Showing posts with label July. Show all posts
Showing posts with label July. Show all posts


Gion Festival


Gion Festival (Gion matsuri)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Late Summer, July
***** Category: Observance


Gion matsuri 祇園祭り (ぎおんまつり)
Gion Festival in Kyoto

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Gion (祇園)
is a district of Kyoto, Japan, originally developed in the Middle Ages, in front of Yasaka Shrine. The district was built to accommodate the needs of travelers and visitors to the shrine. It eventually evolved to become one of the most exclusive and well-known geisha districts in all of Japan.

The Gion Festival (祇園祭 )
takes place annually in Kyoto and is one of the most famous festivals in Japan. It spans the entire month of July and is crowned by a parade, the Yamaboko Junkō (山鉾巡行) on July 17.

Kyoto's downtown area is reserved for pedestrian traffic on the three nights leading up to the massive parade. These nights are known as yoiyama (宵山) on July 16th, yoiyoiyama (宵々山) on July 15th, and yoiyoiyoiyama (宵々々山) on July 14th. The streets are lined with night stalls selling food such as yakitori (barbecued chicken skewers), taiyaki, takoyaki, okonomiyaki, traditional Japanese sweets, and many other culinary delights. Many girls dressed in yukata (summer kimono) walk around the area, carrying with them traditional purses and paper fans.

During the yoiyama eves leading up to the parade, some private houses in the old kimono merchant district open their entryways to the public, exhibiting valuable family heirlooms, in a custom known as the Byōbu Matsuri, or Folding Screen Festival. This is a precious opportunity to visit and observe traditional Japanese residences of Kyoto.

by Iwase Matabei 岩佐又兵衛 (1578 - 1650)

This festival originated as part of a purification ritual (goryo-e) to appease the gods thought to cause fire, floods and earthquakes. In 869, the people were suffering from plague and pestilence which was attributed to the rampaging deity Gozu Tennō (牛頭天王).
Emperor Seiwa ordered that the people pray to the god of the Yasaka Shrine 八坂神社, Susanoo-no-mikoto. Sixty-six stylized and decorated halberds, one for each province in old Japan, were prepared and erected at Shinsen-en, a garden, along with the portable shrines (mikoshi) from Yasaka Shrine.

This practice was repeated wherever an outbreak occurred. In 970, it was decreed an annual event and has since seldom been broken. Over time the increasingly powerful and influential merchant class made the festival more elaborate and, by the Edo Period (1603-1868), used the parade to brandish their wealth.

In 1533, the Ashikaga shogunate halted all religious events, but the people protested, stating that they could do without the rituals, but not the procession. This marks the progression into the festival's current form. Smaller floats that were lost or damaged over the centuries have been restored, and the weavers of the Nishijin area offer new tapestries to replace destroyed ones. When not in use, the floats and regalia are kept in special storehouses throughout the central merchant district of Kyoto in the care of the local people.
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There are many kigo related to the Gion Festival

Most of the festival floats are kigo and come with their own interesting history.

Gion-e 祗園会 (ぎおんえ) Gion Ceremonies
Gion matsuri 祗園祭(ぎおんまつり)Gion Festival

ushi no gion 牛の祗園(うしのぎおん)"Gion of the Bull"

see below, Gozu Tenoo

Gion daiko 祗園太鼓(ぎおんだいこ)Gion drum
Gion yamagasa, Gion yamakasa 祗園山笠(ぎおんやまがさ)Gion festival floats

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Deity Susano-O
Gion goryoo-e 祗園御霊会(ぎおんごりょうえ)requiem for the repose of the souls of people who died from violence, disease and the pest.

shimo no matsuri 下の祭(しものまつり)
kami no matsrui 上の祭(かみのまつり)

Gion bayashi 祗園囃(ぎおんばやし)Gion festival musicians
nikai bayashi 二階囃(にかいばやし)festival musicians on the second floor (of a float)

mikoshi arai 神輿洗(みこしあらい)purification of the mikoshi
hokodate 鉾立(ほこだて)preparing the floats and kenboko
hokomachi 鉾町(ほこまち)ward with a kenboko helbard

. Kenboko 剣鉾 (けんぼこ)
and the Goryo Festival 御霊祭 Goryo Matsuri  

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yoiyama 宵山(よいやま)
night before the grand parade (17th day)
yoimiya moode 宵宮詣(よいみやもうで)
yoi kazari 宵飾り(よいかざり)decorations on the night before the parade
In the night of yoimiya the spirits of the deities are transported into the protable shrines on the floats.

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byoobu matsuri 屏風祭(びょうぶまつり)folding screen festival
The rich merchant homes display the folding screns which are usually hidden with the family treasures in the special storehouses.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


yamaboko 山鉾(やまぼこ)Gion Festival floats
(yama and hoko)
The order of the floats is decided new for each year, using lucky lots.

LINK with phantastic photos of each float:
source :

hoko matsuri 鉾祭(ほこまつり)festival of the floats
hoko no chigo 鉾の稚児(ほこのちご)children on the floats
. naginata boko, naginataboko 長刀鉾(なぎなたぼこ)halberd float .

kakkiyo yama 郭巨山(かっきょやま)
hooshoo yama 保昌山(ほうしょうやま)
hakuga yama 伯牙山(はくがやま)
kangoku boko 函谷鉾(かんごくぼこ)
hakurakuten yama 白楽天山(はくらくてんやま)
torihoko 鶏鉾(とりほこ)
urade yama 占出山(うらでやま)
abura tenjin yama 油天神山(あぶらてんじんやま)
tokusa yama 木賊山(とくさやま)
kikusui boko 菊水鉾(きくすいぼこ)
tsuki hoko 月鉾(つきほこ)
moosoo yama 孟宗山(もうそうやま)Moso Yama
ashikari yama 芦刈山(あしかりやま)
hooka hoko 放下鉾(ほうかほこ)
iwado yama 岩戸山(いわとやま)
joomyoo yama 浄明山(じょうみょうやま)
funa hoko 船鉾(ふなほこ)
kita Kannon yama 北観音山(きたかんのんやま)(with a man)

minami Kannon yama 南観音山(みなみかんのんやま)(with a woman)

Hachiman yama 八幡山(はちまんやま)
kuronushi yama 黒主山(くろぬしやま)
koi yama 鯉山(こいやま)carp float
suzuka yama 鈴鹿山(すずかやま)

yamabushi yama 山伏山(やまぶしやま)
float of the mountain ascetics

arare Tenjin yama 霰天神山(あられてんじんやま)
for Tenjin-sama, Sugawara Michizane

hashi Benkei yama 橋弁慶山(はしべんけいやま)
for Musashibo Benkei and Yoshitsune
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Taishi yama 太子山(たいしやま)
for Shotoku Taishi
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

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En no Gyooja yama 役行者山(えんのぎょうじゃやま)
float of En no Gyoja
An actor of the mountain ascetic En no Gyoja makes a purificatin fire and prays for the safety of the festival. He then takes part in the parade.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

funa hoko 船鉾(ふなほこ) boat float
- Shared by Taisaku Nogi -
Joys of Japan, 2012

The Yamahoko parade on July 17 -
The 17th day of the seventh month
is the day that Noah's ark drifted to Ararat!

