
OCTOBER calendar


. Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months .


October - juugatsu 十月

.................... 01 .................................................................................

. Changing to winter robes (nochi no koromogae 後の更衣 .

. World Elders Day .

.................... 02 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Kaga no Chiyo-Ni 加賀千代 .

. Angel Festival 天使祭 .

. Mahatma Gandhi Birthday. 1947 - India .
Gandhi Jayanthi Day, Gandhi Jayanti

.................... 03 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Iida Dakotsu 蛇笏忌 .

. mizu hajimete karu 水始めて涸る
water dries out for the first time .

. Ceremony of the Komyo Mantra 光明真言会 .
Temple Saidai-Ji 西大寺, Nara, till October 5

.................... 04 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Takano Suju 高野素十 .

. World Animal Day .

.................... 05 .................................................................................

. Daruma Memorial Day 達磨忌 .
Bodhidharma, founder of the Zen sect

.................... 07 .................................................................................

. Our Lady of the Rosary ロザリオ祭 .

.................... 08 .................................................................................

. kanro 寒露 cold dew .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気

.................... 09 .................................................................................

. Konpira Shrine Festival 金刀比羅祭 Kompira, Shikoku .

.................... 10 .................................................................................

. Health and Sports Day 体育の日 .
taiiku no hi

. World Homeless Day .

. Hero's Day (Mashujaa) - Kenya .

.................... 11 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Taneda Santoka 種田山頭火 .

. Memorial Day for William "Bill" Higginson .

.................... 12 .................................................................................

. Uzumasa Bull Festival 太秦の牛祭 Kyoto .

. Memorial Day for Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重 .
Ando Hiroshige 安藤広重

. Columbus Day - America .

.................... 13 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Saint Nichiren 日蓮忌 .
omeikoo 御命講 Omeiko memorial service

.................... 16 .................................................................................

. World Food Day .

. Niukawakami Shrine Festival 丹生川上祭 . Nara

.................... 17 .................................................................................

. World Poverty Day .

.................... 18 .................................................................................

. Chrysanthemum memorial ritual 菊供養 .
Asakusa Kannon Temple, Tokyo

.................... 20 .................................................................................

. Mashujaa (Heroes' ) Day - Kenya .
former Kenyatta Day

.................... 22 .................................................................................

. Kurama Temple Fire Festival 鞍馬の火祭 .

.................... 23 .................................................................................

. sookoo 霜降 Soko. frost descends .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気

.................... 24 .................................................................................

. United Nations Day .

. International Day of Climate Action .
- World Environment Day

.................... 26 .................................................................................

. Lunar Chrysanthemum Festival 旧重陽 .

.................... 31 .................................................................................

. Halloween, Hallowe’en ハロウィーン .

.................... first SUNDAY

. Harvest Thanksgiving - Erntedankfest .

.................... second MONDAY

. Canadian Thanksgiving - Canada .

.................... middle of October

. Oktoberfest - Octoberfest - Munich, Germany .

. Breast Cancer Awareness Month . USA


. WKD : October - a Haiku Month .


. WKD : World Days in October .

. Ceremonies, festivals, rituals - October .

. Memorial Days of Famous People - October .


For the worldwide approach to kigo,
we must differentiate between the "Haiku Season" and the natural phenomenon and human activites occuring at a certain season at a certain place.

To complicate our endeavor, we also have to deal with the Asian Lunar Calendar and the 24 seasons (periods), which were applied in Japan before the introduction of the Western Calendar, when kigo were already used in Japanese poetry.

Study the details here, please:

. The Japanese Haiku Calendar.

. Seasons beginning .

. Seasons ending .


continue :

. KIGO CALENDAR - November, December .

. WKD : the complete SAIJIKI list .


BACK : Top of this Saijiki



NOVEMBER calendar


. Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months .


November - juuichigatsu 十一月

A lot of the goroawase combinations start with
ii いい 11 good, well

.................... 01 .................................................................................

. Day of classical literature 古典の日 .

. Sushi Day 寿司の日 Sushi no hi .

. Banseietsu 万聖節 All Saints' Day .

. Shareisai 諸霊祭 All Souls Day .

. Maizuru Daruma Festival 舞鶴だるま祭 .

. Samhain Festival - Ireland .

awamori no hi 泡盛の日 day of awamori liquor, Okinawa
Introduced in 1989.
Preparations for the liquor start from this day.

jieitai kinenbi 自衛隊記念日 day of Japan Self-Defense Forces, JSDF
created in 1966.

kawa no megumi no hi 川の恵みの日 day of benefits from the river
goroawase. 1 1 1 looks like the kanji for river 川

keiryoo kinenbi 計量記念日 day of measuring
Introduced in 1952 by 経済産業省. New measure units have been adjusted in 1993, so the day was re-located from June 7 to this day.

koocha no hi 紅茶の日 day of black tea
since 1983. In 1791 on this day black tea was introduced for the first time in Japan.

Nozawa-zuke no hi 野沢菜の日 day of Nozawa pickles
introduced by the hot spring association of Nozawa, Nagano.

seimei hoken no hi 生命保険の日 day of life insurance
introduced by the insurance companies. January is the month of life insurance and this is the starting day.

sushi no hi すしの日 day of Sushi
since 1961. Indroduced by 商環境衛生同業組合連合会.
The season of new rice starts and seafood is best now.

toodai kinenbi 灯台記念日 day of the lighthouse
Introduced in 1949 by 海上保安庁.
In the year 1869 the first lighthouse of European style had been built in Yokosuka, Kanagawa, the Kannonzaki toodai 観音埼灯台

wan wan wan ワンワンワン 11 1 - 犬の日 day of dogs
(the sound is like wan 1. goroawase)

.................... 02 .................................................................................

hanshin taigaasu dii 阪神タイガースデー Day of the Hanshin Tigers (baseball team)
In 1985 on this day they won against their adversary and became Nr. 1 in Japan.
kantoku was Yoshida san 吉田監督.

