
Miho Shrine Festivals


Morotabune Ship Race Ceremony

***** Location: Shimane prefecture
***** Season: Mid-Winter
***** Category: Observance


Rituals at the shrine Miho Jinja 美保神社, Shimane
島根県松江市美保関町美保関 608, Matsue city, Miho town

Miho Shrine is located in the small fishing village of Mihonoseki, and the main deity, Kotoshiro-nushi is worshipped as the God of good fortune, fishing and safety at sea.
The deity is the child of Okuni-nushi and is also known as Ebisu.
- source : visitshimane.com

This is the headquarter of the Kotoshirunushi Ebisu shrines 事代主神系えびす, with more than 3000 sub-shrines.

Ebisu here is known as
Narimono no Kamisama 鳴り物の神様 "Deity of Instruments"
especially the drums

. Ebisu えびす 恵比寿 .

The shrine has a long history and is already mentioned in the 出雲国風土記 Izumo Fudoki:

The present-day head priest of the Yokoyama family 横山宮司 is now in the 89th generation.

- Homepage of the Shrine
- source : mihojinja.html


morotabune no shinji 諸手船神事 (もろたぶねのしんじ)
Morotabune Ritual
..... morotabune 諸手船(もろたぶね)

iyaho no matsuri 八百穂祭(いやほのまつり)
Ritual of 800 rice ears

mikuji ubai 御籤奪(みくじうばい)
fighting for fortune telling slips

CLICK for more photos

This was a harvest thanksgiving ritual, performed on November 23.
Hence the name
Ritual of 800 rice ears

After the race, the participants have a feast including a dish with wakame kelp and other types of seaweed.


This rite takes place on December 3 at Miho Shrine in Mihonoseki Town, Yatsuka County, Shimane Prefecture.

This relates to the myth regarding the transfer of the land (kuniyuzuri 国譲り) recorded in the Kojiki and Nihonshoki. This rite is a recreation of the myth that Ōnamuchi-no-mikoto's messenger who came in a dug-out canoe called a morotabune and the enshrined deity (saijin), Kotoshirononushi-no-mikoto 事代主神, had a talk at the Mihonoseki harbor mouth regarding land transfers.

In the evening festival, there is a ceremony with 75 kinds of special food and wine offerings (shinsen) being offered to the kami.
On the main festival day, the chief priest (gūji) uses sacred lots (mikuji) to select a steersman and rowers.

A parade led by the carrier of a makka (wooden sword), leaves the shrine and goes to Miyanada, which is before the shrine. The gūji oversees the event from a temporary hut built with curtains, in front of Miyanada 宮灘.

Two morotabune boats in the shape of ancient dug-out canoes (kurifune). Eighteen people including the makka carrier, steersman, and rowers split up and board the boats, take up paddles and begin rowing out to sea. They row to the east mouth of Mihonoseki harbor, to below the headland Mt. Marōdo, worship at the Marōdo Shrine which 客人社 is dedicated to Ōnamuchi-no-mikoto 大国主神, and then return to Miyanada.

The boats do this trip three times, competing against each other. When this is finished, the makka carriers removes the makka from the prow where it had been mounted race to offer it at the shrine. The steersman stands at the prow and performs a call-and-response prayer with gūji standing on the seawall. When this is done they cross the harbor and then there are three boat races.
source : Mogi Sakae, Kokugakuin University. 2007

- quote
Kuniyuzuri The "transfer of the land."
The term indicates a series of episodes in Kojiki and Nihongi related to the transfer of the land of Japan to the descendants of the heavenly kami (amatsukami) by Ōkuninushi, a terrestial kami (kunitsukami).
After Susanoo, the brother of Amaterasu, descended from the heavenly realm to Izumo and slew the great serpent, he married Kushinadahime. Their child (according to the main text of the Nihongi) or grandchild (according to one alternative passage of Nihongi) was Ōkuninushi. Ultimately Ōkuninushi and Sukunahikona worked together to solidify the Central Land of the Reed Plains (Toyoashihara no mizuho no kuni).
However, Amaterasu and Takamimusuhi, wanting the land for their descendants to rule, sent a messenger to Ōkuninushi asking him to transfer the land. Both Amenohohi, the first messenger sent, and Amewakahiko, the second, took sides with Ōkuninushi and did not report back. Not only did the latter marry a daughter of Ōkuninushi and fail to report back to the High Plain of Heaven (Takamanohara), but he also became the practical ruler of the Central Land of the Reed Plains.

Amaterasu then conferred with the deities of the High Plain of Heaven and sent Takemikazuchi accompanied by Amenotorifune (Torinoiwakusufune). Takemikazuchi strongly urged Ōkuninushi to transfer the land, and received the allegiance of Ōkuninushi's son Kotoshironushi , and defeated another of his sons, Takeminakata, who opposed the plan, in a trial of strength.

Then Ōkuninushi agreed to transfer the land, giving the unconcealed realm of the Central Land of the Reed Plains to the Heavenly Grandchild. Ōkuninushi retreated to govern the unseen world (yūkai, see kakuriyo) while being eternally enshrined in the Great Shrine (Izumo Taisha).

