Showing posts with label June. Show all posts
Showing posts with label June. Show all posts


Kurama Festivals


Kurama Festivals

***** Location: Mt. Kurama, Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Observance


Mount Kurama
(鞍馬山, Kurama-yama)

is a mountain to the north-west of the city of Kyoto. It is the birthplace of the Reiki practice, and is said to be the home of Sōjōbō, King of the Tengu, who taught swordsmanship to Minamoto no Yoshitsune. Kurama is also the location of the annual Kurama Fire Festival (鞍馬の火祭り, Kurama no Hi-matsuri), which takes place every October. Kurama Temple (鞍馬寺, Kuramadera) is now designated as a national treasure of Japan.

Kurama-dera, a Buddhist temple, is located in the wooded slopes above Kurama town. From its main gate in the town's center, the main buildings can be reached in a 30-45minute climb up the mountain. A cablecar leads halfway up.

Along the ascent to Kurama-dera stands Yuki Jinja 由岐神社, a shrine famous for its Fire Festival held annually on October 22. Kurama-dera's main buildings stand on a terrace on the mountain's slope, overlooking the wooded valley.

The philosopher Hayashi Razan lists one of the three greatest of the daitengu as Sōjōbō 僧正坊 of Mount Kurama. The tengu goblins of Kurama and Atago are among the most famous tengu of Japan.
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- - - - - Tengupedia - - - - -
. 四十八天狗 48 Tengu of Japan .


Three are three main deities venerated at the temple

sonten 尊天 symbolizing all things

千手観世音菩薩 Senju Kannon
毘沙門天王 Bishamonten (in the center)
護法魔王尊 Gohoo Maoo Son

Bishamonten symbolizes light and the sun
Kannon symabolizes love and the moon
Goho Mao Son symbolizes power and the earth.

Goho Mao Son, the great King of the conquerors of evil and the spirit of the earth, looks almost like a tengu himself.
Legend says he came to earth from Venus more than 6500000 years ago.
He is shown as a male of the age 16 and remains young for ever.
He is a special secret Buddha of Kurama temple.

Mao-son, Bishamon-ten, and Senju-kannon are the symbols of the universal soul, forming a Trinity known as "Sonten" or the "Supreme Deity". Sonten is the "Living Soul", the "Supreme Soul of the universe", the "Glorious Light", and the "Activity of the Soul".
These three are the symbols of power, light, and love. We worship Sonten as the composite of all three.
"We trust in Sonten for all things." Sonten is the creator of the universe, and cultivates the development of everything all over the earth. He rests deeps in our individual minds, and causes the "Great Self" or "Atman" to wake up within our hearts. He gives us new power and glorious light.

More than six million years ago, Mao-son (the great king of the conquerors of evil and the spirit of the earth) descended upon Mt. Kurama from Venus, with the great mission of the salvation of mankind. Since then, Mao-son's powerful spirit governing the development and the evolution not only of mankind but of all living things on Earth has been emanating from Mt. Kurama, and a priest named Gantei received the spiritual transmission.
source :


kigo for late spring

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Kurama no Hana Kuyoo 鞍馬の花供養
Flower Ceremony at Kurama

hana kuyoo 花供養(はなくよう)Flower Ceremony
flower dedication
hana gu senboo 花供懺法(はなぐせんぽう)

It used to be for five days from April 18 till 22, but now it is for seven days till 24.

At the temple Kuramadera flowers are offered and prayers of repentance (senboo) are spoken.
During this period,the main deity, Tamonten (Bishamonten), which is usually hidden (hibutsu), is shown to the public.

Small children in court robes form a procession and throw artificial blossoms for the visitors.
There are performances of dance, kyogen, songs, tea ceremonies and more by the believers of Bishamonten. Every day there is something else to enjoy.

uma no kane hibiki-wataru ya hana kuyoo

the mid-day bell
reverberates far and wide -
flower ceremony

. Takahama Kyoshi 高浜虚子  


kigo for mid-summer

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Kurama no take kiri 鞍馬の竹伐 (くらまのたけきり)
cutting bamboo at Kurama
takekiri 竹筏(たけきり)
Kurama no renge e 鞍馬の蓮華会(くらまのれんげえ)
Kurama Lotus Ceremony

Kurama no take kiri eshiki
ceremony of cutting bamboo at Kurama

On June 20 at temple Kuramadera.

Four bamboo poles in front of the main temple hall are cut by two groups of people clad in formal robes, the east and west group. They use special woodman's hatchets (山刀) and fight for speed. The group which finishes first will be used to divine the harvest of the coming autumn.

Takekiri-eshiki is a bamboo-cutting ceremony based on a story about the monk Buen (峯延). The legend is that one day while Buen was undertaking austerities in the mountains monstrous male and female serpents attacked him. After the monk cut and killed the male serpent by chanting a powerful mantra the female serpent pleaded for mercy and promised to help people to make a stream from the mountain. The serpent kept her word and since then the villagers could enjoy affluent water and worshiped the serpent by creating a little shrine.

In the annual ceremony eight male parishioners clad in costumes of warrior monks form two teams. Upon a signal the teams rush out to cut 4m long and 10cm thick green bamboo poles with strokes of mountain hatchets (山刀) into eight pieces. The poles symbolise the serpents, which are incarnations of evil. The ceremony is performed to pray for a bountiful harvest. The area represented by the winning team will enjoy rich harvests that year.
The teams of Omi and Tanba represent the eastern and western sides of Mt Kurama. In ancient times the area around Lake Biwa was called Omi and parts of Kyoto and Hyogo prefectures Tanba.

The pieces of cut bamboo are believed to guard homes against misfortune. At the end of the ritual, a female bamboo, roots intact, is returned and replanted in the grove from which the male trees were taken.

Monk Gantei (鑑禎)
Kurama temple has its origin in the monk Gantei who had a dream about being guided to a sacred place on the saddle of a white horse. He followed this spiritual transmission and the horse brought him to the foot of the mountain, where he built a small thatched temple to Bishamonten. Years later, Isendo Fujiwara was also guided on horseback to the mountain with the intent of building a temple to the Thousand-armed Kannon Bodhisattva. Gantei’s temple became known as Kurama-dera (Horse-saddle temple) due to Gantei and Fujiwara both being guided there on saddle-back.

Tagyuraku 打毬楽
Tagyuraku is a kind of polo dance in which the dancers are dressed as courtiers of the Heian period. Polo was an ancient Persian sport known in China of the Tang dynasty and thence introduced into Nara of the Heian period. It is said that 88 or 40 persons played this polo like game on horseback. What is now left from the game is the music accompanying traditional court dance.
source :
Look at the photos of this link !


kigo for late autumn

. Kurama no hi matsuri 鞍馬の火祭
Kurama Fire Festival
October 22


kigo for the New Year

. Kurama mairi 鞍馬詣(くらままいり)
first visit to temple Kuramadera
Kurama hatsu tora mairi 鞍馬初寅詣(くらまはつとらまいり)
visit to Kurama Temple on the first day of the tiger
"Kurama Gold Coin", Kurama koban 鞍馬小判(くらまこばん)
. . . . . and more kigo about this ceremony

The Tiger hour is about 3-5am. Tiger Month is January and the Tiger day comes up every 12 days.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Kurama stone Daruma

. Kurama Ishi 鞍馬石 Kurama Stone  


CLICK for original link .
Ushiwakamaru 牛若丸

. Ushiwaka mochi 牛若餅 Ushiwaka rice cakes  
Named after Minamoto no Yoshitsune in his boyhood (Ushiwaka, the one as strong as a bull), when he was trained at the Kurama Mountain Temple by the Forest Goblins (tengu).

. Minamoto no Yoshitsune 源の義経 (1159 - 1189) .
- Introduction -
Shanaoo, Shanaō 遮那王 Shanao (his boyhood name at Kurama)
牛若丸 Ushiwakamaru // Hoogan 判官 Hogan (his court title)


Goma sen, gomasen 護摩扇 ritual fan from Kurama

. ha-uchiwa 天狗の羽団扇 "feather fan of a Tengu" .

This is the fan of the great tengu from Kurama mountain, used to ward off all evil during the goma fire rituals.

