. Regional Festivals - LIST .
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Obarazashi, Obara zashi (Oharazashi, Ohara zashi) 大原志 (おばらざし)
..... amazake matsuri 甘酒祭(あまざけまつり)
haruzashi 春志(はるざし)、akizashi 秋志(あきざし) in spring and autumn
at shrine 大原神社, Tango, Kyoto
Obitoki 帯解 (おびとき) "opening the belt"
obi naoshi 帯直(おびなおし)changing the belt
himotoki, himo toki 紐解(ひもとき)
himo naoshi 紐直(ひもなおし)
himo otoshi 紐落(ひもおとし)
o-bon, obon お盆 Bon, the Ancestor Festival
- a long list of related words
O-fuda nagashi, ofudanagashi お札流 floating of temple amulets
四国お遍路さん Henro Pilgrims in Shikoku
Ohotaki, o ho taki 御火焚 (おほたき) "making a bonfire"
..... ohotaki 御火焼(おほたき)
ohitaki, o hi taki おひたき
oshitake, o shi take おしたけ
Oide matsuri 御出祭 (おいでまつり) "Departure Festival"
Kunimuke matsuri 平国祭(くにむけまつり)Heikokusai Festival
at Keta Jinja 気多神社, Ishikawa
O-Inari sama Inari Matsuri, Fox God Festival 稲荷祭, 稲荷神幸祭)
Okami 岡見 (おかみ) "looking down the hill"
..... sakasa mino 逆蓑(さかさみの)"straw raincoat upside down"
Okera mairi 白朮詣 Okera Festival at Yasaka Shrine, Kyoto
..... okera matsuri 白朮祭(おけらまつり),
okera fire, okera bi 白朮火(おけらび)
okera rope, okera nawa 白朮縄(おけらなわ),auspicious rope, kichoo nawa 、吉兆縄(きっちょうなわ),swinging the rope, hinawa furu 火縄振るceremony in
Gion kezurikake no shinji, Ritual of shaving branches
at the Gion quarters in Kyoto
..... 祗園削掛の神事(ぎおんけずりかけのしんじ)
..... kezurikake no okonai 削掛の行(けずりかけのおこない),
vendor or ropes, hinawa uri 火縄売(ひなわうり)
okotohajime, o koto hajime お事始め "begin of work"
first day of the 12th lunar month
Okunichi (おくにち) "Honorable Day with a Nine"
okunchi おくんち Okunchi . kunchi くんち
The ninth of the ninth month.
Nagasaki Okunchi, Hakata Okunchi, Karatsu Okunchi
omeiko 御命講 (おめいこう) memorial service
for Saint Nichiren
omyookoo, o-myookoo 御命講(おみょうこう)、oeikoo, o-eikoo 御影講(おえいこう)、oeshiki, o-eshiki 御会式(おえしき)、eshiki 会式(えしき)、eshikidaiko 会式太鼓(えしきだいこ)、drums / mandoo 万燈(まんどう)lanterns
Nichirenki, Nichiren ki 日蓮忌(にちれんき) Memorial Day for Saint Nichiren
Saint Nichiren and related kigo
Omigoromo, o mi goromo 小忌衣 Imperial Ceremonial Robe
..... Omi no sode 小忌の袖(おみのそで)、aozuri no koromo 青摺の衣(あおずりのころも)
O-Mi-Nugui 御身拭 Ominugui
ritual cleansing of the Amida Buddha statue
Seiryooji 清涼寺 Temple Seiryo-Ji, Kyoto
O-Mizutori, Omizutori お水取り Water Drawing Ceremony Todai-Ji, Nara
onbe matsuri おんべ祭り Onbe Festival
and ayu uranai 鮎占い divination with trout sweetfish
Ondeko, Oni daiko 鬼太鼓 (おんでこ) Demon's Drum
鬼太鼓(おにだいこ)Sado Island
Onibashiri 鬼走(おにばしり) running demons for Setsubun
. . . . . and
Oni eshiki 鬼会式 Demon Festival
..... Japanese Demons
The setsubun 節分 rituals are sometimes placed for the New Year, since they mark the beginning of spring.