With this preparations were complete for the descent of the Heavenly Grandchild (tenson kōrin). There also exist different traditions relating to the above events. For example, Izumo no kuni no miyatsuko kamu yogoto says that the true messenger sent down from the High Plain of Heaven was Amenohinatori, the ancestor of Izumo kokusō. It is now thought that the episode of the "transfer of the land" as described in Kojki and Nihongi represents a mythical version of the process of state unification under the Yamato court. This unification was achieved over a long period of time both through negotiation with powerful local families and through military conquest.

Izumo seems to have retained its ancient political and religious authority until the very end, and it was only with its fall that final unification was achieved. This appears to have happened in the time of the emperors Sujin and Suinin.
- source : Kobori Keiko, Kokugakuin

Okuninushi (Omono Nushi) at the Grand Shrine in Izumo

Oonamuchi no Mikoto, Ōnamuchi-no-mikoto 大己貴命(おおなむちのみこと)
- - - Ookuninushi 大国主(おおくにぬし)

Kotoshironushi 事代主命 and his wife Mihotsu Hime no Mikoto 三穂津姫命

- quote -
Mihotsuhime (Nihongi) - 三穂津姫尊
According to an "alternative writing" transmitted by Nihongi, Mihotsuhime was the daughter of Takamimusuhi no mikoto, given in marriage to Ōmononushi (see Ōkuninushi no kami). In the episode known as the "transfer of the land" (kuniyuzuri), Takamimusuhi warned Ōmononushi that if the latter took a wife from among the earthly kami (kunitsukami), Takamimusuhi would consider him to be disaffected. As a result, Takamimusuhi gave his own daughter Mihotsuhime in marriage to Ōkuninushi, charging him to lead the "80 myriad hosts of kami" and forever protect the imperial line.
- source : Kokugakuin Nishioka Kazuhiko 2005 -

Mihotsu Hime 三穂津姫命は大国主神の幸魂奇魂(さきみたま・くしみたま)である「大物主神」の后神。Kotoshironushi 事代主命は神屋楯比売神(かむやたてひめ)と大国主神との間の子供なので義理の母親にあたる)

- quote -
Miho 三穂
- source : kokugakuin 渡辺卓 -

. Izumo taisha 出雲大社 Izumo Grand Shrine .


CLICK for original : nakamura collection

Other rituals at the shrine Miho Jinja

The region is closely related to wakame kelp and nori seaweed.
The most famous are from the island Uppurui 十六島(うっぷるい).

美保神社の和布刈神事 mekari shinji
Cuttind kelp at Miho Shrine

Dating back to the time of Jingu Kogo on her war tour to Korea, and later Hideyoshi on the same war path.

CLICK for more photos

mekari no shinji 和布刈神事 (めかりのしんじ)
ritual of cutting seaweed
..... mekari 和布刈(めかり)cutting wakame seaweed
mekari negi 和布刈禰宜(めかりねぎ)
Shinto priest porforming the mekari ritual

observance kigo for mid-winter

mekari no shinji 和布刈(り)の神事 is also practised at other shrines in Japan, for example at the Sumiyoshi Shrine in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 山口県下関市の住吉神社 on the first of January, in the first high tide of the night. The kelp is then offered to the deities. After this, in the naorai 直会 ceremony, it is eaten by the attendants.

There is a shrine called Mekari Jinja 和布刈神社 at Moji, Kitakyushu, where seaweed is cut in the night from December 31 to January 1.

Mekari Shrine and the Deity
. Azumi no Isora Maru 阿曇磯良丸 Isoramaru .


神迎(かみむかえ)神事 Kami mukae
Welcoming the Deity

This is a ceremony on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, when wakame is eaten.
The fire for preparing the meal for the vegetarian offering (潔斎食 kessai shoku) is made from special flintstone. The official food offering consists of cooked rice and salt, sesame seeds, vegetables, seaweed (wakame, nori, konbu etc.) and others. Miso and soy sauce are not used for this meal, since they are prepared using fire.

This day is the Boy's Festival Day.


青柴垣(あおふしがき)神事 Aofushigaki
Ritual of green fenced boats

CLICK for more photos

This is a ceremony on the third day of the third lunar month.
Nowadays it is held around the 7th of April. At the end of the rituals, wakame is eaten.
The festival is in memory of a legend, when boats decorated with green brushes wrought into fences (ao fushi) came cruising into Miho Bay.

This day is the Doll's Festival Day.

kigo for late spring


紫菜島(のりしま)神社 Norishima shrine
source : 出雲海藻風土記

. Izumo Fudoki (Izumo Fuudoki 出雲風土記)   

. Nori from Uppurui Island, uppurui nori

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

. Jingu Kogo 神功皇后 and Japanese Dolls .

. Peron Boat Race (peeron)  

The morotabune boats look a bit similar to the peron dragon boats.


There is another famous shrine of this name in Japan.

Miho Jinja 御穂神社 ー 三保神社

at the famous pine forest in Shizuoka.

