. Regional Festivals - LIST .
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Saga Dainenbutsu 嵯峨大念仏 Great Invocation of Amida at Saga
Saga Dainenbutsu Kyoogen
One of the three famous prayer kyogen.
Saga no Hashira Taimatsu 嵯峨の柱炬 Fire Festival at Saga, Kyoto.
Sagichoo Festival 左義長 Fire Rituals and Coming of Age Ceremonies
..... sagichoo 三毬杖(さぎちょう)、tondo とんど、dondo どんど、dondon yaki どんどん焼き(どんどんやき)、dondo shoogatsu どんど正月(どんどしょうがつ)、dondo ba どんど場(どんどば)、saito yaki さいと焼き(さいとやき)
hut for the small new year, shougatsu goya 正月小屋(しょうがつごや)、dondon goya どんどん小屋(どんどんごや)、snow hut yukigoya 雪小屋(ゆきごや)、saitogoya さいと小屋(さいとごや)、
burning the decorations, kazaritaki 飾り焚(かざりたき)、kazari age 飾りあげ(かざりあげ)、kazari hayashi 飾りはやし(かざりはやし)、
burning the first calligraphy of the year, kissho age 吉書揚(きっしょあげ)、wakabi 若火(わかび)、miso dondo みそどんど
firecrackers, bakuchiku 爆竹(ばくちく)、kazaritaku 飾焚く(かざりたく)
Saidaiji Oochamori, oo-cha mori 西大寺大茶盛
serving big cups of green tea at temple Saidai-Ji
..... oochamori 大茶盛(おおちゃもり) "big teacup" - Nara, April
Saikusa matsuri 三枝祭 (さいくさまつり) Saikusa Lily Festival
Isagawa matsuri 率川祭(いさかわまつり)Isagawa Shrine festival
... mikusa matsuri みくさ祭(みくさまつり)Mikusa festival
..... yuri matsuri 百合祭(ゆりまつり) lily festival
Nara, Isagawa shrine 率川神社
Sai no kami no kanjin 幸の神の勧進 (さいのかみのかんじん)
Praying to the God of the Fields
Saizoo ichi 才蔵市 (さいぞういち)
Market with Saizo singers from Mikawa
Sakanbe no fuyu matsuri 坂部の冬祭 (さかんべのふゆまつり)
Winter Festival in Sakanbe (Sakabe)
Suwa Shrine, Nagano
Sakuranbo matsuri さくらんぼ祭 (さくらんぼまつり)
cherry festival
in Sagae 寒河江市, Yamanashi Prefecture
Sanbai oroshi さんばい降し (さんばいおろし)
calling the god of the paddies
sanbai matsuri さんばい祭(さんばいまつり)/ 三拝祭り
festival for the god of the fields
sanbai okuri さんばい送り(さんばいおくり)
sanbai machi さんばい待ち(さんばいまち)
waiting for the god of the fields
Sanemori matsuri 実盛祭 Sanemori Festival
for the samurai Saito Sanemori 斉藤実盛
Sanja Matsuri 三社祭 Festival at Asakusa Kannon Tokyo 浅草
Asakusa matsuri 浅草祭(あさくさまつり)Asakusa Festival
binzasara odori びんざさら踊(びんざさらおどり)Binzasara dance
sanja matsuri 三社祭(さんじゃさい) Festivals of the three shrines
Sanmonbiraki, sanmon biraki 山門開き (さんもんびらき)
opening the temple gate Edo
Sannoo matsuri 山王祭 (さんのうまつり) Sanno Festival
Hiyoshi matsuri 日吉祭(ひよしまつり)、 sakaki giri 榊伐(さかきぎり)、sarumatsuri 申祭(さるまつり) Monkey Festival
... uma no shinji 午の神事(うまのしんじ)、hitsuji no goku 未の御供(ひつじのごく), saru no jingu 猿の神供(さるのじんく)
Otsu, shrine Hiyoshi Taisha
Sapporo Matsuri 札幌祭 (さっぽろまつり) Sapporo Festival
Satsuki imi 五月忌 さつきいみ Abstinence in Satsuki
(in the fifth lunar month)
amezutsumi 雨づつみ(あめづつみ)"wrapped in rain"
nagame imi 霖雨斎み(ながめいみ)"abstinence during the long rain"
