
Goro xyz


goroawase 語呂合わせ  XYZ

Since numbers in Japanese can be pronounced in many ways,
they give ample food for wordplay.
In connection with the days of a month,
they present us with a great basis for fun pun !

ii hifu  11 12 いいひふ good skin, beautiful skin




4 四 よん yon, よ yo, よつ yotsu

8 八 やつ yatsu , や ya



0 円 ゼロ zero, ゼ ze

3 三 ざ za




yukimi daifuku no hi 雪見だいふくの日 day of yukimi daifuku sweet buns
11 for ii (tasts good), 18 : when you open the package, there are two sweets looking like 18.
November 18




goroawase 語呂合わせ ABC list

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KKK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -


. WKD - The Kigo Calendar .

- January - / - Feburary - / - March -

- April - / - May - / - June -

- July - / - August - / - September -

- Ocotber - / - November - / - December -

- and now

3 9 - san kyuu - Thank you!

. TOP of the wodplay list .


. Japanese Calendar Days .

- Join the friends on facebook
for the whole year ! -



Books about Festivals


Books about Japanese Festivals


Illustrated Festivals of Japan
Japan Travel Bureau

source : www.amazon.com

Japan (Festivals of the World)
Susan McKay and Crystal Chan

The Great Festivals of Japan: Spectacle and Spirit
Hiroyuki Ozawa

- reference at amazon.com -


Floating Lanterns & Golden Shrines

By Rena Krasno, Illustrated by Toru Sugita

Daruma dolls, mochi pounding, Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples . . . Japan is a land of the old and the new, a blending of traditional culture and modern life styles. The newest in a series of festival books, Floating Lanterns & Golden Shrines is full of detailed and charming illustrations of seven Japanese celebrations.

Important information about arts and daily life are interspersed throughout the text: ikebana, taiko, lacquerware, bonsai, origami, haiku, traditional Japanese sports and martial arts, as well as how Japanese names are formed. There are recipes, games, and other activities. The historic text provides the background while the author's careful retelling of four folktales provide a more intimate sense of the culture. The Japanese language is explained with common, relevant phrases introduced.

The book begins with a discussion of the origins of the Japanese people and the creation myth, "Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess." The first festival presented is Setsubun (the day winter ends) followed by traditional family holidays: Obon (remembering one's ancestors), Kodomono Hi (Children's Day), Hina Matsuri (Dolls' Festival), Oshogatsu (New Year's). The Sapporo Snow Festival is a world-famous yearly event begun in 1950 and is followed by information on life in Japan today. Finally, the Cherry Blossom Festival focuses on the Japanese-American experience in the United States.
source : pacificviewpress.com/children


- further reference -



- source : www.dydo-matsuri.com


. - ABC List of Festivals - .

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 

BACK : Top of this Saijiki


. Join the Matsuri Friends on Facebook ! .


- #booksaboutfestivals #booksmatsuri -


- ABC List of Festivals -


- Festival (matsuri 祭 ) -  
kigo for all summer

With many more keywords on the subject, like mikoshi, festival drums, shrine at night and more.

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -

This is a growing list, please come back!

There are various ways to search for a kigo or name of a festival.

.... Kigo for each season



- Memorial Days of Famous People -
Worldwide Saijiki


- Festivals in each month -

. January - - - . February - - - . March - - - . April
. May - - - . June - - - . July - - - . August - - - . September
. October - - - . November - - - . December
. New Year

. - WKD - Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months - .


From Hokkaido to Okinawa
. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .

CLICK to join the Japanese festivals on facebook!


. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU . 

. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .

. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .

BACK : Top of this Saijiki


. Japanese Calendar Days .

- Join the friends on facebook ! -




- - - AAA - - -


. Regional Festivals - LIST .

Festival (matsuri) 祭 Kigo for all summer. 

With many more keywords on the subject, like mikoshi, festival drums, shrine at night and more.


- - - - - AAA - - - - -

Ae no koto, aenokoto あえのこと / 饗事
Entertaining the God of the Fields

Agata matsuri 県祭 (あがたまつり) Agata Festival
..... kurayami matsuri くらやみ祭(くらやみまつり) festival in the dark, Strange Festival of Darkness
in Uji, Kyoto

Agatameshi no jimoku 県召除目 (あがためしのじもく)
Giving first orders to local governors (at the Heian court)

..... 県召の除目
..... agatameshi 県召(あがためし)、haru no jimoku 春除目(はるのじもく)

Aizen-sai 愛染祭 Festival of Aizen Myo-O

akai hane 赤い羽根 (あかいはね) red feather (donations)
ai no hane 愛の羽根(あいのはね) feather of love


Akibasho 秋場所 (あきばしょ ) autumn tournament
..... kugatsubasho 仲秋 九月場所(くがつばしょ)
September Grand Sumo tournament

Aki Higan 秋彼岸 Autumn Equinox
shuuki koorei-sai 秋季皇霊祭 Autumn Celebration of the Ancestors Souls
shuuki higan-e 秋季彼岸会 Buddhist Autumn Equinox celebration

Aki Henro 秋遍路 Henro Pilgrims in Autumn
Shikoku Pilgrimage (henro) Shikoku Henro
..... Settai 摂待 Giving Alms

