
Gion Festival


Gion Festival (Gion matsuri)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Late Summer, July
***** Category: Observance


Gion matsuri 祇園祭り (ぎおんまつり)
Gion Festival in Kyoto

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Gion (祇園)
is a district of Kyoto, Japan, originally developed in the Middle Ages, in front of Yasaka Shrine. The district was built to accommodate the needs of travelers and visitors to the shrine. It eventually evolved to become one of the most exclusive and well-known geisha districts in all of Japan.

The Gion Festival (祇園祭 )
takes place annually in Kyoto and is one of the most famous festivals in Japan. It spans the entire month of July and is crowned by a parade, the Yamaboko Junkō (山鉾巡行) on July 17.

Kyoto's downtown area is reserved for pedestrian traffic on the three nights leading up to the massive parade. These nights are known as yoiyama (宵山) on July 16th, yoiyoiyama (宵々山) on July 15th, and yoiyoiyoiyama (宵々々山) on July 14th. The streets are lined with night stalls selling food such as yakitori (barbecued chicken skewers), taiyaki, takoyaki, okonomiyaki, traditional Japanese sweets, and many other culinary delights. Many girls dressed in yukata (summer kimono) walk around the area, carrying with them traditional purses and paper fans.

During the yoiyama eves leading up to the parade, some private houses in the old kimono merchant district open their entryways to the public, exhibiting valuable family heirlooms, in a custom known as the Byōbu Matsuri, or Folding Screen Festival. This is a precious opportunity to visit and observe traditional Japanese residences of Kyoto.

by Iwase Matabei 岩佐又兵衛 (1578 - 1650)

This festival originated as part of a purification ritual (goryo-e) to appease the gods thought to cause fire, floods and earthquakes. In 869, the people were suffering from plague and pestilence which was attributed to the rampaging deity Gozu Tennō (牛頭天王).
Emperor Seiwa ordered that the people pray to the god of the Yasaka Shrine 八坂神社, Susanoo-no-mikoto. Sixty-six stylized and decorated halberds, one for each province in old Japan, were prepared and erected at Shinsen-en, a garden, along with the portable shrines (mikoshi) from Yasaka Shrine.

This practice was repeated wherever an outbreak occurred. In 970, it was decreed an annual event and has since seldom been broken. Over time the increasingly powerful and influential merchant class made the festival more elaborate and, by the Edo Period (1603-1868), used the parade to brandish their wealth.

In 1533, the Ashikaga shogunate halted all religious events, but the people protested, stating that they could do without the rituals, but not the procession. This marks the progression into the festival's current form. Smaller floats that were lost or damaged over the centuries have been restored, and the weavers of the Nishijin area offer new tapestries to replace destroyed ones. When not in use, the floats and regalia are kept in special storehouses throughout the central merchant district of Kyoto in the care of the local people.
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There are many kigo related to the Gion Festival

Most of the festival floats are kigo and come with their own interesting history.

Gion-e 祗園会 (ぎおんえ) Gion Ceremonies
Gion matsuri 祗園祭(ぎおんまつり)Gion Festival

ushi no gion 牛の祗園(うしのぎおん)"Gion of the Bull"

see below, Gozu Tenoo

Gion daiko 祗園太鼓(ぎおんだいこ)Gion drum
Gion yamagasa, Gion yamakasa 祗園山笠(ぎおんやまがさ)Gion festival floats

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Deity Susano-O
Gion goryoo-e 祗園御霊会(ぎおんごりょうえ)requiem for the repose of the souls of people who died from violence, disease and the pest.

shimo no matsuri 下の祭(しものまつり)
kami no matsrui 上の祭(かみのまつり)

Gion bayashi 祗園囃(ぎおんばやし)Gion festival musicians
nikai bayashi 二階囃(にかいばやし)festival musicians on the second floor (of a float)

mikoshi arai 神輿洗(みこしあらい)purification of the mikoshi
hokodate 鉾立(ほこだて)preparing the floats and kenboko
hokomachi 鉾町(ほこまち)ward with a kenboko helbard

. Kenboko 剣鉾 (けんぼこ)
and the Goryo Festival 御霊祭 Goryo Matsuri  

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yoiyama 宵山(よいやま)
night before the grand parade (17th day)
yoimiya moode 宵宮詣(よいみやもうで)
yoi kazari 宵飾り(よいかざり)decorations on the night before the parade
In the night of yoimiya the spirits of the deities are transported into the protable shrines on the floats.

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byoobu matsuri 屏風祭(びょうぶまつり)folding screen festival
The rich merchant homes display the folding screns which are usually hidden with the family treasures in the special storehouses.
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yamaboko 山鉾(やまぼこ)Gion Festival floats
(yama and hoko)
The order of the floats is decided new for each year, using lucky lots.

LINK with phantastic photos of each float:
source : kyoto-k.sakura.ne.jp

hoko matsuri 鉾祭(ほこまつり)festival of the floats
hoko no chigo 鉾の稚児(ほこのちご)children on the floats
. naginata boko, naginataboko 長刀鉾(なぎなたぼこ)halberd float .

kakkiyo yama 郭巨山(かっきょやま)
hooshoo yama 保昌山(ほうしょうやま)
hakuga yama 伯牙山(はくがやま)
kangoku boko 函谷鉾(かんごくぼこ)
hakurakuten yama 白楽天山(はくらくてんやま)
torihoko 鶏鉾(とりほこ)
urade yama 占出山(うらでやま)
abura tenjin yama 油天神山(あぶらてんじんやま)
tokusa yama 木賊山(とくさやま)
kikusui boko 菊水鉾(きくすいぼこ)
tsuki hoko 月鉾(つきほこ)
moosoo yama 孟宗山(もうそうやま)Moso Yama
ashikari yama 芦刈山(あしかりやま)
hooka hoko 放下鉾(ほうかほこ)
iwado yama 岩戸山(いわとやま)
joomyoo yama 浄明山(じょうみょうやま)
funa hoko 船鉾(ふなほこ)
kita Kannon yama 北観音山(きたかんのんやま)(with a man)

minami Kannon yama 南観音山(みなみかんのんやま)(with a woman)