. The Hata Clan 秦氏 Hata Uji .
and the Korean and Christian connection !

Many yamahoko feature a special talisman for good luck, the
. chimaki 茅巻 Chimaki ritual rice cakes .
usually eaten on the Boy's Festival (now May 5).

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Each yamahoko has its own origin and talisman related it. You can buy these things at Yoiyama.

Name of Yama or HokoTalisman, Charm, Chimaki
Aburatenjin yamafor learning
Araretenjin yamafor thunder and fire
Urade yamafor easy delivery
Ennogyoujya yamafor epidemic and safe driving
Kakkyo yamafor mother's milk
Kikusui hokofor eternal youth, longevity, rush of business
Kuronushi yamafor ridding bad luck
Koi yamafor advancement in life
Tokusa yamafor ridding stray child
Jyoumyou yamafor victory
Suzuka yamafor thunder, easy delivery, property loss
Taishi yamafor knowledge, scapegoat
Naginata hokoridding bad luck
Hakurakuten yamafor learning, good luck
Hachiman yamafor crying at night
Fune hokofor easy delivery, abdominal bandage
Houshou yamafor love, marriage tie
Houka hokofor ridding bad luck
Mousou yamafor filial devotion to parents
source :


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The miniatures are about 20 to 40 cm high. The smallest souvenir-type items are just 10 cm high.
They are made from wood and cardboard. The figures inside are made of clay.

. Kyoto Folk Art - 京都(府) .


medama soodatsu 目玉争奪 fighting of the floats

mugon moode
無言詣(むごんもうで)"silent shrine visit"
Maiko pray at the otabisho places, but may not talk during their walk to and from the place.
This takes place from the 17th to the 24th day.

. Mugon Mode on October 20 .


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tsurumeso 弦召(つるめそ/ 弦売僧 / 弦女曽)
lit. "please buy bow-strings"

festival on day 24

This name refers to a group of lowly, untouchables in the old society (inu jinin 犬神人). Saint Shinran spread his teaching among them, they became a group of followers of the Gion Shrine 祇園社. They took care of dirty work during the festival, handling burials and cremation grounds. They were also called tsurusashi 弦差(つるさし) or tsurumese.

The painting from the Taisho period shows the Tsurumeso in a procession, dressed in armour of the Heian period. They were defeated warriours and began making arrows and bowstrings for a living and had to stay in the ward Yumiyacho 弓矢町 (bow and arrow ward). This procession had been abolished in later years, so we now only have this painting.
source : gyojibunka


Heavenly King with an Ox-Head,
Ox-Headed Deva King
gozu tenoo, gozu tenno 牛頭天王
The Japanese god of plague

CLICK for more photos. quote from dragonbeya.exblog

With the fusion of Shinto and Buddhism, Susa-no-O was identified with Gozu Tenno ("Bull-headed King of Heaven").

Gozu 牛頭 Deities with Ox-Heads

. Gozu Tennō Densetsu 牛頭天王 伝説 Legends about Gozu Tenno .

. Gion Festival . English Reference


Setsubun festival at Yasaka Shrine
Each Kyoto shrine has its own attraction for the Setsubun ritual. Some feature special demon costumes. Some invite celebrities. Some prepare extensive gifts and make sure that everyone gets beans. Yasaka Jinja offers dances by maiko (apprentice geisha) for the enjoyment of the gods.

Shared by Dougill John - green shinto
Joys of Japan, February 2012


There are Gion festivals celebrated in other parts of Japan, for example in Hakata (kigo see below) or in Yamanashi

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山梨 祇園祭り

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Gozu Tennoo fuda 牛頭天王札 amulet for Gozu Tenno

. Nezu Jinja 根津神社 Nezu Shrine .

Namu Gozu Tenno 南無牛頭天王

牛頭天王社 at the temple 札林寺, Chiba


Gion-e ni uka suru shoojo magire-yuku

at the Gion festival
this young girl grows up
as it walks along

Tsugawa Eriko 津川絵理子

uka refers to a change of an insect from a chrysalis to a butterfly, cicada or other.

Related words

Hamo has two food seasons,
one is in summer, just after the rainy season is over. It is then eaten for the Gion Festival in Kyoto or the Tenjin Festival in Osaka (matsuri hamo).
The Gion Festival is sometimes even referred to as
"Hamo Festival".

Pike conger eel (hamo)


Hakata no Gion matsuri
博多の祗園祭 (はかたのぎおんまつり)
Hakata Gion Festival
Hakata matsuri 博多祭(はかたまつり) Hakata festival

..... yamagasa 山笠(やまがさ)Yamakasa floats
oi yamagasa 追山笠(おいやまがさ)race of the floats
.... oiyama 追山(おいやま)

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

The Hakata Gion Yamagasa festival is a religious ritual of Hakata's grand tutelary shrine, Kushida Shrine. It is concentrated on "Decoration Floats", Kazari Yamagasa, which are covered with beautiful Hakata dolls and set up in various places around the town.
As opposed to the elegant and feminine Kazari Yamagasa, the masculine "Kaki Yamagasa" is carried around the city from the 10th. The climax of the festival is the Oiyama race that starts from early morning on the 15th.

. WKD : Naked Festivals .

nyukoo no kiteki no hibiku kazari yama

the incoming boat
blasts its horn carrying
the Yamagasa float

Nagasaki Toosei 長崎島星 Nagasaki Tosei

. Yamakasa ningyoo 山笠人形 Yamakasa festival float dolls .
Hakata Gion Yamakasa Festival


. Gozu Ten-O at Shrine Hiromine Jinja 広峰神社   

. Somin Shoorai Fu 蘇民将来符 Somin Shorai amulet .
and Gozu Tenno 牛頭天王

. Sannoo matsuri 山王祭 (さんのうまつり) Sanno Festival .
Hiyoshi matsuri 日吉祭(ひよしまつり) Hiyoshi shrine festival
sarumatsuri 申祭(さるまつり)monkey festival

. Gobelin tapestry, dragons and the Gion floats .

. Kesoobumi uri 懸想文売 vendor of love letters .
at shrine Suga Jinja 須賀神社

. Go-Oo Hooin 牛王宝印
sacred seal of the ox treasure .

BACK : Top of this Saijiki





Paris Festival


Paris Festival (Parisai)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Late Summer
***** Category: Observance


Pari sai, parisai パリ祭 (ぱりさい) Paris festival
..... Parii sai 晩夏 パリー祭(ぱりーさい)
..... Parisai 巴里祭(ぱりさい)

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Celebrated on July 14.
This is a national holiday in France.

