Benkei Festival (Benkei matsuri )
***** Location: Tanabe, Japan
***** Season: Late Autumn
***** Category: Observance
Benkei Matsuri 弁慶まつり Benkei Festival
first sunday in october
A parade through the town of Tanabe, with his love Tamamushi Gozen 玉虫御前 following him, and later the dynamic dance of Benkei is one of the highlights of the festival.
Every year another young man from the village is choosen to perform the dance, now in the 24th generation.
at shrine Tokei Jinja
闘けい神社 / 闘鶏神社 (とうけいじんじゃ)
Cockfight Shrine
It used to be called 新熊野鶏合大権現.
Tokei Jinja History
Tokei-jinja Shrine was established in 419 A.D and derives from Kumano Hongu Taisha.
In the times of abdicated Emperor Shirakawa (1053-1129), the Kumano deities were enshrined in Tokei-jinja Shrine. Many imperial and aristocratic pilgrims paid homage here praying for safe passage into the realm of Kumano. Because the Kumano deities were manifested in Tokei-jinja Shrine, some pilgrims didn’t make the voyage into the heart of Kumano, but prayed here, subsequently worshipping the three shrines of Kumano Sanzan from afar.
In the “Tales of Heike”the Kumano Betto Tanzo 熊野別当湛増 (or steward of the Kumano shrines,
who is said to be the father of Benkei)
turned to the gods to decide which side to join forces with during the historic sea battle of “Dan-no-ura” (1185) between the Heike and Genji clans by holding a divinatory cockfight here with a white and a red cock. The white cock, representing the Genji, won the fight.
By the order of the gods the Kumano Navy (Kumano suigun熊野水軍) supported the Genji, turning the tide of the war, and destroying the Heike. During the shrine consolidations that took place in the Meiji era (1868-1912) this shrine was re-named “Tokei-jinja” or “cockfighting shrine” because of this event.
During the peak of the Kumano pilgrimage, Tanabe was an important junction and prospered as the entrance to the Kumano region. The city was a key location for both land and ocean transportation routes. People gathered in Tanabe before continuing onto the Kumano Sanzan or the Saigoku pilgrimage (33 Kannon pilgrimage of Western Japan).
source : www.tb-kumano.jp
Nearby is also a shrine in his honor
Benkei Jinja, Benkei Yashiro 弁慶神社
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
and a pine in his honor
Benkei matsu 弁慶松
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
and a stone where he sat down
Benkei Koshikake Iwa 弁慶腰掛岩
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
and a few more things in memory of Benkei in his youth.
The whole town of Tanabe is full of Benkei artifacts.
紀州鈴屋 「弁慶の釜」 Benkei no kama
A Wafer in the form of a small pot, the one that Benkei has his first bath as a baby.
The wafer comes in two parts, with a lid of a slightly different falvor with yuzu citrons.
The flavor of the pot filling is taken from the famous plums of Kishu.
In a nearby museum in Tanabe you can see the real pot 弁慶産湯の釜.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
A dish made from local chicken, called
弁鶏(べんけい) BenKEI
in a pun with the sound of the name, written with the Chinese character KEI for chicken.
. . . CLICK here for Ben-KEI Photos !
There is also a famous ricewine, 酒
Benkei no Sato 弁慶の里, produced in Tanabe town.
sake barrels offered at the Benkei Shrine
Tanabe matsuri 田辺祭り Tanabe Festival
Every year on July 24th and 25th, the annual summer festival of Tokei-jinja Shrine is held. The year 2009 marked the 450th anniversary of the Tanabe Festival. In 1969 this festival, which is filled with much pomp and circumstance, was designated as an intangible folklore cultural asset of Wakayama prefecture.
Yoinomiya: Festival Eve (July 24)
Hon-matsuri: Festival Day (July 25)
At 4:30 the Akatsuki-no-Saiten ritual of dawn begins at Tokei-jinja Shrine.
Kasahoko Floats
In the evening of the 25th, there is
Yabusame, horseback archery demonstration
During the Tanabe Festival you can see eight “Kasahoko" from the eight traditional districts related to the old castle and merchant towns of Tanabe. Locals call the Kasahokos “Okasa”. “Kasahoko” is a sort of “Dashi” which broadly means an attraction of an event. But specifically speaking, Dashi in a Japanese festival performs a sacred role. The Kanji characters for Dashi are 山車, which mean “mountain” and “wheel” or “vehicle”. Literally Dashi are large elegant floats elaborately decorated, and are related to the local history and Kami deities of the area. Dashi are pulled and pushed through the city by many men to pay homage at shrines and sacred sites. There is a great diversity of Dashi, with as many variations of Dashi as there are festivals in Japan.
Look at more photos of the festival HERE :
source : www.tb-kumano.jp
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
. Senteisai festival 先帝祭 and Antoku Tenno 安徳天皇
tookei ya tsuwamonodomo no yume wa ima
this cockfight -
the dreams of ancient warriors
still alive
Gabi Greve, Autumn 2010
One of the most famous tsuwamono (Hercules) is maybe super-strong Musashibo Benkei 武蔵坊弁慶, the monk-soldier who accompanied Yoshitsune during his whole life.
. Brave Warrior (tsuwamono) and Haiku
Related words
From ancient times to the Middle Ages, the faith instilled by the Kumano Sanzan of Hongu, Shingu and Nachi was at a peak and many believers ranging from emperors and nobles to the commoner made their pilgrimages to Kumano.
Now a World Heritage Site.
***** . The ancient Kumano Pilgrims Road
Kumano Kodoo, Kumano Kodō (熊野古道) and Haiku
***** . yabusame 流鏑馬(やぶさめ)Yabusame
and its related kigo
***** . Tori awase 鶏合 (とりあわせ) Ritual Cock Fighting
Hahnenkampf, and its related kigo
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
Taxes and their kigo
Tax evaluation (kemi)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Mid-Autumn
***** Category: Observance
During the Edo period, agricultural taxes (nengu) were evaluated and collected from the farmers in form of rice. A good harvest brought higher taxes.
Taxes were determined by two systems,
kemi (毛見) and joomen じょうめん【定免】.
kemi refers to the ears of the rice plant
also called tachige たちげ【立ち毛 / 立毛】.
For the kemi inspection, a group of officials came to each village in mid-autumn to check the rice fields and make estimates on the harvest. This was popular in the early Edo period.
But a lot of bribes also made their way in the pockets of the inspectors too.
Later, with the joomen inspections, the taxes were fixed for five years.
New assesments could be made in years with adverse weather conditions and a bad harvest.
kemi 毛見 (けみ ) tax evaluation
..... kemi 検見(けみ)
kemi no shuu 毛見の衆(けみのしゅう)
group of tax evaluation officials
kemi no hi 毛見の日(けみのひ)day of tax evaluation
This was the important day, when the officials and all the village elders and farmers came to watch.
kemihate 毛見果(けみはて)
kemi no makanai 毛見の賂い(けみのまかない)
food and drink for the tax evaluation officials
Entertaining the officials while they stayed in the village.
tsubogari 坪刈(つぼがり) "harvesting one tsubo of land"
one tsubo of the rice fields was harvested on this day and the result taken as basis for the evaluation of the taxes for the coming year.
one tsubo is about 3.3 square meters.
nengumai 年貢米 "tax rice"
The farmer's burden was called "nengu", and is like a tax. About half of their harvest was taken away by the lord of the castle. The famers grew a lot of rice, but could rarely eat it, because they were forced to pay high taxes and the price of rice was expensive. Instead, they would usually eat barnyard grass or millet.
With no money even for rice, of course their clothing style was simple. It was usually made of cotton or hemp. They had a few days off in each year, and the farmers enjoyed their vacation drinking, or arm wrestlinging. Sometimes a few days break was allowed to do annual events and festivals.
source : www.angelfire.com
kigo for late autumn
fukanden no soo 不堪田の奏 (ふかんでんのそう)
reporting of un-used fields
On the seventh day of the ninth lunar month, abandoned fields due to water damage by flooding or other reasons were inspected. The tax of this area could then be reduced.
Starting on the first day of the ninth lunar month, the registre books of land use were checked and ammended.
also called fuka denden 不堪佃田(ふかんでんでん)
Worldwide use
Unlike in Japan, in India, we have the beginning of the sweating season, summer. Schools reopen in Japan but they close for summer vacation here in India.
However the fiscal year ends in both the places end of March!
axmen text messages
Pay on time
Season's first sweat
- Shared by Tushar Gandhi
Joys of Japan, March 2012
. Tax paying season, income tax
Things found on the way
tsuini nengu no osame toki ga kita ka .
I guess the time of reckoning has arrived at last.
Buson Memorial Stone in Sakata
kemi no shuu no fune sashikudase Mogamigawa
the boat of the
tax officials floats down
river Mogamigawa
shinmai no Sakata wa hayashi Mogamigawa
new rice
in Sakata town, so fast
the Mogami river
Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村
. new rice, shinmai 新米 (しんまい)
kigo for late autumn
Related words
kigo for mid-winter
***** nengu osame 年貢納 (ねんぐおさめ)
paying the last taxes
tax payment, nengu 年貢(ねんぐ)
annual agricultural taxes
rice as tax payment, nengu mai 年貢米(ねんぐまい)
horses as tax payment, nengu uma 年貢馬(ねんぐうま)
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
Tax evaluation (kemi)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Mid-Autumn
***** Category: Observance
During the Edo period, agricultural taxes (nengu) were evaluated and collected from the farmers in form of rice. A good harvest brought higher taxes.
Taxes were determined by two systems,
kemi (毛見) and joomen じょうめん【定免】.
kemi refers to the ears of the rice plant
also called tachige たちげ【立ち毛 / 立毛】.
For the kemi inspection, a group of officials came to each village in mid-autumn to check the rice fields and make estimates on the harvest. This was popular in the early Edo period.
But a lot of bribes also made their way in the pockets of the inspectors too.
Later, with the joomen inspections, the taxes were fixed for five years.