.................... 03 .................................................................................

. Culture Day 文化の日 bunka no hi.
airing the treasures of the Shosoin 正倉院曝涼, kazeire 風入れ 

. Meiji Shrine Festival 明治神宮祭 Tokyo .

aroma no hi アロマの日 day of aroma
part of the culture day. Aromatherapy and fragrance

gojira no hi ゴジラの日 day of gozilla
since 1954, when the first movie was released on this day.

hankachi-fu no hi ハンカチーフの日 day of the hankerchief
since 1983.
Hankerchiefs had been used by Mari Antoinette, and this day is the first holiday (in Japan) close to her birthday on November 2.

ii osan no hi いいお産の日 day of a good birth
goroawase. 11 03

ii rezaa no hi いいレザーの日 day of leather
goroawase. 「いい(11) れざー(03)」

manga no hi まんがの日 day of manga
since 2002. On the culture day, to put manga on a level in Japanese Culture.

mikan no hi みかんの日 day of mikan citrus fruit
goroawase. ii mikka いいみっか a good third day

rekoodo no hi レコードの日 day of music records
since 1957. As part of the culture day

sandoichi no hi サンドウィッチの日 day of the sandwich
goroawase. 「いい(11) サン(3)ド」

.................... 04 .................................................................................

yunesuko ユネスコ憲章記念日 UNESCO charter day
On this day in 1946 (others quote the 16th of November) UNESCO was formed.

.................... 05 .................................................................................

denpoo no hi 電報の日 day of the telegram
goroawase. The number to dial when sending a telegram is 115.

enmusubi no hi 縁結びの日 day day of making good connections
(finding a husband or some other kind of good "en" in life)
. "gods-absent month", 10th lunar month (now November)
kannazuki, kaminazuki 神無月 かんなづき .

goroawase. i i go en 「いい(11)ご(5)えん」(

ii ringo no hi いいりんごの日 day of apples
since 2001 in Aomori. goroawase with い(1)い(1)(りん)ご(5)

zasshi hookoku no hi 雑誌広告の日 day of magazine advertisement
created in 1979 by the 日本雑誌広告協会.
(BTW, October 27 is the day of book reading 読書.)

.................... 06 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Hattori Ransetsu 服部嵐雪 .

apaato kinenbi アパート記念日 day of apartments
In 1910 the first wooden apartment building was finished in Ueno, Tokyo. It was 5 floors high and had 70 rooms to rent.

o-miai no hi お見合いの日 day of a marriage-to-be meeting
On this day in 1947, the first group-meeging of this kind took place in Tokyo at the banks of River Tamagawa. 386 young men and women came here to find a partner, but there were 2 men for 1 woman to meet.

temaki rooru keeki no hi 手巻きロールケーキの日
day of roll cake, every month on the 6th.
If the cake is cut, the surface looks like the number 6. goroawase with ro(ku) 6.

.................... 07 .................................................................................

. rittoo 立冬 Ritto. beginning of winter .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気

.................... 08 .................................................................................

ii pakku no hi いいパックの日 day of good packing
goroawase with 11 8. Since 1991.

ii ha いい刃 - 刃物の日 day of knives (hamono)
goroawase 11 8.

.................... 09 .................................................................................

. Honorable tenth night ritual 十夜法要.
Prayers of the Jodo sect of Pure Land Buddhism

kureepu no hi クレープの日 day of crepe pancaces
every day with a 9 is crepe day. goroawase with ku 9 九.

hyakujuukyuuban no hi 119番の日 - 119 day of the fire brigade
Call the number 119 in case of a fire. goroawase.

ii kuuki no hi いい空気 - 換気の日 day of good ventilation
goroawase 11 9

.................... 10 .................................................................................

. Memorial Rituals for Yuima Vimalakirti 維摩会 Yuima E .
Temple Kofuku-Ji, Nara 興福寺

toire no hi" トイレの日 Toilet Day
goroawase 「いいト」イレ) to i 11 10+1

erebeeta no hi エレベーターの日 Elevator Day
since 1979. In 1890 on this day the first elevator was activated in Asakusa, Tokyo.

ii te いい手(ハンドクリーム)の日 day of hand cream
goroawase 11 10 (ten)

.................... 11 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Saint Kuya 空也上人 .

. Armistice Day, Rememberance Day .
Veterans Day, Poppy Day

. Pocky no Hi - pocky sticks day .
ポッキー&プリッツの日. Since 1999. goroawase. four sticks look like 1111.

chiizu no hi チーズの日 day of cheese
since 1992.

denchi no hi 電池の日 day of electric batteries
goroawase (十一十一) plus minus plus minus

geta no hi 下駄の日 geta day
gorowasee. the footprints of geta look like 二 二.

hashi no hi 箸の日 day of chopsticks
goroawase. four look like 1111.

kagami no hi 鏡の日 day of mirrors
since 2006.
goroawase. 「11 11」や縦書きにした「十一 十一」が左右対称であること

kiritanpo no hi きりたんぽの日 day of kiritampo food.
goroawase. four look like 1111.

kutsushita no hi 靴下の日 socks day
since 1993.
goroawaes 11 11 looks like two pairs of socks. Lovers buy each other socks on this day.

moyashi no hi もやしの日 day of soy bean sprouts.
goroawase. four threads look like 1111.

piinatsu no hi ピーナッツの日 - peanuts day
since 1985.
goroawase. out of one sheath there come two pea nuts, like twice the same number 1.
(シーズンで数字が並んでいる) (11のぞろ目の日)

sake no hi 圭 → 鮭の日 salmon day
in Niigata since 1987.
goroawase. the old letter for 圭 looks like 十一十一 10+1 10+1

sakka no hi サッカーの日 sakka (soccer) day
goroawase 11 players vs 11 players

.................... 12 .................................................................................

ii hifu いい皮膚の日 day of nice skin
goroawase . 12 hitotsu futatsu

.................... 13 .................................................................................