Sōjōbō - Sojobo
Sōjōbō (僧正坊, lit. "high Buddhist priest")
is the mythical king of the tengu, minor deities who inhabit the mountains of forests of Japan. Sōjōbō is an ancient yamabushi (mountain hermit) tengu with long, white hair and an unnaturally long nose. He carries a fan made from seven feathers as a sign of his position at the top of tengu society. He is extremely powerful, and one legend says he has the strength of 1,000 normal tengu. Sōjōbō lives on Mount Kurama (north of Kyoto).

Sōjōbō is perhaps best known for teaching the warrior Minamoto no Yoshitsune (then known by his childhood name Ushiwaka-maru or Shanao) the arts of swordsmanship, tactics, and magic in the 12th century. In fact, the name "Sōjōbō" originates from Sōjōgatani, the valley at Mount Kurama near Kibune Shrine associated with the Shugenja. It is in this valley that Ushiwaka trained with Sōjōbō in legend. This relationship serves as the basis of many Japanese woodblock prints, including one by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi.
Also in some Japanese villages, parents spread the myth that he eats little boys to stop them going into the forests at night.
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a kind of fly swatter : Tengu no uchiwa
. Swatter of a Forest Goblin
Tengu no uchiwa 天狗のうちわ .

. Fan (oogi 扇 - uchiwa 団扇).

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 

source : hayato on facebook

"Tengu Monsters and Ushiwakamaru"

c. 1760, by Shunsho Katsukawa (1726-1792).


tsuki zo shirube konata e irase tabi no yado

moon! guide
this-way to please-enter
journey's lodging

Matsuo Basho, 1663

Basho alludes to a line from the No play Tengu on Mount Kurama, in which the blossoms are the guides.

Tr. David Landis Barnhill

奥は鞍馬の山道の花ぞしるべなる へ入らせ給へや

oku wa Kurama no yamamichi no
hana zo shirube naru konata e irase tamae ya

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Kurama no Tengu 鞍馬天狗 Noh Performance

tsuki zo shirube konata e irase tabi no yado

the moon will guide you . . .
this way, traveler; please come
into the inn here

Tr. Ueda

The moon is your guide;
Come to my house, says the host
Of a wayside inn.

Tr. Yuasa

Written in 寛文4年, Basho age 21
During that time the Teimon school was in full swing and it was popular to make an allusion to poems and songs of old.

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


doohyoo wa kagyuu asobase migi Kurama

the guidepost
is a resting post for the snail -
turn right for Mount Kurama

Minamisawa Kiriko 南澤霧子

Related words

***** . Bishamonten 毘沙門天  

***** . Ushiwaka-maru and Benkei  

***** . Kurama gannin 鞍馬願人 Gannin from Kurama .
gannin boozu 願人坊主 mendicant monks

BACK : Top of this Saijiki


Kurama karakuri gangu 鞍馬のからくり玩具 mechanical dolls from Kurama
They are about 30 to 40 cm high. The deities of Wind and Thunder 風神雷神. Made from bamboo with a string to pull for moving the fan and arms.

. Kyoto Folk Art - 京都(府) .
Kuramadera no koi ningyoo 鞍馬寺 鯉の人形 Kurama carp dolls
Kurama yama no a-un-tora 鞍馬山のあうん虎 tiger dolls
Kurama kubi ningyoo くらま首人形 head dolls

. karakuri ningyoo からくり人形 mechanical dolls .





Peron Boat Race (peeron)


Peron Boat Race (peeron)

***** Location: Nagasaki, Japan
***** Season: Mid-Summer
***** Category: Observance


keito 競渡 (けいと) peron boat race
..... peeron ペーロン Peron

haarii sen 爬龍船(ハーりーせん
haryuusen はりゅうせん)Dragon Boat
..... keito sen 競渡船(けいとせん)
..... kyaaron 、キャーロン
..... pairon バイロン

"Hahrih" dragon boat festival

CLICK for more photos


This kind of Dragon boat race originates in China and is very popular in many Asian countries, also in Okinawa and Nagasaki, where it is know by various names, see above.
It is used as a kind of divination for the harvest of this year.
It also occurs at other times of the year, for example on May 5.

Nagasaki Peron Festival

In Nagasaki, it used to be part of the annual "harbor festival" in April, but now it is a separate event on the fourth sunday in June.
Sometimes there is also a race on the first sunday of August.


The Dragon Boat Festival is a lunar holiday.
The official festival is also known as the Double Fifth Festival, because it occurs on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar, and Poet's Day, because it commemorates the failed rescue attempt in 295 B.C. of Qu Yuan. Qu was a Chinese poet, hero and Minister of State to the King of Chu. Qu warned the king against signing a fake treaty, and for his effort he was exiled. Dejected, Qu wandered the countryside and then drowned himself in the Milo River. The local fishermen raced out in their boats to save him, beating drums to scare off any fish that might eat his body and dropping rice into the water to nourish his spirit.

Today's Double Fifth Festivals include dragon boat races -- with beating drums and rowers tossing rice into the water. The dragon boat is a canoe with 10 rows of benches (for the 20 paddlers) and the heads and tails of "dragons" attached at the helm and stern (also where you'll find the drummer and steersperson).
In a ceremony, a Taoist priest will "bring the dragon boats to life."

The race is a sprint, lasting under 5 minutes.
Since the sport of dragon boat racing offers great teamwork experience and interaction, and the festivals seek to promote multiculturalism, there are many crews (teams) from corporations. Besides getting them in shape, they get to sample the terrific traditional food of the dragon boat festival!
source :


A page with more coloring pages for children

Worldwide use

Dragonboat festival --
first race now finished
we remember the many women
now dead or dying of breast cancer --
flowers float in the sea

Angelika Kolompar, July 2006

. Dragonboat festival in Nanaimo, B.C, Canada

Things found on the way

. Dragon Art of Asia
Daruma Museum


© PHOTO : Digital Photo Blog

keitobune orosu uchikomi taikoo kana

lowering the Dragon boats
the big drums begin
to beat

Hayashi Katsumi 林かつみ


source : gento575.blog71

Related words

***** . Morotabune Ship Race Ceremony (morotabune shinji) Shimane  

***** Ships, boats and Kigo



Time Memorial Day


Time Memorial Day (toki no kinenbi)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Mid-Summer
***** Category: Observance


toki no kinenbi 時の記念日 (ときのきねんび)
time memorial day, Anniversary of Time

toki no hi 時の日(ときのひ) "time day"

June 10




rookoku ろうこく【漏刻/漏剋】 "water clock"

On June 10th, way back in 671, according to the traditional calendar, the Emperor Tenji 天智天皇 (668-671) reportedly first announced the time to the people, measuring hours with a water clock (clepsydra).
In the lunar calendar, this was the 25th of the fourth lunar month.

There was an extra-governmental organization known as The Association for the Improvement of Domestic Life (seikatsu kaizen doomeikai 生活改善同盟会).
The group’s aim of improving the quality of daily life included a call for punctuality, and it designated 10 June as Time Day (Toki no kinenbi).

The main activities on 10 June included correcting the watches of passersby, by synchronizing them with a chronometer taken to streets downtown; the Association also sought the cooperation of temples, shrines, churches, and factories simultaneously to ring bells and sound the gongs and drums and whistles at twelve at noon. Lectures on time were delivered in schools and factories.

The first Time Day was held in 1920 ,
together with an exhibition on time sponsored by the Ministry of Education. School children were mobilized for the opening ceremony of the exhibition, in which they released balloons with the words jikan reikoo 時間厳守 (punctuality) written on a strip of paper in front of the Tokyo Educational Museum (the precursor of the present the National Science Museum).
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Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Asuka no Mizudokei - the water clock of Asuka

source :


toki no hi ya Dari no yugameshi oodokei

Time Day -
the warped big watches
of Dali

Yamaguchi Shozo (Shoozoo) 山口正三

sekaishi o dari no tokei de aki tomoshi

the world history
with the watch of Dali
in autumn lamp light

Watanabe Natsuko 渡部奈津子

. Museum Haiku
about famous people and artwork


toki no hi ya nikai to shita ni naru tokei

"time day" -
on the second floor and below
the clocks are ringing

Tsuyako 艶子


toki no hi ya mukashi hatago no kakedokei

time memorial day -
this wall clock
in the old inn

Sankei 山渓

. Hatago lodgings and inns and Haiku  


Buying time
my smart phone whispers the hour
so seductively

The wrist watch is in danger of becoming a threatened species like lions, tigers and elephants. The smartphone has unbound time that has been strapped to your wrist . . .

