. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Miyazaki Prefecture - 宮崎県
located on the island of Kyushu.
The capital is the city of Miyazaki. After the Meiji Restoration, Hyuuga (Hyuga Hyūga) Province was renamed Miyazaki Prefecture
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Miyazaki - Entries of this BLOG .
. Aoshima Shrine Festival, Hadaka mairi
青島神社はだか参り Aoshima Naked Festival .
Miyazaki Flower Festa みやざきフラワーフェスタ
From March to May at Kodomo-no-Kuni, Miyazaki
Miyazaki Shrine Grand Festival
Miyazaki jingu taisai 宮崎神宮大祭
(October 26th and following Saturday and Sunday)
It is the annual festival of Miyazaki Shrine, and is the greatest festival in Miyazaki Prefecture.
The ceremonies are held in the shrine in October 26th, and the attractive parades are held in the following Saturday and Sunday.
Emperor Jinmu has been enshrined in this shrine, so the main parade is called "Jinmu-sama".
Jinmu-sama has two different processions.
One is the sacred procession for Emperor Jinmu. Courtly and ceremonious parade is performed.
Another is the secular and lively procession. Many dances in Miyazaki Prefecture, rolling of drums, and some other performances appear.
source : travel-around-japan.com
. Miyazaki Jinguu 宮崎神宮 Miyazaki Shrine .
Obi Castle Festival 飫肥城祭り
Nichinan City’s representative fall festival, the Obi Castle festival, is held over a two day period in Obi at the castle town formerly resided in by the Itou clan. Befitting its nickname of “Kyushu’s Little Kyoto” the town of Obi is laid out in a grid like fashion and has preserved its old samurai residences and former merchant town atmosphere. The highlights of the festival take place at 3:30 p.m. on the 15th (Sat) when post horses gallop in front of the main gate and at noon on the 16th (Sun) with Taihei dancing and the parade of generals and male and female samurai warriors.
- source : www.mif.or.jp
. Taihei odori 泰平踊り "Peace Dance" dolls from Miyazaki .
Onioi matsuri, oni-oi matsuri 鬼追い祭り
at Kumano shrine 熊野神社, Soo town 曽於市
January 7
Preparations start of January 2.
All ritual equipment is placed in a special hall and consecrated by the Shinto priest.
Three oni, father, mother and son, 男鬼 - 女鬼 -子鬼 are choosen from young men in their yakudoshi year. Their names are not made public for the next seven years.
The demons are said to be coming down from Mount Kirishima, 30 km away from the village.
They are dressed up with a huge headgear with many small gohei 御幣 paper stripes. People try to get some gohei for good luck in the coming year.
The three demons come down from the shrine toward the temple 光明寺 and run around wild in the dark, suddenly disappearing, suddenly showing up and hitting people.
The are accompanied by boys who support them like ninja 忍者風の黒子.
The oni of this festival are not bad ones, but good oni 善鬼 who bring good luck to the people. This is a very special festival and an important cultural property.
They also hold "demon's arms" prepared by the villagers and hit the visitors. Every hit secures a happy life in the coming year. But the arms are made from bamboo and rope and people get hurt by hitting. In former times, even wooden sticks were used for arms.
The main run is at night with torchlight, quite spooky.
Smaller oni no te 鬼の手 "demon hands" are made by the local children and sold as amulets for the festival.
Special oni no fuku mame 鬼の福豆 lucky beans are also sold.
The festival is more than 1250 years old.
. Oni, Japanese Demons .
A similar appearance of a shaman in trance with a large gohei-like headgear is seen in my village at Ohaga at Temple Ryosan-Ji during O-Bon :
. 両山寺は護法祭 Gohoosai Festival.
ごうさま - Goosama
Takachiho Yokagura 高千穂 夜神楽
Night Kagura Dance of the Takachiho Region
(From November to February)
"Kagura" is the dance and music of Shinto, and it is performed to offer to Shinto shrine. "Yokagura" means "overnight Kagura".
This Yokagura goes around all districts in Takachiho region from November to February.
At each district, 33 dances based on the story of Shinto god are performed.
It takes more than a dozen hours, so the performance starts in the evening and finishes in the afternoon the next day.
This is the important event for Takachiho's people in agricultural off-season.
source : travel-around-japan.com
. Kagura Masks from Takachiho .
. Kagura Dance (神楽 kagura) - Introduction .
yokagura 夜神楽 (よかぐら) Kagura dance at night
External LINKS :
Ebino Town Festivals (えびの市)
source : wiki/Ebino,_Miyazaki
Autumn Festivals in Miyazaki
Miyazaki Shrine Festival
Shiiba Heike Festival
- source : mif.or.jp/article
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
- #miyazaki -
Miyagi Prefecture
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Miyagi Prefecture - 宮城県
prefecture of Japan in the Tōhoku Region on Honshu island.
The capital is Sendai 仙台.
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. Matsushima 松島 .
. Kokeshi Dolls from Miyagi こけし .
Narugo Naruko Kokeshi Festival in September
Shiroishi Kokeshi Exhibition, May 3–5
Aoba Castel 青葉城 "Castle of the Green Leaves"
by Hasui Kawase (1883-1957)
Aoba Castle (青葉城, Aoba-jō), also known as Sendai Castle (仙台城, Sendai-jō), was the castle of the Date family. Built by Date Masamune atop Mount Aoba, it commanded a highly defensible strategic position overlooking the city of Sendai.
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. Miyagi - Entries of this BLOG .
. Akiu no taue odori 秋保の田植踊 rice-planting dance .
Aoba matsuri 青葉祭り Aoba festival
suzume odori すずめ踊り starling dance, sparrow dance
The original Sparrow Dance is derived from the dance improvised by the stonemasons at the feast for the construction of Sendai Castle of famous monarch Masamune Date about 400 years ago.
... representing the coming of Spring.
The special-feature event on Saturday evening (Yoi-matsuri, or Festival-Eve event) is the "Suzume-odori (sparrow dance) Contest", open to the public for participation. This adds to the atmosphere of the festival and it is encouraged for people to try the suzume dance for themselves!
The next day (Sunday) includes the Hon-matsuri (Main Festival), where you can see a parade of soul-stirring Yamaboko (decorative floats) and samurai warriors marching in procession under the roadside Zelkova trees.
Amid the beating sound of the Odaiko (big drums) and chanting for joy, the main street is completely filled with the jubilant excitement of the festival.
source : www.sentabi.jp
During the Edo period, a festival for Tosho-gu Shrine was held on September 17. This has come to be known as the "Sendai Matsuri."
Tosho-gu Shrine was built on April 17, 1654 in the days of the second Sendai clan leader, Date Tadamune, Sendai Matsuri started on that day the following next year. Because of Sankinkoutai ( a kind of the feudal system of Clan leaders' alternate-year attendance at Edo), it was held every other year, when the leader was staying in Sendai.
..... During the Meiji era, in 1874, Aoba Shrine 青葉神社 was built in the precinct at Tosho-ji Temple in Kitayama to commemorate Date Masamune, an ancestor of the clan leaders. On May 24, the next year, the anniversary of his death, the festival began. People had gradually come to call the festival "Aoba Matsuri" not Sendai Matsuri, and it became a civic holiday when banks, government offices and schools were closed to celebrated it.
In 1885, the 250th ceremony of Masamune's death was held in a large scale with many floats,
..... Although Aoba Matsuri was called off more than twenty years ago, it has been revived with some renewals in 1985, when it was the 350th ceremony of Masamune's death.