Hachiman yama 八幡山(はちまんやま)
kuronushi yama 黒主山(くろぬしやま)
koi yama 鯉山(こいやま)carp float
suzuka yama 鈴鹿山(すずかやま)

yamabushi yama 山伏山(やまぶしやま)
float of the mountain ascetics

arare Tenjin yama 霰天神山(あられてんじんやま)
for Tenjin-sama, Sugawara Michizane

hashi Benkei yama 橋弁慶山(はしべんけいやま)
for Musashibo Benkei and Yoshitsune
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Taishi yama 太子山(たいしやま)
for Shotoku Taishi
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En no Gyooja yama 役行者山(えんのぎょうじゃやま)
float of En no Gyoja
An actor of the mountain ascetic En no Gyoja makes a purificatin fire and prays for the safety of the festival. He then takes part in the parade.
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funa hoko 船鉾(ふなほこ) boat float
- Shared by Taisaku Nogi -
Joys of Japan, 2012

The Yamahoko parade on July 17 -
The 17th day of the seventh month
is the day that Noah's ark drifted to Ararat!

. The Hata Clan 秦氏 Hata Uji .
and the Korean and Christian connection !

Many yamahoko feature a special talisman for good luck, the
. chimaki 茅巻 Chimaki ritual rice cakes .
usually eaten on the Boy's Festival (now May 5).

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Each yamahoko has its own origin and talisman related it. You can buy these things at Yoiyama.

Name of Yama or HokoTalisman, Charm, Chimaki
Aburatenjin yamafor learning
Araretenjin yamafor thunder and fire
Urade yamafor easy delivery
Ennogyoujya yamafor epidemic and safe driving
Kakkyo yamafor mother's milk
Kikusui hokofor eternal youth, longevity, rush of business
Kuronushi yamafor ridding bad luck
Koi yamafor advancement in life
Tokusa yamafor ridding stray child
Jyoumyou yamafor victory
Suzuka yamafor thunder, easy delivery, property loss
Taishi yamafor knowledge, scapegoat
Naginata hokoridding bad luck
Hakurakuten yamafor learning, good luck
Hachiman yamafor crying at night
Fune hokofor easy delivery, abdominal bandage
Houshou yamafor love, marriage tie
Houka hokofor ridding bad luck
Mousou yamafor filial devotion to parents
source : kyoto.mirahouse.jp


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The miniatures are about 20 to 40 cm high. The smallest souvenir-type items are just 10 cm high.
They are made from wood and cardboard. The figures inside are made of clay.

. Kyoto Folk Art - 京都(府) .


medama soodatsu 目玉争奪 fighting of the floats

mugon moode
無言詣(むごんもうで)"silent shrine visit"
Maiko pray at the otabisho places, but may not talk during their walk to and from the place.
This takes place from the 17th to the 24th day.

. Mugon Mode on October 20 .


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tsurumeso 弦召(つるめそ/ 弦売僧 / 弦女曽)
lit. "please buy bow-strings"

festival on day 24

This name refers to a group of lowly, untouchables in the old society (inu jinin 犬神人). Saint Shinran spread his teaching among them, they became a group of followers of the Gion Shrine 祇園社. They took care of dirty work during the festival, handling burials and cremation grounds. They were also called tsurusashi 弦差(つるさし) or tsurumese.

The painting from the Taisho period shows the Tsurumeso in a procession, dressed in armour of the Heian period. They were defeated warriours and began making arrows and bowstrings for a living and had to stay in the ward Yumiyacho 弓矢町 (bow and arrow ward). This procession had been abolished in later years, so we now only have this painting.
source : gyojibunka


Heavenly King with an Ox-Head,
Ox-Headed Deva King
gozu tenoo, gozu tenno 牛頭天王
The Japanese god of plague

CLICK for more photos. quote from dragonbeya.exblog

With the fusion of Shinto and Buddhism, Susa-no-O was identified with Gozu Tenno ("Bull-headed King of Heaven").

Gozu 牛頭 Deities with Ox-Heads

. Gozu Tennō Densetsu 牛頭天王 伝説 Legends about Gozu Tenno .

. Gion Festival . English Reference


Setsubun festival at Yasaka Shrine
Each Kyoto shrine has its own attraction for the Setsubun ritual. Some feature special demon costumes. Some invite celebrities. Some prepare extensive gifts and make sure that everyone gets beans. Yasaka Jinja offers dances by maiko (apprentice geisha) for the enjoyment of the gods.

Shared by Dougill John - green shinto
Joys of Japan, February 2012


There are Gion festivals celebrated in other parts of Japan, for example in Hakata (kigo see below) or in Yamanashi

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山梨 祇園祭り

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Gozu Tennoo fuda 牛頭天王札 amulet for Gozu Tenno

. Nezu Jinja 根津神社 Nezu Shrine .

Namu Gozu Tenno 南無牛頭天王

牛頭天王社 at the temple 札林寺, Chiba


Gion-e ni uka suru shoojo magire-yuku

at the Gion festival
this young girl grows up
as it walks along

Tsugawa Eriko 津川絵理子

uka refers to a change of an insect from a chrysalis to a butterfly, cicada or other.

Related words

Hamo has two food seasons,
one is in summer, just after the rainy season is over. It is then eaten for the Gion Festival in Kyoto or the Tenjin Festival in Osaka (matsuri hamo).
The Gion Festival is sometimes even referred to as
"Hamo Festival".