- Shared by Chris Loft -
Joys of Japan, 2012


The water clock drips
Measuring the hours and days
Liquid fluid time

Chinese mechanical and horological engineering from the Song Dynasty; this diagram provides an overall general view of the inner workings and armillary sphere of Su Song's clocktower built in Kaifeng. The drawn illustration comes from Su Song's book Xin Yi Xiang Fa Yao published in the year 1092. On the right is the upper reservoir tank with the 'constant-level tank' beneath it.

In the center foreground is the 'earth horizon' box in which the celestial globe was mounted. Below that are the time keeping shaft and wheels supported by a mortar-shaped end-bearing. Behind this is the main driving wheel with its spokes and scoops. Above that are the left and right upper locks with an upper balancing lever and upper link.

- Shared by Res John Burman -
Joys of Japan, 2012

Related words

****: . quality of time

Kigo for Summer



SUMMER Ceremonies


In Summer, half way through the year, many purification rituals were held at the imperial court, the Shinto shrines and at Buddhist temples.

. Summer Purification Ceremony (nagoshi 夏越)  

May, June, July


Festival (matsuri) 祭 Kigo for all summer. 

With many more kigo on the subject, like mikoshi, festival drums, shrine at night and more.


Agata matsuri 県祭 (あがたまつり) Agata Festival
..... kurayami matsuri くらやみ祭(くらやみまつり) festival in the dark, Strange Festival of Darkness
in Uji, Kyoto

Aizen-sai 愛染祭 Festival of Aizen Myo-O

Amagoi 雨乞 Rain Rituals

Ango 安居
natsu ango 夏安吾(げあんご)Buddhist summer retreat

..... gedachi 夏断 (げだち) "summer abstinence"
..... gegomori 夏籠(げごもり), gekomori and many more kigo

Aoba matsuri 青葉祭 (あおばまつり)
"Festival of the Green Leaves"

..... Kooboo Daishi kootan e
birthday ritual for Kobo Daishi
Koya San, Wakayama

Aogitoo 青祈祷 (あおぎとう) "prayer in the green season"

Aizen matsuri 愛染祭 (あいぜんまつり) Aizen Festival

Aoi Matsuri 葵祭 Aoi Festival
May 15 at the shrines of Kamo, Shimogamo and Kamigamo shrine in Kyoto
..... Kamo no matsuri 賀茂祭(かものまつり)
matsuri (まつり)"the festival"
Kamo no aoi 賀茂葵(かものあおい)"hollyhock from Kamo"
kake aoi 懸葵(かけあおい)"sticking hollyhock"
in the hair
aoi kazura 葵鬘(あおいかずら)"hollyhock wig"
..... moro kazura、諸鬘(もろかずら)
moroha aoi 双葉葵(もろはあおい)hollyhock with two leaves
..... kazashigusa かざしぐさ
..... morohagusa もろはぐさ
and more in
. Shrine-complex Kamo Jinja 賀茂神社 .

Ao-oni Hotaru Matsuri 青鬼蛍祭 Green Demon and Fireflies Festival
Ao-oni matsuri 青鬼祭り festival of the green demon
Ishiyama-dera 石山寺、Shiga

Asagao ichi 朝顔市 market selling Morning-Glories
..... Iriya asagao ichi 入谷朝顔市 Morning-Glories market at Iriya in Edo

Aso matsuri 阿蘇祭 (あそまつり) Aso festival
onda matsuri 御田祭(おんだまつり)Festival of the shrine fields
otaue shinkoo shiki 御田植神幸式(おたうえしんこうしき) rice planting festival
Kyushu, Mount Aso

Atago sennichi moode
愛宕の千日詣 (あたごのせんにちもうで)
1000 day pilgrimage at Atago

Atsuta matsuri 熱田祭 (あつたまつり) Atsuta Festival
shoobu matsuri 尚武祭(しょうぶまつり)"military arts festival"
..... shoobu e 尚武会(しょうぶえ)
makiwarabune 巻藁船(まきわらぶね)ships with lanterns


Baado uiiku バードウィーク bird week
aichoo shuukan 愛鳥週間 (あいちょうしゅうかん)
..... aichoobi 愛鳥日(あいちょうび)
tori no hi 鳥の日(とりのひ) day of the birds

butsumo-e 仏母会 Ceremony for Buddha's Mother


Chaguchagu umakko ちゃぐちゃぐ馬っこ (ちゃぐちゃぐうまっこ)
Chaguchagu horse festival, Iwate

Chichi no hi 父の日 Father's Day

Christian Celebrations and Festivals
seibozuki 聖母月 (せいぼづき) month of the holy mother
shootensai 昇天祭 (しょうてんさい) Ascension of Christ
bara no nichiyo 薔薇の日曜(ばらのにちよう)sunday of roses
sei Yohanne sai 聖ヨハネ祭 (せいよはねさい) Feast of Saint John
sei Petoro . Pauro sai 聖ペトロ・パウロ祭 (せいぺとろ・ぱうろさい) Feast of Saints Peter and Paul
seirei koorin sai 聖霊降臨祭 (せいれいこうりんさい) Pentecoste
sanmisai 三位祭 (さんみさい) Trinity Sunday
seitaisai, seitai sai 聖体祭 (せいたいさい) Corpus Christi Festival
Nippon fukushasai 日本福者祭 (にっぽんふくじゃさい) canonization day of Japan


Daabii ダービー Derby
Tookyoo Yuushun Kyoosoo 東京優駿競走(とうきょうゆうしゅんきょうそう)Horse race in TokyoTokyo Yushun
Nihon daabii 日本ダービー(にほんだーびー) Japan Derby

Denpa no hi 電波の日 (でんぱのひ) "radio day"
denpa kinenbi 電波記念日(でんぱきねんび) radio memorial day

Dewa sanzan matsuri 出羽三山祭 (でわさんざんまつり)
Dewa Festival of the three mountains

..... Haguro Hana matsuri 羽黒花祭(はぐろはなまつり)Haguro Flower Festival
.. Yudono moode 湯殿詣 (ゆどのもうで) visiting Yudono
yudono gyoo 湯殿行(ゆどのぎょう)austerity practise at Yudono
yudono gori 湯殿垢離(ゆどのごり)water ablutions at Yudono

Doomyooji 道明寺(どうみょうじ) Temple Domyo-Ji
. Hoshi-ii (hoshiii, hoshii) 干飯 (ほしいい) cooked dried rice  
..... 糒(ほしいい)乾飯(ほしいい)
hiki-ii 引飯(ひきいい)"ground rice"
kare ii かれいい、karei かれい、hoshi-i ほしい

Doyoo kyuu, doyookyuu 土用灸 (どようきゅう)
moxabustion on the hot doyoo day

... doyoo mogusa 土用艾(どようもぐさ)
... hooroku kyuu 焙烙灸(ほうろくきゅう) moxa with a horoku pot


Edo Sengen sai 江戸浅間祭 (えどせんげんさい) Edo Sengen Festival
..... Asakusa Fuji Moode 浅草富士詣(あさくさふじもうで)

Enma Mairi 閻魔参 Visiting an Enma Temple for the King of Hell
Enmadoo Dainenbutsu 閻魔堂大念仏
Amida Prayer (Namu Amida Butsu)
..... Enma Moode 閻魔詣(えんまもうで)
..... Visiting the 10 Kings of Hell, juuoo moode 十王詣(じゅうおうもうで)
..... Great day off, dai sainichi 大斎日(だいさいにち)
..... Enma no saijitsu 閻魔の斎日(えんまのさいじつ)
..... King of Hell, En oo 閻王(えんおう)
Enmadoo dainenbutsu 閻魔堂大念仏 (えんまどうだいねんぶつ)
Amida prayer nenbutsu at the temple hall Enmado
Enmadoo kyoogen 閻魔堂狂言(えんまどうきょうげん)
senbon dainenbutsu 千本大念仏(せんぼんだいねんぶつ)
One of the three famous prayer kyogen.