Now it has become a typical Spring sight in Sendai.
Read more details HERE :
source : www.aoba-matsuri.com
. Date Masamune (伊達政宗) .
(September 5, 1567 – June 27, 1636)
. Dontosai どんと祭 Matsutaki Matsuri .
naked men festival
January 14, Osaki Hachiman Shrine, Sendai
. Ishinomaki Kawabiraki 石巻川開き
"River Opening at Ishinomaki" .
in honor of Kawamura Magobei 川村孫兵衛
Matsushima Oyster Festival
first weekend(Saturday and Sunday) of February
featuring various winter oyster dishes, like barbequed oysters and scallops over charcoal.
Sendai Classical Music Festival
Sen-Cla (pronounced sen-ku-ra せんくら)
source : Japan Times, 2008
Sendai Pageant of Starlight SENDAI光のページェント
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Tanabata Star Festival 七夕 .
Sendai Tanabata Festival, August 6–8
Yosakoi Matsuri よさこい祭り 仙台
Yosakoi Dance Festival
Yosakoi (よさこい) is a unique style of dance that originated in Japan. Yosakoi started in the city of Kōchi in 1954, as a modern rendition of Awa Odori, a traditional summer dance.
Since its introduction in 1954, yosakoi has become popular throughout the country of Japan. Now, Yosakoi-Soran festivals are held all over Japan, throughout the year.
They vary in size from small villages hosting a few teams of dancers in conjunction with another annual festival, to large cities like
Sendai, which hosts the Michinoku Yosakoi Festival,
the third largest festival in Japan.
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External LINKS :
Furukawa Festival
August 2 - 4
Shiroishi Summer Festival
August 11 - 12
source : www.tohokumatsuri.jp
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Miyagi Prefecture - 宮城県
prefecture of Japan in the Tōhoku Region on Honshu island.
The capital is Sendai 仙台.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Matsushima 松島 .
. Kokeshi Dolls from Miyagi こけし .
Narugo Naruko Kokeshi Festival in September
Shiroishi Kokeshi Exhibition, May 3–5
Aoba Castel 青葉城 "Castle of the Green Leaves"
by Hasui Kawase (1883-1957)
Aoba Castle (青葉城, Aoba-jō), also known as Sendai Castle (仙台城, Sendai-jō), was the castle of the Date family. Built by Date Masamune atop Mount Aoba, it commanded a highly defensible strategic position overlooking the city of Sendai.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Miyagi - Entries of this BLOG .
. Akiu no taue odori 秋保の田植踊 rice-planting dance .
Aoba matsuri 青葉祭り Aoba festival
suzume odori すずめ踊り starling dance, sparrow dance
The original Sparrow Dance is derived from the dance improvised by the stonemasons at the feast for the construction of Sendai Castle of famous monarch Masamune Date about 400 years ago.
... representing the coming of Spring.
The special-feature event on Saturday evening (Yoi-matsuri, or Festival-Eve event) is the "Suzume-odori (sparrow dance) Contest", open to the public for participation. This adds to the atmosphere of the festival and it is encouraged for people to try the suzume dance for themselves!
The next day (Sunday) includes the Hon-matsuri (Main Festival), where you can see a parade of soul-stirring Yamaboko (decorative floats) and samurai warriors marching in procession under the roadside Zelkova trees.
Amid the beating sound of the Odaiko (big drums) and chanting for joy, the main street is completely filled with the jubilant excitement of the festival.
source : www.sentabi.jp
During the Edo period, a festival for Tosho-gu Shrine was held on September 17. This has come to be known as the "Sendai Matsuri."
Tosho-gu Shrine was built on April 17, 1654 in the days of the second Sendai clan leader, Date Tadamune, Sendai Matsuri started on that day the following next year. Because of Sankinkoutai ( a kind of the feudal system of Clan leaders' alternate-year attendance at Edo), it was held every other year, when the leader was staying in Sendai.
..... During the Meiji era, in 1874, Aoba Shrine 青葉神社 was built in the precinct at Tosho-ji Temple in Kitayama to commemorate Date Masamune, an ancestor of the clan leaders. On May 24, the next year, the anniversary of his death, the festival began. People had gradually come to call the festival "Aoba Matsuri" not Sendai Matsuri, and it became a civic holiday when banks, government offices and schools were closed to celebrated it.
In 1885, the 250th ceremony of Masamune's death was held in a large scale with many floats,
..... Although Aoba Matsuri was called off more than twenty years ago, it has been revived with some renewals in 1985, when it was the 350th ceremony of Masamune's death.
Now it has become a typical Spring sight in Sendai.
Read more details HERE :
source : www.aoba-matsuri.com
. Date Masamune (伊達政宗) .
(September 5, 1567 – June 27, 1636)
. Dontosai どんと祭 Matsutaki Matsuri .
naked men festival
January 14, Osaki Hachiman Shrine, Sendai
. Ishinomaki Kawabiraki 石巻川開き
"River Opening at Ishinomaki" .
in honor of Kawamura Magobei 川村孫兵衛
Matsushima Oyster Festival
first weekend(Saturday and Sunday) of February
featuring various winter oyster dishes, like barbequed oysters and scallops over charcoal.
Sendai Classical Music Festival
Sen-Cla (pronounced sen-ku-ra せんくら)
source : Japan Times, 2008
Sendai Pageant of Starlight SENDAI光のページェント
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Tanabata Star Festival 七夕 .
Sendai Tanabata Festival, August 6–8
Yosakoi Matsuri よさこい祭り 仙台
Yosakoi Dance Festival
Yosakoi (よさこい) is a unique style of dance that originated in Japan. Yosakoi started in the city of Kōchi in 1954, as a modern rendition of Awa Odori, a traditional summer dance.
Since its introduction in 1954, yosakoi has become popular throughout the country of Japan. Now, Yosakoi-Soran festivals are held all over Japan, throughout the year.
They vary in size from small villages hosting a few teams of dancers in conjunction with another annual festival, to large cities like
Sendai, which hosts the Michinoku Yosakoi Festival,
the third largest festival in Japan.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
External LINKS :
Furukawa Festival
August 2 - 4
Shiroishi Summer Festival
August 11 - 12
source : www.tohokumatsuri.jp
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
Kyoto Prefecture
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Kyoto Prefecture - 京都(府)
located in the Kansai region of the island of Honshu.
The capital is the city of Kyoto.
. hana no miyako 花の都 "capital of blossoms" .
- kigo from Kyoto
. Kyoto - Entries of this BLOG .
Amanohashidate 天橋立
. Ama no Hashidate Matsuri 天の橋立祭 .
. Kamo Shrine Festivals 賀茂神社 .
下鴨神社 and 上賀茂神社
Busha Shinji (歩射神事, archery ritual)
Kamo keiba 賀茂競馬horse race at Kamo shrine
Aoi Matsuri 葵祭 Aoi Festival - Kamo no matsuri 賀茂祭(かものまつり)
Shimogamo no misogi 下賀茂の御祓 Shimogamo purification rituals
yatori shinji 矢取り神事 Shimogamo Shrine Arrow Ceremony
hatsumari 初鞠 first kick-ball bame
Kamigamo Nentoosai 上賀茂燃燈祭 "Lantern Festival at Kamigamo"
Kamigamo otana kazari 上賀茂御棚飾 shelf decorations at Kamigamo shrine
Karasu-zumo "Crow Sumo (wresling celemony)"烏相撲(からすずもう)
. Kitano natane goku 北野菜種御供 (きたのなたねごく)
ritual for rapeseed blossoms .