onna no ie 女の家(おんなのいえ)"home of the women"
onna tenka no hi 女天下の日(おんなてんかのひ) "day of the women"
Satsuki kyoogen 五月狂言 (さつききょうげん)
Kyogen in the fifth lunar month
..... 皐月狂言(さつききょうげん)
. ..... Soga matsuri 曽我祭(そがまつり)
festival of the Soga brothers
Segaki 施餓鬼 Offering food and drink to the hungry ghosts also
Hungry Ghosts, gaki 餓鬼
Seihakusai 青柏祭 (せいはくさい) Seihaku Festival
Ishikawa, Nanao Town 七尾市
Sei Johanne no hi 聖ヨハネの日 (せいよはねのひ)
Day of Saint John the Apostle
..... Sei Johanne no iwaibi
seikazoku no hi 聖家族の日 (せいかぞくのひ)
Day of the Holy Family
Festival Day of the Holy Family from Nazareth
Seimeisai 清明祭 (せいめいさい) Seimei festival, Okinawa
..... seimei mairi 清明参(せいめいまいり) "visiting graves at Seimei)
ushiimii (ウシーミー), shiimii
seitaisetsu 聖胎節 せいたいせつ
day of the Immaculate Conception (of Virgin Mary)
Maria no onyadori no hi
Sei Sabieru no hi 聖ザビエルの日 (せいざびえるのひ)
Day of Saint Xavier
Sei Furanshisuko Sabieru shi sai no iwaibi
Sabieru no iwaibi ザビエルの祝日(ざびえるのいわいび)
Sei Sabieru sai 聖ザビエル祭(せいざびえるさい)
Festival for Saint Xavier
Seishokusai 聖燭祭 (せいしょくさい) Candlemass
..... shu no hooken 主の奉献(しゅのほうけん)
Presentation of Jesus at the Temple / Groundhog Day
Sekiten 釈奠 (せきてん) Confucius Ceremony
Kooshi sai, kooshisai 孔子祭(こうしさい)Confucius Festival
okimatsuri おきまつり / Sekisai 釈菜(せきさい)
Semai 施米 Giving Alms of Rice
Senbonzuki 千本搗
Ceremony of pounding rice with 1000 mallets
Senbu-E 千部会 Ceremony of chanting sutras for 1000 times
妙顯寺 Myoken-Ji, Kyoto
Sendango 千団子 (せんだんご ) "1000 dango"
千団子祭(せんだんごまつり)festival of the one thousand dango
sendango moode 千団子詣(せんだんごもうで)visiting the temple Miidera
sendankoo 栴檀講(せんだんこう)group for the chinaberry
sendankoo 千団講(せんだんこう)group for the 1000 dango
Kijibojin mairi 鬼子母神参(きじぼじんまいり) visiting Kishibojin
At temple Mii-dera 三井寺
Sengen Matsuri 浅間祭 (Asama matsuri)
Sengen Shrine (Asama jinja) in Shizuoka.
Sennichi Mairi 千日参 Thousand Days of a Temple Visit
Karasaki mairi 唐崎参 (からさきまいり) Karasaki pilgrimage
Senshoku sai 染織祭 Festival of dying material for robes
gofuku sai 呉服祭(ごふくさい)
Sentei sai 先帝祭 (せんていさい) Sentei Festival
..... Sentei-e, Sentei e 先帝会(せんていえ)
In memory of Antoku Tenno, at shrine Akama Jingu, Shimonoseki
Setagaya boroichi 世田谷ぼろ市 flea market at Setagaya, Tokyo
..... boro-ichi ぼろ市(ぼろいち) flea market
Setsubun 節分 Setsubun Festival (February 3)
..... Tsuina 追儺 Driving away the evil influences
..... Nayarai なやらい、oni yarai 鬼やらい(おにやらい)
fukumame, fuku mame 福豆(ふくまめ)lucky beans
toshi otoko 年男(としおとこ)"man of the year"
oniuchimame, oni uchi mame 鬼打豆(おにうちまめ)
beans to throw at the demons
fuku wa uchi 福は内(ふくはうち)"Good luck, come in!"