Enryakuji minazuki-e 延暦寺六月会(えんりゃくじみなづきえ)
Ceremony of the fourth day of the sixth (lunar) month at temple Enryaku-Ji
Dengyoo e 伝教会 (でんぎょうえ) Dengyo Memorial
Saichoo ki 最澄忌(さいちょうき)Saicho Memorial Day
... Dengyoo Daishi ki 伝教大師忌(でんぎょうだいしき)
choogoo e 長講会(ちょうごうえ)
sange e 山家会(さんげえ)

Enshuu Dainenbutsu 遠州大念仏 Amida prayer meeting in Enshu
Tootoomi, now part of Shizuoka. Hamamatsu


Fuchuu matsuri 府中祭 (ふちゅうまつり) Fuchu Festival
..... Fuchuu kenka matsuri 府中喧嘩祭(ふちゅうけんかまつり)
rokusho matsuri 六所祭(ろくしょまつり)
"festival at six places"
Fuchuu yami matsuri 府中闇祭(ふちゅうやみまつり)
Fuchu festival in the dark, Fuchu Kurayami Festival
..... Fuchuu kurayami matsuri 府中暗闇祭(ふちゅうくらやみまつり)

Fujikiri E-shiki 藤切り会式 Wisteria Cutting Ceremony
Yamanashi Prefecture,Temple Daizen-Ji

. . . . .

Fuji moode 富士詣 (ふじもうで) pilgrimage to Mount Fuji
Fuji gori, Fujigori 富士垢離 (ふじごり) ascetic ablutions at Mt. Fuji
Fujigyoo 富士行(ふじぎょう)ascetics at Mt. Fuji
Fujigoya, Fuki goya 富士小屋(ふじごや) hut at Mt. Fuji
Fuji moode 富士詣 (ふじもうで) pilgrimage to Mt. Fuji
Fujiy yamabiraki 富士山開(ふじやまびらき)
opening the season for climbing Mt. Fuji
Fuji dooja 富士道者(ふじどうじゃ)pilgrim to Mt. Fuji
Fuji gyooja 富士行者(ふじぎょうじゃ)ascetic pilgrim to Mt. Fuji
Fuji senjoo 富士禅定(ふじぜんじょう)ascetic climb to the top of Mt. Fuji
sanjoo moode 山上詣(さんじょうもうで)pilgrimage to the mountain top
sanjoo 山上(さんじょう)"honorable mountain top"
... o choojoo お頂上(おちょうじょう)
shinogoya 篠小屋(しのごや)reed hut to practise austerities
Fujikoo, Fuji koo 富士講(ふじこう)Mount Fuji worship group
Sengenkoo, Sengen koo 浅間講(せんげんこう)Sengen worship group

. . . . .

Fujimori matsuri 藤森祭 (ふじもりまつり) Fujimori Festival
... Fuji no mori 藤の森
yakata no chigo 屋形の稚児(やかたのちご)"divine children parade"
Fujimori Shrine, Kyoto

Fukuro no atsumono 梟の羹 (ふくろうのあつもの)
"hot soup with owl meat"

..... fukuro no aburimono 梟の灸(ふくろうのあぶりもの)


Gebana 夏花 "summer flowers" as offerings on the altar
..... gebana tsumi 夏花摘み(げばなつみ)
picking flowers for offerings
during the ango retreat.

Gedachi 夏断 (げだち) abstinence in summer
during the ango retreat.

Gegaki 夏書 (げがき) "writing in summer"
shakyoo-e 写経会 meeting to copy sutras
gekyoo 夏経(げきょう) copying the sutras in summer

. . . . .

Genenbutsu, natsu nenbutsu 夏念仏 (なつねんぶつ)
Nembutsu prayers in Summer

..... natsu nebutsu 夏ねぶつ(なつねぶつ)
Amida Prayer (Namu Amida Butsu) and kigo

Gesai no on kayu 解斎の御粥 End of mourning rice gruel

Gihoo o kaku 儀方を書く (ぎほうをかく) writing a spell
(against mosquitos and flies), May 5
..... gihoo o shosu 儀方を書す(ぎほうをしょす)

. Gion matsuri 祇園祭り (ぎおんまつり) Gion Festival
It begins July 1st and lasts until July 31st, centered around Yasaka shrine, Kyoto.
..... byoobu matsuri 屏風祭(びょうぶまつり)folding screen festival

Gogatsu no setchi-e 五日の節会 (いつかのせちえ) ritual at the Imperial court on May 5, the seasonal point
..... ayame no makura 菖蒲の枕 (あやめのまくら) "iris pillow"
and more about the "Boy's Festival"

Gojinjoo daiko 御神乗太鼓 (ごじんじょうだいこ )
"Drums for the Shinto Gods"

Wajima, Ishikawa

Goryoo matsuri 御霊祭 (ごりょうまつり)
..... goryoo no shinji 御霊の神事(ごりょうのしんじ), goryoo no oide 御霊の御出(ごりょうのおいで)
Part of the Gion Festival activities in Kyoto
Festival to "appease the vengeful spirits"


Hachiman yama 八幡山(はちまんやま)Hachiman float
at the Gion festival

Haha no hi 母の日 (ははのひ) Mother's Day, Muttertag

Hakata no Gion matsuri 博多の祗園祭 (はかたのぎおんまつり)
Hakata Gion Festival

Hakata matsuri 博多祭(はかたまつり) Hakata festival
..... yamagasa 山笠(やまがさ)floats
oi yamagasa 追山笠(おいやまがさ)race of the floats
.... oiyama 追山(おいやま)

Hanabi Senkoo 花火線香 "incense stick firework"

hangeshoo 半夏生 (はんげしょう)
eleventh day after the summer solstice

Hashidate masturi 橋立祭 (はしだてまつり)
Ama no Hashidate Matsuri 天の橋立祭 Festival at Ama-no-Hashidate Amanohashitate

Hie Jinja sairei
日枝神社祭礼 (ひえじんじゃさいれい)
Festival at Shrine Hie Jinja

Sannoo matsuri 山王祭(さんのうまつり)Sanno festival
tenka matsuri 天下祭(てんかまつり)"greatest festival under the sky" in Edo/Tokyo

Himuro 氷室 (ひむろ) icehouse, ice cellar
himuro mori 氷室守(ひむろもり)warden of the ice cellar
himuro no yuki 氷室の雪(ひむろのゆき)snow in the ice cellar
himuro no yama 氷室の山(ひむろのやま) mountain with an ice cellar
..... himuro no sekku 氷室の節供(ひむろのせっく)seasonal celebration of the ice cellars
shihyoo no setsu 賜氷の節 (しひょうのせつ)first day of the sixth months
koori n o tsuitachi 氷の朔日(こおりのついたち)"first day of the ice"
himochi o iwau 氷餅を祝う (ひもちをいわう) celebrate with iced mochi

Hiroshima-ki 広島忌 Hiroshima Memorial Day
genbaku no hi 原爆の日 atom bomb day
genbaku ki 原爆忌 atom bomb memorial day
heiwa sai 平和祭(へいわさい) peace festival
..... Nagasaki ki 長崎忌 Nagasaki Memorial Day

Hitotsu Yaito ひとつやいと one moxabustion
Temple Zuiryu-Ji 瑞龍寺

Hoonensai 豊年祭 Festival for a bountiful harvest "Penis Festival", at Tagata Shrine, Aichi prefecture. Honen Matsuri

Hooran Enya Boat Festival ほうらんえんや Horan Enya Matsue

Hoozuki ichi 鬼燈市 ほおずきいち lampion flower market
..... shiman rokusen nichi 四万六千日 46000 days
..... rokusen nichi sama 六千日さま(ろくせんにちさま)