New assesments could be made in years with adverse weather conditions and a bad harvest.
kemi 毛見 (けみ ) tax evaluation
..... kemi 検見(けみ)
kemi no shuu 毛見の衆(けみのしゅう)
group of tax evaluation officials
kemi no hi 毛見の日(けみのひ)day of tax evaluation
This was the important day, when the officials and all the village elders and farmers came to watch.
kemihate 毛見果(けみはて)
kemi no makanai 毛見の賂い(けみのまかない)
food and drink for the tax evaluation officials
Entertaining the officials while they stayed in the village.
tsubogari 坪刈(つぼがり) "harvesting one tsubo of land"
one tsubo of the rice fields was harvested on this day and the result taken as basis for the evaluation of the taxes for the coming year.
one tsubo is about 3.3 square meters.
nengumai 年貢米 "tax rice"
The farmer's burden was called "nengu", and is like a tax. About half of their harvest was taken away by the lord of the castle. The famers grew a lot of rice, but could rarely eat it, because they were forced to pay high taxes and the price of rice was expensive. Instead, they would usually eat barnyard grass or millet.
With no money even for rice, of course their clothing style was simple. It was usually made of cotton or hemp. They had a few days off in each year, and the farmers enjoyed their vacation drinking, or arm wrestlinging. Sometimes a few days break was allowed to do annual events and festivals.
source : www.angelfire.com
kigo for late autumn
fukanden no soo 不堪田の奏 (ふかんでんのそう)
reporting of un-used fields
On the seventh day of the ninth lunar month, abandoned fields due to water damage by flooding or other reasons were inspected. The tax of this area could then be reduced.
Starting on the first day of the ninth lunar month, the registre books of land use were checked and ammended.
also called fuka denden 不堪佃田(ふかんでんでん)
Worldwide use
Unlike in Japan, in India, we have the beginning of the sweating season, summer. Schools reopen in Japan but they close for summer vacation here in India.
However the fiscal year ends in both the places end of March!
axmen text messages
Pay on time
Season's first sweat
- Shared by Tushar Gandhi
Joys of Japan, March 2012
. Tax paying season, income tax
Things found on the way
tsuini nengu no osame toki ga kita ka .
I guess the time of reckoning has arrived at last.
Buson Memorial Stone in Sakata
kemi no shuu no fune sashikudase Mogamigawa
the boat of the
tax officials floats down
river Mogamigawa
shinmai no Sakata wa hayashi Mogamigawa
new rice
in Sakata town, so fast
the Mogami river
Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村
. new rice, shinmai 新米 (しんまい)
kigo for late autumn
Related words
kigo for mid-winter
***** nengu osame 年貢納 (ねんぐおさめ)
paying the last taxes
tax payment, nengu 年貢(ねんぐ)
annual agricultural taxes
rice as tax payment, nengu mai 年貢米(ねんぐまい)
horses as tax payment, nengu uma 年貢馬(ねんぐうま)
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
Chrysanthemum Festival 9 9
Chrysanthemum Festival (chooyoo)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Late Autumn
***** Category: Observance
September 9, the ninth day of the ninth lunar month ...
Now mostly held in October, celebrating the end of the harvest time.
Now October 26, 旧重陽 Old Lunar Chrysanthemum Festival
It was one of the five special "double" days with double prime numbers, which are auspicious in the Lunar calendar,
like January 1, March 3, May 5 and July 7.
Chrysanthemums were introduced into Japan around the 8th century AD, and Emperor Gotoba 後鳥羽 (1180-1239) adopted this flower as his official seal.
Details are here :
. Chrysanthemum, Kiku, the PLANT and its kigo
露ながら 折りてかざさむ 菊の花
老いせぬ秋の 久しかるべく
tsuyu nagara orite kazasamu kiku no hana
oite senu aki no hisashikarubeku
Let's pluck and wear you,
O chrysanthemum flower,
while there's still dew --
that never-aging autumn
must then abide forever.
Ki no Tomonori 紀友則
The association of chrysanthemums with long life was imported from China along with their use in the longevity festival on the Ninth of the Ninth Month, which at the time fell some time in what's now October. According to Chinese folklore, drinking the dew off a chrysanthemum retarded aging or even, in some circumstances, granted immortality. Strictly speaking the wish is "for a (very) long time," but the effect (especially combined with "not aging") is close to "forever."
source : lnhammer.livejournal.com
chooyoo 重陽 (ちょうよう) "double prime number nine"
..... chookyuu 重九(ちょうきゅう)"double nine"
Double Nine Day
kyuukyuu can also be writen 久久, meaning "long life".
kiku no sekku 菊の節供(きくのせっく)chrysanthemum ritual
kyoo no kiku 今日の菊(きょうのきく)chrysanthemum of today
..... kiku no hi 菊の日(きくのひ)day of the chrysanthemum
(Kyu Kyu Day)
chooyoo no en 重陽の宴(ちょうようのえん)
banquet in honor of the chrysanthemum
kiku no sake 菊の酒(きくのさけ)chrysanthemum sake
kariage no sekku 刈上の節供(かりあげのせっく)
seasonal festival to celebrate the end of harvest time
sankunichi 三九日(さんくにち)three days with a nine
..... mikunichi 三九日(みくにち)
. mikunichi nasu みくにち茄子(みくにちなす)
eggplants eaten on the three days with a nine
the 9th, 19th and 29th of the ninth lunar month, now placed in october.
. kiku no kisewata 菊の着綿 (きくのきせわた)
"chrysanthemum cotton garment"
kiku no kisewata 菊の着綿 (きくのきせわた)
"chrysanthemum cotton blanket"
..... kiku no wata 菊の綿(きくのわた)chrysanthemum cotton
kiku no somewata 菊の染綿(きくのそめわた)
On the 8th of the 9th lunar month (one day before the Chrysanthemum festival) cotton silk floss covers were placed outside over the chrysanthemums to catch the evening dew. On the morning of the 9th, these garments were used to wrap the body of court ladies, a custom since the Heian Period. This was said to ward off evil and lead to a healthy ripe old age.
After this day, summer cotton garments were put away and the winter garments came into use.
Sweets called "Kisewata"
okunichi (おくにち) "Honorable Day with a Nine"
okunchi おくんち、kunchi くんち
The ninth of the ninth month.
Nowadays often celebrated on the 9th of october.
This is especially celebrated in Kyushu,
Nagasaki Okunchi 長崎おくんち is the most famous, with parades and a lion dance.
It began as a celebration of autumn harvests in the late 16th century and became a shrine festival when Suwa Shrine was founded in 1642. Another purpose was to check for hidden Christians after the ban on Christianity. This is still evident today in the custom of garden showing (庭見せ, niwamise), when the presenting neighbourhoods open up their homes to public scrutiny ...
October 9 to 11
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
CLICK for more festival photos !
- - - - - famous festival floats (and toys)
. kujira no shiofuki 鯨の潮吹き whale spouring, blowing .
. Kokkodesho コッコデショ The Flying Drum .
Hakata Okunchi 博多おくんち
Karatsu Okunchi 唐津おくんち
The festival, which begins on the evening of November 2 and concludes on 4th, features daily parades of fourteen hikiyama, massive floats in the form of samurai helmets, sea bream, dragons, and other fantastical creatures, all constructed from wood, lacquer, and other materials.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Karatsu hikiyama 唐津曳山 festival floats as toys .
. Reference .
takaki 高きに登る (たかきにのぼる) "climbing high up"
tookoo 登高(とうこう)
gumi no fukuro 茱萸の袋(ぐみのふくろ)bag with silverberries
gumi no sake 茱萸の酒(ぐみのさけ) sake with silverberries
An old Chinese custom with a wish for a long, prosperous life.
On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, a bag with silverberries was carried to a high place in the neighbourhood, then the fruit put in sake and the drink enjoyed as a toast to the deities.
gumi, a plant of the Elaeagnus family.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of the gumi bag offerings !
tooka no kiku 十日の菊 (とおかのきく)
chrysanthemums on the tenth
kochooyoo, ko chooyoo 小重陽(こちょうよう)
"small chooyoo festival"
zangiku no en 残菊の宴(ざんぎくのえん)
banquet of the remaining chrysanthemums
gonichi no kiku 後日の菊(ごにちのきく)
chrysanthemums on the next day
This is also a custom from China, but it has not taken such a hold in Japan.
There is a Japanese proverb
muika no shoobu, tooka no kiku
六日の菖蒲 十日の菊
lilies on the sixth,
chrysanthemums on the tenth
meaning being late for an event, not to make it in time.
Miidera ya tooka no kiku ni kosakazuki
Temple Miidera -
for the chrysanthemums on the tenth
a small cup of ricewine
Morikawa Kyoroku 森川許六
one of the famous gread disciples of Matsuo Basho
Mii Temple 三井寺 Miidera and Haiku
nochi no hina 後の雛 (のちのひな) "the next doll festival"
aki no hina 秋の雛(あきのひな)"dolls in autumn"
kikubina 菊雛(きくびな) chrysanthemum dolls
. Hina Doll Festival (hina matsuri 雛祭)
March 3 (the double three date)
In some regions, mostly in Osaka, Tokushima, Ise and others in Western Japan, it is custom to decorate the hina dolls on this day.
Others decorate them on hassaku, the first day of August.
Small straw dolls are also released on the rivers and along the coast in the evening.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Weddings in Taiwan on September 9, 2010
TAIPEI, Taiwan –
One hundred sixty-three couples in Taiwan were married in a mass ceremony at 9:09 a.m. Thursday, the ninth day of the ninth month of the 99th year since the founding of their republic.
The word for nine in Chinese sounds exactly like the word for longevity, so there was method in the decision by Taipei city authorities to organize the nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine nuptials when they did.
source : news.yahoo.com
double nine
and ninety-nine years -
how lucky you are !
Gabi Greve, September 9, 2010
Double Ninth Day...