..... and
Hatsu Tenjin 初天神 First visit to a Tenjin Shrine
Urajiro renga 裏白連歌 "Linked verse with white backside"
Kitano no fudehajime sai 北野の筆始祭
first use of the brush ceremony at Kitano
Kitano matsuri 北野祭 (きたのまつり) Kitano Festival
shimai Tenjin 終天神 (しまいてんじん) last visit to a Tenjin shrine
Rituals for Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真
. Kushi Matsuri 櫛祭り Kushi Comb Festival .
. mikage matsuri 御蔭祭 "honorable shadow festival" .
mi-aregi 御生木(みあれぎ)
"Lawn Cutting Ceremony", shibakiri shinji
At Kamo Shrine
. Seimei Matsuri 晴明祭 Seimei Festival .
in honor of Abe no Seimei 阿倍晴明 at the Seimei Shrine 清明神社 at the Autumn equinox
. WKD : Kyoto Festivals in April .
External LINKS
Kyoto Visitor's Guide - Monthly Events
source : www.kyotoguide.com
- - - - -example- May 2011
Aoi Festival
Kurabe Uma-e Ashizoroe Ceremony
Yabusame Shinji
Saiodai Misogi Purification Ritual
Busha Shinji
Kamo Kurabe Uma
Shinsen-en Kyogen at Shinsen-en Temple
Senbon Enma-do Nenbutsu Kyogen at Senbon Enma-do Temple
Fujinomori Festival at Fujinomori Shrine
Ohara-me Festival in the Ohara Area
Kamogawa Odori at Pontocho Kaburenjo Theatre
Inari Festival at Fushimi Inari Grand Shrine
Nijo Castle Citizen Tea Party at Nijo Castle
Uesaku Festival at Kurama Temple
Mifune Festival in Arashiyama
Saga Festival at Nonomiya Shrine & Atago Shrine
Takigi Noh Night-time Performance at Heian Shrine
source : thismonth
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Kyoto Prefecture - 京都(府)
located in the Kansai region of the island of Honshu.
The capital is the city of Kyoto.
. hana no miyako 花の都 "capital of blossoms" .
- kigo from Kyoto
. Kyoto - Entries of this BLOG .
Amanohashidate 天橋立
. Ama no Hashidate Matsuri 天の橋立祭 .
. Kamo Shrine Festivals 賀茂神社 .
下鴨神社 and 上賀茂神社
Busha Shinji (歩射神事, archery ritual)
Kamo keiba 賀茂競馬horse race at Kamo shrine
Aoi Matsuri 葵祭 Aoi Festival - Kamo no matsuri 賀茂祭(かものまつり)
Shimogamo no misogi 下賀茂の御祓 Shimogamo purification rituals
yatori shinji 矢取り神事 Shimogamo Shrine Arrow Ceremony
hatsumari 初鞠 first kick-ball bame
Kamigamo Nentoosai 上賀茂燃燈祭 "Lantern Festival at Kamigamo"
Kamigamo otana kazari 上賀茂御棚飾 shelf decorations at Kamigamo shrine
Karasu-zumo "Crow Sumo (wresling celemony)"烏相撲(からすずもう)
. Kitano natane goku 北野菜種御供 (きたのなたねごく)
ritual for rapeseed blossoms .
..... and
Hatsu Tenjin 初天神 First visit to a Tenjin Shrine
Urajiro renga 裏白連歌 "Linked verse with white backside"
Kitano no fudehajime sai 北野の筆始祭
first use of the brush ceremony at Kitano
Kitano matsuri 北野祭 (きたのまつり) Kitano Festival
shimai Tenjin 終天神 (しまいてんじん) last visit to a Tenjin shrine
Rituals for Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真
. Kushi Matsuri 櫛祭り Kushi Comb Festival .
. mikage matsuri 御蔭祭 "honorable shadow festival" .
mi-aregi 御生木(みあれぎ)
"Lawn Cutting Ceremony", shibakiri shinji
At Kamo Shrine
. Seimei Matsuri 晴明祭 Seimei Festival .
in honor of Abe no Seimei 阿倍晴明 at the Seimei Shrine 清明神社 at the Autumn equinox
. WKD : Kyoto Festivals in April .
External LINKS
Kyoto Visitor's Guide - Monthly Events
source : www.kyotoguide.com
- - - - -example- May 2011
Aoi Festival
Kurabe Uma-e Ashizoroe Ceremony
Yabusame Shinji
Saiodai Misogi Purification Ritual
Busha Shinji
Kamo Kurabe Uma
Shinsen-en Kyogen at Shinsen-en Temple
Senbon Enma-do Nenbutsu Kyogen at Senbon Enma-do Temple
Fujinomori Festival at Fujinomori Shrine
Ohara-me Festival in the Ohara Area
Kamogawa Odori at Pontocho Kaburenjo Theatre
Inari Festival at Fushimi Inari Grand Shrine
Nijo Castle Citizen Tea Party at Nijo Castle
Uesaku Festival at Kurama Temple
Mifune Festival in Arashiyama
Saga Festival at Nonomiya Shrine & Atago Shrine
Takigi Noh Night-time Performance at Heian Shrine
source : thismonth
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
Kagoshima prefecture
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Kagoshima Prefecture - 鹿児島県
located on the island of Kyushu.
The capital is the city of Kagoshima.
Kagoshima Prefecture corresponds to the ancient Japanese provinces Ōsumi and Satsuma, including the northern part of the Ryukyu Islands (Satsunan).
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Kagoshima - Entries of this BLOG .
Kagoshima Spring Festival
. Kagoshima Shrine Festivals 鹿児島神宮 .
. Kirishima Shrine Festivals 霧島神宮 .
Kirishima International Music Festival
Sand festival
Started in May since 1987
. Satsuma itobina 薩摩糸びな Satsuma string hina dolls .
External LINKS :
Rokugatsu-to (July/ at inner city shrines and temples)
Ohara Festival (November 2 - 3/ Sanbashi-dori - Takamibaba)
This is the biggest festival within the prefecture with 20,000 dancers and 500,000 visitors.
Asa-ichi Market(Around Nishi-Kagoshima station)
source : hometown.infocreate.co.jp
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Kagoshima Prefecture - 鹿児島県
located on the island of Kyushu.
The capital is the city of Kagoshima.
Kagoshima Prefecture corresponds to the ancient Japanese provinces Ōsumi and Satsuma, including the northern part of the Ryukyu Islands (Satsunan).
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Kagoshima - Entries of this BLOG .
Kagoshima Spring Festival
. Kagoshima Shrine Festivals 鹿児島神宮 .
. Kirishima Shrine Festivals 霧島神宮 .
Kirishima International Music Festival
Sand festival
Started in May since 1987
. Satsuma itobina 薩摩糸びな Satsuma string hina dolls .
External LINKS :
Rokugatsu-to (July/ at inner city shrines and temples)
Ohara Festival (November 2 - 3/ Sanbashi-dori - Takamibaba)
This is the biggest festival within the prefecture with 20,000 dancers and 500,000 visitors.
Asa-ichi Market(Around Nishi-Kagoshima station)
source : hometown.infocreate.co.jp
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
Kanagawa Prefecture
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Kanagawa Prefecture - 神奈川県
located in the southern Kantō region of Japan.
The capital is Yokohama. Kanagawa is part of the Greater Tokyo Area.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Kamakura 鎌倉 a Haiku town .