Hoshi-ii (hoshiii, hoshii) 干飯 (ほしいい) cooked dried rice
..... 糒(ほしいい)乾飯(ほしいい)
Doomyooji 道明寺(どうみょうじ) Temple Domyo-Ji
hiki-ii 引飯(ひきいい)
kare iiかれいい、karei かれい、hoshi-i ほしい

Hyakumangoku matsuri 百万石祭 (ひゃくまんごくまつり)
Kaga Hyakumangoku Festival

..... Oyama matsuri 尾山祭(おやままつり)Oyama Shrine Festival
hyakumangoku gyooretsu 百万石行列(ひゃくまんごくぎょうれつ)
hookoku matsuri 封国祭(ほうこくまつり)"land presenting festival"
Kanazawa, Ishikawa


Imamiya matsuri 今宮祭 (いまみやまつり) Imamiya Festival
Imamiya matsuri oide 今宮祭御出(いまみやまつりおいで)
take part in the Imamiya festival. Kyoto

inbi no gohan 忌火の御飯 (いんびのごはん) "rice on the memorial day"
inbi no gohan kuuzu 忌日の御飯を供ず(いんびのごはんをくうず)
making rice offerings on the memorial day
Court ritual of the Heian period
. . . . . and
jingonjiki 神今食 じんごんじき "Deity eating with the Emperor"
. . . . . and
gesai no on kayu 解斎の御粥 end of fasting rice gruel

Iriya Asagao Ichi 入谷朝顔市
Morning Glory Flower Market at the temple in Iriya

Ise kanmiso no matsuri伊勢神御衣祭 Festival at Ise Shrine
miso no matsuri 御衣祭(みそのまつり), kanso matsuri 神衣祭(かんそまつり)
offerings of summer garments to the deities
. . . . . and
Ise no o-taue 伊勢の御田植 (いせのおたうえ) planting rice at Ise
mitamatsuri 御田祭(みたまつり)"festival of the honorable rice fields"
... omitamatsuri, o-mita matsuri お御田祭(おみたまつり)
Yamada no o-taue 山田の御田植(やまだのおたうえ)
planting rice at Yamada otaue ogi 御田扇(おたおうぎ) fan for the planting rice ceremony

Itsukushima matsuri 厳島祭 (いつくしままつり) Itsukushima Festival
Itsukushima kangensai 厳島管絃祭(いつくしまかんげんさい)
Miyajima, Hiroshima

Izumo matsuri 出雲祭 (いずもまつり) Izumo Festival

Izumo daisairei 出雲大祭礼(いずもだいさいれい) great festival at Izumo
at Izumo-taisha 出雲大社, Izumo Grand Shrine, Shimane


Kajoogui 嘉定喰 (がじょうぐい) Eating on the Kajo-Day
kajoosen 嘉定銭(かじょうせん)16 coins for Kajo
kajoo nui 嘉定縫(かじょうぬい)sowing on kajo-day

Kaketai orosu 掛鯛下す (かけたいおろす) / kakedai orosu
taking the sea bream down

kannarijin 雷鳴陣 (かんなりじん) "thunder army"
..... kannari no tsubo 雷鳴の壷(かんなりのつぼ)
..... rai no tsubo 雷の壷(らいのつぼ) "thunder jar"
Imperial Court Ritual, protecting the emperor against thunder

. . . . .

. Kamo keiba 賀茂競馬(かもけいば)
horse race at Kamo shrine

kurabeuma, kurabe uma 競べ馬 (くらべうま) horse race
kisoi uma きそい馬(きそいうま)
koi uma きおい馬(きおいうま)
muda hashiri 空走り(むだはしり)"free run"
kachiuma 勝馬(かちうま)winning horse
makeuma 負馬(まけうま)loosing horse
hashiri uma 走り馬(はしりうま)running horse
ashizoroe 足揃(あしぞろえ) "getting the legs together"

Kamo Mikage Matsuri 賀茂御蔭祭 (かもみかげまつり)
Kamo Shrines in Kyoto
"honorable shadow festival" mikage matsuri, 御蔭祭(みかげまつり). mi-aregi 御生木(みあれぎ). "Lawn Cutting Ceremony", shibakiri shinji 芝切神事(しばきりしんじ)

. . . . .

Kanda matsuri 神田祭 (かんだまつり) Kanda Festival

Kappa Matsuri かっぱ祭り Kappa Festival (Water Goblin Festival)
Shinawaga, Tokyo

Karasaki mairi 唐崎参 (からさきまいり) Karasaki pilgrimage
..... Karasaki matsuri 唐崎祭(からさきまつり) Karasaki Festival
Karasaki no harai 唐崎の祓(からさきのはらい)purification ritual at Karasaki
Karasaki no sennichi mairi 唐崎の千日参(からさきのせんにちまいり)

. . . . . Kawa, the River

Kawadome 川止め (かわどめ) an interruption in crossing the river
kawabiraki 川開き (かわびらき) opening of the river season
kawayashiro 川社(かわやしろ)shrine by the river
kawaharae, kawa harae 川祓(かわはらえ)ablutions in a river
and more


Kibune matsuri 貴船祭 (きふねまつり) Kifune Festival
... Kifune shinji 貴船神事(きふねしんじ)Kifune Shinto ritual
gokoosai 御更祭(ごこうさい)"changing the robes of the deity"
itadori matsuri 虎杖祭(いたどりまつり "knotweed festival"
Shrine Kifune Junja, Kyoto

Kiraigoo 鬼来迎 (きらいごう) "Welcoming the Demons"
..... Oni Mai 鬼舞(おにまい)"Demon's Dance"

Kiyomizu jishu matsuri 清水地主祭(きよみずじしゅまつり)
Festival of the local deity of Kiyomizu

..... jishu matsuri 地主祭 (じしゅまつり)
Kyoto, shrine Jishu Jinja 地主神社

Kodomo no hi 子供の日 (こどものひ) Day of the Children
May 5.

Kokawa Sai, Kogkwa matsuri 粉河祭 (こかわまつり) Kogawa Festival

Komabiki 駒牽 こまびき "selecting horses"
..... natsu no komabiki 夏の駒牽(なつのこまびき)
selecting horses in summer
Imperial court ritual.

Kusuri no hi 薬の日 "Medicine Day"
kusuri gari 薬狩 (くすりがり)collecting medicine, "hunting for medicine"
picking medical herbs, yakusoo tsumi 薬草摘(やくそうつみ)
"picking a hundred herbs" hyakusoo tsumi 百草摘み(ひゃくそうつみ)
kusudama 薬玉 (くすだま) "medicine ball"
choomeiru, choomei ru 長命縷(ちょうめいる)/ 続命縷(しょくめいる)
"threads of long life"

koori o kuuzu 氷を供ず (こおりをくうず) offering ice to the deities in a Shinto shrine
..... hi n omitsugi 氷の貢(ひのみつぎ)
..... himuro no tsukai 氷室の使(ひむろのつかい)bringer of the ice
..... hi no omono 氷の御物(ひのおもの)ice offering

Kurabe-uma 競べ馬 (くらべうま) horse racing
..... Kamo keiba 賀茂競馬(かもけいば)at Kamo
kisoi uma きそい馬(きそいうま)
koi uma きおい馬(きおいうま)
muda hashiri 空走り(むだはしり)"free run"
kachiuma 勝馬(かちうま)winning horse
makeuma 負馬(まけうま)loosing horse
hashiri uma 走り馬(はしりうま)running horse
ashizoroe 足揃(あしぞろえ) "getting the legs together"

Kurama no take kiri 鞍馬の竹伐 (くらまのたけきり)
cutting bamboo at Kurama

takekiri 竹筏(たけきり)
Kurama no renge e 鞍馬の蓮華会(くらまのれんげえ)
Kurama Lotus Ceremony
Kurama no take kiri eshiki 鞍馬の竹伐会式
ceremony of cutting bamboo at Kurama

Kuwana matsuri 桑名祭 (くわなまつり) Kuwana Festival
ishitori matsuri 石採祭(いしとりまつり)Ishidori Festival
lit. "stone bringing festival"
ishitori shinji 石採神事(いしとりしんじ)
hiyoori matsuri 比予利祭(ひようりまつり)
Kuwana town, Mie