I step on the shadows
of newlyweds
Chen-ou Liu, Canada
Some people living in the rural areas believe that if you step on a shadow, you will bring bad luck, or even suffering, to its owner.
hayaku sake Kunichi mo chikashi kiku no hana
Chrysanthemum Haiku by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
yamadera ya kate no uchi naru kiku no hana
mountain temple --
here, too, they serve
chrysanthemum petals
Tr. Chris Drake
This hokku is from the 9th month (October) of 1819, the year Issa chronicles in Year of My Life. Every year on 9/9 the Chrysanthemum Festival was held, and in the 9th month various exhibits of chrysanthemums were held. Chrysanthemum petals had been drunk since the ancient Nara period, and in Issa's time the wine drunk at the 9/9 festival with petals in it was believed to ensure long life. Chrysanthemum petals were also widely used as a side dish or sprinkled on salads, sashimi, sushi, tempura, and other dishes. The petals were also used in several herbal medicine mixtures.
Issa seems to have visited a secluded mountain temple that, like many other temples, provides meals to visitors, and he is surprised to find chrysanthemum petals even here. Presumably the petals have been sprinkled on vegetarian dishes at the temple and are a treat during the 9th month for both monks and visitors.
Chris Drake
. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
kiku no sake 菊の酒 chrysanthemum sake
. WKD : Edible blossoms, edible flowers 食用の花 .
chooyoo ya riyadoro-bina o tokonoma ni
double nine day -
we decorate Lladro-dolls
in the tokonoma
source : 京羅坊(kyorabo)
- For two good haiku friends -
to grow old
gracefully ...
chrysanthemum festival
Gabi Greve,September 2010
Related words
***** Chrysanthemum (kiku)
BACK : Top of this Saijiki
Chrysanthemum Festival (chooyoo)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Late Autumn
***** Category: Observance
September 9, the ninth day of the ninth lunar month ...
Now mostly held in October, celebrating the end of the harvest time.
Now October 26, 旧重陽 Old Lunar Chrysanthemum Festival
It was one of the five special "double" days with double prime numbers, which are auspicious in the Lunar calendar,
like January 1, March 3, May 5 and July 7.
Chrysanthemums were introduced into Japan around the 8th century AD, and Emperor Gotoba 後鳥羽 (1180-1239) adopted this flower as his official seal.
Details are here :
. Chrysanthemum, Kiku, the PLANT and its kigo
露ながら 折りてかざさむ 菊の花
老いせぬ秋の 久しかるべく
tsuyu nagara orite kazasamu kiku no hana
oite senu aki no hisashikarubeku
Let's pluck and wear you,
O chrysanthemum flower,
while there's still dew --
that never-aging autumn
must then abide forever.
Ki no Tomonori 紀友則
The association of chrysanthemums with long life was imported from China along with their use in the longevity festival on the Ninth of the Ninth Month, which at the time fell some time in what's now October. According to Chinese folklore, drinking the dew off a chrysanthemum retarded aging or even, in some circumstances, granted immortality. Strictly speaking the wish is "for a (very) long time," but the effect (especially combined with "not aging") is close to "forever."
source : lnhammer.livejournal.com
chooyoo 重陽 (ちょうよう) "double prime number nine"
..... chookyuu 重九(ちょうきゅう)"double nine"
Double Nine Day
kyuukyuu can also be writen 久久, meaning "long life".
kiku no sekku 菊の節供(きくのせっく)chrysanthemum ritual
kyoo no kiku 今日の菊(きょうのきく)chrysanthemum of today
..... kiku no hi 菊の日(きくのひ)day of the chrysanthemum
(Kyu Kyu Day)
chooyoo no en 重陽の宴(ちょうようのえん)
banquet in honor of the chrysanthemum
kiku no sake 菊の酒(きくのさけ)chrysanthemum sake
kariage no sekku 刈上の節供(かりあげのせっく)
seasonal festival to celebrate the end of harvest time
sankunichi 三九日(さんくにち)three days with a nine
..... mikunichi 三九日(みくにち)
. mikunichi nasu みくにち茄子(みくにちなす)
eggplants eaten on the three days with a nine
the 9th, 19th and 29th of the ninth lunar month, now placed in october.
. kiku no kisewata 菊の着綿 (きくのきせわた)
"chrysanthemum cotton garment"
kiku no kisewata 菊の着綿 (きくのきせわた)
"chrysanthemum cotton blanket"
..... kiku no wata 菊の綿(きくのわた)chrysanthemum cotton
kiku no somewata 菊の染綿(きくのそめわた)
On the 8th of the 9th lunar month (one day before the Chrysanthemum festival) cotton silk floss covers were placed outside over the chrysanthemums to catch the evening dew. On the morning of the 9th, these garments were used to wrap the body of court ladies, a custom since the Heian Period. This was said to ward off evil and lead to a healthy ripe old age.
After this day, summer cotton garments were put away and the winter garments came into use.
Sweets called "Kisewata"
okunichi (おくにち) "Honorable Day with a Nine"
okunchi おくんち、kunchi くんち
The ninth of the ninth month.
Nowadays often celebrated on the 9th of october.
This is especially celebrated in Kyushu,
Nagasaki Okunchi 長崎おくんち is the most famous, with parades and a lion dance.
It began as a celebration of autumn harvests in the late 16th century and became a shrine festival when Suwa Shrine was founded in 1642. Another purpose was to check for hidden Christians after the ban on Christianity. This is still evident today in the custom of garden showing (庭見せ, niwamise), when the presenting neighbourhoods open up their homes to public scrutiny ...
October 9 to 11
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- - - - - famous festival floats (and toys)
. kujira no shiofuki 鯨の潮吹き whale spouring, blowing .
. Kokkodesho コッコデショ The Flying Drum .
Hakata Okunchi 博多おくんち
Karatsu Okunchi 唐津おくんち
The festival, which begins on the evening of November 2 and concludes on 4th, features daily parades of fourteen hikiyama, massive floats in the form of samurai helmets, sea bream, dragons, and other fantastical creatures, all constructed from wood, lacquer, and other materials.
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. Karatsu hikiyama 唐津曳山 festival floats as toys .
. Reference .
takaki 高きに登る (たかきにのぼる) "climbing high up"
tookoo 登高(とうこう)
gumi no fukuro 茱萸の袋(ぐみのふくろ)bag with silverberries
gumi no sake 茱萸の酒(ぐみのさけ) sake with silverberries
An old Chinese custom with a wish for a long, prosperous life.
On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, a bag with silverberries was carried to a high place in the neighbourhood, then the fruit put in sake and the drink enjoyed as a toast to the deities.
gumi, a plant of the Elaeagnus family.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of the gumi bag offerings !
tooka no kiku 十日の菊 (とおかのきく)
chrysanthemums on the tenth
kochooyoo, ko chooyoo 小重陽(こちょうよう)
"small chooyoo festival"
zangiku no en 残菊の宴(ざんぎくのえん)
banquet of the remaining chrysanthemums
gonichi no kiku 後日の菊(ごにちのきく)
chrysanthemums on the next day
This is also a custom from China, but it has not taken such a hold in Japan.
There is a Japanese proverb
muika no shoobu, tooka no kiku
六日の菖蒲 十日の菊
lilies on the sixth,
chrysanthemums on the tenth
meaning being late for an event, not to make it in time.
Miidera ya tooka no kiku ni kosakazuki
Temple Miidera -
for the chrysanthemums on the tenth
a small cup of ricewine
Morikawa Kyoroku 森川許六
one of the famous gread disciples of Matsuo Basho
Mii Temple 三井寺 Miidera and Haiku
nochi no hina 後の雛 (のちのひな) "the next doll festival"
aki no hina 秋の雛(あきのひな)"dolls in autumn"
kikubina 菊雛(きくびな) chrysanthemum dolls
. Hina Doll Festival (hina matsuri 雛祭)
March 3 (the double three date)
In some regions, mostly in Osaka, Tokushima, Ise and others in Western Japan, it is custom to decorate the hina dolls on this day.
Others decorate them on hassaku, the first day of August.
Small straw dolls are also released on the rivers and along the coast in the evening.
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Weddings in Taiwan on September 9, 2010
TAIPEI, Taiwan –
One hundred sixty-three couples in Taiwan were married in a mass ceremony at 9:09 a.m. Thursday, the ninth day of the ninth month of the 99th year since the founding of their republic.
The word for nine in Chinese sounds exactly like the word for longevity, so there was method in the decision by Taipei city authorities to organize the nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine nuptials when they did.
source : news.yahoo.com
double nine
and ninety-nine years -
how lucky you are !
Gabi Greve, September 9, 2010
Double Ninth Day...
I step on the shadows
of newlyweds
Chen-ou Liu, Canada
Some people living in the rural areas believe that if you step on a shadow, you will bring bad luck, or even suffering, to its owner.
hayaku sake Kunichi mo chikashi kiku no hana
Chrysanthemum Haiku by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
yamadera ya kate no uchi naru kiku no hana
mountain temple --
here, too, they serve
chrysanthemum petals
Tr. Chris Drake
This hokku is from the 9th month (October) of 1819, the year Issa chronicles in Year of My Life. Every year on 9/9 the Chrysanthemum Festival was held, and in the 9th month various exhibits of chrysanthemums were held. Chrysanthemum petals had been drunk since the ancient Nara period, and in Issa's time the wine drunk at the 9/9 festival with petals in it was believed to ensure long life. Chrysanthemum petals were also widely used as a side dish or sprinkled on salads, sashimi, sushi, tempura, and other dishes. The petals were also used in several herbal medicine mixtures.
Issa seems to have visited a secluded mountain temple that, like many other temples, provides meals to visitors, and he is surprised to find chrysanthemum petals even here. Presumably the petals have been sprinkled on vegetarian dishes at the temple and are a treat during the 9th month for both monks and visitors.
Chris Drake
. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
kiku no sake 菊の酒 chrysanthemum sake
. WKD : Edible blossoms, edible flowers 食用の花 .
chooyoo ya riyadoro-bina o tokonoma ni
double nine day -
we decorate Lladro-dolls
in the tokonoma
source : 京羅坊(kyorabo)
- For two good haiku friends -
to grow old
gracefully ...
chrysanthemum festival
Gabi Greve,September 2010
Related words
***** Chrysanthemum (kiku)
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Ashibetsu Candle Art
Ashibetsu Candle Art
***** Location: Ashibetsu, Hokkaido
***** Season: Early autumn
***** Category: Observance
芦別 キャンドルアート
Candle art is usually held on a Saturday in early August, and features a display of over 10 thousand candles.