. Kanagawa - Entries of this BLOG .
. Hibita Jinja 比々多神社 Hibita Shrine festivals .
Sake matsuri 酒祭 (11月下旬)Sake festival
. Ooyama matsuri 大山祭 Oyama festival .
Afuri Jinja, Oyama, Isehara 大山阿夫利神社
External LINKS :
Kanagawa Festivals Year Round
source : www.kanagawa-kankou.or.jp
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Kanagawa Prefecture - 神奈川県
located in the southern Kantō region of Japan.
The capital is Yokohama. Kanagawa is part of the Greater Tokyo Area.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Kamakura 鎌倉 a Haiku town .
. Kanagawa - Entries of this BLOG .
. Hibita Jinja 比々多神社 Hibita Shrine festivals .
Sake matsuri 酒祭 (11月下旬)Sake festival
. Ooyama matsuri 大山祭 Oyama festival .
Afuri Jinja, Oyama, Isehara 大山阿夫利神社
External LINKS :
Kanagawa Festivals Year Round
source : www.kanagawa-kankou.or.jp
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
Kumamoto prefecture
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Kumamoto Prefecture - 熊本県
located on Kyushu Island.
The capital is the city of Kumamoto.
Former Higo Province 肥後国 Higo no Kuni
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Kumamoto - Entries of this BLOG .
. The land of Kumaso 熊襲 today Kumamoto Prefecture. .
古代九州西南部 -〈熊曾の国〉
- quote
Hoshinaga Fumio:
Selected Haiku from Kumaso-Ha
Along with research interests in Japanese language and history, Hoshinaga has been concerned with the local history and deep tribal past of central Kyushu, a concern which frames his latest effort, Kumaso-Ha, a ninth haiku collection published by Honami Shoten in autumn 2003. The creativity of the haiku in Kumaso-Ha are striking: many are innovative in approach, presenting social and philosophical perspectives with deeply humane insight.
... You know, here in Kyushu, the Kumaso, the ancient tribe of central Kyushu, have been conquered and eradicated, but in my haiku, I want to rebuild, revive the Kumaso world—the era of the Kumaso and the essential nature of the Kumaso.
- source : www.modernhaiku.org/essays
- source : gendaihaiku.com/hoshinaga
. Aso Shrine Festivals .
Aso jinja 阿蘇神社
. hassaku matsuri 八朔祭 Hassaku festival .
in the Yabe area
Hinokuni Festival
August 11 - 13
Fujisaki Hachimangu Shrine Grand Festival
September 11 - 15
. Kato Kiyomasa 加藤清正 .
Kato Kiyomasa Festival
Kumamoto, July
Kumamoto Castle Festival
. Yamaga Lantern Festival 山鹿灯籠まつり .
External LINKS :
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Kumamoto Prefecture - 熊本県
located on Kyushu Island.
The capital is the city of Kumamoto.
Former Higo Province 肥後国 Higo no Kuni
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Kumamoto - Entries of this BLOG .
. The land of Kumaso 熊襲 today Kumamoto Prefecture. .
古代九州西南部 -〈熊曾の国〉
- quote
Hoshinaga Fumio:
Selected Haiku from Kumaso-Ha
Along with research interests in Japanese language and history, Hoshinaga has been concerned with the local history and deep tribal past of central Kyushu, a concern which frames his latest effort, Kumaso-Ha, a ninth haiku collection published by Honami Shoten in autumn 2003. The creativity of the haiku in Kumaso-Ha are striking: many are innovative in approach, presenting social and philosophical perspectives with deeply humane insight.
... You know, here in Kyushu, the Kumaso, the ancient tribe of central Kyushu, have been conquered and eradicated, but in my haiku, I want to rebuild, revive the Kumaso world—the era of the Kumaso and the essential nature of the Kumaso.
- source : www.modernhaiku.org/essays
- source : gendaihaiku.com/hoshinaga
. Aso Shrine Festivals .
Aso jinja 阿蘇神社
. hassaku matsuri 八朔祭 Hassaku festival .
in the Yabe area
Hinokuni Festival
August 11 - 13
Fujisaki Hachimangu Shrine Grand Festival
September 11 - 15
. Kato Kiyomasa 加藤清正 .
Kato Kiyomasa Festival
Kumamoto, July
Kumamoto Castle Festival
. Yamaga Lantern Festival 山鹿灯籠まつり .
External LINKS :
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
Kochi Prefecture Tosa
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Kochi Prefecture - 高知県
Kōchi Prefecture
located on the south coast of Shikoku.
The capital is the city of Kōchi
Former province Tosa no Kuni 土佐国
Famous for the Fighting Dogs
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Shimantogawa 四万十川 River Shimanto
. Kochi - Entries of this BLOG .
. Yosakoi dance よさこい .
External LINKS :
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Kochi Prefecture - 高知県
Kōchi Prefecture
located on the south coast of Shikoku.
The capital is the city of Kōchi
Former province Tosa no Kuni 土佐国
Famous for the Fighting Dogs
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Shimantogawa 四万十川 River Shimanto
. Kochi - Entries of this BLOG .
. Yosakoi dance よさこい .
External LINKS :
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
Kagawa prefecture Takamatsu
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Kagawa Prefecture - 香川県
ocated on Shikoku island.
The capital is Takamatsu 高松 .
Former Sanuki province, 讃岐国 Sanuki no Kuni
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. Kagawa - Entries of this BLOG .
Marugame castle
Shodoshima island
. Kotohira Shrine Festivals .
Konpira Daigongen . 金毘羅大権現
Sanuki Takamatsu Festival
大野ぎおん祭り Ono Gion Matsuri - July
三豊市山本町大野地区で大野八幡神社 Ono Hachiman Jinja, Mitoyo town
External LINKS :
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Kagawa Prefecture - 香川県
ocated on Shikoku island.
The capital is Takamatsu 高松 .
Former Sanuki province, 讃岐国 Sanuki no Kuni
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Kagawa - Entries of this BLOG .
Marugame castle
Shodoshima island
. Kotohira Shrine Festivals .
Konpira Daigongen . 金毘羅大権現
Sanuki Takamatsu Festival
大野ぎおん祭り Ono Gion Matsuri - July
三豊市山本町大野地区で大野八幡神社 Ono Hachiman Jinja, Mitoyo town
External LINKS :
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
Iwate Prefecture
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Iwate Prefecture - 岩手県
the second largest prefecture of Japan after Hokkaido. It is located in the Tōhoku region of Honshū island and contains the island's easternmost point.
The capital is Morioka.
Iwate has the lowest population density of any prefecture outside Hokkaido.
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. Iwate - Entries of this BLOG .
. Chaguchagu umakko ちゃぐちゃぐ馬っこ
Chaguchagu horse festival .
June 15 or second sunday in June. Takizawa village 滝沢村
. Gyokusui no en 曲水の宴(きょくすいのえん)
Poetry party at the meandering stream .
Gokusui no En "Winding Stream Festival". Hiraizumi Town
. Hayachine Kagura 早池峰神楽 .
Hanamaki matsuri 花巻まつり Hanamaki festival
. Hiraizumi Fujiwara Matsuri 平泉藤原祭 .
Chusonji Chrysanthemum Festival (Hiraizumi Town)
Fujiwara Fall Festival (Hiraizumi Town)
Jomon Fire Festival in Iwate Prefecture
. Motsu-Ji Ennen no Mai 毛越寺延年の舞 .
night festival on January 20. Hiraizumi
. Oni kenbai 鬼剣舞 "demon sword dance" .