. urushi no hi はうるしの日 day of laquer .

.................... 14 .................................................................................

. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s Memorial Day - India .

pachinko no hi パチンコの日 day of pachinko
the permission for the first store was given in 1979

.................... 15 .................................................................................

. Shichigosan, Shichi Go San 七五三祝 .
hakamagi 袴着 Wearing the hakama for the first time.

. "Night of the tenth day 十日夜 (tookanya) .
Harvest thanksgiving for the god of the fields.

ii yuigon (igon) no hi いい遺言の日 day of a good testament
goroawase. 「い(1)い(1) い(1)ごん(5)」

kamaboko no hi かまぼこの日 day of the Kamaboko food
since 1983.
goroawase. This food had first been mentioned is literature in the year 1115 (永久3)年.

kimono no hi きものの日 day of the Kimono
(relates to people dressing nicely for shichi go san.

konbu no hi こんぶの日 day of Kombu seaweed
since 1982.
Eaten for shishi go san as auspicious food (yorokonbu - to be happy)

nama konkuriito no hi 生コンクリート記念日 day of wet concrete
since 1949. The first day when this material was sold in Japan.

okashi no hi お菓子の日 day of sweets
every month on the 15th. The first exhibition of sweets and cakes was in the past on April 15.

.................... 16 .................................................................................

. Leonid Meteor Shower .

. Opening the tea jar (kuchikiri 口切の茶事 ) .

ii iro no hi いいいろの日 day of nice color
since 1991, first created in Aichi, also for painting colors.

ii iro いいいろ塗装の日 day of nice (color) painting
since 1998.
goroawase いい色 ii iro ichi roku 16.

jinensho no hi 自然薯の日 day of Dioscorea japonica vegetable
goroawase, 6を「も」の字に見立て、「11(いい)16(いも)」- nice potatoe

rokuon bunka no hi 録音文化の日 day of recording culture
created by the Media Association

yoochien kinenbi 幼稚園記念日 day of kindergarden
In 1875, the first indergarden was introduced in Ochanomizu, Tokyo.
In 1876 on November 16, another one opened next to the School for Ladies 東京女子師範学校.

.................... 17 .................................................................................

. shoogi no hi 将棋の日 day of shogi Japanese chess.

dorafuto kinenbi ドラフト記念日 draft memorial day
In 1965, the first draft for professional baseball was started.

haigan bokumetsu dii 肺がん撲滅デー day of eradicating lung cancer
introduced in 2000 in America

renkon no hi 蓮根の日 day of the lotus root
created in 1994 by the lotus farmers of Ibaragi.
This was the first day of their "lotus summit" (renkon samitto 「蓮根サミット」.
. renkon 蓮根 lotus root .

Shimabara boosai no hi 島原防災の日
day of protection from natural disaster in Shimabara
Introduced in 1990 in Nagasaki, Shimabara town.
This was the day when the volcano Unzen Fugendake 雲仙普賢岳 erupted after 200 years of silence.

International Men's Day (IMD)

.................... 18 .................................................................................

doboku no hi 土木の日 day of civil engineering
since 1987.
goroawase. 「土木」を分解すると「十一」「十八」

kasupikai yoogurto no hi カスピ海ヨーグルトの日
day of Caspian Sea yoghurt
This yoghurt has been introduced in Japan by 家森幸男 of kyoto University.
On this day in the year 2006 more than 1000000 people had bought this yoghurt.

. kinkatsu 菌活 active bacteria .

mikki mausu no tanjoobi ミッキーマウスの誕生日
birthday of Mickey Mouse (in the year 1928 in New York)

mori to furusato no hi もりとふるさとの日
day of the forest and homeland
created in 1994 by 国土保全奨励制度全国研究協議会.

. yukimi daifuku no hi 雪見だいふくの日 day of yukimi daifuku sweet buns .
goroawase. 11 for ii (tasts good), 18 : when you open the package, there are two sweets and a pink stick, looking like 18.

.................... 19 .................................................................................

midori no obasan no hi 緑のおばさんの日
day of the green old lady
created in 1959. She helps to protect school children on their daiyl way.

shuukuriimu no hi シュークリームの日 day of chou cream puff
- - - シューク - juu ku ジューク 10 9 goroawase

sekai toire no hi 世界トイレの日 World Toilet Day
since 2001. created by WTO

.................... 20 .................................................................................

. Universal Children's Day - UN .
International Children's Day

. Ebisu-koo 恵比寿講、夷講 Ebisu-Ko, Ebisu Festival .
(originally on October 20) 夷子祭 Ebisu matsuri

bojuree nuuboo ボジョレー・ヌーボー解禁日 First day of Beaujolais nouveau wine
(or the third Thursday in November)
It used to be November 11.

hoteru no hi ホテルの日 day of the hotel
In 1890 the Teikoku Hotel帝国ホテル opened in Tokyo.

ii fuaa no hi いいファーの日 day of good fur
goroawase. いい(11) - 20(ファー)

pizza no hi ピザの日 day of pizza
created in 1995.
This is the birthday of queen Margerita of Italy. She had a pizza made in the colors of the Italian flag, white mozarella cheeze, green basil leaves and red tomatoes.

Yamanashi kenmin no hi 山梨県民の日
Day of the People of Yamanashi Prefecture
This prefecture was created in 1871 - 1871(明治4)年11月20日(旧暦).
In the modern calendar it should be December 31, but the people still celebrate it on the old lunar calendar day.

.................... 21 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Ishida Hakyo 石田波郷 .
Hakyoo Ki 波郷忌, Nintoo Ki 忍冬忌, Fuukaku Ki 風鶴忌, Shakumyoo Ki 惜命忌

furaido chikin no hi フライドチキンの日 day of fried chicken
Cornel Sanders カーネル・サンダース
The first shop opened in Japan in 1970 on this day.

intanetto kinenbi インターネット記念日 day of the internet
since 1969

machikon no hi 街コンの日 group dating day in the street
created by All-Japan Machikon Association. Their first summit was held on this day

sekai haroo dii 世界ハロー・デー World Hello Day

.................... 22 .................................................................................