Pike conger eel (hamo)


Hakata no Gion matsuri
博多の祗園祭 (はかたのぎおんまつり)
Hakata Gion Festival
Hakata matsuri 博多祭(はかたまつり) Hakata festival

..... yamagasa 山笠(やまがさ)Yamakasa floats
oi yamagasa 追山笠(おいやまがさ)race of the floats
.... oiyama 追山(おいやま)

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The Hakata Gion Yamagasa festival is a religious ritual of Hakata's grand tutelary shrine, Kushida Shrine. It is concentrated on "Decoration Floats", Kazari Yamagasa, which are covered with beautiful Hakata dolls and set up in various places around the town.
As opposed to the elegant and feminine Kazari Yamagasa, the masculine "Kaki Yamagasa" is carried around the city from the 10th. The climax of the festival is the Oiyama race that starts from early morning on the 15th.

. WKD : Naked Festivals .

nyukoo no kiteki no hibiku kazari yama

the incoming boat
blasts its horn carrying
the Yamagasa float

Nagasaki Toosei 長崎島星 Nagasaki Tosei

. Yamakasa ningyoo 山笠人形 Yamakasa festival float dolls .
Hakata Gion Yamakasa Festival


. Gozu Ten-O at Shrine Hiromine Jinja 広峰神社   

. Somin Shoorai Fu 蘇民将来符 Somin Shorai amulet .
and Gozu Tenno 牛頭天王

. Sannoo matsuri 山王祭 (さんのうまつり) Sanno Festival .
Hiyoshi matsuri 日吉祭(ひよしまつり) Hiyoshi shrine festival
sarumatsuri 申祭(さるまつり)monkey festival

. Gobelin tapestry, dragons and the Gion floats .

. Kesoobumi uri 懸想文売 vendor of love letters .
at shrine Suga Jinja 須賀神社

. Go-Oo Hooin 牛王宝印
sacred seal of the ox treasure .

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Home Visit (tsuto-iri)


Home Visit (tsutoiri, tsuto iri)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Early Autumn
***** Category: Observance


tsuto iri 衝突入 (つといり) "visiting a home"
Yamada no tsuto-iri 山田のつと入(やまだのつといり)
home visit at Yamada
bon no tsuto-iri 盆のつと入(ぼんのつといり)
home visit at O-Bon ancestor festival

The Chinese characters 衝突 are usually read "shoototsu", meaning a collision or bumping into something.

tsuto-iri was on teh 16th day of the 7th lunar month.
This is the same day as yabu-iri for servants.

This is a kigo hard to translate in a short version.
It is also probably not used any more.


This kigo refers to an old custom in the area of Ise Yamada
This day also the third day of the ancestor festival O-Bon, when the spirits of the ancestors were send back (okuri-bon 送り盆).

On the 16th day of the seventh lunar month
(now in August), on this one day it was allowed to enter any home and visit their treasure house (kura), where the scrolls and antiques and family treasures were kept. Visitors could also inspect the special living room for visitors and take a look at the garden.

The young girls of a home were also "shown" and this was a time to make acquainances and marriage arrangements.

Some sources say this was also a chance (or duty) for the rich to display all their treasured in the yashiki living room.

The meaning of the expression can also be
"sudden intrusion into a home",
but from the haiku below we learn that all was well planned and the visitors greeted kindly.

The town of Ise (伊勢市, Ise-shi)
was formerly called Uji Yamada (宇治山田).
This city is located in eastern Mie Prefecture.
It is the area of the Ise shrine.

Ise Grand Shrine (伊勢神宮, Ise Jingū)
. Ise Shrine and its KIGO  

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tsuto-iri ya ran no ka ni mitsu hito-zashiki

home visiting -
the fragrance of orchids fills
the living room

Matsuse Seisei 松瀬青々 (1869 - 1937)


tsuto-iri ya shiru hito ni au hyooshi nuke

forced home visit -
I meet a person I know
and feel at ease

つと入りや 納戸の暖簾ゆかしさよ
tsuto-iri ya nando no noren yukashisa yo

forced home visit -
the door curtain in front of the store room
invites me to peek in

Tr. Gabi Greve

Usually there are no door curtains in front of storage rooms, so the curiosity of Buson is stirred.

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

hyooshi nuke 拍子ぬけ - how best to translate?
. Discussion of facebook .

Related words

***** Bon Festival, O-Bon, Obon お盆

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Paris Festival


Paris Festival (Parisai)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Late Summer
***** Category: Observance


Pari sai, parisai パリ祭 (ぱりさい) Paris festival
..... Parii sai 晩夏 パリー祭(ぱりーさい)
..... Parisai 巴里祭(ぱりさい)

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Celebrated on July 14.
This is a national holiday in France.

People who like France come together in the Ginza (Tokyo) and other places to celebrate.
There are often events with French chansons and other music.

There was also a famous movie in Japan, called

Pari-Sai 巴里祭 (Bastille Day).


The Storming of the Bastille
occurred in Paris on the 14th of July, 1789.
The medieval fortress and prison in Paris known as the Bastille represented royal authority in the center of Paris.