Hanamaki town
Sansa Odori さんさ踊り Sansa Dance
August 1 - 4, Morioka
Over 10,000 taiko drummers and dancers parade through the city; Sansa is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest taiko drum festival in the world.
Legend has it that Sansa dance began when a wicked demon was punished by the god of Mitsuishi Shrine 三ツ石神社. The god made the demon swear that he would never do bad deeds again, and as a sign of his pledge, the demon placed his hand on a large rock and left a hand print. The locals rejoiced, dancing around the rock.
This story explains the origin of Sansa, as well as the name “Iwate,” which means “rock hand.”
The choreography for the main Sansa Odori parade on Chuodori Street is modern and simplified, but you can also see traditional and more dynamic Sansa dances at other venues such as Ekimae Hiroba in front of the station and at various halls.
The dancers shout: “Sakkora Choiwa Yasse, which is a call to bring in good luck.
source : www.sansaodori.jp/
Morioka Sansa Dance Festival in Morioka City of Iwate Prefecture is a Bon Odori, a Buddhist dance festival held every year to honor the deceased spirits of ancestors.
source : nippon-kichi.jp
. sansa odori さんさ踊り Sansa Dance Dolls .
. shishi odori, shika odori 鹿踊り dance of the deer .
at O-Bon in August
External LINKS :
Hidaka Hibuse Festival ( Oshu City )
Iwate Snow Festival ( Shizukuishi Town )
Kitakami Michinoku Geino Festival
( Perfoming Arts Festival )
first Saturday of August. Kitakami city
Morioka Fireworks Festival ( Morioka City )
Shishi-Odori ( Deer Dance ) ( Throughout Iwate )
Tono Festival
3rd weekend of September
Tono Dobekko Festival ( Tono City )
source : www.japan-iwate.info
- Iwate Summer Festivals -
Kamaishi Yoisa Festival
Miyako Summer Festival
Oshu Mizusawa Festival
Sanriku Ofunato Summer Festival
Tsuchizawa Tanabata Festival
Yamase Merchant Festival
source : www.tohokumatsuri.jp
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Iwate Prefecture - 岩手県
the second largest prefecture of Japan after Hokkaido. It is located in the Tōhoku region of Honshū island and contains the island's easternmost point.
The capital is Morioka.
Iwate has the lowest population density of any prefecture outside Hokkaido.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Iwate - Entries of this BLOG .
. Chaguchagu umakko ちゃぐちゃぐ馬っこ
Chaguchagu horse festival .
June 15 or second sunday in June. Takizawa village 滝沢村
. Gyokusui no en 曲水の宴(きょくすいのえん)
Poetry party at the meandering stream .
Gokusui no En "Winding Stream Festival". Hiraizumi Town
. Hayachine Kagura 早池峰神楽 .
Hanamaki matsuri 花巻まつり Hanamaki festival
. Hiraizumi Fujiwara Matsuri 平泉藤原祭 .
Chusonji Chrysanthemum Festival (Hiraizumi Town)
Fujiwara Fall Festival (Hiraizumi Town)
Jomon Fire Festival in Iwate Prefecture
. Motsu-Ji Ennen no Mai 毛越寺延年の舞 .
night festival on January 20. Hiraizumi
. Oni kenbai 鬼剣舞 "demon sword dance" .
Hanamaki town
Sansa Odori さんさ踊り Sansa Dance
August 1 - 4, Morioka
Over 10,000 taiko drummers and dancers parade through the city; Sansa is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest taiko drum festival in the world.
Legend has it that Sansa dance began when a wicked demon was punished by the god of Mitsuishi Shrine 三ツ石神社. The god made the demon swear that he would never do bad deeds again, and as a sign of his pledge, the demon placed his hand on a large rock and left a hand print. The locals rejoiced, dancing around the rock.
This story explains the origin of Sansa, as well as the name “Iwate,” which means “rock hand.”
The choreography for the main Sansa Odori parade on Chuodori Street is modern and simplified, but you can also see traditional and more dynamic Sansa dances at other venues such as Ekimae Hiroba in front of the station and at various halls.
The dancers shout: “Sakkora Choiwa Yasse, which is a call to bring in good luck.
source : www.sansaodori.jp/
Morioka Sansa Dance Festival in Morioka City of Iwate Prefecture is a Bon Odori, a Buddhist dance festival held every year to honor the deceased spirits of ancestors.
source : nippon-kichi.jp
. sansa odori さんさ踊り Sansa Dance Dolls .
. shishi odori, shika odori 鹿踊り dance of the deer .
at O-Bon in August
External LINKS :
Hidaka Hibuse Festival ( Oshu City )
Iwate Snow Festival ( Shizukuishi Town )
Kitakami Michinoku Geino Festival
( Perfoming Arts Festival )
first Saturday of August. Kitakami city
Morioka Fireworks Festival ( Morioka City )
Shishi-Odori ( Deer Dance ) ( Throughout Iwate )
Tono Festival
3rd weekend of September
Tono Dobekko Festival ( Tono City )
source : www.japan-iwate.info
- Iwate Summer Festivals -
Kamaishi Yoisa Festival
Miyako Summer Festival
Oshu Mizusawa Festival
Sanriku Ofunato Summer Festival
Tsuchizawa Tanabata Festival
Yamase Merchant Festival
source : www.tohokumatsuri.jp
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
Ibaraki prefecture
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Ibaraki / Ibaragi Prefecture - 茨城県
located in the Kantō region on the main island of Honshu.
The capital is Mito.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Ibaraki - Entries of this BLOG .
Hitachi Furyu Mono and Hitachi Sasara
"I Love Ibaraki" festival - held in October
Ishioka Festival
Sep. 18th to 20th
Japanese Clover Festival
. Madara Kishin Sai マダラ鬼神祭 Madara Demon God Festival .
Amabiki Kannon, Temple Rakuhooji
Mito Summer Festival
Saito Sai
(Kashima City)
Takasai Jinja 高道祖神社 - Sayariboo 塞り棒(さやりぼう)
Dosojin Festival 道祖神祭
- source : japanfestival.web.fc2.com -
Tsuchiura National Fireworks Competition
(Tsuchiura City)
(Ryūgasaki City)
External LINKS :
Ibaraki's Highlights and Important Information
source : ibaraki-festivals
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
- #ibaraki -
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Ibaraki / Ibaragi Prefecture - 茨城県
located in the Kantō region on the main island of Honshu.
The capital is Mito.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Ibaraki - Entries of this BLOG .
Hitachi Furyu Mono and Hitachi Sasara
"I Love Ibaraki" festival - held in October
Ishioka Festival
Sep. 18th to 20th
Japanese Clover Festival
. Madara Kishin Sai マダラ鬼神祭 Madara Demon God Festival .
Amabiki Kannon, Temple Rakuhooji
Mito Summer Festival
Saito Sai
(Kashima City)
Takasai Jinja 高道祖神社 - Sayariboo 塞り棒(さやりぼう)
Dosojin Festival 道祖神祭
- source : japanfestival.web.fc2.com -
Tsuchiura National Fireworks Competition
(Tsuchiura City)
(Ryūgasaki City)
External LINKS :
Ibaraki's Highlights and Important Information
source : ibaraki-festivals
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
- #ibaraki -
Ishikawa prefecture Kanazawa
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Ishikawa Prefecture - 石川県
located in the Chūbu region on Honshū island.