Miho no matsubara 三保の松原 Miho pine grove

a scenic area located on the Miho Peninsula in the Shimizu-ku area of Shizuoka, Japan.
Miho no Matsubara is renowned as a seashore with beautiful green pine trees and white sands spanning over seven kilometers. It has a great scenic view of Mount Fuji and the Izu Peninsula across Suruga Bay. Due to its beauty, it is designated as one of New Three Views of Japan (新日本三景, Shin Nihon Sankei)
Miho no Matsubara is known as the site of the legend of Hagoromo(the Feathered Robe), which is based on the traditional swan maiden motif. The story of Hagoromo concerns a celestial being flying over Miho no Matsubara who was overcome by the beauty of the white sands, green pines, and sparkling water. She removed her feathered robe and hung it over a pine tree before bathing in the beautiful waters. A fisherman named Hakuryo was walking along the beach and saw the angel. He took her robe and refused to return it until she performed a heavenly dance for him. As the angel could not return to heaven without her robe, she complied with Hakuryo's request. She danced in the spring twilight and returned to heaven in the light of the full moon leaving Hakuryo looking longingly after her.
. . .
On the second Saturday and Sunday of October, the city of Shizuoka holds a Hagoromo Festival near the site of the old pine tree.
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observance kigo for the New Year

Miho matsuri 三保祭 Miho festival
Miho mairi Miho mairi  三保参
On the 14th day of the first lunar month.
A divination of the coming harvest and good business made with rice gruel.
. tsutsugayu matsuri 筒粥祭 divination with rice gruel.
If the reading is 8, it is better than a full 10.


the sweaty brows
of all these rowers -

Gabi Greve

Related words

***** . Mikuji, O-Mikuji 御御籤/御神籤
Fortune Telling slips

***** . Ships, Boats and Kigo

***** Amulets for a big catch
. Tsuri yuki anzen 釣行安全 safety when fishing .

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Nosaki no tsukai


Imperial Envoys to graves (nozaki no tsukai)

***** Location:
***** Season: Late Winter
***** Category: Observance


nosaki no tsukai 荷前の使 (のさきのつかい )
imperial envoy to bring first fruits to graves

nosaki no hako 荷前の箱(のさきのはこ)
box holding the tribute
(nosaki no hitsu)

An old custom of the Heian period. They were brought to the shrine at Ise, imperial tobms of emperors, their wifes or mothers, altogether 10 emperors and 8 graves 十陵八墓.
The first ears of rice were on of these tributes.
This was performed on an auspicious day of the last month of the lunar year.
(Now it is placed as late winter (January) in the saijiki).

This ritual has been abolished by
Go Sanjo Tenno 三条天皇 around 1000.
(976 - 1017).


Fujimori Kaoru writes:

Under the ritsuryō codes, in the "Office of Mausolea" (Shoryōshi) article of the "Ordinance on Personnel" (shikiinryō) there is a order to send "a messenger to present first fruits" (nosaki no tsukai) in the twelfth month of each year to royal mausolea and tombs.

This Shoryōshi was renamed the Bureau of Mausolea (Shoryōryō) in 729. According to the Ceremonials and Protocols (Gishiki) of the early Heian Period (794-1185), the custodian of each mausoleum (except that of Jingū Kōgō) was to call at the Ministry of the Treasury (Ōkurashō) to receive the offering before, and then a tsukasa would make the offering.

In the beginning of the Heian Period another similar emissary, also called a nosaki no tsukai, was appointed in the twelfth month to deliver offerings imperial offerings from the palace to mausolea and tombs in the vicinity of the capital that had a significance for the reigning emperor.
The emperor appeared before the Kenrei gate of the palace and chose these messengers from among the middle counselors (chūnagon), advisors (sangi), or those who were not appointed as advisors but who held the third rank or higher. While the offerings delivered by the regular envoy stipulated in the ritsuryō codes were prepared by the Ministry of Treasury, the offerings for these rites carried by the latter type of envoy were provided by the Bureau of the Royal Storehouse (Kuraryō), which was the financial organ in charge of the palace finances.
source : Kokugakuin University.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


Related words


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Shitenno-Ji Osaka


Festivals at Temple Shitenno-Ji - 四天王寺

***** Location: Osaka
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Observance


Shitennō-ji 四天王寺 is a Buddhist temple in Osaka, Japan.
1-11-18 Shitennoji,Tennoji-ku, OsakaCity

Prince Shōtoku is said to have constructed this temple in 593. It is the first Buddhist and oldest officially administered temple in Japan, although the temple buildings have been rebuilt over the centuries. Most of the present structures are from when the temple was last completely rebuilt in 1963.

The Shitennō are the four heavenly kings. The temple Prince Shōtoku built to honor them had four institutions, each to help the Japanese attain a higher level of civilization. This Shika-in (四箇院, Four Institutions) was centered around the seven-building garan (伽藍) (the complex inside the walls), and included a Kyōden-in (Institution of Religion and Education), a Hiden-in (Welfare Institution), a Ryōbyō-in (Hospital), and a Seiyaku-in (Pharmacy) to provide essential care to the people of Japan.

The temple has been called Arahaka-ji, Nanba-ji, or Mitsu-ji.
Shitennō-ji is home to a major flea market on the 21st of each month.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Shotoku Taishi 聖徳太子 and Daruma .

quote by Time Magazine
Of 202 Buddhist sanctuaries in Osaka's Tennōji district, there is one that stands out - Shitennōji, the first Japanese temple commissioned by a royal (Prince Shōtoku Taishi) and one of the oldest Buddhist complexes in Japan. Construction began in + 593, just decades after the religion reached the country's shores. One of the carpenters for Shitennoji, Shigemitsu Kongo, traveled to Japan from the Korean kingdom of Paekche (Paekje 百済) for the project.