People who like France come together in the Ginza (Tokyo) and other places to celebrate.
There are often events with French chansons and other music.

There was also a famous movie in Japan, called

Pari-Sai 巴里祭 (Bastille Day).


The Storming of the Bastille
occurred in Paris on the 14th of July, 1789.
The medieval fortress and prison in Paris known as the Bastille represented royal authority in the center of Paris.

In France, Le quatorze juillet (14 July)
is a public holiday, formally known as the Fête de la Fédération (Federation Holiday). It is usually called Bastille Day in English.
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Things found on the way


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Pari sai piero no kuroki namida ato

Paris Festival -
the black traces
of a clown's tears

Saito Yumiko 斉藤由美子


A long list of haiku about 巴里祭


Haiku about Paris

ehagaki no Pari no aozora remon kiru

on a postcard
the blue sky of Paris -
I cut a lemon

Shimonyama Yoshiko 下山芳子


a rain cloud
gently caress
the Eiffel Tower

Notre Dame -
in the cathedral
two grooms

Alex Serban
Kigo Hotline, August 2011


tango in Paris
her silhouette in his sunglasses
Eiffel Tower

tango à Paris
sa silhouette dans ses lunettes de soleil
Tour Eiffel

shared by Irena Szewczyk


July the Fourteenth---
the storming of the Bastille
by the French peasants

Fred Masarani, 2013

Related words

***** WKD Reference

***** Tear, tears (namida) Japan. Träne, Tränen



Flood Prevention Parade


Flood Prevention Parade
(suiboogumi dezomeshiki)

***** Location: Tokyo, Japan
***** Season: Late Summer
***** Category: Observance


suiboogumi dezomeshiki 水防組出初式 (すいぼうぐみでぞめしき)
First parade of the flood prevention brigade

..... suiboo dezomeshiki 水防出初式(すいぼうでぞめしき)

On July 6.
At Nihonbashi, Hamacho, along the Sumida River.

Three members form a group, place one log in the water, get on it with their geta sandals on and start moving and rotating the log to show their prowess (kakunori 角乗).

CLICK for original LINK : mokuzai tonya

Others climb on long ladders or move the logs with long poles.

This event started in the Meiji period, when five groups were formed to help prevent damage from flooding in the town.


This is an equivalent to the first parade of the fire brigade in January.

. First Fire Brigade Parade (dezome shiki)  

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


Related words

***** . Flood, flooding (koozui)  



Madame Curie


Madame Curie Memorial Day (Kyurii ki)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Late Summer
***** Category: Observance


memorial day of Madame Curie
Kyuri ki キュリー忌(きゅりーき)

Kyurii fujin sai キュリー夫人祭 (きゅりーふじんさい)
Festival of Madame Curie
Kyuurii ki キュウリー忌


Fear Less, Know More

Nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more,
so that we may fear less.

Madame Marie Curie


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Marie Sklodowska Curie
(7 November 1867 – 4 July 1934)

was a physicist and chemist of Polish upbringing and subsequent French citizenship. She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity and the first person honored with two Nobel Prizes —in physics and chemistry. She was also the first female professor at the University of Paris.
She married Pierre Curie.

Her achievements include the creation of a theory of radioactivity (a term she coined, techniques for isolating radioactive isotopes, and the discovery of two new elements, polonium and radium. Under her direction, the world's first studies were conducted into the treatment of neoplasms (cancers) using radioactive isotopes.
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Kyuurii ki azami wa kikyoo no hana ka tomo 

Maria Magudarena マリア マグダレナ

At the radium hot spring in Misasa, Tottori, there is a statue of Madame Curie

三朝温泉 「キュリー祭」
Curie Festival, usually held in August


on the late-night movie
as I try to swallow oatmeal
"Madame Curie"

Anita Virgil
source : Simply Haiku, Autumn 2006

Madame Curie is a 1943 biographical film made by MGM.
It was directed by Mervyn LeRoy and produced by Sidney Franklin from a screenplay by Paul Osborn, Paul H. Rameau and Aldous Huxley (uncredited), adapted from the biography by Eve Curie.
Marie Sklodowska (Greer Garson) is a poor, idealistic student living in Paris and studying at the Sorbonne.
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with her life
she opens the door of physics
Curie memorial day

Nakamura Sakuo
Joys of Japan, August 2012

Related words

***** . Misasa Tug-of-war (Misasa tsunahiki)  
At Misasa Onsen Hot Spring

***** Memorial Days of Famous People



Abstinence in Satsuki


Absention, abstinence in Satsuki (satsuki imi )

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Mid-summer
***** Category: Observance


Satsuki is the name for the fifth month of the lunar calendar.
Now 6 Jun – 6 Jul

. Names of lunar months and solar seasons  


satsuki imi 五月忌 さつきいみ Abstention in Satsuki
amezutsumi 雨づつみ(あめづつみ)"wrapped in rain"
nagame imi 霖雨斎み(ながめいみ)"abstinence during the long rain"
onna no ie 女の家(おんなのいえ)"home of the women"
onna tenka no hi 女天下の日(おんなてんかのひ) "day of the women"

The three lunar months of 1, 5 and 9 were special months of abstinence, and there were no weddings or large celebrations held in these lunar months.

Satsuki was the month of planting the rice fields and thus the god of the fields was welcomed back from his retreat in the mountains. This also was a time for abstention or abstinence.

. Ta no Kami, God of the Rice Fields 田の神さま
and related kigo 

Young girls stayed indoors as miko maidens and performed purification rites. (imigomori 忌み篭もり)

The fifth day of the fifth month was therefore called

"home of the women" or "day of the women".
The girls lived in a special house with iris and mugwort hung from the eaves to ward off evil.

This was also the rainy season, so the court ladies celebrated this day in their waka poetry as
"wrapped in rain" or "abstinence during the long rain period".

During the whole of the fifth lunar month, couples had to be abstinent (and use their energy for planting rice).


The fifth lunar month, a month with SA

satsuki 「さつき」「五月」
sanae 「早苗」(さなえ) 、saotome 「早乙女」(さをとめ) 、samidare 「五月雨」(さみだれ) 、sanaburi 「早苗饗」(さなぶり) sasamaki 「笹巻き」(ささまき)
sake 酒(さけ)/ sakana 酒菜(さかな)/sasageru 捧(ささ)げる

sa no kami サの神 / (ta no kami) 田の神
God of SA, god of the fields

source : 20century.blog2

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

. imi 忌み / 斎み imi .
in the context of Shintoism


. Iris (shoobu) and the fifth lunar month
Seasonal festival in May, gogatsu no sekku


shinguu no imibi hachigatsu juuni nichi

the taboo day
for Shingu shrine is August
the twelfth

. Kuroda Momoko 黒田杏子 .

. shinguu shingū 新宮 Shingu "new shrine" .

