. Regional Festivals - LIST .
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Jarai 射礼 (じゃらい) "respectful shooting" at the imperial court
..... inokoshi, i no koshi 射遺 (いのこし)
Jizoo Bon 地蔵盆 Ceremonies for Jizoo Bosatsu, August 18 - 24
jichinsai, jimatsuri 地祭り Groundbreaking ceremony
Joogen, jogen, 上元 First third of the year
..... shongan しょんがん、 genshoosai 元宵祭(げんしょうさい)、 genshoosetsu 元宵節(げんしょうせつ)、genshoo 元宵(げんしょう)、joogen e 上元会(じょうげんえ)、joogen no hi 上元の日(じょうげんのひ), genseki 元夕(げんせき ), ceremony of praying for good luck, kifuku sai 祈福祭(きふくさい), changing the candles, roosoku kae 蝋燭替(ろうそくかえ)
..... Lantern festival (Yuanxiao 元宵節) China
Joonan matsuri 城南祭 (じょうなんまつり) Jonan Festival
Joonan jin matsuri 城南神祭(じょうなんじんまつり)
Shrine 城南宮 Jonan-Gu
Jooraku-e 常楽会 (じょうらくえ ) Nirvana Ceremony
temple Kofuku-Ji, Kyoto
Joya moode 除夜詣(じょやもうで)shrine visit at the last night
..... joya no kane 除夜の鐘
..... hyakuhachi no kane 百八の鐘(ひゃくはちのかね)
Last Day of the Year (oomisoka 大晦日, Japan)
Juuhachi Gayu 十八粥 Rice Gruel on the 18th day
Juurokunichi sai 十六日祭 (じゅうろくにちさい)
festival of the 16th day
mii juukokunichi 新十六日(みいじゅうろくにち)new 16th day
koodooroo 香燈籠(こうどうろう)fragrant lanterns
juuya 十夜 (じゅうや) the 10th night
Ceremony for Amida Buddha
honorable tenth night, o juuya 御十夜(おじゅうや)
tenth night ritual, juuya hooyoo 十夜法要(じゅうやほうよう)
gruel at the tenth night, juuya gayu
prayer gongs at the 10th night, juuya gane 十夜鉦(じゅうやがね)
temple with ceremonies at the 10th night, juuya dera
monk at the 10th night, juuya soo十夜僧(じゅうやそう)
old woman at the 10th night, juuya baba
persimmons for the 10th night, juuya gaki
Juuyokka toshikoshi 十四日年越, 十四日年越し
celebration of January 14
To pass safely over into a new circle with the full moon on lunar first month, day 15.
..... juuyokka dango 十四日団子(じゅうよっかだんご)
dango dumplings eaten on day 14 of the lunar first month
Jukai-e 授戒会 Initiation ceremony for novice monks *
Juusan-mairi 十三詣 temple visit for 13 Buddhas
13 Protector Buddhas for the first 13 years of a child
chie moode 知恵詣(ちえもうで),
"praying for wisdom", chie morai 知恵貰い(ちえもらい)
Juzudama 数珠玉 "Beads of the Rosary" Job's tears, a plant.
and more about the rosary in Japan!
Related words
. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .
- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -
- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -
- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -
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