Over a millennium-and-a-half, Shitennoji has been toppled by typhoons and burned to the ground by lightning and civil war -- and Shigemitsu's descendants have supervised its seven reconstructions. Today, working out of offices that overlook the temple, Kongo Gumi Co. is run by 54-year-old president Masakazu Kongo, the 40th Kongo to lead the company in Japan. His business, started more than 1,410 years ago, is believed to be the oldest family-run enterprise in the world.

MORE is here
- Mark Schumacher -


kigo for mid-winter

Tennooji doosojin matsuri 天王寺道祖神祭
Dosojin Festival at temple Tenno-Ji

hagi matsuri 剥祭(はぎまつり)"left-out festival"
dorojijiri matsuri 泥くじり祭(どろくじりまつり)

On November 16 at the temple Tenno-Ji in Osaka.
Also at the temple Shinkooin 真光院(しんこういん)Shinko-In.
During the Edo period, stone Buddha statues were offered raw herring and the face smeared with white rice flour. Mikan wrapped in sasa grass leaves and straw were also offered.
In the evening the straw and grass was burned until the face of the deity was all black and people danced around the stone.

Three days before this event, children hang a rope over the way and ask for money if people want to pass. If they do not pay, they are "left out".
This festival was said to have an evil influence on the education of children and was later abolished.

Most temples in other parts of Japan celebrate this festival on January 14 or February 8.

. Dosojin 道祖神 the Wayside Gods .


kigo for all winter

. Tennoo-Ji kabu 天王寺蕪(てんのうじかぶ)
turnips from temple Tenno-Ji .

Brassica campestris

They are also called Ukikabu 浮き蕪.
They are the roots of another vegetable, the Nozawana 野沢菜.


kigo for the New Year
sometimes placed for "late winter"

Doya Doya どやどや Doyadoya Festival
January 14, from 2 to 4 pm

A ritual at the end of the Shushoo-e 修正会 - a memorial service starting January 1st and dedicated to world peace and rich harvests - the event is said to date back to as early as 827.

Two groups of young men in white and red loincloth and headbands wrangle in front of the temple to get the sacred amulet of the cow deity and some banknotes from the temple.
They are showered with water by the onlookers to cheer them further.

One of the three great festivals of Japan.


Tennooji shoojin ku 天王寺生身供 (てんのうじしょうじんく)
Birthday Ritual
shari dashi 舎利出し(しゃりだし)"showing of the sacred bones"

Ceremony from January 5 to 14. (Nowadays till January 12)
At the Hall for Shotoku Taishi the birthday of the Prince if celebrated.

On this day food of 100 flavors are offered. An auspicious script says

"Every day we will offer ritual food"

source with more photos : osaka-asoblog.jp

The sacred bones of the prince are shown in the morning.
There are six pieces of bones and six strings of his hair,
kept in the great pagoda



Tennooji Kondoo choona hajime
天王寺金堂手斧始 (てんのうじこんどうちょうなはじめ
first use of the carpenter's ax

On January 11
The main officials and shrine carpenters, clad in traditional robes, performed the first ritual cut in a tree placed at the shrine.

. choona hajime 手斧始 (ちょうなはじめ)
first use of the carpenter's ax .


Other important festivals, not kigo

April 22
聖霊会 大阪市天王寺

30日~7月2日 愛染祭り

12日 生国魂神社夏祭り Ikukunitama Jinja Summer Festival

11~12日 生国魂神社 薪能 Ikukunitama Jinja Takagi Noh

. Ikukunitama Jinja 生國魂神社 / 生国魂神社 .
nickname : Ikutama-san いくたまさん


amulet with 元三大師 Ganzan Daishi
Ganzan Daishi is celebrated on November 3.
The amulet prevents evil influence and helps to learn and pass examinations.
He is also called
tsuno daishi 角大師 Great Teacher with Horns

. 元三大師 Ganzan Daishi .


sange 散華 "scattered blossoms"
blossom-shaped amulets for good luck, with paintings by
Sugimoto Kenkichi 杉本健吉
source : Temple Homepage

. sange 散華 "scattering blossoms" amulets .

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

The Seven Wonders of Shitenno-Ji 
四天王寺 七不思議


umegaeda no choozubachi 梅ケ枝の手水鉢 hand wash basin
(no photos to be found)

. Nanafushigi, nana fushigi 七不思議 "The Seven Wonders" in Japan .

Gokuraku no Higashi Mon Gate 極楽の東門
gama 蝦蟇

Hidari Jingoro 左甚五郎
neko no mon 猫の門 "Cat Gate"
. carving of a sleeping cat 木彫りの猫 .

kaeru gassen 蛙合戦

Kunara taishi setsuwa クナラ太子説話

moria no basson 守屋の末孫 The Descendants of Mononobe Moriya

reimu 霊夢

reisen 霊泉,逆浪,鳥,蛇

shiryoku no kaifuku 視力の回復

warauchiishi 藁打石

“pon pon ishi” (literally “tap tap stone.”) ぽんぽん石
the Cat Gate 猫の門
the Dragon’s Well 龍の井戸
the Onigawara (roof ridge tiles that typically depict Japanese ogre) of the five-story pagoda 五重塔の鬼瓦
Kitaganedo 北鐘堂
the Stone Coffin Cover 長持形石棺蓋
- reference source : metronine.osaka/en/article -

- - - - - Reference

- source : nichibun yokai database -

source : youkai.tou3.com - seven wonders photos


- Sange 散華 from Japan - Photos -

ginka chiru sange ichiyo hirahira to

silver flowers scatter -
one blossom leaf amulet
glittering, glittering

source : jun_uem

sange should get a page of their own !