Aki kyoogen 秋狂言 (あききょうげん)autumn kyogen
kugatsu kyoogen 九月狂言(くがつきょうげん)kyogen in september
..... nagori kyoogen 名残狂言(なごりきょうげん)
kugatsu shibai 九月芝居(くがつしばい)performance in september

Aki Matsuri 秋祭り Autumn Festival   and many related kigo

Aki no komabiki 秋の駒牽 (あきのこまびき)
selecting horses in autumn

koma mukae 駒迎え(こまむかえ)welcoming the horses home
hikiwakezukai 引分使(ひきわけづかい)
mochizuki no koma 望月の駒(もちづきのこま)
horses in the full moon month
kirihara no koma 霧原の駒(きりはらのこま)
horses in the misty plains

Aki no Sekiten 秋の釈奠 (あきのせきてん)
Confucius (festival) in autumn

aki no okimatsuri 秋のおきまつり(あきのおきまつり)

Aki no yabu-iri 秋の薮入 servant holidays in autumn
nochi no yabuiri 後の薮入 "next holiday for the servants"


Amagoi 雨乞 Rain Rituals

Ango 安居
natsu ango 夏安吾(げあんご)Buddhist summer retreat

..... gedachi 夏断 (げだち) "summer abstinence"
..... gegomori 夏籠(げごもり), gekomori and many more kigo

Aoba matsuri 青葉祭 (あおばまつり)
"Festival of the Green Leaves"

..... Kooboo Daishi kootan e
birthday ritual for Kobo Daishi
Koya San, Wakayama

Aofujigaki shinji 青紫垣神事 (あおふしがきしんじ)
Ritual of green fenced boats

Miho Shrine, Shimane

Aogitoo 青祈祷 (あおぎとう) "prayer in the green season"

Aoi Matsuri 葵祭 Aoi Festival
May 15 at the shrines of Kamo, Shimogamo and Kamigamo shrine in Kyoto
..... Kamo no matsuri 賀茂祭(かものまつり)
matsuri (まつり)"the festival"
Kamo no aoi 賀茂葵(かものあおい)"hollyhock from Kamo"
kake aoi 懸葵(かけあおい)"sticking hollyhock"
in the hair
aoi kazura 葵鬘(あおいかずら)"hollyhock wig"
..... moro kazura、諸鬘(もろかずら)
moroha aoi 双葉葵(もろはあおい)hollyhock with two leaves
..... kazashigusa かざしぐさ
..... morohagusa もろはぐさ
and more in
. Shrine-complex Kamo Jinja 賀茂神社 .

Ao-oni Hotaru Matsuri 青鬼蛍祭 Green Demon and Fireflies Festival
Ao-oni matsuri 青鬼祭り festival of the green demon
Ishiyama-dera 石山寺、Shiga

..... Aouma 白馬の節会 White Horse Court Ritual
Aouma, Ao uma no sechi e, hakuba no sechi-e 白馬節会 (あおうまのせちえ) White Horse Festival
Court ritual on January 7
..... ume ga e utau 梅が枝うたう(うめがえうたう) Poetry for plum blossoms
..... aoyagi utau 青柳うたう(あおやぎうたう)Poetry for willow branches
..... ooroku 女王禄 おうろく , 女王禄を賜う(おうろくをたもう)
..... nyojo i 女叙位 にょじょい , 女叙位(おんなじょい)
On the day after the White Horse.
Women and Haiku
. . . . . and
Ao-uma no matsuri 青馬祭 (あおうまのまつり) Festival of the White Horse
..... aouma no matsuri 白馬祭(あおうまのまつり)
..... hakubasai 白馬祭(はくばさい)White Horse Festival

. Arai Handheld Fireworks
(Enshu Arai tezutsu hanabi) 遠州新居手筒花火

Aso matsuri 阿蘇祭 (あそまつり) Aso festival
onda matsuri 御田祭(おんだまつり)Festival of the shrine fields
otaue shinkoo shiki 御田植神幸式(おたうえしんこうしき) rice planting festival
Kyushu, Mount Aso

Atago sennichi moode 愛宕の千日詣
1000 day pilgrimage at Atago

Atagobi, Atago bi 愛宕火 (あたごび) "fire at Atago" shrine Atago Jinja

Atsuta tooka shinji 熱田踏歌神事 (あつたとうかしんじ)
Atsuta shrine dance and song ceremony

Nagoya - Atsuta matoi 熱田的射 Atsuta Arrow Shooting Ceremony
Atsuta oni matsuri 熱田鬼祭 Atsuta Demon Festival

Awashima matsuri 粟島祭 (あわしままつり)
Awashima festival

..... Awashima matsuri 淡島祭(あわしままつり)

Ayaha matsuri 穴織祭 (あやはまつり) Ayaha festival
Kureha matsuri 呉服祭(くれはまつり)Kureha Festival
Shrine Kureha Jinja, Osaka. Deities of Weaving

Azukigayu 小豆粥 (あずきがゆ) Rice gruel with small soybeans
..... rice gruel on the 15th, juugonichi gayu 十五日粥(じゅうごにちがゆ)
rice gruel with red soybeans, azukigayu 赤小豆粥(あずきがゆ)
rice gruel eaten on the full moon day "mochi", January 15, mochi no kayu 望の粥(もちのかゆ. 餅粥 usually it includes some rice cakes (mochi)
divination with rice gruel, kayu ura 粥占 (かゆうら)
ceremony for ... kayu ura shinji 粥占神事(かゆうらしんじ)
kayu dameshi 粥試し(かゆだめし)
kayu ura matsuri 粥占祭  rice gruel divining festival
..... kudakayu matsuri 管粥祭(くだかゆまつり)
"gruel in pipes" kudakayu 管粥(くだかゆ)
..... tsutsugayu 、筒粥(つつがゆ) / pipe .. tsutsu 筒(つつ)
o-kayu matsuri 御粥祭(おかゆまつり)..kayu shinji 粥神事(かゆしんじ)
nanakusa gayu 七草粥(ななくさがゆ) / nanoka gayu 七日粥(なのかがゆ)

Azuma Odori .. 東踊 (あずまおどり) / 東をどりAzuma Dance, Tokyo Dance

Related words

. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU . 

. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .

. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -

BACK : Top of this Saijiki



- - - BBB - - -


. Regional Festivals - LIST .

- - - - - BBB - - - - -

Baado uiiku バードウィーク bird week
aichoo shuukan 愛鳥週間 (あいちょうしゅうかん)
..... aichoobi 愛鳥日(あいちょうび)
tori no hi 鳥の日(とりのひ) day of the birds

. Benkei Matsuri 弁慶まつり Benkei Festival
at Tanabe, Kumano, Wakayama

Betsuji nenbutsu 別時念仏 (べつじねんぶつ) special nenbutsu prayer
jishuusaimatsu betsuji 時宗歳末別時(じしゅうさいまつべつじ)

bettara ichi べったら市 (べったらいち)
market selling bettara radish pickles
- Tokyo

Binzuru Mawashi 賓頭盧廻 Ceremony for Saint Binzuru
..... びんづるまはし, ひんつるまはし, びんずるまわし

Bishamon no tsukai 毘沙門の使 Bishamonten Festival, Messenger of Bishamonten Indian Deity Vaishravana

Bon Festival (o-bon, obon) お盆
- - - with a long list of related words.

bon kyoogen 盆狂言 (ぼんきょうげん ) kyogen during the O-Bon ancestor festival
..... bon shibai 初秋 盆芝居(ぼんしばい)Bon-performance
..... bongaeri, bon-gaeri 盆替り(ぼんがわり)

Bonten 梵天, ぼんでん Indian Deity Brahman
Bonten matsuri 梵天祭 (ぼんてんまつり) Bonten festival, Akita
梵天奉納祭(ぼんてんほうのうさい)Bonten hoonoosai

Buddha's Birthday, ceremonies including
Busshoo-e 仏生会
Kanbutsu-e 潅仏会 (Kambutsu-E)
Hanamatsuri 花祭 Flower Festival (Buddha's Birthday)
Hana Midoo 花御堂 Flower Hall, Blossom Hall
Amacha 甘茶 Sweet Tea  

and many more KIGO !

Bunka no hi 文化の日 (ぶんかのひ) culture day
geijutsusai 芸術祭 (げいじゅつさい) art festival
Shosoin kaze ire, kazeire 風入れ(かぜいれ)
bijutsu tenrankai 美術展覧会 art exhibition
bijutsu no aki 美術の秋(びじゅつのあき) "autumn of the fine arts"
and many more

butsumo-e 仏母会 Ceremony for Buddha's Mother

butsumyooe 仏名会 (ぶつみょうえ)
Chanting of the Buddhas' Names

"depictions of the Buddhas", Butsumyo-E, Butsumyo Ceremony
..... o butsumyoo 御仏名(おぶつみょう)
kazukewata, kazuke wata 被綿(かずけわた)"covering cotton"
Kaenashi no kenpai 栢梨の献盃(かえなしのけんぱい)ritual drink of Kaenashi

Bosatsu Matsuri 菩薩祭 Bodhisattva Festival temple Soofuku-Ji in Nagasaki

Related words

. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU . 

. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .

. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .

BACK : Top of this Saijiki



- - - CCC - - -


. Regional Festivals - LIST .

- - - - - CCC - - - - -

Chaguchagu umakko ちゃぐちゃぐ馬っこ (ちゃぐちゃぐうまっこ)
Chaguchagu horse festival, Iwate

Chakkirako ちゃっきらこ / チャッキラコ Chakirako dance festival
hatsu Ise odori 初伊勢踊 first Ise dance
hiyari odori 日やり踊
sagichoo odori 左義長踊 Sagicho Dance

Chiba warai 千葉笑 (ちばわらい) "laughing in Chiba"

Chichibu Yomatsuri 秩父夜祭 . Chichibu Night Festival
Chichibu Matsuri 秩父祭(ちちぶまつり)

Chichi no hi 父の日 Father's Day

. Chimaki shinji 粽神事 ritual of offering rice cakes .
June 5, Hikawa Jinja, Saitama

Chishaku-in rongi 智積院論義 (ちしゃくいんろんぎ)
public debate at temple Chishaku-In

Kyoto, Shingon sect

Chooga 朝賀 Court ritual of First Morning Audience
haiga 拝賀(はいが)、sanga 参賀(さんが)