Related words

***** . Woman and KIGO  





Domyoji Temple


Doomyooji 道明寺 Temple Domyo-Ji, Domyoji

***** Location: Osaka, Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Observance


Domyoji Tenmangu 道明寺天満宮
藤井寺市 Fujidera Town, Osaka

Domyoji Tenmangu Shrine originates in Haji Shrine that Haji Tribe built in 3 A.D. to enshrine their ancestor Amenohohi no mikoto (the son of Amaterasu Omikami, the goddess of the sun).

After Buddhism was introduce into Japan, Prince Shotoku decided to build a magnificent temple composed of the five-story stupa and seven halls on the land with an area of 320 m east and west and 640 m north and south, which Haji Yashima donated. The temple was named Haji Temple (Hajidera 土師寺) and later it was assumed the new name of Domyoji by
Sugawara no Michizane (enshrined as a deity of learning).

The shrine possesses a lot of treasures including 6 National treasures, 2 Important National Properties, and 1 Prefectural Cultural Property. The halls were burnt down in the battles to capture Takaya Castle during the Warring States period, however the treasures were unaffected.

Later the temple was given sanctuary to by Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, and the Tokugawa Shogunate and designated as a vermilion-seal certificate land. Now people visit to pray for academic achievement, safe delivery, safe driving and so on.
In 2002, “The 1100th Year Anniversary Festival” in memory of Sugawara no Michizane was held.
Doumyouji, Fujiidera City, Osaka Prefecture
source :

. WKD : Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真

. Hajibe 土師部(はじべ) / 土部 Haji-Be clan .
and Haniwa 埴輪 clay figures


kigo for mid-spring

Doomyooji matsuri 道明寺祭 (どうみょうじまつり)
Domyoji Temple Festival

Doomyooji hoshi ii 道明寺糒(どうみょうじほしいい)
dried cooked rice from temple Domyoji

March 25, the memorial day of Sugawara Tenjin, is celebrated.
The Heart Sutra (Hanya Shingyo) is read many times and visitors from far and wide recite with the priests.
The Haji Clan 土師 used to have a nunnery here, later taken over by the Shingon school of Buddhism. 

On the festival day, there is also a memorial service in thankfulness of the rapeseed oil (used for lamps) :
natane kuyoo 菜種供養

The grandmother of Michizane, Kakuju-ni 覚寿尼, lived in this nunnary, and when he was put in exile in Kyushu, she put a plate of rice in the direction and said prayers for his wellbeing every day. After the ritual the rice was then eaten by the nuns who all were in good health. Thus the rumor of the miraculous qualities of the rice spread.
Later the mochigome rice was watered for two days, then simmered and dried for 10 days and after that dried for 20 days near the fireplace. Then it was ground in a stone grinder and the powder is the "Domyoji flour" used for making mochi to our day.

The mochi flour and all kinds of mochi rice dumplings is sold very well during the festival.

Doomyooji hoshi ii 道明寺糒(どうみょうじほしいい)
cooked dried rice from temple Domyo-Ji


kigo for late summer

. Hoshi-ii (hoshiii, hoshii) 干飯 (ほしいい)
cooked dried rice
..... 糒(ほしいい)乾飯(ほしいい)
hiki-ii 引飯(ひきいい)"ground rice"
kare ii かれいい、karei かれい、hoshi-i ほしい

doomyooji 道明寺(どうみょうじ)
(cold rice from) "Temple Domyo-Ji"

Here the name of the temple is used as a name for the food offering.

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

domyojiko, doomyoojiko どうみょうじこ (道明寺粉)
dried and granulated glutinous rice flour
for kashiwamochi, sakuramochi

Japanese confectionery consisting of a sweet pink mochi (rice cake) and red bean paste, covered with a leaf of sakura (cherry tree).
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Osaka Tenmangu 大阪天満宮

Tenjin san no Uso 天神さんのうそ the bullfinch of Tenjin
On the 15th of January is the festival.
The figures came on a thick paper with the inscription
There were also three boxes, from Gold, Silver or Wood.

. usokae うそ替え exchanging bullfinches .
ritual at Tenman-Gu shrines

Tenjinbata 天神旗(花) Tenjin Flag
It's original name was Tenjinbana 天神花 Tenjin Flower
It was distributed on the main festival in summer, on July 25.

source :

天満宮の扇子 folding fan of Tenmangu
寝牛 bull lying down, from wood

. Osaka Folk Art - 大阪府 大阪市 .


mizu mukete ato toi tamae doomyooji

Domyoji stands in front of your mother's altar.
Offer water both sacred and secular
and console her spirit.

source : Sasaki Sanmi, Chado

water offerings
to console her spirit
with Domyoji rice

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written in memory of the Mother of his disciple Fuboku 一柳軒不卜
Written in 延宝6年, Basho age 35.
Here it is not the name of the temple, but the name of the cold rice food (hoshi-ii) prepared there.
Ofter offering on the family altar, the cold water is used to prepare some Domyoji rice. May it cool off the soul on this hot summer day.

offering water
may the deceased be consoled
with dried boiled rice

Tr. Reichhold

MORE hokku about food by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


Two haiku collected by Yamamoto Nori Store in 2009,
about sakuramochi

source :

sakuramochi, "Cherryblossom rice dumplings"
sakura dumplings

sakuramochi butsubutsu arishi Doomyooji

the sakura dumplings
are quite bumpy -
temple Domyo-Ji

Doomyooji hoshii no beni ya sakuramochi

the pink of dried rice
from temple Domyo-Ji -
sakura dumplings

Related words

***** . Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真 and Tenman-Gu 天満宮 shrines

BACK : Top of this Saijiki





Aso Shrine Festivals Kumamoto


Fire-swinging festival (hiburi matsuri)

***** Location: Kumamoto, Japan
***** Season: Mid-spring
***** Category: Observance


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Click on all thumbnails for many more photos !

hiburi matsuri 火振り祭 (ひぶりまつり)
"fire-swinging festival"

March 16

This festival revolves around the Shinto shrine dedicated to Mount Aso in Kumamoto, where festivals with prayers for a good harvest are held every season.

Aso jinja 阿蘇神社 Aso Shrine
Ichinomiya village
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Aso-no-Ōkami 阿蘇大神, the kami or spirit who dwells at Aso Shrine has been worshipped from early times as the guardian deity of safety in navigation, and today, Aso-no-Ōkami is popular as a god protecting worshippers from traffic accidents and other untoward events.

Yabusame is an annual festival which brings together horse-mounted archers, special arrows and targets, and Shinto ritual at Aso Shrine.

The Aso no Himatsuri festival has its origin in the month of March festivals such as
Aso no Noyaki (the first burning in Aso) and
Aso jinja no Hifuri shinji (the fire ritual of Aso Shrine).

