. Regional Festivals - LIST .
- - - - - KK KK - - - - -
Kagihiki shinji 鉤引神事 (かぎひきしんじ)
ritual of pulling with hooks
..... 鉤引(かぎひき)pulling with wooden hooks
. Kagura 神楽 (かぐら) Kagura dance
..... kami asobi 神遊び(かみあそび)Gods enjoying themselves
..... kagura uta 神楽歌(かぐらうた)kagura song
mikagura 御神楽(みかぐら)
niwabi 庭燎(にわび)
sato kagura 里神楽 (さとかぐら)
yokagura 夜神楽 (よかぐら) Kagura dance at night
..... kagura yado 神楽宿(かぐらやど)
..... hosha 祝者(ほしゃ)
Kaji hajime 鍛冶初, First use of the smithy
..... Hatsu kamado 初竃, first fire in the stove
Kajoogui 嘉定喰 (がじょうぐい) Eating on the Kajo-Day
kajoosen 嘉定銭(かじょうせん)16 coins for Kajo
kajoo nui 嘉定縫(かじょうぬい)sowing on kajo-day
Kakashi age, kakashiage 案山子揚 (かがしあげ)
taking the scarecrows down
..... some no toshitori そめの年取り(そめのとしとり)
Kaketai orosu 掛鯛下す (かけたいおろす) / kakedai orosu
taking the sea bream down
Kakure Nenbutsu かくれ念仏 Secret Nenbutsu Dance
Memory of Kuuya Shoonin
..... Namu Amida Butsu, the Amida Prayer
Kamabarai 竈祓 (かまばらい) purification of the hearth
..... Koojin barai 荒神祓(こうじんばらい)purification of the Kojin deity
kama no kami matsuri 竈の神祭(かまのかみまつり)festival of the hearth deity
..... kama matsuri 竈祭(かままつり)
kama shime 竈注連(かましめ)shime decoration for the hearth
Kamiko 紙衣 Cloths, robes of washi paper
to keep the monks warm.
Kamigamo Nentoosai 上賀茂燃燈祭
"Lantern Festival at Kamigamo Shrine"
hatsune no tamabooki
"precious broom on the first day of the rat"
- - - - - and
Kamigamo otana kazari 上賀茂御棚飾 (かみがもおたなかざり)
shelf decorations at Kamigamo shrine
- at Kamigamo Shrine, Kyoto 上賀茂神社
Kami no tabi 神の旅 (かみのたび) "God on a trip"
the gods are absent, kami no rusu 神の留守
saying good bye to the gods, sending off the gods
..... kami okuri 神送り
"gods-present month", month with the gods in Izumo
kamiarizuki 神有月
welcoming the gods, greeting the gods in Izumo
..... kami mukae 神迎
Kamioki, kami oki 髪置 (かみおき) binding up the hair
..... kushi oki 櫛置(くしおき) using a comb
migushi age, migushiage 御髪上 (みぐしあげ)
memorial service for old combs, hair and nails
Kamogawa Odori .. 鴨川踊 (かもがわおどり) Kamogawa Dance in Kyoto
. Kamo keiba 賀茂競馬 horse race at Kamo shrine
kurabeuma, kurabe uma 競べ馬 (くらべうま) horse race
kisoi uma きそい馬(きそいうま)
koi uma きおい馬(きおいうま)
muda hashiri 空走り(むだはしり)"free run"
kachiuma 勝馬(かちうま)winning horse
makeuma 負馬(まけうま)loosing horse
hashiri uma 走り馬(はしりうま)running horse
ashizoroe 足揃(あしぞろえ) "getting the legs together"
Kamo Mikage Matsuri 賀茂御蔭祭 (かもみかげまつり)
Kamo Shrines in Kyoto
"honorable shadow festival" mikage matsuri, 御蔭祭(みかげまつり). mi-aregi 御生木(みあれぎ). "Lawn Cutting Ceremony", shibakiri shinji 芝切神事(しばきりしんじ)
Kanda matsuri 神田祭 (かんだまつり) Kanda Festival
Kane kasumu 鐘霞む hearing tempel bells from afar
Kane kuyoo 鐘供養 Memorial ceremony of temple bells
Kangetsu Matsuri 観月祭 Moon Viewing Festival
Matsuo Shrine 松尾大社 Kyoto
Kangetsu Sanbutsu-E 観月讃仏会 Moon Viewing Ceremony
Temple Toshodai-Ji 唐招提寺 Nara
Kan Gori, kangori 寒垢離 Ascetic practises in the Cold
..... Kan Mairi, kanmairi 寒参 Temple Visit in the Cold
..... kanmoode 寒詣(かんもうで)
Kan Nenbutsu 寒念仏 Nenbutsu Prayer in the Cold
Kan Segyoo 寒施行 Ascetic practises in the Cold
kangyoo 寒行(かんぎょう
hadaka mairi 裸参(はだかまいり)naked visit to a shrine
. kannamesai 神嘗祭 Festival at Ise Shrine .