Every year a different picture is painted, using candles, on the hillside in Canadian World Park.
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***** WKD Reference
Ashibetsu Candle Art
***** Location: Ashibetsu, Hokkaido
***** Season: Early autumn
***** Category: Observance
芦別 キャンドルアート
Candle art is usually held on a Saturday in early August, and features a display of over 10 thousand candles.
Every year a different picture is painted, using candles, on the hillside in Canadian World Park.
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***** WKD Reference
Peron Boat Race (peeron)
Peron Boat Race (peeron)
***** Location: Nagasaki, Japan
***** Season: Mid-Summer
***** Category: Observance
keito 競渡 (けいと) peron boat race
..... peeron ペーロン Peron
haarii sen 爬龍船(ハーりーせん
haryuusen はりゅうせん)Dragon Boat
..... keito sen 競渡船(けいとせん)
..... kyaaron 、キャーロン
..... pairon バイロン
"Hahrih" dragon boat festival
This kind of Dragon boat race originates in China and is very popular in many Asian countries, also in Okinawa and Nagasaki, where it is know by various names, see above.
It is used as a kind of divination for the harvest of this year.
It also occurs at other times of the year, for example on May 5.
Nagasaki Peron Festival
In Nagasaki, it used to be part of the annual "harbor festival" in April, but now it is a separate event on the fourth sunday in June.
Sometimes there is also a race on the first sunday of August.
The Dragon Boat Festival is a lunar holiday.
The official festival is also known as the Double Fifth Festival, because it occurs on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar, and Poet's Day, because it commemorates the failed rescue attempt in 295 B.C. of Qu Yuan. Qu was a Chinese poet, hero and Minister of State to the King of Chu. Qu warned the king against signing a fake treaty, and for his effort he was exiled. Dejected, Qu wandered the countryside and then drowned himself in the Milo River. The local fishermen raced out in their boats to save him, beating drums to scare off any fish that might eat his body and dropping rice into the water to nourish his spirit.
Today's Double Fifth Festivals include dragon boat races -- with beating drums and rowers tossing rice into the water. The dragon boat is a canoe with 10 rows of benches (for the 20 paddlers) and the heads and tails of "dragons" attached at the helm and stern (also where you'll find the drummer and steersperson).
In a ceremony, a Taoist priest will "bring the dragon boats to life."
The race is a sprint, lasting under 5 minutes.
Since the sport of dragon boat racing offers great teamwork experience and interaction, and the festivals seek to promote multiculturalism, there are many crews (teams) from corporations. Besides getting them in shape, they get to sample the terrific traditional food of the dragon boat festival!
source : partyguideonline.com
A page with more coloring pages for children
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Dragonboat festival --
first race now finished
we remember the many women
now dead or dying of breast cancer --
flowers float in the sea
Angelika Kolompar, July 2006
. Dragonboat festival in Nanaimo, B.C, Canada
Things found on the way
. Dragon Art of Asia
Daruma Museum
© PHOTO : Digital Photo Blog
keitobune orosu uchikomi taikoo kana
lowering the Dragon boats
the big drums begin
to beat
Hayashi Katsumi 林かつみ
source : gento575.blog71
Related words
***** . Morotabune Ship Race Ceremony (morotabune shinji) Shimane
***** Ships, boats and Kigo
Peron Boat Race (peeron)
***** Location: Nagasaki, Japan
***** Season: Mid-Summer
***** Category: Observance
keito 競渡 (けいと) peron boat race
..... peeron ペーロン Peron
haarii sen 爬龍船(ハーりーせん
haryuusen はりゅうせん)Dragon Boat
..... keito sen 競渡船(けいとせん)
..... kyaaron 、キャーロン
..... pairon バイロン
"Hahrih" dragon boat festival
This kind of Dragon boat race originates in China and is very popular in many Asian countries, also in Okinawa and Nagasaki, where it is know by various names, see above.
It is used as a kind of divination for the harvest of this year.
It also occurs at other times of the year, for example on May 5.
Nagasaki Peron Festival
In Nagasaki, it used to be part of the annual "harbor festival" in April, but now it is a separate event on the fourth sunday in June.
Sometimes there is also a race on the first sunday of August.
The Dragon Boat Festival is a lunar holiday.
The official festival is also known as the Double Fifth Festival, because it occurs on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar, and Poet's Day, because it commemorates the failed rescue attempt in 295 B.C. of Qu Yuan. Qu was a Chinese poet, hero and Minister of State to the King of Chu. Qu warned the king against signing a fake treaty, and for his effort he was exiled. Dejected, Qu wandered the countryside and then drowned himself in the Milo River. The local fishermen raced out in their boats to save him, beating drums to scare off any fish that might eat his body and dropping rice into the water to nourish his spirit.
Today's Double Fifth Festivals include dragon boat races -- with beating drums and rowers tossing rice into the water. The dragon boat is a canoe with 10 rows of benches (for the 20 paddlers) and the heads and tails of "dragons" attached at the helm and stern (also where you'll find the drummer and steersperson).
In a ceremony, a Taoist priest will "bring the dragon boats to life."
The race is a sprint, lasting under 5 minutes.
Since the sport of dragon boat racing offers great teamwork experience and interaction, and the festivals seek to promote multiculturalism, there are many crews (teams) from corporations. Besides getting them in shape, they get to sample the terrific traditional food of the dragon boat festival!
source : partyguideonline.com
A page with more coloring pages for children
Worldwide use
Dragonboat festival --
first race now finished
we remember the many women
now dead or dying of breast cancer --
flowers float in the sea
Angelika Kolompar, July 2006
. Dragonboat festival in Nanaimo, B.C, Canada
Things found on the way
. Dragon Art of Asia
Daruma Museum
© PHOTO : Digital Photo Blog
keitobune orosu uchikomi taikoo kana
lowering the Dragon boats
the big drums begin
to beat
Hayashi Katsumi 林かつみ
source : gento575.blog71
Related words
***** . Morotabune Ship Race Ceremony (morotabune shinji) Shimane
***** Ships, boats and Kigo
Time Memorial Day
Time Memorial Day (toki no kinenbi)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Mid-Summer
***** Category: Observance
toki no kinenbi 時の記念日 (ときのきねんび)
time memorial day, Anniversary of Time
toki no hi 時の日(ときのひ) "time day"
June 10
rookoku ろうこく【漏刻/漏剋】 "water clock"
On June 10th, way back in 671, according to the traditional calendar, the Emperor Tenji 天智天皇 (668-671) reportedly first announced the time to the people, measuring hours with a water clock (clepsydra).
In the lunar calendar, this was the 25th of the fourth lunar month.
There was an extra-governmental organization known as The Association for the Improvement of Domestic Life (seikatsu kaizen doomeikai 生活改善同盟会).
The group’s aim of improving the quality of daily life included a call for punctuality, and it designated 10 June as Time Day (Toki no kinenbi).
The main activities on 10 June included correcting the watches of passersby, by synchronizing them with a chronometer taken to streets downtown; the Association also sought the cooperation of temples, shrines, churches, and factories simultaneously to ring bells and sound the gongs and drums and whistles at twelve at noon. Lectures on time were delivered in schools and factories.
The first Time Day was held in 1920 ,
together with an exhibition on time sponsored by the Ministry of Education. School children were mobilized for the opening ceremony of the exhibition, in which they released balloons with the words jikan reikoo 時間厳守 (punctuality) written on a strip of paper in front of the Tokyo Educational Museum (the precursor of the present the National Science Museum).
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Asuka no Mizudokei - the water clock of Asuka
source : www.asukanet.gr.jp
toki no hi ya Dari no yugameshi oodokei
Time Day -
the warped big watches
of Dali
Yamaguchi Shozo (Shoozoo) 山口正三
sekaishi o dari no tokei de aki tomoshi
the world history
with the watch of Dali
in autumn lamp light
Watanabe Natsuko 渡部奈津子
. Museum Haiku
about famous people and artwork
toki no hi ya nikai to shita ni naru tokei
"time day" -
on the second floor and below
the clocks are ringing
Tsuyako 艶子
toki no hi ya mukashi hatago no kakedokei
time memorial day -
this wall clock
in the old inn
Sankei 山渓
. Hatago lodgings and inns and Haiku
Buying time
my smart phone whispers the hour
so seductively
The wrist watch is in danger of becoming a threatened species like lions, tigers and elephants. The smartphone has unbound time that has been strapped to your wrist . . .
- Shared by Chris Loft -
Joys of Japan, 2012
The water clock drips
Measuring the hours and days
Liquid fluid time
Chinese mechanical and horological engineering from the Song Dynasty; this diagram provides an overall general view of the inner workings and armillary sphere of Su Song's clocktower built in Kaifeng. The drawn illustration comes from Su Song's book Xin Yi Xiang Fa Yao published in the year 1092. On the right is the upper reservoir tank with the 'constant-level tank' beneath it.
In the center foreground is the 'earth horizon' box in which the celestial globe was mounted. Below that are the time keeping shaft and wheels supported by a mortar-shaped end-bearing. Behind this is the main driving wheel with its spokes and scoops. Above that are the left and right upper locks with an upper balancing lever and upper link.
- Shared by Res John Burman -
Joys of Japan, 2012
Related words
****: . quality of time
Kigo for Summer
Time Memorial Day (toki no kinenbi)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Mid-Summer
***** Category: Observance
toki no kinenbi 時の記念日 (ときのきねんび)
time memorial day, Anniversary of Time
toki no hi 時の日(ときのひ) "time day"
June 10
rookoku ろうこく【漏刻/漏剋】 "water clock"
On June 10th, way back in 671, according to the traditional calendar, the Emperor Tenji 天智天皇 (668-671) reportedly first announced the time to the people, measuring hours with a water clock (clepsydra).
In the lunar calendar, this was the 25th of the fourth lunar month.
There was an extra-governmental organization known as The Association for the Improvement of Domestic Life (seikatsu kaizen doomeikai 生活改善同盟会).