In France, Le quatorze juillet (14 July)
is a public holiday, formally known as the Fête de la Fédération (Federation Holiday). It is usually called Bastille Day in English.
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Pari sai piero no kuroki namida ato

Paris Festival -
the black traces
of a clown's tears

Saito Yumiko 斉藤由美子


A long list of haiku about 巴里祭


Haiku about Paris

ehagaki no Pari no aozora remon kiru

on a postcard
the blue sky of Paris -
I cut a lemon

Shimonyama Yoshiko 下山芳子


a rain cloud
gently caress
the Eiffel Tower

Notre Dame -
in the cathedral
two grooms

Alex Serban
Kigo Hotline, August 2011


tango in Paris
her silhouette in his sunglasses
Eiffel Tower

tango à Paris
sa silhouette dans ses lunettes de soleil
Tour Eiffel

shared by Irena Szewczyk


July the Fourteenth---
the storming of the Bastille
by the French peasants

Fred Masarani, 2013

Related words

***** WKD Reference

***** Tear, tears (namida) Japan. Träne, Tränen



Flood Prevention Parade


Flood Prevention Parade
(suiboogumi dezomeshiki)

***** Location: Tokyo, Japan
***** Season: Late Summer
***** Category: Observance


suiboogumi dezomeshiki 水防組出初式 (すいぼうぐみでぞめしき)
First parade of the flood prevention brigade

..... suiboo dezomeshiki 水防出初式(すいぼうでぞめしき)

On July 6.
At Nihonbashi, Hamacho, along the Sumida River.

Three members form a group, place one log in the water, get on it with their geta sandals on and start moving and rotating the log to show their prowess (kakunori 角乗).

CLICK for original LINK : mokuzai tonya

Others climb on long ladders or move the logs with long poles.

This event started in the Meiji period, when five groups were formed to help prevent damage from flooding in the town.


This is an equivalent to the first parade of the fire brigade in January.

. First Fire Brigade Parade (dezome shiki)  

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Related words

***** . Flood, flooding (koozui)  



Madame Curie


Madame Curie Memorial Day (Kyurii ki)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Late Summer
***** Category: Observance


memorial day of Madame Curie
Kyuri ki キュリー忌(きゅりーき)

Kyurii fujin sai キュリー夫人祭 (きゅりーふじんさい)
Festival of Madame Curie
Kyuurii ki キュウリー忌


Fear Less, Know More

Nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more,
so that we may fear less.

Madame Marie Curie


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Marie Sklodowska Curie
(7 November 1867 – 4 July 1934)

was a physicist and chemist of Polish upbringing and subsequent French citizenship. She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity and the first person honored with two Nobel Prizes —in physics and chemistry. She was also the first female professor at the University of Paris.
She married Pierre Curie.

Her achievements include the creation of a theory of radioactivity (a term she coined, techniques for isolating radioactive isotopes, and the discovery of two new elements, polonium and radium. Under her direction, the world's first studies were conducted into the treatment of neoplasms (cancers) using radioactive isotopes.
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Kyuurii ki azami wa kikyoo no hana ka tomo 

Maria Magudarena マリア マグダレナ

At the radium hot spring in Misasa, Tottori, there is a statue of Madame Curie

三朝温泉 「キュリー祭」
Curie Festival, usually held in August


on the late-night movie
as I try to swallow oatmeal
"Madame Curie"

Anita Virgil
source : Simply Haiku, Autumn 2006

Madame Curie is a 1943 biographical film made by MGM.
It was directed by Mervyn LeRoy and produced by Sidney Franklin from a screenplay by Paul Osborn, Paul H. Rameau and Aldous Huxley (uncredited), adapted from the biography by Eve Curie.
Marie Sklodowska (Greer Garson) is a poor, idealistic student living in Paris and studying at the Sorbonne.
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with her life
she opens the door of physics
Curie memorial day

Nakamura Sakuo
Joys of Japan, August 2012

Related words

***** . Misasa Tug-of-war (Misasa tsunahiki)  
At Misasa Onsen Hot Spring

***** Memorial Days of Famous People



Yokohama Port Festival


Yokohama Port Festival

***** Location: Yokohama
***** Season: Early Summer
***** Category: Observance


Yokohama Port Festival
Yokohama Kaiko-sai

May 29, 30, and June 2, 2010.

at Minatomirai 21, Rinko Park

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The 30th Yokohama Kaiko-sai (Yokohama Port Festival)
takes place in Yokohama Akarenga Park on June 2, 2011.
It's held in commemoration of the opening of Yokohama Port in 1859.

Many marine events and stage events are planned in the park and nearby locations. It's situated in Yokohama Minato Mirai 21, which is a newly developed area with shopping malls, hotels, event halls, museums, and more.
Also, the annual commemorative bazaar is held in Yokohama Koen from May 31 - June 6 in 2011.
About 200 stalls set around the Yokohama Stadium sell clothing, crafts, and more items from 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
source : gojapan.about.com

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Gaijin in Japan

- quote
If you’re jōzu and you know it, hold your ground
A non-Japanese (NJ) friend in Tokyo recently had an interesting experience while out drinking with coworkers. (For the record — and I only say this because how you look profoundly affects how you are treated in Japan — he is a youngish Caucasian-looking male.)

His Japanese literacy is high (which is why he was hired in the first place), but his speaking ability, thanks to watching anime in America from childhood, is even higher — so high, in fact, that his colleagues asked him whether he was part-Japanese!

That kinda harshed his buzz. He wondered how he should respond. Should he abide by Japanese manners and deferentially deny his jōzu-ness (skill)? Or accept the praise with a “thank you” and a smile?

I suggested he should not only say thank you and accept the accolades, but also claim the part-Japaneseness. Yes, lie about it.

Why? Because this simple-looking interaction involves several issues, such as social hierarchy, bad science and privacy. And if not handled well, this episode could end up eroding his standing within the group.

First, hierarchy: Longtime readers of this column are by now aware that I see most social interactions in terms of power relationships. This is particularly true in Japan, where just about everything from politeness levels to porn seems to revolve around power. There is almost always some element of social stratification involved — be it senpai/kōhai (senior/junior), jōshi/buka (boss/subordinate), nenpai/wakamono (elder/youngster), not to mention gender, educational background, etc.