Christian Celebrations in Spring
nijuuroku seijinsai 二十六聖人祭 (にじゅうろくせいじんさい)celebration of the 26 saints
Barentain Dii バレンタインデー Valentine Day  
shanikusai 謝肉祭 (しゃにくさい) carneval, carnival  
sei Yosefu sai 聖ヨセフ祭 (せいよせふさい) feast of Saint Joseph
o-tsugesai 御告祭 おつげさい Annunciation
shishunsetsu 四旬節 (しじゅんせつ) lent
sei kinyoobi 聖金曜日 せいきんようび Good Friday
fukkatsu-sai 復活祭り、iisutaa イースター Easter
seibozuki 聖母月 (せいぼづき) month of the holy mother
shootensai 昇天祭 (しょうてんさい) Ascension of Christ
bara no nichiyo 薔薇の日曜(ばらのにちよう)sunday of roses
sei Yohanne sai 聖ヨハネ祭 (せいよはねさい) Feast of Saint John
sei Petoro . Pauro sai 聖ペトロ・パウロ祭 (せいぺとろ・ぱうろさい) Feast of Saints Peter and Paul
seirei koorin sai 聖霊降臨祭 (せいれいこうりんさい) Pentecoste
sanmisai 三位祭 (さんみさい) Trinity Sunday
seitaisai, seitai sai 聖体祭 (せいたいさい) Corpus Christi Festival
Nippon fukushasai 日本福者祭 (にっぽんふくじゃさい) canonization day of Japan
- - - - -  and more related kigo.

Christian Celebrations in Autumn
hishootensai 被昇天祭 (ひしょうてんさい) Feast of the Assumption
seibo seishinsai 聖母聖心祭 (せいぼせいしんさい)The Immaculate Heart of Mary
seibo seitansai 聖母生誕祭 (せいぼせいたんさい)Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
juujikasai, juujika sai 十字架祭 (じゅうじかさい) Exaltation of the Cross
sei Mikaeru sai 聖ミカエル祭 (せいみかえるさい) Feast of Saint Michael
tenshisai, tenshi sai 天使祭 (てんしさい) "festival of angels" . Angel Festival
rozario no seibo no hi ロザリオの聖母の日(ろざりおのせいぼのひ)Our Lady of the Rosary
Banseietsu 万聖節 (ばんせいせつ) All Saints' Day
Shareisai 諸霊祭 (しょれいさい) All Souls Day

Christian Celebrations in Winter
kanshasai 感謝祭 (かんしゃさい) Thanksgiving
Sei Sabieru no hi 聖ザビエルの日 (せいざびえるのひ)Day of Saint Xavier
taikoosetsu 待降節 (たいこうせつ) advent
seitaisetsu 聖胎節 (せいたいせつ) day of the Immaculate Conception (of Virgin Mary)
kurisumasu クリスマス Christmas, Weihnachten
seikazoku no hi 聖家族の日 (せいかぞくのひ) Day of the Holy Family
Sei Johanne no hi 聖ヨハネの日 (せいよはねのひ) Day of Saint John
seishokusai 聖燭祭 (せいしょくさい) candlemass
koogen no hi 公現の日 (こうげんのひ) Epiphany / Three Kings Day


Chooyoo 重陽 Chrysanthemum Festival Double Nine
(9th lunar Month, 9th Day)
kiku no sekku 菊の節供(きくのせっく)chrysanthemum ritual
kyoo no kiku 今日の菊(きょうのきく)chrysanthemum of today
..... kiku no hi 菊の日(きくのひ)day of the chrysanthemum
(Kyu Kyu Day)
chooyoo no en 重陽の宴(ちょうようのえん)
banquet in honor of the chrysanthemum
kiku no sake 菊の酒(きくのさけ)chrysanthemum sake
kariage no sekku 刈上の節供
sankunichi 三九日(さんくにち)three days with a nine
kiku no kisewata 菊の着綿 (きくのきせわた)

Chuugen 中元 (ちゅうげん) mid-year presents
..... o-chuugen お中元(おちゅうげん)
..... bonrei 盆礼(ぼんれい)curtesy gift for O-Bon
bon mimai 盆見舞(ぼんみまい) curtesy visit at O-Bon

Confucius, Sekiten 釈奠 (せきてん) Confucius Ceremony
Kooshi sai, kooshisai 孔子祭(こうしさい)Confucius Festival
okimatsuri おきまつり / Sekisai 釈菜(せきさい)

Related words

. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU . 

. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .

. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -

BACK : Top of this Saijiki



- - - DDD - - -


. Regional Festivals - LIST .

- - - - - DDD - - - - -

Daabii ダービー Derby
Tookyoo Yuushun Kyoosoo 東京優駿競走(とうきょうゆうしゅんきょうそう)Horse race in TokyoTokyo Yushun
Nihon daabii 日本ダービー(にほんだーびー) Japan Derby

Daijinguu fuda kubari 大神宮札配 (だいじんぐうふだくばり)
distributing amulets from Ise shrine

Also performed at other great shrines.
. . . . . and from Ise Shrine
Saiguu no ema 斎宮絵馬 (さいぐうのえま) votive plaquets at Saigu
Itsuki no miya no ema 斎宮絵馬(いつきのみやのえま)

Daijin ke no daikyoo 大臣家大饗 (だいじんけのだいきょう)
First banquet of the Ministers

..... omoya no daikyoo 母屋の大饗  - Court Ritual

Daikakuji Dainichi-E 大覚寺大日会
Ceremony for Dainichi at Temple Daikaku-Ji

Daikotaki 大根焚 Cooking large radishes
Temple Senbon Shakado 千本釈迦堂, Kyoto, Feb. 10 - 13
Narutaki no daikotaki 鳴滝の大根焚 (なるたきのだいこたき)
Daikotaki 大根焚き(お会式)for Saint Nichiren
Temple Sanpo-Ji 三寳寺