Tenno-Ji temple in Akita

7日 天王寺の蜘蛛の舞い


about the four deities
SHITENNŌ = Four Heavenly Kings

The Shitennō are Buddhist protectors of the four directions. They ward off evil, guard the nation, and protect the world from malicious spirits, hence the Japanese term Gose Shitennō 護世四天王, literally “four world-protecting deva kings.”
Each represents a direction, season, color, virtue, and element.

- Mark Schumacher -

higan-e no Shitennoo-ji ni hebi tsukai

at the equinox ceremony
of temple Shitenno-Ji
a snake charmer

Ootsubo Keishoo 大坪景章 Otsubo Keisho


Kikaku 其角




source : HAIKUreikuDB


亀井不動 Kamei Fudo in the compound of Shitenno-Ji

source : Masayoshi - facebook

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja – Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .

Related words

***** . Deities of the Four Directions .
The 12 Heavenly Generals 十二神将 :

Bishamonten 毘沙門天
Vaishravana ~ Heavenly King of the North

Jikokuten 持国天
Dhritarashtra ~ Heavenly King of the East

Zochoten (Zoochooten)増長天
Virudhaka ~ Heavenly King of the South

Komokuten (Koomokuten) 広目天
Virupaksha ~ Heavenly King of the West

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 

BACK : Top of this Saijiki





Kozan-Ji and Saint Myoe


Kozanji (Koozanji 高山寺)

***** Location: Kyoto
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Observance


This temple is most famous for the autumn leaves.

Kozan-ji Temple, being also called as Toganoo-san, belongs to the Shingon school of Buddhism and is dedicated to Shaka Nyorai Buddha. It was registered as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Kyoto in 1994.

Primary attraction of this temple would be a national treasure, Sekisui-in building. Replicas of national treasures are displayed in the building. Those are the "Choju Jinbutsu Giga 鳥獣戯画巻", a series of animal caricatures said to have been drawn by Toba Sojo (1053-1140), and
a painting called "Myoe Shonin Jujo Zazen-zu 明恵上人".

Kozan-ji holds a large number of treasures, including about 10,000 Important Cultural Assets as well as eight National Treasures including those mentioned above.

Tradition has it that Kozan-ji was founded in 774 by the order of the Emperor Konin (709-782 光仁天皇), at which time the temple was named "Shingan-ji Togaobo 貞観寺". It is said that the name was changed to Kozan-ji after the temple was revived in 1206 by priest Myoe (1173-1232) as a training hall for reviving the Kegon school of Buddhism by the order of the retired Emperor Gotoba (1180-1239).

Priest Myoe was given a few seeds of tea plant by Zen master Eisai (1141-1215) and planted them in the temple's ground at the beginning of the Kamakura Period (1192-1333), launching the spread of tea cultivation throughout the country. In recognition of this history, tea producers from Uji make an offering of new tea in front of the temple's Shoninbyo mausoleum each year on November 8th.
source : takao/kozanji.htm


Kozan-Ji, Golden Hall

Jingo-ji houses a diagram of Kōzan-ji that was drawn in 1230, some 20 years after it was constructed. The diagram is registered as an important cultural property, because it shows the original layout of the temple. From the diagram, we know that Kōzan-ji originally consisted of a large gate, a main hall, a three-storied pagoda, a hall dedicated to Amitabha, a hall dedicated to Lohan, a bell tower, a scripture hall, and a Shinto shrine dedicated to the tutelary deity of the area. However, all of these buildings have since been destroyed, save for the scripture hall, which is now known as Sekisui-in.

In addition to Sekisui-in, today's Kōzan-ji also contains a main hall (originally part of Ninna-ji, relocated to Kōzan-ji) and a hall dedicated to the founding of the temple, which houses an important carved wooden bust of Myōe. Both of these buildings, however, are modern reconstructions.
-  More in the WIKIPEDIA !


observance kigo for early winter

Toganoo mushi kuyoo 栂尾虫供養 (とがのおむしくよ)
memorial service for the bugs at Toganoo

On the 12th and 13th of the tenth lunar month (now November)

The farmers from the region would offer prayers to Amida (nenbutsu 念仏講) for the souls of the bugs they had to kill during the rice-growing season.


Myoe Shonin 明恵上人 (1173-1232)
Saint Myo-e
was a high-ranking monk of the Kegon Sect of Buddhism and was active in the beginning of the Kamakura period. He was much admired as a priest of virtue for his profound learning and noble deeds. Myoe Shonin was born to a distinguished family in Kii Province (present-day Wakayama and Mie Prefectures). He lost his parents as a child, and went to Kyoto to live with his uncle Jogaku, who was a monk at Jingoji Temple in Mt. Takao. At age 16, he renounced the world and was initiated into Buddhism at Todaiji Temple in Nara, whereupon he took the name Myoebo Joben. From the age of 36, he became known as Koben.