. shoosetsu 小雪 Shosetsu "small snow" .
one of the 24 solar sections 二十四節気

. ii fuufu いい夫婦 day of good couples .
goroawase 11 22

botan no hi ボタンの日 day of the button
created in 1870 the uniforms for the marines became stylized and various rows of (decorative) buttons sowed to it.

daiku san no hi 大工さんの日 day of the carpenter
created in 1999.
This is the memorial day of prince Shotoku Taishi 聖徳太子, the deity of the carpenters.
goroawase. 「11二二」- 11はニ本の柱をあらわし、ニは土台と梁あるいは桁を表して軸組合の構造体となり 11 are two pillars, ニ are the frames for a building

Nagano ken ringo no hi 長野県りんごの日 Apple Day in Nagano
created in 1999 by the apple farmers. The main apple type is FUJI ふじ.
goroawase. ii fuji 「いい(11)ふじ(22)」
goroawase. 「いい(11) ふうふ(22)」(いい夫婦) good couple (the "good couple" is Adam and Eve in paradise - and the apple story . ..

Wakayama ken furusato tanjoobi 和歌山県ふるさと誕生日
birthday of Wakayama prefecture
Founded on this day in 1871. The day was created in 1989.

.................... 23 .................................................................................

. Labour Thanksgiving Day 勤労感謝の日 .
kinroo kansha no hi
- niiname no matsuri 新嘗祭 official Harvest Festival

. Harvest Thanksgiving at Izumo Shrine 出雲大社新嘗祭

. Memorial Day for Higuchi Ichiyo 樋口 一葉 .

. World Mother-in-Law's Day. Mother in Law .

chinmi no hi 珍味の日 day of delicacies
On this day at the imperial court and Ise Shrine specialities from the mountains and the sea are offered.
goroawase. ii tsu mami 「い(1)い(1)つ(2)まみ(3)」
. chinmi 珍味 delicacies .

gaishoku no hi 外食の日 day of dining out
created in 1984.

haatokea no hi ハートケアの日 day of taking care of the heart
Together with the Labor Thanksgiving day.
created in the hope to prevent heart diseases

ii famirii no hi いい家族(ファミリー)の日 day of a good family
goroawase. 「いい(11) ファ(2) ミ(3) リー」

ii fumi no hi いい文の日 day of a good letter
started by the post office. Every day on the 23 (fu mi) is "letter day".
goroawase. 「い(1)い(1)ふ(2)み(3)」

ii fusai no hi いい夫妻の日 day of a good couple
goroawase. 「い(1)い(1)ふ(2)さい(3)」

ii niisan no hi いい兄さんの日 day of the elder brother
goroawase. 11 23 「い(1)い(1)にい(2)さん(3)」

jeiriigu no hi Jリーグの日 day of the JLeague
created in 1993.

tebukuro no hi 手袋の日 day of gloves
created in 1981. Together with the Labor Thanksgiving day. From now on, people will need gloves to work outside.

.................... 24 .................................................................................

. katsuobushi no hi 鰹節の日 day of dried bonito pieces .

opera no hi オペラの日 day of the opera
since 1894. On this day the first opera has been performed in Japan at the Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku 東京芸術大学. It was a scene of FAUST by Charles Franois Gounod. Members of the Austrian embassy in Tokyo helped with the stage. The conductor was the German フランツ・エッケルト Franz Eckert.

.................... 25 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Mishima Yukio 三島 由紀夫 .

haibijon no hi ハイビジョンの日 day of high vision
from 19 to 25 is High Vision Week. Since 1987, NHK uses 1125 scanning lines.

kanagata no hi 金型の日 day of metal molds
since 1957. The Japan Die and Mold Industry Association 日本金型工業会 fas founded on this day.

o-eru no hi OLの日 day of the OL (office lady)
since 1963, the word "office lady" was used. In 1994, the OLネットワークシステム (OL network system) was founded.

.................... 26 .................................................................................

ii chiimu no hi いいチームの日 day of a good team
created by サイボウズ株式会社 Cybozu, Inc. a Tokyo-based software company

. ii furo no hi いい風呂の日 day of a good bath .
created by 日本浴用剤工業会 Japan Bath Additive Industry Association.
goroawase - ii fu ro 「いい(11)ふろ(26)」

. pen no hi ペンの日 day of the writing pen .

.................... 27 .................................................................................

ii funa no hi いい鮒の日 day of a delicious crucian carp
goroawase. i i fu na 「い(1)い(1) ふ(2)な(7)」

koosei hogo kinenbi 更生保護記念日
day of social readjustment and offenders rehabilitation
since 1952. created by the 東京・日比谷で更生保護大会

nooberu shoo ノーベル賞制定の日
day of the establishment of the Nobel Prize
since 1901.

.................... 28 .................................................................................

. Memorial Day for Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 .
Bashoo ki 芭蕉忌, Okina no hi 翁の日, Shigure ki 時雨忌, Toosei ki 桃青忌
The 12th day of the 10th lunar month of 1694.

taiheiyoo kinenbi 太平洋記念日 Day of the Pacific Ocean
The name "Pacific Ocean" was created by Ferdinand Magellan in 1520. On this day he reached the Pacific Ocean after passing the Magellan Straits.

seikan kinenbi 税関記念日 day of customs
created by the Customs Office 財務省 in 1952.

.................... 29 .................................................................................

ii fuku no hi いい服の日 day of good cloths
goroawase. 「いい(11)ふく(29)」fu ku

ii niku no hi いい肉の日 day of good meat
goroawase. 「いい(11)にく(29)」ni ku

.................... 30 .................................................................................