One’s social standing naturally affects expectations of how people should behave, and what manners one should adopt. But manners get really screwy if NJ are involved.

For example, consider the expectations behind international communication strategies. It’s pretty much axiomatic that NJ who don’t “look Japanese” can’t possibly speak Japanese: NJ must speak and be spoken to in English!

This means that if somebody has the courage to address an NJ (overcoming the group psychosis of English instruction in Japan; see “Don’t blame JET for Japan’s bad English,” JBC, Sept. 7, 2010), he will often take it as a personal affront if the NJ defies expectations by clicking into Japanese.

Even if no umbrage is taken, the Japanese-speaking NJ is still treated as deviant. You see that in frequent microaggressive behavior like “henna gaijin” (weird foreigner) snipes, or the occasional public figure candidly wishing that “gaijin” weren’t fluent (see “Newscaster regrets anti-foreigner quip”, Asahi Shimbun, Dec. 21, 2006).

That’s one issue. The second is the bad science. Do people seriously believe that having Japanese ancestry makes you better at Japanese?

Actually, many do. But that’s quite unscientific. Admittedly, growing up where people are speaking Japanese around you is helpful for learning what I call “kitchen Japanese,” i.e., unaccented speech but limited literacy. However, not all people with Japanese lineage grow up in a Japanese-language environment, so the connection remains tenuous.

In any case, bloodline doesn’t account for my NJ friend’s Japanese literacy, which rarely happens without structured and disciplined study. He accomplished it, hence the compliments. But the praise is still entangled within a “blood = ability” narrative.

The fact is, Japanese language is a skill, which means it can be learned by anyone able to learn a foreign language, regardless of bloodline or background.

Which leads us to the third issue: privacy. What business was it of my friend’s coworkers to ask about his background?
That’s why he should feel free to lie about it. After all, everyone else in Japan lies about things that are nobody’s business.

Consider the single young lady with the ring on her finger. Ask her where she got it and she’ll probably say she bought it for herself. Even if her boyfriend gave it to her last night at the love hotel. Why? Because personal matters are kept private.

Lying is nothing controversial. I’ve talked before about how not telling the truth is a standard practice of adult life in Japan (see “The costly fallout of tatemae and Japan’s culture of deceit,” JBC, Nov. 1, 2011).
But in this case, lying might actually do some good. By confounding expectations.

Confounding expectations erodes stereotypes. And an excellent way to do this (as comedians and satirists throughout the ages have done) is by poking fun through absurdity and satire.

Naturally, there will be some resistance. Critics of this column essentially believe that Japanese society can never be satirized, i.e., using humor, irony, exaggeration or ridicule to criticize social stupidity and folly. That’s what this column has done for years, raising howls of “cultural insensitivity” and so on.

Such critics are missing the point of irony and satire within social commentary. Since Japanese humor is short on sarcasm, avenues are limited for pointing out foibles. Fortunately, you can still be absurd and get your point across.

Let’s play this out. Consider what would happen if my visibly Caucasian friend were to (falsely) claim Japanese lineage in this setting.

The dogmatists would be pleased to have their expectations confirmed — quite possibly bloodline is the only explanation they’ll accept. The critical thinkers may pause and say to themselves, “Hang on, really?” And maybe, just maybe, a few would realize that the question is patently absurd, and that blood is irrelevant to learning skills.

But what if my friend instead went the route of humility and showed deferential manners? He’d lose. Because, again, Japanese manners are not applied equally to NJ.

For example, even if a Japanese says, either as a response or a disclaimer, “My language ability is no good,” it is usually taken as pro forma humility. People pretty much know “he’s just saying that,” and they don’t take it all that literally. However, if a NJ does it, it reaffirms the narrative and expectation that NJ don’t speak Japanese.

But there are knock-on effects for NJ, especially if you’ve acted deferentially to your juniors: You’ve taken yourself down a rung in the social hierarchy.
Never do that. As I’ve written before (“Toot your own horn — don’t let the modesty scam keep you down,” JBC, Sept. 4, 2012), once you drop down a peg, the group is probably not going to help you back up. Hierarchy is not only something you earn; it’s something you claim.

After all, most native speakers of Japanese cannot appreciate what non-natives have gone through to reach fluency. As I’ve said before, communicating in Japanese is not all that difficult. What’s difficult is communicating with Japanese people.

You have to get over the Catch-22: people not speaking to you in Japanese because it’s not good enough, yet it’s not getting good enough because people won’t speak to you in Japanese. All the power relations and ingrained prejudices accompanying just about every social interaction work both as a barrier and a subordinator for NJ.

So when complimented, say thank you. You’ve earned it, so own it. And if they ask you to play to their expectations, only do so in a way that is to your advantage. Because it’s only going to get more difficult as you get older, and all the young pups who have trouble accepting NJ as senpai will happily enforce stereotypes and police you back into the Dumb Gaijin category. And then you will languish as a permanent subordinate, unrecognized for your herculean efforts.

Defy disempowering expectations, or ultimately it will be your expectations — of equal and respected treatment in Japan after all your investments and sacrifices — that are defeated.
source : Japan Times, Debito Arudou, September 2013


ari ana o idete gaijin-bochi meguru

an ant out of a hole
it wanders around
the cemetery for foreigners

Oogushi Akira 大串章
Tr. Fay Aoyagi

"The Yokohama Foreign Cemetery is situated on the part of the former premises of the Zotokuin temple. In February 1854, the Japan-U.S. Peace and amity Treaty was signed, a tomb was erected for the burial of one of the crew of the fleet commanded by Commodore Perry who visited Yokohama for the signing of the treaty.