kannarijin 雷鳴陣 (かんなりじん) "thunder army"
..... kannari no tsubo 雷鳴の壷(かんなりのつぼ)
..... rai no tsubo 雷の壷(らいのつぼ) "thunder jar"
Imperial Court Ritual, protecting the emperor against thunder
Kanshasai 感謝祭 (かんしゃさい) Thanksgiving
..... shuukaku kanshasai 収穫感謝祭(しゅうかくかんしゃさい)
harvest thanksgiving
Kanshoku 寒食 (かんしょく) "cold food"
kanshoku setsu 寒食節 ritual of eating cold food
hyakugo setsu 百五節(ひゃくごせつ)
ritual on day 105 (after the winter solstice) - Okinawa
Kantoo 竿燈 / 竿灯 (かんとう) "lantern on a pole"
Kanto Lantern Festival in Akita
Kaomise 顔見世 "Showing the Faces"
Seasonal debut of the Kabuki Theater actors
..... Tsuramise 面見世
..... Ashi zoroe 足揃 actors' lineup
Kappa Matsuri かっぱ祭り Kappa Festival (Water Goblin Festival)
Shinawaga, Tokyo
Karasaki mairi 唐崎参 (からさきまいり) Karasaki pilgrimage
..... Karasaki matsuri 唐崎祭(からさきまつり) Karasaki Festival
Karasaki no harai 唐崎の祓(からさきのはらい)purification ritual at Karasaki
Karasaki no sennichi mairi 唐崎の千日参(からさきのせんにちまいり)
Kari kuyoo 雁供養(かりくよう) memorial service for wild geese
ganburo 雁風呂 がんぶろ "bath for the wild geese"
Kasai Kannon Daruma Market 笠井観音の達磨市
Kasetori かせとり"Imitating the Cock's Call"
..... kasedori かせどり, カセ鳥
kakkadori かっかどり, kasegidori かせぎどり, hotohoto ほとほと
Kashihara matsuri ... 橿原祭 Kashihara Shrine Festival, Nara
Kashima matsuri 鹿島祭 (かしままつり) Kashima Shrine Festival
..... Kashima Goshinkoo sai 鹿島御神幸祭(かしまごしんこうさい)
Kashima no kotobure 鹿島の事触 (かしまのことぶれ)
Kashima diviners, itinerant priests
..... kotobure 言触(ことぶれ)
Kashima saitoosai 鹿島祭頭祭 Saito Sai Festival at Kashima Shrine
Kasuga Matsuri ... 春日祭 (かすがまつり) Kasuga Shrine Festival, Nara
..... "Kasuga Monkey Festival" saru matsuri 申祭(さるまつり)
Kasuga matsuri, Wakamiya On Matsuri ... 春日若宮御祭
Kasuga Shrine Festivals. "THE Festival" on matsuri 御祭(おんまつり).
