまつり)Nebuta Festival
nemurinagashi, nemuri nagashi 眠流し (ねむりながし)
..... nebuta 侫武多(ねぶた) Nebuta, Neputa
kingyo nebuta 金魚ねぶた(きんぎょねぶた)goldfish as nebuta float
oogidoro 扇燈籠(おぎどろ)"fan-shapet lantern"
kenka nebuta 喧嘩ねぶた(けんかねぶた)fighting nebuta floats
nemuta nagashi ねむた流し(ねむたながし)
onenburi おねんぶり
haneto 跳人(はねと) "jumping people"

Nijuurokuya machi 二十六夜待
waiting for the moon on day 26

Niukawakami matsuri 丹生川上祭 (にうかわかみまつり)
Niukawakami festival

Niukawakami Jinja 丹生川上神社, October 16

Nochi no degawari 後の出代 (のちのでがわり)
migrating of the servants in autumn

Nochi no futsuka kyuu 後の二日灸 moxabustion on August second


Okunichi (おくにち) "Honorable Day with a Nine"
okunchi おくんち Okunchi . kunchi くんち
The ninth of the ninth month.
Nagasaki Okunchi, Hakata Okunchi, Karatsu Okunchi

omeiko 御命講 (おめいこう) memorial service
for Saint Nichiren

omyookoo, o-myookoo 御命講(おみょうこう)、oeikoo, o-eikoo 御影講(おえいこう)、oeshiki, o-eshiki 御会式(おえしき)、eshiki 会式(えしき)、eshikidaiko 会式太鼓(えしきだいこ)、drums / mandoo 万燈(まんどう)lanterns
Nichirenki, Nichiren ki 日蓮忌(にちれんき) Memorial Day for Saint Nichiren
Saint Nichiren and related kigo

Otomatsuri 御灯祭, お燈まつり, 御燈祭 Torch Fire Festival Kumano, Wakayama

Ootsu matsuri 大津祭 Otsu Festival, Otsu Matsuri
Nishinomiya matsuri 四宮祭(しのみやまつり)
Festival of shrine Nishi no Miya (in Otsu, Shiga pref.)


Rokusai Nenbutsu 六斎念仏
Ceremony of praying to Amida Nyorai for six days


Sennichi Mairi 千日参 Thousand Days of a Temple Visit
Karasaki mairi 唐崎参 (からさきまいり) Karasaki pilgrimage

Settai 摂待 (せったい) "giving alms"
..... kadocha 門茶(かどちゃ)"tea at the corner"

Shiba shinmei matsuri 芝神明祭 (しばしんめいまつり)
Festival at Shiba Shinmei Shrine

..... daradara matsuri だらだら祭(だらだらまつり)
..... shooga ichi 生姜市(しょうがいち) ginger market
September 11 - 21. Tokyo 

Shika no tsunokiri 鹿の角切 (しかのつのきり)
cutting the horns of deer

tsunokiri 角伐(つのきり)cutting the horns
shikayose 鹿寄せ(しかよせ)herding the deer together
shikatsuri 鹿釣り(しかつり)"fishing for deer"
at Shrine Kasuga Taisha, Nara

Shinjo Matsuri 新庄祭 Shinjo FestivalYamagata. August 24 - 26

Shinsai kinenbi 震災記念日 (しんさいきねんび)
earthquake memorial day
Kanto Earthquake September 1, 1923

Shoosoo-In (Shoso-In) Bakuryoo 正倉院曝涼
Airing of the treasures (hoomotsu kaze-ire)

kaze ire, kazeire 風入れ(かぜいれ)

Shuubun no hi 秋分の日 Day of the Autumn Equinox

Shuusen kinenbi 終戦記念日 しゅうせんきねんび August 15
..... shuusen no hi 終戦の日(しゅうせんのひ)
..... haisenki 敗戦忌(はいせんき)
Cease Fire Day, haisen no hi, 敗戦の日(はいせんのひ)
shuusenbi 終戦日(しゅうせんび)
Cease Fire Day, haisenbi敗戦日(はいせんび)

Shuushisai, Shuushi sai 愁思祭 (しゅうしさい) Shushi Memorial Festival
In Memory of Sugawara no Michizane, Dazaifu Tenmangu
Now October 10

Sumiyoshi no ichi 住吉の市(すみよしのいち)
market at Sumiyoshi Shrine, Hakata

Sumiyoshi sumoo e 住吉相撲会(すみよしすもうえ)
sumo wrestling at Sumiyoshi Shrine (Sumiyosh Jinja 住吉神社)
takara no ichi 宝の市 (たからのいち)
"treasure market"
masu ichi 枡市(ますいち)masu measure cups market

Sumoo no sechi 相撲の節(すもうのせち)"Sumo Event" wrestling at the court

Suppootei Matsuri 数方庭祭 Suhotei Festival
Yamaguchi, at Shrine Iminomiya 忌宮神社, Yamaguchi