The capital is Kanazawa 金沢市.
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Gojinjo Daiko -Japanese Drum
Wajima City
. Ishikawa - Entries of this BLOG .
Abare (Rampage) Festival / Noto 能登
Abare Festival is known for its wild atmosphere. On the day of the Festival, about40 tall (some are as high as 7 m) sacred lanterns are paraded through the streets along with 2 omikoshi portable shrines.
Issaki Hoto Festival
This is one of the biggest and most lively summer festivals of Noto where spirited men from the area around a fishing town called Ishizaki, parade through the town streets with rallying shouting, carrying the Hoto (votive lanterns) on their shoulders.
Maimon Food Festival
Nafune Gojinjo Drum Festival, Wajima
It is said that the drummers wearing ghost masks and seaweed hair fought off the armies of Uesugi Kenshin who tried to attack the Nafune area in 1577.
CLICK for more photos !
. Noto no kiriko 能登のキリコ 祭り Lantern festival from Noto .
Okuma kabuto Festival, Nakajima, Nanao
September 20
Wearing a Tengu (long-nosed goblin) mask and dancing to the rhythm of the drums, a festival character called "Sarutahiko" leads the mikoshi portable shrine procession through the streets.
Seihakusai Dekayama (Floats) Festival, Nanao
Seihakusai is celebrated in May and is one of the biggest festivals of Noto. This Spring Festival is dedicated to Ootoko-nushi (Sanno) Shrine in Nanao.
Tomobata (Mifune) Festival, Ogi, Noto
A boat carrying omikoshi, along with 10 other boats, decorated with tomobata flags and 5 coloured fukinagashi wind-streamers rove inside the bay praying for large catch. It's a lively, gorgeous festival emphasizing the typical character of a seaside town.
Wajima Taisai Great Wajima Festival
August 23-25
10 meter tall festival lanterns called Kiriko as well as smaller portable paper lanterns are carried through the town streets along with portable shrines called "omikoshi".
External LINKS :
Festival Guide to Ishikawa
source : ishikawajet.wikia.com
- hot-ishikawa.jp/english -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Ishikawa Prefecture - 石川県
located in the Chūbu region on Honshū island.
The capital is Kanazawa 金沢市.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Gojinjo Daiko -Japanese Drum
Wajima City
. Ishikawa - Entries of this BLOG .
Abare (Rampage) Festival / Noto 能登
Abare Festival is known for its wild atmosphere. On the day of the Festival, about40 tall (some are as high as 7 m) sacred lanterns are paraded through the streets along with 2 omikoshi portable shrines.
Issaki Hoto Festival
This is one of the biggest and most lively summer festivals of Noto where spirited men from the area around a fishing town called Ishizaki, parade through the town streets with rallying shouting, carrying the Hoto (votive lanterns) on their shoulders.
Maimon Food Festival
Nafune Gojinjo Drum Festival, Wajima
It is said that the drummers wearing ghost masks and seaweed hair fought off the armies of Uesugi Kenshin who tried to attack the Nafune area in 1577.
CLICK for more photos !
. Noto no kiriko 能登のキリコ 祭り Lantern festival from Noto .
Okuma kabuto Festival, Nakajima, Nanao
September 20
Wearing a Tengu (long-nosed goblin) mask and dancing to the rhythm of the drums, a festival character called "Sarutahiko" leads the mikoshi portable shrine procession through the streets.
Seihakusai Dekayama (Floats) Festival, Nanao
Seihakusai is celebrated in May and is one of the biggest festivals of Noto. This Spring Festival is dedicated to Ootoko-nushi (Sanno) Shrine in Nanao.
Tomobata (Mifune) Festival, Ogi, Noto
A boat carrying omikoshi, along with 10 other boats, decorated with tomobata flags and 5 coloured fukinagashi wind-streamers rove inside the bay praying for large catch. It's a lively, gorgeous festival emphasizing the typical character of a seaside town.
Wajima Taisai Great Wajima Festival
August 23-25
10 meter tall festival lanterns called Kiriko as well as smaller portable paper lanterns are carried through the town streets along with portable shrines called "omikoshi".
External LINKS :
Festival Guide to Ishikawa
source : ishikawajet.wikia.com
- hot-ishikawa.jp/english -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
Hokkaido Island
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Hokkaido - 北海道,
literally "Northern Sea Circuit",
formerly known as Ezo, Yezo, Yeso, or Yesso,
is Japan's second largest island; it is also the largest and northernmost of Japan's 47 prefectural-level subdivisions. The Tsugaru Strait separates Hokkaido from Honshu, although the two islands are connected by the underwater railway Seikan Tunnel. The largest city on Hokkaido is its capital, Sapporo, which is also its only ordinance-designated city.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Hokkaido - Entries of this BLOG .
Ainu Bear Festival (Kumamatsuri)
Ashiri Cheppu Nomi
Furano Belly Button Festival, Hokkaido Belly Button Festival, Hokkai Heso
Iomante Ainu Festival
Kotan Festival (Asahikawa)
..... Sapporo Pirka Kotan
..... Shiraoi Poroto Kotan
..... Lake Akan-ko Ainu Kotan
Okadama Shishimai Sapporo
Onishika Matsumae Kagura
. Sapporo yukimatsuri 札幌雪まつり(さっぽろゆきまつり)
Sapporo snow festival .
Yukar Ainu Festival
External LINKS :
- Ainu Festivals
- Reference -
Oku Ezo 奥蝦夷 Hokkaido
- - - - - Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 - - - - -
oku ezo ya buppoo wataru hana mo saku
spreading as far
as Hokkaido...
Buddha's law and blossoms
Ezo refers to the Ainu people.
"Deep Ezo" (oku ezo) comprises the island of Hokkaido and other islands to the north; see Kogo dai jiten (Shogakukan 1983) 241. Issa is celebrating Buddhism's spread all the way to the northern "barbarian" islands.
Shinji Ogawa adds more information:
"In 1779, the Japanese government started to govern the Ezo province, Hokkaido, which was inhabited by the Ainu race. The occasional contacts with Russian ships alerted the Japanese government, the Edo bakufu, of the potential threat from Russia. In 1802, a Russian envoy visited Japan, and, in the same year, the Edo bakufu opened an office in Hakodate in Hokkaido. In 1807, the government declared that the whole Ezo province belonged directly to Japan.
This haiku (of 1812) reflects this history."
hito no fuku kiri mo kasumu ya ezo ga shima
from people's mouths, too
mist in clouds...
edo kaze o fukasete yuku ya ezo ga shima
making the wind blow
in Edo...
mihotoke ya ezo ga shima e mo o-tanjoo
all the way to Hokkaido
your birthday party!
Tr. David Lanoue
kite mireba kochira ga oni nari Ezo ga Shima
arriving I realize
I myself am the demon -
Island of Ezo
Tr. Gabi Greve
mi-hotoke ya ezo-ga-shima e mo go-tanjou
revered Buddha,
your birth honored
on far Ainu Island
Tr. Chris Drake
This hokku is from the 5th month (June) of 1811, when Issa was living in Edo. Since the ancient period, the Yamato people had carried out military campaigns against the indigenous Ainu people, gradually conquering them and extending their rule to the northern tip of Honshu, the largest Japanese island. A few non-military settlements of Japanese were also established in the medieval period on the southern shore of Ainu Island (what is now called, in the language of the eventual conquerors, Hokkaido), and the first small Buddhist temple was built there in the early 15th century. These trading and fishing settlements grew, along with friction with the local Ainu, who sometimes staged small uprisings against the Japanese. In 1590 the Matsumae domain was formally recognized on the southernmost peninsula of Ainu Island, and the shogunate put the domain in charge of trading and fishing in the area.