Takezaki no Oni Matsuri 竹崎の鬼祭 Demon Festival at Takezaki
Takisan-ji Oni Matsuri 滝山寺鬼祭 Demon Festival at Temple Takisan-Ji
oni uchi matsuri, oniuchi 鬼打ち祭 Festival of hitting the demons
March, at 木住神社 Kizumi Shrine, Ishikawa
Oniyo Fire Festival 鬼夜 / 鬼会(おによ)"Demon's Night"
Oobaku Hoozan 黄檗放参 Evening Zen at Obaku Zen Temples
Oobuku 大服 Ceremony of drinking tea to keep healthy
..... New Year Tea for Good Luck, fukucha 福茶
Oochamori, oo-cha mori at temple Saidaiji 西大寺大茶盛
serving big cups of green tea at temple Saidai-Ji
Ooharai, ooharae 大祓 おおはらえ Great summer purification ceremonies
..... June Purification Ritual at the Imperial Court 宮中の六月祓(きゅうちゅうのみなづきはらい)and more KIGO
Oohara zakone 大原雑魚寝 (おおはらざこね)
sleeping together at Ohara
.... zakone 雑魚寝(ざこね) "group sleep"
"like all kinds of fish"
Setsubun, at shrine 江文神社 Ebumi Jinja
Ooji no kitsunebi 王子の狐火 (おうじのきつねび) day of the fox at Oji Inari Shrine
Oominesan Toake-Shiki 大峰山戸開式 Opening the doors at Mt. Omine
Yoshino. May 5
Oomisoka 大晦日 Omisoka, last day of the year )
. Oo no Mai (o no mai 王の舞) dance of the king .
Uwase Shrine 宇波西神社, Wakasa, Fukui
. Oota no Hi Matsuri 太田の火まつり Ota Fire Festival
Daisen town, Akita. List of festivals
Ootsu matsuri 大津祭 Otsu Festival, Otsu Matsuri
Nishinomiya matsuri 四宮祭(しのみやまつり)
Festival of shrine Nishi no Miya (in Otsu, Shiga pref.)
Ooyakazu 大矢数 Shooting many arrows
at Sanjusan Gendo Hall, Kyoto
yakazu 矢数(やかず)"number of arrows" many arrows
tooshiya 通し矢(とおしや)
sooichi, soo-ichi 総一(そういち)
yumi no tenga 弓の天下(ゆみのてんが)"the Heaven of Archery"
Ooyama matsuri 大山祭 (おおやままつり) Oyama Festival
Ooyama moode 大山詣(おおやまもうで)pilgrimage to Oyama
sekison moode 石尊詣(せきそんもうで)pilgrimage to the stone deities
bonyama, bon yama 盆山(ぼんやま)pilgrimage at O-Bon
hatsuyama 初山(はつやま)first mountain pilgrimage
osamedachi 納太刀(おさめだち) offering a sword
at Afuri Jinja, Kanagawa 阿夫利神社
Ooyamato shinkoosai 大和神幸祭 Festival at shrine Oyamato Jinja
..... chanchan matsuri ちゃんちゃん祭(ちゃんちゃんまつり)prayer gong festival
Nara, 大和神社 Oyamato Jinja
osame ... 納 Last Ceremonies of the year
for Konpira, Kooshin, Suitengu, Tenjin, Daishi and more . . .
Osame Fudoo 納不動 Last Fudo Myo-O Ceremony r
Osorezan Daisai 恐山大祭 (おそれざんたいさい)
Great Festival at Osorezan
itako いたこ female Itako shaman
itako ichi いたこ市(いたこいち) Itako market
otogo no tsuitachi 乙子の朔日 (おとごのついたち) celebrating the youngest child
otogo no sekku 乙子の節句(おとごのせっく)
otogomochi otogo mochi 乙子餅 "mochi for the youngest child"
kawabitarimochi 川浸り餅(かわびたりもち)
mochi prepared on the day of kawabitari
kawabitari no tsuitachi 川浸りの朔日(かわびたりのついたち)
kawawatashi no tsuitachi 川渡しの朔日(かわわたしのついたち)
Otoo matsuri, o-too matsuri 御灯祭 / お燈まつり / 御燈祭 Torch festival
Shingu Shrine, Kakikura Jinja 神倉神社 Kumano, Wakayama
Related words
. Regional Festivals - LIST .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - GANGU .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
. - - - Japanese Festivals - ABC-LIST - - - .
- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -
- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -
- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -
- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -
- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -
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