..... Kasuga mantooroo 春日万燈籠 (かすがまんとうろう). Kasuga no mantoo 春日の万燈(かすがのまんとう)
Kasuga no o-taue matsuri 春日御田植祭
rice planting ritual at Kasuga shrine Kyoto
sometimes placed as mid-spring kigo
. . . . . Kawa, the River - - -
Kawadome 川止め (かわどめ) an interruption in crossing the river
kawabiraki 川開き (かわびらき) opening of the river season
kawayashiro 川社(かわやしろ)shrine by the river
kawaharae, kawa harae 川祓(かわはらえ)ablutions in a river
and more
Kawazugari no shinji 蛙狩の神事 (かわずがりのしんじ)
ceremony of hunting for frogs
Frog Hunting Shrine Ritual
..... kawazutobi no shinji 蛙飛びの神事(かわずとびのしんじ)
frog-jumping ritual. at Suwa Shrine, Nagano
Kayu 粥 Rice Gruel and related ceremonies
gruel at the tenth night, juuya gayu 十夜粥. "Gruel for Priest Chi-E", Chie gayu 智慧粥
. winter solstice gruel, tooji gayu 冬至粥 (とうじがゆ). offering gruel to the poor, kayu segyoo 粥施行.
Kayutsuri 粥釣, 粥つり かゆつり "Fishing for rice gruel"
Kazari-uri, kazariuri (かざりうり)
vendor of New Year decorations
Kaze no Bon 風の盆 Bon festival of the Wind
. Kebesu festival (kebesu sai ケベス祭)
Kehi matsuri 気比祭 (けひまつり) Kehi Shrine Festival
..... Tsuruga matsuri 仲秋 敦賀祭(つるがまつり) Tsuruga Festival
Keiroo no hi 敬老の日 Respect for the Aged Day
kemi 毛見 (けみ ) tax evaluation
kemi no shuu 毛見の衆(けみのしゅう)group of tax evaluation officials
kemi no hi 毛見の日(けみのひ)day of tax evaluation
tsubogari 坪刈(つぼがり) "harvesting one tsubo of land" and more ...
Kenkoku kinenbi 建国記念日 (けんこくきねんび) National Foundation Day of Japan
kenkoku no hi 建国の日(けんこくのひ)、kenkoku sai 建国祭(けんこくさい)、kigensetsu 紀元節(きげんせつ)、baika setsu 梅花節(ばいかせつ)、baika setsu 梅佳節(ばいかせつ)
Kenpoo Kinenbi 憲法記念日 (けんぽうきねんび) Constitution Day
March 3
Kenpai Shiki 献盃式 Ceremony of drinkingin memory of Shinran Shoonin
Kibune matsuri 貴船祭 (きふねまつり) Kifune Festival
... Kifune shinji 貴船神事(きふねしんじ)Kifune Shinto ritual
gokoosai 御更祭(ごこうさい)"changing the robes of the deity"
itadori matsuri 虎杖祭(いたどりまつり "knotweed festival"
Shrine Kifune Junja, Kyoto
Kijizake (kiji sake) 雉子酒 "Pheasant ricewine"
kiji shu 雉子酒(きじしゅ) - o kiji おきじ
- - - - - and
kissho no soo 吉書奏 auspicious writing - Court rituals
Kiken Castle (kikenjoo 善見城)Heat Shimmers and
Taishaku-Ten 帝釈天.