. Bonifacio Day - Philippines .

. Independence Day - Yemen .

. honmirin no hi 本みりんの日 day of hon mirin .

kagami no hi 鏡の日 day of the mirror
goroawase. 「いい(11) ミラー(30)」

kamera no hi カメラの日 day of the camera
since 1977.
On this day the camera maker KONIKO 小西六写真工業 began to sell the first auto-focus camera.

Mukai Junkichi (1901-1995) Birthday
Sugiura Hinako (1958–2005) Birthday

.................... end of November

. American Thanksgiving .
fourth Thursday of November

. Advent 待降節 .
Advent begins with the Sunday after the 26th of November.


. Market on the Day of the Rooster 酉の市 .

. November - a month without Gods (kami no rusu 神無月) .

. WKD : November - a Haiku Month .


. WKD : World Days in November .

. Ceremonies, festivals, rituals - November .

. Memorial Days of Famous People - November .


For the worldwide approach to kigo,
we must differentiate between the "Haiku Season" and the natural phenomenon and human activites occuring at a certain season at a certain place.

To complicate our endeavor, we also have to deal with the Asian Lunar Calendar and the 24 seasons (periods), which were applied in Japan before the introduction of the Western Calendar, when kigo were already used in Japanese poetry.

Study the details here, please:

. The Japanese Haiku Calendar.

. Seasons beginning .

. Seasons ending .


. WKD : the complete SAIJIKI list .


. goroawase 語呂合わせ wordplay with numbers .

. Japanese Calendar Days .

- Join the friends on facebook
for the whole year ! -

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[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ] - - goronovember -


Tamakae exchanging balls


Ritual of exchanging balls (tamakae shinji)

***** Location: Fukuoka
***** Season: New Year
***** Category: Observance


tamakae matsuri, tamakae sai 玉替祭 (たまかえまつり)
festival of exchanging balls

tamakae shinji 玉替神事(たまかえしんじ)
ritual of exchanging balls

At the shrine Koora Taisha 高良大社 Kora Taisha
in Kurume, Fukuoka. 久留米福岡

In modern times, people may also buy a lucky lot (o-mikuji 御籖)
to test their good luck for the new year.

You can see the gold and silver auspicious tama balls, the famous
. kanju manju 干珠満珠 tide jewels .

- quote -
Kora Taisha Shrine
is a prestigious, and the largest shrine in the region as the first shrine in Chikugo 筑後. It is an Engishiki-nai Myojin Taisha (a shrine dedicated to specific gods under the Engishiki Code), and one of the former second-ranked, larger shrines.
Its dedicated god, Kora Tamatare no Mikoto, is said to have been bestowed the highest rank by the Imperial Court. Its sanctuary was built in 400 A.D. (First Year of Emperor Richu) for the first time while older ritual sites remain in a mountain.
Kora Taisha Shrine is one of the oldest shrines in Kyushu, and used to be honored as a mausoleum of Kyushu. It is especially deeply worshiped by people in the Chikugo and Hizen Areas. Worshipers are famously thought to be blessed with warding off bad luck and prolonging life. The current sanctuary is designated as a significant cultural asset by the government, and is one of the largest sanctuaries in Kyushu.
- source : crossroadfukuoka.jp -

. Legends from Chikugo 筑後 .


The Tamakae shinji (Ball-exchanging ritual)
takes place on the evening of January 15 at Kōra Taisha in Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture. The ritual occurs with the presentation of a golden ball and a silver ball as well as offerings (shinsen) before the kami (shinzen).

At eleven o'clock a person carrying the two balls is placed in the completely darkened keidai (shrine grounds), and the worshippers exchange wooden balls with one another in the dark. After about an hour the lights are turned back on; the persons holding the gold and silver ball serves in an offering and thanksgiving ritual (hōsai) on the following morning.
The two balls are regarded as the two balls that control tidal ebb and flow.

A Tamakae shinji is also held at Miyajidake Jinja in Tsuyazaki Town, Munakata County, Fukuoka Prefecture, on January 21.
Similar rituals are also the
Tamatorisai (Ball-taking ritual) held at Itsukushima Jinja in Miyajima Town, Saeki County, Hiroshima Prefecture, and another
Tamatorisai held on April 16 at Kamato Jinja in Daizaifu City, Fukuoka Prefecture.
source : Mogi Sakae, Kokugakuin, 2006


Shrine Kora Taisha 高良大社(こうらたいしゃ)

- - - - - HP of the Shrine - Kōra taisha 1 Miimachi, Kurume, Fukuoka
- source : kourataisya.or.jp -

Look for more photos :
source : robounohan

The shrine is also famous for the azalea festifal in May.
Koorazan tsutsuji matsuri 高良山つつじ祭り

The shrine was built in the 5th century.
Rebuilding took place in 1600, and now it is an
"Important Cultural Asset".

At a height of 312 meters (1,024 feet), Mt. Kora stands on the westernmost edge of the Mino Mountain Range. On this mountain you will find Kora Taisha Shrine, a former National Shrine and a major shrine in the Chikugo region.

The construction of Kora Shrine is said to have taken place in 400 AD; it was ordained one of the highest ranking shrines in 897 AD and had an elevated rank within the Engishiki (a book of laws and regulations) as a shrine dedicated to gods worshipped at critical times.

Kora Taisha is a historical shrine in that its power of influence during the middle ages came to compete with that of central government officials sent to oversee the province. It is also known for being the place that received the prayers of Prince Kanenaga Shinno, who established a residence at the base of the mountain in the Nanboku-cho Period (1336 – 1392).

The main sanctuary, offering hall and worship hall that we see today were built by the third Kurume feudal lord Arima Yoritoshi, and each is has been deemed an Important Cultural Asset by the government.