Trouble with the Ainu, whose land was being encroached on, continued, and in Issa's time several Russian traders and missions visited the domain, demanding economic and diplomatic relations with Japan, though the shogunate refused. Some Ainu converted to Buddhism, but the majority maintained their traditional shamanic religion. Issa is obviously aware of the spread of Buddhism on Ainu Island, perhaps because it was a topic among Buddhists at the time. In the year after this hokku was written, Zenkoji Temple, near Issa's hometown, sent its statue of Amida with two bodhisattvas to the Matsumae domain for viewing by believers there.
The tone of the hokku is reverent, and Issa seems to be amazed that Buddhism has spread even to the great island just to the north of Japan. Issa evokes the ceremonies on lunar 4/8, the traditional Mahayana date for the birth of Sakyamuni Buddha, when sweet tea is poured over a statue of the baby Buddha placed in a great bowl under a tiny roofed pavilion covered with flowers. Issa may be using this image to suggest that Buddhism itself is at last being born on Ainu Island in a major way.
The optimism expressed in this hokku was at other times tempered by Issa's apparent awareness of the dangers to Ainu culture and life posed by the expansion of Japanese settlers and soldiers onto the last big island where Ainu could live without outside interference. In this 1822 hokku Issa evokes the many unethical Japanese traders who went to the Matsumae domain to get rich:
akindo ya uso o utsushi ni ezo-ga-shima
traders infect
people with lies
on Ainu Island
Issa has learned that infectious diseases spread by contact with the Japanese were seriously reducing the population of Ainu on Ainu Island, and he seems to have realized that the Ainu way of life itself was in great danger, as in this hokku, also from 1822:
kite mireba kochira ga oni nari ezo-ga-shima
when I arrived
I found I was a demon --
Ainu Island
The implied "I" here does not refer to Issa but to any clear-eyed, objective Japanese visitor to Ainu Island, and the hokku is uncannily prescient in foreseeing the fate of the Ainu people who, especially after modernization began, were treated in much the same way Native Americans were in the US and elsewhere.
Chris Drake
. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Hokkaido - 北海道,
literally "Northern Sea Circuit",
formerly known as Ezo, Yezo, Yeso, or Yesso,
is Japan's second largest island; it is also the largest and northernmost of Japan's 47 prefectural-level subdivisions. The Tsugaru Strait separates Hokkaido from Honshu, although the two islands are connected by the underwater railway Seikan Tunnel. The largest city on Hokkaido is its capital, Sapporo, which is also its only ordinance-designated city.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Hokkaido - Entries of this BLOG .
Ainu Bear Festival (Kumamatsuri)
Ashiri Cheppu Nomi
Furano Belly Button Festival, Hokkaido Belly Button Festival, Hokkai Heso
Iomante Ainu Festival
Kotan Festival (Asahikawa)
..... Sapporo Pirka Kotan
..... Shiraoi Poroto Kotan
..... Lake Akan-ko Ainu Kotan
Okadama Shishimai Sapporo
Onishika Matsumae Kagura
. Sapporo yukimatsuri 札幌雪まつり(さっぽろゆきまつり)
Sapporo snow festival .
Yukar Ainu Festival
External LINKS :
- Ainu Festivals
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Oku Ezo 奥蝦夷 Hokkaido
- - - - - Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 - - - - -
oku ezo ya buppoo wataru hana mo saku
spreading as far
as Hokkaido...
Buddha's law and blossoms
Ezo refers to the Ainu people.
"Deep Ezo" (oku ezo) comprises the island of Hokkaido and other islands to the north; see Kogo dai jiten (Shogakukan 1983) 241. Issa is celebrating Buddhism's spread all the way to the northern "barbarian" islands.
Shinji Ogawa adds more information:
"In 1779, the Japanese government started to govern the Ezo province, Hokkaido, which was inhabited by the Ainu race. The occasional contacts with Russian ships alerted the Japanese government, the Edo bakufu, of the potential threat from Russia. In 1802, a Russian envoy visited Japan, and, in the same year, the Edo bakufu opened an office in Hakodate in Hokkaido. In 1807, the government declared that the whole Ezo province belonged directly to Japan.
This haiku (of 1812) reflects this history."
hito no fuku kiri mo kasumu ya ezo ga shima
from people's mouths, too
mist in clouds...
edo kaze o fukasete yuku ya ezo ga shima
making the wind blow
in Edo...
mihotoke ya ezo ga shima e mo o-tanjoo
all the way to Hokkaido
your birthday party!
Tr. David Lanoue
kite mireba kochira ga oni nari Ezo ga Shima
arriving I realize
I myself am the demon -
Island of Ezo
Tr. Gabi Greve
mi-hotoke ya ezo-ga-shima e mo go-tanjou
revered Buddha,
your birth honored
on far Ainu Island
Tr. Chris Drake
This hokku is from the 5th month (June) of 1811, when Issa was living in Edo. Since the ancient period, the Yamato people had carried out military campaigns against the indigenous Ainu people, gradually conquering them and extending their rule to the northern tip of Honshu, the largest Japanese island. A few non-military settlements of Japanese were also established in the medieval period on the southern shore of Ainu Island (what is now called, in the language of the eventual conquerors, Hokkaido), and the first small Buddhist temple was built there in the early 15th century. These trading and fishing settlements grew, along with friction with the local Ainu, who sometimes staged small uprisings against the Japanese. In 1590 the Matsumae domain was formally recognized on the southernmost peninsula of Ainu Island, and the shogunate put the domain in charge of trading and fishing in the area.
Trouble with the Ainu, whose land was being encroached on, continued, and in Issa's time several Russian traders and missions visited the domain, demanding economic and diplomatic relations with Japan, though the shogunate refused. Some Ainu converted to Buddhism, but the majority maintained their traditional shamanic religion. Issa is obviously aware of the spread of Buddhism on Ainu Island, perhaps because it was a topic among Buddhists at the time. In the year after this hokku was written, Zenkoji Temple, near Issa's hometown, sent its statue of Amida with two bodhisattvas to the Matsumae domain for viewing by believers there.
The tone of the hokku is reverent, and Issa seems to be amazed that Buddhism has spread even to the great island just to the north of Japan. Issa evokes the ceremonies on lunar 4/8, the traditional Mahayana date for the birth of Sakyamuni Buddha, when sweet tea is poured over a statue of the baby Buddha placed in a great bowl under a tiny roofed pavilion covered with flowers. Issa may be using this image to suggest that Buddhism itself is at last being born on Ainu Island in a major way.
The optimism expressed in this hokku was at other times tempered by Issa's apparent awareness of the dangers to Ainu culture and life posed by the expansion of Japanese settlers and soldiers onto the last big island where Ainu could live without outside interference. In this 1822 hokku Issa evokes the many unethical Japanese traders who went to the Matsumae domain to get rich:
akindo ya uso o utsushi ni ezo-ga-shima
traders infect
people with lies
on Ainu Island
Issa has learned that infectious diseases spread by contact with the Japanese were seriously reducing the population of Ainu on Ainu Island, and he seems to have realized that the Ainu way of life itself was in great danger, as in this hokku, also from 1822:
kite mireba kochira ga oni nari ezo-ga-shima
when I arrived
I found I was a demon --
Ainu Island
The implied "I" here does not refer to Issa but to any clear-eyed, objective Japanese visitor to Ainu Island, and the hokku is uncannily prescient in foreseeing the fate of the Ainu people who, especially after modernization began, were treated in much the same way Native Americans were in the US and elsewhere.