Although rarely performed today, ceremonies which honor ancestors who settled near the Aso caldera do continue to be associated with the Aso jinja.
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hiburi shinji 火ぶりしんじ Shinto torch ritual
hifuri shinji. Aso Fire Festival

Large ropes of about one meter length are made from kaya reedgrass, which are then bound to hemp ropes of two meters lenght. The reed grass is then set on fire and the rope wrung in a large circle around its holder, forming a circle of fire. With so many people participating in this ritual, the shrine looks like on fire itself or like a huge fireworks celebration.

click for more photos  !

The origin of this ritual goes back to welcoming the god of the fields back in spring, to greet his wife (goze mukae 御前迎え(ごぜむかえ) .

. Ta no Kami 田の神さま God of the Rice Fields  

source :


. WKD : Mount Aso in Kyushu 阿蘇山  
Read this entry for more information about this huge volcano mountain.


Aso matsuri 阿蘇祭 (あそまつり) Aso festival
gotaue matsuri, go taue matsuri ごたうえまつり . 田植え祭り
rice-planting festival
Aso no Onda Matsuri 阿蘇の御田祭

observance kigo for late summer
July 28 and 29

The onda matsuri for Aso Jinja in Ichinomiya Town, Aso County, Kumamoto Prefecture, occurs on July 28 and 29. As the otaue matsuri and the shinkō have been merged, the correct name for this festival is otaue shinkō shiki.

On the day of the festival, a procession of nearly one hundred attendants, beginning with a person wearing a mask of the kami, Sarutahiko, followed by saotome, fourteen unari (young women) carrying rice chests, lion dancers (shishi), dengaku, field laborers, oxen, and four sacred palanquins (shin'yo), proceeds to the first temporary shrine (ichi no angū ) and ceremonially present offerings of food (kensen) and norito.

Then a ritual rice planting occurs and the procession moves to the second temporary shrine (ni no angū). In the evening, the procession returns to the main shrine (kangyo) where all of the shrines are ceremonially visited (miya mawari shiki), and another ritualized rice-planting is held in the shrine grounds (keidai).
source : Kokugakuin University.


at Shimo Jinja  霜神社  "Frost Shrine" :

. 霜宮火焚(ひたき)神事 Shimomiya hitaki gyooji  
making fire to keep the deities warm
from August 13 till October 29


Aso Shrine, Fukuoka
Haki Hosaka, Asakura-shi, Fukuoka

Doro-uchi matsuri 泥打祭 どろうちまつり mud-throwing festival

observance kigo for mid-spring

March 28

CLICK for more , original at fuhkemon.exblog

The Mud Throwing Festival is a unique festival held at Aso Shrine on March 28 of every year. People throw mud at a priest who acts as the god of rice fields in an attempt to foretell whether they will have a bountiful or lean harvest.

On the day of the festival, the priest (who is selected annually by lottery) changes into pure white shrine ritual robes and sits in a sacred area of the shrine grounds. After that, 12 children (parishioners) accompanying him simultaneously douse the priest in mud, and as he makes his way towards the traveler’s deity statue about 500 meters (1,640 feet) away, people grab mud that is prepared along the route and throw it at him.
It is said that the more mud sticks to his body, the more bountiful the year’s harvest will be!
source :

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

April 15, 2016 - Kumamoto Earthquake 熊本大地震

Asojinja shrine: 2 billion yen needed to repair quake damage
Kumamoto Prefecture--Asojinja shrine here said it will need 10 years and 2 billion yen ($18.65 million) to restore buildings and facilities, including culturally important properties, that were damaged or destroyed in the recent earthquakes.

The shrine will set up a support group and collect donations for the reconstruction project.
According to shrine officials, the “romon” two-storied gate, a government-designated important cultural property, was destroyed in the magnitude-7.3 earthquake on April 16.

The shrine’s three main halls, as well as the Miyukimon and Kangyomon gates, all of which are also listed as important cultural properties, were severely damaged.

“The romon, the symbol of the shrine, collapsed, and other facilities in the precincts were also damaged, but we will work hard to prevent the traditional Shinto ceremonies that we have preserved from being terminated,” said Harutaka Aso, 63, chief priest of Asojinja. ...
- source : Asahi Shinbun May 15 2016 -


swinging fire -
grandmother holds hands
with the new bride

Nakayama Ishino 中山石野, 2005

Related words

***** . Fire Festivals of Japan  

BACK : Top of this Saijiki



Hachiman Shrines Festivals


Hachiman Shrines and their festivals

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Variuos, see below
***** Category: Observance


The Warrior Deity Hachiman 八幡神, deifiction of Emperor Oojin 応神天皇 Ojin,
is quite popular in Japan and there are many shrines in his name. Another reading of the Chinese characters is YAHATA or YAWATA.

僧形八幡神坐像 東大寺八幡殿蔵
Hachiman as a monk, soogyoo Hachiman
Temple Todai-Ji, Hachiman Hall

Today there are approximately 30,000 Hachimangū shrines nationwide, with the head shrine at
Usa Hachimangū 宇佐八幡宮 Usa Hachimangu in Ōita.

Read the details HERE
. Hachiman and the Hachimangu Shrines  
Mark Schumacher

The oldest Hachiman Shrine in Japan
. Konda Hachimanguu 誉田八幡宮 / 譽田八幡宮 Konda Hachiman . Habikino, Osaka 大阪府羽曳野市誉田三丁目2-8


I lived close to the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu in Kamakura and practised archery (kyudo) in the training hall there for many years.
The annual Yabusame horseback riding and shooting was one of the most impressive events I have seen in Japan.

The dove (hato) in the shrine name board as hachi 八 .
The dove is the messenger of Emperor Ojin.
There are many doves kept in the shrine compound.

. hato 鳩 dove, pidgeon, Taube - in art and amulet .

. Legends about Hachiman Shrines 八幡宮 / 八幡神社 .


Usa Hachimangu, Oita 宇佐八幡宮

The faith of Hachiman began at Usa Hachimangū and the location of this shrine and five other Hachiman shrines (gosho betsugū) in the Kyūshū area (the five shrines are Chikuzen's Daibu Hachiman, Hizen's Chiriku Hachiman, Higo's Fujisaki Hachiman, Satsuma's Nitta Jinja, and Ōsumi's Shō Hachimangū) show that the faith developed in the Kyushu area in ancient times.

When the temple Tōdaiji's Great Buddha was constructed in the Nara period, the "shrine priestess" (negini) of Usa, Ōga no Ason Morime, traveled to the capital and received a "message" (takusen) from Hachiman saying that the kami would assist in the sculpture's construction, thus introducing the cult of Hachiman to the center of Japan. Being located close to the continent, Hachimangū was at the forefront for receiving cultural influences from there and because of this, "kami and Buddha syncretism" (shinbutsu shūgū) developed there quite early.