Kinensai 祈念祭 (きねんさい) Kinensai ritual Court ceremony
..... toshigoi no matsuri 年祈いの祭(としごいのまつり)
. Kinkazan, cutting antlers (shika tsunokiri)
Kinroo kansha no hi 勤労感謝の日
Labour Thanksgiving Day
Kiraigoo 鬼来迎 (きらいごう) "Welcoming the Demons"
..... Oni Mai 鬼舞(おにまい)"Demon's Dance"
Kishibojin Matsuri 鬼子母神祭 Kishibojin Festival
Kisshoo-in hakkoo 吉祥院八講 きっしょういんはっこう
Ceremony at temple Kisho-In
Kisshoo-in hokke e 吉祥院法華会(きっしょういんほっけえ)
Kitano matsuri 北野祭 (きたのまつり) Kitano Festival
Shrine Kitano Tenmangu, Kyoto
Kitano natane goku 北野菜種御供 (きたのなたねごく)
ritual for rapeseed blossoms at shrine Kitano Tenmangu
Kitano baikasai 北野梅花祭(きたのばいかさい)Plum festival at Kitano
baika goku 梅花御供(ばいかごく)
tenjin goki 天神御忌(てんじんごき)memorial day of Tenjin
Michiyane ki 道真忌(みちざねき) memorial day of Michizane
Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真. Kyoto
Kitano no fudehajime sai 北野の筆始祭
first use of the brush ceremony at Kitano
Kitano zuiki matsuri 北野芋茎祭 (きたのずいきまつり)
Vegetable Decoration Festival
zuiki matsuri 瑞饋祭 / zuiki mikoshi 芋茎御輿
Kitoo-gitsune 祈祷狐(きとうぎつね)prayer to the Fox deity (kitsune)
..... kitsune mai 狐舞 (きつねまい) fox dance
..... inariyama no shirogitsune 稲荷山の白狐(いなりやまのしろぎつね)the white fox from Inari mountain
Kiyomizu hoshikudari 清水星下り (きよみずほしくだり)
"a star comes to Kiyomizu"
. . . . . and
Kiyomizu sennichi moode 清水千日詣 (きよみずせんにちもうで)
..... yokubi 欲日(よくび), shiman rokusennichi 四万六千日(しまんろくせんにち)
tempel Kiyomizudera, Kyoto.
Kiyomizu jishu matsuri 清水地主祭(きよみずじしゅまつり)
Festival of the local deity of Kiyomizu
..... jishu matsuri 地主祭 (じしゅまつり)
Kyoto, shrine Jishu Jinja 地主神社
. Kobe Festival 神戸まつり Kobe Matsuri
Kodomo no hi 子供の日 (こどものひ) Day of the Children
May 5.
Kokuseki-Ji Hadaka Matsuri 黒石寺裸祭
Kokuseki Temple Naked Festival
Kuroishi Hadaka Matsuri 黒石裸祭
..... Sominsai 蘇民祭
Komabiki 駒牽 こまびき "selecting horses"
..... natsu no komabiki 夏の駒牽(なつのこまびき)
selecting horses in summer - Imperial court ritual.
Komatsu hiki 小松引 pulling out small pine seeldings
..... First Day of the Rat, hatsune 初子
..... dress for the day of the rat, ne no hi goromo 子の日衣
and a few more kigo of this day
Koofukuji Monju e 興福寺文殊会 (こうふくじもんじゅえ)
ceremony for Monju Bosatsu at temple Kofuku-Ji
Koofukuji hokke e 興福寺法華会 (こうふくじほっけえ)
ceremony of the Lotus Sutra at temple Kofuku-Ji
. . . . . and
Yuima-E 維摩会 Ceremony for Yuima (Vimalakirti)
Koofukuji Yuima-e 興福寺維摩会(こうふくじゆいまえ)
Joomyoo e 浄名会(じょうみょうえ)
Koomyoo Shingon-E 光明真言会 Ceremony of the Komyo Mantra
Saidai-Ji Nara, October 3 - 5
Kooya Doofu 高野豆腐 Dry Tofu from Mt. Koya
Koto hajime 事始 Beginning of Work and Activities
.....koto no yooka 事八日(ことようか)"day number 8"
..... okoto, o-koto おこと
okoto jiru お事汁(おことじる)soup eaten on the first day of work
itokoni 従兄煮(いとこに)itokoni stew
mushitsujiru むしつ汁(むしつじる)mushitsu soup
