. Regional Festivals - LIST .
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Iba Hajime 射場始 Imperial Ceremony of first shooting in Winter
..... yuba hajime 弓場始(ゆばはじめ)
Ichigami matsuri 市神祭 (いちがみまつり)
festival for the God of the Market
Ichiya kanjoo 一夜官女 (いちやかんじょ) court lady for one night
. . . . . ichiji jooroo 一時上臈(いちじじょうろう)
Nozato Sumiyoshi Shrine 野里住吉神社
Imamiya matsuri 今宮祭 (いまみやまつり) Imamiya Festival
Imamiya matsuri oide 今宮祭御出(いまみやまつりおいで)
take part in the Imamiya festival. Kyoto
Imigomori 亥巳籠 (いみごもり) respectful retreat
from the first day of the wild boar (i 亥)
to the day of the snake (mi 巳)
..... Kako no monoshizume 加古の物鎮(かこのものしずめ)
seclusion at Kakogawa, Hyogo
Inari matsuri 稲荷祭 (いなりまつり) Fox God Festival
Inari matsuri oide 稲荷祭御出(いなりまつりおいで)、Inari no oide 稲荷のお出(いなりのおいで)、Inari shinkoosai 稲荷神幸祭(いなりしんこうさい)
inbi no gohan 忌火の御飯 (いんびのごはん) "rice on the memorial day"
inbi no gohan kuuzu 忌日の御飯を供ず(いんびのごはんをくうず)
making rice offerings on the memorial day
Court ritual of the Heian period
. . . . . and
jingonjiki 神今食 じんごんじき "Deity eating with the Emperor"
. . . . . and
gesai no on kayu 解斎の御粥 end of fasting rice gruel
Inari no bushasai 稲荷の奉射祭 (いなりのぶしゃさい)
first shooting at the Inari shrine
bushasai, busha sai 歩射祭(ぶしゃさい)
onyumihajimesai, on yumi hajime sai 御弓始祭(おんゆみはじめさい)
. . . . . and
Inari Ooyama sai 稲荷大山祭 Oyama Fox God Festival
shimehiki 注連曳き(しめひき)bringing new sacred ropes
Inari shimehari 稲荷注連張(いなりしめはり) Inari sacred rope
shimehari shinji 注連張神事(しめはりしんじ)
kawarake hiroi 土器拾い(かわらけひろい)picking up ritual clay dishes
okawarake, o kawarake 御土器(おかわらけ)honorable clay dishes
- at Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kyoto 伏見稲荷大社
In no Hairai 院の拝礼 First Court Ceremony
Inoko, i no ko 亥の子 (いのこ) wild boar
i no hi matsuri 亥の日祭(いのひまつり)festival on the day of the boar
i no kami matsuri 亥の神祭(いのかみまつり)festival for the deity of the wild boar
..... and many more about Marishi Ten
Iriya Asagao Ichi 入谷朝顔市
Morning Glory Flower Market at the temple in Iriya
Ise Hoohei 伊勢奉幣(いせほうへい) Imperial Envoy to Ise Shrine
reihei 例幣 (れいへい) imperial envoy
kanname no matsuri 神嘗祭 (かんなめのまつり)
kannamesai 晩秋 神嘗祭(かんなめさい)
shinjoosai 神嘗祭(しんじょうさい)
. .. . . Ise Jingu and its kigo
Ise gosenguu 伊勢御遷宮 (いせごせんぐう) Gosengu Festival of the Ise Shrine
gosenguu 御遷宮(ごせんぐう)
Ise kanmiso no matsuri伊勢神御衣祭 Festival at Ise Shrine
miso no matsuri 御衣祭(みそのまつり), kanso matsuri 神衣祭(かんそまつり)
offerings of summer garments to the deities
. . . . . and
Ise no o-taue 伊勢の御田植 (いせのおたうえ) planting rice at Ise
mitamatsuri 御田祭(みたまつり)"festival of the honorable rice fields"
... omitamatsuri, o-mita matsuri お御田祭(おみたまつり)
Yamada no o-taue 山田の御田植(やまだのおたうえ)
planting rice at Yamada otaue ogi 御田扇(おたおうぎ) fan for the planting rice ceremony
Ise Mairi 伊勢参 (いせまいり) Visiting Ise Shrine
Ise sanguu 伊勢参宮(いせさんぐう), O-kage mairi お陰参(おかげまいり), nuke mairi 抜参(ぬけまいり), saka mukae 坂迎え(さかむかえ)
Ise Shrine Group, isekoo 伊勢講(いせこう),
daidai koo 太々講(だいだいこう)
Issa Festival at temple Entenji, Tokyo 炎天寺 - Kobayashi Issa
Itsukushima chinza sai 厳島鎮座祭 (いつくしまちんざさい)
Itsukushima Shrine dedication festival
oshimeshi, o shime shi 御燈消(おしめし)"turning off the lights"
yamaguchi toji no matsuri 山口閉の祭(やまぐちとじのまつり)
"closing down mountain roads" festival
Miyajima, Hiroshima
Itsukushima Ennensai 厳島延年祭(いつくしまえんねんさい)
Ennen Festival at Itsukushima
..... tamatori matsuri 玉取祭 (たまとりまつり) "bead-grabbing festival"
Itsukushima Jinja no toshikoshisai
厳島神社の年越祭 (いつくしまじんじゃのとしこしさい)
Crossing into the new year at Itsukushima shrine
. . . . . and
Itsukushima no on yumi hajime 厳島の御弓始 (いつくしまのおんゆみはじめ)
kisha 鬼射(きしゃ)"hitting the demon"
onyumi shinji 御弓神事(おんゆみしんじ)
honorable ceremony of the bow
- at Miyajima, 宮島の大元神社 Omoto shrine ceremony. Hiroshima
Itsukushima matsuri 厳島祭 (いつくしままつり) Itsukushima Festival
Itsukushima kangensai 厳島管絃祭(いつくしまかんげんさい)
Iwafune Taisai 岩船大祭 Great Festival at Iwafune
Murakami, Niigata / 新潟県村上市岩船三日市
Iwakura matsuri 岩倉祭 (いわくらまつり) Iwakura Festival
..... shiritataki matsuri 晩秋 尻たたき祭(しりたたきまつり)
festival of hitting the backside
September 15, Shrine Iwakura Jinja 石座神社 Kyoto
Izumo matsuri 出雲祭 (いずもまつり) Izumo Festival
Izumo daisairei 出雲大祭礼(いずもだいさいれい) great festival at Izumo
at Izumo-taisha 出雲大社, Izumo Grand Shrine, Shimane
. Izumo Orochi Matsuri 出雲おろち祭り
Izumo Taisha Niiname sai 出雲大社新嘗祭 Thanksgiving Ceremony at Izumo Shrine
"Celebrations of the First Taste"
Related words
. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .
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- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -
- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -
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