Temples related to Hachiman existed in the Hakuhō Period and these were consolidated into the "shrine temple complex" (jingūji) Miroku Temple, which was established in 725. The journey of Hachiman to the capital and the oracle (takusen) accelerated the tide of shinbutsu shūgō syncretism in the central regions. In 781 the imperial court awarded the kami the "kami title" (shingō) "Daibosatsu" (Gokoku reigen iriki jintsū daibosatsu) and images of Hachiman were produced depicting him as a monk. From this, we can see that compared to other shrines, the cult of Hachiman had particularly strong shinbutsu shūgō syncretic qualities. Thus there are many examples of Hachiman shrines "established" (kanjō) as the guardian shrines (chinjusha) of such temples as Daianji, Tōdaiji, Yakushiji, and Tōji.
Likewise, the Hōjō-e festival at Hachimangū originates from a Buddhist ritual of releasing living animals that is based on Buddhist prohibitions against killing.

In 720 there was an uprising of the Hayato people from the regions of Ōsumi and Hyūga and many Hayato people were killed during its suppression. It is said that Usa-Hachiman was established in order to expiate the sins of killing incurred during this suppression. This story is told at Hachiman shrines in various regions. In the late Nara Period, Wake no Kiyomaro received a takusen from Hachiman which thwarted the monk Dōkyō's scheme to usurp the throne. This incident strengthened Hachiman's character as a guardian kami of the imperial house.

In 860 according to the activities of the monk Gyōkyō of Daianji, an emanation of Hachiman was brought from Usa and established (kanjō) as the shrine Iwashimizu Hachimangū. This shrine became the focal point for the cult of Hachiman in the capital. The shrine was called Iwashimizu Hachimangū Gokokuji, and was structured as a "shrine temple system" (miyaderasei) in which "shrine monks" (shasō) such as kengyō or bettō took control of the shrine's management. Shinbutsu shūgō developed further at the shrine and the "original Buddha" (honji butsu) assigned to the kami Hachiman was the Buddha Amida (Amitābha).

Later Iwashimizu was included in the "twenty-two shrines" (nijūnisha) and was ranked just below Ise Jingū. At the end of the eleventh century Hachiman and Ise were called the "Two Imperial Mausoleums" (nisho sōbyō)and Hachiman attained the status of imperial ancestral kami. Based on this status, Hachiman also came to be regarded as the "clan kami" (ujigami) of the Genji clan. Thus Minamoto no Yoshiie had his coming of age ceremony (genpuku) at Iwashimizu Hachimangū and called himself Hachiman Tarō.

Hachiman's character as the ujigami of the Sewa emperor lineage Genji clan come to the forefront and at the end of the Heian Period the shrine Tsurugaoka Hachimangū was "established" (kanjō) in Kamakura. In the medieval period, Hachiman developed from the Genji clan's ujigami into the guardian kami of the warrior class, and many Hachiman shrines were established (kanjō) on estates (shōen) in various regions as the "tutelary guardian of those areas" (chinjugami).
source : Satō Masato, Kokugiakuin University, 2007

. Yusuhara Hachiman-gū 柞原八幡宮 Yusuhara Hachimangu .
Oita 大分県, Hamanoichi (Hama no Ichi) 浜の市


A Hachiman shrine (八幡神社 Hachiman Jinja, also Hachiman-gū (八幡宮))
is a Shinto shrine dedicated to kami Hachiman.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

< . Minamoto no Yoshiie Hachimantaro 源八幡太郎義家 .
(1039 – 4 August 1106)
- - - - - and his wife Akashi hime 明石姫

. Hidaka Jinja 日高神社 Hidaka Shrine .
- and Hachimantaro in Mizusawa, Iwate


kigo for the New Year

Tomo Hachiman no on yumi shinji
鞆八幡の御弓神事 (ともはちまんのおゆみしんじ)
bow ritual at Tomo Hachiman
鞆八幡神社(沼名前神社), Numakuma Jinja 沼名前神社お弓神事
Fukuyama, Hiroshima prefecture

This festival dates back in legend, when emperess Jingu made an offering of a tomo 鞆wrist cover for archery to this shrine. It is now held as a new year ceremony on February 15 to pray for avoidance of evil and a peaceful year.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Tsurugaoka Hachimanguu no go-han itadaki
鶴岡八幡宮御璽頂き (つるがおかはちまんぐうのごはんいただき)
getting a seal at Tsurugaoka Hachimangu

January 1 till 5、the main is on January 3.
Nowadays it is also called Gohan Gyooji 御判行事
The official new "seal of the deity" is brought to the stamp office in the shrine compounds. The seal is held to the parts of the believers that hurt and they will be healed from their suffering.
A seal from the Bull deity Go-O 牛王宝印 is stamped on paper, put on bamboo skewers and given to the people. This ritual dates back to the Kamakura period, when the samurai prayed for good fortune in the coming year.

Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, see below.


hatsugatsuo no shinku 初鰹神供 (はつがつおのしんく)
offering first katsuo bonito

During the Edo period, Kamakura was famous for the first bonito to be fished at the beaches of the inlay. The very first ones were offered at Hachimangu with prayers for a good fishing season.
This was usually done in January or february.
In newer years, the first fish of the year landing on the beach of Kamakura was called "ofuri おふり" and offered to the deities.

. first bonito, hatsu gatsuo, hatsugatsuo 初鰹 (はつがつお) .
kigo for early summer

Kamakura o ikite ideken hatsu-gatsuo

you made it
past Kamakura alive -
first Katsuo bonito

Written in 元禄5年, Basho age 49
Basho was well aware of the customs of Edo, where the first Katsuo was an expensive delicacy unknown in his homeland, Iga.
The bonito from Kamakura was then carried to Edo as a present to the Shogun.

In 1672, prior to taking his formal penname, Basho arrived in Edo and lived near the Nihonbashi Uogashi for a time.

The first bonito of the year
Amazingly fresh
They would have been alive when they left Kamakura

This is a haiku poem in which Basho describes the first bonito catches of the year. Basho lived in the residence of Sugiyama Sanpu ...
. Sugiyama Sanpu 杉山杉風 (Sampu) .   

Haiku about place names by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

. WKD : Kamakura 鎌倉 a haiku town .