Kyuuri fuuji きゅうり封じ purifying the cucumbers, cucumber service


Marine Day, Ocean Day, Sea Day (umi no hi 海の日(うみのひ)) Japan

Matsumae wataru 松前渡る (まつまえわたる)
crossing over to Matsumae
... Hokkaido

Matsumoto matsuri 松本祭 (まつもとまつり)
Matsumoto Festival
Otsu town

Mifune matsuri 三船祭 (みふねまつり) Mifune Festival
... shuuyuusai 舟遊祭(しゅうゆうさい)boat ride festival
funaasobi matsuri
ooginagashi 扇流し(おうぎながし)floating handfans
Nishi matsuri 西祭(にしまつり) "Festival on the West" (of Kyoto)

Mine-iri 峰入 First Climbing of a Holy Mountain
of Shugendo and Yamabushi
..... jun no mine-iri 順の峰入(じゅんのみねいり)"entry in the mountain" in prescribed order
..... gyaku no mine-iri 逆の峰入(ぎゃくのみねいり) "entry in the mountain" in reverse order

Misasa tsunahiki 三朝綱引(みささつなひき)Tug-of-war at Misasa
Misasa Oo-tsunahiki 三朝大綱引(みささおおつなひき) Big Tug-of-war at Misasa
hana yu matsuri 花湯祭 (はなゆまつり)Flowers and Hot Spring Festival

Mitarashi Matsuri 御手洗祭り at Shimgamo Shrine, Kyoto
visiting for the Mitarashi festival, mitarashi moode
御手洗詣 みたらしもうで,
Tadasu no suzumi 糺の納涼(ただすのすずみ)
coolness of the Tadasu forest
Shimogamo no misogi 下賀茂の御祓 (しもがものみそぎ)
purification rituals 下鴨の御祓(しもがものみそぎ)
mitarashi dango 御手洗団子(みたらしだんご) rice dumplings on skewers

Mizuawase no harai 水合の祓 purification of the court wells
..... mizuawase 水合(みずあわせ)well water purification
An Imperial Court Ritual of the Onmyo-Do occultism.

Mizukyoogen, mizu kyoogen 水狂言 (みずきょうげん)
"water kyogen"
..... mizugei 水芸(みずげい) acrobatic tricks with water, performances

Mooka no jun 孟夏の旬 "court ritual of the first summer"
..... oogi o tamau 扇を賜う(おうぎをたまう) giving away fans
..... oogi no hai 扇の拝(おうぎのはい) "audience with fans"

Mushi-boshi 虫干 airing out of insects


Nachi himatsuri 那智火祭 (なちひまつり) Nachi Fire Festival
..... oogi matsuri 扇祭(おうぎまつり) hand fan festival
Fan (oogi 扇 uchiwa 団扇)

Nagoshi 夏越 (なごし) Purification rituals in summer
Summer Purification, natsu harai, natsu harae 夏祓 (なつはらえ)
Ablutions, misogi 禊 (みそぎ) and more kigo

Nagoya Basho 名古屋場所(なごやばしょ)
Nagoya Grand Sumo Tournament

..... shichigatsu basho 七月場所

Nankoosai 楠公祭 楠公祭 (なんこうさい) Nanko Festival
Festival for Lord Kusunoki Masashige 楠木正成

Nantai san toohaisai 男体山登拝祭
Climbing Mount Nantai in Nikko .. ceremony

Natsubasho 夏場所 summer tournament of sumo wrestling
..... gogatsubasho 五月場所(ごがつばしょ)

Natsu Henro, Pilgrims in Summer 夏遍路
The pilgrimage in Shikoku

Natsushibai, natsu shibai 夏芝居 (なつしばい)summer performance
..... doyoo shibai 土用芝居(どようしばい)performance during the dog days
natsu kyoogen 夏狂言(なつきょうげん) summer kyogen

Natsu kagura 夏神楽 (なつかぐら) summer kagura dance
nagoshi no kagura 名越の神楽(なごしのかぐら)
nagoshi kagura 夏越神楽(なごしかぐら)Kagura to pass over summer
kawayashiro 河社(かわやしろ)"shrine by the river"
..... 川社(かわやしろ)

Nerikuyoo 練供養 Procession of Bodhisattvas
Temple Taimadera Nara 当麻寺

Nikkoo Tooshoogu sai 日光東照宮祭 (にっこうとうしょうぐうさい )
Nikko Toshogu Festival

Nikkoo sai 日光祭(にっこうさい)Nikko festival
Tooshooguu sai 東照宮祭(とうしょうぐうさい)Toshogu festisval
yoinarisai 宵成祭(よいなりさい)"coming on the night before"
togyosai 渡御祭(とぎょさい)"honorable parade of the main deity"
Toshogu Shrines for Tokugawa Ieyasu

Noma oi 野馬追 (のまおい) chasing wild horses
..... Sooma no ma-oi 相馬野馬追(そうまのまおい) chasing horses in Soma
... nomaoi matsuri 野馬追祭(のまおいまつり)Soma Nomaoi Festival
Fukushima prefecture


Obarazashi, Obara zashi (Oharazashi, Ohara zashi) 大原志 (おばらざし)
..... amazake matsuri 甘酒祭(あまざけまつり)
haruzashi 春志(はるざし)、akizashi 秋志(あきざし) in spring and autumn
at shrine 大原神社, Tango, Kyoto

Ondeko, Oni daiko 鬼太鼓 (おんでこ) Demon's Drum
鬼太鼓(おにだいこ)Sado Island

Ooharai, ooharae 大祓 おおはらえ Great summer purification ceremonies
..... June Purification Ritual at the Imperial Court 宮中の六月祓(きゅうちゅうのみなづきはらい)and more KIGO

Oominesan Toake-Shiki 大峰山戸開式 Opening the doors at Mt. Omine
Yoshino. May 5

Ooyakazu 大矢数 Shooting many arrows
at Sanjusan Gendo Hall, Kyoto
yakazu 矢数(やかず)"number of arrows" many arrows
tooshiya 通し矢(とおしや)
sooichi, soo-ichi 総一(そういち)
yumi no tenga 弓の天下(ゆみのてんが)"the Heaven of Archery"

Ooyama matsuri 大山祭 (おおやままつり) Oyama Festival
Ooyama moode 大山詣(おおやまもうで)pilgrimage to Oyama
sekison moode 石尊詣(せきそんもうで)pilgrimage to the stone deities
bonyama, bon yama 盆山(ぼんやま)pilgrimage at O-Bon
hatsuyama 初山(はつやま)first mountain pilgrimage
osamedachi 納太刀(おさめだち) offering a sword
at Afuri Jinja, Kanagawa 阿夫利神社

Osorezan Daisai 恐山大祭 (おそれざんたいさい)
Great Festival at Osorezan

itako いたこ female Itako shaman
itako ichi いたこ市(いたこいち) Itako market


Pari sai, parisai パリ祭 (ぱりさい) Paris festival
..... Parii sai 晩夏 パリー祭(ぱりーさい)
..... Parisai 巴里祭(ぱりさい)Bastille Day

Peeron ペーロン Peron
keito 競渡 (けいと) peron boat race
爬龍船(ハーりーせん / はりゅうせん)Dragon Boat race
..... keito sen 競渡船(けいとせん)
..... kyaaron 、キャーロン
..... pairon バイロン

Renge-E 蓮華会(夏祓) Lotus Flower Offering in late Summer
Yoshino no kawazutobi 吉野の蛙飛 (よしののかわずとび)
kawasutobi 蛙飛(かわずとび)frog jumping ritual
Zaodoo kawazutobi 蔵王堂蛙飛(ざおうどうかわずとび)
frog jumping ritual at temple Zao-Do


Saikusa matsuri 三枝祭 (さいくさまつり) Saikusa Lily Festival
Isagawa matsuri 率川祭(いさかわまつり)Isagawa Shrine festival
... mikusa matsuri みくさ祭(みくさまつり)Mikusa festival
..... yuri matsuri 百合祭(ゆりまつり) lily festival
Nara, Isagawa shrine 率川神社