The group’s aim of improving the quality of daily life included a call for punctuality, and it designated 10 June as Time Day (Toki no kinenbi).
The main activities on 10 June included correcting the watches of passersby, by synchronizing them with a chronometer taken to streets downtown; the Association also sought the cooperation of temples, shrines, churches, and factories simultaneously to ring bells and sound the gongs and drums and whistles at twelve at noon. Lectures on time were delivered in schools and factories.
The first Time Day was held in 1920 ,
together with an exhibition on time sponsored by the Ministry of Education. School children were mobilized for the opening ceremony of the exhibition, in which they released balloons with the words jikan reikoo 時間厳守 (punctuality) written on a strip of paper in front of the Tokyo Educational Museum (the precursor of the present the National Science Museum).
© More in the Japanese WIKIPEDIA !
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Asuka no Mizudokei - the water clock of Asuka
source : www.asukanet.gr.jp
toki no hi ya Dari no yugameshi oodokei
Time Day -
the warped big watches
of Dali
Yamaguchi Shozo (Shoozoo) 山口正三
sekaishi o dari no tokei de aki tomoshi
the world history
with the watch of Dali
in autumn lamp light
Watanabe Natsuko 渡部奈津子
. Museum Haiku
about famous people and artwork
toki no hi ya nikai to shita ni naru tokei
"time day" -
on the second floor and below
the clocks are ringing
Tsuyako 艶子
toki no hi ya mukashi hatago no kakedokei
time memorial day -
this wall clock
in the old inn
Sankei 山渓
. Hatago lodgings and inns and Haiku
Buying time
my smart phone whispers the hour
so seductively
The wrist watch is in danger of becoming a threatened species like lions, tigers and elephants. The smartphone has unbound time that has been strapped to your wrist . . .
- Shared by Chris Loft -
Joys of Japan, 2012
The water clock drips
Measuring the hours and days
Liquid fluid time
Chinese mechanical and horological engineering from the Song Dynasty; this diagram provides an overall general view of the inner workings and armillary sphere of Su Song's clocktower built in Kaifeng. The drawn illustration comes from Su Song's book Xin Yi Xiang Fa Yao published in the year 1092. On the right is the upper reservoir tank with the 'constant-level tank' beneath it.
In the center foreground is the 'earth horizon' box in which the celestial globe was mounted. Below that are the time keeping shaft and wheels supported by a mortar-shaped end-bearing. Behind this is the main driving wheel with its spokes and scoops. Above that are the left and right upper locks with an upper balancing lever and upper link.
- Shared by Res John Burman -
Joys of Japan, 2012
Related words
****: . quality of time
Kigo for Summer
Matsue Festivals
Horan Enya Boat Festival
***** Location: Matsue
***** Season: Mid-Summer
***** Category: Observance
Hooran Enya ほうらんえんや
boat festival in Matsue town, Shimane
This festival was started by first generation feudal lord Matsudaira Naomasa in hopes for a good harvest and has been held every 12 years. The object of worship is carried on a boat from Inari Jinja Shrine 大浜住吉神社 to Adakaya Jinja Shrine. At the call of "Horan-enya" the procession, consisting of a line that is 10 kilometers long, carries a fleet of 100 decorated boats from one shrine to the other. The festival in 1997 was the Horan-enya's last event of this century.
The last festival was held in 2009.
At the front of some ships, a kabuki-like dancer performs his art. At the back of the ships, young drummers acompany a dancer, a young boy dressed like a girl, swinging his sticks.
The festival starts early in the morning, bringing the mikoshi on a boat to the shrine Adakaya 阿太加夜(あだかや).
It is one of the three great festivals with ship processions in Japan.
Hooran Enya in 2009
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Related Festivals
Suigosai Festival, Matsue
kigo for Summer
A major summer event emphasizing "the city of water". A magnificent display of fireworks over Lake Shinji-ko, and surprise events are held each year.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Matsue Drum Procession
松江祭 鼕行列(どうぎょうれつ) doo gyooretsu
Kigo for early winter
November 3
This festival began when the 5th generation feudal lord Matsudaira Nobuzumi greeted his wife in 1734. The people in the area made a drum to beat for the celebration. A float with two large drums, each measuring 2 meters in diameter, proceed through town as the sounds of the beats echo throughout the area.
- July August -
Tamatsukuri Onsen Summer Festival – 玉造温泉夏まつり
Held in Tamatsukuri Onsen, this annual summer festival consists of daily stage events and food stands. The stages are outside surrounding the Tamayu River, and performances range from music concerts to traditional dances, like Yasugibushi. At night, the area around the river is illuminated with decorative lanterns.
Matsue Suigosai Fireworks Festival – 松江水郷際
One of the biggest events in the City of Water, Matsue Suigosai is held over two days in the city centre by Lake Shinji‘s shore. Many people wearing yukata and jinbei will enjoy the surface of the lake lit up by thousands of fireworks, while dance events and other performances are held on stage by Matsue City Hall. There are also many food stalls. Fireworks are usually from 20:00 to 20:30 on Saturday, and from 20:00 until 21:00 on Sunday, with a total of around 90,000 fireworks.
Oyukake Jizo Festival – お湯かけ地蔵まつり
This festival, dedicated to the local hot spring deity named Oyukake Jizo, takes place in the hot springs area of Matsue Shinjiko Onsen. Come by and pour hot water over the Jizo statue before watching the fireworks over Lake Shinji. Fireworks are usually between 20:00 and 20:30. URL : Oyukake Jizo Festival (jp).
Iya Shrine’s Ho-kake Matsuri - Hokake – 揖屋神社穂掛祭
Iya Shrine is located in eastern Matsue, by Lake Nakaumi (easy access from Higashi Matsue Station). An important ritual is held there, both on sea and land, to pray for generous harvests and safety at sea. The god worshipped is first brought in a Mikoshi (portable shrine) on a boat to reach a sacred place before returning to the shrine. The land procession starts at 19:00. The celebrations includes awesome Kagura dances on a stage next to the shrine, Mochi-maki (distribution of pounded steam rice cakes), Japanese drums and fireworks. Also, the crowd is given super yummy sake in bamboo cups
Sada Shrine Gozakae Ritual – 御座替神事
This ritual is undertaken to purify the new rush mats upon which the tutelary deities of Sada Shrine are to sit. Another round of dances follows on the second day, including Sada Shin Noh, which was added to the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2011. Created in the early 15th century, these dances have been handed down from generation to generation and are thought to have given its contemporary structure and content to the Kagura dances that today thrive in Shimane culture.
- source : matsuetravelguide.wordpress.com
Horan Enya Boat Festival
***** Location: Matsue
***** Season: Mid-Summer
***** Category: Observance
Hooran Enya ほうらんえんや
boat festival in Matsue town, Shimane
This festival was started by first generation feudal lord Matsudaira Naomasa in hopes for a good harvest and has been held every 12 years. The object of worship is carried on a boat from Inari Jinja Shrine 大浜住吉神社 to Adakaya Jinja Shrine. At the call of "Horan-enya" the procession, consisting of a line that is 10 kilometers long, carries a fleet of 100 decorated boats from one shrine to the other. The festival in 1997 was the Horan-enya's last event of this century.
The last festival was held in 2009.
At the front of some ships, a kabuki-like dancer performs his art. At the back of the ships, young drummers acompany a dancer, a young boy dressed like a girl, swinging his sticks.
The festival starts early in the morning, bringing the mikoshi on a boat to the shrine Adakaya 阿太加夜(あだかや).
It is one of the three great festivals with ship processions in Japan.
Hooran Enya in 2009
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Related Festivals
Suigosai Festival, Matsue
kigo for Summer
A major summer event emphasizing "the city of water". A magnificent display of fireworks over Lake Shinji-ko, and surprise events are held each year.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Matsue Drum Procession
松江祭 鼕行列(どうぎょうれつ) doo gyooretsu
Kigo for early winter
November 3
This festival began when the 5th generation feudal lord Matsudaira Nobuzumi greeted his wife in 1734. The people in the area made a drum to beat for the celebration. A float with two large drums, each measuring 2 meters in diameter, proceed through town as the sounds of the beats echo throughout the area.
- July August -
Tamatsukuri Onsen Summer Festival – 玉造温泉夏まつり
Held in Tamatsukuri Onsen, this annual summer festival consists of daily stage events and food stands. The stages are outside surrounding the Tamayu River, and performances range from music concerts to traditional dances, like Yasugibushi. At night, the area around the river is illuminated with decorative lanterns.
Matsue Suigosai Fireworks Festival – 松江水郷際
One of the biggest events in the City of Water, Matsue Suigosai is held over two days in the city centre by Lake Shinji‘s shore. Many people wearing yukata and jinbei will enjoy the surface of the lake lit up by thousands of fireworks, while dance events and other performances are held on stage by Matsue City Hall. There are also many food stalls. Fireworks are usually from 20:00 to 20:30 on Saturday, and from 20:00 until 21:00 on Sunday, with a total of around 90,000 fireworks.
Oyukake Jizo Festival – お湯かけ地蔵まつり
This festival, dedicated to the local hot spring deity named Oyukake Jizo, takes place in the hot springs area of Matsue Shinjiko Onsen. Come by and pour hot water over the Jizo statue before watching the fireworks over Lake Shinji. Fireworks are usually between 20:00 and 20:30. URL : Oyukake Jizo Festival (jp).
Iya Shrine’s Ho-kake Matsuri - Hokake – 揖屋神社穂掛祭
Iya Shrine is located in eastern Matsue, by Lake Nakaumi (easy access from Higashi Matsue Station). An important ritual is held there, both on sea and land, to pray for generous harvests and safety at sea. The god worshipped is first brought in a Mikoshi (portable shrine) on a boat to reach a sacred place before returning to the shrine. The land procession starts at 19:00. The celebrations includes awesome Kagura dances on a stage next to the shrine, Mochi-maki (distribution of pounded steam rice cakes), Japanese drums and fireworks. Also, the crowd is given super yummy sake in bamboo cups
Sada Shrine Gozakae Ritual – 御座替神事
This ritual is undertaken to purify the new rush mats upon which the tutelary deities of Sada Shrine are to sit. Another round of dances follows on the second day, including Sada Shin Noh, which was added to the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2011. Created in the early 15th century, these dances have been handed down from generation to generation and are thought to have given its contemporary structure and content to the Kagura dances that today thrive in Shimane culture.