Susuki Nenbutsu-E 薄念仏会 Ceremony in memory of Ippen Shoonin


Tanabata 七夕 Star Festival   and many related kigo
negai no ito 願の糸 (ねがいのいと) "string for wishes" ...
. . . suzuri arai 硯洗 (すずりあらい) washing of the inkstonefor Tanabata

Taiiku no hi 体育の日 (たいいくのひ) physical education day
Health and Sports Day
kokumin taiiku taikai "National Sports Festival"
国民体育大会 (こくみんたいいくたいかい)
.... kokutai 国体(こくたい)

Togakushi matsuri 戸隠祭 (とがくしまつり) Togakushi Festival
Nagano, August 14 - 16

Tozu Seppoo 戸津説法
Explaining the Buddhist Law at Tozu

Temple Tonan-Ji, Otsu. August 21 - 25

Tukasameshi 司召 (つかさめし)
governor promotion (in autumn)

aki no jimoku 秋の除目(あきのじもく) governor promotion in autumn
kyookan jimoku 京官除目(きょうかんじもく)governor promotion in Kyoto

Tsurugaoka Hachiman matsuri 鶴岡八幡祭 Festival at Tsurugaoka Hachiman shrine Kamakura
Tsurugaoka matsuri 鶴岡祭
Kamakura Hachiman matsuri 鎌倉八幡祭

Tsuto iri, tsuto-iri 衝突入 Visiting a home
Yamada no tsuto-iri 山田のつと入(やまだのつといり)home visit at Yamada, Ise
bon no tsuto-iri 盆のつと入(ぼんのつといり)home visit at O-Bon ancestor festival


Uma ichi 馬市 horse market in late autumn

Usa matsuri 宇佐祭(うさまつり) Usa festival
Usa hoojoo-e 宇佐放生会 (うさほうじょうえ)
Usa Hachimangu 宇佐八幡宮

Uzumasa no Ushi Matsuri 太秦の牛祭 Ox Festival at Uzumasa


Yahata hoojoo-e 八幡放生会 (やはたほうじょうえ)
releasing living animals at Hachiman shrines

Yuurei Matsuri 幽霊祭 Festival of the Ghosts O-Bon

Yonenbutsu 夜念仏 Nenbutsu-Prayers at Night
..... see Amida Prayer (Namu Amida Butsu)
(also listed as early winter)

Yoshida Fire Festival (Yoshida himatsuri, Yoshida chinkasai)

..... Fuji Sengen Jinja no Himatsuri 富士浅間神社の火祭り


.. .. .. Memorial Days

Memorial Days of Famous People


.. .. .. Plants

. Bodaishi 菩提子 Fruit of the Linden tree .

. Kannonsoo 観音草 Kannon-Plant .
kichijoosoo 吉祥草 Kichijoo-plant

Kiku Kuyoo 菊供養 memorial ritual for chrysanthemums
Asakusa Kannon Temple, Tokyo October 18
Kiku no Sekku 菊の節句 Chrysanthemum Festival

Shakunage 曼珠沙華
Spider Lilies (manjushage, O-Higanbana 彼岸花)


.. .. .. Animals

Hooshizemi 法師蝉 Hooshi Cicada, tsukutsukubooshi

Tanuki matsuri 狸祭り Tanuki badger festival
tanuki kuyoo 狸供養 memorial service for badgers

Kane Tataki 鉦叩 Prayer Gong Cricket, Fruit Cricket (kanetataki) >
..... Kuya Shonin


Autumn Festivals not listed in the BIG SAIJIKI

. Benkei Matsuri 弁慶まつり Benkei Festival
at Tanabe, Kumano, Wakayama

. Danjiri Matsuri だんじり祭り Danjiri Festival
Kishiwada, Osaka and others

. Fukushima Inari Shrine Autumn Festival
福島稲荷神社 Fukushima Inari Jinja

. Izumo Orochi Matsuri 出雲おろち祭り

. Kebesu festival (kebesu sai ケベス祭)

Kangetsu Matsuri 観月祭 Moon Viewing Festival
Matsuo Shrine 松尾大社 Kyoto

. Kumano Fude Matsuri 熊野筆まつり Brush Festival in Kumano  Hiroshima

Maizuru Ana Kannon Matsuri 舞鶴 穴観音秋の大祭 Festival for Cave Kannon at Maizuru

Mie Prefecture Autumn Festivals

Nada Fighting Festival (Nada no Kenka Matsuri)
October 14/ 15 at Matsubara Hachiman Shrine, Himeji

. Nagoya matsuri 名古屋祭り Nagoya Festival  

Ningyoo Kuyoo 人形供養 Memorial Ceremony for used dolls
Ningyo Kuyo

. Yamaga Lantern Festival 山鹿灯籠まつり
Kumamoto. August 15/16



. Winter and New Year  