Myoe then returned to his homeland to leave the worldliness of this world and led a rigorous life of religious training in the Yuasa Bay area. During this time, it is said that Myoe attempted to go to India for the love of Buddha, but the deities enshrined in Kasuga Shrine prohibited him from embarking on this trip. With the slogan "Return to Buddha," he tried to proselytize people to the Kegon Sect. In 1206, the retired Emperor Gotoba granted him land in Toganoo that belonged to Jingoji Temple, where he built Kozanji Temple. He was benevolent and loved nature and all living beings. Myoe was a capable calligrapher, too.
A Zen priest named Eisai gave Myoe some tea seedlings, with which Myoe successfully cultivated tea in the hills of Toganoo.

He recorded his dreams for forty years from the age of nineteen through fifty-eight (1191-1230), because he believed that dreaming is a type of learning. The record that he made is
Yume no ki 夢記 (Records of Dreams).

Yume no ki is also known as On-yume no ki or On-yume on-nikki. Originally, Yume no ki comprised 17 scrolls, seven books, and 28 sheets of unbound pages, but two scrolls came to the attention of the public, subsequently called Yume no ki, which are especially treasured.


The present piece was written on the 25th day of the tenth month of 1229, when he was 57 years of age. The strokes are vigorous, and white light emanating from a flower vase, symbolizing a goddess of India, is drawn in the margin. Typically he used waste paper back, and illustrated pieces such as the present work are highly valued.
source : Miho Museum


Monastic Regulations promulgated by Myoe

In the wooden tablet at Kōzan-ji Temple mentioned above, Myoe listed the following regulations to all monks, divided into three sections:

As Appropriate
Etiquette in the Temple Study Hall
Etiquette in the Buddha-Altar Hall

- - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Statue of Myoe, Seated

Annual Festivals:

The oldest tea house of Japan

The famous scroll of the frolicking animals.
Choojuu-giga scrolls (choju giga) 鳥獣戯画

- Map of the Temple Compound

Homepage of the Temple
source : www.kosanji.com ...


Choju Giga Scroll Slide Show

Here is our FROG in an archery contest

Carrying offerings

Frog and wild boar

Chasing the Monkey

Wrestling with the Rabbit

Finally Frog Buddha and the Monkey

This scroll is one of the fore-runners of Japanese Manga !

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Myoe the Dreamkeeper:
Fantasy and Knowledge
in Early Kamakura Buddhism

George Tanabe

In the Kamakura period, Myoe Shonin (1173-1232) was a leader of Nara Buddhists who sought to revitalize traditional Buddhism in Japan. In his teaching, Myoe specially emphasized the value of the visions that could be achieved through meditation; and in his practice, he kept and occasionally illustrated a diary of his own visions and significant night dreams. The autograph copy of this remarkable document still exists, although some pages have been scattered among collectors.
George J. Tanabe, Jr., here presents in English the most comprehensive compilation of the diary in any language. Moreover, his study of Myoe's life and teachings provides both a context within which the diary can be understood and a view of the often doctrinally contentious world of Kamakura Buddhism.
source : www.amazon.com


source : hiori-note


aka aka ya
aka aka aka ya
aka aka ya
aka aka aka ya
aka aka ya tsuki

bright so bright
bright bright so bright
bright so bright
bright bright so bright
bright so bright moonshine

source : kakinumaism.jugem.jp

The poem by Myoe is not about the redness of the moon,
but about the bright, light moonshine.


Koozanji kaede no mebuki hajimareri

temple Kozan-Ji -
the maple trees just beginning
to bud

Fujisaka Komeko 藤坂込め子


ishidan o yokogiru kiji ari Koozanji

there is a pheasant
crossing the stone steps -
temple Kozan-Ji

Nomura Hakugetsu 野村泊月 (1882 - 1961)

More haiku about this temple

お茶の実がしんしん冷ゆる高山寺 高澤良一 宿好
ハンケチを捩ぢて憩へり高山寺 川崎展宏
一頻り萩刈る音か高山寺 高澤良一 宿好
子鴉の今日から鳴くや高山寺 大峯あきら 宇宙塵
旅びとに斎の柚味噌や高山寺 水原秋櫻子
水引がすいと目に入る高山寺 高澤良一 宿好

老鶯や峯より晴れて高山寺 川澄祐勝
萩萌えて戯画の鳥獣親しくす(高山寺) 河野南畦
虫たべに来て鳥涼し高山寺 宇佐美魚目 天地存問
雛の軸かけて栂尾高山寺 大石悦子 群萌

高山寺ちひさき蛇にあひにけり(栂尾) 細川加賀
高山寺夏の雨きて縁ぬらす 安養白翠
高山寺雲の下り来し茶を摘めり 河前 隆三

source : HAIKUreikuDB


observance kigo for the New Year

Shari-Ko 舎利講 Prayer Meeting for Buddha's bones

January 15
At temples of the Shingon Sect. It was introduced by Saint Myoe.



Myōan Eisai, Myooan Eisai 明菴栄西 Myoan Eisai
(May 27, 1141 – July 2, 1215)

was a Japanese Buddhist priest, credited with bringing the Rinzai school of Zen Buddhism and green tea from China to Japan. He is often known simply as
Eisai Zenji (栄西禅師), literally "Zen master Eisai".
- More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Cha no Hijiri 茶の聖 Eisai, the Saint of Tea .

