. Regional Festivals - LIST .
- - - - - RRR - - - - -
. reisai 例祭 annual festivals .
Renge-E 蓮華会(夏祓) Lotus Flower Offering in late Summer
Yoshino no kawazutobi 吉野の蛙飛 (よしののかわずとび)
kawasutobi 蛙飛(かわずとび)frog jumping ritual
Zaodoo kawazutobi 蔵王堂蛙飛(ざおうどうかわずとび)
frog jumping ritual at temple Zao-Do
Renge-E Mai 蓮華会舞 Ceremony of the Lotos Dance
Oki Kokubunji 隠岐国分寺, Shimane
. . . . Renge-E 蓮華会(夏祓) Lotus Flower Offering in late Summer
Rinji kyaku 臨時客 special guests
at the imperial court
Roku Amida Moode 六阿弥陀詣
Visit to six tempels with Amida Buddhas
..... roku Amida mairi 六阿弥陀参(ろくあみだまいり),
roku Amida 六阿弥陀(ろくあみだ)"Six Amida"
Rokudoo Mairi 六道参 Welcoming the souls at the six crossroads, Bon Ceremony
Rokusai Nenbutsu 六斎念仏
Ceremony of praying to Amida Nyorai for six days
Roohachi-E 臘八会 Ceremony of Rohatsu
Shakyamuni Buddha (roohatsu)
..... roohachi, roohatsu 臘八(ろうはち)
..... Joodoo-E 成道会
roohachi sesshin 臘八接心(ろうはちせっしん)Rohatsu sesshin
roohachigayu 臘八粥(ろうはちがゆ)rice gruel served at Rohatsu sesshin
..... unzoogayu 温糟粥(うんぞうがゆ)
..... gomigayu 五味粥(ごみがゆ)
December 8 in Zen temples
Roojitsu 臘日 (ろうじつ) last day of the year
..... roosai 臘祭(ろうさい)festival on the last day of the year
Rotan o tatematsuru 炉炭を進る Imperial Ceremony , beginning to heat
..... rotan kai 煖炉会(だんろかい)
Related words
. Regional Festivals - LIST .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .
- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -
- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -
- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -
- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -
- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -
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