- source : matsuetravelguide.wordpress.com
Honen Matsuri Harvest Festival
Honen Matsuri (Hoonen Matsuri 豊年祭)
***** Location: Tagata Shrine, Aichi
***** Season: Early Summer
***** Category: Observance
Shrine Tagata Jinja 豊年祭り
豊年祭(ほうねんさい / ほうねんまつり)
hoonensai / hoonen matsuri
May 15
This festival is better known in English as
PENIS FESTIVAL, for obvious reasons.
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inkei 陰茎(ペニス)penis
. WASHOKU - Sex and Food at the Festival
Good Harvest Festival. A festival held at Ōagata Shrine (Ōagata jinja, Oagata Jinja 大縣神社) in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture. The Sunday closest to March 15 is the festival day. Also called the Hime no Miya Hōnen Festival. The festival complements the Good Harvest Festival of Tagata Shrine and is famous for the worship of genitalia.
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Called the Yin (in or female) festival in contrast to the Yang (yō or male) festival of Tagata Shrine, rocks symbolizing the female genitals are enshrined.
There is a procession of a sacred palanquin (mi-koshi) representing the female genitals, great banners (ō-nobori), and decorated horses. Good luck mochi are scattered from a sacred palanquin carrying a giant clam. In front of the shrine hall onlookers scramble for valuable items hanging from the large sakaki. These are talismans for safe birth, getting married, and satisfaction in married life.
There is also the Good Harvest Festival on the Sunday closest to March 15 at Tagata Shrine in Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture. It is said that this transporting of the deity rite is based on a legend about the enshrined kami, Takeinazumi-no-mikoto, who had an enormous penis and took to wife the local Aratahime-no-mikoto. The festival involves the transporting of the deity from Shinmei Shrine or Kubo Temple to Tagata Shrine. A linga (penis) almost two meters in length rides on the sacred palanquin, following a large banner upon which a penis is drawn. The banner is carried by youths, and at the shrine the onlookers scramble to claim pieces of it. The talismans that are on the banner pieces are skewered, and it is said that if these are placed in the fields the harvest will be good. It is also said they will bless one with good relationships and keep away sexual diseases. It is said that if one does not attend both this festival and the Yin festival at Ōagata Shrine then one will not prosper.
— Mogi Sakae
source : — Mogi Sakae / Kokugakuin University
Tagata Jinja is a Shinto shrine in Komaki just north of Nagoya, and as such is just one of many that can be found throughout Japan. It symbolizes the strong spatial and temporal linkage of the people to the community of Komaki, which until comparatively recently was a farming area. The Hounen festival at Tagata shrine is one of the most famous (or infamous?) festivals in Japan. Amongst foreigners visiting Aichi Prefecture it is frequently referred to as the "penis shrine", or "Japanese penis festival", primarily due to the ancient Hounen Matsuri (a festival celebrating fertility and renewal), which is held here every March 15th.
Every year on March 15 a huge two and a half meter wooden phallus is carried the short distance between two shrines attracting visitors from all over Japan and international media attention. The festival is fun with a lot of sake drinking, however the background of the festival is rather more serious. A shrine is a place of worship. It houses divine spirits and preserves the memory and practice of many aspects of Japanese culture. This file is intended to introduce some of the history, mythology, rituals, and customs of Tagata Jinja.
Tagata Jinja is believed to be about 1500 years old, due to discoveries in 1935 of an ancient sword and extensive pottery fragments. These days the shrine is surrounded by suburbia, but until recently it was surrounded by a forest called "Agata", a name believed to have derived from the name of one of the rulers of the local area during the end of the Yamato period (approx 3rd-5th century AD). These rulers were warriors who settled the area from Nara as the emerging feudal Japanese state defeated and displaced indigenous Ainu tribes and pushed its frontiers to the east. According to the official history of the shrine, the daughter of the feudal lord was called Tamahime, and was bethrothed to Takeinadane. The tradition holds that Takeinadane was killed in a distant battle and that his wife and children (and powerful father in law) developed the area. Tagata Jinja stands on the site of Tamahime's residence, and she is the principal deity (called kami in Japanese) enshrined here.
Enshrined as Tamahime-no-mikoto, she is worshipped in the main sanctuary of the building called the honden. This is the main shrine building. Behind and to the left of this structure, you can find another building called the Shinmeisha which contains a large number of natural and man-made objects, almost all of which are either shaped like a penis or have some phallic theme. It is important to understand that the worship is not of the phalli, but instead a worship of the earth, of the power that nature has through renewal and regeneration. It is this context that provides the phallus with its significance.
With everything from penis shaped candy to suck on, phallus keychains, azuki filled dumplings in the shape of the male member, and small wooden objects to take home as souvenirs, it is easy to think that it is the phallus that is being worshipped. This is not the case. Each of the hundreds of objects in the shrine buildings are essentially offerings to the enshrined deity, and are venerated as such.
In the past, the shrine often lended these phalluses to those in need, for example a couple wishing to conceive, an individual searching for a suitable spouse, or to cure childhood illnesses. The objects were returned with interest, for after the desired result was obtained the borrowed phallus was returned to the shrine, along with a new object donated in gratitude.
However what the veneration is about though is the worship of a feminine deity. The kami is female and embodies fertility and fecundity. Not far from Tagata shrine there is another place of worship called Ogata (Oogata) Jinja, where the objects are representative of female genitalia. In an agricultural community, the sacred feminine was worshipped, and the rituals that have survived to this day at the Tagata shrine were celebrations of this, conducted in order to ensure bountiful agricultural harvests, regeneration and renewal as well as human birth. In this way the Hounen matsuri is similar to other fertility rituals around the world. Hounen means bountiful year.
The festival is held March 15th because spring is the time of regeneration where seeds sprout and dormant trees and plants that seem to be dead come back to life.
March 15th Hounen-sai:
For most of the year, Tagata Jinja is very quiet. Most of the visitors are young couples, sometimes coming to pray for successful conception, sometimes coming to give thanks for safe child birth. Tagata's fertility festival, as with most festivals in Japan, is treated in a lighthearted way with much sake and noisy behavior. Modern Japanese society is less dependent on the vagaries of seasons and harvests and so the importance of agricultural traditions has faded, however it is obvious that people do take it seriously, solemnly approaching the permanent shrines and praying in silence. You see the occasional busload of tourists, often from Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong, but for the most part Tagata is silent. In the lead up to March 15th, there is constant preparation, however most of it is behind the scenes.
The matsuri, known as the Hounen-sai, has always had the objective of ensuring a bountiful harvest. It is mostly a procession symbolizing the visit of the male Takeinadane to the powerful and waiting female Tamahime-no-mikoto. While not a matriarchal society, women held high social status in the Yamato period and after marriage were usually not required to join their spouse's household. The young warrior Takeinadane probably visited his wife instead of living together. These visits are symbolized in the procession.
Each year, a new giant wooden phallus 大男茎型 (おおおわせがた) of about 2 meters length and 60 cm diameter is carved from a large hinoki (cypress) tree. In Japan newly made objects are thought to express more purity and vitality. The tree is brought to the shrine for purification rituals during the coldest part of the winter, before a master craftsman begins to shape it. The craftsman uses only traditional tools and wears clothing that has also been purified through rituals at the shrine. It is this phallus that will be the central focus of the procession, and then be placed into the Shinmeisha shrine as the principal phallus after the festival.
Originally the phallus was much smaller and attached to a straw effigy of a samurai warrior, possibly representing Takeinadane. However in time this was considered a bit too risque even for a fertility ritual, so the effigy was discarded and the phallus was paraded by itself. As its size was still about 1 meter long, the phallus was paraded by itself, carried by 4 or 5 people. However, this practice was also altered with the partial shielding of the phallus by a small portable shrine (mikoshi), the same style that houses it today.
As if to compensate for not being fully revealed, the size of the phallus has grown considerably over the years until it is now about 2.5 meters (13 feet) long and weighs 280 kilograms (620 pounds). It protudes from both ends of the portable shrine, and when considering the extra weight of the later, the bearers are basically struggling under a weight of 400 kilograms (885 pounds). Some 60 men in total (sometimes more) work in teams of 12 to deliver it to Tagata Shrine.
The organization and funding of the festival requires months of constant preparation and close coordination between shrine, village and regional authorities including the police. It is a major event. The procession begins at Kumano shrine about 1.5 kilometers (1 mile) from Tagata Shrine.
The parade is lead by a priest, who acting as a herald purifies the route by scattering salt on either side of the path the shrine will take on its journey. He is followed by standard bearers, the last of which carries a tall banner about 3 feet wide and seven feet high. This banner has a huge phallus painted on it that is sufficiently graphic that it could be used to teach anatomy.
Next there is a group of Shinto priests, who accompany one of their members dressed as the deity Sarutahiko-no-okami, distinctive with red face, large protruding nose and a shock of hair. He fulfills the role of the deity who led the descent of Amaterasu from heaven to earth - the sun goddess and giver of all life. Sarutahiko-no-okami is followed closely by 2 men carrying a chest containing offerings of food (rice and fruit) as well as a phallus shaped stone(an example of one of the natural objects referred to above). Accompanying them and usually stirring up the crowd is the sake cart, with the volunteers attending to the cart dispensing sake in paper cups to anyone close enough to reach.
With the crowd excited, it is time for the main event, the arrival of the two portable shrines. First is the shrine carrying a wooden statue of Takeinadene-no-mikoto, the visiting husband of the agricultural deity. And finally it is time for the big penis, the huge hinoki-wood phallus. It is heavy, but at this stage is carried by 12 men who are all aged 42. For women the unlucky age was 36, for men 42.
