Tanikumi Dance, Tanigumi Dance (Tanigumi odori)
***** Location: Japan.
***** Season: Early Spring
***** Category: Observance
Tanikumi Dance, Tanikumi odori
谷汲踊 (たにくみおどり )
Kegonji 華厳寺(けごんじ) temple Kegon-Ji
岐阜県揖斐郡揖斐川町谷汲徳積 Tanigumi Hozumi, Ibigawa
This festival takes place on February 18 in the village Tanigumi in Gifu prefecture.
This festival has a history of more than 800 years to the war of the Genji and the Heike. The victorious soldiers celebrated the return to Kamakura with this dance, which was then called "Kamakura Dance, Kamakura odori 鎌倉踊".
During the Edo period this kind of dance was also performed to pray for rain at the local shrines.
This dance had become almost obsolete about 40 years ago, but was then revitalized by the villagers of Tanikumi. Now it is a great tourist attraction.
Dancers carry a large "shinai しない " on the back and a big drum of 70 cm diameter on the chest. Shinai is made from bamboo like the feathers of a "phoenix" bird. The dancers are acompanied by a special music troupe. They perform various dances called 道行き, 車切り, 馬車, 拍子, 倉間, ひねり and others.
People a wish for an abundant harvest. The festival takes place at the temple Kegonji (Kagenji) 華厳寺(けごんじ) and in front of the station of Tanikumi village.

Reference in Japanese

Temple Kegonji 華厳寺 (けごんじ)
This temple is the last of a pilgrim's route to 33 Kannon Temples in Western Japan
Saigoku Sanjusan kasho Meguri (Western Japan)
The Temple Prayer
万世の 願いをここに 納めおく 水は苔より 出る谷汲
manyoo no negai o koko ni osame oku
mizu wa koke yori deru Tanikumi
External Links
Photos of Kegonji
Tanikumi Kannon, life doll .PDF
made by MATSUMOTO Kisaburo (1826-1892)

Worldwide use
Things found on the way

CLICK for more photos !
koke no mizu Jizoo 苔の水地蔵尊 / 苔ノ水地蔵]
Jizo Bosatsu with water and moss
Pilgrims wet a part of Jizo where their own body hurts and plaster a paper amulet on this place with the prayer to get well soon. Now the Jizo looks almost like a mummy.
in the hall Oizuridoo 笈摺堂 Oizuri-Do, a small hall in the back of the temple compound.
This hall is famous, because the tenno Hanayama 花山法皇 (968 - 1008) dedicated some poems to it. The most famous is Oizuru 笈摺 (Cleaning the bucket of a pilgrim).
This hall is now the last of the pilgrimage of 33 Kannon Temples in Western Japan 西国三十三所巡礼.
It is also famous for offerings of 1000 folded paper cranes (senbazuru 千羽鶴), as a play of sounds with
orizuru 折鶴 (folded cranes) - oizuri 笈摺
LOOK at many photos !
- source : kappanda.blog.so-net.ne.jp -
. Amulets to heal a disease .
Related words
***** Grains, the five grains (gokoku) Harvest Prayers
***** ... Rain Rituals (amagoi)
***** ... Kamakura, a Haiku Town in Japan
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Kegon-shū 華厳宗 Kegon Sect Buddhism
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