Another hokku by Kikaku about the expensive first Bonito :

on the chopping board
a golden thaler -
first bonito


Yahata mairi 八幡参(やはたまいり)
Visiting Yahata shrine

Yakujin mairi 厄神詣 (やくじんまいり) Visiting the Yakujin deity
yakujin is an evil deity that brings bad luck and diseases. He has to be appeased at the beginning of the year.
Yakuyoke 厄除けの神 is a god deity like Hachiman, who prevents bad luck.

yakumairi, yaku mairi 厄参(やくまいり), yakumoode 厄詣(やくもうで)
Yahata ekijin moode 八幡厄神詣(やはたえきじんもうで)
Yahata miyage 八幡土産(やはたみやげ) souvenirs from Yahata
Yahatagoi, yahata koi八幡鯉(やはたごい) carp from Yahata
Yakujinsai 厄神祭(やくじんさい)Festival of the Yakujin
Aoyama matsuri 青山祭(あおやままつり)Aoyama festival
(another name for the Otokoyama)

On January 28 people went to Iwashimizu Hachimangu in Kyoto (see below) to pray for good fortunes in the coming year, at a small shrine in the Otokoyama mountain. There a sacres space was erected between a bamboo fence (himorogi 神籬)), the south side was open. People threw their talismans from the old year in and the whole was later burned.
As a "souvenir", people took home a New Year Arrow (hamaya) and a carp or dove made from paper, which they stuck into their hair.


kigo for Late Summer

Hachiman yama 八幡山(はちまんやま)
Hachiman float
during the Gion Festival
祗園会 (ぎおんえ)

Reference : Gion Festival Kyoto


kigo for Early Autumn

Fukagawa Hachiman matsuri
Hachiman festival at Fukagawa, Tokyo

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Fukagawa matsuri 深川祭 ふかがわまつり Fukagawa festival
Tomioka matsuri 富岡祭(とみおかまつり)Tomioka festival

. WKD : Fukagawa Matsuri Festival Haiku .

Tomioka Hachiman-gu 富岡八幡宮 and
Fukagawa Fudo Do (Fudoo Doo) 深川不動堂

Fishing amulet for a cood catch
. Tomioka Hachimangu, Tokyo 富岡八幡宮 .


kigo for Mid-Autumn

Hachiman Matsuri八幡祭(はちまんまつり)
Hachiman Festival

at Shrine Iwashimizu Jinja

hoojoo-e 放生会(ほうじょうえ)
Buddhist ritual of releasing living animals

Yahata hoojoo-e 八幡放生会 (やはたほうじょうえ)

Iwashimizu matsuri 石清水祭(いわしみずまつり)
Iwashimizu Festival

Otokoyama matsuri 男山祭(おとこやままつり)
Festival at Otokoyama

chuushuusai 仲秋祭(ちゅうしゅうさい)mid-autumn festival
nansai 南祭(なんさい)"festival in the South" (of Kyoto)

hoojoogawa 放生川(ほうじょうがわ) river for releasing fish
hanachidori 放ち鳥(はなちどり)releasing birds
hanachigame 放ち亀(はなちがめ)releasing turtles

the name "South Festival" contrasts with the annual festival at shrine Kamo Jinja in the north of Kyoto.
. kita no matsuri 北祭(きたのまつり)"festival in the North"

The Iwashimizu Hachiman-gū (石清水八幡宮) is a Shinto shrine in the city of Yawata in Kyoto Prefecture.
The shrine's Heian period connections with the Kyoto and the Imperial family date from its founding in 859 (Jōgan 1) when construction on its earliest structures commenced. Shrine tradition explains that Emperor Seiwa ordered the shrine to be built in obeisance to an oracle in which Hachiman expressed the desire to be near to Kyoto to watch over the city and the Imperial House of Japan. This vision was reported by a Buddhist monk, Gyōkyō, who had a second vision which led to selecting the Otokoyama location where the shrine now stands.
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Rikyu - Hachimangu was originally named
"Iwashimizu (=spring water)-Hachimangu".

. Rikyu Hachimangu Shrine in Oyamazaki-cho .
and the egoma oil connection 荏胡麻油

. Hojo-E 放生会 releasing life animals
and the Heart Pond 心の池 .


. Hakozaki in Fukuoka 福岡県福岡市東区箱崎 .

Hakozaki matsuri 筥崎祭 (はこざきまつり) Hakozaki festival
Hakozaki hoojoo e 筥崎放生会(はこざきほうじょうえ)

Hakozaki Hachimanguu 福岡筥崎八幡宮 Hachimangu shrine in Fukuoka
September 12 - 18
It is one of the three great festivals in Fukuoka.

Hakozaki Shrine was founded in 923, with the transfer of the spirit of the kami Hachiman from Daibu Hachiman Shrine in what is Honami Commandry, Chikuzen Province in Kyūshū.
The annual Tamaseseri Festival (January 3) and the
Hojoya Festival (September 12–18) attract many to visit the shrine.
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. . . CLICK here for Photos of the shrine !


Usa matsuri 宇佐祭(うさまつり) Usa festival
Usa hoojoo e 宇佐放生会 (うさほうじょうえ)
at Usa Hachimangu 宇佐八幡宮 in Oita.

To appease the souls of warriours, now shells and clams are released into the sea.

Because of its mixed religious ancestry, one of the important festivals at the shrine is the hōjō-e (放生会), originally a Buddhist ceremony in which captive birds and fish are released.
The ceremony is accompanied by sacred kagura dances meant to commemorate the souls of fish killed by fishermen during the previous year. This syncretic rite fusing Buddhism and Shinto, now performed in many shrines all over the country, took first place here.

Emperor Ojin, who was deified as Hachiman-jin (the tutelary god of warriors), is said to be enshrined in all the sites dedicated to him; and the first and earliest of these was at Usa in the early 8th century. The Usa jingū 宇佐神宮 has long been the recipient of Imperial patronage; and its prestige is considered second only to that of Ise.
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Yabusame 流鏑馬

Tsurugaoka Hachiman matsuri
Festival at Tsurugaoka Hachiman shrine

Tsurugaoka matsuri 鶴岡祭 つるがおかまつり
Kamakura Hachiman matsuri
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

yabusame 流鏑馬(やぶさめ)archery on horseback

Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū (鶴岡八幡宮) is the most important Shinto shrine in the city of Kamakura.

This shrine, which used to be also a Buddhist temple and far bigger than today, was originally built in 1063 in Zaimokuza where tiny Moto Hachiman now stands, and dedicated to the Emperor Ōjin, (deified with the name Hachiman, the god of war), his mother Empress Jingu and his wife Hime-gami. Minamoto no Yoritomo, the founder of the Kamakura shogunate, moved it to its present location in 1191 and invited Hachiman (from Iwashimizu Hachiman Shrine) to reside in the new location to protect his government.

The present location was carefully chosen as the most propitious after consulting a diviner because it had a mountain to the north (the Hokuzan (北山)), a river to the east (the Namerikawa 滑川), a great road to the west (the Kotō Kaidō (古東街道)) and was open to the south (on Sagami Bay).

There are a number of sub-shrines on the site, the most important of which are the Junior Shrine (Wakamiya (鶴岡八幡宮若宮(下宮)) at the bottom, and the Senior Shrine (Hongū (本宮)) 61 steps above. The present Senior Shrine building was constructed in 1828 by Tokugawa Ienari, the 11th Tokugawa shogun.

Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū is now just a Shinto shrine but, for the almost 700 years from its foundation until the Shinto and Buddhism Separation Order (神仏判然令) of 1868, its name was Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū-ji (鶴岡八幡宮寺) and it was also a Buddhist temple, one of the oldest in Kamakura.