oni wa soto 鬼は外(おにはそと)"Demons, go out! "
. . . mamemaki 豆まき, throwing beans and more kigo
Settai 摂待 (せったい) "giving alms"
..... kadocha 門茶(かどちゃ)"tea at the corner" for pilgrims
Shakutoo-E 積塔会 Ceremony for blind people
shakutoo-e 石塔会(しゃくとうえ)、shakutoo 石塔(しゃくとう)"stone tower", shakutoo 積塔(しゃくとう)、zatoo shakutoo 座頭積塔(ざとうしゃくとう)
Shakyoo-e 写経会 Meeting to Copy Sutras
Shanichi 社日Shrine day - For the God of the Earth (tsuchi no kami)
Shari-Koo 舎利講 Prayer Meeting for Buddha's bones
Shiba Myoojin matsuri 芝明神祭 (しばみょうじんまつり)
festival at Shiba Myojin Shrine Tokyo
Shiba shinmei matsuri 芝神明祭 (しばしんめいまつり)
Festival at Shiba Shinmei Shrine - Tokyo
..... daradara matsuri だらだら祭(だらだらまつり)
..... shooga ichi 生姜市(しょうがいち) ginger market
Shichi Fukujin Mairi 七福神参り
Pilgrimage to the Seven Gods of Good Luck
..... shichifukujin Moode 七福神詣
Shichi Go San 七五三 Seven Five Three Celebration
..... Celebrating Shichi-Go-San, shime iwai 七五三祝
..... Seven-Five-Three congratulations
..... shichigosan no iwai 七五三の祝
...... sweets for this celebration, chitose ame 千歳飴
Shichikoozan mairi 七高山詣
Pilgrimage to the Seven High Mountains
Shidodera matsuri, Shidoji Sai 志度寺祭 (しどでらまつり)
Shidoji Temple Festival
..... Shidodera hakkoo 志度寺八講(しどでらはっこう)
Shido mairi 志度詣(しどまいり)visiting temple Shido
juukokudo-e 十六度会(じゅうろくどえ)
juurokudo ichi 十六度市(じゅうろくどいち)market
Shigatsu Baka 四月馬鹿 April Fool エイプリルフール
"all fools season", bangu setsu 万愚節(ばんぐせつ)
Shihoo hai 四方拝, しほうはい
Court ritual prayer to the four directions
Shika no tsunokiri 鹿の角切 (しかのつのきり)
cutting the horns of deer
tsunokiri 角伐(つのきり)cutting the horns
shikayose 鹿寄せ(しかよせ)herding the deer together
shikatsuri 鹿釣り(しかつり)"fishing for deer"
at Shrine Kasuga Taisha, Nara
Shimabara no taiyuu no doochuu 。。島原の大夫の道中 Shimabara Geisha Procession (Kyoto)
Shimabara taiyuu no doochuu 島原大夫の道中
Shimada ame matsuri 島田飴まつり
Shimada Candy Festival
Yoshioka Hachiman Shrine, Miyagi Prefecture.
. Shimane Prefecture - 島根県 .
Shiman Rokusen Nichi 四万六千日 "memorial day of Kannon Bosatsu"
Shimogamo no misogi 下賀茂の御祓 (しもがものみそぎ)
Shimogamo purification rituals
visiting for the Mitarashi festival, mitarashi moode
御手洗詣 みたらしもうで
Tadasu no suzumi 糺の納涼(ただすのすずみ) coolness of the Tadasu forest
mitarashi dango 御手洗団子 rice dumplings
. Shimotsuki Matsuri 霜月祭り Festival in Shimotsuki Month .
the eleventh month of the lunar calendar.
Shinagawa matsuri 品川祭 Shinagawa Festival
Shinagawa Ten-Oo matsuri 品川天王祭(しながわてんのうまつり)Shinagawa Ten-O festival
Shinagawa kappa matsuri 品川河童祭(しながわかっぱまつり)Shinagawa kappa festival
Shingon-in no mishiho 真言院の御修法 Mishiho ritual at Shingon-In
Shinjo Matsuri 新庄祭 Shinjo Festival - Yamagata.