Once the newly carved giant phallus arrives at the shrine it is enshrined in the Shinmei shrine for the next year. The old phallus is sold to local businesses or private homes. It is perhaps an unsettling thought that these phalli are all over the neighborhood. The new owner makes an altar where the phallus is installed and venerated with periodic rituals and offerings.
source : Yamasa Institute, Aichi prefecture
There are many other festivals in Japan for a bountiful harvest.
And other festivals where the penis is the object of veneration.
at the shrine Dontsuku Jinja in Shizuoka静岡県賀茂郡東伊豆町稲取の「どんつく神社」
The penis (don) is sticking out (tsuku). On the first tuesday/wednesday in June there is a big festival.
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In Fukuoka there is a "Man Soul Rock", connected to the "Woman Soul Rock" in the sea with a straw rope. In November, there is a Male Soul Festival 男魂祭.
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Worldwide use
Things found on the way
phallus Daruma from my collection
dankon 男根 inkei 陰茎 penis
- - More about the phallic connection to Daruma:
Daruma’s Evolution into a Phallic Talisman
Example of Daruma art lending itself to phallic symbolism
As shown ... ,
Daruma artwork lent itself easily to phallic symbolism without any need for folkloric references. Yet, there is little doubt that Daruma’s metamorphosis into the male organ was pushed along by the widespread use in the late Edo era of the armless and legless Daruma tumbler doll talisman against smallpox. When knocked on its side, the doll pops back to the upright position and therefore symbolizes
(1) a speedy recovery from illness, akin to “getting back on one’s feet;” or
(2) resilience, undaunted spirit, and determination.
Such imagery can be easily employed to describe the down-up, soft-hard nature of the male sexual organ. With only a little imagination, one can easily understand why Daruma paintings and talismanic representations fell naturally under the same phallic sway. Says scholar Bernard Faure: “Until the Meiji period, phallic representations of Daruma in stone or papier mache were sold.
The name ‘Daruma’ was also a nickname given in the Edo period to prostitutes, perhaps because, like the doll, these specialists of tumble could raise the energy of their customers........ There is also in Zen iconography a representation of the ’erect Bodhidharma.’ The sexual symbolism is played out in the ukiyoe [woodblock prints], where Daruma appears as woman — a courtesan, or a transvestite Daruma and Okame. A representation in which one sees him in the company of two prostitutes — male and female — on a boat made from a reeds associates the sexual motif with that of the crossing of the Yangzi River............[also] as Hartmut Rotermund has been pointed out, the image of Daruma standing up (okiagari Daruma) connotes metaphorically the fact of recovering from an illness, of overcoming it rapidly and lightly.”
- source : Mark Schumacher
Wayside Deities and Fertility Rites
A deity born from a penis
Okuyamatsumi no kami 奥山祇命(おくやまつみのみこと)
A kami produced from the belly of the fire deity Kagutsuchi when he was beheaded by his father Izanagi. According to Kojiki, Izanagi's wife Izanami died as the result of burns received when giving birth to the fire deity. Grieving at Izanami's death, Izanagi cut off Kagutsuchi's head with his ten-span sword, thus producing some eight kami from Kagutsuchi's blood and body, including Okuyamatsumi.
The other deities included
Masakayamatsumi no kami (head),
Odoyamatsumi no kami (chest),
Okuyamatsumi no kami (penis),
Shigiyamatsumi no kami (left hand),
Hayamatsumi no kami (right hand),
Harayamatsumi no kami (left foot), and
Toyamatsumi no kami (right foot).
In the same episode as related in an "alternate writing" of Nihongi, five deities were produced from Kagutsuchi, but Okuyamatsumi's name is not listed among them.
source : Yumiyama Tatsuya . Kokugakuin University
Fertility Festival
With spring comes a rash of fertility festivals, designed to further the success of the year’s crops. These have ancient origins and go back to a time when the very existence of villagers depended on the success of the harvest. In a country of unpredictable weather and constant disasters, beseeching the help of the kami was a matter of vital importance.
One such festival happens every year on Feb. 11 in the Yamato basin near Omiwa Jingu, when two neighbouring shrines hold a joint festival. The male kami of one shrine is symbolically coupled with the female kami of the other by the use of phallic and vaginal shaped rice ropes.
source : www.greenshinto.com
In Kawasaki in the grounds of Wakamiya Hachiman Jingu 若宮八幡宮 at the shrine Kanayama Jinja 金山神社 on the first sunday in April a big Penis Festival is held and attracts many foreigners from the Kanto area.
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Reference : Kanayama Shrine Penis Festival
Kanayama Shrine 金山神社 Kawasaki
This shrine in Kawasaki is especially popular with foreigners.
During the annual Phallus Festival (Kanamara Matsuri かなまら祭) in the first week of April many replicas can be seen.
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The exact dates vary: the main festivities fall on the first Sunday in April. The penis, as the central theme of the event, is reflected in illustrations, candy, carved vegetables, decorations, and a mikoshi parade.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
spring in the air
with buds shiny tender shapes--
kanamara matsuri
- Shared by Brinda Buljore -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013
hoonen ya hachikiresoo na uma no shiri
year with a bountiful harvest -
the rear side of the horse
is almost bursting
Kintoo Yuuko 金藤優子
Tr. Gabi Greve
penis festival ...
the number of foreigners grows
year by year
Nakayama Ishino, 2008
Related words
***** . tsuburosashi つぶろさし tsuburo fertility dance
Sado Island, June 15
Honen Matsuri (Hoonen Matsuri 豊年祭)
***** Location: Tagata Shrine, Aichi
***** Season: Early Summer
***** Category: Observance
Shrine Tagata Jinja 豊年祭り
豊年祭(ほうねんさい / ほうねんまつり)
hoonensai / hoonen matsuri
May 15
This festival is better known in English as
PENIS FESTIVAL, for obvious reasons.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
inkei 陰茎(ペニス)penis
. WASHOKU - Sex and Food at the Festival
Good Harvest Festival. A festival held at Ōagata Shrine (Ōagata jinja, Oagata Jinja 大縣神社) in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture. The Sunday closest to March 15 is the festival day. Also called the Hime no Miya Hōnen Festival. The festival complements the Good Harvest Festival of Tagata Shrine and is famous for the worship of genitalia.
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Called the Yin (in or female) festival in contrast to the Yang (yō or male) festival of Tagata Shrine, rocks symbolizing the female genitals are enshrined.
There is a procession of a sacred palanquin (mi-koshi) representing the female genitals, great banners (ō-nobori), and decorated horses. Good luck mochi are scattered from a sacred palanquin carrying a giant clam. In front of the shrine hall onlookers scramble for valuable items hanging from the large sakaki. These are talismans for safe birth, getting married, and satisfaction in married life.
There is also the Good Harvest Festival on the Sunday closest to March 15 at Tagata Shrine in Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture. It is said that this transporting of the deity rite is based on a legend about the enshrined kami, Takeinazumi-no-mikoto, who had an enormous penis and took to wife the local Aratahime-no-mikoto. The festival involves the transporting of the deity from Shinmei Shrine or Kubo Temple to Tagata Shrine. A linga (penis) almost two meters in length rides on the sacred palanquin, following a large banner upon which a penis is drawn. The banner is carried by youths, and at the shrine the onlookers scramble to claim pieces of it. The talismans that are on the banner pieces are skewered, and it is said that if these are placed in the fields the harvest will be good. It is also said they will bless one with good relationships and keep away sexual diseases. It is said that if one does not attend both this festival and the Yin festival at Ōagata Shrine then one will not prosper.
— Mogi Sakae
source : — Mogi Sakae / Kokugakuin University
Tagata Jinja is a Shinto shrine in Komaki just north of Nagoya, and as such is just one of many that can be found throughout Japan. It symbolizes the strong spatial and temporal linkage of the people to the community of Komaki, which until comparatively recently was a farming area. The Hounen festival at Tagata shrine is one of the most famous (or infamous?) festivals in Japan. Amongst foreigners visiting Aichi Prefecture it is frequently referred to as the "penis shrine", or "Japanese penis festival", primarily due to the ancient Hounen Matsuri (a festival celebrating fertility and renewal), which is held here every March 15th.
Every year on March 15 a huge two and a half meter wooden phallus is carried the short distance between two shrines attracting visitors from all over Japan and international media attention. The festival is fun with a lot of sake drinking, however the background of the festival is rather more serious. A shrine is a place of worship. It houses divine spirits and preserves the memory and practice of many aspects of Japanese culture. This file is intended to introduce some of the history, mythology, rituals, and customs of Tagata Jinja.
Tagata Jinja is believed to be about 1500 years old, due to discoveries in 1935 of an ancient sword and extensive pottery fragments. These days the shrine is surrounded by suburbia, but until recently it was surrounded by a forest called "Agata", a name believed to have derived from the name of one of the rulers of the local area during the end of the Yamato period (approx 3rd-5th century AD). These rulers were warriors who settled the area from Nara as the emerging feudal Japanese state defeated and displaced indigenous Ainu tribes and pushed its frontiers to the east. According to the official history of the shrine, the daughter of the feudal lord was called Tamahime, and was bethrothed to Takeinadane. The tradition holds that Takeinadane was killed in a distant battle and that his wife and children (and powerful father in law) developed the area. Tagata Jinja stands on the site of Tamahime's residence, and she is the principal deity (called kami in Japanese) enshrined here.
Enshrined as Tamahime-no-mikoto, she is worshipped in the main sanctuary of the building called the honden. This is the main shrine building. Behind and to the left of this structure, you can find another building called the Shinmeisha which contains a large number of natural and man-made objects, almost all of which are either shaped like a penis or have some phallic theme. It is important to understand that the worship is not of the phalli, but instead a worship of the earth, of the power that nature has through renewal and regeneration. It is this context that provides the phallus with its significance.
With everything from penis shaped candy to suck on, phallus keychains, azuki filled dumplings in the shape of the male member, and small wooden objects to take home as souvenirs, it is easy to think that it is the phallus that is being worshipped. This is not the case. Each of the hundreds of objects in the shrine buildings are essentially offerings to the enshrined deity, and are venerated as such.