. Seiganji 清岩寺 Seigan-Ji - Fukuoka .
Founded by Eisai

Related words

***** . Saints and their Memorial Days .  

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 

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Kebesu Festival


Kebesu festival (kebesu sai)

***** Location: Kunisaki Peninsula, Oita
***** Season: Late Autumn
***** Category: Observance


CLICK for more photos

Kebesu Festival is a fire festival held at
Iwakura Hachiman Shrine in Kunimi-machi,
Kunisaki City, Oita Pref. on October 14.

The origin of the word “kebesu” is not clear; some say it comes from a phrase in a norito (Shinto prayer) referring to “a boy who kicks fire.”Other say it is a local pronounciation of the deity Ebisu.

CLICK for more photos  kunisaki.blog

On the festival night, the “Kebesu,” who is wearing a grotesque mask, walks around the precinct, hitting the stick called “Samasuta” with a fan and dashes toward the holy bonfire. Then some men called “Toba トウバ” in white costume try to guard the fire and repeatedly fight with Kebesu for fire. Toba run after the spectators with burning fern in their hands. It is said that if the sparks fall on you, you will be good in health throughout the year.

The festival is designated as a prefecture’s Intangible Folk Cultural Property.
This is one of the few unique festivals in Japan.

source : nippon-kichi.jp

CLICK for more English photos

Before participating in the festival, all menfolk clad in white walk to the sea shore and take a purifying dip in the cold water.

The man performing the KEBESU of this year puts on a mask and then the priest of the shrine makes the sign of kebes on the back of the kneeling person, to put the deity inside his human body.
After the festival, kebesu kneels again and the priest writes the word MAN on his back.

It is a great honour to be choosen as the kebesu of the year.


Kebesu Matsuri ケベス祭り

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

kunimi 国見 "looking at the country"
There are many places with this part in the name.
My favorite is Kunimi Onsen hot spring in Iwate.

It goes back to olden times, when the local priest-shaman went to the top of a nearby hill and looked down to foretell the events and the harvest for the coming year. By looking at the cherry trees and buds and praying to them, he could make predictions about the harvest. This is one of the sources of the cherry-blossom activities in Japan.


Kebesu festival -
the sparks fall out
of my TV screen

Gabi Greve

Related words

***** Fire festivals, fire ceremonies
(hi matsuri 火祭り)

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Nada Kenka Matsuri


Nada Fighting Festival (Nada no Kenka Matsuri)

***** Location: Himeji, Hyogo
***** Season: Late Autumn
***** Category: Observance


October 14th and 15th
Matsubara Hachiman Shrine
Shirahama-cho Ko, Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture

姫路 松原八幡神社


This is the biggest "fighting festival" in Japan.

The night of the tenth lunar month was the full moon night of Autumn in the Asian lunar calendar.

CLICK for more photos

Portable shrines fiercely jolted against one another produce breathtaking scenes befitting a 'Fighting Festival'

It came to be called by this name, Kenka Matsuri or 'Fighting Festival' because the mikoshi (portable shrines) are jolted against one another when carried on the shoulders of the men in the parade.

There are no detailed rules or opponents for the vehement collisions of the portable shrines. As soon as the portable shrines are set properly on the men's shoulders and everyone is ready, they are knocked against one another at random, and the moment a portable shrine is hoisted on top of another, the contest is over.

The greatest attraction is the struggle among 3 portable shrines when men over 35 wearing white headbands, those of 26-35 with yellow headbands and youths under 26 marked by red headbands, holding bamboo poles in their hands, join in the fight. A vehement struggle unfolds but this is in no way a fight between the men. This festival, which is the largest of the numerous fighting festivals held nationwide, is not only famous in Japan but is also becoming widely known overseas.

The highlight of this festival is Yatai-neri, the parade of "yatai", festival floats, gorgeously decorated with wood carving, gold and silver handiwork and embroidered curtains. The yatai are carried on the shoulders of men and are surrounded by the men holding "shide" (bamboo poles decorated with colorful paper) in their hand. As dusk sets in, illuminations on each of the yatai are lit.
source : www.jnto.go.jp


There are seven districts of the town which carry their own highly decorated portable shrines (yatai 屋台) in the procession. The shrines are very heavy and are pulled and pushed on wheels. More than 3000 men take part in the various processions, and all children are proud when they are allowed to participate for the first time.
A famous group of lion dancers and drums accompany the procession.
The yatai come from 木場、松原、八家、妻鹿、宇佐崎、中村. The seventh village group does not participate, but carries the three large banners of the deities.
The yatai rub each other (neriawase 練り合わせ). When it gets dark, each yatai is decorated with lanterns.

CLICI for original link and more photos
三の丸・一の丸・二の丸 Boat three, one and two

The three portable shrines for the final fighting are much lighter and made for destruction. Every year before the festival it takes their bearers about one month to repair them, only to carry them out on the festival day to be destroyed again.
The three "boats" carry the three deities

Hondawake no mikoto 品陀和気命(ほんだわけのみこと)- Ojin Tenno (son of Jingu) in the center (later to be deified as Hachiman)

Okinagatarashi hime no mikoto
- Emperess Jingu on the left

Hime Ookami 比咩大神(ひめおおかみ)- wife of Hachiman

The legend of the shrine tells about a fisherman from Mega, who found a plank on the shore with the inscription "Great Bosatsu Hachiman"
八幡大菩薩 and a shrine was erected to honor this plank, which was supposed to come from Usa Jingu. (See Jingu, link below.)