Dainichi mairi 大日詣 First vitit to the Dainichi Hall in Akita, Kazuno
dainichidoozaidoo 大日堂祭堂(だいにちどうざいどう), zaidoo 祭堂(ざいどう)

Daishi koo 大師講 Ceremonies at Mount Hiei-zan for the founder,
Dengyo Daishi.
Memorial day for Tendai Daishi, Tendai Daishi Ki 天台大師忌(てんだいだいしき). Memorial day for Chisha Daishi, Chisha Daishi Ki 智者大師忌(ちしゃだいしき) .Tendai Prayer Ceremony, Tendai e、天台会(てんだいえ). Tenday Prayer Ceremony at November,
shimotsuki e 霜月会(しもつきえ).Great Ceremony at Mount Hieizan, Hieizan hokke e
比叡山法華会(ひえいざんほっけえ). "Great Master's Gruel", Daishi gayu 大師粥

. Danjiri Matsuri だんじり祭り Danjiri Festival
Kishiwada, Osaka and others

Dazaifu matsuri 大宰府祭 (だざいふまつり) Dazaifu Festival
..... Dazaifu Tenmangu matsuri
大宰府天満宮祭 - for Sugawara Michizane

Degawari 出代 (でがわり) migrating servants
degawari 出替(でがわり), igasane 居重ね(いがさね), inari 居なり(いなり), shinzan 新参(しんざん), kosan 古参(こさん), choonen 重年(ちょうねん), o-memie (o me mie) 御目見得(おめみえ)

. Denden Matsuri でんでん祭
at Shrine Isonokami, Nara 石上神宮

Denpa no hi 電波の日 (でんぱのひ) "radio day"
denpa kinenbi 電波記念日(でんぱきねんび) radio memorial day

Dewa sanzan matsuri 出羽三山祭 (でわさんざんまつり)
Dewa Festival of the three mountains

..... Haguro Hana matsuri 羽黒花祭(はぐろはなまつり)Haguro Flower Festival
.. Yudono moode 湯殿詣 (ゆどのもうで) visiting Yudono
yudono gyoo 湯殿行(ゆどのぎょう)austerity practise at Yudono
yudono gori 湯殿垢離(ゆどのごり)water ablutions at Yudono

Dezome 出初 でぞめ First Parade of the Tokyo fire brigade
..... shooboo dezome 消防出初(しょうぼうでぞめ)
dezome shiki 出初式(でぞめしき)、hatsu de 初出(はつで)、
..... first fire alarm bells, dezome gane 出初鐘(でぞめがね)、
..... first climbing of the ladders, hashigo nori 梯子乗(はしごのり)

Doburoku Matsuri どぶろく祭り Rice Wine Festival  at 白川八幡神社

Dontaku .. どんたく Dontaku Festival in Hakata
Dontaku music group, dontaku bayashi どんたく囃子(どんたくばやし); "Pine Music Group", matsu bayashi 松囃子(まつばやし)

Donzuki matsuri ... どんずき祭 "Body throwing Festival", Donzukuri Festival. Niigata.
.... One of the "naked men" festivals.

Doomyooji matsuri 道明寺祭 (どうみょうじまつり)
Domyoji Temple Festival

Doomyooji hoshi ii 道明寺糒(どうみょうじほしいい)
dried cooked rice from temple Domyoji
hiki-ii 引飯(ひきいい)"ground rice"
karei i かれいい、karei かれい、hoshi-i ほしい

Doosojin matsuri 道祖神祭 (どうそじんまつり)
Dosojin Festival of the Wayside Deities

Sai no kami matsuri 塞の神祭(さいのかみまつり)
..... 幸の神祭(さいのかみまつり)Sai no Kami festival
Doorokujin matsuri 道禄神祭(どうろくじんまつり)

Doro-uchi matsuri 泥打祭 mud-throwing festival
Aso Shrine, Fukuoka

Dosha Kaji Hoo-E 土砂加持法会
memorial service to prevent natural disasters

Doyadoya matsuri どやどや祭り Doyadoya naked festival
Osaka, Shitennoji

Doyoo kyuu, doyookyuu 土用灸 (どようきゅう)
moxabustion on the hot doyoo day

... doyoo mogusa 土用艾(どようもぐさ)
... hooroku kyuu 焙烙灸(ほうろくきゅう) moxa with a horoku pot

Dream Yosakoi Festival - Tokyo - - Reference -

Related words

. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU . 

. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .

. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -

BACK : Top of this Saijiki



- - - EEE - - -


. Regional Festivals - LIST .