After the Yokohama Port opening, that place was officially designated as the cemetery for foreign residents. Now, many foreigners lie in peace here who have been contributors to Japanese culture, including Charles Wirgman, Edmund Morel and Anton Johannes Cornelius Geerts as well as the unknowns killed at the Namamugi or Idogaya Incidents."
-- Yokohama City

- Reference - The Foreigner's Cemetery

The foreign cemeteries (外国人墓地, gaikokujin bochi)
in Japan are chiefly located in Tokyo and at the former treaty ports of Nagasaki, Kobe, Yokohama, and Hakodate.
They contain the mortal remains of long-term Japan residents, and are separate from any of the military cemeteries.
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Related words

***** WKD - ants coming out of their hole

. Place names used in Haiku .



Derby and Car Race


Derby (daabii) and car races

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Early summer
***** Category: Observance


daabii ダービー Derby
Tookyoo Yuushun Kyoosoo
Horse race in TokyoTokyo Yushun
Nihon daabii
日本ダービー(にほんだーびー) Japan Derby

Last weekend in May
(It used to be on the 29th of April, the birthday of Emperor Hirohito.)


The inaugural Japanese Derby was held in 1932 at Tokyo's Meguro Racecourse before being moved to Fuchu two years later, where the race has stayed since. The distance has not changed since the first running, and 2004 champion King Kamehameha owns the race record at 2 minutes, 23.3 seconds.

The race starts from Tokyo's home stretch for a straight run of 400 meters, before leading into the first lefthanded bend. A turn of 550 meters invites the backstretch ahead of the last two turns. The first 225 meters on the final straight of 525 meters slopes upward.

The 77th Tokyo Yushun (Japanese Derby) is shaping up to be one of the best ever in the race's history with a superb cast set to fill the 18 gates on May 30, 2010 at Tokyo Racecourse.
source : japanracing.jp


kigo for early summer

kurabeuma, kurabe uma 競べ馬 (くらべうま)
horse race

Kamo keiba 賀茂競馬(かもけいば)race at Kamo shrine
kisoi uma きそい馬(きそいうま)
koi uma きおい馬(きおいうま)
muda hashiri 空走り(むだはしり)"free run"
kachiuma 勝馬(かちうま)winning horse
makeuma 負馬(まけうま)loosing horse
hashiri uma 走り馬(はしりうま)running horse
ashizoroe 足揃(あしぞろえ) "getting the legs together"

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A special horse race in the compounds of Kami Kamo Shrine in Kyoto.
The "getting the legs together" was held on the first of the fifth lunar month. The racers were divided into two groups, left and right, with two horses racing at the same time.
In the first round, the horse from the left group had to win, this was the "free run".
The jockey on the left horse wore red hakama trousers, the one on the right side black. They wore special hats and had iris flowers around their hips.
They have to run six rounds to find a winner. If the left side wins, there will be a good harvest in this year.

The tradition dates back to the middle of the Heian period, around 1093.

Horse racing events. Also called kioiuma, komakurabe or keiba.
From ancient times such events were held at the court, but during the Heian period (794-1191) they came to be performed by military officers as displays of martial skill and they also took on the character of events to dispel early summer pestilence during this period.

These events came to be performed as part of the annual observances of the fifth day of the fifth month (Boy's Festival). An equestrian archery contest (umayumi, mayumi, kishin) was held on the on the fifth day and was followed on the sixth by horse races (also archery and other equestrian events). Members of the imperial guard would be divided into two sides (left and right) and compete in a series of races. It was at this time that costumes and equestrian methods were fixed.

The Engishiki records the offering of horse running at several shrines, including the Upper and Lower Kamo Shrines, Ōmiwa Shrine, Kasuga Shrine, and Ōharano Shrine. In particular, the races on the fifth day of the fifth month at Kamowake Ikazuchi Shrine were a popular event in the capital area and drew large crowds. Races were held at various regional shrines as well.

The tenth volume of the Kokon Chomonjū includes the following reference to a shrine race: "On the shrine grounds the horse races are held first. In the case of the court ceremony, the event begins with the white horses." This is probably a reference to the races at the Kamo Shrine. In any case, it can be said to indicate how horse races were incorporated into Shinto ceremonies. There are also horse races in which the horses run riderless.
source : Yonei Teruyoshi

Folding Screen with the Kamo Shrine Race
From the 17th century, Cleaveland Museum
source : plaza.harmonix.ne.jp

Worldwide use


. Melbourne Cup .



Maralal International Camel Derby



Pinewood Derby, USA
Car racing event for Cub Scouts in the Boy Scouts of America.



. Camel racing (Al-Hagen)

Things found on the way


daabii no asa kara komeru shatorubasu

from early morning
of the derby day
the shuttle bus is crowded

source : Minato Keishi 湊圭史


derby rocks the house!
dolls with tattoos and fishnets
knock u off ur feet


Related words

. Horse, Pony (uma 馬, ポニー)


***** Car Race - Formula 1
F1 Bahrain Grand Prix (20-22 April 2012) Circuit of Bahrain

Formula One, also known as Formula 1 or F1 and referred to officially as the FIA Formula One World Championship, is the highest class of single seater auto racing sanctioned by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA). The "formula", designated in the name, refers to a set of rules with which all participants' cars must comply.
The F1 season consists of a series of races, known as Grands Prix (in English, Grand Prizes), held on purpose-built circuits and public roads. The results of each race are combined with a points system to determine two annual World Championships, one for the drivers and one for the constructors. The racing drivers, constructor teams, track officials, organizers, and circuits are required to be holders of valid Super Licences, the highest class of racing licence issued by the FIA.

A modern Formula One car
is a single-seat, open cockpit, open-wheel racing car with substantial front and rear wings, and an engine positioned behind the driver. The regulations governing the cars are unique to the championship. The Formula One regulations specify that cars must be constructed by the racing teams themselves, though the design and manufacture can be outsourced.