. . . . .

The origin of these fighting mikoshi, which are counted boats (maru) in this shrine, dates back to the Emperess Jingu Kogo 神功皇后 (Jinguu Koogoo), who was on a war expedition against Korea when she passed Himeji. The boats of her entourage were covered with oyster shells and she thought a quick way to remove them would be to bang and rub the boats against each other.
Today's "fight" is in memory of this legend.

On the evening before the main festival (yoi miya 宵宮, yoi no miya 宵の宮), all the portable shrines are paraded around town and to the main shrine. Before participating, the men have to take an ablution in the cold waters of the sea at Shirahama 白浜町.

On the second day of the festival (honmiya 本宮) the portable shrines first carried around to "wipe off the dew" (tsuyu harai 露払い), together with the lion dancers and drums.

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Then they are carried up a steep slope in the west of the compount, to a "travel station" 御旅山 with the main Hachiman Shrine as an offering for the deities.
When coming back they have to pass the Sakura Gate of the Shrine, which is so low that part of the roof decoration has to be taken down before they can pass and get the blessing of the Shinto priest.

When they are back in the shrine compound, the real fight of the three boats begins, often lasting until late in the night, until all the boats are brought to fall on the ground. The men are quite exhausted from carrying the heave loads all day long, but they never give up.

CLICK for more photos

The portable shrine bearers are called "neriko 練り子. They wear a special amulet in the color of their group around their arms 腕守り, given to them by mother or wife, for protection against injuries in the heavy battles. A nearby hospital is on stand-by just in case. There have been two cases of death by being crushed in recent years.

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Many visitors are lined up in seats around the main "arena" in the temple ground and along the roads.


. Emperess Jingu and the Hachiman Cult  

. Jingu Kogo 神功皇后 and Japanese Dolls .

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


灘けんか祭 Nada Kenka Matsuri

akibare no kuru soodai no kuro haori

in autumn sunshine
the representatives in their
formal black coats

Asazuma Chikara 朝妻力
source : 俳誌のsalon


Related words

***** WKD : Autumn Festival (aki matsuri)

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Otsu Matsuri


Otsu Festival (Ootsu matsuri)

***** Location: Otsu, Japan
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Observance


Ootsu Matsuri 大津祭 Otsu festival, Otsu Matsuri

Nishi no miya matsuri 四宮祭(しのみやまつり)
Festival of shrine Nishi no Miya


Otsu matsuri poster

One of Shiga's major festivals featuring thirteen ornate floats displayed and paraded around central Otsu over two days before Sports Day, a national holiday around Oct.

The first day of the festival has the floats parked and displayed on the streets and lit up at night. The first day of the festival is called Yoimiya . 宵宮

During the first day, the karakuri mechanical puppets are removed from the floats and displayed on street level. The karakuri ningyo puppets are a major highlight of the floats and festival. The puppets perform on the floats during the procession. karakuri ningyoo からくり人形

The Otsu Matsuri has thirteen floats called hikiyama. Each one belongs to a different neighborhood in central Otsu. Each float has a name and features ornate carvings, tapestries, paintings, and other art work. 曳山

In 1596, Shiouri Jihei (塩売 治兵衛) wore a tanuki mask and danced during a Tenson Shrine festival. People liked his dancing so much that they built a float two years later and Jihei danced on it.

Tapestry designated as an Important Cultural Property.
The Trojan War (from Greek mythology) is depicted.

The second day of the Otsu Matsuri Festival is called the Honmatsuri, featuring a procession of the thirteen floats as the festival climax. The highlight are the performances by the karakuri mechanical dolls on the floats. 本祭り

They also threw chimaki to the crowd. Chimaki are small bundles of straw wrapped with a thin hand towel. They were all blessed by Tenson Shrine. ちまき

With many splendid photos
source : photoguide.jp


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On each float, there are three types of musical instruments.
The gong is played by young schoolchildren, the big drum is hit by older schoolchildren and the flute is played by students and grown-ups.

The mechanical devices are moved by four young boys, who crawl inside the doll and move the spear or the water, for example.

To turn such a large float in the small streets of Otsu, the float is stopped and then the front part lifted to drag it around at an angle to reach the next small street.

The floats are constructed each year from the parts, it takes about one week to finish them, like a puzzle with wooden joints only.

shrine Nishinomiya 四宮神社 / Tenson 天孫(四宮)神社
shrine Tenson Jinja 天孫神社

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Reference : Otsu Matsuri


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Otsu Hikaru-kun おおつ光ルくん

In memory of Hikaru Genji, the hero of the Tales of Genji.
He is even on pudding and other food items.


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Otsu Chimakichi ちま吉 for good luck
chimaki are a food item for good luck in the coming year, rice wrapped in gree leaves. In Otsu, even the tramway is green.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

. Otsu-E 大津絵 Illustrations from Otsu    

. The Tale of Genji, Genji Monogatari ... and haiku  


Ootsu matsuri no dashi 大津祭りの山車 festival float

They are made from strong cardbord (ボール紙), like the float toys from Nagahama.
But they are not made any more.

. Shiga Prefecture Folk Art - 滋賀県 .


Related words

***** . Karakuri ningyoo からくり人形 mechanical dolls .

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