- - - - - EEE - - - - -

Ebisu, Ceremony for the God of Wealth and Prosperity 若夷, 夷おろし
..... Kairaishi 傀儡師, 傀儡, 夷廻し,木傀廻し
..... Visiting the Seven Gods of Good Luck, shichi fukujin mairi 七福神詣
..... 七福詣, 福神詣, 福神巡り, 福詣
Palanquin of fortunes, hoikago宝恵駕, hoekago 宝恵駕籠*
Ebisu palanquin, Ebisu kago 戎籠(えびすかご)
Palanquin for Fukusuke, Fukusuke kago 福助駕(ふくすけかご)

Itsuka Ebisu 五日戎 (いつかえびす) Ebisu on January 5

Hatsuka Ebisu 二十日戎 (はつかえびす) Ebisu on January 20
hatsuka Ebisu matsuri 二十日戎祭(はつかえびすまつり)
Ebisu Ceremonies in Edo and the Kanto area

Tooka Ebisu 十日戎 (とおかえびす) Ebisu on January 10
(in the Kansai area)
hatsu Ebisu 初戎(はつえびす)first Ebisu rituals
yoi Ebisu 宵戎(よいえびす),
Ebisu matsuri 戎祭(えびすまつり)Ebisu festival
nokori Ebisu 残り戎(のこりえびす)"left over Ebisu"
nokorifuku, nokori fuku 残り福(のこりふく)
..... fukusasa 福笹(ふくささ)
Ebisu sasa 戎笹(えびすささ)
fukuame, fuku ame 福飴(ふくあめ)"sweets for good luck"
kichoo 吉兆(きっちょう)"good omen"

Ebisugire, Ebisu gire 夷切れ(えびすぎれ)
absolving of lies

..... seimonbarai, seimon barai 誓文払 (せいもんばらい)
Kyoto, shrine Kanjaden 官者殿

Ebisu-koo 恵比寿講 Ebisu Ceremony Group
..... Ebisu Matsuri, 夷子祭 Ebisu Festival


Ebumi, fumi-e (fumie) 絵踏, 踏絵, 踏み絵 Stepping on Chistian icons

Edo Sengen sai 江戸浅間祭 (えどせんげんさい) Edo Sengen Festival
..... Asakusa Fuji Moode 浅草富士詣(あさくさふじもうで)

Ehoo Moode 恵方詣 Visit in the auspicious direction
..... Ehoo mairi, auspiciuos direction, ehoo 恵方(えほう)、ehoo michi 恵方道(えほうみち)、ehoo 吉方(えほう)、兄方(えほう)、得方(えほう)、元方(えほう)、aki no kata 明の方(あきのかた), praying in the auspicious direction, ehoo ogami 恵方拝(えほうおがみ)

Enburi Dance 柄振り えんぶり、えぶり Japan, Aomori.

Enjusai 延寿祭 (えんじゅさい) Enju "Long Life" Ceremony at Kaibara Shrine, Nara Pref.
Enju Sake Cup, enju hai 延寿盃(えんじゅはい), Enju Chopsticks, enju bashi延寿箸(えんじゅばし)

Enma Mairi 閻魔参 Visiting an Enma Temple for the King of Hell
Enmadoo Dainenbutsu 閻魔堂大念仏
Amida Prayer (Namu Amida Butsu)
..... Enma Moode 閻魔詣(えんまもうで)
..... Visiting the 10 Kings of Hell, juuoo moode 十王詣(じゅうおうもうで)
..... Great day off, dai sainichi 大斎日(だいさいにち)
..... Enma no saijitsu 閻魔の斎日(えんまのさいじつ)
..... King of Hell, En oo 閻王(えんおう)
Enmadoo dainenbutsu 閻魔堂大念仏 (えんまどうだいねんぶつ)
Amida prayer nenbutsu at the temple hall Enmado
Enmadoo kyoogen 閻魔堂狂言(えんまどうきょうげん)
senbon dainenbutsu 千本大念仏(せんぼんだいねんぶつ)
One of the three famous prayer kyogen.

Ennen no Mai 延年の舞 Dance for a long life
hatsuka yomatsuri 二十日夜祭(はつかよまつり)
night festival on January 20
Matarajin Matsuri 摩多羅神祭(まだらじんまつり)
festival in honor of Matarajin
. . . . . most famous is
平泉毛越寺延年の舞 Hiraizumi, Motsu-Ji Ennen no Mai

Enryaku-Ji mishiho 延暦寺御修法 Mishiho ritual at temple Enryaku-Ji

Enryakuji minazuki-e 延暦寺六月会(えんりゃくじみなづきえ)
Ceremony of the fourth day of the sixth (lunar) month at temple Enryaku-Ji
Dengyoo e 伝教会 (でんぎょうえ) Dengyo Memorial
Saichoo ki 最澄忌(さいちょうき)Saicho Memorial Day
... Dengyoo Daishi ki 伝教大師忌(でんぎょうだいしき)
choogoo e 長講会(ちょうごうえ)
sange e 山家会(さんげえ)

Enshuu Dainenbutsu 遠州大念仏 Amida prayer meeting in Enshu
Tootoomi, now part of Shizuoka. Hamamatsu

Eyoo 会陽 Naked Festivals . Third Sunday in February - Introduction .
- - - - - Eyoo 会陽 "E yoo Ceremony"
..... Saidaiji Mairi 西大寺参 visiting temple Saidai-Ji
shingi 神木 - "divine wood"
hadaka oshi 裸押し "naked men pushing and shoving"
shuushoo-e 修正会
Saidaiji Hadaka Matsuri, 西大寺裸祭り
Naked Man Festival at temple Saidaiji (Okayama)

Related words

. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU . 

. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .

. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -

BACK : Top of this Saijiki



- - - FFF - - -


. Regional Festivals - LIST .