Chris Drake
. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
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Hyogo Prefecture
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Hyogo Prefecture - 兵庫県 Hyoogo
Hyōgo Prefecture (兵庫県, Hyōgo-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located in the Kansai region on Honshū island.
The capital is Kobe.
The prefecture's name was previously alternately spelled as Hiogo.
Present-day Hyōgo Prefecture includes the former provinces of
Harima, Tajima, Awaji, and parts of Tamba and Settsu.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Hyogo - Entries of this BLOG .
. Suma no misogi 須磨の御禊 (すまのみそぎ)
purification at Suma .
..... Suma no harai 須磨の祓(すまのはらい)
Suma Beach near Kobe
External LINKS :
Festivals of Hyogo prefecture
Himeji, Kobe, Aioi Peron, AKo Gishisai, Hojo Sekku, Miki Oni-Oi, Tatsuno Takoage
source : commons.wikimedia.org
Hyogo Prefectural Museum of History
Festivals in Hyogo
Real matsubara yatai (=roadside food vendor) or Kaichi danjiri are displayed.
You can enjoy the atmosphere of the festivals by listening to the music or watching the images.
source : www.hyogo-c.ed.jp
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Hyogo Prefecture - 兵庫県 Hyoogo
Hyōgo Prefecture (兵庫県, Hyōgo-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located in the Kansai region on Honshū island.
The capital is Kobe.
The prefecture's name was previously alternately spelled as Hiogo.
Present-day Hyōgo Prefecture includes the former provinces of
Harima, Tajima, Awaji, and parts of Tamba and Settsu.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Hyogo - Entries of this BLOG .
. Suma no misogi 須磨の御禊 (すまのみそぎ)
purification at Suma .
..... Suma no harai 須磨の祓(すまのはらい)
Suma Beach near Kobe
External LINKS :
Festivals of Hyogo prefecture
Himeji, Kobe, Aioi Peron, AKo Gishisai, Hojo Sekku, Miki Oni-Oi, Tatsuno Takoage
source : commons.wikimedia.org
Hyogo Prefectural Museum of History
Festivals in Hyogo
Real matsubara yatai (=roadside food vendor) or Kaichi danjiri are displayed.
You can enjoy the atmosphere of the festivals by listening to the music or watching the images.
source : www.hyogo-c.ed.jp
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
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Hiroshima Prefecture
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Hiroshima Prefecture - 広島県 -Miyajima
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Hiroshima - Entries of this BLOG .
. Festivals in Hiroshima Prefecture - LIST .
. Itsukushima shrine festivals 厳島神社 .
Miyajima 宮島
. Mimi no o-matsuri 耳のお祭り festival for ears .
Mi Mi - third of the third month - pun with mi 三 number 3
Mimigo Jinja 耳明神社 Shrine Mimigo Jinja
広島東洋カープ必勝祈願祭 prayers for the Hiroshima Carps
at Hiroshima Gokoku Jinja広島市中区基町21番2号
- source : h-gokoku.or.jp/info -
and 愛宕神社
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Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
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- #hiroshima -
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Hiroshima Prefecture - 広島県 -Miyajima
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Hiroshima - Entries of this BLOG .
. Festivals in Hiroshima Prefecture - LIST .
. Itsukushima shrine festivals 厳島神社 .
Miyajima 宮島
. Mimi no o-matsuri 耳のお祭り festival for ears .
Mi Mi - third of the third month - pun with mi 三 number 3
Mimigo Jinja 耳明神社 Shrine Mimigo Jinja
広島東洋カープ必勝祈願祭 prayers for the Hiroshima Carps
at Hiroshima Gokoku Jinja広島市中区基町21番2号
- source : h-gokoku.or.jp/info -
and 愛宕神社
External LINKS :
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
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- #hiroshima -
Gifu Prefecture
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Gifu Prefecture - 岐阜県
located in the Chūbu region of central Japan.[2] Its capital is the city of Gifu.[3]
Located in the center of Japan, it has long played an important part as the crossroads of Japan, connecting the east to the west through such routes as the Nakasendō. During the Sengoku period, many people referred to Gifu by saying, "control Gifu and you control Japan."
The area of Gifu Prefecture consists of the old provinces of Hida and Mino,
as well as smaller parts of Echizen and Shinano.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Gifu - Entries of this BLOG .
. Takayama Festivals 高山祭 Takayama Matsuri
Nyuukawa Sukuna Matsuri にゅうかわ宿儺まつり
Sukuna Festival at Nyukawa .
November 3
celebrating the statue of Master Carver Enku 円空
Ryoomen Sukuna 両面宿儺 Sukuna with two faces
External LINKS :
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Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Gifu Prefecture - 岐阜県
located in the Chūbu region of central Japan.[2] Its capital is the city of Gifu.[3]
Located in the center of Japan, it has long played an important part as the crossroads of Japan, connecting the east to the west through such routes as the Nakasendō. During the Sengoku period, many people referred to Gifu by saying, "control Gifu and you control Japan."
The area of Gifu Prefecture consists of the old provinces of Hida and Mino,
as well as smaller parts of Echizen and Shinano.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Gifu - Entries of this BLOG .
. Takayama Festivals 高山祭 Takayama Matsuri
Nyuukawa Sukuna Matsuri にゅうかわ宿儺まつり
Sukuna Festival at Nyukawa .
November 3
celebrating the statue of Master Carver Enku 円空
Ryoomen Sukuna 両面宿儺 Sukuna with two faces
External LINKS :
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Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
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Gunma Prefecture
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Gunma, Gumma Prefecture - 群馬県
in the northwest corner of the Kantō region on Honshu island.
Its capital is Maebashi 前橋.
In the past, Gunma was joined with Tochigi Prefecture and called Kenu Province. This was later divided into Kami-tsu-ke (Upper Kenu, Gunma) and Shimo-tsu-ke (Lower Kenu, Tochigi). The area is sometimes referred to as Jomo (上毛, Jōmō).
For most of Japanese history, Gunma was known as the province of Kozuke.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Gunma - Entries of this BLOG .
. Jomo Karuta 上毛かるた card game.
please google for more information !
Gunma Rock Festival
Maebashi Festival
- Mid-October
Numata festival
Shibukawa Heso Matsuri 渋川へそ祭り Shibukawa Belly Button Festival
- July
External LINKS :
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Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Gunma, Gumma Prefecture - 群馬県
in the northwest corner of the Kantō region on Honshu island.
Its capital is Maebashi 前橋.
In the past, Gunma was joined with Tochigi Prefecture and called Kenu Province. This was later divided into Kami-tsu-ke (Upper Kenu, Gunma) and Shimo-tsu-ke (Lower Kenu, Tochigi). The area is sometimes referred to as Jomo (上毛, Jōmō).
For most of Japanese history, Gunma was known as the province of Kozuke.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Gunma - Entries of this BLOG .
. Jomo Karuta 上毛かるた card game.
please google for more information !
Gunma Rock Festival
Maebashi Festival
- Mid-October
Numata festival
Shibukawa Heso Matsuri 渋川へそ祭り Shibukawa Belly Button Festival
- July
External LINKS :
- Reference -
Related words
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
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