Also in the compounds are

Maiden (舞殿) Dance Hall
Shirahata Jinja (白旗神社) shrine
Maruyama Inari sha (丸山稲荷社) shrine
Hataage Benzaiten Shrine (旗上弁財天社) Hata-age

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CLICK for more photos
The great Gingko Tree

. Wakamiya Hachimangu 若宮八幡宮 Shrines list .


kigo for late Autumn

. Nada Fighting Festival (Nada no Kenka Matsuri)
at Matsubara Hachiman Shrine, Himeji
姫路 松原八幡神社

Worldwide use

Hachiman Daibosatsu 八幡大菩薩
Großer Bodhisattva Hachiman

- quote -
Hachiman Project -
Heidelberg University Germany

The Hachiman Digital Handscrolls Project (HDH) is a pilot study to enhance digital presentations of movable image-and-text formats. The innovative open source system HyperImage is the pivotal tool employed to realize the aims of the project.
offers an innovative access to seven digitized Japanese illuminated hand scrolls ranging from the 14th to the 19th century. Each version tells the same story: The first part covers the prehistoric pregnant Empress Jingû and her alleged conquest of the Korean kingdoms by help of indigenous deities. This colorful myth is followed by the empress’s birth of the future Emperor Ôjin, and his manifestation as the Hachiman deity. Hachiman’s miraculous appearances and oracles as well as the foundation tales of the most famous Hachiman shrines cover the second part of the scrolls. The title of the scrolls reflects the gist of the scrolls,
Karmic Origins of the Great Bodhisattva Hachiman.”
- source : -

Things found in the Daruma Museum

Mikoshi palanquin 神輿 

The possible origin of "mikoshi" is said to be found in the Nara Period, when the "kami" of the Hachiman Shrine in Usa was invited on a purple palanquin to Nara for the constructin of the "Daibutsu" Great Statue of Budda.

Matsuri : Festivals in Japan


Yakushi-Ji temple, Nara

The approach to Yakushiji is along a winding path that passes the
Yasumigaoka Hachimangu 休岡八幡宮(やすみがおか はちまんぐう).
This building was constructed in 1603 and is still used to celebrate the Hachiman Festival on September 15th. If you visit at this time, you may be lucky enough to see the local children's sumo competition.
It is the shrine dedicated to Hachiman, here as a protector deity of Yakushiji, founded around 889, with its present structures from 1603.
Temple Yakushi-Ji Nara


The Deity for tuesday, kayoosei 火曜星(かようせい)
Hachiman Daibosatsu 八幡大菩薩) (六白金星)
and the Nine Stars Crest ... 九曜紋 ... Kuyoo Mon
. . . CLICK here for Photos of Great Bodhisattva Hachiman !

. Fuuji Hachimangu 風治八幡宮 Fuji Hachimangu .

Kawagoe Hachimangu 川越八幡宮
..... Sumo Inari Shrine 相撲稲荷

Koo Hachimangu and the Shagiri festival 鴻八幡宮例大祭(しゃぎり
Kurashiki, Okayama prefecture

Hakodate Hachiman Shrine in Yachigashiracho

. Isaniwa Jinja 伊佐爾波神社 - Matsuyama .
Yuzuki Hachiman 湯月八幡 or Dogo Hachiman 道後八幡

Kitamuki Hachiman Shrine 北向八幡宮 Kobe city

Kotozaki Hachimangu 琴崎八幡宮

山口県宇部市上宇部大小路 Yamaguchi, Ube town

. Nishino Jinja 西野神社 Shrine in Sapporo .
Hondawake no mikoto 譽田別命 Homudawake

. Oosaki Hachimangu 大崎八幡宮 Osaki Hachiman Shrine .

The Tamukeyama Shrine became the first branch of the Hachiman shrine from Usa.
Tamukeyama Hachiman Gu 手向山八幡宮

Yoshioka Hachiman Jinja 吉岡八幡神社 Miyagi


When the legendary Empress Jinguu Koogoo (Jingu Kogo) stayed at the Hot Spring Doogo in Matsuyama on the island of Shikoku on her way to the Korean battlefield, she realized that she was pregnant.
To pray for the safe delivery and healthy upbringing of her child, later to become the Emperor Oojin, she had a doll made and offered it to the local Gods. This used to be called the "Roly-poly Doll of Doogo" (Doogo no Okiagari, Dogo no Okiagari). First it was made of wood but later became a papermachee doll. In the last days of February at the Spring Festival of the Matsuyama Shrine and the Iyo Hiko-no-Mikoto Shrine this doll has been sold since more than 200 years ago. It is now a talisman for easy delivery and the healthy upbringing of children and getting well after a disease.

Princess Daruma of Matsuyama


In all shrinesd dedicated to Hachiman the doves (pidgeons) are kept as sacred animals messengers of the deity.

. hatobue 鳩笛 pidgeon whistle, dove flute .


komabato, koma no hato 狛鳩 guardian doves

CLICK for more photos!

Miyake Hachimanguu 三宅八幡宮 Miyake Hachimangu Shrine - Kyoto

The Miyakehachiman Shrine was founded in the reign of Empress Suiko by the envoy to China, Ono no Imoko 小野妹子, who was ill on the trip and got healed by praying to Hachiman.
This shrine is also known as 'Mushihachiman'. It is believed that child's bad health is healed.
- reference -

. koma...  狛  shrine guardian animals .


yakujin 厄神(やくじん)
"deity of preventing bad luck"
"deity to bring bad luck"

Yakujin Myoo-Oo 厄神明王
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
The deities Aizen Myo-O and Fudo-O in one person as preventers of bad luck

Mondo Yakujin 門戸厄神 Mondo the preventor of bad luck
Or an Aizen Myo-O with two faces 両頭愛染

Mondo Yakujin Tookooji
門戸厄神東光寺(もんどやくじん とうこうじ)
Temple Toko-Ji 東光寺 in Hyogo, Nishi no miya town.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Especially visitied on January 18 and 19 and the Star Festival on Feburary 3, when people in their "unlucky year 厄年" come to pray for protection.

. Aizen Myo-O 愛染明王

Deity to bring bad fortune and disease
. Yakubyoogami 疫病神
Deity to bring poverty 貧乏神 binboogami, bimboogami

. Yōka 八日様 Yoka Sama, the Honorable Day Eight .
rituals for the 厄神 Yakujin


hakamagi ya Hachimanguu no ujiko tachi

they come clad in Hakama trousers -
all the parishioners
from Hachimangu

. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 visiting shrines and temples .

. ujiko 氏子 local worshiper, parishioner .


shiroyama no Hachiman-sai kaze tsuyoshi

at the castle mountain
during the Hachiman festival
the wind is strong

Minagawa Bansui 皆川盤水
At Iwashimizu Hachiman Shrine

Related words

. KAMAKURA - a Haiku Town

. Sacred Animals and Amulets .