- - - - - FFF - - - - -

Fuchuu matsuri 府中祭 (ふちゅうまつり) Fuchu Festival
..... Fuchuu kenka matsuri 府中喧嘩祭(ふちゅうけんかまつり)
rokusho matsuri 六所祭(ろくしょまつり)
"festival at six places"
Fuchuu yami matsuri 府中闇祭(ふちゅうやみまつり)
Fuchu festival in the dark, Fuchu Kurayami Festival
..... Fuchuu kurayami matsuri 府中暗闇祭(ふちゅうくらやみまつり)

Fudangyoo 不断経
Ceremony of reading sutras day and night

Fuda Osame 札納 Bringing back the old year amulets
..... osamefuda 納札(おさめふだ)
First and Last Ceremonies of the year

. Fude Matsuri 筆まつり Festival for brushes .
Fude Kuyoo 筆供養 "memorial service for writing brushes"
Kumano, Hiroshima 熊野町

Fugu Kuyoo 河豚供養 Memorial Service for Blowfish
Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi

Fuigo hajime 鞴初 、吹革初 First use of the bellows
- - - - - Fuigo matsuri 鞴祭 bellows festival
Swordsmith's Festsival, kaji matsuri 鍛冶祭
Bellows Festival, tatara matsuri 踏鞴祭
Throwing mandarins (small oranges) mikan maki 蜜柑撒, 蜜柑捲
..... lighting fire for the god Inari, inari no o-hotaki 稲荷の御火焚

Fujikiri E-shiki 藤切り会式 Wisteria Cutting Ceremony
Yamanashi Prefecture,Temple Daizen-Ji

Fuji moode 富士詣 (ふじもうで) pilgrimage to Mount Fuji
Fuji gori, Fujigori 富士垢離 (ふじごり) ascetic ablutions at Mt. Fuji
Fujigyoo 富士行(ふじぎょう)ascetics at Mt. Fuji
Fujigoya, Fuki goya 富士小屋(ふじごや) hut at Mt. Fuji
Fujiy yamabiraki 富士山開(ふじやまびらき)
opening the season for climbing Mt. Fuji
Fuji dooja 富士道者(ふじどうじゃ)pilgrim to Mt. Fuji
Fuji gyooja 富士行者(ふじぎょうじゃ)ascetic pilgrim to Mt. Fuji
Fuji senjoo 富士禅定(ふじぜんじょう)ascetic climb to the top of Mt. Fuji
sanjoo moode 山上詣(さんじょうもうで)pilgrimage to the mountain top
sanjoo 山上(さんじょう)"honorable mountain top"
... o choojoo お頂上(おちょうじょう)
shinogoya 篠小屋(しのごや)reed hut to practise austerities
Fujikoo, Fuji koo 富士講(ふじこう)Mount Fuji worship group
Sengenkoo, Sengen koo 浅間講(せんげんこう)Sengen worship group

Fujimori matsuri 藤森祭 (ふじもりまつり) Fujimori Festival
... Fuji no mori 藤の森
yakata no chigo 屋形の稚児(やかたのちご)"divine children parade"
Fujimori Shrine, Kyoto

Fukagawa Hachiman matsuri 深川八幡祭 Hachiman festival at Fukagawa, Tokyo
Fukagawa matsuri 深川祭 ふかがわまつり Fukagawa festival
Tomioka matsuri 富岡祭(とみおかまつり)Tomioka festival

. Fukushima Prefecture - 福島県 Festivals .

. Fukushima Inari Shrine Autumn Festival
福島稲荷神社 Fukushima Inari Jinja

Fukuro no atsumono 梟の羹 (ふくろうのあつもの)
"hot soup with owl meat"

..... fukuro no aburimono 梟の灸(ふくろうのあぶりもの)

Fuku Warai 福笑い (ふくわらい) First laugh, hatsu warai. first cry, hatsu naki

Furukawa no okoshi daikoo 古川の起し太鼓 (ふるかわのおこしだいこ)
"wake-up drums from Furukawa"

Gifu, Hida, Furukawa town

Futomani matsuri 太占祭 Futomani festival
Divination at Musashi Mitake jinja 武蔵御嶽神社
- - - - - and
Ooguchi magami matsuri 大口真神祭りWolf Deity Festival

Futsuka kyuu 二日灸 moxabustion on February second

Fuyu Ango 冬安居 Winter Retreat for Monks
yuki ango 雪安居(ゆきあんご) Retreat for monks in snow

Related words

. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU . 

. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .

. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -

BACK : Top of this Saijiki



- - - GGG - - -


. Regional Festivals - LIST .

- - - - - GGG - - - - -

Ganburoo 雁風呂 (がんぶろ) Ritual for departed geese
mid-spring, in Tsugaru penninsula
gan kuyoo 雁供養(かりくよう)

Ganjitsu no Sechi-E 元日節会
Court ritual of Reception and Audience of Politicians

..... shoshinosoo 諸司奏(しょしのそう)、
..... shichiyoo no goriyaku no soo 七曜御暦奏(しちようのごりやくのそう)、
..... hi no tameshi no soo 氷様奏(ひのためしのそう)、
..... haraka no soo 腹赤奏(はらかのそう)
..... kuzu no soo 国栖奏(くずのそう)PHOTOS !
..... hiraza no gezan 平座見参(ひらざのげざん)、
..... shinnen enkai 新年宴会(しんねんえんかい)

Ganzan Daishi-E 元三大師会 Ceremony for Ganzan Daishi
at temple Jindaj-Ji 深大寺

Gebana 夏花 "summer flowers" as offerings on the altar
..... gebana tsumi 夏花摘み(げばなつみ)
picking flowers for offerings
during the ango retreat.

