. Regional Festivals - From Hokkaido to Okinawa .
Ehime Prefecture - 愛媛県
a prefecture in northwestern Shikoku, Japan.
The capital is Matsuyama 松山.
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. Matsuyama and Masaoka Shiki (松山と正岡子規) .
. Ehime - Entries of this BLOG .
Isono Jinja 伊曽乃神社 Isono Shrine Festival
Saijo Festival西条祭り
shinkoosai 神幸祭(しんこうさい)
Lasting for two days, Isono Shrine Festival is one of the biggest events held in the whole of Saijo City. It begins on October 15th at 2:00 am with the sacred Omiyadashi (taking out of the Shrine) and ends on October 16th at 4:00 pm with the sacred Miyairi (returning to the Shrine). The highlight of the festival includes more than 80 Danjiri and Mikoshi floats which are paraded around the area.
During the festival more than 100 lanterns are lit from dusk until dawn to reproduce a scene from old Japanese picture scrolls. The origin of this event remains unclear, but it can be found on some documents dating back to Edo period, in the year of Horeki 11th (1761 according to the Christian calendar).
Omiyadashi - On October 15th at about 2:00 a.m.
Otabisho - On October 16th at around 2:00 a.m.
Gotenmae - On October 16th at about 7:00 a.m.
Kawairi - On October 16th at 3:00 p.m.
the floats gather at the banks of Kamo river where the festival's finale takes place. With all the floats lined up to see off the Mikoshi that is going to Isono Shrine for Omiyairi, a beautiful scene begins to unfold. The setting sun behind the spectators reflects off of the river and shines onto the floats creating an impressive view. Regretting the end of the festival, a float from the Kobe district tries to obstruct the procession of Mikoshi in an apparent effort to prolong the festival.
When at long last the Mikoshi have crossed the Kamo river the festival comes to an end.
source : www.city.saijo.ehime.jp
Yunomachi Mikoshi Festival 湯之町大神輿

- source : yunomachi1007.web
Iizumi Shrine Festival
Iwaoka Shrine Festival
Kamo Shrine Festival
source : www.city.saijo.ehime.jp
Matsuyama Fall Festival
Matsuyama Port Festival
..... Mitsuhama Fireworks Display
Niihama Taiko (Drum) Festival 愛媛 新居浜 太鼓祭り
One of the three great festivals of Shikoku Island.
四国三大祭り (Tokushima Awaodori and Kochi Kosakoi)
徳島の阿波踊り、高知のよさこい祭り and Niihama

source : Steven Colburn, facebook
Centered on the three days from October 16 to 18, over fifty lavish taiko drum floats decorated with gold and silver tassels are paraded around the city on the backs of 150 men each.
An exciting event during the festival is when the floats compete in a "kaki kurabe" where groups compete to see which group can lift their float for the longest amount of time.
- source : tourismshikoku.org
Niihama Taiko matsuri 新居浜太鼓祭り
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- source and photos : maeno3.com/taikomaturi -
Togyu (Bullfighting)
Uwajima city
Ukai (cormorant fishing)
from June to September
Uwajima Ushi-Oni (Bull Devil) Festival
3. weekend in July
. ushi oni, ushioni, gyuuki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" .
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Related words

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - EHIME .
. Regional Dishes from Japan - WASHOKU .
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