Shinkiku seisu 神麯製す (しんきくせいす) making shinki rice cakes
- - - - - . Shinnen 新年 The New Year Saijiki . - - - - -
Shinno Matsuri, Osaka 神農祭,小彦名神社, November 23
..... Shinnoo san 神農さん(しんのうさん)
Shinsai kinenbi 震災記念日 (しんさいきねんび)
earthquake memorial day Kanto Earthquake September 1, 1923
Shinzui, shinsui 神水 (しんずい, しんすい) "Water of God"
kusuri furu 薬降る (くすり ふる) it is raining medicine
take no tamarimizu 竹の神水(たけのたまりみず) "water collected in bamboo"
on May 5
Shiogama matsuri 塩釜祭 (しおがままつり)
Shiogama Festival
mizugae shinji 晩夏 水替神事(みずかえしんじ) ritual of changing water
Shiogama minatomatsuri 塩釜港祭(しおがまみなとまつり)Shiogama harbour festival
Shiritsumi matsuri 尻摘祭 (しりつみまつり)
Festival of "touching the butt", "hip sumo"
Shiroi hane 白い羽根 (しろいはね) white feather
collecting donations for the Red Cross and World Peace
Shishigashira no shinji
獅子頭の神事 lion head dance ceremony
. . . . ongashira shinji 御頭神事(おかしらしんじ)
Shiwasu matsuri 師走祭り Shiwasu festival
with an old Korean flavor
Shooreisai 松例祭 Pine ceremony
toshiya matsuri 歳夜祭(としやまつり)year end festival
hyaku taimatsu no shinji 百松明の神事(ひゃくたいまつのしんじ)
ceremony of 100 pine torches
Shoosoo-In (Shoso-In) Bakuryoo 正倉院曝涼
Airing of the treasures (hoomotsu kaze-ire)
kaze ire, kazeire 風入れ(かぜいれ)
Shunbun no hi 春分の日 (しゅんぶんのひ) Spring equinox, vernal equinox
Shuuni-E 修正会 Ceremony at Todai-Ji
..... O-Mizutori, Omizutori お水取り
Shunki kooreisai 春季皇霊祭 (しゅんきこうれいさい)
spring commemoration for the Imperial Spirits
..... ..... kooreisai 皇霊祭(こうれいさい)Koreisai ritual
Court ceremony
Shutsugyoo-e 出行会 start of the ascetic exercises
Nichiren Sect. Feb. 10
Shuubun no hi 秋分の日 Day of the Autumn Equinox
Shuusen kinenbi 終戦記念日 しゅうせんきねんび August 15
..... shuusen no hi 終戦の日(しゅうせんのひ)
..... haisenki 敗戦忌(はいせんき)
Cease Fire Day, haisen no hi, 敗戦の日(はいせんのひ)
shuusenbi 終戦日(しゅうせんび)
Cease Fire Day, haisenbi敗戦日(はいせんび)
Shuushisai, Shuushi sai 愁思祭 (しゅうしさい) Shushi Memorial Festival
In Memory of Sugawara no Michizane, Dazaifu Tenmangu
Soga no kasayaki 曽我の笠焼 (そがのかさやき)
Soga brothers burning their paper umbrellas
Sogadon no kasayakai 曽我どんの傘焼 Umbrella Burning Festival
Sono Kara kami Matsuri 園韓神祭 (そのからかみまつり) Court Ceremony
Sonokara Futakami no Matsuri 園韓両神祭(そのからふたかみのまつり)、Sonokami Matsuri 園神祭(そのかみまつり)、Karakami Matsuri 韓神祭(からかみまつり)
Soomatoo 走馬燈 (そうまとう)
revolving lamp, revolving lantern
..... mawari tooroo 回り燈籠(まわりどうろう)
For the O-Bon ancestor rituals
Suiboogumi dezomeshiki 水防組出初式 (すいぼうぐみでぞめしき)
First parade of the flood prevention brigade
..... suiboo dezomeshiki 水防出初式(すいぼうでぞめしき)
Suma no misogi 須磨の御禊 (すまのみそぎ)
purification at Suma beach
..... Suma no harai 須磨の祓(すまのはらい)
Suminuri 墨塗, 墨塗り,すみぬりpainting the face with charcoal