Kotohira matsuri 金刀比羅祭 (ことひらまつり) Kotohira Festival
..... Konpira 金毘羅祭(こんぴらまつり)Kompira festival Shikoku
Koyomi no Soo 暦の奏 Imperial Ceremony of perparing the new calendar
..... Goryaku no soo 御暦の奏(ごりゃくのそう)、rekisoo 暦奏(れきそう)
. Kumano Fude Matsuri 熊野筆まつり Brush Festival in Kumano Hiroshima, Kumano town
Kumano renga hajime 熊野連歌始
beginning linked verse at Kumano - Wakayama
Kuma matsuri 熊祭 (くままつり) bear festival Ainu, Hokkaido
. Kurama no Hana Kuyoo 鞍馬の花供養
Flower Ceremony at Kurama Temple
hana kuyoo 花供養(はなくよう)Flower Ceremony
flower dedication
hana gu senboo 花供懺法(はなぐせんぽう)
Kurama no hi matsuri 鞍馬の火祭 Kurama Fire Festival
kurisumasu クリスマス Christmas, Weihnachten
..... kootansai 降誕祭(こうたんさい)
with many more related kigo
Kurokawa noo 黒川能 (くろかわのう ) Kurokawa Noh performance
Oogisai 王祗祭(おうぎさい) oogi ceremony
Kuromori Kabuki 黒森歌舞伎 (くろもりかぶき ) Yamagata prefecture
Kusa no ichi 草の市 Market for O-Bon
Kusuri no hi 薬の日 "Medicine Day"
kusuri gari 薬狩 (くすりがり)collecting medicine, "hunting for medicine"
picking medical herbs, yakusoo tsumi 薬草摘(やくそうつみ)
"picking a hundred herbs" hyakusoo tsumi 百草摘み(ひゃくそうつみ)
kusudama 薬玉 (くすだま) "medicine ball"
choomeiru, choomei ru 長命縷(ちょうめいる)/ 続命縷(しょくめいる)
"threads of long life"
koori o kuuzu 氷を供ず (こおりをくうず) offering ice to the deities in a Shinto shrine
..... hi n omitsugi 氷の貢(ひのみつぎ)
..... himuro no tsukai 氷室の使(ひむろのつかい)bringer of the ice
..... hi no omono 氷の御物(ひのおもの)ice offering
Kumano Taisha 熊野大社 Kumano Shrine festivals Matsue, Shimane
Kurabe-uma 競べ馬 (くらべうま) horse racing
..... Kamo keiba 賀茂競馬(かもけいば)at Kamo
kisoi uma きそい馬(きそいうま)
koi uma きおい馬(きおいうま)
muda hashiri 空走り(むだはしり)"free run"
kachiuma 勝馬(かちうま)winning horse
makeuma 負馬(まけうま)loosing horse
hashiri uma 走り馬(はしりうま)running horse
ashizoroe 足揃(あしぞろえ) "getting the legs together"
Kurama no take kiri 鞍馬の竹伐 (くらまのたけきり)
cutting bamboo at Kurama
takekiri 竹筏(たけきり)
Kurama no renge e 鞍馬の蓮華会(くらまのれんげえ)
Kurama Lotus Ceremony
Kurama no take kiri eshiki 鞍馬の竹伐会式
ceremony of cutting bamboo at Kurama
Kuwana matsuri 桑名祭 (くわなまつり) Kuwana Festival
ishitori matsuri 石採祭(いしとりまつり)Ishidori Festival
lit. "stone bringing festival"
ishitori shinji 石採神事(いしとりしんじ)
hiyoori matsuri 比予利祭(ひようりまつり)
Kuwana town, Mie
. Kyoto Festivals in April
Kyuuri fuuji きゅうり封じ purifying the cucumbers, cucumber service
Kyuushuu basho 九州場所 (きゅうしゅうばしょ) Kyushu Sumo Tournament
Related words
. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .
- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -
- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -
- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -
- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -
- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -
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