In the past, the shrine often lended these phalluses to those in need, for example a couple wishing to conceive, an individual searching for a suitable spouse, or to cure childhood illnesses. The objects were returned with interest, for after the desired result was obtained the borrowed phallus was returned to the shrine, along with a new object donated in gratitude.
However what the veneration is about though is the worship of a feminine deity. The kami is female and embodies fertility and fecundity. Not far from Tagata shrine there is another place of worship called Ogata (Oogata) Jinja, where the objects are representative of female genitalia. In an agricultural community, the sacred feminine was worshipped, and the rituals that have survived to this day at the Tagata shrine were celebrations of this, conducted in order to ensure bountiful agricultural harvests, regeneration and renewal as well as human birth. In this way the Hounen matsuri is similar to other fertility rituals around the world. Hounen means bountiful year.
The festival is held March 15th because spring is the time of regeneration where seeds sprout and dormant trees and plants that seem to be dead come back to life.
March 15th Hounen-sai:
For most of the year, Tagata Jinja is very quiet. Most of the visitors are young couples, sometimes coming to pray for successful conception, sometimes coming to give thanks for safe child birth. Tagata's fertility festival, as with most festivals in Japan, is treated in a lighthearted way with much sake and noisy behavior. Modern Japanese society is less dependent on the vagaries of seasons and harvests and so the importance of agricultural traditions has faded, however it is obvious that people do take it seriously, solemnly approaching the permanent shrines and praying in silence. You see the occasional busload of tourists, often from Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong, but for the most part Tagata is silent. In the lead up to March 15th, there is constant preparation, however most of it is behind the scenes.
The matsuri, known as the Hounen-sai, has always had the objective of ensuring a bountiful harvest. It is mostly a procession symbolizing the visit of the male Takeinadane to the powerful and waiting female Tamahime-no-mikoto. While not a matriarchal society, women held high social status in the Yamato period and after marriage were usually not required to join their spouse's household. The young warrior Takeinadane probably visited his wife instead of living together. These visits are symbolized in the procession.
Each year, a new giant wooden phallus 大男茎型 (おおおわせがた) of about 2 meters length and 60 cm diameter is carved from a large hinoki (cypress) tree. In Japan newly made objects are thought to express more purity and vitality. The tree is brought to the shrine for purification rituals during the coldest part of the winter, before a master craftsman begins to shape it. The craftsman uses only traditional tools and wears clothing that has also been purified through rituals at the shrine. It is this phallus that will be the central focus of the procession, and then be placed into the Shinmeisha shrine as the principal phallus after the festival.
Originally the phallus was much smaller and attached to a straw effigy of a samurai warrior, possibly representing Takeinadane. However in time this was considered a bit too risque even for a fertility ritual, so the effigy was discarded and the phallus was paraded by itself. As its size was still about 1 meter long, the phallus was paraded by itself, carried by 4 or 5 people. However, this practice was also altered with the partial shielding of the phallus by a small portable shrine (mikoshi), the same style that houses it today.
As if to compensate for not being fully revealed, the size of the phallus has grown considerably over the years until it is now about 2.5 meters (13 feet) long and weighs 280 kilograms (620 pounds). It protudes from both ends of the portable shrine, and when considering the extra weight of the later, the bearers are basically struggling under a weight of 400 kilograms (885 pounds). Some 60 men in total (sometimes more) work in teams of 12 to deliver it to Tagata Shrine.
The organization and funding of the festival requires months of constant preparation and close coordination between shrine, village and regional authorities including the police. It is a major event. The procession begins at Kumano shrine about 1.5 kilometers (1 mile) from Tagata Shrine.
The parade is lead by a priest, who acting as a herald purifies the route by scattering salt on either side of the path the shrine will take on its journey. He is followed by standard bearers, the last of which carries a tall banner about 3 feet wide and seven feet high. This banner has a huge phallus painted on it that is sufficiently graphic that it could be used to teach anatomy.
Next there is a group of Shinto priests, who accompany one of their members dressed as the deity Sarutahiko-no-okami, distinctive with red face, large protruding nose and a shock of hair. He fulfills the role of the deity who led the descent of Amaterasu from heaven to earth - the sun goddess and giver of all life. Sarutahiko-no-okami is followed closely by 2 men carrying a chest containing offerings of food (rice and fruit) as well as a phallus shaped stone(an example of one of the natural objects referred to above). Accompanying them and usually stirring up the crowd is the sake cart, with the volunteers attending to the cart dispensing sake in paper cups to anyone close enough to reach.
With the crowd excited, it is time for the main event, the arrival of the two portable shrines. First is the shrine carrying a wooden statue of Takeinadene-no-mikoto, the visiting husband of the agricultural deity. And finally it is time for the big penis, the huge hinoki-wood phallus. It is heavy, but at this stage is carried by 12 men who are all aged 42. For women the unlucky age was 36, for men 42.
Once the newly carved giant phallus arrives at the shrine it is enshrined in the Shinmei shrine for the next year. The old phallus is sold to local businesses or private homes. It is perhaps an unsettling thought that these phalli are all over the neighborhood. The new owner makes an altar where the phallus is installed and venerated with periodic rituals and offerings.
source : Yamasa Institute, Aichi prefecture
There are many other festivals in Japan for a bountiful harvest.
And other festivals where the penis is the object of veneration.
at the shrine Dontsuku Jinja in Shizuoka静岡県賀茂郡東伊豆町稲取の「どんつく神社」
The penis (don) is sticking out (tsuku). On the first tuesday/wednesday in June there is a big festival.
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In Fukuoka there is a "Man Soul Rock", connected to the "Woman Soul Rock" in the sea with a straw rope. In November, there is a Male Soul Festival 男魂祭.
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Worldwide use
Things found on the way
phallus Daruma from my collection
dankon 男根 inkei 陰茎 penis
- - More about the phallic connection to Daruma:
Daruma’s Evolution into a Phallic Talisman
Example of Daruma art lending itself to phallic symbolism
As shown ... ,
Daruma artwork lent itself easily to phallic symbolism without any need for folkloric references. Yet, there is little doubt that Daruma’s metamorphosis into the male organ was pushed along by the widespread use in the late Edo era of the armless and legless Daruma tumbler doll talisman against smallpox. When knocked on its side, the doll pops back to the upright position and therefore symbolizes
(1) a speedy recovery from illness, akin to “getting back on one’s feet;” or
(2) resilience, undaunted spirit, and determination.
Such imagery can be easily employed to describe the down-up, soft-hard nature of the male sexual organ. With only a little imagination, one can easily understand why Daruma paintings and talismanic representations fell naturally under the same phallic sway. Says scholar Bernard Faure: “Until the Meiji period, phallic representations of Daruma in stone or papier mache were sold.
The name ‘Daruma’ was also a nickname given in the Edo period to prostitutes, perhaps because, like the doll, these specialists of tumble could raise the energy of their customers........ There is also in Zen iconography a representation of the ’erect Bodhidharma.’ The sexual symbolism is played out in the ukiyoe [woodblock prints], where Daruma appears as woman — a courtesan, or a transvestite Daruma and Okame. A representation in which one sees him in the company of two prostitutes — male and female — on a boat made from a reeds associates the sexual motif with that of the crossing of the Yangzi River............[also] as Hartmut Rotermund has been pointed out, the image of Daruma standing up (okiagari Daruma) connotes metaphorically the fact of recovering from an illness, of overcoming it rapidly and lightly.”
- source : Mark Schumacher
Wayside Deities and Fertility Rites
A deity born from a penis
Okuyamatsumi no kami 奥山祇命(おくやまつみのみこと)
A kami produced from the belly of the fire deity Kagutsuchi when he was beheaded by his father Izanagi. According to Kojiki, Izanagi's wife Izanami died as the result of burns received when giving birth to the fire deity. Grieving at Izanami's death, Izanagi cut off Kagutsuchi's head with his ten-span sword, thus producing some eight kami from Kagutsuchi's blood and body, including Okuyamatsumi.
The other deities included
Masakayamatsumi no kami (head),
Odoyamatsumi no kami (chest),
Okuyamatsumi no kami (penis),
Shigiyamatsumi no kami (left hand),
Hayamatsumi no kami (right hand),
Harayamatsumi no kami (left foot), and
Toyamatsumi no kami (right foot).
In the same episode as related in an "alternate writing" of Nihongi, five deities were produced from Kagutsuchi, but Okuyamatsumi's name is not listed among them.
source : Yumiyama Tatsuya . Kokugakuin University
Fertility Festival
With spring comes a rash of fertility festivals, designed to further the success of the year’s crops. These have ancient origins and go back to a time when the very existence of villagers depended on the success of the harvest. In a country of unpredictable weather and constant disasters, beseeching the help of the kami was a matter of vital importance.
One such festival happens every year on Feb. 11 in the Yamato basin near Omiwa Jingu, when two neighbouring shrines hold a joint festival. The male kami of one shrine is symbolically coupled with the female kami of the other by the use of phallic and vaginal shaped rice ropes.
source : www.greenshinto.com
In Kawasaki in the grounds of Wakamiya Hachiman Jingu 若宮八幡宮 at the shrine Kanayama Jinja 金山神社 on the first sunday in April a big Penis Festival is held and attracts many foreigners from the Kanto area.
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Reference : Kanayama Shrine Penis Festival
Kanayama Shrine 金山神社 Kawasaki
This shrine in Kawasaki is especially popular with foreigners.
During the annual Phallus Festival (Kanamara Matsuri かなまら祭) in the first week of April many replicas can be seen.
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The exact dates vary: the main festivities fall on the first Sunday in April. The penis, as the central theme of the event, is reflected in illustrations, candy, carved vegetables, decorations, and a mikoshi parade.
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spring in the air
with buds shiny tender shapes--
kanamara matsuri
- Shared by Brinda Buljore -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013
hoonen ya hachikiresoo na uma no shiri
year with a bountiful harvest -
the rear side of the horse
is almost bursting
Kintoo Yuuko 金藤優子
Tr. Gabi Greve
penis festival ...
the number of foreigners grows
year by year
Nakayama Ishino, 2008
Related words
***** . tsuburosashi つぶろさし tsuburo fertility dance
Sado Island, June 15
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