In addition, Kora Shrine is the home to
“The Tale of the Heike Ink Volume” (Government Designated Important Cultural Asset),
“The Origins of Kora Taisha Shrine Colored Silk Hanging Scrolls” (Municipal Designated Cultural Asset), and other such treasures.
A forest of a moso bamboo species (a designated National Natural Treasure), Kogoishi Rock (Government Designated Important Cultural Asset and Historical Site), and other precious sites are also preserved on Mt. Kora.
source : www.kurume-hotomeki.jp

“Kora-san Kunchi” Festival
Kora Taisha Shrine’s “Kora-san Kunchi” Festival
is held from October 9 through 12 every year.

It is the shrine’s biggest festival that proclaims the presence of the Shinto god Kora. During this three day festival, Kora Taisha Shrine comes alive with traditional cultural events like the Lion Dance and Furyu (a musical and dance performing art), Japanese archery exhibitions, and dedicatory performances of various martial arts!
. . . . . and
Kora Taisha Shrine’s Kawatarisai Festival (Hekokaki Matsuri Festival)
Azalea Festival at Kora Taisha Shrine
Annual Festival at Ichiebisusha Shrine
Kora Taisha Shrine’s “Kangetsusai” Festival
Kurume Forest Azalea Park..
source : www.kurume-hotomeki.jp


Warding off evil at the New Year ceremonies

Azalea Park Photos
source : kourasan/tsutsuji

Amulet to WIN 勝 - with bow and arrow

Homepage of the Shrine
source : www.kourataisya.or.jp

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Exchanging auspicious things as kigo

. hanakae 花換祭 / 花換祭り Flower-exchanging festival .

. usokae うそ替え exchanging bullfinches .

Festivals where things are exchanged
by Mogi Sakae

usokae shinji , Bullfinch-exchanging rite.
A rite held during the night of January seventh at the shrine Dazaifu tenmangū in Dazaifu City, Fukuoka prefecture. Bullfinches (uso) made of wood are used as charms against fire. People take their bullfinches that are covered with the preceding year's grime to the Tenman shrine, and everyone exchanges bullfinches with anyone else freely, saying "kaemashō, kaemashō " ("Let's trade, let's trade"). During this excitement the shinshoku (shrine priests) lose themselves among the crowd of worshippers and walk about surreptitiously passing out the shrine's twelve bullfinches. Those who get one of the gold bullfinches are said to receive good fortune for the year.

The festival called onisube, famous for protection from fire, is observed after the bullfinch festival. Two groups of nearly one hundred people each are divided into the "demon guards" and the "smoke handlers." The latter light a huge mound of fresh pine piled up outside of the shrine hall with sacred fire (or by rubbing two sticks together), and fan the smoke into the shrine with an enormous fan. On the inside the demon guards beat the slat board walls with wooden mallets. Then, drawn by torches, the smoke-covered demons try to go around the shrine, but the shrine priests throw parched beans at them. People strike the demon masks that the performers wear with staffs called utsue. After going around the outside and inside of the shrine through the smoke and ash the demons come to a stop.
The usokae shinji at the shrine Kamadotenjinsha in Kōtō-ku, Tokyo is said to have been brought from Dazaifutenmangū.

On January fifth there is an usokae matsuri also at the shrine Meihamatenmangū in Fukuoka City, Fukuoka prefecture. Similar to the bullfinch rites is the hatokaeshi shinji (dove-exchanging rite) at the shrine Usajingu in Usa City, Ōita prefecture.

There is a tamakaeshi matsuri (gem-exchanging festival) on January twenty-first in which tama gems are traded at Miyajidake Jinja, Munakata-gun, Fukuoka prefecture.
In addition, there are festivals such as the okinjokaeshi matsuri in Hinagu, Ashikita-gun, Kumamoto prefecture, in which dolls are traded,
and the hanakae matsuri (flower-exchanging festival) at the shrine Kanezakigū in Tsuruga City, Fukui prefecture.
source : Mogi Sakae / eos.kokugakuin.ac.jp


otoko ni mo yawaraki te no hira tamakae sai

men also have
a soft palm of the hand -
festival of exchanging balls

Yanagida Mei 柳田芽衣





source : kamomeza

Related words

***** . NEW YEAR - the complete SAIJIKI

***** . Hekokaki Festival へこかき祭り.
高良大社 Kora Taisha, Fukuoka

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NiinoYuki Matsuri Nagano


Snow festival (yuki matsuri )

***** Location: Nagano
***** Season: New Year
***** Category: Observance


Niino no yukimatsuri 新野の雪祭 (にいののゆきまつり)
snow festival at Niino

dengaku matsuri 田楽祭/雪祭り Dengaku festival
yuki matsuri 田楽祭/雪祭り Snowfestival

At Shimoina-gun Anan-cho in Shinano, Tenryu-Village, Nagano

At night from January 14 to 15.
At the shrine Izu Jinja 伊豆神社

Traditional dances like Dengaku are performed. These dances are said to preceede the Noh and Kyogen performances of later times.

Loads of snow are made to the deities of the shrine.
If it snows on this day, the harvest of the coming year will be good.
More than 19 masked dancers take part in the performances. One rides a paper horse., another a paper cow and others.

source : niino/index.html


The festival of Niino is very rare as well as Sakanbe winter festival. Dengaku and Sarugaku, original forms of Noh dances, are held all night through.

The fabulous masks look like Picasso’s paintings.
The most important god is Saiho who dances in peculiar fashion purifying rice seeds and promising good harvest.
, a partner of Saiho, plays comical role. Modoki derived from an old Japanese verb “modoku” or mimic.
All together thirteen dances are performed and the festival concludes with the last performance ta-asobi or field play, in which the outcome of the year is predicted. The festival is held in snowy freezing night. Villagers believe that snow will bring about a bumper crop for the coming year and call out joyfully;
We got a best of luck of heavy snow! Yukimatsuri was earlier called Dengaku matsuri.