Date no suminuri 伊達の墨塗 (だてのすみぬり)
..... sumitsuke shoogatsu 墨付正月(すみつけしょうがつ)
"New Year with charcoal painting"
Sumiyoshi Jinja 住吉神社 and its rituals
Sumiyoshi tooka sechi-E 住吉踏歌節会 (すみよしとうかせちえ) Dance and poetry banquet at Sumiyoshi Shrine
Sumiyoshi tooka shinji 住吉踏歌神事(すみよしとうかしんじ)
fukumochi shinji 福餅神事(ふくのもちしんじ)"ceremony of auspicious mochi rice cakes"
Sumiyoshi no o-yumi 住吉の御弓 (すみよしのおゆみ) ritual with a bow
Sumiyoshi mikechi shinji 住吉御結鎮神事(すみよしみけちしんじ)
Sumiyoshi ontarashi 住吉御弓(すみよしおんたらし)
Sumiyoshi no ichi 住吉の市(すみよしのいち)
market at Sumiyoshi Shrine, Hakata
Sumiyoshi sumoo e 住吉相撲会(すみよしすもうえ)
sumo wrestling at Sumiyoshi Shrine (Sumiyosh Jinja 住吉神社)
takara no ichi 宝の市 (たからのいち)
"treasure market"
masu ichi 枡市(ますいち)masu measure cups market
Sumoo no sechi 相撲の節 "Sumo Event" wrestling at the court
Sumoto Castle Matsuri on Awajishima.
Sumiyoshi no o-taue 住吉の御田植 (すみよしのおたうえ)
rice platning at shrine Sumiyoshi Taisha
..... onda 御田(おんだ)"fields of the Gods"
..... o-taue, otaue 御田植(おたうえ)
Sumiyoshi odori 住吉踊(すみよしおどり)Sumiyoshi dance
yaotome no ta mai 八乙女の田舞(やおとめのたまい)
- - - and
Sumiyoshi no o-harai 住吉の御祓 (すみよしのおはらい)
purification ritual at Sumiyoshi
Sumiyoshi matsuri 住吉祭(すみよしまつり)Sumiyoshi festival
Sumiyoshi nansai 住吉南祭(すみよしなんさい)
Sumiyoshi summer festival
Sumiyoshi nagoshi no o-oharai
great summer purification ritual at Sumiyoshi
Sumiyoshi no higawari 住吉の火替(すみよしのひがわり)
. . . . . and
Tsukudajima Sumiyoshi matsuri
Sumiyoshi festival at Tsukudajima, Tokyo
Tsukuda matsuri 佃祭 (つくだまつり)
Sumomo matsuri すもも祭 (すももまつり) Sumomo plum festival
..... 李祭(すももまつり)
sumomo ichi すもも市(すももいち)Sumomo market
..... karasu uchiwa 烏団扇(からすうちわ "craw fan"
Okunitama Jinja, Fuchu, Tokyo
Suppootei Matsuri 数方庭祭 Suhotei Festival
Yamaguchi, at Shrine Iminomiya 忌宮神社, Yamaguchi
Susuharai 煤払 (すすはらい)
Cleaning the Dust and Dirt (of the old year)
Susuki Nenbutsu-E 薄念仏会 Ceremony in memory of Ippen Shoonin
Suwa no onbashira matsuri
諏訪の御柱祭 (すわのおんばしらまつり) Suwa Pillar Festival
Suwa matsuri 諏訪祭(すわまつり)Suwa festival
onbashira satobiki 御柱里曳(おんばしらさとびき)
Suwa Shrine, Nagano
suzuri ishi toru 硯石取る (すずりいしとる)
collecting stones for inkstones
Tosa no umi ni suzuri ishi toru
collecting stones for ink stones along the beach of Tosa
Related words
. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .
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- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -
- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -
- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -
- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -
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