Gedachi 夏断 (げだち) abstinence in summer
during the ango retreat.

geeta matsuri ゲータ祭 "Geeta festival"
In Kashima town, Hiroshima 神島町
On the New Year's first day, large torches to bring back the sunshine to the world.

Gege 解夏 end of the summer ascetics
..... ge aki 夏明き(げあき), ge no hate 夏の果(げのはて)
..... sooan, soo-an 送行(そうあん)、gegaki osame 夏書納(げがきおさめ)
..... butsukangibi, butsu kangi bi 仏歓喜日(ぶつかんぎび)
..... kangibi 歓喜日 "a day to rejoice"

Gegen 下元 (かげん) last third of the year cememony
..... gegen no setsu 下元の節(かげんのせつ)
First third of the year (joogen)

Gesai no on kayu 解斎の御粥 End of mourning rice gruel

Gihoo o kaku 儀方を書く (ぎほうをかく) writing a spell
(against mosquitos and flies), May 5
..... gihoo o shosu 儀方を書す(ぎほうをしょす)

. Gion matsuri 祇園祭り (ぎおんまつり) Gion Festival
It begins July 1st and lasts until July 31st, centered around Yasaka shrine, Kyoto.
..... byoobu matsuri 屏風祭(びょうぶまつり)folding screen festival

Gishi-Sai 義士祭 . Memorial Ceremony for the 47 Samurai,
graves of the 47 Ronin at Sengakuji

Gogatsu no setchi-e 五日の節会 (いつかのせちえ) ritual at the Imperial court on May 5, the seasonal point
..... ayame no makura 菖蒲の枕 (あやめのまくら) "iris pillow"
and more about the "Boy's Festival"

Go han itadaki 御印文戴き (ごはんいただき)
"getting a honorable stamp"

Temple Zenko-Ji, Nagano

Gojinjoo daiko 御神乗太鼓 "Drums for the Shinto Gods"
Wajima, Ishikawa

Gojozaka pottery festival - Kyoto
Gojo-zaka Pottery Festival

Gojuu Sooden 五重相伝 Secret Ceremony of the Pure Land Sect

Go-Kaichoo 御開帳 Showing of the Secret Buddha Statue
..... keigan 啓龕(けいがん) ..... kaichoo 開帳 (かいちょう)
ikaichoo 居開帳(いかいちょう)to show a statue in the own temple
dekaichoo 出開帳(でかいちょう)to go and see a displayed statue at another temple

Golden Week (gorudin uiiku ゴールデンウィーク )
oogon shuukan 黄金週間 (おうごんしゅうかん)

Gomottomo sama 「ごもっともさま」
Celebrating the male symbol at Mitsumine Shrine, for Setsubun

Gonan no mochi 御難の餅 (ごなんのもち)
"Ricecakes in difficult times"

to honor Nichiren

Gonichi no noo 後日の能 (ごにちののう) last Noh performance
..... go-en no noo 後宴の能(ごえんののう)

Go-Oo Kaji 牛王加持, 牛黄加持Ceremony of the Ox King Deity (Ox King Buddha)
東寺牛王加持 (とうじごおうかじ, とうじごわうかぢ)
..... Funa Go-Oo 舟牛王ふなごおう,ふなごわう, Ship Go-Oo
..... and
Kiyomizu no Go Ou 清水の牛王 (きよみずのごおう)
Go-Oo ritual at tempel Kiyomizu-dera
Kiyomizudera go oo 清水寺牛王(きよみずでらごおう)
Kiyomizudera goo zue 清水寺牛王杖(きよみずでらごおうづえ)
Go-Oo stick at Kiyomizu Temple
..... and
Sensooji go oo kaji 浅草寺牛王加持 (せんそうじごおうかじ) at Asakusa Kannon, Tokyo
..... Go-Oo Kaji-E 牛王加持会 at Asakusa Temple 浅草寺

Goryoo matsuri 御霊祭 (ごりょうまつり)
..... goryoo no shinji 御霊の神事(ごりょうのしんじ), goryoo no oide 御霊の御出(ごりょうのおいで)
Part of the Gion Festival activities in Kyoto
Festival to "appease the vengeful spirits"

Gosechi Mai , gosechi no mai 五節の舞 Dance of the Five Maidens
..... go sechi 五節(ごせち)、gosechi no choodai kokoromi 五節帳台試(ごせちのちょうだいのこころみ)、gosechi no gozen kokoromi 五節御前試(ごせちのごぜんのこころみ)

Gusokubiraki, gusoku biraki 具足開 "opening the armour"
gusoku kagamimochi 具足鏡餅
gusoku kagami wari 具足鏡割
gusoku iwai 具足祝 celebrating armour
busoku kagamibiraki 武具鏡開

Gyokusui 曲水 (きょくすい ) "Meandering River Poetry Ceremony
..... gokusui 曲水(ごくすい)
gyokusui no en 曲水の宴(きょくすいのえん)Party at the meandering stream
megurimizu no toyo akari 曲水の豊明(めぐりみずのとよあかり)
ryuushoo 流觴(りゅうしょう)
sakazuki nagashi 盃流(さかずきながし)floating cups with sake

Related words

. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU . 

. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .

. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .

- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -

BACK : Top of this Saijiki