Look at more photos!
source : photojapan.karigrohn.com

. Sakanbe no fuyu matsuri 坂部の冬祭
Winter Festival in Sakanbe (Sakabe) .


... Dengaku, rustic Japanese celebrations that can be classified into two types:
dengaku that developed as a musical accompaniment to rice planting observances
the dengaku dances that developed in conjunction with sangaku.

. Dengaku (田楽) .

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


das Winter-Festival in NIINO

Related words

***** . NEW YEAR - the complete SAIJIKI

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 

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Nishi Shichijo Taue Kyoto


Rice planting ceremony at Nishi Shichijo village

***** Location: Kyoto
***** Season: New Year
***** Category: Observance


Nishi Shichijoo taue shinji
西七条田植神事 (にししちじょうたうえしんじ)
rice planting ceremony at Nishi Shichijo village

At the old village of Shichijoomura in Kadono koori, Kyoto
(Yamashina part of Kyoto)
Kadono-gun · Kyoto-shi Ukyo-ku

A ceremony to invite a good harvest for the coming year.

In the night from the 15th to the 16th of the first lunar month,
two men clad as farmers, wearing simple masks, and one man clad as a woman called "oyase おやせ" walk around the village, from home to home, to perform the movements of rice planting.
The woman wore a round basket with special shime decorations on her head.
korinaki コリナキ
She also wore a special red robe, usually for a wedding ceremony.

This was thought to invoke the plants to grow strong and healthy.

This ritual had been performed until around 1905, when it was abolished.


. WKD : planting rice in the paddies, taue 田植 .

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Nearby is a famous old temple, Engakuji 円覚寺


source : www.kagemarukun






Nishi shichijoo taue shinji no akai bebe

the red robe
of the Nishishichijo
rice planting ritual

Ariyama Takehiko 有山武彦

source : kamomeza

Related words

***** . NEW YEAR - the complete SAIJIKI

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Atsuta Shrine Festivals

. Aichi Prefecture - Festivals .
. Atsuta Shrine Legends .

Atsuta Shrine Festivals

***** Location: Nagoya
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Observance


Atsuta Shrine (熱田神宮, Atsuta-jingū)
is a Shinto shrine traditionally believed to have been established during the reign of Emperor Keikō (71-130) located in Atsuta-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture in Japan.
The shrine is familiarly known as Atsuta-Sama (Venerable Atsuta) or simply as Miya (the Shrine). Since ancient times, it has been especially revered, ranking with the Great Shrine of Ise.

The Kojiki explains that Atsuta Shingu Shrine was originally founded to house the imperial treasure sword,
Kusanagi no Tsurugi 草薙の剣

According to traditional sources, Yamato Takeru died in the 43rd year of Emperor Keiko's reign (景行天皇43年). The possessions of the dead prince were gathered together along with the sword Kusanagi; and his widow venerated his memory in a shrine at her home. Sometime later, these relics and the sacred sword were moved to the current location of the Atsuta Shrine. Nihonshoki explains that this move occurred in the 51st year of Keiko's reign, but shrine tradition also dates this event in the 1st year of Emperor Chūai's reign.

From 1872 through 1946, the Kasuga Shrine was officially designated one of the Kanpei-taisha (官幣大社), meaning that it stood in the first rank of government supported shrines.

This Shinto shrine is dedicated to the veneration of Atsuta-no-Ōokami. Also enshrined are the "Five Great Gods of Atsuta", all of whom are connected with the legendary narratives of the sacred sword --
Takehaya Susanoo-no-mikoto,
Yamato Takeru-no-mikoto,
Miyasu-hime no-mikoto, and
Take Inadane-no-mikoto.

Over 70 ceremonies and festivals are held annually at the shrine.

Hatsu-Ebisu (January 5):
Seeking good fortune in the new year from Ebisu, the God of Fortune.

Yodameshi Shinji (January 7):
The projected annual rainfall for the coming year is prophesized by measuring the amount of water in a pot kept underneath the floor of the Eastern Treasure House.

Touka Shinji (January 11):
see kigo below

Hosha Shinji (January 15):
Ceremony which involves shooting an arrow at a wooden piece called chigi fixed at the center of a huge mark.

Bugaku Shinji (May 1):
A ceremonial dance from the Heian era is performed outdoors on a red painted stage.

Eyoudo Shinji (May 4):
A festival to commemorate the return of the sacred sword in the reign of Emperor Tenji.

Shinyo-Togyo Shinji (May 5):
A festival in which portable shrine (mikoshi) is carried in a formal procession to the Western Gate, where ceremonies and prayers for the security of the Imperial Palace are performed in the open air.
In the Meiji period and Taisho period, this procession moved in sober and solemn silence. The ceremony at the gate was brief, lasting only 20 minutes; and then the mikoshi and its attendants returned into the Shrine precincts. Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa provided a new mikoshi and a complete set of robes and other accouterments for this festival on the occasion of repairs to the shrine in the 1457-1459 (Chōroku 1-3).

Rei Sai (June 5):
see kigo below
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

kencha sai 献茶際 tea offering ceremony
kenka sai 献花祭 flower offering ceremony


kigo for mid-summer

Atsuta matsuri 熱田祭 (あつたまつり) Atsuta festival
shoobu matsuri 尚武祭(しょうぶまつり)"military arts festival"
..... shoobu e 尚武会(しょうぶえ)

makiwarabune 巻藁船(まきわらぶね)ships with lanterns
(makiwara is a roll of straw, used for practising Japanese archery. On the ships, this straw rolls are used to fix the lanterns.)

The main festival of this shrine, on June 5.
It used to be on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, like the tango seasonal festival.

Portable tabernacles (mikoshi) in various styles are carried along the approaches to the shrine; many mikoshi are carried by children, who parade to the sound of drums and bamboo festival flutes.
At night, groups of 365 lanterns on huge boats (makiwarabune) float down the river and are then displayed at the East and West Gate of the shrine.
A firework lights the night sky too.

