Fuchu Festival (Fuchuu matsuri)
***** Location: Tokyo
***** Season: Early Summer
***** Category: Observance
Fuchuu matsuri 府中祭 (ふちゅうまつり)
Fuchu Festival
May 5 at the shrine Ookunitama 大国魂神社 Okunitama Jinja
. . . CLICK here for Photos of the Shrine!
rokusho matsuri 六所祭(ろくしょまつり)
"festival at six places"
Fuchuu yami matsuri 府中闇祭(ふちゅうやみまつり)
Fuchu festival in the dark, Fuchu Kurayami Festival
..... Fuchuu kurayami matsuri 府中暗闇祭(ふちゅうくらやみまつり)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Fuchuu kenka matsuri 府中喧嘩祭(ふちゅうけんかまつり)
Fuchu fighting festival
This used to be the main shrine of the Musashino plain and six regional shrines have their representative shrine halls there too. This was called
rokusho myoojin 六所明神 Deities from six places
During the festival, these six deities are placed on a mikoshi sacred palanquin each. They are paraded around from midnight on in the pitchdark, since all the homes on the roadside have to turn off their lights. On the way back to the shrine from the "tabisho" station, the mikoshi carriers sway back and forth and rub each other in a virtual "fight".
This shrine was established more than 1900 years ago. It is well known to host the gods for good fortune and marriage ties. From the city of Fuchu an avenue of zelkova trees of about 700 meters leads to the shrine.

ema votive tablet from the shrine, depicting the procession of the
yamiyo matsuri 闇夜祭り night festival.
. Amulets and Talismans from Japan .
. Atariya 当たり矢 amulet arrow to hit good luck .
Fuchū (府中市, Fuchū-shi) is a city located in western Tokyo Metropolis, Japan.
The city is located 20 km west of central Tokyo.
The government of ancient Musashi Province was established in Fuchū by the Taika Reform, and the city prospered as the local center of politics, economy, and culture. It prospered as a post town on the Kōshū Highway in the Edo period, and the Kita Tama District public office was placed here after the start of the Meiji era.
1602: The Fuchū post-town was established with the upgrading of the Kōshū-dochu road (Kōshū Highway).
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Okuninushi no ema 大国主命の絵馬 votive tablet
Okuninushi, Daikoku and the White Rabbit of Inaba
. Amulets and Talismans from Japan .
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
At the shrine Iwaki Okunitama Jinja いわき大国魂神社
Gomottomo sama 御神体「ごもっともさま」
source : www.kuniomi.gr.jp
go-mottomo 御尤 is a normal expression in daily conversation, it simply means "you are absolutely right".
Go-Mottomo Sama is celebrated in many shrines throughout Japan as a symbol of male fertility.
The female symbol of Go-Mottomo Sama is a square wooden box (masu) filled with beans.
Gomottomosama is the vernacular name for the February setsubun festival that is held at Mitsumine Jinja in Ōtaki Village, Chichibu County, Saitama Prefecture.
A ritual bean scattering takes place in the haiden on the day before the calendrical beginning of spring (setsubun no hi).
Toshiotoko (men born under the same sign of the Chinese zodiac as the current year, or men who are in their yakudoshi, or unlucky year), carry a measuring cup (masu) filled with lucky beans in one hand and a wooden pole or pestle eighty centimeters in length in the other.
When they appear, the waiting people shout,
"Akuma taisan, banpuku shōrai
(Evil spirits begone! Great fortune begin!),"
at which point the men respond with a chorus of "Gomottomosama," and scatter the beans with their pestles.
Also, there is a setsubun purification ceremony (tsuinashiki) and a performance of the mikomai and yamatomai dances.
source : Mogi Sakae

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
This shrine also houses the "six places" rokushoguu 六所宮 (rokusho no miya) for the old province of Mutsu.
Yaegaki Shrine (八重垣神社, Yaegaki Jinja)
. Yaegaki, Susanoo and Fertility .
. Ooyamato Jinja 大和神社 Oyamato Jinja .
Yamato no Ookuni Tama no Kami 倭大国魂神
Okunitama no Kami
Fuchuusai hoobeni atsuku haite kinu
Fuchu Festival -
thick rouge brushed
on her cheeks
Nakamura Ami 中村阿弥
source : tsuru/kukai
Related words
***** .Honen Matsuri (Hoonen Matsuri 豊年祭)
The Penis Festival at shrine Tagata Jinja 田県神社
***** . Nada Fighting Festival (Nada no Kenka Matsuri)
***** . sumomo matsuri すもも祭 (すももまつり)
Sumomo plum festival
karasu uchiwa 烏団扇(からすうちわ)"craw fan"
July 20 at the shrine Ookunitama 大国魂神社 Okunitama Jinja
***** . WKD : Musashino Plain 武蔵野 .
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Thank you Gabi san、
I have intimate friends in Fuchu city. The Festival is very famous and old traditional.
presenting itself
to Musashi Plain...
the pufferfish
musashino e makari-idetaru fukuto kana
by Issa, 1811
A fish vendor has brought this ocean catch inland. Issa spells fugu ("tetrodon" or "pufferfish") using the Japanese character for awabi ("abalone").
Tr. David Lanoue
Gofunai Henro Temple Nr. 25 - Choorakuji 長楽寺 Choraku-Ji
- 六所山 Rokujozan 長命院 Chomei-In 長楽寺 Choraku-Ji
日野市程久保8-49-1 (旧角筈村)/ 8 Chome-49-1 Hodokubo, Hino-shi, Tōkyō (former Tsunohazu village)
(close to Tama Dobutsu Koen 多摩動物公園 Tama Zoological Park)
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