Sakuranbo matsuri さくらんぼ祭 (さくらんぼまつり)
cherry festival

in Sagae 寒河江市, Yamanashi Prefecture

Sanbai oroshi さんばい降し (さんばいおろし)
calling the god of the paddies

sanbai matsuri さんばい祭(さんばいまつり)/ 三拝祭り
festival for the god of the fields
sanbai okuri さんばい送り(さんばいおくり)
sanbai machi さんばい待ち(さんばいまち)
waiting for the god of the fields

Sanja Matsuri 三社祭 Festival at Asakusa Kannon Tokyo 浅草
Asakusa matsuri 浅草祭(あさくさまつり)Asakusa Festival
binzasara odori びんざさら踊(びんざさらおどり)Binzasara dance
sanja matsuri 三社祭(さんじゃさい) Festivals of the three shrines

Sapporo Matsuri 札幌祭 (さっぽろまつり) Sapporo Festival

Satsuki imi 五月忌 さつきいみ Abstinence in Satsuki
(in the fifth lunar month)
amezutsumi 雨づつみ(あめづつみ)"wrapped in rain"
nagame imi 霖雨斎み(ながめいみ)"abstinence during the long rain"
onna no ie 女の家(おんなのいえ)"home of the women"
onna tenka no hi 女天下の日(おんなてんかのひ) "day of the women"

Satsuki kyoogen 五月狂言 (さつききょうげん)
Kyogen in the fifth lunar month

..... 皐月狂言(さつききょうげん)
. ..... Soga matsuri 曽我祭(そがまつり)
festival of the Soga brothers  

Seihakusai 青柏祭 (せいはくさい) Seihaku Festival
Ishikawa, Nanao Town 七尾市

Sendango 千団子 (せんだんご ) "1000 dango"
千団子祭(せんだんごまつり)festival of the one thousand dango
sendango moode 千団子詣(せんだんごもうで)visiting the temple Miidera
sendankoo 栴檀講(せんだんこう)group for the chinaberry
sendankoo 千団講(せんだんこう)group for the 1000 dango
Kijibojin mairi 鬼子母神参(きじぼじんまいり) visiting Kishibojin
At temple Mii-dera 三井寺

Semai 施米 Giving Alms of Rice

Shakyoo-e 写経会 Meeting to Copy Sutras

Shidodera matsuri, Shidoji Sai 志度寺祭 (しどでらまつり)
Shidoji Temple Festival

..... Shidodera hakkoo 志度寺八講(しどでらはっこう)
Shido mairi 志度詣(しどまいり)visiting temple Shido
juukokudo-e 十六度会(じゅうろくどえ)
juurokudo ichi 十六度市(じゅうろくどいち)market

Shimogamo no misogi 下賀茂の御祓 (しもがものみそぎ)
Shimogamo purification rituals

visiting for the Mitarashi festival, mitarashi moode
御手洗詣 みたらしもうで
Tadasu no suzumi 糺の納涼(ただすのすずみ)
coolness of the Tadasu forest
mitarashi dango 御手洗団子(みたらしだんご)
rice dumplings

Shinagawa matsuri 品川祭 Shinagawa Festival
Shinagawa Ten-Oo matsuri 品川天王祭(しながわてんのうまつり)Shinagawa Ten-O festival
Shinagawa kappa matsuri 品川河童祭(しながわかっぱまつり)Shinagawa kappa festival

Shinkiku seisu 神麯製す (しんきくせいす) making shinki rice cakes

Shinzui, shinsui 神水 (しんずい, しんすい) "Water of God"
kusuri furu 薬降る (くすり ふる) it is raining medicine
take no tamarimizu 竹の神水(たけのたまりみず) "water collected in bamboo"
on May 5

Shiogama matsuri 塩釜祭 (しおがままつり)
Shiogama Festival

mizugae shinji 晩夏 水替神事(みずかえしんじ) ritual of changing water
Shiogama minatomatsuri 塩釜港祭(しおがまみなとまつり)Shiogama harbour festival

Shiroi hane 白い羽根 (しろいはね) white feather
collecting donations for the Red Cross and World Peace

Shiman Rokusen Nichi 四万六千日 "memorial day of Kannon Bosatsu"

Soga no kasayaki 曽我の笠焼 (そがのかさやき)
Soga brothers burning their paper umbrellas

Sogadon no kasayakai 曽我どんの傘焼 Umbrella Burning Festival

Soomatoo 走馬燈 (そうまとう)
revolving lamp, revolving lantern

..... mawari tooroo 回り燈籠(まわりどうろう)
For the O-Bon ancestor rituals

Suiboogumi dezomeshiki 水防組出初式 (すいぼうぐみでぞめしき)
First parade of the flood prevention brigade
..... suiboo dezomeshiki 水防出初式(すいぼうでぞめしき)


Sumiyoshi no o-taue 住吉の御田植 (すみよしのおたうえ)
rice platning at shrine Sumiyoshi Taisha

..... onda 御田(おんだ)"fields of the Gods"
..... o-taue, otaue 御田植(おたうえ)
Sumiyoshi odori 住吉踊(すみよしおどり)Sumiyoshi dance
yaotome no ta mai 八乙女の田舞(やおとめのたまい)
Sumiyoshi no o-harai 住吉の御祓 (すみよしのおはらい)
purification ritual at Sumiyoshi
Sumiyoshi matsuri 住吉祭(すみよしまつり)Sumiyoshi festival
Sumiyoshi nansai 住吉南祭(すみよしなんさい)
Sumiyoshi summer festival
Sumiyoshi nagoshi no o-oharai
great summer purification ritual at Sumiyoshi
Sumiyoshi no higawari 住吉の火替(すみよしのひがわり)
. . . . . and
Tsukudajima Sumiyoshi matsuri
Sumiyoshi festival at Tsukudajima, Tokyo
Tsukuda matsuri 佃祭 (つくだまつり)


Sumomo matsuri すもも祭 (すももまつり) Sumomo plum festival
..... 李祭(すももまつり)
sumomo ichi すもも市(すももいち)Sumomo market
..... karasu uchiwa 烏団扇(からすうちわ "craw fan"
Okunitama Jinja, Fuchu, Tokyo

Suwa no onbashira matsuri
諏訪の御柱祭 (すわのおんばしらまつり) Suwa Pillar Festival

Suwa matsuri 諏訪祭(すわまつり)Suwa festival
onbashira satobiki 御柱里曳(おんばしらさとびき)
Suwa Shrine, Nagano


Taichuu no majinai 退虫の呪 (たいちゅうのまじない)
spell against insects

Takagi Noo 薪能 Noo-Performance at night
Noh Performance, Yugen (yuugen 幽玄)
takagi sarugaku 薪猿楽(たきぎさるがく)
.... shiba noo芝能(しばのう)Noh on the lawn
wakamiy noo 若宮能(わかみやのう) Noh at a Wakamiya shrine

. Tango no Sekku 端午の節句 Boys' Festival  
May 5, (たんごのせっく)
shoobu no sekku 菖蒲の節句(しょうぶのせっく)seasonal festival of the iris
"double five", fifth month fifth day, choogo 重五(ちょうご)
musha ningyoo 武者人形 むしゃにんぎょう warriour dolls
gaijin 艾人(がいじん)"mugwort dolls"
Carp Streamers (koinobori 鯉幟 (こいのぼり)
kusudama 薬玉 (くすだま) "medicine ball"
shoobu fuku 菖蒲葺く (しょうぶふく) thatching with iris
shoobuyu, shoobu-yu 菖蒲湯 (しょうぶゆ) "iris bath"
shoobugatana, shoobu gatana 菖蒲刀 (しょうぶがたな) "iris sword"
shoobu uchi 菖蒲打 (しょうぶうち) hitting with iris
shoobu no ne-awase 菖蒲の根合 (あやめのねあわせ) iris root match
inji uchi 印地打 (いんじうち) throwing stones at each other
inji いんじ stone slinging
kezurikake no kabuto 削掛の甲 (けずりかけのかぶと)
armour decorated with shavings
muika no ayame 六日の菖蒲 (むいかのあやめ) iris on May 6
ouchi o obu 樗を佩ぶ (おうちをおぶ) wearing chinaberries
tooinfu, too-in fu 桃引符 (とういんふ) "preach board"
shinkiku seisu 神麯製す (しんきくせいす) making shinkiku rice cakes
with many more KIGO