This festival commemorates an Imperial proclamation (semmyō) issued in 1872 (Meiji 5). After 1906 (Meiji 39), exhibitions of judo, fencing (kendo), and archery (kyudo) are presented for the gratification of the kami. Acrobats, artists and dancers join the parade and many stalls sell local specialities along the road.


kigo for the New Year

Atsuta tooka shinji
熱田踏歌神事 (あつたとうかしんじ)
Atsuta shrine dance and song ceremony

January 11

CLICK for more photos

A variation on an annual ceremony (Tooka no sechi-e) of the Imperial Court in the Heian period (10th-12th Century)
On this day, the shrine dance becomes a prayer in movement hoping for bumper crops of the year.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

.Tooka Sechi-e 踏歌節会 Dance and song festival
at shrine Sumiyoshi Jinja in Osaka
A ritual of the same name is held on January 11 at Atsuta Jingu in Atsuta Ward, Nagoya.


Miya Juku : Station Nr. 41 at the old Tokaido Road

Atsuta shinji (熱田神事) Atsuta Shrine Ceremony
woodblock by Hiroshige Utagawa

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

Miya-juku (宮宿, Miya-juku) was the forty-first of the fifty-three stations of the Tōkaidō. It is located in the Atsuta-ku section of the city of Nagoya, in Aichi Prefecture, Japan. It was six km from Narumi-juku, the preceding post station.
In addition to being a post station on the Tōkaidō, it was also part of the Minoji (a minor route which runs to Tarui-juku on the Nakasendō) and the Saya Kaidō 佐屋. As a result, it had the most hatago lodgings of any post station along the Tōkaidō, in addition to its two honjin main lodgings for feudal lords.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. The 53 stations of the Tokaido 東海道五十三次 .

From Atsuta there were two possibilities to reach the next station, Kuwana.
One was via Saya and then by boat on the river Kisogawa 木曽川.
See Matsuo Basho below.


FOOD served at Atsuta Jingu

. "Miya Kishimen 宮きしめん" Kishimen shrine noodles

. Fuji Dango 藤団子 Wisteria Dumplings


Kiyomizu Sha 清水社 Kiyomizu Shrine
in the woods around 熱田神宮 Atsuta Jingu

Behind the shrine is the sacred spring, dedicated to
. Mizuha no me no kami 罔象女神 / 弥都波能売神 .
Mizuhanome ミヅハノメ
o shimizu お清水 sacred clear water

There was once a samurai with an eye disease. When he washed his eyes with this spring water, he got healed soon. ME no kami - 目 means eyes.

The water helps you obtain a beautiful skin if you wash your face with the spring water.

If you pour water on a stone in the spring with a dipper, hitting three times, your wish will come true.

. biyoo jisha 美容寺社 praying for beauty .

. Amulets for Eye Disease .


Matsuo Basho visited here on his trip "Nozarashi Kiko" 野ざらし紀行.
He wrote

I went to Atsuta to worship.
The grounds of the shrine were utterly in ruins, the earthen wall collapsed and covered with clumps of weeds. In one place a rope marked the remains of a smaller shrine, in another was a stone with the name of a god now unworshipped. All around, mugwort and longing fern grew wild. Somehow the place drew my heart, more than if it had been splendidly maintained.

shinobu sae karete mochi kau yadori kana

even the fern of longing
is withered; buying rice-cakes
at an inn

Tr. Barnhill

This hokku has the cut marker KANA at the end of line 3.

even the shinobu fern has withered
and I buy mochi ricecakes
at the inn . . . 

Tr. Gabi Greve

. WKD : shinobu, shinobugusa 忍ぶ草 Hare's-foot fern .
Davallia mariesii
kigo for all autumn

- - - - -

togi naosu kagami mo kiyoshi yuki no hana
togi-naosu kagami mo kiyoshi yuki no hana

freshly polished,
the sacred mirror too is clear:
blossoms of snow

Tr. Barnhill

Polished anew
the holy mirror too is clear–
blossoms of snow

Tr. Shirane

. shinkyoo 神鏡 the "divine mirror" .
They remind of the mikusa no kamudakara 三種の神器, sanshu no shingi, the famous three imperial regalia.
At the shrine in Atsuta, the sword Kusanagi (草薙劍, Kusanagi no Tsurugi) is kept and maybe a replica of the divine mirror Yata no Kagami 八咫鏡.

Basho's disciple in Atsuta :
. - Hayashi Tooyoo 桐葉 Hayashi Toyo - .

"Nozarashi Kiko" 野ざらし紀行
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

Saya Kaidoo 佐屋街道 The Saya Road

Atsuta Jingu 熱田神宮
Iwatsuka Shuku 岩塚宿
Manba Shuku 万場宿
Kamori Shuku 神守宿
Saya Shuku 佐屋宿
Kuwana Shuku 桑名宿

source : kaidolist/sayakaido

From Atsuta there were two possibilities to reach the next station of the Tokaido, Kuwana.
One was via Saya 佐屋 and then by boat on the river Kisogawa 木曽川.
Basho choose this road on his last trip to Kamigata.

He stayed at the home of Hermit Yamada 陰士山田 on the 25th day of the 5th lunar month in 1694 元禄7年5月25日. Together with other disciples they had a haikai meeting.

kuina naku to hito no ieba ya Saya domari

"the water rail calls there”
people say, and so
staying over at Saya

Tr. Barnhill

This is a greeting poem for his host Yamada.
The cut marker YA is at the end of line 2.

Now there is also a memorial mount with a stone of the Basho poem.
kuinazuka 水鶏塚(くいなつか)


shinryoku no Atsuta ni ogamu bakari nari

at Atsuta shrine
in all this fresh green
I can only pray

Yamamoto Shigeo
source : hitchhike.exblog.jp

Related words

***** . WKD : Main Index  

. Atsuta Shrine Legends .
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