The number of Grands Prix held in a season has varied over the years.
- Reference Wikipedia -

Bahrain Formula One ---
a rich man sport
in a land of injustice

- Shared by Fred Masarani -
Joys of Japan, 2012




Kinkazan Island


Kinkazan Island - Ishinomaki

***** Location: Miyagi Prefecture
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Observance


Kinkasan (金華山; also Kinkazan)
is a small mountainous island at the tip of the Oshika Peninsula, not far from Sendai in Tohoku, Japan.

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Literally meaning "Golden Flower Mountain", its spiritual significance and the fact that the island used to be a site for a brief gold prospecting boom ensure a steady stream of visitors eager for some good fortune to rub off. Kinkasan is considered one of the three holiest places in Tohoku region, along with Dewa Sanzan and Osorezan. Today little remains except an impressive Shinto shrine devoted to the gods of wealth, Ebisu and Daikoku.

Women were actually banned on the island until the late 19th century, but today, for both sexes, an overnight stay is ideal for those seeking tranquility. According to legend, if you pay a visit to the shrine once a year for three consecutive years, you will have no financial difficulties for the rest of your life.

Koganeyama Shrine (黄金山神社)

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This shrine is the reason most Japanese come here. The shrine originally dates to the 8th century, but the present buildings are much newer and not particularly noteworthy. On the other hand, legend has it that those who visit the shrine three years in a row will become rich.

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Ths island is famous for its wild monkeys and

sika deer, Cervus nippon, on Kinkazan Island


shika tsunokiri 鹿角切り cutting the antlers of deer
May 12

Miyagi prefecture, Kinkazan (Kinkasan), shrine Koganeyama jinja

The purpose of the event is to cut off the deer's antlers. I'm not sure exactly why as nobody I asked seemed to know exactly. The best answer I got was so that it would soon be mating season and cutting the antlers prevents injuries to the male deer when they fight over females.

Basically a group of men (of varying ages) herd a number of deer into the arena, and then they close the gates. They wave long sticks at the deer herding them around and around the outside of the arena. As the deer run a number of the men throw some kind of rope trap device at the antlers.

If the rope catches on an antler they reel the deer in until a group of men swarm the deer (in this photo an over-eager man grabs the deer before the others arrive on the scene) and carry it to a mat (with pillow) and hold it down while the older man in Orange cuts off the Antlers. A young boy then parades the antlers before the crowd and then places them in a basket which is lifted out of the arena.

If the crowd wishes to purchase the antlers they can. However, they are quite expensive. They ranged in price from $100 - $300 dollars.
source : www.trekearth.com


Pilgrim's stamp book cover

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Kinkazan Tsunami on March 2011

A man had escaped high up at Kinkazan island 金華山 , situated before Ishinomaki town and Ojika Peninsula..
He kept taking photos of the tsunami as it came into the inlet, from both sides at once, clashing in the middle in front of his eyes.
Even tsunami-experts have never seen this kind of document before.
It looked like a scene from a biblical movie.

. Kinkazan Tsunami on March 2011 .  


Kinkazan in Gifu 岐阜金華山

Mt. Kinka

(金華山, Kinka-zan), also known as Kinkazan,
is located in the heart of the city of Gifu, Gifu Prefecture, Japan, and rises to a height of 329 m (1,079 ft). Previously called Mt. Inaba (稲葉山 Inabayama), it has long served as the representative symbol of Gifu. It stands along the Nagara River, creating bountiful nature within the city. Though it is the most famous mountain in the city, Mount Dodo, to the north, is the tallest.

First built by the Nikaidō family during the Kamakura period, Gifu Castle atop Mt. Kinka has gone through many forms, with the current building being constructed in 1956.
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Related words

***** shika no tsunokiri 鹿の角切 (しかのつのきり)
cutting the horns of deer

kigo for late autumn

at Kasuga Shrine (春日大社, Kasuga-taisha) in Nara


Ishinomaki Kawabiraki 石巻川開き
"River Opening at Ishinomaki"

The Ishinomaki Kawabiraki Festival is held on August 1st and 2nd every year.
This festival celebrates Kawamura Magobei 川村孫兵衛 , a civil engineer and Samurai during the Edo Period, whose improvements to the Kitakami-gawa River helped Ishinomaki to develop and prosper.

On the first night of the two-day-festival there is a spectacular fireworks display; one of largest in northern Japan(, with about 15,000 separate rounds fired into the sky). During the festival there are many exciting events including the Magobeisen rowing race, and the Tairyo-odori dance parade, where Ishinomaki residents perform traditional, local dances in costume.
source : www.city.ishinomaki.lg.jp

Kawamura Magobei Shigeyoshi 川村重吉
(1575 - 1648)

The Ishinomaki Kawabiraki, or "River Opening" Festival, traditionally celebrates the city's prosperity.

3/11 victims mourned at Ishinomaki summer festival 2012

A century-old summer festival began in tsunami-hit Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, on Tuesday.
The participants are also mourning the victims of last year's March 11th disaster.
Since last year, the festival has also been held to pray for the repose of the March 11th victims and the city's reconstruction.

About 50 Buddhist monks gathered at the mouth of the Kyukitakami river to chant sutras and recite the names of Ishinomaki residents who have died or remain missing.
15,000 paper lanterns bearing the names of victims were floated in the river. People gathered along the banks and prayed silently.

A woman who lost her uncle in the disaster and whose aunt remains missing says she wonders if her aunt may return from nowhere.
She added that 16 months have passed, but she feels that nothing has changed.

Events will be held on Tuesday on the theme of reconstruction to wrap up the 2-day festival.They include a parade by drummers from elementary and junior high schools and a firework display.
source : NHK world news July 31, 2012


BACK : Top of this Saijiki




. Ezo, Emishi 蝦夷 エゾ Ainu Culture アイヌの文化 .