Tenma matsuri 天満祭 (てんままつり) Tenmangu Festival
. . . . . Tenjin matsuri 天神祭(てんじんまつり)
funamatsuri 船祭(ふなまつり)boat festival
tenman oharai 天満御祓(てんまのおはらい)Tenman purification
hokonagashi no shinji 鉾流の神事(ほこながしのしんじ) ritual of floats
kawatogyo 川渡御(かわとぎょ)"crossing the river"
dondokobune どんどこ舟(どんどこぶね)Dondoko boat
kenchabune 献茶舟(けんちゃぶね) boat for ritual tea ceremony
omukae ningyoo 御迎人形(おむかえにんぎょう)"welcoming the dolls"
Osaka, shrine Tenmangu

Toki no kinenbi 時の記念日 time memorial day
Anniversary of Time
..... toki no hi 時の日(ときのひ) "time day"

Tsuburosashi つぶろさし tsuburo fertility dance
Sado Island, Niigata

Tsukuma matsuri 筑摩祭
"pot festival", nabe matsuri 鍋祭(なべまつり)
"wearing pots", nabe kaburi 鍋被り(なべかぶり)
pots from Tsukuma 筑摩鍋(つくまなべ)
women with pots, nabe otome 鍋乙女(なべおとめ)
crown from a pot, nabe kamuri 鍋冠(なべかむり)
..... nabe kamuri matsuri 鍋冠祭りの
pots and hearth, nabe kama 鍋釜(なべかま)

Tsuruoka Tenmanguu sai
Tsuruoka Tanmangu Festival

..... bakemono matsuri 化物祭 (ばけものまつり) monster festival

Tsushima Matsuri 津島祭 (つしままつり) Tsushima Festival
提灯祭 floating lanterns
川船祭 river boat festival
蘆の神輿 mikoshi from reed
神葭流し floating the reed mikoshi
津島笛 flute from Tsushima

Tsuwano no sagi mai 津和野の鷺舞 (つわののさぎまい )
Heron's dance in Tsuwano - Sagimai



Uchiwa maki 団扇撒 (うちわまき) "scattering fans"
..... bonmoo-e 梵網会(ぼんもうえ)

Uji matsuri 宇治祭 (うじまつり) Uji Festival
rikyuu matsuri 離宮祭(りきゅうまつり)Rikyu Festival
taihei shinji 大幣神事(たいへいしんじ)ceremony of the large wands
karakasaboko 傘鉾(からかさぼこ)"kasahoko floats with large parasols"
karakasa gohei 傘御幣(からかさごへい) wands with large parasols

Umibiraki, umi-biraki 海開き (うみびらき) "opening the sea"
start of the summer beach season
suieijoo kaishi 水泳場開始(すいえいじょうかいし)

Usaka matsuri 鵜坂祭 (うさかまつり) Usaka Shrine Festival
..... shimoto matsuri 楉祭(しもとまつり)
... 苔祭(しもとまつり)
shiridachi no matsuri 尻太刀祭(しりだちのまつり)
"festival of hitting the backside"
..... shiriuchi matsuri, shiri uchi matsuri
... shimotodachi 苔太刀(しもとだち)"sakaki stick"
Usaka no tsue 鵜坂の杖(うさかのつえ)Sakaki stick of Usaka

Ushi kuyoo 牛供養 bull ritual bull ceremony
..... ootaue 大田植え great field planting ritual
hayashida 囃田(はやしだ)"planting with music"
hana taue 花田植 (はなたうえ) "planting in the flower season"

Uzuki yooka 卯月八日 (うづきようか)
eigth day of the uzuki lunar month

..... tentoobana 天頭花(てんとうばな)
..... tentobana てんと花(てんとばな / 天道花)
"flowers along the heavenly road", welcoming the God of the Fields


Waka matsuri 和歌祭 (わかまつり) Waka festival
Wakanoura matsuri 和歌浦祭(わかのうらまつり) Waka no Ura festival
..... saiga matsuri 雑賀祭(さいがまつり) Saiga festival
..... saiga odori 雑賀踊(さいがおどり) Saiga dance

Yahiko Tooroo Matsuri 弥彦燈籠祭 (やひことうろうまつり)
Lantern Festival at Yahiko


Yamabiraki 山開き (やまびらき) "opening the mountain"
kaizansai 開山祭(かいざんさい)
toake 戸開け(とあけ)"Opening the door"
uesutonsai, uesuton sai ウェストン祭 Weston Festival at Kamikochi

Yamazaki matsuri 山崎祭 (やまざきまつり) Yamazaki Festival

Yamori o tsuku 守宮を搗く (やもりをつく) pounding a gecko
imori o tsuku 井守を搗く(いもりをつく)pounding a newt
imori no in 井守の印(いもりのしるし) seal of a newt

Yanagawa suitengu matsuri
柳川水天宮祭 (やながわすいてんぐうまつり)
festival at Shrine Suitengu in Yanagawa, Fukuoka

..... funabutai 船舞台(ふなぶたい)stage on a boat
Okinohata Suitengu Festival 沖端水天宮祭り

Yase matsuri 八瀬祭 (やせまつり) Yase Festival
sanyare matsuri さんやれ祭(さんやれまつり) Sanyare Festival

Yoori, yo-ori 節折 (よおり)
purification court ritual for the emperor and his family

Yoshino no kaeru-tobi 吉野の蛙飛
Yoshino and the jumping frogs festival


Zama matsuri 座摩祭 (ざままつり) Zama Festival
..... Zama no misogi 座摩の御祓(ざまのみそぎ) Zama purifictions
坐摩神社 Ikasuri Jinja, Osaka

zatoo no suzumi 座頭の納涼 (ざとうのすずみ)
blind people enjoying the cool

..... suzumi no too 涼の塔(すずみのとう)"coolness at the pagoda"
..... suzumi shakutoo 涼み積塔(すずみしゃくとう)
Kyoto, Yamashina


.. .. .. Memorial Days

Memorial Days of Famous People


.. .. .. Plants

Bodaijuu no Hana 菩提樹の花 Flowers of the "Buddha Tree"
linden tree
..... Banyan Tree, Barh (Ficus bengalensis)

Bussooge 仏桑花 haibisukasu : Hibiscus

Gibooshi no Hana 擬宝珠の花 green onion or leek blossom

Hoozuki Ichi 鬼灯市 market for lampion flowers

Hasu 蓮 Lotus flower

Keshi Boozu 芥子坊主 poppy head

Makomo 真菰 wild rice, water rice
Zizania latifolia, Z. cauducifolia.

Shara no Hana 沙羅の花 Sal Flower, also
..... natsu tsubaki 夏椿 Summer camellia
Camellia (tsubaki)

Udonge 優曇華 an Udumbara flower
mythical flower of Buddhist legend, India

Yamabooshi no Hana 山法師の花 Dogwood blossom


.. .. .. Animals

Ari Jigoku, arijigoku 蟻地獄 "Hell for the Ants"
a doodlebug; an antlion

Buppoosoo (buppousou) 仏法僧 Buddhabird
Dollarbird and Eurasian Scops-Owl

Jihi Shinchoo 慈悲心鳥, juuichi 十一 Bird of the Cockoo Family
Horsfield's hawk cuckoo, Cuculus fugax
Birds of Summer


Festivals not listed in the saijiki

. Arai Handheld Fireworks
(Enshu Arai tezutsu hanabi) 遠州新居手筒花火

. Chimaki shinji 粽神事 ritual of offering rice cakes .
June 5, Hikawa Jinja, Saitama

. Denden Matsuri でんでん祭
at Shrine Isonokami, Nara 石上神宮

. Hyakumangoku Matsuri 金沢百万石まつり
Hyakumangoku Festival
in Kanazawa, Ishikawa

. Kinkazan, cutting antlers (shika tsunokiri)  

. Kobe Festival 神戸まつり Kobe Matsuri
May 15, 2011

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