Matsumae in Hokkaido

***** Location: Hokkaido, Japan
***** Season: Various
***** Category: Observance


kigo for early spring
Matsumae wataru 松前渡る (まつまえわたる)
crossing over to Matsumae

kigo for late autumn
Matsumae kaeru 松前帰る (まつまえかえる)
coming home from Matsumae

Matsumae noboru 松前上る(まつまえのぼる)
coming back from Matsumae

These are old kigo.
Matsumae, one of the oldest port towns in Hokkaido, used to be busy during the summer months in the Edo period for fishing.
This custom was also performed by merchants and traders from Tsugaru, Aomori and Akita.
The name Matsumae at that time was almost identical with the old name of Ezo / Hokkaido.


Matsumae (松前町, Matsumae-chō) is a town located in Matsumae District, Oshima, Hokkaidō, Japan. The former home of the Matsumae Han, it has an Edo period castle, Matsumae Castle, the only one in Hokkaidō.
The town is located on the southern end of the Matsumae Peninsula.
In addition the town governs the two islands in the Tsugaru Strait, Oshima and Kojima.

The Matsumae clan (松前藩, Matsumae-han)
was a Japanese clan which was granted the area around Matsumae, Hokkaidō as a march fief in 1590 by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and charged with defending it, and by extension all of Japan, from the Ainu 'barbarians' to the north. Originally known as the Kakizaki clan, and claiming descendence from the Takeda of Wakasa province, the family later took the name Matsumae.
In exchange for their service in defending the country, the Matsumae were made exempt from owing rice to the shogunate in tribute, and from the sankin kōtai system, under which most daimyo (feudal lords of Edo period Japan) were required to spend half the year at Edo, while their families were, essentially, held hostage to prevent rebellion, spending the entire year at Edo.

Due to their location, and their role as border defenders, the Matsumae were the first Japanese to negotiate with Russia in any semi-official way. They might very well have been the first Japanese to meet Russians at all, within Japanese territory.

Since the Matsumae land was a march, a frontier land used as the border defense against the Ainu, the remainder of Hokkaidō, then called Ezo, essentially became an Ainu reservation.
It was only during the Meiji Restoration in the late 19th century that the march was dissolved and Hokkaidō formally annexed by Japan.

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Matsumae Castle (松前城, Matsumae-jō)
is a castle located in Matsumae in Hokkaidō, Japan. It was the home of the Matsumae Han. It is perhaps the only traditional style Edo period castle in Hokkaidō.

Built in 1606 by Matsumae Yoshihiro 松前 慶広, it burned down in 1637 but was rebuilt in 1639. Later, modern defences were built on the site in 1850. In 1875, the administrative building, three turrets, and an artillery position were torn down, before the remaining Donjon and main gate burned down in 1949; it is now all a park.

It once controlled all passengers through Hokkaidō to the rest of Japan.
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- quote
The Kitamaebune 北前船 (lit. northern-bound ships)
was a shipping route (and also the ships involved) in Japan from the Edo to the Meiji periods. The route went from Osaka through the Seto Inland Sea and the Kanmon Straits to ports in Hokuriku on the Sea of Japan and later to Hokkaidō.

The Kaga Domain, which sold approximately 70,000 koku of rice every year in Osaka, succeeded in sending 100 koku by boat through this route in 1639. The Tokugawa Shogunate also received rice from Dewa Province through merchant Kawamura Zuiken in 1672, but it is thought to be a response from these ships. Japanese ships at the time normally could only make one trip per year, but with the arrival of Western schooners in the Meiji Period, ships were able to make up to four trips annually.

However, the Meiji Restoration also brought the end of the feudal system and the introduction of the telegraph, getting rid of gaps between regional markets and making it difficult for the shipping routes to make large profits. The national construction of railroads further led to the end of the Kitamaebune.
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. Matsumaebune 松前船 trade ships .
and the temple Tamonin 多聞院 Tamon-In in Akita


The kagura style of dance and music is performed in the course of worshiping Shinto gods and this type of performance is best represented by the Matsumae kagura.

. Matsumae Kagura Dance 松前神楽

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Food from Hokkaido

Matsumaezuke, Matsumae tsukemono 松前漬け

pickled seaweed and fish rogen
with soy sauce, mirin sugar and other ingredients. 

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. WASHOKU : Matsumaezushi from Hokkaido
松前鮓(まつまえずし)Sushi from Matsumae  松前すし
kigo for all summer
Prepared with salmon or mackerel and a bit of konbu kelp.


kuroguro to Matsumae kaeru hi no ikuri

black, so black
the rocks in the water on the day
returning from Matsumae

Mikami Tooka 三上冬華(みかみ・とうか)(1942 - )
Haiku Collection

Related words

***** . Samekawa misogi 佐女川みそぎSamekawa Ablutions  
At Kikonai, near Hakodate.

***** . Ainu Food アイヌ料理  

***** . Ezo, Emishi 蝦夷 エゾ Ainu Culture アイヌの文化 .

***** . 松窓乙二 Shoso Otsuni
(1756 - 1823)
He travelled a lot, mostly in Northern Japan and even to Hakodate, Hokkaido, and promoted haiku in this area, with the support of the Lord of Matsumae Han.


*****  . Takadaya Kahei 高田屋嘉兵衛 (1769 - 1827) .

In 1795, he constructed a ship named Shinetsu-maru 辰悦丸 with a displacement of 417 tons in Dewa (Yamagata and Akita Prefectures) and captained it. The following year he opened trading stores with the name of Takadaya in Hyogotsu and Hakodate, and started selling goods he transported between Ezo and the Osaka area.


